Saturday, April 30, 2011

From Twitter 04-29-2011

RT @CStevenTucker: Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Blasts “Marxist, Fanatical, Brownshirt” #Obama #tcot #ocra ...
RT @Libertarian_ish: @Verachinn TY! La Niña is one crazy bitch & no, Gaia isn't angry over AGW realist's! The farce force is banging the ...
RT @MLAS: HillBuzz: State Senator Roger Keats kisses #Illinois goodbye
#tcot #texas #p2 #taxes #chicago #business #news
RT @Drudge_Report Feds crack down on #Amish #farmers -for selling #milk #news #tcot #food #agchat #teaparty #tlot
RT @RTHTGakaRoland: @SpeakerBoehner Gas prices are 51.2% taxes 2 propose 2 tax gas producers & distributors & thus we consumers even mor ...
RT @GunRights: #Gun Stories – a new series which will blow you away | Down Range TV #tcot #teaparty
RT @JedediahBila: @seanhannity The conservative base is not going to welcome Trump. He's not principled. He lacks authenticity & consist ...
RT @diggrbiii: OUCH! Soros admits Media Matters is a waste of money: "Fox can't be neutralized" Sorry @EricBoehlert ...
RT @limera1nJB: Jailbreak for Upcoming iOS 4.4 / 4.3.3 - Will be Easy ? #Jailbreak #iPhone #iPod #iPad
RT @EFF: Lesson of iPhone #privacy scandal: users need knowledge and control over what their devices do via @USATODAY
RT @lifehacker: Was your camera stolen or lost? Here's a neat tool that can use pictures you took with it to track your camera down: htt ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CrisATLWeather: NOW: High fire danger expected Saturday afternoon from Atlanta southward.: CrisATLWeather: NO... http://b ...
RT @Discovery If youll be around #WestPalmBeach #FL -dont miss @WhereIsPaulJr at @SunFestFL 2nite! #vtwin #motorcycles
RT @erickbrockway: Manbearpig; "Gaia smiteth thee!": #tcot #hhrs
RT @LibertyPundits: FDA Says There’s No Living in an Amish Paradise: The Obama Administration today revealed that its FDA rece... http:/ ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #teaparty NYT's Steinhauer Cites Conservative Rep. Allen West's 'Incendiary Remarks,' 'Hard-Right' St... ...
@AllenWest is not "Hard-Right" . . . he is a "correction" . . . #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc #ofa #dsa
RT @BlackAndRight: Check this video out -- Mark Steyn: The 'Fifty-three Percent' via @youtube
RT @Retbilpat: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Obama's "outright bonkers" energy policy. Thank you Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO ...
Since #Superman renounces #America, America renounces Superman. signed, the #USA. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ljarratt: Joy Behar Exploits Birther Debate to Slam Swift Boat Vet 'Lies ' Apparently, the Left will never get over John Kerry 's h ...
RT @digitalps: New at dPS: Camera Phone: Weekly Photography Challenge
RT @PeterUlsteen The laws of economics, like the laws of physics, have a way of punishing stupidity far more effectively than anything else.
RT @LindaPark82 #tcot Teenage Runaways, Drug Addicts & Single Moms- The New All American “#Progressive” Family #news #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: Will British monarchy outlast China's Communist Party? I think Wills and Kate just answered that
RT @mistygirlph: #PepperSpray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home! #sgp #asamom #teaparty #tcot #selfdefense
RT @CO2HOG via @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash #tcot #news #teaparty #pbs #p2
MTvia @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash Sex_Drugs_rockNroll_n_TaxBucks #tcot #p2
RT @SissyWillis: RT @amandacarpenter: Woo! MT @SpecialReport: start 5pm-- and goes to 7pm. Two full hours of news.. and analysis. http: ...
RT @betseyross: Obama/Holder sell guns to drug cartels #twcot #sgp #tlot #teaparty #ncgop #ConsNC #tcot #mil #guns # ...
RT @drunkenpredator: @LucyKafanov Maybe, but I often JDAM people who Tweet and drive, so be careful what you wish for.
RT @drunkenpredator: Told you guys the Singularity was going to start on Twitter. @OfficialSkynet is live.
RT @drunkenpredator: Okay, so this Chinese Global (faux)Hawk. Cute? Yes. Would it get my clearance yanked? UH HUH. Would our sensors eve ...
MT @tnew57 That Superman is an imposter_I have an~inside tip_;) RT tD_Since #Superman renounces #America, USA renounces Super- @BoschFawstin
@tnew57 methinks #Superman has been readin' him some @BoschFawstin's #ProPiganda. #PigMan
RT @zerohedge Its Gettin Plain Silly: MF Global Hikes #Silver Margin To 175% Of CME_Or Over 10% Of Contract #tcot #news
Princess Beatrice's hat looked likethe mitochondrial DNA from an amoeba. #royalwedding #tcot #tbrs
RT @FalconsRGilkes Arthur Blank, Thomas Dimitroff, Julio Jones, & Mike Smith speak to the #news. #atldraft #falcons #atl
RT @krmullins1964: Sad! >> RT @Kriskxx: Beck says, do you know the meaning of what you are saying in the song? Tot says NO, mind w ...
RT @greybeard411: @runedart Oh i definitely think we should Bill them both (as well as Mexico for the cost of illegals) but t… (cont) h ...
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @kesgardner: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It's about both. Via @firstteamtommy Ron Paul: the Republican Barack Obama. http://t ...
If your an Islamist that can see the whites of #PigMan's eyes_youre livin on borrowed time @boschfawstin #tcot #teaparty
RT @dulcimerjames The New Stealth Trolls—Faux- #Conservatives #glennbeck #tcot #teaparty #sgp #news #ocra #tpp #tlot
RT @welshman007: More Trouble at the Southern Border: Anti-American Curriculum: #news #tcot
RT @engadget: Square to add encryption to mobile card reader, skimmers put on notice #tech #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @FalconsJAdams Julio: It doesnt matter what number I wear. No preference. The person makes the number, not the other way around #atldraft
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Hillary's claim "It takes a village to raise a child" has evolved into "It takes the entire US Treasury to raise a ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - a political WMD - Invented by elitists, spread by idealists, easily infects the undereducated & poor ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - an untreatable disease. You can't reason with anyone so infected. Only treatments are UNFUND, UNELECT ...
RT @kesgardner: @runedart Obama is dipping into our investment capital to fund wealth redistribution schemes. That's why the economy isn ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #DebtCeiling was enacted to PREVENT Federal Government from becoming overextended. How many times has it been raise ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Big Business and #Healthcare - recipe for poor quality. Spirit of Healthcare Blog post. ...
RT @keder: You can lead a leftist to facts, but you can't make him think. #tcot #p2
RT @eagletak: Opinion : Where does Alaska’s food come from? - Frontiersman #Alaska
RT @Jihadihunter: The guy who’s broken every campaign pledge he ever made is now calling Donald Trump a “carnival barker.” http://tinyur ...
RT @HiramHawk: Jimmy Carter Denounces America From North Korea #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #news #p2 Disgraceful
RT @pcmike: HTC ThunderBolt vs. Samsung DROID Charge: Battle Of The Specs – Android Police
RT @hdcamguide: Posted: The new Mac mini! The Mactini - tini mac mac news!
RT @rsmccain: #tcot BREAKING: Germany Thwarts Terror Plot
RT @kesgardner: More, actually. RT @keder Paul Ryan is like a million times smarter and more reasonable than Barack Obama. #tcot #gop
RT @netwatchdog: FYI: Water Bottle Car Fire Warning
RT @pcmike: Latest: Zero Point Energy Powering Your Home With Magnetic Power
RT @pcmike: Just in: A guide to create the perfect campaign Social Media
RT @MacMikeNews: Download my no cost 62-page EBook on How to Protect against ID Theft & protect your PC of porn & spam-
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Is Ubuntu 11.04 Beating Apple's Mac OS X in User Experience?
RT @proctorshow: GOP is helping Democrats at polling places in Philly? #TCOT #Philadelphia #PATCOT #TeaParty #Phill ...
RT @Forums4Justice: Oregon Illegal Worker's day march is Sunday at Capitol - calls for driver's licenses without the need to prove legal ...
RT @divadoll123: Gas prices up & Bush in office: MSM acts like Bush is personally jacking the prices. BHO in office: MSM points fingers ...
RT @GregWHoward: Economist: ‘Inflation Burden’ Worsens as Gas, Food Eat Up More Consumer Spending #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @PUMABydesign001: Congressman West Launches New Congressional Website #tcot #teaparty
RT @DTCahill: After Trump's f-tirade, my prediction is he won't be running. #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Steyn quoted Alan West as saying we can kiss America goodbye if we don't reform Medicare etc. That's my kind of strai ...
RT @OGDoccat How an Unelected_Unconfirmed #Obama Appointee works 2destroy the secret ballot #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @akvet: These were comic books about how to do preventive maintenance on weapons and our tracks ACAVs/M-113
RT @Caper29b: Anything really. Just be cleaning your guns.. RT @iowahawkblog: Meeting the daughter's new boyfriend this evening. Convers ...
@Caper29b @iowahawkblog A gun-cleaning dad ALWAYS managed to tamp down any teenage 'aspirations' I may have had w/ 'Daddy's Lil Girl'
RT @Talkmaster: Obama's birth certificate may be legit. That does not mean he is.
RT @KENJN10: Why is it that anything a liberal has a hand in turns to shit ? The education system comes to mind? What elce? Unions what ...
RT @imsure: Did he find out who stole $500Thousand worth of tech... Obama's visit to Florida shows need to mend fences over NASA http:/ ...
RT @IBDeditorials: A Race-And-Economics Eye-Opener
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Palin is questioning whether or not Obama's 2008 campaign received foreign money
Our #2ndHandMessiah walks among DurtySouth's BitterClinging GreatUnwashd TootSweet post Yahweh's sneeze=2012EventHorizon 4 #Obama. #tcot #p2
RT @keder: Hi @NancyPelosi, I'd like to personally thank you for the $5 trillion in debt you've left for our kids and grandkids to pay o ...
RT @keder: Hi @BarackObama, there were 900,000 applicants for 50,000 jobs at McDonald's. Does that sound like 'recovery summer' to you? ...
Again, #FoxNews digitates ur #LuvTunl as it chases down&milks its nxt #EstroCuddle outta the #RoyalWedding's basking aftaglo #tcot #teaparty
RT @keder: Hi @AlanColmes, since you're an honest broker of the truth I thought you'd like to see this: #tcot #news #p2
RT @greybeard411: RT @Coondawg68: Carbon dioxide can hardly be labeled a pollutant, for it is the basic substrate that allows li… (cont) ...
RT @TechZader: MacBook Pro 2012: Is a Redesign in the Works?
RT @WestWingReport: President has declared a major disaster exists in Mississippi from recent storms. The declaration opens the door to ...
RT @BrianINC: Gov Unions only cause inflation, add a direct cost to what ever they represent, & completely degrade work ethics BUST THEM ...
RT @creepingsharia: CAIR shakes down, terrorizes writer from covering Islam #sharia #jihad #tcot #a4a #912
RT @ericbolling: Obama spent less time assessing the Alabama disaster than one of his beloved rounds of golf
RT @TweetSmarter: #Bizarre Twitter Gets Sued For Sending A Confirmation by SMS:
RT @terrana01: RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO Refreshing! Paul Ryan gets Standing Ovation after presenting his federal budget pla… (cont) htt ...
RT @hotairblog: Video: Romney’s message to NRA gets lukewarm reception: Aw.
Via Freedom’s Lighthouse and Politico, a little week... http ...
RT @TechZader: Print Advertisements By Young & Rubicam Ad Agency
RT @CFHeather: RT @wyattbearp: Obama Casts Eva Longoria As Immigration Adviser #CauseHesInTroubleWithLatinos
#Palin's "H3llz No" Trumped the Donald's F-Bomb ~ #tcot #teaparty @sarahpalinusa #trump
RT @karenegantx: I Can’t Help But Notice The Lack Of Protesters Camping Out In The Massachusetts State House. Mass gets a pass http://b ...
RT @allahpundit: True RT @greggutfeld: The new menu always in kitchen nightmares: fresh ingredients, local produce, simple recipes. And ...

