RT @PacesetEclectic: RT @erickbrockway: RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT Connie Hair: Energy Exploration in Gulf at Standstill http://tiny.ly/5f ...
RT @outofstyle 3 of Coons’ top staffers directly benefitted from loophole he exploited in NCC pension plan http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #desen
RT @Paceset9999: RT @anitamoncrief: RT @unitedweremain: #GOP Leader Slams Candidate for Nazi Uniform Pics | The Blaze http://dlvr.it/6v8R1
RT @ReaganTMan: American Thinker: The American Left Slides into Psychosis by J R Dunn http://bit.ly/duCkEo #GOP #TCOT #PALIN #TEAPARTY #p2
RT @RedDogReport: Obama: I Need to Spend Another $50 Billion of Your Money http://bit.ly/dhGmf6 | Red Dog Report #news #politics #tcot
RT @jackiewalorski More #stimulus dollars gone awry: $40Million 4 electric cars assembled in UK http://ow.ly/2RJCa #IN02 #news #tcot #p2
RT @SteveBeren: RT @DinoRossiHQ RealClearPolitics: Rossi gains on Murray in potentially decisive senate race http://bit.ly/91685n #wa ...
RT @CFHeather @stacyhyatt @foundersweb #Obama Adm Admits New Drilling Rules Will Kill #Jobs http://bit.ly/c9oO76 #tcot #nola #news #economy
RT @WooHooYoo #Rush BP is foreign cash_What Dems R doing is projecting_All of those under 200$ donations weren't address checked in '08 #p2
RT @TxJogger12 ALERT*PATRIOTS, PLS RT OVER & OVER AGAIN>> #Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations http://wapo.st/zTxLM #news #politics #tcot
RT @SteveBeren: RT @DinoRossiHQ Look at all the people who came to see @DinoRossiWA in Vancouver! http://yfrog.com/n8g6krj #wasen #wc ...
RT @MelissaTweets #TeaParty'rs: #PajamasMedia launches #votefraud watch http://bit.ly/c6y0Tb #2010elections #gop #pollwatching #news #hhrs
RT @Tanapseudes: Proggies that hate Founders r more than happy 2 take Columbus day off; European invaders conquered n gave smallpox 2 pe ...
RT @Con_Brawler: Obama hits links for 52nd #golf day http://t.co/e14kJUI #tcot #jobs #economy
RT @Nalora: @DLoesch Another nest for libbullies, socialists, progressives and Leftists. http://electionink.com/index.php
RT @jcb_spender Guardian: #Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat 4 political gain http://bit.ly/acPKUw #news #politics #tcot #p2 #hhrs
Flaming #Liberal Sen #RussFeingold Claims #TeaParty Bona Fides?!? http://bit.ly/9N7gwa #wisen #wi #tcot #p2 #dsa #ofa #politics #news #tpot
RT @Jihadihunter: Dem Controlled New York Still Has Not Sent Out Military Ballots http://bit.ly/a90E9l Violating Election Laws #tcot #go ...
Top #HarryReid Staffer Benefited from #InsiderTrading http://is.gd/fXx21 #NVsen #news #tcot #NV #teaparty #politics #p2 #ofa #dsa #px #hhrs
RT @sjsturkie: Blue dog fraud! #wvsen RT @stand4arizona Manchin will vote for Cap and Trade? http://bit.ly/dmGpHb #tcot #teaparty #sgp #p2
RT @OGDoccat: #keyraces: Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Gets Desperate in #California - About.com: http://bit.ly/9d9wtM #tcot ...
RT @EdWGillespie Read & RT my @washingtonpost OpEd: #Democrats' desperation tactics on campaign #finance http://ow.ly/2RLqJ #tcot #news #p2
RT @Ohio4Sarah @PalinPromotions As @ChristineOD Begins 2 Surge, Obama, Biden, & Franken Head 2 #Delaware http://bit.ly/cuUAoG #DEsen #tcot
RT @hlamode: Drive by blippin Have a great day! @ChrisCarroll50 Led Zeppelin~Friends ♫ http://blip.fm/~x8uku
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlTanner: Barnes campaign says "deepest sympathies" are with family of teen who died after crash involving ... http:/ ...
