RT @outofstyle: RT @Wakepedia: RT @Ron__K: Chris Coons will help Obama enact his tax increase Jan 1. O'Donnell is against it. #DEsen #wd ...
RT @theGOPalliance: Shocking new poll: Key state of #Ohio: 36% approve of Obama. 54% any Republican. #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @GeeekGirl: Dems Running On 'Repeal' #Obamacare Platform? http://j.mp/c3jUbb #tcot #teaparty #gop #tlot #p2 #ofa #news
@johnsscott2 @JohnFugelsang The only gullible PPL I see are those that fell 4 the "teleprompted messiah" & his neo-serfdom schtick #tcot #p2
RT @outofstyle: Hocus pocus? Chris Coons raises taxes & uses $$ to pay off friends: http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #DESen #Delaware #WGMD # ...
RT @Daggy1 @slone SHOCK POLL: 85% ANGRY with #Obama #Economy & are NOT going 2 take it ANYMORE http://bit.ly/bsXtp7 #tcot #jobs #p2 #tpot
RT @First_Patriots This takes the cake, errr #bagel._taxing a sliced bagel http://bit.ly/c6yHZc #nygov #nysen #nyc #ny #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @vannschaffner: #tcot RT @MPOTheHill: An AFL-CIO doc circulated by @EVale72 sees 75 Dem seats in play, 37 of which are "high union de ...
RT @ChristineOD: With 3 weeks to the election, Delaware needs to know about my opponent, the Taxman. http://www.coonsthetaxman.com/ #DES ...
RT @CindyCoops @gretawire Christine O'Donnell 'On the Record' -Pts 1 & 2~The Full Interview http://fxn.ws/c9HJ8b #desen #netde #news #tcot
RT @Dianykinns: climate data prove global warming was an ideological agenda masquerading as a scientific theory-Al Gore set up to make B ...
RT @policygal: Senior citizens brace for #SocialSecurity freeze http://goo.gl/vwSs #aarp
Whats worse_a nazi reenactor #Iott that repudiates nazis or_a nazi collaborator #Soros that never showd any guilt 4selling out #Jews? #tcot
RT @southsalem: RT @HillBuzz: Will Congressional Black Caucus allow Lt. Colonel Allen West & other Republicans join? http://bit.ly/d41iw ...
@Dr_Rose @prismsinc #GeorgeSoros, an unapologetic nazi-collaborator, funds much of the left-wing & pulls #obama's strings #p2 #tcot #OH09
RT @SissyWillis: RT @memeorandumFH: The Myth of the #Democrat Surge http://j.mp/9LWob8 http://mrand.us/A=km #tcot #teaparty #politics #news
RT @ttjemery: Join tens of thousands of your fellow Americans in demanding that the court overturn Obamacare http://bit.ly/94OX0d #TCOT ...
RT @EATerrell: Gap Reverts to Original Logo Post SocMedia Backlash http://t.co/W0QfnZb via @mashbusiness @mashable | I'd say @peterlamot ...
RT @maafa21: Maafa21 Quote, "Eugenicists realized they could not promote
their agenda because they knew it would be viewed as... http:// ...
RT @Semiautorifles: UK Pundit, Disabled and Sick Children should be Smothered - Semiauto Rifles http://t.co/sOgdV2P via @Digg
RT @SavageNation Nearly 1/2 of #Obama supporters have given up on him http://bit.ly/d1xPOJ #tcot #politics #tpot #p2 #ofa #dsa #dnc #px #p2b
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Busted: Dem Candidate Reportedly Behind Tea Party Robocall http://bit.ly/dszKx1
#TeaParty Pace Car -- TeaPartyPaceCar.com http://t.co/pXldyxx via @AddThis #tcot
RT @Pedlar7 #ALLENWEST Live webcast_Watch #RonKlein & #AllenWest debate http://tinyurl.com/2aql7kj @AllenWest2010 #fl22 #flgop #tcot #fl
RT @OregonYankee: The #NewDeal Debunked. #FDR was no hero; learn why. http://chilp.it/f95b35 #tcot #Democrats #p2 #topprog #teaparty #tp ...
