Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From Twitter 02-16-2011

Since #Obama will unionize the #TSA w/ executive fiat, it simply means it will be reversed in the very same manner #tcot #p2 #unions
RT @redostoneage HS Students Admit Teachers Bring Them 2 Protests but Dont Know Why Theyre There #news #p2 #tcot
RT @ThePowersThatBe: Alvin Greene Gets 37 Votes in SC State Legislature Primary; Jim DeMint Started the Recession
RT @prismsinc: Bitter Democrats going after #NASCAR - How about you tell #Obama to BAN #NFL #SuperBowl $$$ parties at the White House to ...
RT @redostoneage: Rep. Steve King Discusses Pig ford & Shirley Sherrod #news #politics #cnn #abc #p2 #dems #gop #tco ...
RT @foxnation: Tragedy Strikes Model Who Had World’s Biggest Breasts (WATCH)
RT @whpresscorps: RT @chucktodd Tsk tsk, Jay Carney already following in Gibbs' footsteps, briefing will not start on time. #news #tcot #p2
RT @MrHappy4870 @ABC Random Act or Ambush? Feds Probe Shooting of US Agents in #Mexico #usbp #news #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @jeffemanuel Best comment from @CNN copy of #Iran warship movement story~I wonder if Peace Prizes are revocable #p2
RT @dangerroom: Gates: 'dramatic changes in our overseas posture would be very destabilizing' to US allies #HASC #allyourbase #mil #tcot #p2
RT @commonpatriot >AmericanThinkerBlog Issa has reasons to crow #tcot #news #p2 #dsa #osi #ofa #dnc #px #p2b #p21 #p3
RT @jamiedupree: New White House Press Secretary Jay Carney beginning his first briefing for reporters
RT @gary4205 Post #CPAC Straw Poll: #Palin & @AllenWest R "Winning The Future" ... Big Time! #news #tcot #gop #rnc #p2
RT @RockinScottie @rnc: #IRS asks for $119M in additional funds to enforce #Obamacare’s tax hikes #tcot #news #p2
Hey @SpeakerBoehner, don't forget, the #TeaParty is filled w/ #Draconians. #IamFromDraconia. #tcot #p2 #tweetcongress #gop #dnc
RT @cbsatl: Anheuser-Busch To Can Water For Emergencies: To prepare for potential emergency situations, Anheuser-Busch is bu... http://b ...
RT @gary4205: Post CPAC Straw Poll: Sarah Palin And Allen West Are "Winning The Future" ... Big Time!: #allenwest #g ...
RT @DavidLimbaugh: I think we need to rip one out of the Clinton/Gore playbook and start calling Obama's Budget smoke and mirrors his "r ...
RT @yeeheecom #AlQaida Recruits #Terrorists Inside USA #tcot #gop #teaparty #consnc #immigration #dems #tlot #p2 #news
RT @jeffemanuel Interesting fact @IDFSpokesperson Over 5yrs, # of #Israel -grown apples exported 2 #Syria has dbled~from 4018 to 8283 #tcot
RT @Snarkky: 'The annual govt deficit might be closer to $5 trillion including SS/Medicare' #tcot #sgp #tlot #ocra #jcot #phnm #economy #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: Christie starting to hit his grove at AEI ... funny, self-deprecating -- but tough #chrischristie ~grove or groove?
#Obama has a #CrackerTax. ~heh. #tcot #p2 #obamacare
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @michellemalkin: Watch Wisconsin Pt II: Unions attack “Hosni Walker/Mubarak of Midwest;” teachers drag along student ...
