RT @CStevenTucker: Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Blasts “Marxist, Fanatical, Brownshirt” #Obama http://youtu.be/ecdf4RSVe1Y #tcot #ocra ...
RT @Libertarian_ish: @Verachinn TY! La Niña is one crazy bitch & no, Gaia isn't angry over AGW realist's! The farce force is banging the ...
RT @MLAS: HillBuzz: State Senator Roger Keats kisses #Illinois goodbye http://is.gd/VASTQR
#tcot #texas #p2 #taxes #chicago #business #news
RT @Drudge_Report Feds crack down on #Amish #farmers -for selling #milk http://is.gd/691qsU #news #tcot #food #agchat #teaparty #tlot
RT @RTHTGakaRoland: @SpeakerBoehner Gas prices are 51.2% taxes 2 propose 2 tax gas producers & distributors & thus we consumers even mor ...
RT @GunRights: #Gun Stories – a new series which will blow you away | Down Range TV http://ht.ly/4K04x #tcot #teaparty
RT @JedediahBila: @seanhannity The conservative base is not going to welcome Trump. He's not principled. He lacks authenticity & consist ...
RT @diggrbiii: OUCH! Soros admits Media Matters is a waste of money: "Fox can't be neutralized" http://bit.ly/j4rvLV Sorry @EricBoehlert ...
RT @limera1nJB: Jailbreak for Upcoming iOS 4.4 / 4.3.3 - Will be Easy ? http://bit.ly/jw0Cf3 #Jailbreak #iPhone #iPod #iPad
RT @EFF: Lesson of iPhone #privacy scandal: users need knowledge and control over what their devices do https://eff.org/r.44v via @USATODAY
RT @lifehacker: Was your camera stolen or lost? Here's a neat tool that can use pictures you took with it to track your camera down: htt ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CrisATLWeather: NOW: High fire danger expected Saturday afternoon from Atlanta southward.: CrisATLWeather: NO... http://b ...
RT @Discovery If youll be around #WestPalmBeach #FL -dont miss @WhereIsPaulJr at @SunFestFL 2nite! http://ow.ly/4Jugp #vtwin #motorcycles
RT @erickbrockway: Manbearpig; "Gaia smiteth thee!": http://wp.me/po96w-1eO #tcot #hhrs http://wp.me/po96w-1eO
RT @LibertyPundits: FDA Says There’s No Living in an Amish Paradise: The Obama Administration today revealed that its FDA rece... http:/ ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #teaparty NYT's Steinhauer Cites Conservative Rep. Allen West's 'Incendiary Remarks,' 'Hard-Right' St... http://bit.ly ...
@AllenWest is not "Hard-Right" . . . he is a "correction" . . . #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc #ofa #dsa
RT @BlackAndRight: Check this video out -- Mark Steyn: The 'Fifty-three Percent' http://t.co/gf6RfXn via @youtube
RT @Retbilpat: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Obama's "outright bonkers" energy policy. Thank you Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO http://lat.ms/kVew1k@fuz ...
Since #Superman renounces #America, America renounces Superman. signed, the #USA. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ljarratt: Joy Behar Exploits Birther Debate to Slam Swift Boat Vet 'Lies ' Apparently, the Left will never get over John Kerry 's h ...
RT @digitalps: New at dPS: Camera Phone: Weekly Photography Challenge http://ow.ly/1cpopW
RT @PeterUlsteen The laws of economics, like the laws of physics, have a way of punishing stupidity far more effectively than anything else.
RT @LindaPark82 #tcot Teenage Runaways, Drug Addicts & Single Moms- The New All American “#Progressive” Family http://ow.ly/1cpoaJ #news #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: Will British monarchy outlast China's Communist Party? I think Wills and Kate just answered that
RT @mistygirlph: #PepperSpray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home! http://bit.ly/b4UPea #sgp #asamom #teaparty #tcot #selfdefense
RT @CO2HOG via @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash http://bit.ly/mocUzs #tcot #news #teaparty #pbs #p2
MTvia @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash http://bit.ly/mocUzs Sex_Drugs_rockNroll_n_TaxBucks #tcot #p2
RT @SissyWillis: RT @amandacarpenter: Woo! MT @SpecialReport: start 5pm-- and goes to 7pm. Two full hours of news.. and analysis. http: ...