RT @PolitixGal Issa Report finds #ACORN Fraud, #SEIU Connex http://t.co/CvxfXCo #DarrellIssa doing heavy lifting on DC CRIMINALS #tcot #news
RT @Pedlar7: #P2s, If you'd been this vigilant in checking for foreign campaign contributions in 2008, obama wouldn't be POTUS today. #tcot
RT @rsmccain: @andilinks Once trolls learn that no one pays them attention, their raison d'etre is pretty much blown. #tcot #teaparty
RT @TxJogger12: What #Giannoulias' Knew About Loans 2 Criminals http://bit.ly/b7kxsS #ilsen #chicago #illinois #tcot #il #teaparty #ilgop
RT @jamiedupree: More Obama campaign stops: Oct 20 Portland, OR; Oct 21 Seattle, San Fran, Oct 22 LA & Las Vegas, Oct 23 Minnesota
RT @GregWHoward Libtards_additions 2 natnl debt under #GOP came as result of unfunded programs like SS & Medicare #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot
RT @GregWHoward: People can laugh all they want but left is using cyberspace for scorched earth political gains #tcot #ocra #sgp #teapar ...
RT @TxJogger12: "Is it interesting that Soros, the richest financial speculator of all time, is a Dem. Yet, the Democrats continually de ...
Fire the #LynnUniversity #IT person in charge of audio at the #FL22 debate_TAPE THE DEBATE SEPARATELY 4 LATER POST!!! #tcot
@AllenWest2010 No sound!! Please tape separately & post on utube. #fl22 #tcot
@SunSentinel your sound sucks, Please tape debate separately & post later. #fl22
RT @politico: Sarah #Palin has her best quarter of fundraising since her star turn as the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential candidate: http:/ ...
RT @JohnDDonut: David Horowitz's Archives_Dialogue (Sort of) W/a Bolshevik in #Texas http://bccth.is/9CX #tcot #teaparty #socialism #marxism
RT @DMashak: High Schoolers "Forced" to attend #Obama #OneNation Rally http://bit.ly/baHbVP #tcot #teaparty
@SunSentinel thank you, it is much better now. we appreciate it.
RT @pinkelephantpun @jaketapper If Prez & Biden were 100% confident @chriscoons will beat @ChristineOD, they wouldnt b going 2 #DEsen on Fri
RT @cprater: RT @VoteDeal: New ad: Tax-cut plan to bring new jobs to GA - during Barnes’ admin GA led US in job losses http://youtu.be/t ...
RT @hipEchik @JoinVanTran (AP) Giuliani: #LorettaSanchez Waging ‘Ethnic Warfare’ In House Race http://t.co/zq4wnuD #catcot #ca47 #tcot #ca
RT @GaRepublicans @VoteDeal: New ad: #TaxCut plan 2 bring new #jobs 2 #GA http://youtu.be/tUbvrSfTxqk #gagov #gapolitics @ajc #ajc #atlanta
@andilinks @rsmccain either or are relevant positions, imho
RT @WooHooYoo: Audio RT @trscoop: RUSH: #ChrisCoons isn't up by double digits http://is.gd/fYT2h #desen #de #netde #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: That @GovBrewer was nuts to suggest headless bodies have been found in AZ desert. Mexicans would never do *that* http ...
RT @BluShadows #Nevada -69.9% of mortgages underwater Thank U #HarryReid!! Great Job destroying ur state & the rest of the USA! #NVsen
RT @survivalstation #tcot #news Update on #NewHampshire Thugs Snatching Baby Girl: #OathKeepers plans rally http://bit.ly/aML1nH #teaparty
RT @Dianykinns: First US Offshore Wind Farm Gets a Step Closer http://bit.ly/c91Wfy only problem people who live there DONT WANT IT! #tc ...
RT @newzealblog: Be There! - “Marxism in America Conference” http://nblo.gs/90zPx #tcot #teaparty #accdf #hhrs #ocra
RT @Live_Liberty Obama 2 campaign in #DEsen 2 expose @ChristineOD as nutjob_apparently unaware that #Delaware also elected Biden #tcot #tlot
RT @Kalel194: @Renee4Congress: Watch the video from today's #NC2 debate: http://ow.ly/2RMPn #consnc #ncgop #tcot #ncpolitics #nc #nc02
RT @Kirk4senate: Chicago Tribune: What Alexi Knew - His Damning Non-Denial About Loans to Criminals http://ow.ly/2Sjbv #ilsen #ilgop #il ...
RT @EZeeGardening: Let easy-growing groundcovers be the solution to your landscaping problems. 30 good groundcover plants ➤ http://tinyu ...
RT @EvilEsq @redostoneage #Union members speak up on coerced political spending http://bit.ly/anLwTr #tcot #tweetcongress #politics
RT @Kalel194: @ChristineOD: With 3 weeks to the election, Delaware needs to know about my opponent, the Taxman. http://is.gd/fYVP1 #DESE ...