RT @jongery U.S. Senate #2010Elections http://bit.ly/drKere #voterprogram #wiki guide 2 senate races #tcot #teaparty #politics #hhrs #tlot
RT @usACTIONnews Real goal of #amnesty –8Million #progressive #democrat voters http://tinyurl.com/23o75o8 #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #news
RT @newsrealblog: HEADLINE: David Frum and the Limits to Deviancy: http://tinyurl.com/2f8qz8s #news #politics #tcot #rs
RT @MacJim: If Jerry Brown was the last person on earth, I would still NOT vote for him. Meg Whitman all the way. #Whitman #CAGov #ca
RT @cynditaylor @912projectmom #GlennBeck: #FabianSocialism & Devaluation of Human Life http://fxn.ws/d11XVf via @addthis #tcot #teaparty
RT @Ssmfarley777: Senators: Backdoor Gun Ban Violates Constitution http://bt.io/G8s0 #TEAPARTY #RT #RCSS #SOT #912project BCOT #AGA #Fir ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart Trending on The Avant-Garde Obama Left_Palling Around w/Terrorists http://bit.ly/bY8vQL @thebradblog @ericboehlert #tcot
RT @ibprofessor Gr8 piece @Sami_Shamieh Center 4 American Progress & the Foreign Interests that Bankroll It http://bit.ly/boL5BW #tcot #news
RT @Stacy_Drake Terrible #News 4 Anti #Vietnamese Bigot #LorettaSanchez http://bit.ly/boRTTR Unity in Little Saigon! #tcot #CAtcot #CA47 #CA
RT @fred_burton Explosives found in #NewYork cemetery_seems like classic DeadDrop intended 4 operative http://bit.ly/codRjY #tcot #sot #NYC
RT @Synders777 @SharronAngle: NYT's 5-38 crunches numbers & shows momentum moves 2 our side http://ow.ly/2RPfg #nvsen #tcot #nv #teaparty
RT @GaRepublicans @VoteDeal, @caseycagle & @samolens w/ big leads in new poll http://bit.ly/cVhuWg #gagop #gapolitics #gagov @ajc #ajc
RT @HumanEvents 'DARE 2 oppose the Obama agenda, expect 2 become an enemy of the state.' http://ow.ly/2RClq by @brianhdarling #news #tcot
RT @CFHeather @mikepfs Gateway Pundit - Deceiver in Chief: Obama Lies About Creating 3 Million #Jobs http://is.gd/fXmyK #news #economy #tcot
RT @keder: Love it! RT @kjdrennen: CBS's Rodriguez: "Undignified" Obama "offering no evidence" of GOP taking foreign money http://ow.ly ...
RT @Hunter7Taylor: Dems are mad at the #TeaParty because the movement is active, fluid (no nat'l structure) & powerful! They can't hit ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @Bill_Dupray Verum Serum: #Obama Hearts Foreign Donations_When They Go 2 Him http://bit.ly/9pxpAD #tcot #news #politics #p2
RT @JiangxiDad Under Obama_US Drops From 1st to 7th In Average Wealth Per Adult_Behind Singapore_Sweden & France http://is.gd/fXEcA #tcot
RT @JENin140 @newsbusters @LachlanMarkay: Oh look, another lefty blatantly lying about Fox #News. Yawn. http://is.gd/fXDLt #tcot
RT @exposeliberals: RT @dbkjar: Two years and the only thing he's stimulated is Chris Matthew's leg. #tcot #p2 #obamafail #progressivesfail
RT @southsalem: RT @AoSHQ: WaPo: Cartoon That Doesn't Include An Image Of Muhammad Might Provoke Muslims So We Won't Run It http://bit.l ...
RT @JoeForUSSenate: Breaking! Via @OfficialWire "Unelected Senator spent half her legal career hiding tobacco's lethality." - staff #NYS ...
