Thursday, March 31, 2011

From Twitter 03-30-2011

RT @sceptress: Very creepy…
RT @Im_bonafide Why are there keyloggers on Samsung laptops?
RT @Jihadihunter: Retired Teachers in California Earn More Than Working Teachers in 28 States #tcot #teaparty ...
RT @mistygirlph: The Most Popular Fonts By Operating System [Infographic] -
RT @bikerbd @SissyWillis @gatewaypundit Wave of #AlQaeda Fighters Heading 2 #Libya From Afghanistan #news #tcot #mil
RT @RedState: Joanne Kloppenburg Is Bothered By Outside Money Spent in Judicial Elections, Except for the $3 Million... ...
RT @latimestot 100+ #Diebold voting machines_known 4 how easily they can be hacked_available on #EBay #tcot #truethevote
RT @beachkatie #Conservatives Now Outnumber #Liberals in Deep-Blue States People are waking up! #news #tcot #p2 #dnc
RT @RedEyeFNC: Tonight on #Redeye Greg welcomes @JedediahBila, first time guest @KrystalBall1, and @JimNorton! #fb
RT @DanRiehl: MT @LibertyPundits: Rand Paul: Obama is a ‘hypocrite’ for engaging the US in Libya:I... #tcot
RT @MDuppler: Boom. RT @agripulse: Sen. Coburn announces he's wdrawn amdt to repeal ethanol blenders tax credit.#ethanol #farm #corn
RT @theRealExTex: Sweet-> Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in Deep-Blue States #tcot #p2
RT @SarahPalinLinks: (via SPIB) Bill Kristol Walks Back His Criticism of Sarah Palin in Interview with Benyamin Korn ...
@HeyTammyBruce some DCaller bilge tried 2say Palin's legal taxbreaks that R open 2all_is on par w/the state-funded propaganda that is PBS
RT @GAlafoginis How can the CIA be a covert agency when every time they R doing something COVERT_CNN sends out a news bulletin!! #WTF #tcot
RT @FloridaJayhawk: LMAO RT @CalebHowe: RT @BrandonKiser @keder Show me on the doll where Chris Brown hit you.
RT @Obamapocalypse: Libyan "rebels" won't have to "ride in the back" of #Obama's radical '60's 'Peace' bus aptly named "Narcissistic Ody ...
RT @VotingAmerican: Why do Liberals get So Angry?: #liberals #socialists #marxists #communists #atheists #tcot #p21 #p2 #p2b #dems #obam ...
RT @LisaGraas Thanks! @stvsmith2009 #Catholic Bishops’ Heads Still in Sand w/Radical Islamists Via @LisaGraas #tcot
RT @andylevy: Oh, look, it's some kind of #redeye podcast thingy:
RT @Celtic_Norse Rising #Corn Acreage Seen Failing 2 Meet Increased US #Feed, #Ethanol Use #news #tcot #tlot #food #p2
RT @RedDogReport: Poll: Half of America Has No Idea What We Are Doing in #Libya #tcot #sgp #teaparty #news #p2 #mil
@bear54 riiiiiight. ... @RedDogReport
RT @ConservativeBC: Stop Corrupt Left-wing Unions #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: Whitesnake – Here I go again ♫
Wasn't it Harry Reid saying way back on 3/21/11, that the #TeaParty was gonna "peter out" & go away?!? *snort* #tcot #p2
RT @teacherspets: The trolls are out in force. Beware of the eggs.
RT @LaydiHD: #FOIA-interfering #DHS attorney previously worked 4 Organizing for America #tcot #twister #crime ...
@squire7 100% of what comes out Dingy Harry's mouth, is either wishful thinking or a lie. #TeaParty #tcot
RT @Fector: If they're such humanitarians, why don't the Democrats sell the Republicans some of their missiles that hurt only bad people?
RT @DanRiehl: RT @AndrewBreitbart: Whats more hypocritical? The @HuffPost front page ban? Or @MMFA crying 'selective editing… (cont) htt ...
RT @pepper_10: RT @Zener39: RT @chicagosweather Chicago Climate Action: Civil Disobedience at Fisk Coal Power Plant
#Trump can't principally layout any argument on social issues. For a second, he sounded just like #Obama, sans teleprompter. #tcot #teaparty
no BOR, his mother was a marxist.
RT @ZanP: @tahDeetz a red diaper doper baby ~good one
@River_City he's trying to inoculate O's marxist roots w/ the hippie label 4 his mother
@River_City it's OReilly...... ;-)
@River_City BOR suffers from transient lucidity.
@River_City even a broke clock gets it right twice daily.
redneck chick fight ... aint. nothin. nuttier. #tcot
#StripperTennis? #tcot #tennis
So much for the @Politico & @NBC GOP debate scheduled for May 2nd. ~heh. #tcot #teaparty
RT @irishspy: @rsmccain Can Cindy Sheehan chaining herself to the White House fence be far behind?
RT @rsmccain: @irishspy The schadenfreude is sweet, eh? [] #p2 Libya War Consultant: Bill Kristol #tcot
RT @rsmccain: @irishspy CIA! Secret war! Bill Kristol! "Change You Can Believe In!" #p2
Hey Nina, there was no #TeaParty, #Foxnews or #tcot in 1994.
RT @CFHeather @teapartyprotest: #EPA Scheme in #Florida Unites #TeaParty, #Unions #tcot #news #tlot #tpp #ocra #p2
RT @JasonBWhitman: I love hearing a Democrat talk about how things "should work" after they have wrecked the economy. #tcot #demfail
RT @DefeatBarack: Washington Examiner: 3 Joes Launch Anti-Obama group #tcot #sgp #gop
RT @GadsdenRattlers: Why does the City Manager of Joliet Illinois make more money that governors in 50 States? #tcot #teaparty #tpp #tlo ...
RT @derised1: MT @ReaganStyle: @geaneeinabottle Some ppl support GOP Establishment & fail 2 acknowledge that they're the problem Not the ...
RT @PJTV: Did Obama use the Bush Doctrine to justify committing our military to combat operations in #Libya? #Trife ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @HomerWhite: Word of caution: if you get tweets about buying ipads, iphones, etc ..don't open...just block. virus prone.
RT @coldhardtruth Tax the SuperRich now or face a revolution ~Happiness is a tight group @600M #tcot #p2 #dsa #ofa #dnc
RT @gpollowitz: Ed Shultz is hosting an upcoming show on black America. Well, I guess he's blacker than Chris Matthews
RT @LibertyLynx: @tech1959 The biggest self-promoting frauds I know are progs. They LIVE 'fake it til u make it' but never make it out o ...
RT @EternalRiteWing: 663 Illegal Aliens with Ties to Terrorism Arrested in 2010 @PatDollard @BadCat_CA #news #tcot #mil
RT @THEHermanCain: I applaud House GOP on passage of SOAR to undo damage done by eliminating school choice options in D.C. #tcot
RT @BadCat_CA: @EternalRiteWing @PatDollard Politicians, judiciary, and several depts have US citizen, military, & law enforcement blood ...
RT @PatDollard: Oh, Jihadi Killer Hour, Oh Jihadi Killer Hour, wherefor art thou, Jihadi Killer Hour?
Flight From DC 2 #Oregon Diverted: ‘Strange’ Middle-Eastern Men Refuse Crew Commands via @theblaze #mil #tcot #news
RT @verumserum @MelissaTweets @jjmnolte I'm pessimistic. See video I found today. The left sees a win in this #tcot #news
RT @commonpatriot: ->RCPoliticsVideo: MSNBC's Ed Schultz: Rebels In Libya Are "Freedom Fighters" #tcot
RT @CFHeather: RT @michaelemlong: Unionization by Regulation #tcot #sgp #teaparty #fox news #drudge #conservative # ...
RT @kesgardner: I don't know that Obama's ability to pick sides in Libya is any better than picking winners in sporting events. Do you? ...
RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: New Motherf--g Tone, #Libya War Edition #tcot #news #mil #p2
RT @toddeherman: Okay, fellow radicals. It's time for me to go use my contraband shower head, in my under ground bathroom with #EPA targ ...
RT @Daggy1 Michigan has been run by Democrats 4 yrs_Look what it brought them_& people are still loyal 2 the Socialist Democrat party? #tcot
I hope our U.S. boots on the ground in #Libya, are at least given full-auto bean-bag guns 4 protection. #tcot #mil #usbp
RT @Dbargen @toddeherman Whered U find that soap? I want sum clean dishes! #phosphates=clean jobs! #tcot ~I have fond memories of that deb8
Someone needs to send Chuck Schumer's fired staffer, a thank you note. ... #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @MikePerretta: Norquist: #Obama Will Close Govt, Not Cut Spending #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Shamrock_Deals Unalienable rights pre-exist the formation of the states or the federal government @DaveChampion
Before you know it, the #p2 crowd will be calling us #ExtremeRacists or something.... #tcot #teaparty
RT @KevDough: @MooseOfReason yeah, I'm the only conservative in my family, so they all gang up on me, and they won't pass me the turkey, ...
RT @PoliticalPAW: "RUT-ROH"...@MSNBC Lobbyist Cenk Uygur Calls Obama’s New Poll Numbers ‘Disastrous’ #news #tcot #p2
RT @augustine25: Obama & socialist Midwest Academy. http://www. ...
RT @RonPaulNews: Hide in Plain Sight | LRC Blog
RT @TalkSouthRadio: @PatDollard Our gov't does more checks on our citizens buying a handgun than it does on foreign rebels wanting milit ...
Hey US Citizens_just tell #ATF ur from a DrugCartel_or tell the StateDept_ur a Libyan rebel_& the US Armory is your oyster #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @UntilimInCharge: #DoJ clears itself of wrongdoing in dropping Black Panther case. #tcot
RT @diggrbiii: I'm sure the CIA agents going into Libya REALLY appreciate the morons at the White House who leaked they were going in. # ...
Latest Leftist #ArguTwaddle --- Give us what we want, or we'll shoot you.... #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dsa btw, good luck with that one.
RT @knottienature: RT @PatDollard: "Stonehenge" was a bad name for a condo community. < Or a quiet advertisement for the local medici ...
RT @bettered: RT @velvethammer: Obama: Slogans Like "Drill, Baby, Drill" Are "Gimmicks" - says the mfd gimmick himself http:… (cont) htt ...
like it or not, 2012 is here. #tcot #teaparty
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit: #CHANGE: #Indiana House Passes Broad #School #Voucher Bill…. #tcot #news #p2
RT @dlueking: Let me get this straight. BO's transparency award cerem from the pple for open gov was not announced, restrict reporters a ...
RT @kesgardner: Obama's re-election? RT @keder: Does anybody know what the US mission in Libya is actually supposed to accomplish? #tcot #p2
RT @LaurieBailey: Report Accuses DHS of Witness Tampering and Attempted Theft of Congressional Committee Documents - http:/ ...
RT @SouthernBella24: Risks of Female Masturbation According to Islamic Teachings #teammuslim #TeamInfidel #tiot #St ...
RT @SooperMexican: allright party people.. im gonna go read about how western civilization fought off an Islamist assault.. uhm.. in 152 ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @charliemax: Senator Marco Rubio On ABC News' "Nightline"
RT @derised1: @knottienature Well if the covert operation was leaked to Media-not a good sign. BO still should have been open about the ...
RT @carpatho_rusyn: Remember when the American People called their Congressmen and had the Tarp Bailout's stopped!, Oh Wait a minute, th ...
RT @EricSteeleLive: @GaltsGirl I wait till they say something stupid, slam em real hard and block. I don't have time for stupid. I'll de ...
RT @roadrun775: @Dr_Rose As an April Fool's prank, Fox News is planning to report that Obama was born in the United States.
SHOCKING FIND_Day After 9-11 #VanJones Led Rally Where They Cheered American Killers~Vid via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2