Tweets copied by

Friday, April 29, 2011

From Twitter 04-28-2011

RT @e54514g: Will Leon Panetta Ensure That America Is Defended? #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #tpp #sgp
RT @crnc: Iowa CR Chair Natalie Ginty on @FoxNews talking about how a prof. told CRs to "F--- Off!" using taxpayer $$ ...
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @FreedomSentinel: RT @nranews: Florida: Senate set to OK bill giving state final authority on guns ...
RT @AJCFalcons: NFL tells Falcons to resume business on Friday
Play that funky music Isle of Wight boy ~ Mark Steyn. #tcot
RT @PUMABydesign001: Gas Pump Activism (via Disrupt the Narrative) - LET'S GO VIRAL!!!! #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: marklevinshow: Who is making the most money from #gas? #tcot #ocra #ampat #p2 #news
RT @Afterseven Radical Islamists Warn Muslims 2Stay Away From #RoyalWedding ~Avoid #PublicTransport #tcot #Hmm #uk #news
RT @alexashrugged HA! @MelissaTweets: Sen. Rand Paul to #Trump: Prove you’re a #Republican #teaparty #tcot #news #gop
RT @bccohan: So Obama is going to meet with Eva Longoria, Emilio Estefan, America Ferrera and Rosario Dawson to talk immigration? #mostm ...
RT @michellemalkin @Camelot1963 #Trump isa property redistributionist whose empire is built on eminent domain abuse & phony rdvlpmt math
RT @peachpundit: New: #GA Senate Minority Leader Robert Brown to Resign #gapolitics #Tcot #news
RT @cybersly: It's political season.. Obama is going to visit some disaster areas sooner rather than later. Probably checking golf cour ...
RT @RightWingNews: 420 sexiest Miranda Kerr photos (pics) --
RT @AllenWest: It's pathetic how anyone with a camera nowadays can call themselves a reporter and post false info on web. I'm still not ...
RT @Afterseven: White House invites Hollywood stars to immigration meeting lol wtf? #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @CFHeather: RT @karenegantx: Herman Cain: Label Cartels As Terrorists, Empower States To Address Immigration. Go Herman Cain! http:// ...
RT @Afterseven: Muslim who burned war memorial symbols & shouted insults about UK troops gets $1,200/month in Govt Benefits ...
RT @mrsimplesense If leftist ideas are the pinnacle of human thought_why cant they debate w/o resorting 2 childish ad hominems? #p2 #tcot
RT @BreakingNewz Heritage- #NorthCarolina County Wants to Give Parents a Better Option Than Busing #news #tcot
RT @mercnews: San Jose City Hall falcon chicks: It's three males and a female
RT @Talkmaster: Search the news. Look for evidence that Obama is anything but an incompetent hack. Let me know how that works out for you.
RT @technosailor: It's cake! With pecans! And Bourbon “@ManyaS: @technosailor Bourbon pecan cake?! Tell me more!” ~that sounds tastee
RT @_Orwell riiiiiiiight.... @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell funny, I dont see anyone on the right calling a black democrat a "race traitor" as was done to Rep West @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell now what was that about a prog & false arguments? @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell btw, it was a white liberal that called Rep West a "race traitor" @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell 1 risable anecdote of many. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
who is this that @heytammybruce is playing? #tbrs
@mrsimplesense werd. @_Orwell
@mrsimplesense it's just more pavlovian, formulaic tripe. @_Orwell
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #TeaParty VIDEO: Herman Cain Says, 'Secure the Border. Not PRETEND That We Want to Secure the Border ...' http://bit ...
@mrsimplesense many of these maroons cant see that all they do is rewrite the same ol tired vapid tweet_it aint workin 4 them
@_Orwell it's not ad hominem when it's factual. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell it's d'jour @mrsimplesense
@_Orwell see, more projection. it's pavlovian. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@mrsimplesense btw, check out the @SissyWillis article that goes w/this_its a real hoot_esp in re _Orwell
RT @karenegantx: Funny! No balls and bee bees! This photo doesn’t sit well with us! #tcot
RT @gary4205: How The GOP & The Media Are Trying To Stop Sarah Palin From Running4President: #Palin #teaparty #GAMEON
RT @NiceDeb: Rush: If Obama got an A in Marxism at Harvard, does that help him? #tcot #p2 #dsa #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @kesgardner I have no serious issue w/Petraus as CIA chief_But I dont understand what qualifies Leon Panetta to be SecDef. #tcot #mil
RT @katyabram Become a Community Organizer: If You Control the Precincts, You Control the Party #teaparty #tcot #sgp #rs
MT @CFHeather @nicedeb #WiUnions Plan 2 Plant Stickers on Brands thot Pro-Walker~a copycat act that hurts USworkers #tcot
@NiceDeb no worries_ theres been a campaign underway w/ stickee notes at gas-stops & supmarkets reminding shoprs of where the inflation is..
@NiceDeb coming from...but it's not permanent stickers.
RT @Newswatcher89: Deer who stood guard over nest admires chicks with mother goose #tcot #p2 #news
RT @WSB_TV: Tons of buzz about our investigation into a teen night club and what happens inside. Preview here: then ...
RT @WSAW: Grocers Warning of Anti-Walker Stickers: The Wisconsin Grocers Association is warning its members to be on the l... http://bit ...
RT @murphymike: Protectionist Left surging in Canada elections. Victory would be awful for Canada/U.S. Trade. Fuzzy TV spot: http://tiny ...
RT @KatyinIndy: @welshman007 McCain - Palin were leading until Soros et all tanked the economy in September 2008 in time for the election
RT @welshman007: @KatyinIndy but they were not winning until Palin came on board and fired up the crowds ~yup...
RT @oddlysaid: heh RT @MelissaTweets: RT @WilliamAllison: Massive protest at Paul Ryan town hall. #stopcompa ...
if you think milquetoast can beat Obama in 2012, well then you're not, really. #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @fuTuRe_sHOcK: Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy
RT @JewishIdeas: How can Israel ethically fight people who don't fight ethically? The man who wrote IDF's code of ethics explains
http:/ ...
MT @mollyyates92: @EvanPokroy Yes. Mommies make everything okay. ~yep yeppers.
RT @ToBeRight #Progressive Town Hall Tactics: Have a Few Disrupt them, then Claim Victory #tcot #p2 #teaparty #news
RT @LisaLikes: RT @greggutfeld The royal wedding is the Super Bowl for cat ladies. #redeye #tcot
RT @EricSteeleLive: RT @CTconserv: RT @AllenWest: It's the latest big gov't fraud- criminals stealing ss#'s & cashing out on retur… (con ...
RT @EdDriscoll: #tcot #hhrs Inflation, the Destroyer of Progressive Dreams: As Ryan Cole and Amity Shlaes wrote last month in Na... http ...
MT @notalemming @canadafreepress Why Not Tax "Windfall Pension" Profits~of Retired,Unionized Govt Workers? #tcot
RT @PatDollard: U.S. #Economy Dangerously Slows, #Inflation Surges #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp
RT @jjmnolte: Hi @davidgregory in ur MTP previews, plz add: And a roundtable where liberals disguised as objective reporters outnumber c ...
MT @PatDollard: The federal government should be out of the #education business ENTIRELY. ~FOREVER. #tcot #teaparty
RT @marychastain: No b/c shes a liberal. Liberals arent racist! RT @RachaelJ83: Does this qualify as racist? RT@LasVegasJessica: Wests i ...
RT @jjmnolte: Hi MSM: If you want to help re-elect Obama, step away from the racism, start hiring everyone & fill our gas tanks. --Signe ...
RT @kesgardner: Has anyone asked Trump if he wants to repeal Obamacare, or how he plans to reduce our budget deficits? If so, I haven't ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: My campaign to replace Couric is gaining steam. CBS exec says I "don't have a chance in hell." Clearly it's all abou ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy!
MT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy! ~ya think? .. ;-)
RT @mikememoli: Among NH indies, Obama approval drops from 46% in Feb to 32% in April, per UNH poll #news #tcot
MT @TheEspersen LOL @A_Socialist I h8 way capitalsm puts tits on chix 2 furthr seduce eye of the beast ~tits have been tools ever since ever
RT @GlobalMonKahuna: Unions in Wisconsin Plan to Protest Gov. Walker by Defacing Private Property in Grocery Stores: Unions in Wiscon... ...
RT @KurtSchlichter: I am a Conservative: Despite the damage these lib clowns are doing, we will return America to greatness. Despite the ...
RT @MrBrianOConnor: Bitter Clingers: Pennsylvania Turns On Obama | Red Dog Report #tcot #sgp #teaparty #p2
RT @carryconcealed: 'Open Carry' Law Would Be Boon to Crime Deterrence #news #tcot #teaparty
Obama catches h3ll from the carnival-barker community ... fact surpasses fiction, again... #tcot #p2
RT @creepingsharia: Virginia judge denies Muslim inmate’s beard lawsuit #sharia #fail #news #news #tcot #mil
RT @velvetrose15: ATF has sights set on your shotgun Sign petition comments needed before Saturday ...
RT @CO2HOG via @RedState Uncivil War: States’ Attorneys General Rip n2 Union-Controlled #NLRB in Letter #tcot #RS #news
RT @lpmiusa Hecklers Spew Profanity_Flip Off Crowd At Another #AllenWest TownHall #news #flpolitics via @theblaze #tcot
MT @VoteSmartToday Obama #NLRB Wants 2Reverse Voter-Approved Secret Ballot Laws in #Arizona #SouthDakota #TeaParty #tcot
RT @grocklein: @JimPethokoukis British monarchy. It's lasted hundreds of years already. China's communist party is still a newcomer.
RT @BobbyDank Former Apple Engineers team up w/ #AlGore to launch dynamic App Store ebooks #apple #mac #tcot #teaparty
MT @jimpfaff @jeffq73 @iowahawkblog Doin a BBQ? Make a #union thug cry~serve these> #Johnsonville #Sargento #Coors #tcot
RT @CStevenTucker: Our @RepJoeWalsh has town hall disrupted by Che Guevara lovers #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @Bill_Dupray Allen West: I stand on facts and the truth #tcot #news #teaparty
Government's take at all levels_constitutes a considerably gr8r portion of the cost of a gallon of #gas, than does it's net profit #tcot #p2
MT @speedmaster #Tax per Gallon of #Gas, Is Almost 7Xs #ExxonMobil Profit_42cents Vs 7cents in Q1 #news #tcot #p2 #ofa
dayum #Falcons. . . . errrr de-fense?!? #nfl #draft
*more corn in_onions in_1st squash_torqued loose header-bolts on muh '74 #TroyBilt Horse_plowed more rows_DeerNet up_okry_maters_peppers nxt
RT @Blueberrier0341: Rich people haven't forced one dime out of my pocket. The government on the other hand. It speaks for itself. #tcot ...
@terraM u can grow a good bit on a deck_I've heard of growing tomatoes in hay-bales_every1 needs atleast 1 cherry-tomato plant on the deck
@ginthegin corns up here_some plant it sooner_not tired_got method_my troy was bilt prior2 MTD_hows the reliability of TBs now? lookin4 b/u
@terraM deernet might help keep squirls out_nvrthls_1/2bale/plant ina tin tub on brix_2,flat lite-framed layers of Livestok fence agnst wall
@terraM over the plants. it fans out the plant in limited space & maximizes your production. +, makes d 'maters ez'r 2 git 2.
@ginthegin they wont toss a person around if u gradually drop the depth, esp on untilled ground. mmmm, corrrrrnn.

