Posted by: tahDeetz Jun 15, 10:01 AM | Report Abuse Reply |
Grow up & read, please. You permanently affix your level of ignorance w/ such infantile commentary.
All these Moonbats of the American Left conveniently forget that it was DEMOCRATS that took Social Security out of Algore's lockbox & put on the general ledger.
Democrats did control the US House for FORTY straight years, dontcha know?!?
Any Republican that may have assisted in that exercise, are Progressive Ciphers & should be thoroughly reviled.
We are now in debt to the tune of $109 Trillion (Thats with a T) due 2 Socialist Security, MediScare & MediScam.
By the way LIBERAL POLICIES are NOT designed to work, EVER. Just ask the CLOWARD-PIVEN Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. There's that favorite word of Rahm & Hillary. . . CRISIS. Hmmm, go figure.
As 4 Barry's #'s, ObaoMao is simply riding the crest of a 100 year old Progressive/Marxist wave. He was top narcissist at the time & he is taking full advantage. He is Mr. Right Place @ the Right Time, 2 the Nth degree.
That wave will soon crash hard to the beach & be swept out to sea for an eternity.
Grow up & read, please. You permanently affix your level of ignorance w/ such infantile commentary.
All these Moonbats of the American Left conveniently forget that it was DEMOCRATS that took Social Security out of Algore's lockbox & put on the general ledger.
Democrats did control the US House for FORTY straight years, dontcha know?!?
Any Republican that may have assisted in that exercise, are Progressive Ciphers & should be thoroughly reviled.
We are now in debt to the tune of $109 Trillion (Thats with a T) due 2 Socialist Security, MediScare & MediScam.
By the way LIBERAL POLICIES are NOT designed to work, EVER. Just ask the CLOWARD-PIVEN Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. There's that favorite word of Rahm & Hillary. . . CRISIS. Hmmm, go figure.
As 4 Barry's #'s, ObaoMao is simply riding the crest of a 100 year old Progressive/Marxist wave. He was top narcissist at the time & he is taking full advantage. He is Mr. Right Place @ the Right Time, 2 the Nth degree.
That wave will soon crash hard to the beach & be swept out to sea for an eternity.