Tweets copied by

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From Twitter 03-29-2011

Could #Obama & the dems survive politically if they threw #Israel to the islamic wolves?!? #tcot #teaparty #jcot #idf
RT @PatriotAirborne: "The left has hated the American military because it is a part of the vehicle of national exceptionalism." #tcot #t ...
@andilinks @debsinger2 I'm kinda thinkin now that Trump gave Obama the '08 benefit of the doubt, but now, he's gettin royally effed by bho
RT @island_adv Armed_law-abiding citizen stops attack on #Marine & wife God Bless Good Citizen #news #tcot #USMC #mil
RT @ondrock: 2/3s of #oil & #gas leases in Gulf inactive thanks to Obama #tcot #news #jobs #economy #nola #p2
@gary4205 fyi, I grew up on a steady diet of Mad....great .avi
RT @skigarmisch: RT @ComradeThead: On 3/29/11, the Colt .45 Auto (Model 1911) was adopted as official service handgun by the U.S. Army. ...
RT @littlebytesnews: #tcot #news #variety Troop deployments cost NC extra seat in Congress
RT @KamaainaInOC: RT @JedediahBila: Back on #RedEye tomorrow night, tweeps.
RT @KLSouth: Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties. #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @DLoesch: Terrorist scum threaten Veena Malik after she rightly emasculated their savage ideology ...
RT @carold501: The Messiah is coming. No, not that one. The Islamic Madhi. Economic Collapse: - These nuts believ ...
RT @tradethecycles: Teacher #Unions Are Killing the Public Schools #usa #news #business #obama #economy #educatio ...
RT @Afterseven: Conrad, Chambliss Reconvening Bipartisan Energy Group I don't want these clowns having anything to d ...
RT @Michael_Yon: Big Hollywood: The Stoning
RT @secupp: Just talked to folks at NASCAR, and they say they have not been approached by Lafferty Motorsports for approval of a Tea Par ...
RT @TechZader: 20 Beautiful Examples of Calligraphy in Design
RT @PatDollard: George #Soros. A man of wealth and taste. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @imsure: RT @hankpannell Chuck Schumer and The Banking Queen BARNEY FRANK had fun destroying our housing industry!!! They commited po ...
RT @CSPANJNKY So long as govt money is involved_schools will continue 2 serve political rather than student interests<-same w/HC @cspanwj
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: The Feds Money Printing is causing Riots all over the World! - Political Discussion - Shroomery Message Board http://ow ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama Causes Riots In Egypt - America's Political Chat Room @cspanwj #cspj #tcot #news #teaparty #fa ...
RT @CSPANJNKY: food dye is now questionable after YEARS of FDA approval. LOL.. Axe the FDA.. Axe the FDA.. they are NOT our friend, but ...
RT @KLSouth: The National Institutes of Health spent approximately $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam. #tcot #p2
RT @PatDollard: Make no mistake. The war between Right and Left, between America and Islam, is the ancient battle between Good and Evil ...
RT @NHWarrior: @PatDollard Many like Soros are playing god & have unleashed the hounds of hell on earth.
RT @tcolins100: Obamacare: "Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply 2 members of Congress..they r already exemp ...
RT @DarrellIssa: Oversight's @PatrickMcHenry leading the charge ending Obama's mortgage program that fails homeowners & taxpayers VIDEO: ...
RT @nathanmartin: RT @mattklewis @jmartpolitico: @smg_lynch Haley Barbour to Reps: "I married my trophy wife the first time." | SHOT O ...
I think the #BronxZooCobra is just lonely & is only trying to find Chucky Schumer in order to mate w/him. #nyc #ny #bronx #tcot
@VeeTee2009 bleating incessant class-warfare propaganda, does not make it so. @cspanwj @CSPANJNKY
Tweeting from principle, rather than talking point, is soooo much easier. #tcot #teaparty
RT @MuddleVanHeck: @welshman007 - Liberals -- It's What's For Dinner. (They aren't even armed!)
RT @wabewirth: Cobb County's fire chief says a millage rate Increase would help the county avoid proposed fire cuts. ...
RT @suhrmesa: #Left thought: I really want windMills 2replace fossil fuel 2power gen. So, we will subsidize windmills & cover the land. ...
RT @yeeheecom: Allies Ask, Can Rebels Be Trusted? #mil #news #tcot #teaparty #libya
RT @JedediahBila: The GOP can & should be easily flipping these phony "extremist" accusations right back on the Left. Where is the commu ...
RT @SissyWillis: RT @DanRiehl: RT @KerryPicket: Illinois state police remain tight lipped on alleged racial inciden ...
RT @ondrock: RT @laborunionrpt: SEIU’s Manifesto? Stephen Lerner Doubles Down on Crippling America’s Economic System #tcot http://lnkd.i ...
RT @Architekt010 @foxheadlines #Indiana #GOP pushes ahead w/big #voucher program #tcot #teaparty #news #edreform #p2
RT @BlkMamba: RT @KatyinIndy: The price of gasoline has risen 67 percent since inauguration day 2009 #fb #tcot #gop ...
RT @JennyErikson: About to apply for a line of credit so I can fill my gas tank.
RT @teacherspets: RT @beesnguns: Gov. Jerry Brown Cuts Services 4Poor,Sick & Elderly to Pressure #GOPs to Agree to His Tax Plan http://t ...
RT @spongedocks: #DHS being sued over #amnesty policy #news #tcot #teaparty
US #Army threatens #CourtMartial 4 chaplains who speak against homosexuality #mil #news #teaparty #tcot #ProgziSocialLab
RT @MattDeLuca: RT @MelissaTweets: RT @RedState: SEIU’s Manifesto? Stephen Lerner Doubles Down on Crippling America’s Economic System ht ...
RT @texasaunt: I support the "extreme" budget cuts that Chucky Schumer wants to demonize! Proud to be apart of the evil movement to red ...
RT @KLSouth: Congress recently gave Alaska Airlines $500,000 to paint a Chinook salmon on a Boeing 737. #tcot #teaparty
RT @PatDollard: Just as it is curious that Cass Sunstein's wife Samantha Powers would credit Obama wth starting the whole Libyan uprisin ...
RT @12C4: Say It Ain't So: Kevin Federline Ready to Spawn Again! #TheKiddieGenePool
RT @PatDollard: One man's reckless is another man's deliberative maneuver
RT @douglasbass Jihadis who killed Americans get US support in #Libya #Obama doctrine -encourage US enemies #tcot
RT @aurich109: RT @afeagle1: RT @keder: The BIG LIE in all of this is the crazy leftist myth that Bush went into Iraq alone.HE DIDN' #tc ...
RT @TRMirCat: Iggi Pop wants his body back RT @collegepolitico: Also Madonna you're gross. Get over yourself.
RT @runedart: Rubio: Americans have built the single greatest nation in all of human history. Until now. #twist ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: Amen! | RT @Beregond "Jesus and the Left Revisited.." - ~ "Jesus Was A True Blue Conservative!" - ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Woman uses child as shield against police Taser... - #tcot
RT @JedediahBila Looking at this list reminds me just how out of touch the "#GOP insiders" are #tcot #teaparty
Alan Colmes is high, again. #tcot
RT @RAMansour via @wsj "Sarah Stateswoman: #Palin hits the right notes in #NewDelhi" #gravitas #tcot #news #teaparty
W/a ponzi scheme, you get a #choice, w/ #SocialSecurity, not so much. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @PatriotAirborne: I'm listening to "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd ( #pandora
Every time I see a U.S. Soldier bustin' his hump deep in the shit, I get a lil' misty.
RT @BigBucksCo: Take Action To Stop EPA -Heritage Action for America via @Easy Free Emails To Your Senators - Do It ...
RT @rumpfshaker: The Democratic Party = "a bunch of showered-up hippies." - @stephenkruiser #FLRightOnline #tcot #teaparty
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Listen to featuring my guests Reps @thadmccotter, @MicheleBachmann + @Michael_Yon, @LilaG ...
Silly Leftists, bolshevik revolutions are for real #Communists, with barricades. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
10 to 1, the left will start calling 4 the impeachment of Scalia over his traffic ticket.
RT @jjauthor: Muslim Brotherhood:"Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; dying in the way of Allah is ...
RT @fredthompson: Green EU to ban gas-powered cars by 2050. Ya know, anyone could conquer Europe, as long as they did it on a cloudy day ...
RT @GregWHoward: Country not rallying around this war president, -16 approval index #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm ...
RT @UntilimInCharge: @GregWHoward: Where r all the leftist chants now: NO BLOOD FOR OIL! #Libya #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: It took nearly 100 years of adulterating capitalism with socialism to screw us up this bad. Never forget that! #tcot #p ...
RT @ThorntonB1: @FloridaJayhawk Could Palin/West win in Florida? ~yup.
RT @dhrxsol1234: OMG!! BO acknowledges no wrong doing?? GUNS smuggled to Mex. drug cartels #tcot #teaparty #g ...
RT @ToddyLittman: @richlowry, even Obama knows we were spending 10 billion a month on Iraq war, total, nowhere near ...
RT @bayouchild: @GregWHoward how many days late is Obama on his promise to pull troops out of the middle east within 100 days of taking ...
@Gretawire brings d PAIN 2 #BarryBOHICACorp & crack decision 2 go w/ #TheUnknownRebel N #Libya. U say Keffiyeh_I say PaperSak #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @wickedpoptart: RT @trainwreckradio: Run Like Hell – Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder - HD ♫
RT @LenaSiberian @patriotmom61 I've said it before; George #Soros is this villain in real life #glennbeck #tcot #news
@Dbargen @pinnie99 @ThorntonB1 @FloridaJayhawk #tcot #teaparty et al is ready 4 d crap & wont stand 4 it anymo_dems gotta rely on subterfuge
RT @Dbargen: RT @Talkmaster Freaking @bronxzoosnake has twice the followers I do ... after one day. #tcot
RT @ericbolling: Liberal Mayor defaults to layoffs instead of touching progressive kryptonite: renegotiate with #unions. #jobs #tcot
RT @GregWHoward: Maddow Notices Similarity Between Obama's Libya Address and Nobel Peace Prize Speech - Not The Irony ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Stephen Lerner Doubles Down on ‘Economic Terrorism’ Plan in New Op-Ed #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Lostmybeer: liberals dominate the Party, but over time the Marxist faction swelled and just flat out booted them out. They said,"Com ...
RT @vadum: @MattDeLuca Gov Walker sh. realize that leftists never quit, they never stop coming. He needs to get medieval on them, figura ...
RT @LibertyLynx: Chevy Volt delieverd 281 "units" in February. Biggest joke=Gov trolls defending that # by claiming Chevy can't produce ...
RT @JeromeEHudson: Life is the only issue the Left is prochoice on. There's not shortage of Liberals standing against school vouchers. #tcot
RT @Liberty_Chick: .@brooksbayne And building upon that agreement is where conservatives & libertarian-conservatives can/should agree.
RT @GirlOnMission: Got that right! RT @SereDoc: @LiliButterfly @GirlOnMission Unfortunately Obama & his masters are deconstructing Amer ...
RT @ezradulis: Candy. RT @keder: What can I talk about that we all agree on? ~Candied #Bacon.
RT @slicedsky: Think Kinetic! ~ This is Not a War: U.S. Fires 22 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Libya in Past 24 Hours… ...
RT @catsune: NWV News - Sheriff who testified before Congress has ties to suspected Islamist group
RT @ConservativeWN: Obama’s Anti-Energy Policy Is Destroying American Jobs: (
How many Islamic Republics will Barack Obama save or create? ___ #tcot #p2 #mil
The #Soros communal meth-sack, is wide-@ass open. #tcot #teaparty
RT @mrprolife: Virginia Gov. signs law mandating hospital safety standards for abortion clinics #prolife #prochoice