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot Gov. Palin endorses nine more candidates http://dlvr.it/6vNbC #912 #teaparty #tcot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot Sarah Palin Makes A Big Move Toward 2012 http://dlvr.it/6vNb5 #912 #teaparty #tcot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @lmcginnis33: #Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist http://is.gd/fXxb0 #tcot #news #politics
RT @SeanBielat: @bdelaney Bielat-Barney Debate 2 shortly: 6-6:30 NECN-TV Boston www.necn.com #ma04 #tcot #mapoli
RT @redTrends: Arianna Huffington pays $250k for 100 astroturf buses to Jon Stewart's "sanity" rally #FAIL #tcot http://bit.ly/dpOnh4 #news
RT @AmericanInkling The President's Nun: #Obamacare's #Scranton Scandal Explodes http://bit.ly/cVDend #Catholic #PA #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @PedrosPodium Another Video Found: #Beef Industry: US May Need~Strategic Hamburger Reserve http://bit.ly/93kKtD #economy #epa #tcot #news
RT @toddeherman Guess Why #JerryBrown Says He Cant Fire His Aid Who Called Whitman A "Whore"? Guess B4 Click http://is.gd/fXAvS #CaGov #news
RT @DanRiehl: Sean Bielat Hits Barney Frank On #OneUnited Scandal http://bit.ly/9w6QKw #tcot #ma04 #mapoli #news #ma #teaparty
RT @rsmccain: @itsonlywords Thx4ReTweet [] Republican Pulls Ahead in New #AZ07 Poll: Ruth McClung 39%, Raul Grijalva 37% http://bit.ly/b ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: RT @COF_ "How to Fix Our Schools: A Manifesto... Let's stop ignoring basic economic principles of supply and demand." ...
RT @Boomerjeff: A final review of ObamaNomics before the election - just the hard data. No spin http://bit.ly/cEJ73M #tcot #p2 #hhrs #t ...
RT @savagesideshow #Obama Admits Illegal Campaign Donations 4 Senate Seat http://lat.ms/aQt9VZ #news #politics #tcot #teaparty #ofa #dnc #p2
RT @CO2HOG: via @BluegrassPundit Will The Real #JoeManchin Please Stand Up? http://bit.ly/dD13U1 | #tcot #WVsen
RT @VotingFemale: Obama's Harvard Tuition paid by "foreign Muslim special interests" http://bit.ly/aXbakJ #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
RT @baysidebetty @RasmussenPoll #Tennessee Governor: Haslam~R Earns Highest Support Yet Against McWherter~D http://tinyurl.com/RR2177 #TNgov
RT @make: Ever wondered what goes into putting together a MakerBot? Follow Marc de Vinck's detailed assembly series http://tinyurl.com/2 ...
@DarylNorthrop too bad snopes is not trustworthy. . . #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
@DarylNorthrop & so you actually believe the MSM is a credible source of #news these days?. . . really? #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Pushing Junk Science on #GovtSchool Children http://is.gd/fXIsy #tcot #agw
@VotingFemale errr. . . nope. Some1 told me go snope a story_I had the same reaction. . . #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
@arlenearmy some idiot told me 2 snopes the obama education money story & I laffed at his reliance on snopes as a credible source
@VotingFemale I dont even waste time on them if I've corroborated the info myself_most of the time_wasting your time is their goal
@VotingFemale @arlenearmy any website that claims end all be all in facts like factcheck, politifact & snopes_I immediately discount them
RT @STXherry Radical #Democrat #JanSchakowsky Confrontd On Mbrshp n #DemocraticSocialists of A_ http://bit.ly/92hhDz #tcot #hhrs #news #IL09
RT @savethiscountry: RT @Braves: RT @BravesOverPhils: Look out Giants, its officially on now. Rally cupcakes! Go @Braves http://twitpic. ...
@arlenearmy: @DanRiehl . . . #DavidBrady just showed his progressive colors. #fl22 #tcot
RT @newsrealblog #Lebanon Preparing 2 Explode: #Haaretz http://tinyurl.com/2dpmgm5 #news #politics #mil #sot #jcot #tcot #israel
RT @RonPaulNot4Me Cartoonist Ted Rall Calls 4 'Proletarian Dictatorship' in the U.S. http://bccth.is/9Ba #marxism #socialism #tcot #teaparty
RT @McCormackJohn: Breaking: Axelrod asks Chamber of Commerce to release its long-form birth certificate. #tcot #p2
RT @Norsu2: http://bit.ly/98qNxd #BarneyFrank Continues to Lose Ground to @SeanBielat #ma04 #mapoli #tcot #twisters #ma
RT @Fector: Native Americans were having such a good time wiping out Native Americans tribe at a time until Columbus ruined all the fun.