Tweets copied by

Thursday, April 28, 2011

From Twitter 04-27-2011

Ma0 Bows Now #FailedLiberalBands
RT @bigfakehand: The Tax Pistols #FailedLiberalBands
RT @bigfakehand: Men Without Jobs #FailedLiberalBands
RT @Kcnut: @foxnews we want #redeye we want #redeye we want #redeye we want #redeye we want #redeye we want #redeye we want #redeye we w ...
Invasion of the Grants #FailedLiberalBands
RT @tahDeetz: Invasion of the Grants #FailedLiberalBands ... errr ... #FailedLiberalMovies
RT @denverfoodguy: US Pizza Team: World's No. 1 Pizza Team Announced in Salsomaggiore, Italy (Market Wire): SALSOMAGGIORE, ITAL... http: ...
The Self-Righteous Brothers #FailedLiberalBands
Breaking Your Benjamins #FailedLiberalBands
Tofu-Loaf #FailedLiberalBands
The Blah, Blah, Blahs #FailedLiberalBands
Stabbing A Westerner #FailedLiberalBands
Free Love & No Rockets #FailedLiberalBands
A Mighty, Mighty Bossy Tone #FailedLiberalBands
A Flock Of Endangered Seagulls #FailedLiberalBands
RT @cbsatl #MidtownAtl Residents Don't Want #APD To Take Away Patrols #leo #news #atl #atlanta #tcot #gapolitics #ga
Dead Can Vote #FailedLiberalBands
Rolling The Voters #FailedLiberalBands
Death Panel For Runty #FailedLiberalBands
Pinko #FailedLiberalBands
Wall Of Doo-Doo #FailedLiberalBands
People's Republica #FailedLiberalBands
Three Days Trace #FailedLiberalBands
RT @ScottJW #MSNBC Touts 'Reasonable' Obama on Birth Certificate, Gregory Chides 'Low-Minded' #RNC Chairman #tcot #news
RT @SoonerFanInMO RIP #Typewriters: Last Manufacturer Closes Its Doors [REPORT] @rsmccain #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @wusa9: Haynesworth Offered Plea Deal
#Gallup: Seniors Most Favorable To The #Pau Ryan Budget #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
Hey @BarackObama ... Let's see those grades & papers yall keep braggin' about. Hop to it. @WhiteHouse #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @Slublog: Um...were prominent #Republicans ever pivoting toward birtherism? #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @lewrockwell: Thomas Sowell on the economic analysis that drives liberals crazy. #tcot
RT @AndrewBreitbart: I was always Birther as Political Ploy-er. He held this out there as cynical distraction & trap. Glad mainstream co ...
RT @johncslaughter: Bush Takes Lighthearted Jab at ABC: Just Because You Report it, Doesn’t Mean (it’s True) via @th ...
4 those lookin 2 debunk Obama's new long-formBC_dont dismiss real possibility of a bonafide legal doc_made 2look~fake~just 2 eff U up #tcot
RT @LaydiHD: Barack Obozo Comes Out For Even HIGHER Gas Prices #tcot #twisters (RedState) #news #jobs
RT @cl_atlantaarts: #Atlanta's graffiti task force starts TODAY #atlarts #news #tcot #gapolitics
RT @HeyTammyBruce #GOP cowards on every issue, #Obama avoiding every serious issue, #Palin shadow presidency nation's saving grace #tcot #p2
RT @garynew59: libs hate 'big oil' 'big food' 'big business' 'big corporations' but LOVE 'big government' #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @RTHTGakaRoland Whats Behind Trig Attack?_21stCen Left is from a long line of #progressive, #eugenicist progeny #tcot
RT @michaeljohns #TeaParty revolution spreads in #Europe #tcot #tlot #usuncut #px #sgp #rs #p2 #dnc #ofa #dsa #u1
RT @BobbyDank: How Apple Devices Saved Me Thousands on My New Car #tech #news
RT @sjsturkie: Big Hollywood: First Look: Julianne Moore as Governor Sarah Palin, Actress Cast as Bristol
RT @MacworldUK: RT: What happens next with the PlayStation Network mess? @game_on looks into it: (via @pcworld) #tcot
RT @RTHTGakaRoland #Gas prices are 51.2% taxes #news #teaparty #fuel #inflation #p2 #dnc #ofa #tcot #tlot #oil #dsa #u1
RT @ondrock: Michigan cops stealing drivers' phone data, even when they've committed no crime #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis: When are we going to get a question about The Ben Bernank video? C'mon press corps!
RT @TechZader: Ad Company Wants to Know What You’re Thinking
RT @brooksbayne: Arlington Cemetery: Teen succeeds where Army fails in recording Arlington graves #tcot using the ...
RT @BuckeyeFirearms: New Brady Push to Ban "Assault Clips" #tcot #goa #nra #rkba #teaparty
@andylevy @KatiePavlich @allahpundit It's the real BC_just doctored w/forgery markers 2 send the theorists scurrying_keeps issue alive #tcot
RT @dangainor: Patch Announces A "Full-On Course Correction" - Seeks 8,000 Volunteer Bloggers #media #journalism
RT @Obamapocalypse: Couric admits "news" reporting on CBS was LibProg storytelling so she's leaving to "engage in more multi-dimensional ...
RT @reeddaly: Second computer virus infiltrates Iranian systems | JTA - Jewish & #Israel News #iranelections #irannuclear ...
RT @ajcwsbtraffic: Marietta: Sandy Plains Rd. NE at Shallowford Rd. NE blocked by fallen trees.
RT @smitty_one_each: RT @RachelleFriberg @rsmccain HOLY FREAKING CRAP: Video Shows Massive Tornado in Tuscaloosa AL
RT @tweetdrudge Police storm wrong house - & hold circuit court judge at gunpoint #tcot #news #teaparty #p2 #tlot #leo
RT @SvrWxChaser #BREAKING: More incredible eyewitness video of today's #tornado in #Tuscaloosa, #AL #alwx #news
RT @severestudios #Tornado Warning for #Cherokee, #Dawson, Gilmer & #Pickens County in #GA til 12:15am EDT #gawx #news #weather #georgia
@ginthegin theres a chance. u keep safe 2...D
RT @commonpatriot: via @AtlasShrugs: Syria to Join U.N.'s Human Rights Council As They Slaughter Their Own Citizens in the Streets http: ...
RT @Newswatcher89 #Syria 2 Join #UN #HumanRights Council As They Slaughter Their Citizens in the Street #tcot #p2 #news
RT @kimcliftrn: The really arrogant thing about this whole ordeal is that he allowed a Soldier to go to Jail for not showing this BC, O ...
RT @TechZader: Apple brass provide more color on Locationgate (updated)
RT @TechZader: Akono – A FREE Business/Portfolio HTML Template
RT @GovKaineBrow: "Multi-Dimensional Story Telling" has been optioned as a title for the next screen play by Michael Moore...
RT @PRMcDonald: L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Soliciting Donations to Pay For Ethics Violations Fines..
RT @cannoneerno4: ATL temperature dropped 8 degrees in 1 hour