Tweets copied by

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From Twitter 03-28-2011

RT @TheFlaCracker: If Obama were SENATOR he would be calling for HIS OWN impeachment #gop #tlot #tcot #p2 #dnc #teaparty
RT @CatsPolitics: @Kim_AE When did Obama get A Doctrine?
RT @College_FB: College Football 2011: 8 Non-SEC Coaches Who Would Thrive Under SEC Pressure: Beamer brought his philosophy of f... http ...
RT @TheFlaCracker: Defn of Irony: #WIUnion hate Halliburton for getting more and more on no-competition contracts #teaparty# #gop #tlot ...
RT @HumanEvents: Our first ever user-generated story: George Soros, Demagoat
Sooooo, @BarackObama admits that US Soldiers have been greeted as liberators in a #Muslim land. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #mil #obamaspeech #dnc
RT @JMOKC: Losing Our Sons; Breaks Media Silence about Radical Islamic Recruitment in America #tcot #news #mil #teaparty
RT @JoeCaruso: When a liberal/left-wing/socialist/marxist/America-hating Administration goes to war it's NOT war, it's KINETIC MILITARY ...
RT @teh_Dede @kevdough: I hope none of our kinetic military action puffs go astray & knock out headquarters in #Libya. #tcot #mil
RT @EverythingATL: Minority Group Says Ga. Created Illegal Cities: The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus and others say the state ha... h ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Pantera ~ Cat Scratch Fever ♫
RT @Snarkky: So, in effect, slick-Willy reduced COLA for seniors on SS. Paul Begala prolly said "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kin ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Hey @MSNBC guess what... @SarahPalinUSA can answer questions without reading a #Teleprompter!!!!!!!!!! #justsayin #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Def Leppard : Armageddon It ♫
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA US interests are Gaddafi has got to go! #PalinDoctrine! #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA Intervention by ad hoc policy. Inconsistency 2nite by Obama has made things worse Makes us distrust wht ...
RT @johnnyA99: Peter Schiff: The US Should Abolish Corporate & Personal Income Taxes via @clusterstock #news #tcot
RT @TreyRatcliff: Our free HDR Tutorial is now in 6 SIX !!! languages. Crazy! Thx everyone for the community-driven translations! http ...
RT @firearmblog: UTS–15 shotgun to be produced in USA #gun
RT @irishspy: RT @Michael_Haz: NEWS!! WH announces that on Wednesday President Obama will turn over his golf game to NATO. #tcot #mil #p2
Every time @BarackObama opens his piehole, a prog'z argument gets it's wings broke. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @DanRiehl: RT @nytimes: U.S. Air Power Is Given Expansive Role in Libya
RT @redostoneage: #tcot #chicago ClimateDepot: RT @CFACT: We need #nuclear: #Wind won't keep us warm #energy #tco.. ...
RT @sithvader91344: RT @Jihadihunter: Roses are red, violets are blue, lets hang #Qaddafi by his nuts, and the Iranian bastard too. #Ir ...
RT @SereDoc: If nothing else BHO is consistent, supporting Islamists in Iran, Egypt and Libya. #israel #tcot #jihad #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc
Kinetic-Military-Action ~ It's Not Just For #RWNJ's Anymore ... #KineticMilitaryAction #tcot #p2 #mil #libya
RT @esqcapades: Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: #Obama's #Libya Speech In One Sentence #news #tcot #p2
RT @TheNewsBlotter: Kyodo: FEATURE: JET program English teachers in Miyagi say they won't leave #JPquake #news #tcot
RT @RandyArrington: @teapartynation Obama is incompetent as a Democratic Constitutionalist in American culture & Republic. He is highly ...
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: Only from academia~ #College kids too busy to get #VoterID #tcot #votefraud #news
RT @Newswatcher89: #IDF opening field hospital in disaster-ravaged #Japan #tcot #p2 #news
RT @melissakchan: More creepiness. Chinese-Australian blogger disappears after calling/saying he is being followed by 3 men. http://bit. ...
RT @Newswatcher89: A BREAK IN Japan’s supply chain…. #tcot #p2 #news
RT @andilinks: Trump has had to bribe a lot of proggys to get projects done & they're listed as "donations." He can't say they were brib ...
RT @Suzyge09: #Obama #Libya Speech Fudges the Details - The Daily Beast #tcot #p2 #news
RT @corrinalea: Where are the #antiwar protests on my #liberal university campus?! Oh yeah. #Libya #tcot #p2
RT @jessefelder 3 Reasons Why The US Tax Code Puts US Companies At A Massive Disadvantage #news #economy #jobs #tcot #p2
RT @HeyTammyBruce: I hear the White House is really, really hoping that woman in AK posts something on Facebook so they'll know what to ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RightWingNews: You Can Pry My Free Dish Network Shotgun From My Cold, Dead Hands #tcot #news
#Squirmish ~an open-ended #KineticMilitaryAction that makes both #tcot & #p2, feel uneasy. #Palin
RT @PajamasMedia: #Iranian leaders are telling the Muslim world to prepare for the annihilation of #Israel and the fall of the West http ...
RT @PajamasMedia: #tcot @RogerLSimon explains why liberals need to watch The Coming, an Iranian-produced documentary
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: “Losing our Sons”: Documentary looks at domestic Islamic radicalization and jihadization http://bit. ...
RT @PajamasMedia: “British gays need to understand there’s no place for them in sharia-run Britain to which millions of Muslims aspire” ...
RT @PatDollard Iranian Govt Produces Video Claiming Apocalypse Now #news #mil #tcot #p2 #jcot #Israel #iran
RT @FloridaJayhawk: What makes Palin so dangerous? Her base will turn out in mass records. #palinpower #2012 #itsourtime #yesshewill #ye ...
The #Libya situation is organic kinda like how the Constitution is "living & breathing" I guess. #tcot #mil
RT @SamValley: Aerosmith - Train Kept a Rollin' (the Midnight Special '74) ♫
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Sarah #Palin Pummels Obama Over His Confusing & Disappointing Speech #tcot #p2 #mil #news
I think #Obama just had a 2nd #Waterloo. #tcot #p3 #mil
On the very 1st day the #NewYorkTimes charges for content, they have to slash the price. ~heh. #nyt #tcot #p2
RT @PatDollard After #Egypt: #MuslimBrotherhood Eyes #Libya As 2nd Gift From #Obama #news #mil #tcot #p2
The Gulags were great for keeping Russian muffin-tops at bay. #tcot #p2
@LyterCyde stranger than fact, yet true. #NewYorkTimes #tcot