RT @slicedsky: Give me a BREAK! ~ This Is “Racist”?… #tcot #twcot #tlot #cspj #hhrs #tpp
RT @Q_Element: New #Mustang #SVO confirmed by Bill #Ford Jr. [Exclusive]: The old journalis... #auto #tcot
RT @ThankGod4Karma: "This is a president who has done big things." - Carney #ZZZZZZZ #tcot #gop #teaparty
RT @jasonmustian: "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? #Fedoras."--real life Justin Timberlake @rsmccain
#p2 still thinks #Palin said she can see Russia from her house. ~heh #tcot
RT @e54514g: #Soros team wants #alQaida in government #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #ofa #dnc #osi #sds #dsa
RT @Xunez: Some reports say CBS reporter raped in Egypt was beset by a "bad element." An "element" is 10 or 12 at the mos… (cont) http:/ ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Mötley Crüe - Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) ♫
RT @ColorMeRed Possible #Mexican #Military Incursion n2 US #MEXICO #border cc @mikepfs #mil #news #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @JimPethokoukis: @GovChristie Weathermen & #teachers are 2 occupations in America with no consequence 4 failure #chrischristie #tcot #p2
RT @mikepfs: Big Government - Why Does the #NLRB Need More Money to Push Its #Jobs -Killing #Union Agenda? #tcot #news
RT @ColorMeRed @mikepfs @ProudMedicsWife Do U think POTUS could get a little more concerned about Mexico? He's simply follwin' the plan
RT @CFHeather @redostoneage #WindPower Fails at the worst possible time, again #eco #green #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @Kalel194: Assailants of CBS reporter were screaming ‘Jew! #Jew!’ #jews #tcot #jcot #news
RT @CFACT: Slashing the #deficit by cutting federal #land purchases #tcot #news #blm #p2
RT @patriot32: Napolitano has NO intention of Securing the Mexican after day More Murder and incidents occuring & admin turn ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant @imsure Video: #Muslim Student Assoc pledges allegiance 2 #MuslimBrotherhood #mil #news #tcot #p2
@ProudMedicsWife @ColorMeRed @mikepfs Obama certainly has a spine . . . when it comes 2 pushing his prog agenda
RT @JoeSixpackSays: Looks like we may soon be "importing" our Military Hardware from CHINA! China negotiating "contracts" WTF? #cspj #tcot
RT @imsure #TSA Confirms Security Lapses at #Newark Airport_Computer Glitch Grounds 96 #United Jetliners #nj #news #tcot
RT @Liberty_Activis: RT @FloridaJayhawk: Chris Christie is NO John McCain. #FACT// Take it from a Garden Stater... he is governing like ...
RT @Solly_Forell: Fla. Gov. Rick Scott Kills Obama’s High Speed Rail Plan: LMAO... Interesting choice of words! #r ...
RT @sparkey999w: Left #p2 are going to try & destroy @DarrellIssa all to keep him from his duties/invest of Obama admin ...
RT @lheal: This is Day 17 of the illegal implementation of the unconstitutional ObamaCare. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #news
RT @fbraswell: #Democrat Leadership - It's like putting a polecat in charge of a perfume factory. It makes no scents! - Frank Braswell #tcot
RT @joegallant: THE TURNING OF THE TIDE - WI moves to strip collective bargaining rights from PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS ...
RT @gds44: Texas Republican: Let's defund individual mandate right now | Barbara Hollingsworth | Beltway Confidential | Washing… http:// ...
RT @CMDeB: @keder Chick Fil A is ok. But if you're ever in the south, Zaxby's is SO much better_errrr, sorry… (cont)
RT @JoAnneMoretti: Same guy who said MB were secular? Rt.@baysidebetty @ActForIsrael Clapper: 'MB won't want peace deal with Israel': ht ...
RT @Kim_Minugh: Awesome. RT @PoliceOne: Pit bull tosses sock-full of marijuana out window
RT @Watts_Bunker: Last Wednesday: 5 inches of snow - Today: 68 degrees.
RT @commonpatriot: via @InfoWars: U.S. admits fluoridation damaging teeth #tcot
@CMDeB Zaxby's chicken is waaay 2 greasy_Some of their locations reuse the fry-grease 2 much_CF has better control over their cook ops_imho
RT @DusterMH53J: RT @CMDeB: @keder altho I am addicted to Zaxby's PeeeeCan Pie shake.
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz @CMDeB @keder wull muh Momma's chikkin beats'em all! ;-) is Tenda Chick a franchise op?
RT @greggutfeld: Here's my jolly appearance on Imus this morning. #redeye #tcot
@CMDeB It's from years in the wholesale food biz & the American Institute of Baking. Plus, rednecks just know their cookin' fat.
RT @lizarddawg: In 2008 Acorn roamed neighborhoods seeking elderly people out telling them how Christians Obama was: In 2012 talk to you ...
RT @LiliaEP: Good line! RT @glenasbury Loved @GovChristie's statement that teachers unions so often represent the worst of teachers rath ...