RT @Speedy1998: Petite Conservative Woman Slapped Around at Moonbat Rally http://viigo.im/55Ci
RT @1ststarfighter: Why #Soros wanted #NormColeman out of the Senate http://is.gd/fXLIH #tcot #MNsen #teaparty #news #politics #minnesota
RT @redostoneage POLITICO~Something, somewhere, has gone very, very, wrong in Democrat Party http://politi.co/dDbxIS #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @1ststarfighter: Secondary or Indirect Affiliates of the George Soros Network http://is.gd/fXLyK #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute http://is.gd/fXLwY #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: . @RogerHedgecock GUIDE TO THE GEORGE SOROS NETWORK http://is.gd/fXLuf #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: Security Risk? More Evidence of Mary Jo Kilroy’s Socialist Connections http://is.gd/fXbho #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: RT @Derameth: Ridiculous Really?? California Overestimates Pollution Levels by 340% http://bit.ly/bC3CrU #tcot #tlot ...
RT @1ststarfighter: Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents http://is.g ...
RT @1ststarfighter: “It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist." http://i ...
RT @1ststarfighter: Obama cranks up Alinsky methods against Rove and Chamber of Commerce http://is.gd/fXeK7 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Cap and Trade bill would legalize criminal scam by Chicago Climate Exchange http://is.gd/fXK4u #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Cap-and-Trade: A Scam Based on a Scam http://is.gd/fXK3b #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Exposing the cap and trade bill as a criminal enterprise http://is.gd/fXK2g #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Al Gore’s Carbon crusade: The Money and Connections Behind It http://is.gd/fXK10 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: John Kerry’s Big Business Buyoff to get cap and trade passed -its all about the money http://is.gd/fXJZ7 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: The Great Global Warming Swindle – video documentary on CO2 http://is.gd/fXJW1 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Myth of ‘green jobs’ continues http://is.gd/fXJTu #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - another great jobs agenda http://is.gd/fXJGy #tcot
RT @AoSHQ: Holy Schneikes: Jake Tapper Asks About Long Form Birth Certificate http://bit.ly/aETBj7
RT @Kudzu35: Watch the Feingold/Johnson debate for #Wisconsin Senate: http://ht.ly/2RVEs #wisen #tcot #wi #teaparty
RT @outofstyle 3 of Coons’ top staffers directly benefitted from loophole he exploited in NCC pension plan http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #desen
RT @Paceset9999: RT @anitamoncrief: RT @unitedweremain: #GOP Leader Slams Candidate for Nazi Uniform Pics | The Blaze http://dlvr.it/6v8R1
RT @ReaganTMan: American Thinker: The American Left Slides into Psychosis by J R Dunn http://bit.ly/duCkEo #GOP #TCOT #PALIN #TEAPARTY #p2
RT @RedDogReport: Obama: I Need to Spend Another $50 Billion of Your Money http://bit.ly/dhGmf6 | Red Dog Report #news #politics #tcot
RT @jackiewalorski More #stimulus dollars gone awry: $40Million 4 electric cars assembled in UK http://ow.ly/2RJCa #IN02 #news #tcot #p2
RT @SteveBeren: RT @DinoRossiHQ RealClearPolitics: Rossi gains on Murray in potentially decisive senate race http://bit.ly/91685n #wa ...
RT @CFHeather @stacyhyatt @foundersweb #Obama Adm Admits New Drilling Rules Will Kill #Jobs http://bit.ly/c9oO76 #tcot #nola #news #economy
RT @WooHooYoo #Rush BP is foreign cash_What Dems R doing is projecting_All of those under 200$ donations weren't address checked in '08 #p2
RT @TxJogger12 ALERT*PATRIOTS, PLS RT OVER & OVER AGAIN>> #Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations http://wapo.st/zTxLM #news #politics #tcot
RT @SteveBeren: RT @DinoRossiHQ Look at all the people who came to see @DinoRossiWA in Vancouver! http://yfrog.com/n8g6krj #wasen #wc ...
RT @MelissaTweets #TeaParty'rs: #PajamasMedia launches #votefraud watch http://bit.ly/c6y0Tb #2010elections #gop #pollwatching #news #hhrs
RT @Tanapseudes: Proggies that hate Founders r more than happy 2 take Columbus day off; European invaders conquered n gave smallpox 2 pe ...