Tweets copied by

Sunday, March 27, 2011

From Twitter 03-26-2011

Lisa Ling admits for a #liberal, it's all about #intention.
I thinck
i think with a mis-spellled word.
damn ... Americans are generous, just don't be a f*ckin' sucker. #tcot #p2
asa #rednekconfedmofo, I can work haaaarrd for the #BLACK ,,, bald, sharp man on the intro of @FBNStossel's SATam show. If u think BS_FU #p2
the #twitterreal challenge is how many threads of thought can be weaved w/in 140 chars #tcot #twitter @twitter
If only #JackHandy were on #twitter?
@Supercat66 redneck confederate mofo.
RT @stringbox: Deep tweets? "@tahDeetz: If only #JackHandy were on #twitter?" ~srsly took me 18 seconds b4 i got that... jst thnkn hndy
@horizon3 DO NOT DISPARAGE Phil Hartman's name like that ... effin plz..... #JackHandy #twitter
@Supercat66 drunk ... had 2 massage that tweet....
@Supercat66 jst effin wit ya.......
Verbal v. Typed
Stossel got the huevo's_calls out the #socialist useful idiot_but his argument has layers that can easily lose the stupid.

Tweets copied by

Saturday, March 26, 2011

From Twitter 03-25-2011

perfect effin sense to film #redeye around cocktail hour.
RT @KerryPicket: RT @dangainor: PETA most ridiculous of all lefty morons: PETA calls for more animal-friendly language in NIV Bible http ...
RT @AM_National: RT @JedediahBila: Please pass along ---> RT @michellemalkin: Day 20: #Marizela is still missing.
RT @JoAnneMoretti @Sir_Templar Breaking: #CBS #News: #ATF agent accuses agency of pushing #guns 2 cartels #news #tcot
RT @OneTruthHunter: @FederalistNo2 Global crises R painless, and since everybody will be broke at the same time, be happy! Elites did it ...
RT @LeftFighter Sen.Grassley:More answers on #BATFE op #FASTandFURIOUS #news #mexico #tcot #p2 #atf #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @Sir_Templar: "Obama on "gunwalking": Serious mistake may have been made" you think? #glennbeck #becktips #tcot # ...
RT @redostoneage: Progressive Victory! The Obama gas tax #p2 #cnn #pbs #abc #cbs #tcot #tlot #twisters ...
RT @PatriciaSmiley #Obama’s favorite CEO gets #GE out from paying any US #taxes #ofa #dnc #p21 #teaparty #tcot #p2 #dsa
RT @wiskey1249: #UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of #Economy #unions #tcot #news #p2 #dsa #osi #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @twiggyoh: @ResistTyranny Look WHO's "Air-Raiding villages & killing Civilians" Now #p2b #p21 #p2 #Congress @Nanc ...
MT @ali @jonward11 @donnabrazile #GE -HQ'd #Fairfield #CT -paid notta in income #taxes~In fact_GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2B #tcot #p2
RT @SamValley: #youmightbealiberal If you believe Obama's attack on Libya was a "kinetic military action", and not war. #GOP #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #teaparty #p2 #px
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #news #dnc #p2 #tcot
RT @mikepfs: American Thinker - The #Liberal Media Cult #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ceolas: Europe Coddles Muslims, NOW US Troops Told To Lose The Uniforms While In Europe @RepPeteKIng #ampat #ocr ...
RT @ConservativeGal: An educated American who supports BO is only fooling themselves. A Christian who supports BO needs our prayers. #tc ...
RT @CarolofWest: Far as I can tell, BO is accomplishing everything he planned, many Americans just refused to believe that these were hi ...
RT @joeelector: @theblaze OneNation: Three Little Perps, Is FUNDING #Obamacare illegal? #hcr #budget #tcot #news
RT @MarkTapson Violent #Jihad Kills #Muslims, #Islamophobia Does Not #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #mil
#DOWchemical puts Jennifer Granholm on it's board.. . . #SELL, #SELL, SELL!!! #dow #michigan #equities #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @GeneTaylorUSA: Every time pols try to manage a war, they screw it up: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan & now Libya. #teaparty ...
RT @FlemingandHayes: THE U.S. IS BROKE: #PlannedParenthood Does NOT Need Tax Dollars #tcot #prolife #news #p2
The islamists are now taking over #Egypt, toot suite. told ya so, effin morons..... #mil #tcot #p2
RT @vmpcott: Obama showing his true colors: redistribute wealth ie. Petrobras and destroy Israel: through rev in ME that bring Muslim Br ...
Bill Clinton's 3:00am phonecall was a booty call. #tcot #p2
RT @irishspy #DiploMad: Bomb Until We Think of Something 2 Do #news #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #dsa #osi #p2b #px #p21 #p3
RT @Super_Patriot #Democrats still pushing new mileage #tax #news #obama #p2 #dem #tcot #ocra #dnc #ofa #px #teaparty
RT @PacesetEclectic: RT @theblaze: Pledge of Allegiance Returns to NYC School After Parents Complain Daughter Has no Idea What it Is htt ...
Looks like #Pyramids / #Sphinx had abt a good 5k year run_Just think, #Egypt w/nuttin but sand_crocodiles & blood thirsty islamonazis #tcot
RT @ToddyLittman: @DarrellIssa @SpeakerBoehner Forget the Progressives, show us you're willing to cut even lower than Bush's last budget ...
Screwing the pooch is how #Democrats generally gain political power. #tcot #p2
RT @laborunionrpt @Drudge_Report: #GE pulls in $14 billion, pays $0 US taxes... #tcot #ocra #LUR #news #p2
RT @hipEchik #Obama on #GE CEO #Immelt ~He understands what it takes 4 America 2 compete in the global economy~1/11 #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
If you've ever given @BarackObama the benefit of the doubt, don't you feel stoopid now. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
#Obama in'09~I Promise I Will Never Rush the Decision 2 Send U in Harms Way_Vid via @gatewaypundit #news #p2 #tcot #mil
@pam1964USA looks like I hit a nerve... I did muh research on #obama PRIOR to voting_race had nothing to do with it_effin moron
@AWOLOBAMA Trump?!? .... meh...
RT @newportexec: #Soros, enemy of capitalism, is at work again, & Americans are helping #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #p2
@pam1964USA i thought u were calling me a "racist" ... i musta misread your tweet....sorry.....
RT @ajcpolitics: Gingrich has work cut out in Georgia #georgialegislature #gapolitics #tcot
when did marxists start loving golf so much? #tcot
@WebsZachAndrews look at timeline for your answer to that.
@WebsZachAndrews my timeline...
@pam1964USA sounds 'interesting' to say the least... stay safe...
@WebsZachAndrews no worries.... @pam1964USA is a pretty cool tweep, too....
RT @articlefriends: Best Way To Gain Muscle Give Your Testosterone Levels A Boost: Six simple and practical things you can impleme... ...
RT @meredithdake: RE: My twitter rant abt Breitbart/Palin culture - @jjmnolte said it much more eloquently than I ever could: http://bit ...
RT @VotingFemale: .@booandcoo0220 Katie Couric ran 3 million viewers off her news show w/Lib Propaganda; No New Contract 4 HER! aww :D # ...
that pic of #Palin, SP's kids & Oprah at #BigHollywood, is kinda disturbing for some odd reason. 1st story. #tcot #teaparty
RT @62seabee: Muslim are flocking to this country. Tell me which are radical and which moderate. My Muslim neighbor in Orchard Park Be-H ...
I haven't gone to the movies in at least 10 years..... looks like #Battle_LosAngeles will pull me back in. bout damn time. #tcot #mil
if the FED is allowed to tax mileage, old cars w/o black-boxes & GPS will become highly valued. #tcot #teaparty #autos #cars
March 25: National Medal Of Honor Day #news #military #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty
@FreeWeThePeople no doubt....but it just enhances the value of those remaining....
#Obama gets nailed smuggling #guns to Mexican drug cartels. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #atf #FASTandFURIOUS #ofa #dnc #dsa #px #p21 #p3
@FreeWeThePeople zactly what it's designed for. subsidies & welfare for the "less-fortunate" will play a big part of it
Is the #p2 crowd just NOW figuring out the #TeaParty is going after #AARP?!? #tcot
Michelle #Obama was just called a #lumberjack by a #Rush caller. Monitor-Squeegee, P-HOST!!! #tcot #teaparty #p2
@FreeWeThePeople it's why I've been saying for years, #liberal govt programs are designed expressly to fail. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @SpotTheColumn: New Scandel-> Steve McIntyre uncovers another hockey stick trick - where are the academic cops? ...
RT @LaydiHD: Frank Lautenberg Thinks Terrorists Should Have More Rights than TeaPartiers #tcot #twisters #tea ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Ratt - Round and Round ♫
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~it's been a rough week. #turbulence #mosen @claire #tcot #mo #news
@FreeWeThePeople homeschool.
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~its been a ruff week #turbulence #mosen @clairecmc #tcot #mo #news
RT @newzealblog: Communists Re-emerge as Major Players in Egypt:  From the Communist Party USA's Peoples WorldOn March 15, t... http://b ...
RT @OBAMA_CZAR #Progressives accused GWBush of being dumb & not listening_only 2 elect a man who actually is dumb & not listening #tcot #p2
Hey @newsmax, Dick Lugar is a US senator from #Indiana, not #Utah. Your proofread dept SUCKS! #tcot #teaparty
RT @andylevy When I bcome Emperor in 2014 there R gonna be a lot of changes around here_Just FYI~is that when @greggutfeld's contract is up?
It's not drug abuse ... it's Kinetic-Crack-Combustion. #mil #tcot #p2 #kineticmilitaryaction
Kill mandatory #Union dues & state collections of those dues, & you kill #Unions. #tcot #teaparty
RT @CarrionSoul: @FreeWeThePeople @ires @Blurt2U OMG! They are telling me there is a RIPPLE DOWN effect from the things unions get passe ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: California Judge Strikes Down Cap and Trade Law #tcot #CAPandTAX #news #p2 #catcot
RT @AppleFollowers: Controversy: There’s an App for That
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Alert: ATF to Ban Tactical Shotguns - I hope you're not one of those gun owners who said, "They'll never come for m ...
time to kill the #ATF. once. and. for. all. #tcot #teaparty
hey worthless #progzis, the #2ndA has nothing to do with the sporting uses of a firearm. #p2 #tcot #teaparty #atf #shotguns
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Missouri ACORN is Reborn and They’ve Got Some Radical Plans.
RT @KeyboardMilitia: New Haven CT: Young Communist League to Protest With Unions During Next "Red School Bus" Tour Stop
#Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #tcot #p2
@WebsZachAndrews it was all muh worries... #FF
I want a #pony.
RT @RodneyStack_me @slkbrooke #Israel to deploy #IronDome anti-rocket system via @telegraphnews #tcot #news #jcot #mil

