Saturday, February 26, 2011

From Twitter 02-26-2011

RT @Jimi971: This week I've seen some of the most vile & cutting comments & posts on line from libs,that happen to be well below the lev ...
RT @kesgardner: Don't miss the update! The RNC Unloads Both Barrels (oops, violent rhetoric)! | @theRightSphere (vi ...
RT @ConservativeZod: You bigoted limousine liberals make me sick. Other than that guy pan-handling on your exit ramp, have you ever MET ...
RT @Conservativeind: RT @AmatoTalk: ANNOUNCING: Armed Forces Family Aid Concert! via #constantcontact #twisters #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: 24 Hours of Hate… Leftists Knock Down GOP Official, Threaten “A$$hole” Blogger, Raid GOP Offices, Hold Anti-Christie... ...
RT @Celtic_Norse: @dlueking even the Republicans are too left for comfort. However, it was most enjoyable being a thorn in their sides ...
RT @Lori24703: More coverage on Charlie Sheen than the 4 murdered American sailors at the hands of Somali pirates. Disgusting media. #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: While Obama Is Slashing the Pentagon Budget, Russian Military Plans to Purchase 600 Planes, 100 Ships, 1... http://bit. ...
RT @abc15phx: Arpaio inspires at #TeaParty convention #tcot
RT @Infidel007 @lilleth71 MUST HEAR THIS >>> Levin reads insider email from retired #union cop #tlot #tcot #teaparty
RT @RyanMauro: Why North Koreans Are Starving and South Korea is Training More Snipers: The Chosun Ilbo has presented two... http://tiny ...
RT @free_US_Citizen: Does ANY California politician have the guts to follow Ohio's Senate Bill 5 in dealing with the unions? http://isla ...
RT @PecosRoyBean: RT @DCGere: Watching Air Force Ford is more convincing as a prez than O is #justsayin #tcot | @BarackObama ...
fyi . . . your #business model could easily be f*cked if it heavily depends on #google. #tech
RT @Newswatcher89: 3 relatives of slain Mexican activist found dead #tcot #p2 #news #mexico
RT @pdigaudio: Thugs And Lefties Desecrate Veterans Memorial #tcot #mil #p2 #teaparty #sot
RT @timeboat @drudge_report #LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Wants a 6-Foot Wall Built Around Mansion LMAO! #tcot #p2 #ca
RT @912Cyounger: The Global Union Movement Union Goons so stupid they can't build a business, group together 2 tell a ...
RT @jilevin_feeds: twe WSJ: North Dakota Strains to Fill Jobs #economy #business
RT @kesgardner: John Bolton on evacuating Americans from Libya: "These people make the keystone cops look organized." He rocks. #tcot #gop
RT @12C4: Does Syfy Really Love Sci-Fi?
RT @fredthompson: Schoolkids rejecting healthy lunches b/c of lousy taste. I'd call it a perfect metaphor for failed govt programs, but ...
RT @Libertyworld: Unions so enraged by but a token of our pain speaks a wee bit ill of gotten gains now does it not? #tcot #hhrs #teapa ...
RT @WatchCenter: LaborUnionReport: trust-busting - no #union trusts to bilk taxpayer $$ - follow the $$ #news #tcot #p2
RT @RockyII: China's Web Police Block LinkedIn, U.S. Ambassador's Name @davidgregory @Heritage @foxnews #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Conservativeind: @CFHeather 'Bank partnerships with trade unions are now fully established' The horror, the horror #tcot
RT @legacycoach: RT @rwbeagle: RT @Turbothink: Vast Oil Reserves Go Unexploited in Alaska: via @addthis WE NEED TO ...
RT @flicka47: @brooksbayne Here,a Bacon! Beer just4 you!! comes w/ a side of Bacon! if u didn't get enough!..snick ...
RT @CFHeather: @conservativeind That QDDR is huge, I have the exec summary ...
RT @SamValley: DEVO - Whip It (From Friday's 1980) ♫
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Parents (54%) view unionized teachers as bad for the country. #tcot #un ...
RT @rockingjude: RT @OneVeritas: Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power…”HUGE” as a mentor w..
RT @AriFleischer: If Andrew Breitbart pranked Gov Cuomo, most press would fault B's tactics. When Gov Walker gets pranked, reporters se ...
RT @dirtundermanail: #FBI: Muslim Brotherhood Deeply Rooted Inside U.S. #tcot #teaparty #news #mil
RT @zorekr: A man hung himself in a modern art gallery.
It was three weeks before anyone noticed. #callitart
RT @DefendGlenn: The 5 Dangerous Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Working to Destroy America from Within #tcot #ocra ...
RT @stix1972: LOL Grooveshark does nnot want to tweet this one Ace of Spades
RT @TheTonyLee: Again read something abt Palin not rounding up insiders. Again amazed ppl don't understand Palin is like Google before i ...
RT @RealClearScott: If Palin runs, she wont focus on bringing in top donors & experienced operatives. That she's not doing that isn't a ...
RT @RealClearScott: Palin is allergic to party machinery & big name outsiders she doesn't trust. Savvy or not, she will never do things ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RedState: The Left’s “Tea Party Moment”? <--No... the left's "Let them eat cake" moment ...
RT @GuitarHero1965: Hey, hey, outta their way, CWA renting protesters for pay in NJ
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Sec. Hillary Clinton Admits Funding Opposition Labor Unions in Egypt #p2 #tcot #sgp #twisters #teap ...
RT @PMgeezer #Union Dues R the "Achilles Heel" of the #DemocRAT Party_Stop the Union Dues & Dems R "Dead in the Water" #teaparty #ocra #tcot
RT @Cubachi: Nikki Haley supports Walker: "These governors get it. Washington has totally lost the message":
RT @greggutfeld: Gigli is on Starz. That's like saying "I got poop on my poop."
RT @WooHooYoo: LuvitRT @Cubachi: Allen West on a potential 2012 VP slot: "I don't know, but I'm always willing to serve my country": htt ...
I can smell curry wafting from #Palin's kitchen. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ijonmark: @tahDeetz Curried salmon? I'd be skeered ;) i was thinkin 'curried democrat'
RT @CaptDreadlocke: Mubarik, who tolerated Israel, was asked to step down instantly by O. Gaddafi, who's shooting everybody, remains una ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick : ) but it w ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick ~I was there 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~scratch that 4 me_it was the 2nd one I went 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~seeing yall made me go 2 the next
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~that 1st teaparty got very little press
@LessaT @Jimi971 @stlteaparty I went 2 that one. I thought u were talking about the 1 before that 1.
RT @brooksbayne: die unions! RT @BenFroland: RT @brookedunne: Government Unions Have Not Benefited the Public #tcot # ...
RT @skunkwkrz: How come the government isn't breaking up google?Wait they r government. Google targets "content farms" search tune-up ht ...
@LessaT nighty noche' ...
RT @Freedomwarrior: #WIunion #inunion #UNION #Unionssuck #teaparty #twisters #sgp RT @Mermaz: An Open Letter to Union Protesters http:// ...
#MoveOn Wants 2 Rule the World Yet R 2 Dumb 2 Reserve Protest Space via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
RT @southsalem: MT @DavidLimbaugh: U can scoff at Sarah all U wnt but she reliably takes rt position...boldly &before waiving her finger ...
RT @lakesunrise: @RockyII Multiculturism is a failure. US melting pot is not. Assimilated, acculturated groups add enhanced flavor/nouri ...
RT @SarahDMZ: WARNING! WARNING! Do not -- repeat -- DO NOT store your baby in a Rubbermaid bin.
RT @Unsub50: Hell yes but reverse the rolls! RT @The_Q_is: RT @vetsforwest: Is it time already for Allen to move on up? htt… (cont) http ...
#AllenWest on #foxnews now #tcot #teaparty
Dayum . . . I wish @AllenWest wuz muh President. #tcot #teaparty #fl22
RT @rebelyid: there is no #Keynesian tooth fairy #tcot #teaparty #news #p2
RT @Teenytinyb: #union rally leaves critically ill abandoned get use 2 it #tcot #sgp #teaparty #twisters #wethepeo ...
RT @ResistTyranny: @KLSouth The teacher dismissal-for-cause rates you cite seem lower than the general US workforce. Like about 100x lower.
RT @United_TShirts: Big Journalism News: AP: Montana Governor Says Tea Party Legislators 'Ornery Critters' in Need of 'Branding' http:// ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Despite the Obama Union campaign rallies, Wisconsin House members do their job and pass union measure ...
RT @fwbla Labor #Unions Are Tools of Leftists & Their Radical Brethern, #Marxists #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @welshman007: Complete News Run-Down of Moveon's Protests Today: #gop #scgov #tweetcongress #p2 #ampats #DEMS #t ...
RT @KLSouth: Year after yr, 99% of all teachers R rated "satisfactory" by their school systems; firing teachers invite costly court batt ...
RT @Starbuck_WOI: Attention, UN: Do you realize how stupid you look for inducting Libya to the Human Rights Council last year? http://fb ...
RT @baysidebetty: RT @JimELiv: Go get'm A West! Allen West: Civil Rights Icon John Lewis is a hypocrite < Sic ...
RT @commonpatriot via @instapundit #TEAPARTY SCRUTINY_Each member of Congress 2 get dedicated blogger #tcot effin cool
#SpookyDude is somewhere smiling as he strokes his hairless cat. #libya #lybia #labia #tcot #teaparty #soros
RT @Ceeb2: Glenn Beck exposing Muslim Brotherhood, communists, fascists,
anarchists and all other manner of nefarious influences. #tcot ...
RT @yintercept #TeaParty hopes 2 use #StateCompacts 2 overturn #ObamaCare #tcot #ocra #sgp #tlot
RT @tjholthaus @TeaPartyExpNews #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp Does #FEMA know something you & I dont know? #news #ocra
RT @TechZader: Gorgeous Green House Wrapped in a Vertical Garden