RT @Con_Brawler: Obama hits links for 52nd #golf day http://t.co/e14kJUI #tcot #jobs #economy
RT @Nalora: @DLoesch Another nest for libbullies, socialists, progressives and Leftists. http://electionink.com/index.php
RT @jcb_spender Guardian: #Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat 4 political gain http://bit.ly/acPKUw #news #politics #tcot #p2 #hhrs
Flaming #Liberal Sen #RussFeingold Claims #TeaParty Bona Fides?!? http://bit.ly/9N7gwa #wisen #wi #tcot #p2 #dsa #ofa #politics #news #tpot
RT @Jihadihunter: Dem Controlled New York Still Has Not Sent Out Military Ballots http://bit.ly/a90E9l Violating Election Laws #tcot #go ...
Top #HarryReid Staffer Benefited from #InsiderTrading http://is.gd/fXx21 #NVsen #news #tcot #NV #teaparty #politics #p2 #ofa #dsa #px #hhrs
RT @sjsturkie: Blue dog fraud! #wvsen RT @stand4arizona Manchin will vote for Cap and Trade? http://bit.ly/dmGpHb #tcot #teaparty #sgp #p2
RT @OGDoccat: #keyraces: Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Gets Desperate in #California - About.com: http://bit.ly/9d9wtM #tcot ...
RT @EdWGillespie Read & RT my @washingtonpost OpEd: #Democrats' desperation tactics on campaign #finance http://ow.ly/2RLqJ #tcot #news #p2
RT @Ohio4Sarah @PalinPromotions As @ChristineOD Begins 2 Surge, Obama, Biden, & Franken Head 2 #Delaware http://bit.ly/cuUAoG #DEsen #tcot
RT @hlamode: Drive by blippin Have a great day! @ChrisCarroll50 Led Zeppelin~Friends ♫ http://blip.fm/~x8uku
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlTanner: Barnes campaign says "deepest sympathies" are with family of teen who died after crash involving ... http:/ ...
RT @jongery U.S. Senate #2010Elections http://bit.ly/drKere #voterprogram #wiki guide 2 senate races #tcot #teaparty #politics #hhrs #tlot
RT @usACTIONnews Real goal of #amnesty –8Million #progressive #democrat voters http://tinyurl.com/23o75o8 #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #news
RT @newsrealblog: HEADLINE: David Frum and the Limits to Deviancy: http://tinyurl.com/2f8qz8s #news #politics #tcot #rs
RT @MacJim: If Jerry Brown was the last person on earth, I would still NOT vote for him. Meg Whitman all the way. #Whitman #CAGov #ca
RT @cynditaylor @912projectmom #GlennBeck: #FabianSocialism & Devaluation of Human Life http://fxn.ws/d11XVf via @addthis #tcot #teaparty
RT @Ssmfarley777: Senators: Backdoor Gun Ban Violates Constitution http://bt.io/G8s0 #TEAPARTY #RT #RCSS #SOT #912project BCOT #AGA #Fir ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart Trending on The Avant-Garde Obama Left_Palling Around w/Terrorists http://bit.ly/bY8vQL @thebradblog @ericboehlert #tcot
RT @ibprofessor Gr8 piece @Sami_Shamieh Center 4 American Progress & the Foreign Interests that Bankroll It http://bit.ly/boL5BW #tcot #news
RT @Stacy_Drake Terrible #News 4 Anti #Vietnamese Bigot #LorettaSanchez http://bit.ly/boRTTR Unity in Little Saigon! #tcot #CAtcot #CA47 #CA
RT @fred_burton Explosives found in #NewYork cemetery_seems like classic DeadDrop intended 4 operative http://bit.ly/codRjY #tcot #sot #NYC
RT @Synders777 @SharronAngle: NYT's 5-38 crunches numbers & shows momentum moves 2 our side http://ow.ly/2RPfg #nvsen #tcot #nv #teaparty
RT @GaRepublicans @VoteDeal, @caseycagle & @samolens w/ big leads in new poll http://bit.ly/cVhuWg #gagop #gapolitics #gagov @ajc #ajc
RT @HumanEvents 'DARE 2 oppose the Obama agenda, expect 2 become an enemy of the state.' http://ow.ly/2RClq by @brianhdarling #news #tcot
RT @CFHeather @mikepfs Gateway Pundit - Deceiver in Chief: Obama Lies About Creating 3 Million #Jobs http://is.gd/fXmyK #news #economy #tcot
RT @keder: Love it! RT @kjdrennen: CBS's Rodriguez: "Undignified" Obama "offering no evidence" of GOP taking foreign money http://ow.ly ...