RT @betseyross: Obama/Holder sell guns to drug cartels http://t.co/1mbFanu #twcot #sgp #tlot #teaparty #ncgop #ConsNC #tcot #mil #guns # ...
RT @drunkenpredator: @LucyKafanov Maybe, but I often JDAM people who Tweet and drive, so be careful what you wish for.
RT @drunkenpredator: Told you guys the Singularity was going to start on Twitter. @OfficialSkynet is live.
RT @drunkenpredator: Okay, so this Chinese Global (faux)Hawk. Cute? Yes. Would it get my clearance yanked? UH HUH. Would our sensors eve ...
MT @tnew57 That Superman is an imposter_I have an~inside tip_;) RT tD_Since #Superman renounces #America, USA renounces Super- @BoschFawstin
@tnew57 methinks #Superman has been readin' him some @BoschFawstin's #ProPiganda. #PigMan
RT @zerohedge Its Gettin Plain Silly: MF Global Hikes #Silver Margin To 175% Of CME_Or Over 10% Of Contract http://bit.ly/kjNhEn #tcot #news
Princess Beatrice's hat looked likethe mitochondrial DNA from an amoeba. #royalwedding #tcot #tbrs
RT @FalconsRGilkes Arthur Blank, Thomas Dimitroff, Julio Jones, & Mike Smith speak to the #news. #atldraft http://is.gd/r7Gx7p #falcons #atl
RT @krmullins1964: Sad! >> RT @Kriskxx: Beck says, do you know the meaning of what you are saying in the song? Tot says NO, mind w ...
RT @greybeard411: @runedart Oh i definitely think we should Bill them both (as well as Mexico for the cost of illegals) but t… (cont) h ...
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @kesgardner: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It's about both. Via @firstteamtommy Ron Paul: the Republican Barack Obama. http://t ...
If your an Islamist that can see the whites of #PigMan's eyes_youre livin on borrowed time http://is.gd/mQFosX @boschfawstin #tcot #teaparty
RT @dulcimerjames The New Stealth Trolls—Faux- #Conservatives http://bit.ly/khyXDY #glennbeck #tcot #teaparty #sgp #news #ocra #tpp #tlot
RT @welshman007: More Trouble at the Southern Border: Anti-American Curriculum: http://is.gd/5JCyFN #news #tcot
RT @engadget: Square to add encryption to mobile card reader, skimmers put on notice http://is.gd/XzqZdt #tech #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @FalconsJAdams Julio: It doesnt matter what number I wear. No preference. The person makes the number, not the other way around #atldraft
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Hillary's claim "It takes a village to raise a child" has evolved into "It takes the entire US Treasury to raise a ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - a political WMD - Invented by elitists, spread by idealists, easily infects the undereducated & poor ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - an untreatable disease. You can't reason with anyone so infected. Only treatments are UNFUND, UNELECT ...
RT @kesgardner: @runedart Obama is dipping into our investment capital to fund wealth redistribution schemes. That's why the economy isn ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #DebtCeiling was enacted to PREVENT Federal Government from becoming overextended. How many times has it been raise ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Big Business and #Healthcare - recipe for poor quality. http://tinyurl.com/3cbdkbc Spirit of Healthcare Blog post. ...
RT @keder: You can lead a leftist to facts, but you can't make him think. #tcot #p2
RT @eagletak: Opinion : Where does Alaska’s food come from? - Frontiersman http://t.co/AzQ0DAJ #Alaska
RT @Jihadihunter: The guy who’s broken every campaign pledge he ever made is now calling Donald Trump a “carnival barker.” http://tinyur ...