Tweets copied by

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

From Twitter 04-26-2011

RT @KatyinIndy: Donald Trump was bailed out by Soros; he donated to Hillary,Rahm Emanuel, Schumer, Weiner...he is running to hatchet all ...
I wish her ( #KatieCouric ) well w/her multi-dimensional story-telling ~ #Palin. #tcot @gretawire #teaparty #tbrs #@cbseveningnews #sgp
RT @penguinponders Lefty hecklers at Rep #AllenWest's town hall were white. Are they #racist? #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @s_mlbbraves: Top of the 2nd: Atl 2, SD 0
RT @jjmnolte Want to know what I'm looking forward to? #Palin's first set of MSM rounds after her FNC contract is up. She's on fire here #p2
RT @patriotmom61: @SarahPalinUSA doesn't just bark, she bites too!! Love her boldness. You go, Sarah!
RT @Architekt010: RT @CrustyB: I can't believe that horrible thing Sarah Palin did to America to make herself so hated. In fact… (cont) ...
RT @CrustyB I cant believe that horrible thing @SarahPalinUSA did2 America 2make herself so hated_In fact_I dont even know what it was #tcot
RT @infocyde #ATF in danger of being in contempt of Congress #gunrunner #Mexico #smallarmstreaty #nra #news #tcot #tlot
RT @kesgardner: RT @libertylynx Amid brutal crackdown, Syria poised to join @UN Human Rights Council CSM You can't ...
RT @imsure: I know! RT @donnalashe Overreaching Judge Overruled What is wrong w/these ppl? Have2have evry kid n their ...
RT @tillerylakelady: Terrorist come and go in this Ctry,& Obama makes it hard on U.S. Citizens 2 get a PassPort,WHY? NEW PASSPORT QUESTI ...
RT @wickedpoptart @Waterboarding4U I wonder how the recount is goin 4 KloppenTurd? #WIUNION LMAO!LOL|did yall C Kloppy's brooktrout moment?
RT @CO2HOG Whatever happened 2 the #NewBlackPantherParty’s Nationwide Rallies? ~ @Emerging_C #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @RandysRight: #PBS HOST: 2012 WILL BE ‘THE MOST RACIST’ ELECTION EVER « Randy’s Right #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @Waterboarding4U No_I missed it @wickedpoptart #WIUNION ~her challenge vid over at hotair_she had the 'Mao/American Gothic' thing goin on
RT @photoasia: 20 Interesting Concepts of Rain Photography RT @penelopephoto
RT @s_mlbbraves: Top of the 5th: Atl 3, SD 1
RT @KurtSchlichter Im a Conservative: The only thing that makes me happier than a dead commie isa dead commie next 2 a dead jihadi #FuckThem
@Waterboarding4U @wickedpoptart evr notice these frikkin marxists always don the best blackwidow-chic_esp roun election-time_sending a sign?
RT @Waterboarding4Uz Mao/American Gothic thing? LOL! @wickedpoptart Kloppy's moment ~
RT @RRNRadio Sarah #Palin gives love slap for #KatieCouric's exit #news @cbseveningnews #teaparty #tcot #p2 #tsot #hhrs
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit: THE DONALD CAN GIVE IT A REST: Rand Simberg has found the transcript…. #tcot
RT @Newswatcher89: THE DONALD CAN GIVE IT A REST: Rand Simberg has found the transcript…. #tcot #p2 #news
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending . GET PREPARED . HERE THEY COME OB ...
RT @s_mlbbraves: 6th Inning, Atl 5, SD 1
RT @whennessy @dsm012 Univ of #Missouri StudentLecture~Capitalism is the Systemic Problem in USA #tcot #news #college
RT @edmondesq @NoelSheppard The same @tavissmiley who lambasted #Obama 4 turning his back on~black folk~is playing electn yr race card 4him?
RT @Jenevalynne: - U.S. Effort to Remove Drug CEO Jolts Firms @JoAnnemoretti @spongedocks @CFHeather @b ...
@wickedpoptart @Waterboarding4Uz if not mistaken_its a tic/symptom of an abusive narcissist_unless its deliberate_which then its just creepy
RT @DLoesch @whennessy @dsm012 Univ of #Missouri StudentLecture:Capitalism is Systemic Problem in USA #mounion #tcot
a RT from @DLoesch ... Woo-Hoo!! #Missouri #mounion #tcot
RT @TokenBrotha: 8-1 Atlanta after 6 #mlb
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @BreakingNews Explosion rocks gas terminal near Egypt's border with Israel; forces shutdown of pipeline - A ...
RT @Jewlyann: New passport forms, download this form its ridiculous~~ ...
RT @ProSarah: via @PalinTV Governor Palin on Greta – April 26 2011 #TCOT #SGP #PALIN #news #teaparty #p2 #gop
RT @HQARRC #ISAF Confirms Number 2 Insurgent Killed in Coalition Airstrike - International Security Ass #tcot #mil
RT @erickbrockway: Former Air America Host Arrested After Heckling Rep. Allen West at Town Hall : via @rsmccain #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Sweet RT @politico: Palin's parting shot at Couric: "I wish her well with her multi-dimensional story telling” http:/ ...

Tweets copied by

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

From Twitter 04-25-2011

RT @JohnnyTechnoX Watch every second of this @DailyCaller Andrew Breitbart does not accept the premise #tcot #news #p2
RT @southernmax Investigation: Govt Ordered #Cellphone Companies to Spy on Users #tcot #libertarian #p2 #news #tech
RT @debydoll: Bomb, propane tanks found at #Colorado mall (AP): via @addthis #news #tcot #teaparty #mil
RT @ginthegin: Palin 2012: Will She, Won't She? - U.S. Election News via @THIZDUDE_THINKZ #palin #teaparty
RT @tjholthaus: RT @SpeakerBoehner: Small businesses hammered by rising gas prices as White House “shifts into re-election mode” http:// ...
RT @Fector: The birth certificate shows he was born in US, but his full name is "Barack Death-to-American-Crusaders-and-Jew-Dogs Obama." #p2
RT @NRO: Nikki vs. Big Labor: “The unions are losing and this is a desperate attempt to make their voices relevant again.” ...
RT @MelissaTweets: RT @TXTrendyChick: Just talked to Andrew Breitbart re: EPA drilling ban - hear what he had to say tomorrow night at 9 ...
RT @KeepitMadeinUSA: More Chinese drywall nightmares: Toxic Chinese Drywall-- The continuing story: #China #manufacturing
RT @BreitbartVideo Libtalker Bill Press Admits Lefties Give #Obama Free Pass On #Libya ~Mission Creep #news #mil #tcot
@ellencarmichael I'll have mine cajun deep-fried please.
@nana49 no doubt, absolute honesty w/o having to decipher circular legaleeze in an #Apple privacy disclaimer thats at a 5pt font. #tcot
RT @CO2HOG @yidwithlid Obama War On #Oil Unabated. #EPA Rules Force Shell 2 Leave Drilling in #Alaska #tcot #news #jobs
@nana49 I turned off the locate feature when I 1st set up my iTouch_but now I find out locate isnt really turned off?! #badjuju #tcot #apple
RT @hale_razor: To be liberal is to simultaneously believe we must challenge authority AND an authoritative rule of liberal policy will ...
RT @cbsatl #Gold, #Silver $ Soar_PPL Cash In: #PawnShops & gold buying biz see more_ #news #inflation #tcot #p2 #obama
RT @TechZader: AT&T's Cell Phone Tower-In-A-Trunk For Disaster Zones
RT @derekahunter: Aside from high prices, how many #jobs is #Obama denying the American people by blocking all #drilling? #p2 #tcot
RT @Linc4Justice: GoDaddy was blocking legitimate email without my consent or knowledge
RT @derekahunter: Liberals under Bush: President is responsible for high gas prices!
Liberals under Obama: President has no ability to i ...
RT @tkinder: Have #Silver, #Oil & #Stocks Gone Parabolic? @myen Via @tickerguy #equities #news #markets #tcot #teaparty
RT @proudregressive: As things get worse (gas/food prices), Pres O and the liberal media are going to point fingers at the RIGHT. Don't ...
RT @derekahunter: Ok, forget jobs, let's put it in terms of things liberals do care about: how much potential tax revenue is Obama's dri ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlTanner: The duct tape pranksters strike again! Watch tonight at 5 & 6 to hear what kind of major damage... http://b ...
RT @GuitarHero1965 Hume ~If the election were held today in my view, #Obama would lose_He might lose big #news #tcot #p2
RT @island_adv: Do You Need To Profitably Sue A TSA Agent?
RT @gary4205 #Palin Knew #Obama's #QE2 Plan Was A Bust Long b4 Economists Did #dnc #tcot #teaparty #GAMEON #p2 #news
RT @ORPoliticsGuru BRKNG #News: More Americans raid #retirement funds early~use it b4 #inflation hits #news #tcot #p2
