Monday, June 15, 2009

Original Article

Posted by: tahDeetz
Jun 15, 10:01 AM
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Grow up & read, please. You permanently affix your level of ignorance w/ such infantile commentary.

All these Moonbats of the American Left conveniently forget that it was DEMOCRATS that took Social Security out of Algore's lockbox & put on the general ledger.

Democrats did control the US House for FORTY straight years, dontcha know?!?

Any Republican that may have assisted in that exercise, are Progressive Ciphers & should be thoroughly reviled.

We are now in debt to the tune of $109 Trillion (Thats with a T) due 2 Socialist Security, MediScare & MediScam.

By the way LIBERAL POLICIES are NOT designed to work, EVER. Just ask the CLOWARD-PIVEN Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. There's that favorite word of Rahm & Hillary. . . CRISIS. Hmmm, go figure.

As 4 Barry's #'s, ObaoMao is simply riding the crest of a 100 year old Progressive/Marxist wave. He was top narcissist at the time & he is taking full advantage. He is Mr. Right Place @ the Right Time, 2 the Nth degree.

That wave will soon crash hard to the beach & be swept out to sea for an eternity.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Reply 2 Commentary - Heresy on the Right

original article here:

Ever heard of & don't forget, a FReeper from did the legwork on the falsified Bush AirForce memo?!?

I leave out numerous lesser known, yet just as critical bloggers where I get the vast majority of my news from.

Those harshly critical news sources are out there for those willing to move beyond those DC centered publications that quite frankly strike me as to milquetoast in their general approach to the daily news cycle.

For the Right to soften their ideological stance while the Left more & more sounds like the monolithic wall of sound that daily emanated from Soviet era apparatchiks, is nothing short of political & national suicide.

Btw, what the Left is now engaged is traitorous & seditious activity as it continually works to subvert our Republic. Read- Cloward-Piven strategy.