RT @HiramHawk: Jimmy Carter Denounces America From North Korea http://bit.ly/iACpZE #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #news #p2 Disgraceful
RT @pcmike: HTC ThunderBolt vs. Samsung DROID Charge: Battle Of The Specs – Android Police http://tiny.ly/iXOa
RT @hdcamguide: Posted: The new Mac mini! The Mactini - tini mac mac news! http://ow.ly/1cowLs
RT @rsmccain: #tcot BREAKING: Germany Thwarts Terror Plot http://bit.ly/jiuFyV
RT @kesgardner: More, actually. RT @keder Paul Ryan is like a million times smarter and more reasonable than Barack Obama. #tcot #gop
RT @netwatchdog: FYI: Water Bottle Car Fire Warning http://bit.ly/itqrm2
RT @pcmike: Latest: Zero Point Energy Powering Your Home With Magnetic Power http://ow.ly/1cnpGV
RT @pcmike: Just in: A guide to create the perfect campaign Social Media http://bit.ly/fXzbcl
RT @MacMikeNews: Download my no cost 62-page EBook on How to Protect against ID Theft & protect your PC of porn & spam- http://bit.ly/c6w1H5
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Is Ubuntu 11.04 Beating Apple's Mac OS X in User Experience? http://sns.mx/mFdby6
RT @proctorshow: GOP is helping Democrats at polling places in Philly? http://bit.ly/lHWaEZ #TCOT #Philadelphia #PATCOT #TeaParty #Phill ...
RT @Forums4Justice: Oregon Illegal Worker's day march is Sunday at Capitol - calls for driver's licenses without the need to prove legal ...
RT @divadoll123: Gas prices up & Bush in office: MSM acts like Bush is personally jacking the prices. BHO in office: MSM points fingers ...
RT @GregWHoward: Economist: ‘Inflation Burden’ Worsens as Gas, Food Eat Up More Consumer Spending http://t.co/3sQJmSM #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @PUMABydesign001: Congressman West Launches New Congressional Website http://wp.me/pjGfE-5AJ #tcot #teaparty
RT @DTCahill: After Trump's f-tirade, my prediction is he won't be running. #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Steyn quoted Alan West as saying we can kiss America goodbye if we don't reform Medicare etc. That's my kind of strai ...
RT @OGDoccat How an Unelected_Unconfirmed #Obama Appointee works 2destroy the secret ballot http://tinyurl.com/3do74l2 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @akvet: These were comic books about how to do preventive maintenance on weapons and our tracks ACAVs/M-113
RT @Caper29b: Anything really. Just be cleaning your guns.. RT @iowahawkblog: Meeting the daughter's new boyfriend this evening. Convers ...
@Caper29b @iowahawkblog A gun-cleaning dad ALWAYS managed to tamp down any teenage 'aspirations' I may have had w/ 'Daddy's Lil Girl'
RT @Talkmaster: Obama's birth certificate may be legit. That does not mean he is.
RT @KENJN10: Why is it that anything a liberal has a hand in turns to shit ? The education system comes to mind? What elce? Unions what ...
RT @imsure: Did he find out who stole $500Thousand worth of tech... Obama's visit to Florida shows need to mend fences over NASA http:/ ...
RT @IBDeditorials: A Race-And-Economics Eye-Opener http://bit.ly/mDRoy3
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Palin is questioning whether or not Obama's 2008 campaign received foreign money
Our #2ndHandMessiah walks among DurtySouth's BitterClinging GreatUnwashd TootSweet post Yahweh's sneeze=2012EventHorizon 4 #Obama. #tcot #p2
RT @keder: Hi @NancyPelosi, I'd like to personally thank you for the $5 trillion in debt you've left for our kids and grandkids to pay o ...
RT @keder: Hi @BarackObama, there were 900,000 applicants for 50,000 jobs at McDonald's. Does that sound like 'recovery summer' to you? ...
Again, #FoxNews digitates ur #LuvTunl as it chases down&milks its nxt #EstroCuddle outta the #RoyalWedding's basking aftaglo #tcot #teaparty
RT @keder: Hi @AlanColmes, since you're an honest broker of the truth I thought you'd like to see this: http://bit.ly/llFGUl #tcot #news #p2
RT @greybeard411: RT @Coondawg68: Carbon dioxide can hardly be labeled a pollutant, for it is the basic substrate that allows li… (cont) ...