RT @irishspy: Ian Holm to play "old Bilbo" in The Hobbit:
RT @DLoesch: Citizen journalist threatened over his Youtube videos. More #newtone! #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @thehotjoints: #TCOT Video: Black Panthers Threaten Tea Party, Claim To be ‘True Jews’
RT @cbsatl: Nintendo Wii Moves Toward Retirement: The Wii, once the cutting edge of video game technology, is headed the way... http://b ...
RT @Dipsys_pal Can we ignore him now? @vermontaigne #Trump the #Democrat Party Donor: Rahm Gets $50k in Dec_2010 #tcot
RT @catsune: RECIPE-Sweet Potato Fries
RT @DrewWalker7: If you can come out of your mouth and say a $14 trillion national debt isn't a problem then you're a partisan, not a pa ...
RT @imsure #CNN '08: Hi #gas prices = BUSH!!! | CNN '11: Hi gas prices = no easy answers #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty @cnn
RT @RAMansour: "Sarah Palin keeps getting everything right" via @PajamasMedia #tcot
RT @procopy: You're just jealous because the voices talk to me.
RT @PatriotGuard427 #FDA #S510 #Food Safety Bill is a complete "DANGEROUS JOKE" #news #tcot #teaparty #tlot
RT @ezradulis: @AndrewBreitbart It's infuriating to see that while reading your book. These people's lives are subsidized by the bourgeo ...
RT @petefleck: #EPA now stands for Energy Prevention Agency $5 dollars per gallon? Ha! More like $10 dollars. #tcot #p2
Bill Clinton ~ Royal Grand Knight of the Garter ____ #Rush ... #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @GPollowitz heres an idea for @EricBoehlert. why dont msm pollsters ask dems again about the 9/11 question & see what they say? #p2 #tcot
RT @designchair: Create a Quick Spring, Holiday Scene in Illustrator
RT @leyalely: - With 12,000 Still Missing, #Japan Keeps Searching #tcot #news
RT @StosselUpdates: Good #News For #SchoolChoice #tcot #teaparty #school #edreform #Indiana #education
#Obama ~ The Second-Hand messiah ~ #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc #ofa #dsa #usuncut #u1 #wiunion
RT @Jihadihunter: Islam In America: IED's On Southern Border #TX #Texas #tcot #islam #muslim #ied #cair #teap ...
RT @EricG1 State worker recovers_Says members of local #SEIU 1000 beat/sent him 2 hospital_he wanted 2 expose #union corruption. #tcot #p2
RT @DE_PI: RT @PursuitMag: Horsemen, Inc- Surveillance Tips "Getting Burned"
RT @Dr_Rose: RT @MEEchelleO: Inflation is very low-unless you eat, drive or use electricity. Your welcome. #obamanomics #p… (cont) http: ...
MT @RasmussenPoll 17% say personal finances improving_54% say worse off #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dnc #jobs #ofa
RT @Good_Lt CHANGE! @CBSNews #Coffee prices have topped $3/lb 4 the 1st time in more than 34yrs #news #tcot #p2 #food
RT @MuslimAlert: End of DADT Already Having Tragic Affects on Marines in Afghanistan: When they're not fighting the Talib... http://bit. ...
RT @appleinsider: Apple's next MacBook Pro lineup will feature a new case design - report
RT @MelissaTweets: Going "all in" for @SarahPalinUSA #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp @heytammybruce #tbrs #tsot
RT @MacObserver: IDAPT’s Universal Charger i2+ Charges Almost Everything
RT @cl_atlanta #DeKalb pick 4 #school superintendent backs out after contract-talks got a lil' *too* public #tcot #news
RT @ypngdotcom #NLRB & #unions attack #Boeing for moving a factory to #SouthCarolina #news #tcot #jobs #sctweets #scgop
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @PJCrowley: The embarrassing Kandahar prison escape shows how fragile Afghan govt institutions remain a decade after ...
MT @rsmccain Glad U like it! @KingShamus Nice work by @RSMcCain #tcot #TeaParty Why Dont U #HomeSchool Yet? #news #tsot
#PJTatler » #Texas #Republican’s redistricting plan aims to dilute #conservative voters fr @AddThis #tcot #tx #teaparty
RT @RepTomPrice: WH response to high #gas prices: build barriers to American-made energy. #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @commonpatriot: via @RedState: Union Leaders Teach Labor Studies Courses on Communism, Violence, Industrial Sabotage & Fry... http:// ...
RT @prismsinc: RedState: Union Leaders Teach Labor Studies Courses on Communism, Violence, Industrial Sabota... #tc ...
RT @kesgardner: RT @michellemalkin ICYMI: Trump's atrocious bragadocious support for private property redistribution racket ...
RT @Jerry_Wilson: New post at POWIP: Sarah #Palin vs. Rainy Days and Mondays #tcot #sgp #hhrs
RT @jjmnolte: MSMrs like Politico know Obama can't win referendum on him. Why campaign to toxify any threat to Obama already on. No Reag ...
RT @SissyWillis: RT @foxheadlines: Why the Right Fails Online —Lessons From History <-- CLUELESS REPORTER BUYS M ...
#TeaParty On The Rise In #Europe #news #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa #politics
MT @keder USGovt has never collected above 21% of GDP in tax_yet #liberals think govt can spend 25% of GDP indefinitely_So_much_stupid #tcot
RT @debydoll How2 #College Course on Violent #Union Tactics_Pt2_Case Studies Edition via @addthis #news #tcot #teaparty
MT @diggrbiii Its funny. #Democrats have attackd the oil industry all my life & they still dont think they impact the #oil market? #tcot #p2
RT @KTRKHouston: Large grass fire burning near Conroe: Firefighters are battling a large grass fire burning near Conroe
RT @fuzislippers Is Project #Gunrunner Scandal A ‘Crisis’ Created? #news #tcot #teaparty #atf #doj #obama #holder #leo
RT @debsinger2 A Vast Left Wing Conspiracy's Mission: Sarah #Palin Must Be Destroyed! Yahoo! #News #teaparty #tcot
RT @Theblacksphere Booker Rising: Andrew Breitbart: I Endorse An All-Black GOP Presidential Ticket In 2012. Let's Bust
MT @DarrellIssa thank the Lord I kept the rubber on the road_thanks 4 the reminder_take care & stay in touch~we got yer 6 on #gunrunner TY
RT @keder: Possibly the most infuriating thing about dems is that they pretend their political payoffs to their constituents is 'the pub ...
RT @nogirlemen: Supporting Obama is truly a marker for low intelligence or 100% Marxist #Obama #tcot #p2 #Politics
RT @ondrock After years of work & millions of dollars invested, #EPA pulls plug on #Shell drill site in #Alaska #tcot
RT @DanRiehl #Trump Idiocy: Says Birtherism Is A #TeaParty Issue #tcot
RT @tweetdrudge: Al Qaeda assasin worked for British intelligence #tcot #uk #news #mil #cia #teaparty #sot
RT @peaceloveammo [GReader Share]If They Can’t Get Your #Firearms Through Laws… #news #2nd #gor #rkba #tcot #teaparty
RT @brookedunne: Cops: Man Battered Kin During Argument Over HBO's "Game Of Thrones" #news #tcot
RT @NFLPartnership: Apple TV Breaks Into LIVE Sports - Will the NFL follow the NBA and MLB with a similar agreement? ...
RT @Drudge_Report: Dangerous #Tornado Situation: #Texas to #Kentucky... #news #weather
RT @notalemming: Join The Gas Pump Hope and Change Sticky Note Campaign @evaLB5 @AndrewBreitbart @cfoltdgovt @R_Cent ...
RT @notalemming Join The #Gas Pump Hope & Change Sticky Note Campaign #tcot #teaparty #ocra #tsot #sgp #tlot #tbrs
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Lolz! RT @TwitToNande: NOW: Hugh Hewitt is talking with Tim Pawlen........zzzzzzzzzzzzz......
RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: Allen West: No Just Yes, But <em>Hell, Yes!</em> #tcot #news #teaparty
Ending Public #Unions By The Numbers #news #teaparty #tcot #sgp
RT @TWCBreaking #Tornado reported on Hwy89_3 miles east of #Mayflower #AR. This is north of #LittleRock heading northeast #severe #weather
RT @stephenkruiser @samvalley @andylevy @Drudge_Report S.O.S.: #CNN PIERS MORGAN DOWN TO 265,000 VIEWERS #tcot #p2 #news
U.S. to regulate #ElectronicCigarettes as #tobacco | Reuters via @reuters #tcot #news #teaparty #tlot
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlWeather: Severe T-Storm Warning for Cherokee, Dawson and Pickens counties until 9:00 PM: CBSAtlWeather:... http://b ...
New #Sniper Rifles Winning Fans In Afghanistan #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty #news