Tweets copied by

Friday, March 25, 2011

From Twitter 03-24-2011

RT @ConserValidity Lunatic Leftist & self-proclaimed #ObamaCare author (D)Anthony Weiner now asks 4 #NewYorkCity waiver from #ObamaCare. #p2
If #Trump can extract the tar-baby from the briarpatch, I will be impressed. #justsayin #tcot
This is fargin' Kinetic-Military-Action. #tcot #p2 #mil #libya
RT @ijonmark: Reuters: Only 17% of Americans see #Obama as a strong & decisive #military leader #TCOT #p2 #news #mil
RT @Photojojo: Presenting: Our top 20 creative ways to use a disposable camera. Double exposures + more!
@brooksbayne i think i do.... #prepper.
RT @wisgop: The Recall Integrity Center launches today to expose the aggression, intimidation, and threats coming from the left: http:// ...
RT @imsure: Inspector general: Yes, Obama’s Amtrak bureaucrats railroaded taxpayer watchdog #TCOT #news #teaparty
RT @JubileeCampaign: The #SEIU, #Illegals & #HumanTrafficking - RedState #humanrights #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@tographer the left has been populated w/worthless malcontents, but i repeat muhself.
RT @SexCigarsBooze: First time meeting his girlfriend’s parents »
RT @smitty_one_each: Custer: I can just turn this Little Bighorn skirmish around with some #KineticMilitaryAction. #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @CraigR3521: Update: I still hate Commies.
RT @PatriciaSmiley: Tammy Bruce Live, Commando, and Commercial-free Join the TAMs #tbrs #icon ...
@ChickJustin @teacherspets @SpeakerBoehnerMy imho_Mueller has been 1 of the few real checks we've had against Obama/Holderr/etc_once gone?!?
RT @RTHTGakaRoland: RT @AmericanLass: Rush Limbaugh Does the Military Have a Contingency Plan for an Anti-American President? http://is. ...
RT @RickSheridan: @Pqlyur1 No. The left also has a large contingent of smarmy, immature know-it-alls on the right in their battle agains ...
RT @Reaganista I applaud @FLGovScott 4 signing #Teacher Merit Pay n2 law_Its abt time good teachers were rewarded! #sayfie #tcot #education
RT @tealkra: 'Severe Threat': Deficit May Spark Crisis That Dwarfs 2008 Meltdown - #tcot #tlot #news
It's not sex ... It's Kinetic-Pelvic-Movement. ___ #libya #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @GeneTaylorUSA: If I need to show ID to MAKE A DEPOSIT at my bank, why doesn't everybody need ID to vote? #Teaparty #tcot #tlot #uco ...
RT @suziplasse: How dare you you insolent peasant!
RT @exposeliberals: Flashback 2009: Tax cheat Claire McCaskill says on MSLSD: Please pay your taxes #tcot #tlot #sg ...
RT @Jihadihunter: Notorious Jamie Gorelick is on Obama's short-list for our next FBI Director We Are So Screw ...
RT @MR_PUNJABI: Factory Orders Drop…Unexpectedly, Dashing Hopes For Rebound #Tcot #news #economy #p2
RT @Afterseven: The murder and rape of Black African migrants in Benghazi (East Libya) reduces the value of anti-Qaddafi rebels’ claim t ...
RT @twiggyoh: @thebighoot Costa Mesa-Calif-Laying Off Hundreds To solve a looming public #Union pension crisis/budget gap, http://nyti.m ...
When the #Obots voted for #Obama, they thought they were getting a #Lightworker. Instead, they got a lite worker. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @JennQPublic: Shorter SEIU: Unlike conservatives, *we* don't want you to die in a Triangle Shirtwaist Factory-style fire: http://is.g ...
RT @CO2HOG: Why The Establishment Doesn’t Want #Palin To Run #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @TechZader: Color App Breaks New Photo- and Video-Sharing Ground
RT @JamesMNHarris: Sen @clairecmc refuses to answer questions about her misuse of tax dollars while in #NYC fundraising. ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @foxnewspolitics IBD Disarmament The Obama Way - Rally 'round the white flag. Zero's not qualified to lead F Troop ...
RT @FoxNewsMom: Democrats advance 'lesbians-as-role models' plan. 'Costly state mandate targets children for sexual brainwashing' htt ...
RT @KurtSchlichter: That's what I said to my prom date. That ended up an unfinished quagmire too. RT @NathanWurtzel It's not a missile, ...
It's not a penis ....... it's a Kinetic-Pleasure-Tube _____ #libya #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @CFHeather: Europe Re-Divided? by George Soros #becktips #ocra #twisters #teaparty #sgp #tcot #ampat #tpp #crimei ...
RT @lizwestbrook: I want a Weiner Waiver! #tcot #ThingsThatSoundSmuttyButArent #nyc #hcr #p2
RT @web_Supergurl: ♬ Laila .. got you on yer knees Laila ♬ @SEALS69_CPM @GuardWifeL
RT @Afterseven 1 month b4 Op #OdysseyDawn, #OBAMA asked Congress to give $1.7 Million to Gaddafi's #Military. #Rush #tcot #p2 #mil #news
They aren't tits ...... they are Money-Redistribution-Devices ___ #libya #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @bobbycrumpley Heh! RT @tahDeetz <- x #Cheetah hound. They aren't tits ... they are Money-Redistribution-Devices __ #libya #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Check my Twitter feed: Toldja the organized left are totalitarian anti-free speech freaks. Van*glorious & van*quish ...
@Jenfidel: @PATR2012 in re Goldman, just look at the revolving-democrat door for their CEO. #justsayin
MT @PATR2012 Not only dems. ~yes, #GOP is littered w/progressive ciphers in order 2 depress/suppress the base_thats part of the plan
@Jenfidel yup.
RT @XtyMiller: Medical Marijuana to be Grown in White House Garden this Year via @AddToAny < Legalize it! #tcot #news #p2
RT @VodkaPundit Not getting a very good reception from talking wife n2 time-limited_scope-limited girl-on-girl action #tcot #p2 #mil #libya
RT @Mario49k @BlackListedNews: 2,200 #Marines To #Libya To Strike At Qadhafi Forces #news #mil #usmc #tcot #p2
RT @Jenfidel: RT @CO2HOG: RT @yidwithlid: Is Defense Secretary Gates Going Rogue? #tcot #mil #news #p2
RT @SiddharthPatel: #Offbeat Weird magazines - the world's oddest publications still in print
RT @TeamBachmann 62% favor a repeal of #Obamacare -up from 54% just last week_RT this if U2 demand repeal! #tcot #sgp
RT @amandacarpenter Every story about the #WeinerWaiver should include this pic Or this #tcot #ocra
I may not want to see Bachmann as president, but I still want her in the race. She will broach issues that must debated. #tcot #teaparty
I may not want 2 see Bachmann as president, but I still want her in the race. She will broach issues that must be debated #tcot #teaparty
@tradethecycles Palin has Obama, in spades. if Palin were such a lightweight, she would've been destroyed long ago ... imho.
A #LugarBurger sounds like you just pissed off your short-order cook. #tcot #teaparty #INsen #IN
RT @InhofePress: Most Senators dont wnt 2 be on record supporting Obama cap-and-trade agenda. nxt week, we may see who wants 2 stp it. h ...
@atlimbo check out if ya want a hella-burger while in MB.
RT @ButteCreekMill: Buckwheat Flour is low in gluten, but high in B vitamins, phosphorus and iron.
RT @a12iggymom: Allen West on Stakelback on Terror:
RT @SandGripper: Atlanta Aims for Arbitration Center to Ease Global Business: via @addthis
RT @anthropocon: @cprater I think there was someone boycotting Sabra because they support the Israeli military. Another reason to buy t ...
RT @LeftFighter: Another #Socialist coming to Piven's aid #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @MattCover: Sen. John Tester (D) would REALLY like you to know that he was the 52nd vote for ObamaCare: #tcot #p2
RT @lilleth71: Insolvency Looms as States Drain U.S. Disability Fund - via @NCPA #tcot #teaparty #gop #debt ...
RT @imsure: #ACLU: ‘Communism is the Goal’ #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin How a Bachmann Presidential Run Helps Governor Palin #tcot #palin
RT @317fletch: Progressives will not tolerate free speech
btw Van Jones is a copkilling supporter selfadmitd commi ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Guns N' Roses ~ You Could Be Mine ♫
RT @Loyal9 @FreeWeThePeople @TennConserv Most stupid term in history #KineticMilitaryAction ~Kinetic means_onc… (cont)
RT @PoliticsOfFear: Obama Doctrine: "we are waging a kinetic military operation alongside overseas contingency operations to prevent man ...
RT @Herfarm: 'Let me be clear" always followed by a whopper of a lie. #tcot #p2 #tweetcongress #teaparty #ocra #sgp
RT @emzanotti: RT @ConanOBrien Charlie Sheen is doing a 21-city comedy tour. Being a mentally unstable out of work TV star on tour was m ...
RT @msmama33 Pajamas Media_PJM Exclusive_DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border via @AddThis #tcot #news