RT @TechZader: MacBook Pro 2012: Is a Redesign in the Works? http://bit.ly/kBaO4G
RT @WestWingReport: President has declared a major disaster exists in Mississippi from recent storms. The declaration opens the door to ...
RT @BrianINC: Gov Unions only cause inflation, add a direct cost to what ever they represent, & completely degrade work ethics BUST THEM ...
RT @creepingsharia: CAIR shakes down Examiner.com, terrorizes writer from covering Islam http://dlvr.it/Q6Hhb #sharia #jihad #tcot #a4a #912
RT @ericbolling: Obama spent less time assessing the Alabama disaster than one of his beloved rounds of golf
RT @TweetSmarter: #Bizarre Twitter Gets Sued For Sending A Confirmation by SMS: http://tcrn.ch/iQJMco
RT @terrana01: RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO Refreshing! Paul Ryan gets Standing Ovation after presenting his federal budget pla… (cont) htt ...
RT @hotairblog: Video: Romney’s message to NRA gets lukewarm reception: Aw.
Via Freedom’s Lighthouse and Politico, a little week... http ...
RT @TechZader: Print Advertisements By Young & Rubicam Ad Agency http://bit.ly/itmjga
RT @CFHeather: RT @wyattbearp: Obama Casts Eva Longoria As Immigration Adviser http://bit.ly/mRBTUw #CauseHesInTroubleWithLatinos
#Palin's "H3llz No" Trumped the Donald's F-Bomb ~ #tcot #teaparty @sarahpalinusa #trump
RT @karenegantx: I Can’t Help But Notice The Lack Of Protesters Camping Out In The Massachusetts State House. Mass gets a pass http://b ...
RT @allahpundit: True RT @greggutfeld: The new menu always in kitchen nightmares: fresh ingredients, local produce, simple recipes. And ...
RT @Libertarian_ish: @Verachinn TY! La Niña is one crazy bitch & no, Gaia isn't angry over AGW realist's! The farce force is banging the ...
RT @MLAS: HillBuzz: State Senator Roger Keats kisses #Illinois goodbye http://is.gd/VASTQR
#tcot #texas #p2 #taxes #chicago #business #news
RT @Drudge_Report Feds crack down on #Amish #farmers -for selling #milk http://is.gd/691qsU #news #tcot #food #agchat #teaparty #tlot
RT @RTHTGakaRoland: @SpeakerBoehner Gas prices are 51.2% taxes 2 propose 2 tax gas producers & distributors & thus we consumers even mor ...
RT @GunRights: #Gun Stories – a new series which will blow you away | Down Range TV http://ht.ly/4K04x #tcot #teaparty
RT @JedediahBila: @seanhannity The conservative base is not going to welcome Trump. He's not principled. He lacks authenticity & consist ...
RT @diggrbiii: OUCH! Soros admits Media Matters is a waste of money: "Fox can't be neutralized" http://bit.ly/j4rvLV Sorry @EricBoehlert ...
RT @limera1nJB: Jailbreak for Upcoming iOS 4.4 / 4.3.3 - Will be Easy ? http://bit.ly/jw0Cf3 #Jailbreak #iPhone #iPod #iPad
RT @EFF: Lesson of iPhone #privacy scandal: users need knowledge and control over what their devices do https://eff.org/r.44v via @USATODAY
RT @lifehacker: Was your camera stolen or lost? Here's a neat tool that can use pictures you took with it to track your camera down: htt ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CrisATLWeather: NOW: High fire danger expected Saturday afternoon from Atlanta southward.: CrisATLWeather: NO... http://b ...