Tweets copied by

Monday, April 25, 2011

From Twitter 04-24-2011

RT @Sunking278: The Society to Preserve the Incandescent Light Bulb: B/c CFLs are a FRAUD - #news #tcot #TeaParty ...
RT @harangue: Palestinians set Joseph's Tomb on fire. Islam religion of tolerance? #Israel #jcot #JIDF #islam #terror
Since #JosephsTomb was set on fire by #Palestinians, I say we frikkin raze the #DomeoftheRock. Smite their actions hard! #tcot #Christins
RT @markross67: The left believes that, benevolence can come from taking one person's income and giving it to another. Theft is not bene ...
RT @KurtSchlichter: Just bored of tired commie nonsense. Now fetch me a beer. RT “@lynndecloedt: @allanbrauer @KurtSchlichter @AndrewBr ...
RT @LaurieT333: Palestinian Police Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Kill Israeli Near Joseph’s Tomb (Video): Palestinian... ...
@Dave_McReynolds There was an #Israeli killed in the #Easter attack as well #JosephsTomb #Palestinians #DomeoftheRock #tcot #Christins
RT @GayPatriot: Check out this article from The Daily: The American Backroads Roots of NASCAR
RT @TruthAboutBills Costly #Gas Clouds #Obama Re-Election Prospects #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty via @theblaze #ofa #dnc
RT @United_Ignited New Black Panthers ActionDay Anti-Semitic Attack & #TeaParty Threats of Armed Men W/Serious Results
@shoshido much of the fluff is required in order to lay out their circular logic.
RT @rsmccain: MUST-SEE VIDEO: German Woman Confronts Radical Muslims 'NEVER AGAIN!' (via @EricDondero) #tcot
@shoshido errrr....
@shoshido as in?...
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Gas prices: Democrats think we’re idiots: You may have noticed that gas prices have gone in... http:/ ...
RT @irishspy #Gas prices: #Democrats think we're idiots #tcot #teaparty #news #p2 #dnc #ofa
RT @arunawayslave: Growth of Black Conservatism in Tea Party at Center of New Documentary: #tcot
RT @timeboat #ChiComs Propose To Cut 2/3s Of Its $3Trlln In USD Holdings #ZeroHedge #TCOT #teaparty #news #equities #p2
RT @Newswatcher89 #Palestinian #Cops Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Kill Israeli at #JosephsTomb ~Vid #tcot #p2 #news #mil
RT @beccarter28: Food Photography by Anna Williams | Anna Williams was born in Richmond and studied photography a... htt ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Broken #Guantanamo Promises #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #dsa #rebelleft #usuncut #u1 #wiunions #cpusa
RT @WeirdNewsReport: New York Times journalists were released by Al Qaeda rebels in Libya when they realized they were on the same side. ...
@gary4205 ty
RT @CaptDreadlocke: GE's 2012 energy saving washing machine at county fair. Taxed per cycle due to loss of electric co tax revenues. htt ...
RT @bobbi85710: PUC plan would make new meters optional | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram Smart Gri ...
it's back to tweeting threats of arrest ~ more old & busted slag. #tcot #p2 #phnm #teaparty
RT @geochemIst: When #Texas secedes, #gas will be cheaper. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
Did #Obama finally find a pastor in DC that sufficiently condemns the USA? #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @Alvin691: @BigJournalism RT Hey, Media Matters! Fact Check This! @mmfa #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Therexreport: Poll: just 11% say Obama's policies are to blame for high oil prices?! Another EPIC messaging #Fail by the #GOP. Wake ...
RT @Therexreport Poll_just 11% say Obama policy is 2blame 4 hi oil prices?! 1more EPIC message #Fail by #GOP. Wake up, @SpeakerBoehner #tcot
RT @angelfleming: #tcot #teaparty #tpp China planning to cut $3 trillion in U.S. reserves by two-thirds? #news
RT @tom19803: Before we start putting our farm land into fuel crops, think about how much bio diesel you can drink or eat. Starvation Su ...
RT @theRealExTex: Our kids=Socialist TOOLS via Public Schools RT @ttjemery
Kids sing about boycotts & green agenda at PublicSchool htt ...
RT @Christsinternet @ChristianNewz Long-Serving #UK Employee Under Investigation for Displaying #PalmCross in Van #tcot
RT @DanStlMo: RT @ScottRobisonUS Socialism is not voluntarily helping the poor Socialism is forcing everyone to conform to your ideals o ...
RT @NewtLIvesay: Hey I aired all four of my tires correctly & gasoline is still $3.98 per gal. Damn that "change' is working out great f ...
RT @WeirdNewsReport: PETA announces it will also be the voice for all of the defenseless vegetables being killed and eaten by humans. #t ...
RT @ButteCreekMill: Oatmeal cookie mix that can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 10 weeks. ...
RT @Jihadihunter: Tin Pot Dictator Seizes Control Of State Run Media Accuses Business He Handcuffed Of Being ...
RT @prismsinc: Of course GM is worth $11B less. #Obama shut down HUMMER & markets the Chevy Volt #superfail #tcot #teaparty #ocra #ampat ...
RT @ofirgendelman: PM Netanyahu strongly condemns the killing of an Israeli in Nablus. Demands that the PA will take strong action again ...
RT @raywatts: These are fully functional.
RT @rsmccain #MUSLIM SEX SLAVES~BACHA BAZI~aka Boy Play where very young boys are~entertainment~4 grown men #tcot #p2
RT @cybertheorist Chinese Hackers Spear-Phishing for #USMilitary Secrets #mil #sot #tech #news #chicoms #teaparty #tcot
RT @TechZader: 30 Superb Sans Serif Fonts
RT @free_US_Citizen: Crips gang members indicted for child sex-slavery
RT @aspergers2mom: Good Friday in Rome: Muslims Illegally Pray at "Altar to the homeland" #news #tcot #teaparty
I could watch #Foxnews weather, all day long. #tcot
RT @nativevoice: The liberal establishment which includes both Rs&Ds does not want Tea Party to succeed. It is WE the PEOPLE against the ...
RT @eurobird: RT @HeadJerk: Remember JourOlists, it's always "Going to be ARMAGEDDON" if the left wants something & EXTREM… (cont) http: ...
RT @DarthVectivus: #Obama Culture & society themselves had to be destroyed in order to make for a new brand of equality ...
RT @DarthVectivus: #Obama bought into the new “progressivism”, jettisoning the Constitution and capitalism in the process ...
RT @CriticalAnalyst: Obama - His Islamic Supremacist Benefactor / Dr. Khalid al-Mansour / Video
RT @KurtSchlichter @jjmnolte @RAMansour I remember nothing B4 life began 1/20/10. #unicorndreams #p2 #dsa #ofa #wiunion #usuncut #u1 #tcot
RT @arunawayslave: In exchange for their 95% support of Progressive policies, Blacks have 34% on welfare, 72% born out of wedlock & 36% ...
RT @MLAS: Mass graves in #Mexico reveal new levels of savagery #drugcartels #evil #terror #tcot #p2
RT @jjmnolte: Plz RT #TrigsCrew: You clean up TROLLS spamming #TrigsCrew by blocking them. Spread word w/RT & DM! Ignoring is best defen ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: To WH, bureaucrats are impervious to political pressure & tics identified by behavioral economics #tcot #p2
RT @MLAS: Obama the Tax Hypocrite #tcot #teaparty #p2 #taxes
RT @MLAS: University Administrators Refuse to Allow #Christians to Speak Their Peace #tcot #freespeech #p2
RT @MLAS: DailyMail: Now websites can track your #IP address to within a few hundred metres #tcot #privacy #p2
RT @MLAS: Donald #Trump's bankruptcies whittle away at his reputation as a great businessman #tcot
RT @MLAS: #Tucson to spend $590,000 for 8 artsy streetcar stops #art #tcot #AZ
RT @MLAS: Box-office power of Ayn Rand’s ‘#AtlasShrugged’ baffles insiders #tcot #teaparty #movies
RT @MLAS: US Army built more schools in just 1 #Afghan province in 15 months than Central Asia Institute built in a decade. ...
RT @PoliticsOfFear: Debt, Gas Prices, Unemployment Has Risen! #ObamaEasterSpringSphereFest2011SponsoredByGE
RT @CFHeather: Third Way Democrat Strategy Entitlement Reform March 2011
RT @kodolly: we are accused of being racists about 3 times an hour from the left. yawns yawns & more yawns. #tcot #p2 #p21
RT @nancypughUSA: Socialism: The tearing apart of the best we've ever had, because it isn't perfect. #tcot #tlot #jcot
RT @ibprofessor: Now put this on every Front Page. "Easter attacks near churches rattle Christians as spike in Iraq violence continues" ...
RT @kesgardner: Per AFP, the Chicoms (whom Obama and other leftists compare favorably to the US) are detaining people for holding Easter ...
RT @VRWCTexan: Somalia: Muslim "extremists" murdered a member "secret" Christian community as part of campaign to rid country of Christi ...
RT @PatriotAirborne: How Obama's Undeniably Marxist Policies Threaten America #tcot #teaparty
RT @JimPethokoukis: If Obamacare does not slow health inflation, what is Plan B -- rationing or markets? That's an easy one. #tcot #p2
RT @irishspy: The Liberal Way of War
Prezidentin' aint ez!!
3 run homerun 4 Jason Heyward #Atl 5 SD 2 #Braves
RT @andilinks: #silver spikes 75 cents on open to 47.43. #gold #silver #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @krmullins1964: @diggrbiii An even bigger problem is our Debt to GDP Ratio is now Over 100%! #economy #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @diggrbiii: Thx! RT @krmullins1964: Another Excellent Article! >> RT @diggrbiii: Check out my latest at BigJournalism -> htt ...
RT @StickeeNotes @BigJournalism: Slate’s Weigel Admits Mainstream Media Is Now Irrelevant & Useless #news #tcot #p2
RT @DaTechGuyblog: How afraid is the left of #trigscrew? they are spending their #easter trying to co-op a hash tag. odd Unless it's a ...
RT @dmataconis: RT @andylevy: RT @radleybalko Secure those wireless connections, people. Your life may depend on it. ...
RT @dncfail: Even With Tweaks, Taxing #Internet Sales Is a Bad Idea #tcot #tlot #news #tech #teaparty
RT @betseyross $2.3M Detroit library=money hole #Detroit, rat-hole of despair, OKs $1k/chair #usuncut #news #tcot #p2
I don't care if they've got the All Barack Channel, National Barack Channel & the Constantly Barack Stations~ @AllenWest #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Newswatcher89: Even the Washington Post Concedes Governor Palin “Knows How to Talk to the…Working Class”/Open Thread ...
RT @slone #FDA Suddenly Bans #Drugs That Have Been On The Market 4 Decades #tcot #tlot #news #teaparty #health #p2 #hcr
RT @anna12061: Townhall - Palin Mystery Grows in Iowa via @townhallcom
RT @southernmax: Apple: We 'must have' comprehensive user location data on you - International Business Times: #tco ...
MT @libertyideals #LasVegas Cop beats unarmed man, in man's own drive, 4 video taping routine arrest #news #tcot #tlot
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Flint, Michigan: Urban Decay in the USA . Look Obama did fix America . #cspj #cnn #bbc #tcot #news # ...
RT @allahpundit: Video: "The Slut Walk"
when they say "Fox Weather" they really mean "FOX Weather" ~ & I'm OKeyDokey wif it. #tcot
RT @NathanWurtzel Utter destruction of the #ThinkProgress "oil market manipulation" piece H/T @baseballcrank #tcot #news
RT @andilinks: Entire Boomer generation was primed to fall into this trap laid by Communists—McCarthy was right. @ReaganStyle @Flintlox ...
RT @dncfail Party for #Socialism & Liberation’s Brian Becker plans to recruit jr hi #school kids #tcot #tlot #p2 #nedws
RT @dncfail Party for #Socialism & Liberation’s Brian Becker plans to recruit jr hi #school kids #tcot #tlot #p2 #news
RT @ScottJW: Will Trump appoint conservative Supreme Court judges who will overturn the Kelo decision? #tcot #trump

Tweets copied by

Sunday, April 24, 2011

From Twitter 04-23-2011

RT @g_knapp: Did Ensign help Sharron?
RT @s_mlbbraves: Top of the 7th: Atl 4, SF 0
RT @FixGov: Ex- #CIA Agent: #Obama’s Mideast Policy 'Incompetent ... Subversive' #tcot #news #mil #teaparty #p2
RT @CalvaryGirl: "We don't need to rewrite the Declaration of Independence, we need to LIVE the Declaration of Independence!"-@ TheHerma ...
RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT John Hayward/@Doc_0: History Is Open Source Now (The Democrats don’t control public memory anymore) http://tiny ...
RT @College_FB: Sister of LSU coach Miles dies in car accident in Louisiana: Authorities say the sister of LSU coach Les Miles ha... htt ...
RT @Snooper1: Union Bosses Proclaim - 'Forget About the Law' who needs the #constitution ! #tcot #teaparty EVISCERA ...
RT @Snooper1: Obama a 'Low-Level, Socialist Agitator' #obama the #schmuck #tcot #teaparty @allenwest #allenwest #news
RT @commonpatriot: via @WOTN: War In #Afghanistan #News - 23 April 2011 #tcot #mil #sot #teaparty
RT @jjmnolte: 7am PST tomorrow I have full hour radio hit with @DaTechGuyblog. Talking #TrigsCrew!!
RT @TropicsZ4: RB !! @lilbratsie: "KoRn – Coming Undone" ♫
RT @vannschaffner #Anarchists claim responsibility for #Seattle #bank vandalism 4.22.11 via @spokesmanreview #news #tcot
RT @AdventurePic: $12 corn: Crazy, but possible - Crops News, Agriculture News | via @AddThis
#Braves beat the world champs... #atl
RT @RightWingQuotes: [Progressives] detest anyone w/ the courage of conviction & love of America, something which they find unconscionab ...
RT @terrana01 @ElianaBenador Panic in #Egypt over #MuslimBrotherhood's call for Islamic rule #news #tcot #mil #p2
RT @AmericnElephant: @kesgardner @AiPolitics @mooseofreason @rachaelj83 I'm honestly beginning to think as long as theres no spoiler, a ...
RT @theSh3p: Say it with me lefties u might finally learn it: 'Its not tax cuts for the rich its tax cuts for EVERY1' The rich get more ...
RT @donaldpirl: Obama Scrapped Earthquake Warning System
I wanna tickle a penguin. #redeye