RT @JoeSixpackSays: I'd like to see the Gov shut down, then the Post Office won't bring me any more BILLS! LOL #cspj #tcot #p2 #teaparty
It'll take a man like #ChrisChristie 2 be the #EdSec in order 2 oversee the complete dismantling of the US Dept of #Education. #tcot #NJgov
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz @CMDeB @keder ... coz if we're talkin homegrown fried chikkin w/all the proper sides TeaRoom is tah place
RT @Derameth #Hezbollah chief 2 #IDF: Watch your heads #Israel #tcot #tlot #jcot #p2 #dnc #news #Israel #mil #sot
RT @Xunez: @tahDeetz Thanks for the tip! Next time I'm in Atlanta I'll try MaryMacs. your tummy will be rahhh-thah appreciative...;-)
RT @gopmommy: LOVE LOVE LOVE how my liberal friends are pissed about the internet kill switch bill. THEY voted for the ones that want to ...
RT @rickrichbourg: :) RT @AlinskyDefeater: Every electric car should come with a bumper sticker which reads, "This Car Runs on Coal" #oc ...
RT @kesgardner @RennaW @kesgardner It's Carter again. Egypt is Iran. Gas prices, Israel, unemployment, credit crunch. & then some. #tcot #p2
RT @kurtismarsh: RT @mkhammer: So, to recap, Christie talked about Soc Sec & Medicare reform in detail today, Dems held a presser w a st ...
RT @misslexi9162: If you are a lib or a spammer - You have no power here! Begone, before somebody drops a house on you, too! don't both ...
RT @FloridaJayhawk: "It now costs three times as much to provide essentially the same education as we provided in 1970" ...
RT @hipEchik: YES! rt @chuckdevore Did CA GOPer Chuck DeVore -- yes, Chuck DeVore -- beat the CIA to predicting Egypt crisis? http://t.c ...
RT @pheraghty: #DNR says wolves in #Wisconsin killing more dogs, #livestock #wi #news #tcot #wigop
RT @Q_Element: How to Backup and Restore Your iOS Jailbreak Applications with AptBackup [Video]:
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit RICK SCOTT KILLS HIGH-SPEED RAIL FOR #FLORIDA…. #tcot #news #p2
RT @SophiaTopTalent: SC Republicans push through 'repeal amendment': AP COLUMBIA, SC -- South Carolina lawmakers have approved a meas... ...
RT @joerobertson: - TSA Confirms Security Lapses at Newark Aiport #tcot #p2
RT @marklevinshow: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is no media hound, he doesn't get the fawning praise of the usual mouthpieces, but he... ...
RT @Doc_0: Does that "Climate of Hate" libs worry about include giving out addresses & telling a TV audience to "go get em?" http://ow.l ...
RT @brooksbayne: many on the left hate white #Christians. who in the hell do they think led the anti-slavery movement?! #tcot #p2
RT @capflowwatch: Birther debate alive across US #tcot Fueled by Obama's own obsession with secrecy about this past.
RT @quartermaine2: Dear Ms. Napolitano: An attack against ICE agents is no more nor less serious than U.S. citizens being attacked in Me ...
RT @ShaneAHayes: Chugging Nyquil like it's going out of style. Thanks #CPACPlague / #RINOvirus #tcot #teaparty
RT @FingersMalloy: My Latest 4 NewsReal-Richard Dreyfuss stole my Coke at CPAC! #SodaGate #sgp #tcot #ftrradio
RT @DavidLimbaugh @SalenaZito Youre right_Salena_it would be lonely 4 a #conservative 2 be "in bed" w/a billion flat-earther libs #tcot #gop
RT @CalvaryGirl: WHAAATT!?? >> #GOP pushing for ISPs to record user data #news #tech #teaparty #tcot #tbrs
RT @imwindowman: Attention all small business owners Shout out about our business problems. @DarrellIssa needs your ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Progressives who speak of progress, are actually talking about anti-progress, or control of all things by socialism." ...
John Bolton says Hillary is showin the balsak Obama aint in re the #USMexBorder. . . Imho, HRC is gonna primary Barry. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @heavyhokie: #this RT @CorieWhalen: People who are offended by @GovChristie's tact (or perceived lack thereof) haven't spent sufficie ...
@BoltonsMustache riiiiiight. #USMexBorder
RT @imsure: #TSA ‘bad apples’ steal thousands from baggage of passengers #news #tcot #p2 #dhs

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