RT @Discovery If youll be around #WestPalmBeach #FL -dont miss @WhereIsPaulJr at @SunFestFL 2nite! http://ow.ly/4Jugp #vtwin #motorcycles
RT @erickbrockway: Manbearpig; "Gaia smiteth thee!": http://wp.me/po96w-1eO #tcot #hhrs http://wp.me/po96w-1eO
RT @LibertyPundits: FDA Says There’s No Living in an Amish Paradise: The Obama Administration today revealed that its FDA rece... http:/ ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #teaparty NYT's Steinhauer Cites Conservative Rep. Allen West's 'Incendiary Remarks,' 'Hard-Right' St... http://bit.ly ...
@AllenWest is not "Hard-Right" . . . he is a "correction" . . . #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc #ofa #dsa
RT @BlackAndRight: Check this video out -- Mark Steyn: The 'Fifty-three Percent' http://t.co/gf6RfXn via @youtube
RT @Retbilpat: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Obama's "outright bonkers" energy policy. Thank you Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO http://lat.ms/kVew1k@fuz ...
Since #Superman renounces #America, America renounces Superman. signed, the #USA. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ljarratt: Joy Behar Exploits Birther Debate to Slam Swift Boat Vet 'Lies ' Apparently, the Left will never get over John Kerry 's h ...
RT @digitalps: New at dPS: Camera Phone: Weekly Photography Challenge http://ow.ly/1cpopW
RT @PeterUlsteen The laws of economics, like the laws of physics, have a way of punishing stupidity far more effectively than anything else.
RT @LindaPark82 #tcot Teenage Runaways, Drug Addicts & Single Moms- The New All American “#Progressive” Family http://ow.ly/1cpoaJ #news #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: Will British monarchy outlast China's Communist Party? I think Wills and Kate just answered that
RT @mistygirlph: #PepperSpray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home! http://bit.ly/b4UPea #sgp #asamom #teaparty #tcot #selfdefense
RT @CO2HOG via @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash http://bit.ly/mocUzs #tcot #news #teaparty #pbs #p2
MTvia @Drudge_Report Taxpayer Funded #NPR Brings Rock Stars to Swanky DC Bash http://bit.ly/mocUzs Sex_Drugs_rockNroll_n_TaxBucks #tcot #p2
RT @SissyWillis: RT @amandacarpenter: Woo! MT @SpecialReport: start 5pm-- and goes to 7pm. Two full hours of news.. and analysis. http: ...
RT @betseyross: Obama/Holder sell guns to drug cartels http://t.co/1mbFanu #twcot #sgp #tlot #teaparty #ncgop #ConsNC #tcot #mil #guns # ...
RT @drunkenpredator: @LucyKafanov Maybe, but I often JDAM people who Tweet and drive, so be careful what you wish for.
RT @drunkenpredator: Told you guys the Singularity was going to start on Twitter. @OfficialSkynet is live.
RT @drunkenpredator: Okay, so this Chinese Global (faux)Hawk. Cute? Yes. Would it get my clearance yanked? UH HUH. Would our sensors eve ...
MT @tnew57 That Superman is an imposter_I have an~inside tip_;) RT tD_Since #Superman renounces #America, USA renounces Super- @BoschFawstin
@tnew57 methinks #Superman has been readin' him some @BoschFawstin's #ProPiganda. #PigMan
RT @zerohedge Its Gettin Plain Silly: MF Global Hikes #Silver Margin To 175% Of CME_Or Over 10% Of Contract http://bit.ly/kjNhEn #tcot #news
Princess Beatrice's hat looked likethe mitochondrial DNA from an amoeba. #royalwedding #tcot #tbrs
RT @FalconsRGilkes Arthur Blank, Thomas Dimitroff, Julio Jones, & Mike Smith speak to the #news. #atldraft http://is.gd/r7Gx7p #falcons #atl
RT @krmullins1964: Sad! >> RT @Kriskxx: Beck says, do you know the meaning of what you are saying in the song? Tot says NO, mind w ...
RT @greybeard411: @runedart Oh i definitely think we should Bill them both (as well as Mexico for the cost of illegals) but t… (cont) h ...
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @kesgardner: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. It's about both. Via @firstteamtommy Ron Paul: the Republican Barack Obama. http://t ...