Tweets copied by

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From Twitter 03-23-2011

RT @TimGamble: Yay! Prog compares me to flat-Earther because I don't buy into Green Movement. No attempt at substantive debate, just nam ...
RT @redostoneage: Obama Victory! Sales of new U.S. homes plunge 16.9 percent to record low! #p2 #msnbc #cnn #cbs #n ...
If U live in #Atlanta & park in a secure garage_it aint. #OpenCarry 2 & from ur car is #highly recommended. #gapolitics #ga #ajc @ajc #tcot
RT @VotingAmerican: Unions…Civil Unrest…Communism…Connect the Dots America! | Voting American: #twister #unions #seiu #obama #p21 http:/ ...
RT @PMgeezer: "In 1805, American Marines marched across the desert from Egypt forcing the surrender of Tripoli."
206 Yrs Later...they ar ...
RT @checktothepower: OBAMA is DESTROYING AMERICA and Bill Kristol wants to make sure Gov Palin don't run.THE ONLY REAL CONSERVATIVE WITH ...
RT @SooperMexican: RT @KFIAM640: The Eiffel Tower has reportedly been evacuated. Police in Paris said a suspicious package has been found.
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Band of (Illegal) Brothers? - Call it a gut feeling, but my hunch is that this odd incident is ... ht ...
RT @runedart: RT @WashingtonDCTea: RT @OGDoccat: Gaffney: #Florida Judge ‘Unfit’ for Choosing Shariah: #tcot ...
RT @libertyrant: @CassandraTroy perhaps Lib American women should undergo virginity tests in solidarity with their Egyptian sisters. #tc ...
RT @runedart: Media Matters 'Pundit' Boot Camp via @diggrbiii #twisters #tcot #ocra #twcot #rs #sgp
RT @SissyWillis: RT @NROcorner: U.S. Catholics and Conservatism: <-- "ALL THE ENERGY & THE YOUNG PEOPLE ARE ON T ...
Are #progressives really born this insipid or do they to work at it on a daily basis?!? #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @CongJeffMiller Could #Obama be Impeached over #Libya? Let's ask Biden #news #dnc #ofa #dsa #p2 #p3 #p21 #tcot
RT @PatriciaSmiley: 4,000 tourists evacuated Eiffel Tower anonymous caller warned that it would be blown up at 1700 GMT ...
RT @debster7301: RT @HeyTammyBruce: It looks as though all Palin supporting blogs and site are down. There may be a coordinated attack, ...
@pathtotyranny which book?
@ThunderPig c4p & palintv down....
@ThunderPig &
RT @C4Palin: C4P website is down due to an issue on the hosts servers. Not an attack. Site will be back up soon. Stay tuned for updates
RT @a12iggymom #Socialist Economic Saboteurs Exposed_Conspiracy No More #news #tcot #dsa #teaparty #p2 #dnc
@ThunderPig c4p just tweeted theyre having server issues...
Get your vid-cameras ready 4 the big #Communist & #Progressive march coming up_Save the USA ~ make a Commie famous today!!! #tcot #teaparty
RT @Mamadoxie: Alert:Might be a good idea to brush up on this: RT @TweetSmarter 7 Steps To Follow If Your Twitter Account is Suspended h ...
RT @Jihadihunter: Al Qaida commander backs Libyan rebels Obama Family Ties? #tcot #Libya #teaparty #islam #muslim
RT @JedediahBila: Uncle Sam shelling out big bucks for government #jobs #news #tcot #p2
RT @sparkey999w: Public Union protestors just another form of monopoly..only 1 voice is heard & it drowns out all others w thr screams.. ...
RT @JIDF: Part of the reason we feel so passionate when Jews are targeted and murdered is b/c of the failure of Jewish "leadership" to f ...
RT @rpagesc @SCRG: The #SC #Education Lobby - Siphoning $$$ from #Schools 2 Play Politics #scpol #sctweets #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: Woman Rehabilitates Ex-Con With Pink Pistol And The World Is Safer #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 #FL
RT @ExposingJewHate: RT @MuslimAlert: Mohammed jailed for chopping up Brother-in-law in the UK.: (London) When Mohammed Riaz's wife ... ...
MT @Jenfidel @markknoller Obama on way home from El Salvador_Scrubbed sightseeing of some ancient ruins to leave early~sounds like bad polls
RT @JonahNRO: From operation Odyssey Dawn to Operation Hot Potato. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #dsa #mil
RT @shoshido: @adamsbaldwin Dear @BarackObama, Please acquire some moral clarity. Sooner would be better. #Israel
@pauline_ma no doubt.
RT @WooHooYoo: RT @MelissaTweets: Garth Brooks goes all Dixie Chicks; Why do entertainers think we care about their political views? htt ...
RT @chicostien: .@DanRiehl Ratings have dropped for every show. Beck still beats competition 2to1 or more I guess 2.3 million isn't enough?
RT @theRealExTex: hey and learn-> Climate Religion - In The Beginning There Was Agenda 21: #tcot #news
RT @ondrock Carter lost Iran, #Obama is on the brink of losing the entire Middle east to an Islamic #Caliphate. H/T @DanRiehl #tcot #p2 #mil
Did Nancy Pelosi get the "bad" cannoli while in Italy? #tcot #p2
RT @FloridaJayhawk: Sarah Palin would listen to the Military Leaders. Obama listens to George Soros, Richard Trumpka and his buddy in Ir ...
RT @ali @instapundit: MICHELLE MALKIN is still looking for her missing cousin. If you can help, please do… #news #tcot
RT @BlueCollarTodd: Omaha Mayor Ponders A Toilet Paper Tax To Raise Money For Sewer Projects #tcot #tlot #oba ...
RT @chp3871: Freshman Allen West has #GOP abuzz with talk of '12 - Washington Times #tcot #teaparty #fl22 #flgop #news
RT @imsure Looming #Soros Conference 2 Focus on Rearranging Global ‘Financial Order’ #tcot #news #teaparty #finance #tlot
RT @kirstenpowers10: Libya operation could cost several billion dollars & require Pentagon to request emergency funding to pay for it. h ...
RT @andylevy: OMG they still vote on stuff like that? LOL! MT @BreakingNews British parliament votes in favor of military strikes agains ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: David Horowitz's Crisis of Political Faith #tcot
RT @Stranahan: And why am -I- the weird one who believes in free speech? How insane is it to call me a 'conservative' for wanting honest ...
RT @southrngirl77: Rally in DC planned for Mar 31, East end of the Capitol, 12-1:30, by TPP. #GOAL: To help Repubs find their backbone # ...
RT @FloridaJayhawk: @AllenWest is doing 2 town halls per month in his district. What is your Congressman doing in yours? My Congressman ...
RT @AndreaB1973: Sarah Palin to the Ritz: You betcha I'll be around in 2012
#Obama policy in #Libya: Qadaffi gets to use his Obamacare #waiver, as an #OdysseyDawn waiver. __ #mil #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @coyotered9 #Marines on the ground in #Libya #tcot #twisters #sgp #teaparty #USMC #mil #news #gop #ocra #tlot
RT @charliemax: Gorelick to head FBI? she should be on the most wanted list. #tcot #teaparty
RT @esqcapades: If a group says another group must give them money, simply because they have it, how does that differ from individuals s ...
RT @ConservativeLA: SEIU isn't screwing around. Nor are any of their fellow-travellers. Union members are being royally screwed. No kiss ...
RT @DanRiehl: #Soros Meets To Change World #Economy & Media Sleeps #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ocra #tlot #sgp