Tweets copied by

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From Twitter 02-22-2011

RT @BoxAndSend CAIR Confronts Allen West & Get's his A$$ handed 2 him So Saith Royal ~ just dayum #tcot #mil #p2
RT @commonpatriot via ExDirector: #PlannedParenthood Has History of OK-ing Sex Trafficking #tcot #news #p2
RT @SissyWillis @memeorandumFH 2/3 of #Wisconsin #GovtSchool 8th Graders Cant Read Proficiently #tcot #news #p2 #unions
RT @SooperMexican: *** WIsconsin Unions unveil their LOGO redesign!! ==> #tcot #p2 #WIsolidarity #WIunion #teaparty
RT @ConservativeLA Well-fed folk w/iPhones & phat pension plans compare their plight 2 Auschwitz_The Left has no shame_Zero #hhrs #tcot #p2
RT @skigarmisch: RT @bighollywood: Leaked Email: Screen Actors Guild Asks Members to Join Anti-Walker Protests in Wisconsin: Be… (cont) ...
#Oil spikes 9% in 1 day ~ The Wages of Hope -n- Change #tcot #inflation #p2 #news #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @GaltsGirl: RT @5sahandful: Start submitting patriots! RT @eponline: EPA Seeks Public Comment on U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inven… (cont) ht ...
#Progressives (& some GOPrs) have no clue about the negative affects of a fungible commodity like corn_being used 2 make #ethanol. #tcot #p2
RT @NathanBallentin: Palmetto Flag Upside down on Calhoun bldg??? #sctweets #sc
RT @TheaGood: Soros who helped Nazis confiscate property from Hungarian Jews funds
"JEWISH FUNDS FOR JUSTICE" but how Jewish can it real ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RedState Help Locate #Wisconsin’s Missing #Democrat Lawmakers! #tcot #news #p2 #dnc #teaparty
RT @MarkRMatthews #TCOT Bruce Bialosky: The Feds’ Destruction of Our Home Values #news #realestate #teaparty #p2 #dnc
RT @redostoneage: Howard Dean & the $100,000 #Wisconsin Slush fund #wi #wiunion #wtmj #cnn #tcot #tlot #twisters #s ...
I don't think Qadaffi stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last night. #libya #tcot
RT @bobbycrumpley: Are we sure that the Wisconsin & Indiana dems aren't just taking a trip to #Chicago to vote for Rahm? #tcot
RT @loudobbsnews: The left trying to deny that key domestic policy issue is debt and main conflict is whether public sector unions will ...
RT @glenasbury: Outrageous cowardice. RT @chefbrink: RT @peteseat: BREAKING: Indiana House Democrats have left the state ...
RT @GregWHoward: Still think elections will solve our problems when Dems simply walk out of legislature to stop votes? #tcot #p2 #ocra # ...
RT @KLSouth: In hindsight, I bet the unions are kicking themselves in the pants for putting health care reform ahead of car… (cont) http ...
RT @leexixis #Democrats: "We're the champions of democracy. Unless of course we're in the minority. Then it's not fair." #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @conservatwits: you confuse public works with socialism. jeez what college did you go to? RT @joewo You enjoy roads...bridges...all S ...
RT @317fletch: Dems cont to show the world thier intolerant sore losers. Any1 doubt Dems would luv nothing more than a dictatorship? #I ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @DangerRoom New Stealth Bomber Could Control Drones, Fire Lasers, Bust Bunkers | #tcot
RT @CFACT: Geologist Leighton Steward on #EPA: "That anyone would say #CO2 is a pollutant is incredible" #climate # ...
RT @jtLOL: Oops: White House, #DNC disavows involvement w/ #WIunion protests but #Twitter busts 'em lying #tcot #p2
@BrnEyeSuss Bush aint POTUS. #p2 #tcot nevertheless, W wasn't stupid enough to get a handshake pic w/ Qaddafi
RT @Gogoette: RPT: woman lost job when couldn't rept to work because of no school & childcare issue TKS #fleebagger #wiunion It's ALL ab ...
RT @BrandonKiser: RT @Chris_Moody Man fined after reciting the Gettysburg Address on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial without a permit ...
Since the #democrat government shutdown is going so well in #Wisconsin & #Indiana, I say lets take it national #tcot #teaparty #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @GregWHoward: When Obama took office, Brent Crude was $43.48 a barrel. Oops, it's $106.43 today. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #teaparty
RT @freedomfightusa: @GregWHoward the DOW is simply a composite of the winning stocks.When they become duds, they get replaced or removed...
RT @adamsbaldwin: RT @jjauthor "The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."-Ab ...
RT @griffinrc: #tcot Badger Bites: WI GOP State Senators Withhold Dem Fleebagger Paychecks
Qadhafi is showin' more sack than the #Wisconsin & #Indiana #democrats. #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dnc #wigop #ingop #wiunion
RT @jeraa2t: RT @KatyinIndy: Poll Shows Wisconsin & Indiana Union Protests Could Spell Trouble 4 Democrats #tcot ...
I just want 2 thank the #GovtUnion #Democrats 4 respecting my wishes & keeping up w/their protests. Your efforts R appreciated :-) #tcot #p2
I just want 2 thank the #GovtUnion #Democrats 4 respecting my wishes & keeping up w/their protests. Your efforts R appreciated :-) #p2 #tcot
RT @fredthompson: Left compares Obama to Reagan. Can you imagine him in 1987? "Mr. Gorbachev, please negotiate structural modifications ...
RT @jjburdett: 33% of the National Debt has been incurred since O took office.
RT @fredthompson: U of WI still "gathering info" on docs giving fake sick notes to protesters. Guys, if you can't find YouTube, ask any ...
RT @southernmax: TSA Scanners Repeatedly Fail To Detect Handguns In Testing: #tcot #tlot #libertarian
RT @GregWHoward: They call this crap "Hope and Change"? What hope? And the change really effing sucks! #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm ...
RT @GregWHoward: UCLA did a study showing FDR extended the depression by 7 years. Compare to current govt actions ...
RT @exposeliberals: Wisconsin Teachers fake sick-out costs tax payers at least $6 million! #tcot #ocra #tlot #sgp #hhrs
RT @MPHUnlimited: It’s unbelievable that the US stood by & let pirates execute 4 Americans. They know our leader doesn’t have the balls ...
RT @Pqlyur1 DEA Agents R disarmed when moving about in Mexico. Can U believe that? Those agents shot up there were likely unarmed! EFF THAT!
RT @Pqlyur1 #DEA Agents R disarmed when moving about in #Mexico. Can U believe that? Those agents shot up there were likely unarmed! #tcot
RT @djsmuzz: RT @CrustyB: #GOP straw poll projects that Ron Paul will be elected Mayor of Chicago tonight. #tcot #cpac
Sauron lives on ~ Rahm Emanuel Elected Mayor of #Chicago. . . . #tcot #p2
RT @GreatDebateUSA: I thought I saw Bigfoot in the woods today but it was just the illusive Wisconsin Democrat. #tcot #teaparty #wiunio ...
RT @annoytheleft: RT @BarackObama: Small businesses help drive growth and create jobs. When small businesses do well, then America does ...
The 'Dog Ate My Homework' Excuse Gains Relative Moral Traction: #tcot #teaparty