RT @EZeeGardening: 18 excellent Japanese maples to add grace and beauty through the seasons ➤ http://tinyurl.com/29jv92q #trees #gardening
RT @AsianConsBlog #tcot BlogPost_Forfeitng Capitalism_What A Fine Mess Obama & Democrat-Socialists Got Us N2 http://ow.ly/19pCNg #news #jobs
RT @BeardedMarxist: Dems Stealing Signs http://bit.ly/994udy via @BeardedMarxist #DESEN #netde #delaware #wgmd #tcot #deltweet #teaparty ...
RT @outofstyle: "He's taxin everything... out here" http://youtu.be/T5aJAyBp_S8 #DESen #DE #Delaware #WGMD #WDOV #WDEL #DelTweet #netde ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @FloridaJayhawk: WARN PEOPLE OF #DELAWARE...THE TAX MAN IS GOING TO TAX THEM TO DEATH http://is.gd/fYU1M #de #desen #n ...
RT @WooHooYoo #Rush Playng the TAXMAN video! Love it! Hide ur lights_Hide everything! The TAXMAN--> #ChrisCoons Rush <3s @ChristineOD #DESEN
RT @outofstyle: RT @kentrod: Remember what happens when Obama campaigns for candidates? They lose #desen #tcot #teaparty #p2 #wdel #netde
RT @nickmarschel @Cubachi #NJ dem doesnt actually deny #democrat involvement n pushing phony #teaparty candidate http://bit.ly/dhpvud #tcot
RT @KLSouth: RT @outofstyle Coons may not be you, but his friends grow fat on your $$ http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #DESen #Delaware #WDO ...
RT @6061 #Soros’ 8 Most Despicable Acts http://bit.ly/cu5tZJ collaborated w/Nazis~the Man Who Broke the Bank of England #news #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @anitamoncrief @MicheleBachmann 30 companies & orgs receive #Obamacare waivers http://tiny.cc/qshq4 #tcot #news #hcr #healthcare #GOP
RT @KLSouth: Rush: "No Mistake. There is a surging of support for Christine O'Donnell in #Delaware ." #DESen #DE #Delaware #WGMD #WDOV # ...
RT @andilinks: America gets a taste of progressive thugocracy as the hive mind is exposed during the Obama presidency. #tcot #p2 #toppro ...
RT @andilinks: Gotta hand it to those crafty Marxists, if they had installed Hillary instead of Obama their coup might have succeeded. # ...
RT @LiberalismKills: RT @andilinks: Progressives have a long sordid history that they have tried desperately to erase. They're not nice ...
RT @jaketapper: If the President and VP Biden were 100% confident @chriscoons will beat @ChristineOD, they wouldn't be going to DE on fr ...
RT @PeepGov: Sharron Angle Raised $14 Million in the 3rd Quarter to beat #NV Sen Harry Reid http://bit.ly/8Z9y1s #tcot #tlot #election # ...
RT @prismsinc @ChristineOD is leading #Coons -keep n mind BOTH sides of establishment DO NOT WANT HER 2 WIN_they skew poll data #tcot #desen
RT @redostoneage: Democrats discuss what to do with your 401(k) Accounts http://fb.me/wEuwkBn9 #ma #boston #ct #nyc #ny #newyork #cbs #a ...
RT @GulfCoastTider: DailyCaller: Senator Ma'am actually had SEVEN Country Wide mortgages http://bit.ly/c7N4R7 #casen #tcot #gop
RT @zolqarnain #AZ HORROR: #IllegalAlien arrested in stabbing_decapitation http://bit.ly/czRiNM #tcot #az1070 @GovernorPerry #news #hhrs
RT @tjholthaus: "Are You Astroturf? | RedState" ( http://bit.ly/cLNq4y ) #tcot
RT @Incognito912 #DEMOCRAT Natnl Committee TOP Contributors for 2010 cycle #Google $133,082 http://bit.ly/bFK45q #news #tcot #teaparty #hhrs
RT @proctorshow @outofstyle #ChrisCoons Job creation plan_tax-spend-tax-spend-tax-spend_Been there_done that_FAIL http://tmi.me/2bGF6 #DEsen
RT @CO2HOG via @Biggovt Nov 30th Could Be the Day the Govt Seizes Control of the #Internet http://bit.ly/aXGZN5 #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs
RT @dprogram Palin: The Next Teleprompter Reader in the White House? #Palin doesnt crutch on the Teleprompter http://bit.ly/aGiaVB
RT @NSOLD: Have you read Online Character Assassinations of Republican Candidates http://is.gd/fYNxc #nsold #tcot #tlot #twisters #gop @ ...