Tweets copied by

Saturday, April 23, 2011

From Twitter 04-22-2011

RT @scottmcnealy: Oversized USGov takes no responsibility for gas prices, targets private sector fraud. Spare me ...
RT @jjmnolte: Weigel is now exposed as FACTUALLY wrong. Wonkette DID post rant McStiffy said. It was Louis CKs. Ck Weigel's post. http:/ ...
RT @diggrbiii: IPAB = Death Panels. #tcot
RT @CalvaryGirl: #AtlasShrugged box office success stuns #liberal Hollywood #teaparty #tcot #news #p2
RT @asskickymchotti: RT @krmullins1964: Google Celebrates Earth Day, Buy NOT Good Friday! #twcot #goodFriday #twister ...
RT @Lostmybeer: The individual MUST have an environment where they have the ability to thrive. If that is neglected, well, all will be d ...
RT @FoxNewsMom: Socialist’s progress: 'More indications that we’ve taken the turnoff onto the road to serfdom.'
RT @ibprofessor: The Ministry of Propaganda in US Media "Blamed Bush4Rising Gas Prices, Fail to Blame Obama for Similar Hike" http://zit ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Another rat jumps ship: Biden's economic adviser resigns #tcot #p2
RT @BluegrassPundit Remember the white candidate who was asked for his #birthcertificate? #tcot #gop #birhters #p2 #news
RT @Herfarm: Funny how Obama has opted 4 so many of Bush's policies. What's funnier is #p2 thinks Bush was an idiot & Obama's brilliant ...
RT @johnnyA99 Man arrested for filming cops in #LasVegas #Nevada #PoliceState #news #tcot #teaparty #photography #tlot
MT~no doubt @Lash3:Guilt ovr find'g this awesomely funny on GoodFri @ricktgold:U say "vapid, sex-obsessed drunkard" as if that's a bad thing
MT @LauraStraightUp #AllenWest: Defense in a Time of Econ Danger worth xtra time 2C_West is effn brilliant #tcot
RT @coyotered9: GRANT ALERT: $674,822,613 CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness... #tcot #twisters #sgp #w ...
RT @asskickymchotti: RT @Blueberrier0341: U.S. court reinstates Blackwater Iraq shooting case #tcot #twisters #tea ...
RT @m4zdaman: C'mon Liberals. You can't seriously support Obama after suing Boeing because they wanted to move to another state #p2 #dem ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit: WHY IT’S STUPID TO blame “speculators” for high gas prices…. #tcot
RT @secupp: RT @JonahNRO: Congrats to @jaketapper the engraving will cost more than the plaque that it's on
RT @EternalRiteWing: RT @dlb703: #JoAnneKloppenburg ~ Sore loser and symbol of just about everything that's wrong with leftists. http:// ...
RT @darkpoltweeter: New article on darkpolitricks: TSA VIPR Squads Roam FL Train Stations
RT @PatDollard UPDATE: @McDonalds Employee Takes Credit 4 Filming Beating, 1 Girl Arrested, Another Pending #news #tcot
RT @RalstonFlash: So Dems don't have tax plan or a plan to get to one, but they can make hay out of something purely in executive branch ...
RT @ThePeoplesCube: People's Blog: Lollipops, rainbows and unicorns for all...really! #news #tcot #p2
RT @America1First: FTC Cracks down on "fake" websites: The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) wants to stop the operators fro... http://bit. ...
RT @TheCupcakeBlog: Pink Lemonade BUNCO Cupcakes #cupcake
RT @DanRiehl: @jjmnolte Not real bright of @daveweigel , or sloppy, dumb effort 2 smear #TrigsCrew It's on Coca Cola 2 verify accuracy o ...
RT @TheSmallgGay If you have time this holiday weekend, check out #AtlasShrugged! Its playing everywhere! Send Hollywood a message! :) #tcot
@nana49 @EternalRiteWing @PatDollard these days, muh XDm 40 is just like muh American Express card.
RT @cbsatl: RT cbsATLgoss: Atlantic Station police activity over, all roads open.: cbsATLgoss: Atlantic Station police activ... http://b ...
RT @timeboat #p2 >#EarthDay co-founder killed, composted girlfriend #FlatEarthNoGrowthEcoMarxists #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @Newswatcher89: Friday Evening Document Dump: #Obama Says #Syria Is Bad #tcot #p2 #news #mil #teaparty
RT @alimariegirl: @PatDollard McDonalds hate crime has one arrest, but they need to arrest the black guy who tipped them off to get away ...
@McDonalds #HateCrime has 1 arrest_but cops must arrest the guy who tipped them off 2run b4 #LEO arrival #mcdonalds #md #baltimore #tcot #p2
RT @TweetSmarter #Twitter is moving…thanks to tax break #tech #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dnc #dsa #ofa
RT @_starstar: . @jjmnolte The era where conservtives play nice & let the Left ctrl the dialog is OVER. Just ask W*nkette who has 67% le ...
RT @photoasia: 10 #Tips For Shooting Better Video with Your iPhone RT @sandmaxprime
RT @newzealblog: Sharp Shift in Fed – Fundamental Change – Danger Looming: Blame Fed or Congress?: By: Maggie… #tcot
RT @roadrun775: @loudobbsnews Sunstein has passed over 2700NewRegsIncludingRGuns,WhileMakingU irrelevant.WhatAreUgoing2do about it?U=con ...
@jjmnolte Imho_n the wake of W*nct & Obama fb townhall overrun_look 4 the left 2 sabotage our online efforts_at a critical moment just b4'12
RT @FToddFerrara: @AquaLemuria @PatDollard I've watched it 10 times. You might google complicity, I was agreeing with you. #McDonalds #A ...
RT @notalemming @atlasshrugs Geller at @BigGovt: Islamic Law Comes to #Dearborn #tcot #tlot #p2 #p21 #tlot #ocra #news
RT @PatDollard: UPDATE: McDonald’s Employee Takes Credit For Filming Beating While Doing Nothing To Help, 1 Girl Charged Another Pending ...
RT @anna12061: IRS tax examiner talks about Obama a/k/a Barry Soetoro interesting stuff
RT @Daggy1: Last yr the Fed Gov't spent $2,000,000 for the Appalachian Fruit Lab. Why couldn't they renovate an inner city school with that?
RT @AmericnElephant: ICYMI: Costly Regulations Are Made by Unaccountable Bureaucrats: #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 #news
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @BreakingNews Tornado warning for Ky.'s Shelby, Spencer counties; funnel cloud spotted, NWS says - courierj ...
RT @wanderingbiker: 40 Foods with Superpowers -
RT @WilsonHines: OK, the mirror thing is flat out spooky || Photographer Seeks to Make Animated GIFs Classy - Geek...
RT @vermontaigne: RT @fuzislippers: Islamic Law: Gang Rape Legit -- Rape Away, Savages!
RT @VRWCTexan #Indonesia: Islamic terrorists 'planned to film cathedral #Easter bomb' (19 arrested) #TCOT #news #mil
RT @Lash3: Best answer RT @teh_Dede: because your head exploding could start a fire? RT @lash3: Why do fleet gas pumps not have prices o ...
RT @littlebytesnews: #tcot RT @ORlibertygal:Moms of America listen up! RT @trscoop: ==> @AllenWest:We need strong women 2raise Americ ...
RT @TechZader: 25+ Photoshop Web Layout (Design) Tutorials
RT @TechZader: 50 Beautiful Free Adobe Illustrator Vector Brushes
RT @cmdorsey: @PatDollard Shep Smith is a dufus
RT @mzee26: Atlas Shrugged Producer Details the Fight to Get Libertarian Movie Made in Liberal Hollywood via @theblaze
RT @Jihadihunter: Union Bosses Proclaim: 'Forget About the Law'/So beating them with bats is okay? #tcot #gop ...
RT @TheCupcakeBlog: These are dangerous
RT @CoachDB18: Democrats will spend 210% of whatever the US revenues amount to, and will "Geithner up" the debt ceiling every time. They ...
RT @KIRO7Seattle: BREAKING: "Powdery substance" found on board @AlaskaAir flight from Seattle to Santa Ana Plane's ...
RT @JedediahBila: Lots of speeches coming up for @SarahPalinUSA:
if U or Ur bizness earns $250k in gross income even 4 just 1 year_CONGRATS! #Democrats think yer a Millionaire & Billionaire! #tcot #p2 #gop
Busted… #Soros -Funded #ThinkProgress Caught Pushing Bogus Backlash Story via @gatewaypundit #news #teaparty #tcot #tlot
A new species of fresh-water fish has been discovered in #Wisconsin ~ the #Kloppenburg Brook-Trout ~ #wiunion #tcot #wigop #p2 #wivote #wi
@nana49 Springfield Armory...
RT @es1999: Atlas Shrugged Movie Theater Map: I expected to see more theaters outside the more liberal big cities. #a ...
RT @RedState: Barack Obama’s Re-Election Campaign Theme Won’t Be Hope and Change, Just Scorched Earth and Fear #TCO ...
RT @fuzislippers #Wisconsin #School Employee Makes Threat By Work Phone to Business for Selling Gas to #GOP'r #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeLA: Spoiled suburban boomers reacted to the ennui of middle-class existence by wishing for a primitive dystopia they're ...
RT @ConservativeLA: #EarthDayTip: Good intentions and unscientific eco-BS banned DDT, after which malaria went back to killing millions ...
RT @appleinsider: US Army's first smartphone will be powered by Google Android, not Apple
RT @ConservativeLA: @tahDeetz Was I close? ~as many of them furiously tweet away 4 said dystopia...
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #p2 Hateful Atrocity as #Transvestite Beaten by #Christian Fundamentalists. Oh, Wait ... #news
RT @Reza_Kahlili: Chinese company selling chemical weapons equipment to Iran #iranelection #iran @cnnbrk @cnni @whp ...
RT @AG_Conservative: Guy on O'Reilly talking about oil is getting away with lies.. liberals told us not to drill 14 yeas ago cause it wo ...
RT @NMLifestyles We're Next: Hillary's Hidden Interest in India's Biometric I.D. Project via @addthis #tcot #news #tlot
RT @Newswatcher89: MASSIVE TORNADO strikes North St. Louis…. #tcot #p2 #news
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama’s watergate: ATF says no to document demands saying information could imperil ongoing investigations. http://goo. ...
RT @irishspy: The Paul Reiser Show: Cancelled by NBC After Two Episodes