RT @Hunter7Taylor: Dems are mad at the #TeaParty because the movement is active, fluid (no nat'l structure) & powerful! They can't hit ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @Bill_Dupray Verum Serum: #Obama Hearts Foreign Donations_When They Go 2 Him http://bit.ly/9pxpAD #tcot #news #politics #p2
RT @JiangxiDad Under Obama_US Drops From 1st to 7th In Average Wealth Per Adult_Behind Singapore_Sweden & France http://is.gd/fXEcA #tcot
RT @JENin140 @newsbusters @LachlanMarkay: Oh look, another lefty blatantly lying about Fox #News. Yawn. http://is.gd/fXDLt #tcot
RT @exposeliberals: RT @dbkjar: Two years and the only thing he's stimulated is Chris Matthew's leg. #tcot #p2 #obamafail #progressivesfail
RT @southsalem: RT @AoSHQ: WaPo: Cartoon That Doesn't Include An Image Of Muhammad Might Provoke Muslims So We Won't Run It http://bit.l ...
RT @JoeForUSSenate: Breaking! Via @OfficialWire "Unelected Senator spent half her legal career hiding tobacco's lethality." - staff #NYS ...
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot Gov. Palin endorses nine more candidates http://dlvr.it/6vNbC #912 #teaparty #tcot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot Sarah Palin Makes A Big Move Toward 2012 http://dlvr.it/6vNb5 #912 #teaparty #tcot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @lmcginnis33: #Progressives Embrace Convicted Terrorist http://is.gd/fXxb0 #tcot #news #politics
RT @SeanBielat: @bdelaney Bielat-Barney Debate 2 shortly: 6-6:30 NECN-TV Boston www.necn.com #ma04 #tcot #mapoli
RT @redTrends: Arianna Huffington pays $250k for 100 astroturf buses to Jon Stewart's "sanity" rally #FAIL #tcot http://bit.ly/dpOnh4 #news
RT @AmericanInkling The President's Nun: #Obamacare's #Scranton Scandal Explodes http://bit.ly/cVDend #Catholic #PA #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @PedrosPodium Another Video Found: #Beef Industry: US May Need~Strategic Hamburger Reserve http://bit.ly/93kKtD #economy #epa #tcot #news
RT @toddeherman Guess Why #JerryBrown Says He Cant Fire His Aid Who Called Whitman A "Whore"? Guess B4 Click http://is.gd/fXAvS #CaGov #news
RT @DanRiehl: Sean Bielat Hits Barney Frank On #OneUnited Scandal http://bit.ly/9w6QKw #tcot #ma04 #mapoli #news #ma #teaparty
RT @rsmccain: @itsonlywords Thx4ReTweet [] Republican Pulls Ahead in New #AZ07 Poll: Ruth McClung 39%, Raul Grijalva 37% http://bit.ly/b ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: RT @COF_ "How to Fix Our Schools: A Manifesto... Let's stop ignoring basic economic principles of supply and demand." ...
RT @Boomerjeff: A final review of ObamaNomics before the election - just the hard data. No spin http://bit.ly/cEJ73M #tcot #p2 #hhrs #t ...
RT @savagesideshow #Obama Admits Illegal Campaign Donations 4 Senate Seat http://lat.ms/aQt9VZ #news #politics #tcot #teaparty #ofa #dnc #p2
RT @CO2HOG: via @BluegrassPundit Will The Real #JoeManchin Please Stand Up? http://bit.ly/dD13U1 | #tcot #WVsen
RT @VotingFemale: Obama's Harvard Tuition paid by "foreign Muslim special interests" http://bit.ly/aXbakJ #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
RT @baysidebetty @RasmussenPoll #Tennessee Governor: Haslam~R Earns Highest Support Yet Against McWherter~D http://tinyurl.com/RR2177 #TNgov
RT @make: Ever wondered what goes into putting together a MakerBot? Follow Marc de Vinck's detailed assembly series http://tinyurl.com/2 ...