If your an Islamist that can see the whites of #PigMan's eyes_youre livin on borrowed time http://is.gd/mQFosX @boschfawstin #tcot #teaparty
RT @dulcimerjames The New Stealth Trolls—Faux- #Conservatives http://bit.ly/khyXDY #glennbeck #tcot #teaparty #sgp #news #ocra #tpp #tlot
RT @welshman007: More Trouble at the Southern Border: Anti-American Curriculum: http://is.gd/5JCyFN #news #tcot
RT @engadget: Square to add encryption to mobile card reader, skimmers put on notice http://is.gd/XzqZdt #tech #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @FalconsJAdams Julio: It doesnt matter what number I wear. No preference. The person makes the number, not the other way around #atldraft
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Hillary's claim "It takes a village to raise a child" has evolved into "It takes the entire US Treasury to raise a ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - a political WMD - Invented by elitists, spread by idealists, easily infects the undereducated & poor ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #Liberalism - an untreatable disease. You can't reason with anyone so infected. Only treatments are UNFUND, UNELECT ...
RT @kesgardner: @runedart Obama is dipping into our investment capital to fund wealth redistribution schemes. That's why the economy isn ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: #DebtCeiling was enacted to PREVENT Federal Government from becoming overextended. How many times has it been raise ...
RT @DrBob_Southlake: Big Business and #Healthcare - recipe for poor quality. http://tinyurl.com/3cbdkbc Spirit of Healthcare Blog post. ...
RT @keder: You can lead a leftist to facts, but you can't make him think. #tcot #p2
RT @eagletak: Opinion : Where does Alaska’s food come from? - Frontiersman http://t.co/AzQ0DAJ #Alaska
RT @Jihadihunter: The guy who’s broken every campaign pledge he ever made is now calling Donald Trump a “carnival barker.” http://tinyur ...
RT @HiramHawk: Jimmy Carter Denounces America From North Korea http://bit.ly/iACpZE #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #news #p2 Disgraceful
RT @pcmike: HTC ThunderBolt vs. Samsung DROID Charge: Battle Of The Specs – Android Police http://tiny.ly/iXOa
RT @hdcamguide: Posted: The new Mac mini! The Mactini - tini mac mac news! http://ow.ly/1cowLs
RT @rsmccain: #tcot BREAKING: Germany Thwarts Terror Plot http://bit.ly/jiuFyV
RT @kesgardner: More, actually. RT @keder Paul Ryan is like a million times smarter and more reasonable than Barack Obama. #tcot #gop
RT @netwatchdog: FYI: Water Bottle Car Fire Warning http://bit.ly/itqrm2
RT @pcmike: Latest: Zero Point Energy Powering Your Home With Magnetic Power http://ow.ly/1cnpGV
RT @pcmike: Just in: A guide to create the perfect campaign Social Media http://bit.ly/fXzbcl
RT @MacMikeNews: Download my no cost 62-page EBook on How to Protect against ID Theft & protect your PC of porn & spam- http://bit.ly/c6w1H5
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Is Ubuntu 11.04 Beating Apple's Mac OS X in User Experience? http://sns.mx/mFdby6
RT @proctorshow: GOP is helping Democrats at polling places in Philly? http://bit.ly/lHWaEZ #TCOT #Philadelphia #PATCOT #TeaParty #Phill ...
RT @Forums4Justice: Oregon Illegal Worker's day march is Sunday at Capitol - calls for driver's licenses without the need to prove legal ...
RT @divadoll123: Gas prices up & Bush in office: MSM acts like Bush is personally jacking the prices. BHO in office: MSM points fingers ...
RT @GregWHoward: Economist: ‘Inflation Burden’ Worsens as Gas, Food Eat Up More Consumer Spending http://t.co/3sQJmSM #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @PUMABydesign001: Congressman West Launches New Congressional Website http://wp.me/pjGfE-5AJ #tcot #teaparty
RT @DTCahill: After Trump's f-tirade, my prediction is he won't be running. #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Steyn quoted Alan West as saying we can kiss America goodbye if we don't reform Medicare etc. That's my kind of strai ...