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Monday, February 21, 2011

From Twitter 02-21-2011

RT @shopgirl49: @GregWHoward: Until the machinery of the left: unions, press, etc is CRUSHED, America cannot be made whole #tc… (cont) h ...
MT @TheFumingLib @SissyWillis @ByronYork Argumentum ad populum_Also, look up "Republic" & get back 2 me. FYI~ur hero FDR opposed govt unions
RT @TheFumingLib @SissyWillis @ByronYork "Win" Wisconsin elections in the future & ur representatives can changes it back, as per a republic
RT @AppleMacPlaza: New MacBook Pros Launch This Week, May Add Light Peak Connectivity
RT @9to5mac: iPad 2 incoming: iPad sold out/on sale at some European retailers #appleinc #iosdevices
RT @dershy: International Anarchists, Socialists & Marxists (Not Average Union Workers) Taking Over Wisconsin protest ...
RT @GenNerd: It will be interesting to see how Democrats can oppose a government shutdown in DC after supporting one in Wisconsin #wiuni ...
@TheFumingLib naw . . . yer just fullo-shiite.
@TheFumingLib it's called a verbal cadence. ya kinda pick that stuff up when yer book lernin' is in linguistics.
@TheFumingLib You talk so much, but. . . say. . . . . . so. . . . . . . . . .very . . . . . . . . . . . .little @sissywillis @tahDeetz #P2
The word "Cut" is the new Pavlov-yelp of the #democrats. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Bunstermania @GregWHoward The left refuses 2 believe that extreme left wing policies are unpopular #tcot #p2 #px #p2b #p21 #topprog #ofa
RT @MattCover: BB, Albert, and Stevie "The Sky is Cryin" #tcot #p2 #blues
@mattcover you might dig the band #Clutch if ya aint never heard of 'em.
RT @andilinks: @ookiee @GregWHoward The left is flailing and it will only get worse. #ofa #dsa #dfl #dnc #p2 #p21 #p2b #tcot #px
RT @iowahawkblog: #WI govt protesters: Overwhelmingly White® #tcot #p2
@SECupp likes jerky. Now I know I'm in love.....
RT @marychastain: Disgusting. RT @Cubachi: Obama defends Planned Parenthood, calls sting "manufactured" #news #tcot
Death to all Government #Unions!! #tcot #p2 #newtone #teaparty #seiu #afscme #ofa #dnc
RT @Bibireport: WND/WENZEL Poll: 75% Americans believe #Israel is the top target of Islamic radicals
RT @ewerickson: “@BrentTeichman: Missouri could be the next state to adopt "Right-to-Work" law: #tcot #sgp #MO” I hope!
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Libya cuts off all telecommunications ahead of planned heavy security crackdown #alarabiya #egypt #cairo #jan25 #FRE ...
RT @sweetnesslight: Obama's OFA Is Sending Buses To Ohio
RT @Bibireport: 62% agree Israel is the only true pro-Western ally of the United States in the region (#GOP-70%,Ind.-68%,Dems only 50%) ...
RT @prismsinc: Weekly Standard: How Public Unions Kill Progressive Politics #tcot #ocra #ampat #news #p2
RT @diggrbiii #WIGOP State Senators are getting wobbly because the Lefty propagandists are winning the messaging war on the ground #wi #tcot
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @DLoesch: How quickly they forget Giffords: #newtone #az #tcot #p2
@Rhetorican: @tahDeetz @marychastain @Cubachi . . . the sharpest butter-knife in the drawer.
RT @TellTheTruth1: @DarrellIssa WOOF! Admin Creates Fake Ppl on SocialNetwrks 2 Promo Propg'da w/our $ #tcot #phnm #IMGB
RT @michellemalkin: RT @adamhousley Our Exclusive Report
RT @DanStlMo: RT @brookedunne: Rasmussen poll shows Walker winning standoff with unions, Dems #tcot #FleeBaggers
RT @GayPatriot: FORD car wins #Daytona500. Suck it, Government Motors!!
RT @RedState: Barack Obama’s Stand With Unions in Wisconsin is Hurting Him #TCOT #RS
RT @JennyErikson: RT @anthropocon: Shorter #wiunion guy on FoxNews: the right to collectively bargain is sacred but the right to choose ...
RT @libertyladyusa @newser Attacks in #Mexico resort of #Acapulco kill 12 taxi drivers, passengers b4 #tennis t.. #tcot
RT @RockinScottie @exposeliberals Disgusting! Iraq war #vet heckled/jeered by Lib loons at #Columbia #tcot #mil #p2
#HPV leading cause of throat #cancer ~ Boy's hard-ons hardest hit. Film at 11. #rush #lewinsky #BillClinton #tcot #p2
RT @DanRiehl: RT @memeorandumFH: Blogs Wane as the Young Drift 2 Sites lk twttr (Verne G. Kopytoff / NY Times) http: ...
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Rumors that the planes bombing #Libya right now are from Italy, not from the #Libyan airforce #Feb17 wtf?!? #tcot
RT @AppleInvestor: New Apple subscription service making software-as-service unfeasible on iPhone, iPad?
Check out muh new cool avatar of Obama & Col. Qaddafi. #tcot #p2 #feb17 #libya
RT @exposeliberals: Video: Wisconsin union thug wants to vote for Fidel Castro and clone Che #tcot #tlot #sgp #Hhrs
RT @BrianINC: Wisconsin is the poster child for why UNIONS should be completely removed from Government They are holding the State host ...
RT @TestifEye: RT@tekhelet Earthquake Shakes Up Suez Canal as Iran Warships Approach
RT @TestifEye: On the run: Gaddafi flees Tripoli as protesters set the Libyan parliament building alight
RT @tjholthaus: RT @KOSMOSNET: News Busters CBS Declares Wisconsin Union Protests 'Tea Party Movement for the Left' ...
RT @foxnation: Angry Mob Attacks Fox Crew (WATCH)
RT @Foxmuldar: I liked reading 'Program to bring hundreds of Muslim youth to Seattle'
RT @peakwriter: - Undercover TSA agent gets through new airport scanners...carrying a HANDGUN .
RT @roaring_repub: Presidents day is a moment to reflect on how lucky we are @AlGore never became one #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @betseyross: #TeaParty backer brings #conservative message to black voters #tcot #ocra @gretawire @seanhannity ...
RT @CSPANJNKY: Colonels defected in #Libya when asked to bombard citizens. @cspanwj YES!!! #tcot #p2 #mil #news
RT @igoogledisrael: RT @RobertCastley: Beautiful sunset in #TelAviv #Israel #tcot #idf #jcot
RT @LadyFyreAZ: SUPPORT Gov. Scott Walker! Email him: #WIGov #isupportgovwalker #tcot #tpp #tpn #sgp #teaparty ...
RT @peakwriter State orders #Detroit to close half its #schools. Thanks, #progressives!! via @cbsnews #tcot #mi #p2
RT @junmoore: RT @emmeffemm: Recall that O Admin officially labeled peaceful #TeaParty protesters "low-level terrorists." #DHS #Wisconsi ...
RT @ConservativeGal: WOW, has anyone else just sat back & remembered how calm the entire world was b4 obama was made POTUS? #tcot #p2
RT @Palinspired: on 2/24 obama's SEIU is planning a "day of thugs" in Canton, OH, I'm looking for details so we can have #teaparty. Any ...
RT @ThorntonB1: US Gov. Software Creates ’Fake People’ on Social Networks to Promote Propaganda #news #tech #tcot #p2
RT @Doc_0: If Qaddafi ends up in Venezuela, I wonder if Uncle Hugo will give him the same book he gave Obama as a welcome gift. #tcot #p2
RT @ZionistWolf: RT @LMAOtwitpic: Boys will be Boys.... ~ I "resembled" that remark.
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Breaking Al Jazeera: (Hysterical) Eyewitness: This is an ethnic cleansing that will be taught in schools in the fut ...
RT @ChicagoRay44: So how are these union teachers actually DOING on the job? lol....The Bottom of the Teachers’ Union Barrel? « Hot Air ...
RT @ColorMeRed 53 killed in 72hour period in #Juarez NO this is not the MiddleEast! #tcot #mexico #news #p2 cc @mikepfs
RT @RNC: Gallup: Number of blue states cut in half since 2008 as Americans continue to reject Dems tax-borrow-spend agenda ...
MT @SteveBayrd @GovWalker #WI lawyer says affix collective bargaining 2 non-spend bill & pass it. #GOP dont need no stinkin quorum #tcot #p2
RT @sNapPpeRHeaD: Another publicity #fail for the #wiUnion Teachers as openly Communist & Socialist groups have Rave Party insid… (cont) ...
RT @cbsatl: Woman Says Her Tax Return Was Stolen: A Hall County woman says she didn't receive her tax return because somebod... http://b ...
RT @CommMarine: @HeyTammyBruce Just research the rhetoric from his religious adviser Rev. Wright. He certainly was not a supporter of ...
RT @imsure: #AmericanThinker: The Real Revolution Has Begun #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @welshman007 Of Extreme Urgency-Islamist Sleeper Cells in US Secretly Lying in Wait #tcot #tlot #sgp #mil #dia #news
@Moises_Benaim: @tahDeetz @colormered @mikepfs I pilfered my avatar from @pamelageller at
RT @Drudge_Report: Pilots, boaters adjust to shift in magnetic north... #news #mil #tcot #preppers
RT @DLoesch: #DNC / #OFA bragged about their involvement in #wiunion protests, now trying to back away #tcot #teaparty
RT @angelfleming #tcot #teaparty #tpp Oil prices surge; Brent crude hits 2 1/2-year high #news #economy #moratorium
RT @igeldard: Report: #Libya air force bombs protesters heading for army base #news #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Super Excellent Point!! RT @DLoesch: After Wisconsin, How Do Democrats Argue Against a GOP Government Shutdown? http ...
RT @ambrosinShitrit: RT @IDFSpokesperson: Photo of the Day: Actor Hugh Jackman visits Israeli Air Force base- #U ...
RT @PAC43: Disgusted #AllenWest to #Dems: Grow Up! #tcot #news #fl22 #p2 #dnc #teaparty #gop
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @JulieBorowski: We need more boring presidents like Calvin Coolidge. Less proactive ones. #happypresidentsday #tcot
RT @exposelibtards: More #biofuels, More greenhouse gases #tcot #tlot #agw #news
RT @Val: *NEW TONE CIVILITY* RT@BigJournalism: Union Protestors Carry Signs Threatening Tea Party Rape #TeaParty ...
RT @bdomenech: Huh. RT @bccohan: Things I did not know: Mitch Daniels was Sen Lugar's campaign manager 3 different times. #tcot #teaparty
RT @jeffemanuel: Reports also emerging that "Gadhafi has given execution orders to soldiers who've refused to fire on Libyan protesters" ...
RT @MuslimAlert: Sign that Qaddafi has indeed left Libya: Two Libyan fighter jets land in Malta.

The Maltese foreign min... http://bit. ...
RT @JonahNRO: Qaddafi sons quit dictator business form global talent management group "Prestige Worldwide."
RT @dominiofeminino: Hezbollah atua em parceria com cartéis mexicanos
RT @jennisahottie: Wisconsin reps can eliminate collective bargaining without any dems. This is the first of many must wins. #tcot #p2 h ...
RT @BrentTeichman: RT @brodigan: RT @diggrbiii: Why do Lefty protests always devlove into bad rock concerts? <--Trying to recapture t ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: ROFL! RT @jpodhoretz BREAKING: #Wisconsin Democrat legislators fly to Malta #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Bam is not only choreographing civil unrest in Wisconsin improperly wielding fed power in state matter but doing so s ...
RT @Conservativeind: RT @GaltsGirl: @Conservativeind stirrin the pot,. huh babydoll? ;) Good for you! || LOL.. unions OFA & DNC are gett ...
RT @iowahawkblog: #MadisonMovies Plan 9 From Union Space
RT @jeffemanuel: While Dems are gone, #WI GOP senators should just start passing everything non-fiscal they want
RT @GregWHoward: Hitler Didn't Outlaw Unions - As a National Socialist, He Went Double-Down On Them | h/t @brooksbay ...
RT @JedediahBila: If #Palin steps on stage for the 2012 presidential debates, she will certainly make her mark. #tcot
RT @politicalwind: Gov. Heinemen: Sarah Palin 'absolutely' qualified to be President #sarahpalinusa #teaparty
RT @DailyCaller: Wisconsin Senate can eliminate collective bargaining for teachers — even without Democrats who fled -

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

From Twitter 02-20-2011

RT @TropicsZ4: Soft Cell – Tainted Love ♫
Beer + Pizza = Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
@derised1 ahhhh, Hi-Life & a Jack-back . . . muh NOLA cocktail....
cough, cough . . . . DOWN WITH THE RICH!!! . . . . cough, cough #tcot #p2 #madison #wisconsin #teaparty #wigop
Progz ~ N ~ insipid insults . . . just like peas -n- carrots #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @PolarCoug The #Democrats have effectively turned #Wisconsin into a Redstate in just 2 years! Wow. #tcot #p2 #madison #wigop #dnc #ofa
RT @veritas_vincet: Ask all potential 2012 GOP candidates: Will you be appointing John Bolton as Secretary of State if you become presid ...
RT @newsbusters: Ed Schultz Exposed for Exaggerating How Much Wisconsin Governor's Plan Costs Employees
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Archie Bunker on #Democrats (HT @juryrigged) #teaparty #tbrs #tcot #p2
RT @brooksbayne: U.S. Gov‘t Software Creates ’Fake People’ to Spread Message via Social Networking newsflash... it's ...
RT @GreenPus: @TheFlaCracker Pretty much everything Obama says is shovel ready #teaparty #libiots #7 #gop #SR
RT @MelissaTweets: RT @WestWingReport: Libya is neither poor (GNP $12K per capita) nor lacks for ed: literacy rate is 88%. But young (me ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Libya unrest spreads despite violent crackdown #tcot #p2 #news
RT @aka_kristin: When all else fails...I bake stuff.
I differ w/ #Obama, the actual most beautiful sound on Earth is #prog wailing/gnashing of teeth_eventho it sounds just like CatSex #tcot #p2
RT @KurtSchlichter: Fat chance. RT @jimmiebjr How about we make a deal with the #wiunions? They get the grad rate above 85% and they can ...
RT @hbcampbell: The Anatomy of a Hostile Government Takeover - James C. Capretta - National Review Online: via @add ...
RT @TimGamble: #WIunion protestors making such huge fools of themselves that even WI Dem party is embarrassed by them
RT @Kriskxx: RT @DesertScene: @PsychoSix THIS has me pissed!~~ Wounded Iraq vet jeered at Columbia Univ #tcot ...
RT @CSteven: The BEST sign from #Madison #TeaParty rally #tcot #ocra #sgp #wi #twisters #phnm #cspj #hhrs #bec ...
RT @SpeakerBoehner: Is ginning up protests against reform-minded governors what POTUS means by an “adult conversation?”
RT @CSteven: IMAGINE seeing signs like these at a #TeaParty #Madison #ampats #tcot #ocra #sgp #twisters #cspj #hhrs ...
@derised1 u said ~Meeoowch ... ;-)
RT @cprater SEIU has solidarity rallies planned all over the US this week_Check link 4 thug-a-thon near U #tlot #tcot
RT @RadioPatriot: Rockford Tea Party rocks!:

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

From Twitter 02-19-2011

@keder the scuba I hear is great, just dont leave any unattended gear in an open jeep. Thank Mahrteeen 4 that 1;-) @elevenisacharm @Amuk3
RT @jamiedupree: If you total up all of the amendments approved this week that cut money from the budget, how much would that be? #tcot
RT @FloridaJayhawk: Sarah Palin is not tainted by the corruption of Wall Street or being a insider in DC for years. The kinda of Real Am ...
RT @jeffstannard: Is the New Smashing Pumpkins Bassist on the Cover Of 'Siamese Dream'?
RT @jamiedupree: By my count, the House has cut $622.2 million this week - that's about $155.6 million/day #tcot
RT @arlenearmy: @ArmorCavSpin but i keep hearing folks say Palin not gonna run. I sure wish she would tell us something. ... strategery
RT @Offred1: Dangerous times...if democracy is not implemented across Arab world, Iran's influence will just be further extended. Lovely ...
RT @Sky_Bluez: Jeb Bush better not be our nominee for POTUS. This is not Royalty here people. Enough Bush's have been President #tcot
. . . in the immortal words of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, "STAY OUT'DA BUSHES!!!" #tcot #foxnews #teaparty @oreillyfactor #gop
RT @Sky_Bluez @DLoesch Excellent piece. "Entitlement Derangement Syndrome" #tcot #news #teaparty #sgp #unions #ofa #p2
RT @angrymom80: Hey, WIunion - DO YOU WANT SOME WHINE TO GO WITH THAT CHEESE?? #p2 #tcot #WIunion
RT @Cubachi: @TwitToNande @nickmarschel I don't know if you guys heard this, but Dennis Miller, Dana Carvey and Frank Caliendo http://bi ...
RT @ShannonPoe: @CatsPolitics twitter is apparently filtering stuff? It's weird, I noticed this last week where @bostonrandy was concern ...
MT @ShannonPoe @CatsPolitics twitter is apparently filtering stuff? Its weird, I noticed this last week where @bostonrandy _wouldnt doubt it
RT @Amuk3: It's so cute seeing lefties whose #WI supporters are being bused in by OfA accuse #teaparty counter-protestors of being orche ...
RT @CongressMustGo: If conservatives peacefully protest, they are called shrill, violent, & Nazis. Meanwhile, lib thugs get a free pass. ...
RT @adamsbaldwin Are not #WI teachers now guilty of child neglect/abuse?~ #EducationalMalpractice #DerelictionOfDuty #ItsOnlyAbuseW/SchoolIn
RT @exposeliberals: RT @scrowder: Sure, you have the right to unionize! Just don't be surprised if you're fired. See how that works? #wi ...
RT @MacHern: The #TeaParty phenomenon has given politicians the courage to go after #Unions! Lets keep up the pressure! #tcot #wi #wiunions
RT @Robert23Hersey @gregwhoward US Govt Software Creates~Fake People~2 Spread Message via #SocialNetworking #tcot #news
RT @JedediahBila: Yes,heard nonsense re: Bailey book.Laughable.Co-written by Palin-hater Devon & him- Leaked by (A ...
I don't want my search engine fomenting revolt. @GlennBeck #GlennBeck #tech #tcot #teaparty #google
RT @Cubachi: RT @ChiBarb: RT @nickmarschel: The #unions in #WI are going to successfully redefine the meaning of 'Jump The Shark' #tcot #p2
@conniebrimmer they're preoccupied w/ being the internet's swiss army knife, . . . as well as main-lining the Borg.
RT @greggutfeld: #redeye fans: u may show up on redeye tonight! Or not. I don't know where I am.
RT @Renee4Congress: Video: Renee speaks on the House floor about America's debt crisis #consnc #nc2 #tcot #news #nc
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Some idealists are more equal than others. Will MSM play fair tomorrow in its coverage of lawfully congregating pol ...
RT @divadoll123: Dear Wisconsin: How about you pay homeschooling parents what you pay your unionized teachers? Sounds fair to me. Same b ...
RT @BlissnHarmony: @tahDeetz @Sky_Bluez @DLoesch w/the general sad state of the #GovtEd product_they're overcompensated #Wisconsin #WI #tcot
RT @hch242: Instapundit » Blog Archive » FRANK LUNTZ: Wisconsin Union Action Is Backfiring. Really? A bunch of tax-paid people: http://b ...
RT @politicsofamy: RT @wickedpoptart: RT @jmattbarber: Wanted: Teachers in WI to replace over paid, under qualified,thankless walkouts. ...
RT @Michael_Friesen @EricCantor Very disappointed in you not supporting the $22 billion of additional budget cuts today_yup__very #tcot #tpp
RT @TheLookingSpoon: Liberals Shouldn't Have Power Until They Can Conquer Analogies #tcot #teaparty #humor #rant #p2
RT @LibertyLynx: Hillary Clinton calls for diplomatic surge in Afghanistan Yep. A "diplomatic" surge is so likely t ...
RT @bettered: RT @rimshot1000: @Rebeccahagelin " Liberal ideals always best realized by conservative policies." // Amen, Sister. #tc ...
RT @IdaFlo: VIDEO of AUDIO Rush Limbaugh Confronts Obama today | #Limbaugh #Wisconsin #tcot #gop
RT @HDForums: Dont take life for granted fellas: Hey brothers, Im posting this because I shouldnt be here tonight. I flipped a... http:/ ...
RT @mistygirlph: A #Zombie Wedding: Blood Never Looked So Romantic! -
RT @commonpatriot: via @DarkPolitricks: Dodd, Chomsky, Celente and Military Brass Warn of Revolution in America #tcot
RT @sanuzis: #Union protests spread to #Ohio - #Michigan next?!? #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @LVTSG: Go team!! RT @KatyinIndy GAME ON! Tea Party plans descent on Madison, Wisconsin tomorrow #tcot #gop #h ...
Any #Wisconsin parent worth his or her salt should at least try2 #HomeSchool during this #LaborPain. #unions #tcot #teaparty #wigop #wi #sgp
RT @johnsscott2: Twitter begins the process of eliminating the partners that made it what it is.
#Obama's #RedDiaper aint just showin_its draggin the ground_leavin his stinky Commie-Poo all over_smellin up da' joint #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ThePeoplesCube: People's Blog: #Progressive Valentines Day for Gender Specific Females #tcot #p2 #dsa
RT @Forums4Justice: Guinta Amendmt #166 Prohibits funds for government contracts requiring union labor. find names of 26 Republicans vot ...
RT @GregWHoward: Wisconsin Becomes Front Line in Battle of Obama vs. Budget Sanity: #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #tea ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Somali "pirates" (aka Islamist terrorists) hijack US yacht #tbrs #usn #mil #news #tcot #idf
RT @MissAmericaPie: TAX THE RICH WISCONSIN!~> Superintendent of Madison Schools makes $256,715 + $80+K BENEFITS!
The Governor only ma ...
RT @Dbargen @JigsawPress @GaryWhitney Private/homeschooling looks like a wonderful option 4 the people of #Wisconin. #tcot #teaparty #exodus
RT @JAndrewClark #WiGov Scott Walker Warns #Obama: It Would Be 'Wise' to Stay Out of My State’s Business #tcot #news #wi
RT @Therexreport: @HeyTammyBruce Yes, good point to wake up sheeple: if Somali "pirates" took planes instead of boats, they'd b Islamic ...
@ctiberius Not all citizens beggin 4 benefits_dont forget a consistent #teaparty turnout for 2 yrs straight. #ofa, #unions scroo pooch n #WI
RT @GaltsGirl: Welcome to my new followers. If you are a progressive liberal... I think there is a bus to WI you are supposed to have be ...
RT @howrylo: If you have the ability 2 argue 4 #PlannedParenthood & #abortion,stop & thank God that U werent aborted.Millions did not ha ...
RT @Nuktubian: There is nothing so infantile, as a #Wisconsin teacher scorned. #wiunion #FireEmAll #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @bernardmoon: Interview: Bill Gross Talks About Twitter’s Clampdown
MT @PoliticsOfFear: I wouldn't wrestle her either. Not without jello. #RedEye ... or chocolate puddin'
RT @PoliticsOfFear: Fun Fact: In 1943 Adolph Hitler's brother Timmy once told Johnny Mussolini, Benito's brother, "you are worse than Ni ...
RT @MooseOfReason Mint Juleps @kesgardner Kentucky banning smoking? What would they then ban next? Horse racing? #redeye it was a ban lifted
RT @MooseOfReason: @AndyLevy Where can we watch the whole #RedEye #CPAC11 segment? @greggutfeld
RT @tahDeetz: RT @MooseOfReason: @AndyLevy Where can we watch the whole #RedEye #CPAC11 segment? @greggutfeld
RT @IndyPiggy: Conservative women are hawt because we eat #bacon #redeye
RT @HWDRepublican All those racist rants thrown at the #TeaParty'rs are coming back 2 haunt the Leftys. Payback's a bitch_aint it? #tcot #p2
RT @Beregond: @tahDeetz @MooseOfReason @howrylo #RedEye #CPAC11 panel video is on blog of @ChrisBarnhart at
RT @United_Ignited #Communist Protester in #WI: ‘People Are Open’ 2 a ‘Revolutionary Movement’ #tcot via @theblaze #news
sounds of the apocalypse #tcot #teaparty #p2 #madison #wisconsin #wigop
RT @BrandonKiser: Dude. Union operative attempts to destroy Tea Party rally’s speaker system [VIDEO]
RT @jamieez: Video- Wis Doctors Hand Out Fake Excuses to Protesters