RT @slicedsky #WeaselZippers »Pint-Sized Socialist Robert Reich~US on Verge of Losing Democracy http://goo.gl/q1oN #tcot #tlot #news #tpp
RT @CooperRepublic: Harry Reid Aide’s 100% Stock Return Raises Eyebrows http://is.gd/fZ1Pa #tcot
RT @KateNix927: RT @Heritage Morning Bell: How the Obama Tax Hikes Affect You | The Foundry http://bit.ly/aINW8a #economy #taxes #tcot
A Public Sector #Union Is A Mutiny Awaiting Its Moment_See Greece http://is.gd/fZ1Y9 #tcot #sgp #teaparty #news #politics #hhrs #ocra #tlot
RT @LiliaEP: Bill Gates Pushes for Tax Increase on the Rich http://fxn.ws/bMT8o5 Spoken like a rich liberal. #tcot
#Obama Stumps 4 #RonKlein...Ron Klein Flees http://is.gd/fZ3qV #fl22 #flgop #tcot #fl #news #politics #teaparty #ocra #hhrs #tpp #tpe #tlot
RT @BoschFawstin: Behind the "HOPE".... http://bit.ly/aASGKr #tcot
RT @activistnews Too Funny! #MSNBC Prez Claims7~Were Not Trying 2 Push #Democrat Talking Points http://bit.ly/9FmgCu #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ericjodom YEP @First_Patriots No 1 can accept more than #HarryReid -Top recipient of lobbyist cash http://bit.ly/90Ylfk #nvsen #tcot #nv
RT @XtyMiller: Check this video out -- UFO sighting in Anaheim, CA. 10/10/10 http://t.co/VExmeCh < Get ready for a false flag alien ...
RT @WomenGunOwners: It points to Mecca http://t.co/kpX2W0k #tcot #ac2c #USA #fl93
RT @DailyCaller #Komen breast cancer charity provides funding 4 #PlannedParenthood http://ht.ly/2SjFw #tcot #news #sgp #teaparty
RT @EZeeGardening: Oregano is one of the easiest, most versatile and most useful herbs in the garden. #Bees love it ➤ http://tinyurl.com ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Uplifting @michellemcale Barack Obama 33 % approval rating in West Virginia. Worst approval rating 4 POTUS N all 32 state ...
RT @VotingFemale: Majority of Voting Females turn away from DEM party http://t.co/Lc2hs3W #NVsen #MApoli #DEsen #tcot #tlot #news #politics
RT @theGOPalliance: Shocking new poll: Key state of #Ohio: 36% approve of Obama. 54% any Republican. #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @GeeekGirl: Dems Running On 'Repeal' #Obamacare Platform? http://j.mp/c3jUbb #tcot #teaparty #gop #tlot #p2 #ofa #news
@johnsscott2 @JohnFugelsang The only gullible PPL I see are those that fell 4 the "teleprompted messiah" & his neo-serfdom schtick #tcot #p2
RT @outofstyle: Hocus pocus? Chris Coons raises taxes & uses $$ to pay off friends: http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #DESen #Delaware #WGMD # ...
RT @Daggy1 @slone SHOCK POLL: 85% ANGRY with #Obama #Economy & are NOT going 2 take it ANYMORE http://bit.ly/bsXtp7 #tcot #jobs #p2 #tpot
RT @First_Patriots This takes the cake, errr #bagel._taxing a sliced bagel http://bit.ly/c6yHZc #nygov #nysen #nyc #ny #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @vannschaffner: #tcot RT @MPOTheHill: An AFL-CIO doc circulated by @EVale72 sees 75 Dem seats in play, 37 of which are "high union de ...
RT @ChristineOD: With 3 weeks to the election, Delaware needs to know about my opponent, the Taxman. http://www.coonsthetaxman.com/ #DES ...
RT @CindyCoops @gretawire Christine O'Donnell 'On the Record' -Pts 1 & 2~The Full Interview http://fxn.ws/c9HJ8b #desen #netde #news #tcot
RT @Dianykinns: climate data prove global warming was an ideological agenda masquerading as a scientific theory-Al Gore set up to make B ...
RT @policygal: Senior citizens brace for #SocialSecurity freeze http://goo.gl/vwSs #aarp
Whats worse_a nazi reenactor #Iott that repudiates nazis or_a nazi collaborator #Soros that never showd any guilt 4selling out #Jews? #tcot
RT @southsalem: RT @HillBuzz: Will Congressional Black Caucus allow Lt. Colonel Allen West & other Republicans join? http://bit.ly/d41iw ...