Tweets copied by

Friday, April 22, 2011

From Twitter 04-21-2011

RT @JimPethokoukis: Tricksy! New #Obama budget plan "fall short" on debt, contains #tax trap #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: It’s okay to be a sexist pig if you write for a liberal newspaper #tcot
RT @tweetdrudge: APPLE slammed... #tcot
RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: Fla. House passes bill to block EPA water rules -Wash.Examiner News
RT @JimPethokoukis: I will be on CNBC's @TheKudlowReport at 7:30 talking GE and corporate taxes. I will be bringing the funny
RT @jimmiebjr: No one can make a sane argument that making 10 percent pay 70 percent is fair nor wise. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @CDNnow @RedState: #SEIU Plans Nationwide, Madison-Style, Class Warfare Protest Movement #TCOT #RS #news #teaparty
RT @MacLife: 10 tips for shooting better video with your iPhone. Unleash your inner Fellini!
RT @RTHTGakaRoland: Public employees elects Democrats, & their wrath neuters Republicans. PE's pay & benes R double private sector, ther ...
RT @cbsatl: Stern: NFL Reinforces Need To Not Wait On New Deal: With time running out and business beginning to suffer, the ... http://b ...
RT @mikepfs: RT @michellemalkin: How govt school unions green-wash your kids RT @QuincyTeachers: NEA - Earth Day Curriculum Resources ht ...
RT @GarySinise: Spent time with wounded warriors in Augusta & went by FT Gordan.Event 2nite then back 2 Savannah 4 concert @ Forsyth Par ...
RT @cbellantoni: Zounds! Sen. Ensign will resign:
RT @TechZader: Google found guilty of patent infringement for using Linux
RT @HotlineReid: MT @chucktodd: @RalstonFlash reports John Ensign will resign his seat, giving GOP gov chance to appoint Dean Heller. Se ...
RT @AmandainOK: Did Singing Protesters at Obama’s Fundraiser Get Paid to Heckle the President? via @theblaze
RT @Pirata13: iPhone Tracker
This is how the location data secretly recorded by your iPhone can look if visualized on a map.
http://t.c ...
RT @welshman007 Breaking Updates on Project #Gunwalker Scandal at #DOJ - #ATF #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @ajcwsbtraffic: Red Alert : All Lanes Blocked still south-side I-85/sb at mile post 52 in Coweta County.
RT @ReaganTMan: RT @PalinTV Via @C4Palin Obama Administration Attacks S&P, Claims Credit Warning is ‘Political’ ...
RT @slashdot: Google Loses Bedrock Suit, All Linux May Infringe
RT @katys: #NC #Gerrymandered Districts On the Chopping Block #tcot #sgp #ncpol #clt #kissell #bradmiller #davidpri ...
RT @NathanWurtzel: I'm a big fan of @REI, so if you're in the market for outdoor gear...
RT @Jihadihunter: Apple is the least green tech companie, but Al Gore still sits on the board #apple #iphone #i ...
RT @cbellantoni: MT @shiratoeplitz: I'm told Ensign in process of informing staff in DC & NV of his resignation. Also, Gov is likely to ...
RT @debydoll Happy Days are Here Again (If You Live in Washington’s Bubble) via @addthis #tcot #news #jobs #economy #p2
RT @s_mlbbraves: Top of the 11: Atl 3, LAD 3
RT @Herfarm: Called ur office, left message & received a call back in less then an hour! Thanks @RepTomPrice #tcot
RT @jtbdjp: RT @Jihadihunter: Obama Giving Jihadists 85 Drones To Use Against Us & Sell To China… (cont) http: ...
RT @TechZader: Hyper Realistic 3D Interior Scene Renders
RT @PhotographyTalk: Photoshop Tip: Body reshaping with Liquify: Photoshop retouching
RT @huskerfan0720: RT @newzealblog: Socialist Teachers Discuss Indoctrinating Public Schoolchildren: Sarah Knopp, a Los Angeles... http ...
RT @EternalRiteWing: (VIDEO) Breaking News-Massive Battle Across Texas Mexico Border ;Machine Guns & Explosions - 4/21/11 ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @Conservativeind: The Left wants to Revolt AGAINST America. The Right wants to Revolt to SAVE America. #twisters #tcot ...
RT @pinnie99 @greggutfeld Catch a new gut segment tonight on 0'reilly tonight. Tell me how it works. Meaning, lie. //we can do
RT @whpresscorps @markknoller New CBS #News /NYTimes poll shows Pres #Obama approval rating decline to 46%. Disapprove 45%. #dnc #tcot #p2
RT @JimDeMint: Obama administration is using the federal government as a political weapon to protect union bosses at the expense of Amer ...
RT @toddeherman: #WaState Legislature Shuts-Down Local Coal Plant THEN Buys Coal Created Electricity From Montana Plant. #BlatantStupidi ...
RT @CO2HOG: #WI Teacher Pleads Not Guilty to Threatening to Murder #GOP Senators & Bombing Their Homes
| #tcot #news
RT @ToddyLittman: @theRealExTex @thejimjams If Huckabee is that gullible re Michelle Obama, definitely not qualified to be pres, let alo ...
RT @bellez8: @SarahPalinUSA Ha if you don't run for Prez we are gonna report YOU to #Trigscrew...
RT @PhotographyTalk: Photography Tip—The Excitement and Challenges of Shooting Live Music Concerts, Part 2
RT @Linc4Justice: I miss the old days, when things like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter didn't exist, and girls on online dating sites wer ...
RT @LibertyLynx: RT @DallasFed: Houston Economic Update: Houston had the shortest, mildest recession among major metros in Texas. || And ...
RT @SpotTheColumn: Socialist Teachers Discuss Indoctrinating Public Schoolchildren
RT @College_FB: College Football Countdown: No. 118 Memphis – College Gridiron 365 ...: Orlando Sentinel Columnists are blogging... http ...
RT @BobbyDank: Facebook adds two-factor authentication #apple #mac
RT @tom19803: "Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race." Margaret Sanger founder Planned Parenthood/ darling of the LEFT. # ...
RT @ScottKWalker: The left is still pouring in $$$ from all over. Provide some balance @
RT @publicrelations: National Geographic is re-airing #Restrepo" Monday April 25 at 9pm EST (Rest in Peace Tim #Hetherington )
RT @VRWCTexan: The so called "new" Obama plan Reduces Red Ink by ONLY $2.5T over 10 yrs ~ Most of that is from TAX increases on small bu ...
RT @NathanWurtzel: Bad News Bears FTW RT @jaycaruso: @NathanWurtzel "Wonkette is proudly brought to you by Chico's Bail Bonds."
RT @BrainTerminal: Meet the toxic light bulbs that the green movement is forcing you to use #NannyState #EarthDay # ...
RT @RandysRight: Immigration Activist Warns of ‘Civil War’ « Randy’s Right via @Digg
RT @Ford: @Restaurant_Food @Morg25 We have since pulled our ads from Wonkette. Thank you for your concern for the Ford brand. Please sha ...
RT @jeffemanuel: MT @JstJoan: WOOT! RT @Adobe:Thanks for alerting us. We've taken steps to make sure our ads do not appear on that site ...
RT @whpresscorps: RT @nancerosen President Obama is in the neighborhood - Culver City, CA at SONY. I am delighted to be part of the traf ...
RT @EverythingATL: Gas Tax Set To Increase May 1: CBS Atlanta News has learned that Georgia's gas tax will increase by three cents ... h ...
RT @maggiesnotebook #California: #IllegalAlien #Crime Soars: #CA Wants #Federal $ Reimbursements #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @jjmnolte: THIS --> MT @THEHermanCain: All life is precious. @SarahPalinUSA, you have many friends on both sides of aisle standing ...
RT @EWoelke: RT @jjauthor Read May:
RT @DrewMTips: Pretty amazing how many companies bailed on @wonkette. Of course it's gotten zero attention compared to Beck boycott effo ...
RT @eric_andersen: Top 5 Twitter clients: 78% 14%
SMS: 8%
Twitter for iPhone: 8%
Twitter for Blackberry: 8%
RT @ConservativeLA: Just beneath the surface of Leftism lies howling irrationality.
RT @Cubachi @nickmarschel @twittonande @lakecrazy @chibarb Im pretty sure Greta just said that Allen West will be on her show tonight
RT @kirstenpowers10: 90% of Downs babies are aborted. If Palin wants to show the world that Trig is just as valuable as any other baby, ...
RT @kesgardner: It's a cesspool. @PalinTV The corruption of #Alaska politics #tcot #gop #news #teaparty
RT @THEHermanCain: All life is precious. @SarahPalinUSA, you have many friends on both sides of the aisle standing with you. #trigscrew
RT @alwaysonoffense: trumps is a war-mongering, protectionist, xenophobic birther. how could he not be a contender? #headdesk
RT @Wmpear: Carrier USS Ronald Reagan welcomed the 75th SECNAV Apr 20 to thank the crew for their efforts during Op Tomodachi http://bit ...
RT @pinnie99: RT @BrianINC: say 2 #congress not only dont raise the debt ceiling.........LOWER IT!!!! Pay priority bills & learn 2 budge ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Is This Guy Sarah Palin's Secret Weapon in Iowa? #tcot #p2 #news
RT @AccuracyInMedia @AP rallies behind raising taxes for the ~Rich #mediabias #tcot #TaxDay #apFAIL #news #teaparty #ap
RT @LaurieBailey: Hell Yea! >>Mississippi Shows How You Handle Westboro Freaks - Westboro Baptist Church - Fox Nation: http://bit. ...
@maggiesnotebook yet heaven forbid we 'actually' secure the border... #dems votes, full-stop pun.
MT @irishspy: @AllenWest is certainly refreshing in his candor. ~yup.
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: It’s not just the S & P – China’s Dagong credit agency downgraded US in November ...
RT @KW_Daddio: Leave a comment, win a prize, potentially > Photo Tip ~ Swapping Colors in Photoshop
RT @SissyWillis: Long-repressed voices of opposition now ring'g loud & clear thru talk radio, cable TV blogosphere-->left rethink its ...
RT @bellez8 Priceless @Kriskxx @USArmy_vet: Rep Allen West: "#Obama is a Low level socialist agitator" #tcot #tlot #tpp #P2 #veterans #GOP
RT @moelane: MoeLane: #rsrh Video footage of Andrew Breitbart tomorrow... ...
RT @Jimi971: I love how @andrewbreitbart offers cash for lefties to prove him wrong. No one has collected, no one has evidence. Hilarious.
RT @LarryCragun: “@free_US_Citizen: Harry Reid Continues Obsessing Over a Tea Party He Says is Irrelevant
RT @KatyinIndy: Allen West: Military "exists" to win nation's wars, not accommodate "individual behavior." #tcot # ...
@maggiesnotebook thankfully, we stand a decent shot at a filibuster-proof senate in '12, & that was b4 Obama's wheels begin 2 come off
RT @JedediahBila: Watched @SarahPalinUSA documentary. Some good clips, some inaccuracy. Troopergate & her resignation were handled the w ...
RT @Newswatcher89 Rep #AllenWest ~Im Sick & Tired of This Marxist Demagogic Rhetoric of the President #tcot #p2 #news
RT @irishspy Deal-breaker 4 me| #Trump on #Kelo: I happen 2 agree w/it 100% #news #tcot #teaparty #gop #tlot @talkmaster
RT @FloridaJayhawk: Twitter is the left's worst nightmare. You can see the left on Twitter all they do is say mao mao mao mao mao we are ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: The Obama nuts just love Obama. He gives them a phony bubble, high fuel cost, high food cost, massive inflation. @cspan ...
RT @KLSouth: The Alinsky playbook. Create a crisis, then exploit it, all the while pinning the blame on your political opponents. [Obama ...
RT @markknoller: A democratic official doesn't dispute reports that Obama's 3 event in LA tonight will raise $2-million. In all 2600 don ...
RT @baysidebetty: Photon Climbing Carabiners and Quickdraws Recalled Due to Risk of Injury
RT @trscoop: ----------> Allen West doubles down on calling Obama a low level socialist agitator
RT @Conservativeind #NEWHAMPSHIRE PASSES VETO PROOF RIGHT-TO-WORK BILL #news #tcot #p2 #wiunion #usuncut #u1 #nh
RT @TechZader: Samsung files suits vs Apple in Korea, Japan, Germany
RT @NEWSINATORS: Asian trading muted due to Good Friday holiday: Japan's Nikkei 225 index was lower Friday on the back of a stren... htt ...
RT @diggrbiii Here's "Progressive" philosophy in a nutshell: We're headed 4 disaster but I want the rich to go 1st #tcot #p2 #thatwilldoit
RT @US4Palin: Trig's Crew Companies Now 31 & Counting. US4Palin will update #s w/formal post tomorrow afternoon. #t ...
RT @KOSMOSNET: Obama Targets Top Earners as Small Business Owner Sweats a Tax Hike #tcot #tlot #news #p2 #ofa #dnc

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