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Friday, February 18, 2011

From Twitter 02-18-2011

RT @56forfreedom: BLOCK -> @Alternet uses sick racial epithets to describe blacks in politics, calls black presidential candidate "mo ...
There's an All-Star game on?!?
MT @HomerWhite @Daggy1 #Union members best get outta the way_Americans R no longer gonna take being held hostage by these corrupt PACs #tcot
RT @LibertyJustice: @donandroma For three years the media ignored the birthers, Now @davidgregory wants Speaker Boehner to talk about it ...
The #Birther issue was designed to be #Obama's Tar-Baby. #Palin knows. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @mrjc1: liberals always overplay their hand #tcot
RT @island_adv: Chris Matthews Reveals Liberal Vision For Humanity
RT @AlinskyDefeater: #Obama's #OFA propagandists stirring up #WI state workers... #ocra #tcot #news #wisconsin
9 VIOLENT #TeaParty'rs...errr I mean #OFA'rs, Arrested in #Madison #Wisconsin via @gatewaypundit #news #tcot #p2 #wigop
RT @HomerWhite: Unionism in America is communism. #Union leaders don't follow laws & are excused from being sued! #tcot #p2
RT @SCforfreedom: The Obama thug machine is trying to get riots started not only in Wisconsin but in Ohio, NJ too! Going to Gov's home. ...
If #OFA protestors showed up at muh house, I'd have my camcorder over 1 shoulder & muh Ithaca M37 Shotgun slung over the other #tcot #p2
RT @HomerWhite: Don't even think of it America! Don't reimburse #union pensions. They seriousky care less for you & your family. #tcot #p2
RT @MarkImpomeni: Our country IS broke. There, I fixed it. RT @RAMansour: Our country is going broke. Just figured I'd remind everyone. ...
RT @HomerWhite: If you are a union member..stand up!!! Union leaders lie to you like Barry. Your underfunded pensions show you everythin ...
RT @MuslimAlert: The Real Egyptian Revolution Will Not Be Brought to You by CNN / YES!! Daniel NAILS IT!! Well DONE: “Do ... http://bit. ...
RT @cannoneerno4: #NASCAR fans raise up more militarily recruitable children than #NPR listeners do. #pbs #tcot #p2 #mil #sot
@govchains Its the death-knell of #DefinedBenefits 4 #Unions. Time 4 them 2 enjoy #DefinedContributions as us all do #seiu #afscme #tcot #p2
RT @dbsnyder: #WI shows how #Libs handle loosing elections. Sometimes elections, the expressed will of the peopl,e are irrelevant. #hhr ...
RT @Amuk3 OTB: Betty McCollum Gets Death Threats Over #NASCAR Proposal sounds a little 2 convenient 2 me #tcot #ocra
RT @ttjemery: Field Trip! Teacher Takes High School Students to Union Protest; Students Don’t Know Why They’re There ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: #HyperInflation coming: US #gold reserves = ~$300 BILLION | US #budget DEFICIT for Feb-2010 ALONE = ~$220 BILLIION | ...
#GovtUnions, #Dems bitch abt givin upa slim slice #ofa phat sak of benefits while JoeTaxpayer on hind teat?! Thatll work 4'12_NOT #tcot #p2
MT @toddstarnes The folks marching_chanting_cursing_waving Hitler photos, are teaching #Wisconsin children #HOMESCHOOL NOW #tcot #p2 #wigop
MT @soleynm Ambulance leaves Capitol Square here in #Madison, #Wisconsin. #tcot #news its all fun/games til some1 gets an eye poked out #p2
What, no tear-gas & tanks yet #Madison?!? ... but I thought #Republicans were nazis, or something? #tcot #teaparty
@BrandonKiser, @SECupp in your avatar always make me look. Crafty basterd. #redeye #tcot
Can we put #Obama on waivers?!? #Tcot #teaparty
My collective is better than your collective.
RT @FTR__Radio: Lt. Col. Allen West Meets With CPAC bloggers #sgp #tcot #ftrradio
MT @marychastain: @ConservativeLA That's impossible for them. . . . Pavlov.
RT @ironelbow: My anarcho-syndicalist commune is better than your collective RT @tahDeetz: My collective is better than your collective.
RT @keder: @Amuk3 any recommendation on what we should do there? ... That really depends upon whom you're goin' with.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

From Twitter 02-17-2011

RT @GregWHoward: GOP to Probe Fannie, Freddie Executive Pay: Hope someone goes to jail #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
RT @GregWHoward: Even Democrats Turn on Obama Over Budget: Where's my popcorn? This is getting good! #tcot #p2 #ocr ...
RT @Lrihendry: Liberals always look for an underdog and take their side; to blame someone else for their issues. #tcot
@Jenfidel Bolton said Hillary recently contradicted Big Sis in a pretty big way in terms of the border DMZ.
#Democrats making asses out of themselves in #Wisconsin, will only benefit the #GOP. Keep it up, asswipes. #p2 #tcot #wigop #wi #madison
RT @Gabby_Hoffman: #istandwithscottwalker Bring it, union thugs! #tcot #tpp #twcot #tycot #twisters #tlot #catcot #antiunion #union #com ...
RT @exposeliberals: No wonder Wisconsin has gone from a deep blue state to purple and headed to red! #tcot #tlot #sgp #p2 #p21 #crushthe ...
RT @andylevy: It's rare that an apology makes someone seem like more of a dick. RT @delrayser: Memo to @nirrosen: STOP. DIGGING. http:// ...
At least the #Communists in #Wisconsin wear the appropriate red. #tcot #WIgop #WI #P2
RT @ChargerJeff: Wisconsin is the birthplace of both #AFSCME and Jumping The Shark. Coincidence? #tcot #lur #fb #p2 #seiu #teaparty
RT @redostoneage: #Wisconsin: Make Taxpayers pay for Union Cadillac HC & Pensions or Your Compared to Hitler... ...
RT @Talkmaster: A great day for our country. In #Wisconsin Americans have seen the true face of govt. employee #unions ... & it's ugly #tcot
RT @WatchdogJamie: Ok, why dont we PRIVATE INDUSTRY workers quit our jobs and lets see exactly where the PUBLIC EMPLOYEES get their mone ...
RT @diggrbiii: What say you, @ThinkProgress? RT @DanRiehl Video from WI Protest Reveals the Violence and Hatred of the Left ...
RT @Obamapocalypse: Unions once formed to protect workers, morphed into DNC slush fund for union 'officials' while rank & file must 'sit ...
RT @SissyWillis: RT @DanRiehl: Video from Wisconsin Protest Reveals the Violence and Hatred of the Left ~ Publius @B ...
RT @f396: UNION THUGS....AND TEACHERS.............HARD TO TELL EM APART........ #tcot #wi #p2
RT @912Cyounger: RT @pudingtane: Sharia law is TERRORISM against Women. There is NO PLACE 4 it among civilized ppl. #tcot #sgp #p2
RT @drac65: These damned Dem's in WI r pulling the same stunt the Dem's in the Texas Legislature pulled in 2000 over redistricting. They ...
@previsionist At some schools, teachers gotta be thugs to make it thru the day.
@previsionist . . . oooorrrr . . . the miracle of central-planning.
RT @KurtSchlichter: F---- You. #WIDemsThemeSongs #tcot #WIgop #WI #P2 // LOL #WIdems #Wisconsin
RT @PatriciaSmiley @Talkmaster Someone 'splain to me how the unions in Wisconsin differ from what we saw in Greece a while back! #tcot #tbrs
RT @gemimms: @iamtheyak Who's the communist? Walker? I didn't know that. ~takin flak just means I'm over the target area.
RT @TODAYSTMJ4: The missing Wisconsin State Senate Democrats are at the Clock Tower Resort and Conference Center in Rockford, Ill.
Milk Carton #Democrats II ... #WIdemMovies #tcot #wigop #widem #tcot #p2 #teaparty
All Along The ClockTower #WIdemthemesongs #tcot #widem #wigop #p2
RT @jimgeraghty: That Rockford resort that Wisconsin Dems are hiding in features a "Tilted Kilt" restaurant with waitresses i… (cont) ht ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot NRA ANNOUNCES PERSONNEL CHANGES: #teaparty #guns #nra #goa #rkba #ccw
RT @derekahunter: When liberals lose, they sue. When liberals can't win, they run away. Yeah, they support long as they g ...
RT @derekahunter: Biggest reasons liberals hope to avoid a government shutdown is it would expose just how many federal workers are "non ...
RT @ondrock: Mediaite: Rush Limbaugh Tears Into Union-Defending Caller: “Liberalism Needs To Be Eradicated” ...
RT @capflowwatch: #PA teachers' #union threatens strike next month #tcot Just what Obama ordered. #news
RT @sanuzis: Unions versus state and local governments #tcot #teaparty
MT @mkhammer Video & text: AWOL #Wisconsin #Dem calls into CNN w/list of demands Is Patty Hearst w/the #WIdems? #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via @FreedomWorks: #TeaParty takes on government #unions in #Ohio #tcot #news #p2
RT @shoshido: Dear #Iran, Those sure are nice warships. Would be a pity if they hit something hard & sunk. Sincerely, #Israel http://t.c ...
RT @johnnyA99 #Wisconsin Watch. Salary info that Big Labor doesn't want U 2 see #Madison #USSA #unions #tcot #news #p2
RT @jamiedupree: House votes 244-181 to prohibit the FCC from spending money to implement new rules on "Net Neutrality"
RT @FlemingandHayes Breaking: Tea Party finds #Wisconsin #Dems hiding in Illinois hotel! #tcot #teaparty #tcot #p2 #news
RT @vadum: CNN better than ABC NBC CBS; Refuses to Cave to Media Matters Ongoing Crusade 2 Blacklist the Right #bigj ...
RT @secupp: It's official, I'm a genius! Peanut butter and black raspberry ice cream in a flour tortilla. Life-changing. And no, I'm not ...
RT @WalkerHoge: @talkmaster which group has a greater impact on liberty, public employee unions or the christian coalition & southern ba ...
RT @diesel_lady: Driving is a Privilege – Why do #IllegalAliens have Privileges? @Truckdrivernews #news #tcot #p2
@alittleperilous Legends Of The Fall
@alittleperilous thaz funny.
RT @exposeliberals: Wait. Progressive union thugs chanting Kill the Bill? I thought that was violent and racist when the #teaparty did t ...
RT @DanRiehl hahahahahahaha TPM: #WIdems: We Are No Longer At Hotel In Rockford -- & Focus Should Be On The Issues #tcot
RT @Daggy1: Liberals just really don't get America. #tcot #p2
RT @tom19803: Why do we need Dept of Homeland Security if it is safe enough to leave the borders wide-open. #tcot #p2 #nwo #dhs #news
RT @AndrewBreitbart Video: #TeaParty Activist Confronts #Wisconsin #Dems as They Flee Illinois Resort #news #tcot #p2
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @spinlikeflynn: RT @RedEyeFNC: Tonight on #Redeye Greg welcomes Remi Spencer, Nick Gillespie, and Pat Caddell!
RT @SEALS69_CPM: Red Velvet Cheescake Shake from #Sonic sucks. #justsayin try a Pecan Pie shake from Zaxby's. #justsayin