@DarylNorthrop too bad snopes is not trustworthy. . . #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
@DarylNorthrop & so you actually believe the MSM is a credible source of #news these days?. . . really? #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Pushing Junk Science on #GovtSchool Children http://is.gd/fXIsy #tcot #agw
@VotingFemale errr. . . nope. Some1 told me go snope a story_I had the same reaction. . . #nvsen #nvgov #tlot #tcot
@arlenearmy some idiot told me 2 snopes the obama education money story & I laffed at his reliance on snopes as a credible source
@VotingFemale I dont even waste time on them if I've corroborated the info myself_most of the time_wasting your time is their goal
@VotingFemale @arlenearmy any website that claims end all be all in facts like factcheck, politifact & snopes_I immediately discount them
RT @STXherry Radical #Democrat #JanSchakowsky Confrontd On Mbrshp n #DemocraticSocialists of A_ http://bit.ly/92hhDz #tcot #hhrs #news #IL09
RT @savethiscountry: RT @Braves: RT @BravesOverPhils: Look out Giants, its officially on now. Rally cupcakes! Go @Braves http://twitpic. ...
@arlenearmy: @DanRiehl . . . #DavidBrady just showed his progressive colors. #fl22 #tcot
RT @newsrealblog #Lebanon Preparing 2 Explode: #Haaretz http://tinyurl.com/2dpmgm5 #news #politics #mil #sot #jcot #tcot #israel
RT @RonPaulNot4Me Cartoonist Ted Rall Calls 4 'Proletarian Dictatorship' in the U.S. http://bccth.is/9Ba #marxism #socialism #tcot #teaparty
RT @McCormackJohn: Breaking: Axelrod asks Chamber of Commerce to release its long-form birth certificate. #tcot #p2
RT @Norsu2: http://bit.ly/98qNxd #BarneyFrank Continues to Lose Ground to @SeanBielat #ma04 #mapoli #tcot #twisters #ma
RT @Fector: Native Americans were having such a good time wiping out Native Americans tribe at a time until Columbus ruined all the fun.
RT @Speedy1998: Petite Conservative Woman Slapped Around at Moonbat Rally http://viigo.im/55Ci
RT @1ststarfighter: Why #Soros wanted #NormColeman out of the Senate http://is.gd/fXLIH #tcot #MNsen #teaparty #news #politics #minnesota
RT @redostoneage POLITICO~Something, somewhere, has gone very, very, wrong in Democrat Party http://politi.co/dDbxIS #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @1ststarfighter: Secondary or Indirect Affiliates of the George Soros Network http://is.gd/fXLyK #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute http://is.gd/fXLwY #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: . @RogerHedgecock GUIDE TO THE GEORGE SOROS NETWORK http://is.gd/fXLuf #tcot #soros
RT @1ststarfighter: Security Risk? More Evidence of Mary Jo Kilroy’s Socialist Connections http://is.gd/fXbho #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: RT @Derameth: Ridiculous Really?? California Overestimates Pollution Levels by 340% http://bit.ly/bC3CrU #tcot #tlot ...
RT @1ststarfighter: Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents http://is.g ...
RT @1ststarfighter: “It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist." http://i ...
RT @1ststarfighter: Obama cranks up Alinsky methods against Rove and Chamber of Commerce http://is.gd/fXeK7 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Cap and Trade bill would legalize criminal scam by Chicago Climate Exchange http://is.gd/fXK4u #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Cap-and-Trade: A Scam Based on a Scam http://is.gd/fXK3b #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Exposing the cap and trade bill as a criminal enterprise http://is.gd/fXK2g #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Al Gore’s Carbon crusade: The Money and Connections Behind It http://is.gd/fXK10 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: John Kerry’s Big Business Buyoff to get cap and trade passed -its all about the money http://is.gd/fXJZ7 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: The Great Global Warming Swindle – video documentary on CO2 http://is.gd/fXJW1 #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Myth of ‘green jobs’ continues http://is.gd/fXJTu #tcot
RT @1ststarfighter: Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - another great jobs agenda http://is.gd/fXJGy #tcot
RT @AoSHQ: Holy Schneikes: Jake Tapper Asks About Long Form Birth Certificate http://bit.ly/aETBj7
RT @Kudzu35: Watch the Feingold/Johnson debate for #Wisconsin Senate: http://ht.ly/2RVEs #wisen #tcot #wi #teaparty
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