RT @OGDoccat How an Unelected_Unconfirmed #Obama Appointee works 2destroy the secret ballot http://tinyurl.com/3do74l2 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @akvet: These were comic books about how to do preventive maintenance on weapons and our tracks ACAVs/M-113
RT @Caper29b: Anything really. Just be cleaning your guns.. RT @iowahawkblog: Meeting the daughter's new boyfriend this evening. Convers ...
@Caper29b @iowahawkblog A gun-cleaning dad ALWAYS managed to tamp down any teenage 'aspirations' I may have had w/ 'Daddy's Lil Girl'
RT @Talkmaster: Obama's birth certificate may be legit. That does not mean he is.
RT @KENJN10: Why is it that anything a liberal has a hand in turns to shit ? The education system comes to mind? What elce? Unions what ...
RT @imsure: Did he find out who stole $500Thousand worth of tech... Obama's visit to Florida shows need to mend fences over NASA http:/ ...
RT @IBDeditorials: A Race-And-Economics Eye-Opener http://bit.ly/mDRoy3
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Palin is questioning whether or not Obama's 2008 campaign received foreign money
Our #2ndHandMessiah walks among DurtySouth's BitterClinging GreatUnwashd TootSweet post Yahweh's sneeze=2012EventHorizon 4 #Obama. #tcot #p2
RT @keder: Hi @NancyPelosi, I'd like to personally thank you for the $5 trillion in debt you've left for our kids and grandkids to pay o ...
RT @keder: Hi @BarackObama, there were 900,000 applicants for 50,000 jobs at McDonald's. Does that sound like 'recovery summer' to you? ...
Again, #FoxNews digitates ur #LuvTunl as it chases down&milks its nxt #EstroCuddle outta the #RoyalWedding's basking aftaglo #tcot #teaparty
RT @keder: Hi @AlanColmes, since you're an honest broker of the truth I thought you'd like to see this: http://bit.ly/llFGUl #tcot #news #p2
RT @greybeard411: RT @Coondawg68: Carbon dioxide can hardly be labeled a pollutant, for it is the basic substrate that allows li… (cont) ...
RT @TechZader: MacBook Pro 2012: Is a Redesign in the Works? http://bit.ly/kBaO4G
RT @WestWingReport: President has declared a major disaster exists in Mississippi from recent storms. The declaration opens the door to ...
RT @BrianINC: Gov Unions only cause inflation, add a direct cost to what ever they represent, & completely degrade work ethics BUST THEM ...
RT @creepingsharia: CAIR shakes down Examiner.com, terrorizes writer from covering Islam http://dlvr.it/Q6Hhb #sharia #jihad #tcot #a4a #912
RT @ericbolling: Obama spent less time assessing the Alabama disaster than one of his beloved rounds of golf
RT @TweetSmarter: #Bizarre Twitter Gets Sued For Sending A Confirmation by SMS: http://tcrn.ch/iQJMco
RT @terrana01: RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO Refreshing! Paul Ryan gets Standing Ovation after presenting his federal budget pla… (cont) htt ...
RT @hotairblog: Video: Romney’s message to NRA gets lukewarm reception: Aw.
Via Freedom’s Lighthouse and Politico, a little week... http ...
RT @TechZader: Print Advertisements By Young & Rubicam Ad Agency http://bit.ly/itmjga
RT @CFHeather: RT @wyattbearp: Obama Casts Eva Longoria As Immigration Adviser http://bit.ly/mRBTUw #CauseHesInTroubleWithLatinos
#Palin's "H3llz No" Trumped the Donald's F-Bomb ~ #tcot #teaparty @sarahpalinusa #trump
RT @karenegantx: I Can’t Help But Notice The Lack Of Protesters Camping Out In The Massachusetts State House. Mass gets a pass http://b ...
RT @allahpundit: True RT @greggutfeld: The new menu always in kitchen nightmares: fresh ingredients, local produce, simple recipes. And ...
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