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From Twitter 02-16-2011

Since #Obama will unionize the #TSA w/ executive fiat, it simply means it will be reversed in the very same manner #tcot #p2 #unions
RT @redostoneage HS Students Admit Teachers Bring Them 2 Protests but Dont Know Why Theyre There #news #p2 #tcot
RT @ThePowersThatBe: Alvin Greene Gets 37 Votes in SC State Legislature Primary; Jim DeMint Started the Recession
RT @prismsinc: Bitter Democrats going after #NASCAR - How about you tell #Obama to BAN #NFL #SuperBowl $$$ parties at the White House to ...
RT @redostoneage: Rep. Steve King Discusses Pig ford & Shirley Sherrod #news #politics #cnn #abc #p2 #dems #gop #tco ...
RT @foxnation: Tragedy Strikes Model Who Had World’s Biggest Breasts (WATCH)
RT @whpresscorps: RT @chucktodd Tsk tsk, Jay Carney already following in Gibbs' footsteps, briefing will not start on time. #news #tcot #p2
RT @MrHappy4870 @ABC Random Act or Ambush? Feds Probe Shooting of US Agents in #Mexico #usbp #news #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @jeffemanuel Best comment from @CNN copy of #Iran warship movement story~I wonder if Peace Prizes are revocable #p2
RT @dangerroom: Gates: 'dramatic changes in our overseas posture would be very destabilizing' to US allies #HASC #allyourbase #mil #tcot #p2
RT @commonpatriot >AmericanThinkerBlog Issa has reasons to crow #tcot #news #p2 #dsa #osi #ofa #dnc #px #p2b #p21 #p3
RT @jamiedupree: New White House Press Secretary Jay Carney beginning his first briefing for reporters
RT @gary4205 Post #CPAC Straw Poll: #Palin & @AllenWest R "Winning The Future" ... Big Time! #news #tcot #gop #rnc #p2
RT @RockinScottie @rnc: #IRS asks for $119M in additional funds to enforce #Obamacare’s tax hikes #tcot #news #p2
Hey @SpeakerBoehner, don't forget, the #TeaParty is filled w/ #Draconians. #IamFromDraconia. #tcot #p2 #tweetcongress #gop #dnc
RT @cbsatl: Anheuser-Busch To Can Water For Emergencies: To prepare for potential emergency situations, Anheuser-Busch is bu... http://b ...
RT @gary4205: Post CPAC Straw Poll: Sarah Palin And Allen West Are "Winning The Future" ... Big Time!: #allenwest #g ...
RT @DavidLimbaugh: I think we need to rip one out of the Clinton/Gore playbook and start calling Obama's Budget smoke and mirrors his "r ...
RT @yeeheecom #AlQaida Recruits #Terrorists Inside USA #tcot #gop #teaparty #consnc #immigration #dems #tlot #p2 #news
RT @jeffemanuel Interesting fact @IDFSpokesperson Over 5yrs, # of #Israel -grown apples exported 2 #Syria has dbled~from 4018 to 8283 #tcot
RT @Snarkky: 'The annual govt deficit might be closer to $5 trillion including SS/Medicare' #tcot #sgp #tlot #ocra #jcot #phnm #economy #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: Christie starting to hit his grove at AEI ... funny, self-deprecating -- but tough #chrischristie ~grove or groove?
#Obama has a #CrackerTax. ~heh. #tcot #p2 #obamacare
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @michellemalkin: Watch Wisconsin Pt II: Unions attack “Hosni Walker/Mubarak of Midwest;” teachers drag along student ...
RT @slicedsky: Give me a BREAK! ~ This Is “Racist”?… #tcot #twcot #tlot #cspj #hhrs #tpp
RT @Q_Element: New #Mustang #SVO confirmed by Bill #Ford Jr. [Exclusive]: The old journalis... #auto #tcot
RT @ThankGod4Karma: "This is a president who has done big things." - Carney #ZZZZZZZ #tcot #gop #teaparty
RT @jasonmustian: "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? #Fedoras."--real life Justin Timberlake @rsmccain
#p2 still thinks #Palin said she can see Russia from her house. ~heh #tcot
RT @e54514g: #Soros team wants #alQaida in government #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #ofa #dnc #osi #sds #dsa
RT @Xunez: Some reports say CBS reporter raped in Egypt was beset by a "bad element." An "element" is 10 or 12 at the mos… (cont) http:/ ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Mötley Crüe - Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) ♫
RT @ColorMeRed Possible #Mexican #Military Incursion n2 US #MEXICO #border cc @mikepfs #mil #news #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @JimPethokoukis: @GovChristie Weathermen & #teachers are 2 occupations in America with no consequence 4 failure #chrischristie #tcot #p2
RT @mikepfs: Big Government - Why Does the #NLRB Need More Money to Push Its #Jobs -Killing #Union Agenda? #tcot #news
RT @ColorMeRed @mikepfs @ProudMedicsWife Do U think POTUS could get a little more concerned about Mexico? He's simply follwin' the plan
RT @CFHeather @redostoneage #WindPower Fails at the worst possible time, again #eco #green #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @Kalel194: Assailants of CBS reporter were screaming ‘Jew! #Jew!’ #jews #tcot #jcot #news
RT @CFACT: Slashing the #deficit by cutting federal #land purchases #tcot #news #blm #p2
RT @patriot32: Napolitano has NO intention of Securing the Mexican after day More Murder and incidents occuring & admin turn ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant @imsure Video: #Muslim Student Assoc pledges allegiance 2 #MuslimBrotherhood #mil #news #tcot #p2
@ProudMedicsWife @ColorMeRed @mikepfs Obama certainly has a spine . . . when it comes 2 pushing his prog agenda
RT @JoeSixpackSays: Looks like we may soon be "importing" our Military Hardware from CHINA! China negotiating "contracts" WTF? #cspj #tcot
RT @imsure #TSA Confirms Security Lapses at #Newark Airport_Computer Glitch Grounds 96 #United Jetliners #nj #news #tcot
RT @Liberty_Activis: RT @FloridaJayhawk: Chris Christie is NO John McCain. #FACT// Take it from a Garden Stater... he is governing like ...
RT @Solly_Forell: Fla. Gov. Rick Scott Kills Obama’s High Speed Rail Plan: LMAO... Interesting choice of words! #r ...
RT @sparkey999w: Left #p2 are going to try & destroy @DarrellIssa all to keep him from his duties/invest of Obama admin ...
RT @lheal: This is Day 17 of the illegal implementation of the unconstitutional ObamaCare. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #news
RT @fbraswell: #Democrat Leadership - It's like putting a polecat in charge of a perfume factory. It makes no scents! - Frank Braswell #tcot
RT @joegallant: THE TURNING OF THE TIDE - WI moves to strip collective bargaining rights from PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS ...
RT @gds44: Texas Republican: Let's defund individual mandate right now | Barbara Hollingsworth | Beltway Confidential | Washing… http:// ...
RT @CMDeB: @keder Chick Fil A is ok. But if you're ever in the south, Zaxby's is SO much better_errrr, sorry… (cont)
RT @JoAnneMoretti: Same guy who said MB were secular? Rt.@baysidebetty @ActForIsrael Clapper: 'MB won't want peace deal with Israel': ht ...
RT @Kim_Minugh: Awesome. RT @PoliceOne: Pit bull tosses sock-full of marijuana out window
RT @Watts_Bunker: Last Wednesday: 5 inches of snow - Today: 68 degrees.
RT @commonpatriot: via @InfoWars: U.S. admits fluoridation damaging teeth #tcot
@CMDeB Zaxby's chicken is waaay 2 greasy_Some of their locations reuse the fry-grease 2 much_CF has better control over their cook ops_imho
RT @DusterMH53J: RT @CMDeB: @keder altho I am addicted to Zaxby's PeeeeCan Pie shake.
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz @CMDeB @keder wull muh Momma's chikkin beats'em all! ;-) is Tenda Chick a franchise op?
RT @greggutfeld: Here's my jolly appearance on Imus this morning. #redeye #tcot
@CMDeB It's from years in the wholesale food biz & the American Institute of Baking. Plus, rednecks just know their cookin' fat.
RT @lizarddawg: In 2008 Acorn roamed neighborhoods seeking elderly people out telling them how Christians Obama was: In 2012 talk to you ...
RT @LiliaEP: Good line! RT @glenasbury Loved @GovChristie's statement that teachers unions so often represent the worst of teachers rath ...
RT @JoeSixpackSays: I'd like to see the Gov shut down, then the Post Office won't bring me any more BILLS! LOL #cspj #tcot #p2 #teaparty
It'll take a man like #ChrisChristie 2 be the #EdSec in order 2 oversee the complete dismantling of the US Dept of #Education. #tcot #NJgov
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz @CMDeB @keder ... coz if we're talkin homegrown fried chikkin w/all the proper sides TeaRoom is tah place
RT @Derameth #Hezbollah chief 2 #IDF: Watch your heads #Israel #tcot #tlot #jcot #p2 #dnc #news #Israel #mil #sot
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz Thanks for the tip! Next time I'm in Atlanta I'll try MaryMacs. your tummy will be rahhh-thah appreciative...;-)
RT @gopmommy: LOVE LOVE LOVE how my liberal friends are pissed about the internet kill switch bill. THEY voted for the ones that want to ...
RT @rickrichbourg: :) RT @AlinskyDefeater: Every electric car should come with a bumper sticker which reads, "This Car Runs on Coal" #oc ...
RT @kesgardner @RennaW @kesgardner It's Carter again. Egypt is Iran. Gas prices, Israel, unemployment, credit crunch. & then some. #tcot #p2
RT @kurtismarsh: RT @mkhammer: So, to recap, Christie talked about Soc Sec & Medicare reform in detail today, Dems held a presser w a st ...
RT @misslexi9162: If you are a lib or a spammer - You have no power here! Begone, before somebody drops a house on you, too! don't both ...
RT @FloridaJayhawk: "It now costs three times as much to provide essentially the same education as we provided in 1970" ...
RT @hipEchik: YES! rt @chuckdevore Did CA GOPer Chuck DeVore -- yes, Chuck DeVore -- beat the CIA to predicting Egypt crisis? http://t.c ...
RT @pheraghty: #DNR says wolves in #Wisconsin killing more dogs, #livestock #wi #news #tcot #wigop
RT @Q_Element: How to Backup and Restore Your iOS Jailbreak Applications with AptBackup [Video]:
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit RICK SCOTT KILLS HIGH-SPEED RAIL FOR #FLORIDA…. #tcot #news #p2
RT @SophiaTopTalent: SC Republicans push through 'repeal amendment': AP COLUMBIA, SC -- South Carolina lawmakers have approved a meas... ...
RT @joerobertson: - TSA Confirms Security Lapses at Newark Aiport #tcot #p2
RT @marklevinshow: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is no media hound, he doesn't get the fawning praise of the usual mouthpieces, but he... ...
RT @Doc_0: Does that "Climate of Hate" libs worry about include giving out addresses & telling a TV audience to "go get em?" http://ow.l ...
RT @brooksbayne: many on the left hate white #Christians. who in the hell do they think led the anti-slavery movement?! #tcot #p2
RT @capflowwatch: Birther debate alive across US #tcot Fueled by Obama's own obsession with secrecy about this past.
RT @quartermaine2: Dear Ms. Napolitano: An attack against ICE agents is no more nor less serious than U.S. citizens being attacked in Me ...
RT @ShaneAHayes: Chugging Nyquil like it's going out of style. Thanks #CPACPlague / #RINOvirus #tcot #teaparty
RT @FingersMalloy: My Latest 4 NewsReal-Richard Dreyfuss stole my Coke at CPAC! #SodaGate #sgp #tcot #ftrradio
RT @DavidLimbaugh @SalenaZito Youre right_Salena_it would be lonely 4 a #conservative 2 be "in bed" w/a billion flat-earther libs #tcot #gop
RT @CalvaryGirl: WHAAATT!?? >> #GOP pushing for ISPs to record user data #news #tech #teaparty #tcot #tbrs
RT @imwindowman: Attention all small business owners Shout out about our business problems. @DarrellIssa needs your ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Progressives who speak of progress, are actually talking about anti-progress, or control of all things by socialism." ...
John Bolton says Hillary is showin the balsak Obama aint in re the #USMexBorder. . . Imho, HRC is gonna primary Barry. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @heavyhokie: #this RT @CorieWhalen: People who are offended by @GovChristie's tact (or perceived lack thereof) haven't spent sufficie ...
@BoltonsMustache riiiiiight. #USMexBorder
RT @imsure: #TSA ‘bad apples’ steal thousands from baggage of passengers #news #tcot #p2 #dhs