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From Twitter 03-22-2011

@1SupremeGoddess @Snarky_Basterd i know alllll about the non-existent, reserved rental car. #IFeelYourPain
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Heh. Mitch Daniels names Teddy Roosevelt, the founder of the liberal "Progressive" movement, as one of his heroes htt ...
I'd bet good money that #Palin would never relent in the face of islamo-fascism. #justsayin #tcot #teaparty #mil
@ScottWGraves #Obama already had his "Mission Accomplished" moment as U say, but it happened on 1/20/2009. #p2 #tcot
MT @brooksbayne libyan govt kills protesters, the un acts. iranian govt kills protesters, the un watches. it's a comical double-standard_yup
RT @seanagnew: good grief. make up your mind. MT @dmataconis: WH Now Says Goal In Libya Is Regime Change/Democratic System ...
@brooksbayne they do, but they're too dumb to find the good music.
RT @gailtalk: ‘Real DEATH PANELS’ set to face heat in Congress, courts I guess Sarah Palin wasn't so crazy after al ...
RT @AoSHQ: Lee Stranahan: I Sold Out And Started Working With Breitbart Because He Paid Me I Got Tired of the Left's Lies ...
RT @reeddaly: U.S. Nuclear Plant Software at Risk of Cyber Attack, Experts Warn - #gwot #cybersecurity # ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Sepultura – Refuse-Resist ♫
RT @sNapPpeRHeaD: RT @GreatHairGuy: They told me if I voted for McCain there would be a trigger-happy war monger in the WH. Guess they w ...
@gary4205 when u RT me_have u evr noticed our avatars form a weird MadMagesque Rorschach test? #Ijustdid #justsayin #tcot #teaparty #mil #p2
RT @secupp In case u missed it_The SE Cupp Show fills out Helen Thomas's Playboy centerfold questionnaire daz_so_wrong_
RT @secupp: Sorry. Good (free) clip here: The SE Cupp Show fills out Helen Thomas's Playboy centerfold questionnaire. http://www.glennbe ...
RT @RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl did you say bacon? Lol ~Im like the dog in the TV ad in re #bacon _& Momma's cookin
RT @NickKristof Sobering_Just had a convo abt #MuslimBrotherhood reportedly intimidating faculty at #Cairo Univ. #news #tcot #mil #egypt #p2
u rock that brown sweater. #loveyerpalette @secupp
RT @RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl thick sliced, smoked pepper #bacon~thnx a pantload_u just made me lick my screen.
RT @GaltsGirl @RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat thk slicd_smokd pepr #bacon|I meant_dont.stop.plz.ur more confusd than #p2 on Libya
RT @jjauthor @RhoaChri @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl I need 2 go make dinner_bacon dogs w/bacon beans? I dayum rock da #bacon n beans
RT @RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl dont forget #BaconShake w/ #baconsprinkles. reason i say #BShake, w/ ur pancakes...
@RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl #BaconShake _have u ever slathered ur #bacon in #maplesyrup & hot melted #butter?!?
@GaltsGirl there is no greedy w/ #bacon. I'm a free-market #baconeer. @jjauthor @tahdeetz @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl
@jjauthor @tahdeetz @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl When some #bacon comes along, you must scarf it. #devo
RT @JENin140 Kudos 2 Gene Simmons 4blastng boycott of Israel~but wasnt Ace the lead singer of #Kiss? depend on the tune
@JENin140 all of them had lead songs....
RT @Adrienne2012: "Governor Palin "Politely Declined" Pomp and Circumstance in Israel" #tcot #palin #teamsarah #spw ...
RT @BrandonKiser: Comment = trashed. RT @diggrbiii: Some lib pretending to be a Conservative left a death threat on a blog of ours. Nice ...
RT @ForgivenWoman: @speakerboehner Stephen Lerner SEIU plan to bring down US economic system...this is treason. #te ...
RT @laborunionrpt: Isn't a tea party of the Left a union? RT @riseofthecenter: A Tea Party of the Left Has to Spring From Labor #tcot #L ...
@RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl #BACON #awesomeness. #disturbed?!? i resemble that remark
RT @checktothepower: Texas for Sarah Palin: Scott Conroy on the futility of second guessing Sarah Palin #tcot #Palin ...
RT @slkbrooke @pepper_10 @Zener39 @laborunionrpt WSJ: #UAW Shows Plan 2organize at Foreign Car Makers #tcot #news #jobs
RT @mattsheffield: Profile: Small business owner tells how Obamacare will harm his business. Send to your friends! ...
RT @TPridemore: Holy Cow! Gas prices up 67% since Obama took office per @RepPhilGingrey. #GAGOP #gapol #drillbabydrill #gapolitics
RT @BJMendelson: My wife (on not being an educated liberal) "No I'm not! I eat meat and I'm excited about it." #bacon
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Pawlenty's Green Past #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @scootron2000: #Conservative mind: we lost, but we'll try again. #Liberal mind: we lost so now everyone must pay! #tcot #p2
RT @RealSheriffJoe Deputies arrest a Chinese National during human smuggling sting last night #news #az #tcot
RT @Lakecrazy @foxnews that mercury toxic #LightBulb doesnt last longer_doesnt work as well & is dangerous_read #EPA clean up_+_its more $$
RT @BobbyDank: Apple CEO Steve Jobs to be deposed
(AP) #apple #mac
RT @Kriskxx: If #Libyan civilians are killed by American weapons, it's because Barack #Obama gave the order to attack/ John Hawkins #p2 ...
RT @TRMirCat: RT @brooksbayne: christopher walken does rebecca black's "friday"
RT @itsonlywords @pinkelephantpun @Mommentator @mkhammer An #IHOP owner talks about #Obamacare impact #tcot #p2
RT @andylevy: I hope the Arthur remake is the most unprofitable movie ever.
#NATO wants an independent frikkin committee 2 oversee #Libya's No Fly Zone & #Obama is OK w/it?!? w.t.f. #tcot #p2 #mil
@RhoaChri @jjauthor @tahdeetz @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl errrrr... #bacon tartar?!? ever heard of tapeworm? #justsayin
RT @GaltsGirl: @tahDeetz @RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat gross. eww. sorry....
The Arm Farm #HorrorSitcoms
@secupp, @andylevy is just jealous coz yer so-called "glasses-schtick" drives ur ever-growing audience, nucking futts. #legchair win #redeye
RT @Jihadihunter: American Petroleum Producers Blast Obama Administration’s “Inadequate and Illogical” Energy Policy ...
RT @Newsmax_Media: US Halts #Food #Imports from Affected Area of #Japan #news #tcot
It sure would be nice if we had those #F22's that were cut, back into the production pipeline. #usaf #mil #tcot #teaparty #GA
RT @cupofteaintexas: Muslim Brotherhood’s Weeklong Celebration of the Caliphate at Virginia Military Institute #SI ...
#yup&yup twest
RT @secupp Thanks! Im sure theyd love have you. RT @therealsophieb @secupp I would love 2 b on red eye w/u_U are fantastick #RedEye #yupNyup
RT @palintwibe via @Josh_Painter Barr: #Palin camp swats down Israeli checkpoint reports #Israel #news #tcot #sgp
RT @Ceeb2: Rev Wright admits he's Marxist EVERYONE in #obama's life is a Marxist & libs want us to believe BOs NOT! ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @wsjbusiness: Texas Cites EPA Error In Testing Of Gas Wells
RT @CFHeather: RT @brkingbusiness: UAW Sets New Tactic to Organize at Foreign Car Makers via ...
RT @LindaPark82 #tcot Leftists play ostrich w/facts they dont like, & American discourse suffers #news #teaparty #p2
RT @leah0125: I support that decision! --> @CnservativePunk I think I might run to the store & grab a pack of #bacon. I #dittro that emotion
RT @DeptofDefense: /@DoDSpokesman Both crew ejected frm #USAF #F15 when it experienced equip malfunction over #Libya Both recovered &saf ...
RT @heykim #AP: #USBP agents in #SanDiego reveal 13 captured #illegalimmigrants wore #USMC uniforms #news #tcot #mil
RT @AndrewBreitbart: The White House Guess List: How Obama Pulled a Fast One on the American People - in the Name of 'Transparency': htt ...
RT @roaring_repub: Wait til we reach "just cuz" RT @foxnation White House Gives 5th Reason For Bombing Libya.... #tc ...
RT @ConservativeLA: Armed Beauty Queen Fatally Shoots Intruder in #Florida Home Invasion: #news #tcot #p2
RT @beulahgg: Bill Whittle is doing a gr8 job filling in on the Rusty Humphrey show: U cn listen hre, if U wish 2: ...
RT @slkbrooke: RT @ResistTyranny How #Muslim "men" treat women: #topprog #progressive #Islam #jihad #sharia
RT @slkbrooke: RT @United_Ignited Portugal braces for govt collapse amid debt crisis - Yahoo! Finance
RT @slkbrooke: 13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms #tcot #military
@ConservativeLA condolences, sincerely. unfathomable. @bygracenotmerit @libertyluv
RT @andypatton: Watching that Greg Giraldo tribute that was on Comedy Central last Friday. Hilarious. Hard to believe he's gone.
RT @ToNiCcHiLi: Why are there no aspirin in the jungle? Because lack of demand makes it unattractive for businesses. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ReaganFan13 Dear ppl who have blue headlights_I hate u & there'll be a special place in hell 4 u_Have fun~They're too bright even on dim
@victoria_29 I do all that & muh political instincts respectfully dissent.
@victoria_29 what might that be?
@victoria_29 #Palin has plenty #libertarian leanings, which I wholly prefer
RT @The_Q_is @RedBroward #AllenWest Tells #CAIR crowd ~Read My Record #tcot #sgp #ocra #twcot #tpp #teaparty #news
@victoria_29 point me 2 ur info source(s) & Ill let ya know if ur sources hold any credence w/me_no harm_no foul_altho specifics help.
@victoria_29 if there was sumpin out so damagng against #Palin in eyes of #conservatives, do u really think it wouldntve been dug up by now?
RT @Counter_Force: Tale of two women: One American #Muslim; one Pakistani Christian. Who is more oppressed? #jihad ...
RT @ahh2fly: @Theblacksphere Just as Clinton was our first black president, Obama should embrace his femininity as our first female pres ...
@victoria_29 amorphous charges about SP & ur opinion about public opinion doesnt give me any indication about what ur faults w/SP are_sorry
RT @ConservativeLA: Human rights can't exist absent property rights. Left wants to abolish private property. Ergo, they wish to extingui ...
@victoria_29 4 me 2 accept ur premise_I must accept the fact #Palin hasnt alrdy had her political_& actual garbage_gone thru w/finetoothcomb
RT @SamaritansPurse: More images from #Japan: [Support relief efforts at]
RT @SamaritansPurse: New video report from the airport in Sendai, #Japan:
RT @SamaritansPurse: RT @CissieGLynch: New Video: Fish ponds unite Christian & Muslim communities. We helped harvest & it is MUDDY! http ...
RT @SamaritansPurse: [NEW VIDEO] from #Japan. The Sendai community: "We are in this together."
RT @SamaritansPurse: Thank you @usairforce for airlifting our relief supplies to Sendai #Japan & to @USMC for unloading the planes. We a ...
RT @teamsp: Had a great weekend at the Publix Georgia Marathon. Over $35,000 raised for clean water in Uganda. The team was... http:// ...
@victoria_29 er_ got link? as I said_if it were damagng 2 SP & w/legs_it would run_btw_hostility in open-ended rants_dont win converts #tcot
RT @captblackeagle: Stone Temple Led Zeppelin. @DJDolceVita
RT @ConservativeLA: @ROCKWITHBECK That's the interesting irony--Left knows it's now or never. Meanwhile, @GOPLeader ship futzes at the e ...
@victoria_29 so, Palin is responsible 4 having to defend her boss's lack of sense on tarp during the 08 campaign?!?
@victoria_29 just wondering if thats the way you see her position on tarp during the 08 campaign.
@victoria_29 all your arguments have been knocked down, over & over again. see you in the primaries, where it counts. #tootles.