Tweets copied by

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

From Twitter 02-15-2011

RT @AlbertBreer: The Colts have placed the franchise tag on quarterback Peyton Manning. The according tender is worth approximately $23. ...
RT @_ccm #PalinWest12 ~ Bring. It. On. #tcot |He won't run. I hope he does though. :) Him and Palin both. hahahaha ~that makes 2 of us.
~ Senator Joe Arpaio ~ #tcot #za1070 #az #teaparty #p2
RT @hoplite300: SHUT IT DOWN. #tcot #p2
RT @TS_Elliott: Barking dogs can land owner in jail
If I owned a #TanningSalon, I would completely ignore the #CrackerTax. #tcot #hcr #p2 #teaparty
Mohammad Atta, #911 Ringleader, was a member of the #MuslimBrotherhood. #egypt #tcot #jan25 #mil #p2
RT @HeyTammyBruce: It's just so disgusting knowing that Obama will do *nothing* in response to the Logan attack. This is when I hate him ...
RT @kesgardner: THIS --> RT @bccohan: Seriously. RT @NathanWurtzel: Dear everyone using to write 300 word Tweets. Stop it. Ju ...
RT @laborunionrpt: RT @RedState: Why Does the NLRB Need More Money to Push Its Job-Killing Union Agenda? ...
RT @marleed: #glennbeck #tcot #tbrs 2 US immigration agents shot in Mexico #news #p2 #az #tx #nm #mil
RT @michaeljohns New #Utah poll shows @OrrinHatch highly vulnerable 2 #TeaParty revolt #cpac11 #gop #sgp #tcot
RT @MrHappy4870 @cpsj Proposals would shrink #NJ public employee health benefits -- #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #unions
#GeorgeSoros does very well in crises he foments. #tcot #p3 #osi #dsa #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @RiverRoads: Most knowledgeable bond investor N world dumped $120B U.S. debt last month-right B4 Obama voted 'present' o… (cont) http ...
RT @Marsh626: George Stephanopoulos: Americans Want More Government Spending… Record Deficits Are Bush’s Fault (Video)
Politicians will fight over the 'real' #conservative tag, yet will run away from the #liberal tag. It says sumpin' #tcot
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Pres. Obama has intimate involvement in massive #Pigford taxpayer fraud..." - @AndrewBreitbart ~ ...
RT @marklevinshow: Professor Jacobson: Dissecting Shirley Sherrod's Complaint Against Andrew Breitbart ...
Burlesconi's squeeze aint no Lewinsky. #tcot #p2 #dnc #Italy
RT @T__F__A: The parallel universe where Obama <em>is</em> outflanking Boehner on spending #tcot #p2 #t ...

Tweets copied by

Monday, February 14, 2011

From Twitter 02-14-2011

RT @kesgardner: One potentially good result of Middle East unrest is that it may be starting again in Iran. Will we support the protesto ...
RT @baysidebetty: RT @FreedomsPhoenix: "Egypt Army Delivers Ultimatum to Tahrir Protesters" Read more--> #Ca… (co ...
RT @AnnaTarkov & yes, like many misdirected youths, I was once a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan. But never for Billy. The Pumpkins def rawked.
RT @fluchtling Liberals always hide behind "#Infrastructure, #Education, & #Jobs Creation" 4 their failed massive spending #tcot #budget #p2
RT @peakwriter: #Wisconsin Takes On Big Labor - RT@NetRightDaily #unions #news #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals would be throwing an absolute fit if Bush cut a program to help the poor. Obama does it..ahh no biggie. #t ...
RT @Snooper1: State after State going after the Natural Born Citizen Clause #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @runedart: of course they did. RT @Blueberrier0341: Obama admin urges cable companies to carry Al-Jazeera… (cont) htt ...
RT @mitchpberg What U Read~White Supremacists @ #CPAC11 ~What U missed~ #Conservatives chased them off #tcot #news #p2
RT @Rxrthepoet: @Foxnews showing info on Weapon of Mass destruction found (From SanDiego Tape). COMING UP
KOOL!! #OrangeCo DA going after #UCIRVINE asshole muslims for shouting down #Israel's ambassador. #tcot #p2 #ca #news
RT @BoxAndSend: RT @mikepfs: The Blaze - ‘Death to Dictators’: Iranian Protesters Defy Gov’t as Security Fires Tear Gas... ...
RT @TheaGood: CIA successfully inherited KGB's psychoactive drugs technology ...
RT @zpetersen Id pay 2C Lemmy destroy them @iowahawkblog Id pay 2C Arcade Fire... open 4 #Motorhead. LEMMY IS THE WOE-BRINGER 4 CRAPPY ACTS!
It sounds like #GwynethPaltrow cast off her #CountryStrong husk last night. #grammys #tcot
RT @andilinks: Why do I worry there w/be no fairness, no legality, no constitutionality in the 2012 struggle to power? #tcot #teaparty # ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: John Podesta's @ThinkProgress 'selectively' edits out @thebradblog's work ties to convicted domestic terrorist! htt ...
If U dont think the #democrats will pull out every #VoteFraud trick in the book for #2012, then you're an idiot. #tcot #teaparty #cpac11
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Apple Releases Latest Developer Build of Mac OS X 10.6.7
RT @BreakingNews UTube vid: Protesters reportedly make barricades in Tehran as they chant~Death 2 Khamenei #Iran #tcot
RT @ROCKWITHBECK: @USAHipster - I don't understand 'BLACK AMERICA'. They support 'OBAMA' and a 'SOCIALIST PARTY' that keeps them in 'BON ...
If you advocate a strict no-war policy, then don't bitch when #TSA feels up your daughter. #tcot #teaparty
RT @Forums4Justice: New Mexico Gov. Martinez continues immigration reform push, revoking licenses for undocumented immigrants #teaparty ...
RT @imsure: 7 charged in #NY with conspiring to aid Taliban #news #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @Drudge_Report: $44 billion for #DHS to purchase 275 full-body imaging machines... #tsa #news #tcot
RT @FAIRImmigration: Illegal Alien Supporter Wants Mormon Visas Revoked in Mexico - because LDS won't support amnesty ...
The biggest asses in DC today?!? #Obama's Deficit Commission. Have a great day #AlanSimspon. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tweetcongress
If a redneck joins he #IDF, does he become an honorary #Jew?!? I like the yarmulke. #jcot #tcot
I predict that @AllenWest's speech was deigned 2 ideologically hoe the row 4 @SarahPalinUSA 2 keynote #CPAC12. #tcot #cpac11 #teaparty #tsot
#MODO got pWNd at #CPAC11. Luv it. #tcot #tbrs @heytammybruce
Had to turn off #Rush for @HeyTammyBruce. #tbrs #tcot
Get your new clothes now, if you can afford them. #tcot #teaparty
@AllenWest: Change We Believe In!! #tcot #cpac11
RT @JIDF MYTH: Before the Re-Establishment of #Israel, #Jews & #Muslims Lived in Peace #tcot #jcot #news #mil #idf #p2
RT @BadMayo ANOTHER #OBAMA RECORD… US Debt Equals Size of US #Economy #tcot #jobs #news #p2
If #tcot & #teaparty wanna win in 2012, make the left defend their sacred cows NOW!!! Give 'em a taste of that ol' #ClowardPiven religion
To the #CPAC11 peeps that chased-off the white-nationalist from #CPAC, EXCELLENT FRIKKIN JOB, SOLDIERS!!! #tcot #teaparty #tlot #sgp
RT @ondrock: Sen. Sessions: Obama 'has not told us the truth' in budget #tcot #news #p2
RT @Jihadihunter: Obama Budget To Raise Airline Costs The Little People Don't Need To Travel #tcot #gop #teaparty ...
RT @DanRiehl: DeMint: ‘Our nation won’t win the future by repeating the mistakes of the past’ #news #tcot #p2
Please follow @AllenWest. #tcot #teaparty
#TeaParty types should be leadership roles at #CPAC12. #tpp #tcot #cpac #cpac11 #tpe #sgp
RT @BreakingNewz: Canada Free Press- Conservative Crossroads: Return to Reagan Coalition Roots or Lose in 2012: To all outwa... http://t ...
RT @akasha2458: @tahDeetz @peakwriter @NetRightDaily the correct nomeclattura is #GovtUnions. Carry on.
@_ccm its called_living by principle_something the Left has no clue about_IOW_self-sacrifice. @faith4liberty
@_ccm #PalinWest12 ~ Bring. It. On. #tcot
RT @_ccm & that's just the beginning. But, I'd love if he ran. As much as if Palin runs. Both losers. ~I guess u missed the 2010 elections
RT @TexClassicalLib: How's that glorious revolution in #Egypt going? Everybody still happy? #tcot #jan25
RT @TomCoburn: Gov't Sitting on $703 Billion in 'Unobligated' Money: #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@HeyTammyBruce says #Obama is sodomizing the USA with his budget. OMFG!!! Right On Tam!!! #tbrs #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @InGodsimagem3: To date, at least 274 corporations have ceased funding Planned Parenthood!,, Order the Boyco ...
RT @keder: Ovr the next few days, the liberal media will ask GOP members what 2 cut from Obama's budget, then tell us about all the pain ...
RT @Blueberrier0341 #Kentucky Senate Votes 2 End Guaranteed Pensions #KY #news #teaparty #tcot #tlot #sgp #unions #p2
RT @PERSIA_MAX_NEWS: Al Jazeera, Please Cover Iran as you did in Egypt /@cbn2 @globalvoices #Egypt #IranElection [+ ...
I'll be lookin' forward to the #MSM #NEWS reports from the streets of #Iran. #tcot #egypt #jan25 #p2 #mil #tlot #teaparty
RT @Tedinatl: The #Atlanta Journal-Constitution is trying to become the world's biggest #RealHousewives blog. #AJC #NotNews #News #tcot
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot #Arizona: Numerous #NRA -Backed Bills on the Move in the Legislature #teaparty #guns #news
RT @physorg_com New lignin~lite~switchgrass boosts #biofuel yield by more than1/3 a SwitchGrass fire is teh suck #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: Dumb Ass Kucinich On #Cavuto Talking About "Investing" To Grow #Jobs Kucinich Is A Sock Puppet For Obama. Sock Puppets ...
RT @welshman007 @Gabby_Hoffman agreed--most Americans don't have an inkling as to what the Left is up to--very dangerous in EVERY way! #tcot