Tweets copied by

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From Twitter 03-21-2011

#Russia b1tchin about US military intervention?!? thats just sooooo choice. #tcot
RT @WalterGa: The #p2 crowd's anger at Obama for sending troops into battle without Congressional approval is so deafening I can't actua ...
RT @ctiberius: Based on latest photos from #Afpak + what #p2 has said about Abu Ghraib, #Obama is clearly a #warcriminal now: http://bbc ...
All we are saying ... is give #peace a chance ... except for when #Obama dictates otherwise. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
#Obama is air-raiding villages & killing civilians. #tcot #p2 #mil #Libya ~ the Hitler Youth 2.0 .... #tcot
RT @ConsrvativeDiva: Regretful #Obama Voter #Teaparty #Democrats #Liberal #Conservative - Another liberal comes to t ...
RT @RedState #Wisconsin Judge Maryann #Sumi & Her #SEIU #AFLCIO Political Operative Son #TCOT #news #wigop #p2 #wiunion
RT @SissyWillis: RT @JedediahBila: Summary: Sally Bradshaw formerly advised Romney & Jeb-->now be advising HaleyBarbour. WHO THEY HIR ...
RT @KamaainaInOC @infidelsarecool @verumserum #Gaddafi's son reportedly killed in suicide attack #news #mil #tcot
RT @DLoesch 2011 #Obama is 4 congressionally unauthorized #military strikes_2007 Obama against them #news #tcot #mil #p2
RT @joyvalencia: wrap it up
RT @JesseInSC: RT @AndrewBreitbart: Now that anti-war movement toast, DLCs dead, public sector unions imploding & multicult… (cont) http ...
RT @kesgardner: In 2003, the left argued that Saddam was not an "imminent threat." Who on the left argues that Quadaffi IS an imminent t ...
RT @exposeliberals: RT @JessiBradshaw: It's OK when Obama starts a war, he has a Nobel Peace Prize on his resume. #libya #tcot #p2
RT @Jihadihunter: Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Obama: #tcot #hypocrisy #gop #teaparty @JohnBoehner #foxnews There Ar ...
RT @jjmnolte: Bush's 2003 Iraq coalition=49 countries. Obama's Libya coalition=5. Can someone at #p2 explain the definition of "unilater ...
After #Obama's Libya move, it's like shootin' #p2 fish in a barrel. #tcot #teaparty #mil
RT @davechappelle: White folks, ya'll safe right now. Everyone watchin #riptherunway. If you dont know what that means, dont worry, its ...
RT @SexCigarsBooze: How to secretly grow weed on your balcony » #420
RT @Ben_Howe: Shorter version of @DavidFrum's piece at CNN: I hate palin. Please ignore my terrible track record of incorrect predictio ...
RT @TheFlaCracker: Poor #libiots, Obama is turning out to be "just like Bush" -- Well Welcome to the limited Gov #teaparty friends #dnc ...
RT @JValentiner70: RT @toiletmaterial Congressman West talks Libya, the tea party on Fox and Friends
@Kasons4 ty
RT @latimestot #Leno:I dont want 2 say #Obama is slow 2 react_but down in Chile 2day he offered 2 help rescue those trapped miners #tcot #p2
RT @jennisahottie #AntiWar protest are so much more energized when a #Republican is in the @WhiteHouse #news #tcot #p2
RT @PJTatler: The Journalist Wall of Shame for #Fukushima reporting. #tcot #news #Japan
RT @rehabable: “@jessibradshaw: Obama on #libya :"don't look at me, Hillary started it! I was in Brazil." #p2 #tcot” #mil
RT @prismsinc RedState_ClaireAir Crash Lands in #Missouri #tcot #ocra #ampat Show me the skymiles, @clairecmc #news #p2
RT @mrsimplesense: LOL! RT @mograndpa President Obama may be a Karl Rove plot to make 43 look good #tcot #p2
RT @gerfingerpoken: @stage_right IBD Obama: Drill, Brazil, Drill! Bans U.S. drilling but wants to help Rio so we can buy their oil! http ...
RT @brooksbayne: Turkish Islamist charter schools in US being investigated by FBI #tcot
RT @wakeup1442: People keep saying "I don't want to know anything bad" As if you have a choice, as if you can afford not to know, as if ...
Leftist tweets get more & more insipid w/each passing day of the @BarackObama presidency. #tcot #p2 #p3 #p21 #dnc #ofa #dsa #osi #teaparty
RT @kesgardner: @themick1962 For starters, I am deeply bothred by the fact Obama thought he needed UN approval, but not Congressional ap ...
RT @Furrystoat @GaltsGirl @jjauthor LOL! Anything about #Bacon makes me happy_even the whole offending thing:)~5guys gave me free Xtra bacon
RT @cemeterygunblob: Feel the Pain
RT @KLSouth: RT @JenEnnenbach @owendbanks: It's quite easy to forget how much money you owe to the IRS when @ClaireCMc hides it in offsh ...
RT @jjauthor: @tahDeetz @Furrystoat @GaltsGirl @jumpchris Have you tried the bacon good ~sounds 'rich' ;-)
RT @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl @RhoaChri Yummy a nice BLT, bacon cheeseburger... it twas magna-feek. I think its corp policy
@jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl @RhoaChri ... free extra #bacon, that is.
@RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl pleez dont remind me of milkshakes when @ChickfilA is closed & I cant get Nanner shake
RT @BarrieNJ The IRS Targets #Jewelers 4 Compliance w/Anti-Money Laundering Rules via @KOSMOSNET #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @jumpchris: @RhoaChri @jjauthor @galtsgirl @tahdeetz @furrystoat what is the hook about ? no hook_I have zombie love 4 their nanner shake
RT @RhoaChri: @jjauthor @tahdeetz @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl I love places like that.
@RhoaChri @jjauthor @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl I'm not buyin' the commie propaganda that #bacon et al is bad 4 ya...
RT @jjauthor @RhoaChri @jumpchris @furrystoat @galtsgirl Just in moderation, like 4 pieces a day! ~how does a #BaconShake sound? #bacon
I just invented the #BaconShake. #100factsaboutme
@RhoaChri sweet & savory rawks. .... dept of ag, fda over-regs would kill it. #antiawesomeness

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