Tweets copied by

Sunday, February 13, 2011

From Twitter 02-13-2011

RT @FtLauderDaniel #Atlanta PD Will No Longer Harass Citizens Who Record Cops #tcot #tlot #GApolitics #news @ajc #ajc
RT @vermontaigne: RT @jwehrle: I'm between flare-ups #CandyHeartRejects
RT @directorblue: Ohio Governor John Kasich: the Era of Having Public Sector Union Bosses Control the Budget Process Is At an End http:/ ...
@victoria_29 I trust the judgment of his approach based on his prior actions.
Shovel-Ready #candyheartrejects
Itch much? #candyheartrejects
RT @brabakr: In The Butt, Bob #candyheartrejects
@victoria_29 4 Veep.
How Much For Your Women?!? #candyheartrejects
RT @foresmac: Ars Technica: iOS developers making leap to the Mac, thanks to Mac App Store
@victoria_29 he's already got enough record for me.
@victoria_29 huh?
@victoria_29 many will look at his mil record & by campaign season, he'll have plenty votes to defend.
Got Aids? #candyheartrejects
Property of Francis #candyheartrejects
RT @southsalem: Your body was made for a burka #candyheartrejects
Ya Might Wanna Put Some On That #candyheartrejects
RT @Kriskxx: Allen West"West: No Matter What Their U.S. Name, They're the Muslim Brotherhood" via Jonathan Garthwaite #tcot #p2 #dems #r ...
I Promise. It Will Stop Bleeding. #candyheartrejects
RT @kurtismarsh: #candyheartrejects put a merkin on it
Workin The Merkin #candyheartrejects
My Husband Was Just Paroled #candyheartrejects
RT @kurtismarsh: #candyheartrejects taste like roofies
I Love Scabs #candyheartrejects
It Puts The Lotion On Its Skin Or It Gets The Hose Again #candyheartrejects
ALL YOUR ASS ARE BELONG TO US #candyheartrejects
Aint Nuttin' Like Second Cousin' Lovin' #candyheartrejects
RT @BrandonKiser: "Are you on foursquare?" #candyheartrejects
Because My Vagina Is Worth It #candyheartrejects
That's Not My Belly-Button ~ That's Not My Finger #candyheartrejects
RT @survivalstation: You are a liberal If you use the words "right wing extremist" at least four times in any given day. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Jihadihunter: Muslim Brotherhood's Five-Year Plan #tcot #Egypt #islam #muslim #gop #teaparty #p2
It's Only A Crime If We Are Caught #candyheartrejects
Less Teeth, More Lip #candyheartrejects
Spit Or Swallow? #candyheartrejects
The Swelling Eventually Subsides #candyheartrejects
My Other Ass Is A Kardashian #candyheartrejects
That Burning Sensation Is Just My Way Of Saying "I Love You" #candyheartrejects
Cell-Block C #candyheartrejects
RT @Jihadihunter: How much do you agree with each of the follow statements? Rank as extremely agree, very agree, or I hate Amer… (cont) ...
'NOT' The Brown Acid #candyheartrejects
With 4 You Get Eggroll #candyheartrejects
Got DNA? #candyheartrejects
RT @Jihadihunter: So conservatives are stuck in the past, but the big progressive solution to the economy right now is to buil… (cont) h ...
Please, Leave Your Burqa ON #candyheartrejects
This Is Illegal In The Next County #candyheartrejects
My 3rd Nipple Misses You #candyheartrejects
Queef Luvva' #candyheartrejects
We Were Only Just Cell-Mates, Promise. #candyheartrejects
Lick My Kitteh #candyheartrejects
Cousins-R-Funner #candyheartrejects
Swallowing Not Included #candyheartrejects
Taint-Tastic! #candyheartrejects
So 'Thats' A Dirty-Sanchez #candyheartrejects
I <3 Your Cleveland-Steampot #candyheartrejects
Do You Like Gladiator Movies, Timmy? #candyheartrejects
RT @free_US_Citizen: Full Circle The War On America Begins
RT @WatchCenter: Even tho' CPAC has ACTION as middle name, no speeches/workshops cited HOW for local action! #tcot #rs #eers #cpac ht ...
Ignore That Odor #candyheartrejects
RT @TheRealLadyLuck: Two in the pink, one in the stink #candyheartrejects
RT @IKIDYOUNOT: You deplete me - #candyheartrejects
I F*ck My Goat, But I Loooove You. #candyheartrejects
72 Virgins Await #candyheartrejects
Stains Not Pangs #candyheartrejects
You can call me Doris, Larry. #candyheartrejects
I learned this in the Navy #candyheartrejects
Tastes Like Chicken #candyheartrejects
I feel your (vaginal) pain. #candyheartrejects
Every Sperm Is Sacred #candyheartrejects
The Donkey Will Be Extra
@CharPrincessa digit ... ;-)
I left my detachable penis is my Sunday pants #candyheartrejects
Have Flour, Will Roll #candyheartrejects
My Monkey Is Funky #candyheartrejects
Got Smegma? #candyheartrejects
I'm A Progressive #candyheartrejects #tcot
Fava Beans #candyheartrejects
Dehydrated Mountain Oyster Co. #candyheartrejects
FlufferNutter #candyheartrejects #redeye
RT @MeanwhileinDC: #AllenWest: What teleprompter? #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Want to reiterate my condolences to a 'second mother' of mine. Please send your condolences to Lucianne Goldberg, w ...
RT @SongofSongs1_2: RT @Tacticalblur RT @VAman49: Jihadist: It’s Okay to Kill Civilians- As Long As They are Christians and Jews http:// ...
Her Father's Shiny Shotgun #candyheartrejects
Will F*ck 4 Subversive Agitation #candyheartrejects
RT @Stranahan: The Sherrod suit is part of a freakout because we're making headway on Pigford. This press conference is another sign htt ...
I melt quicker in your mouth than I do your hand #candyheartrejects
Present I.D. #candyheartrejects
It's Not A Tumor #candyheartrejects
Sooooo, Pat?!? #candyheartrejects
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, My Monkey Stanks, & Now So Do You. #candyheartrejects
RT @AndrewBreitbart: My reality show pitch: 'Road Trip from Hell' - cross country pilot debut featuring @ericboehlert & @andrewbreitbart!
RT @internet_hindus: I noticed that the average age of Internet Hindus joining twitter has increased from 20+ yrs to 40+ yrs. Shows a sl ...
RT @VotingAmerican: Dark Horse, an American Trojan Experience: #p2b #dnc #dem #gop #p2 #p21 #teaparty #tcot #tlot #tiot #twister #obama ...
RT @TheAgedP: On Palin, Polls And Chicken Entrails….
RT @TheAgedP: BBC goes orgasmic over Egypt-but silent over Iran,Syria and Hamas dictatorship in Gaza...wonder why?
RT @SouthTejasGal: MUBARAK IN A COMA!!
RT @Newswatcher89: Huffpo Editor: Facebook Doesn't Pay You, So Why Should We? #tcot #p2 #news
Jousting Bieber #candyheartrejects
fyi, the #MuslimBrotherhood explicitly knew that their faces could have no association w/the revolt in #Egypt. #tcot #TRUSTbutVERIFY
RT @AzadehMoaveni: Reports from Tehran that Rev Square and Rev St already crawling with security forces ahead of Mon demo #25Bahman #Ira ...

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