@Dr_Rose @prismsinc #GeorgeSoros, an unapologetic nazi-collaborator, funds much of the left-wing & pulls #obama's strings #p2 #tcot #OH09
RT @SissyWillis: RT @memeorandumFH: The Myth of the #Democrat Surge http://j.mp/9LWob8 http://mrand.us/A=km #tcot #teaparty #politics #news
RT @ttjemery: Join tens of thousands of your fellow Americans in demanding that the court overturn Obamacare http://bit.ly/94OX0d #TCOT ...
RT @EATerrell: Gap Reverts to Original Logo Post SocMedia Backlash http://t.co/W0QfnZb via @mashbusiness @mashable | I'd say @peterlamot ...
RT @maafa21: Maafa21 Quote, "Eugenicists realized they could not promote
their agenda because they knew it would be viewed as... http:// ...
RT @Semiautorifles: UK Pundit, Disabled and Sick Children should be Smothered - Semiauto Rifles http://t.co/sOgdV2P via @Digg
RT @SavageNation Nearly 1/2 of #Obama supporters have given up on him http://bit.ly/d1xPOJ #tcot #politics #tpot #p2 #ofa #dsa #dnc #px #p2b
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Busted: Dem Candidate Reportedly Behind Tea Party Robocall http://bit.ly/dszKx1
#TeaParty Pace Car -- TeaPartyPaceCar.com http://t.co/pXldyxx via @AddThis #tcot
RT @Pedlar7 #ALLENWEST Live webcast_Watch #RonKlein & #AllenWest debate http://tinyurl.com/2aql7kj @AllenWest2010 #fl22 #flgop #tcot #fl
RT @OregonYankee: The #NewDeal Debunked. #FDR was no hero; learn why. http://chilp.it/f95b35 #tcot #Democrats #p2 #topprog #teaparty #tp ...
RT @PolitixGal Issa Report finds #ACORN Fraud, #SEIU Connex http://t.co/CvxfXCo #DarrellIssa doing heavy lifting on DC CRIMINALS #tcot #news
RT @Pedlar7: #P2s, If you'd been this vigilant in checking for foreign campaign contributions in 2008, obama wouldn't be POTUS today. #tcot
RT @rsmccain: @andilinks Once trolls learn that no one pays them attention, their raison d'etre is pretty much blown. #tcot #teaparty
RT @TxJogger12: What #Giannoulias' Knew About Loans 2 Criminals http://bit.ly/b7kxsS #ilsen #chicago #illinois #tcot #il #teaparty #ilgop
RT @jamiedupree: More Obama campaign stops: Oct 20 Portland, OR; Oct 21 Seattle, San Fran, Oct 22 LA & Las Vegas, Oct 23 Minnesota
RT @GregWHoward Libtards_additions 2 natnl debt under #GOP came as result of unfunded programs like SS & Medicare #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot
RT @GregWHoward: People can laugh all they want but left is using cyberspace for scorched earth political gains #tcot #ocra #sgp #teapar ...
RT @TxJogger12: "Is it interesting that Soros, the richest financial speculator of all time, is a Dem. Yet, the Democrats continually de ...
Fire the #LynnUniversity #IT person in charge of audio at the #FL22 debate_TAPE THE DEBATE SEPARATELY 4 LATER POST!!! #tcot
@AllenWest2010 No sound!! Please tape separately & post on utube. #fl22 #tcot
@SunSentinel your sound sucks, Please tape debate separately & post later. #fl22
RT @politico: Sarah #Palin has her best quarter of fundraising since her star turn as the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential candidate: http:/ ...
RT @JohnDDonut: David Horowitz's Archives_Dialogue (Sort of) W/a Bolshevik in #Texas http://bccth.is/9CX #tcot #teaparty #socialism #marxism
RT @DMashak: High Schoolers "Forced" to attend #Obama #OneNation Rally http://bit.ly/baHbVP #tcot #teaparty
@SunSentinel thank you, it is much better now. we appreciate it.
RT @pinkelephantpun @jaketapper If Prez & Biden were 100% confident @chriscoons will beat @ChristineOD, they wouldnt b going 2 #DEsen on Fri
RT @cprater: RT @VoteDeal: New ad: Tax-cut plan to bring new jobs to GA - during Barnes’ admin GA led US in job losses http://youtu.be/t ...
RT @hipEchik @JoinVanTran (AP) Giuliani: #LorettaSanchez Waging ‘Ethnic Warfare’ In House Race http://t.co/zq4wnuD #catcot #ca47 #tcot #ca
RT @GaRepublicans @VoteDeal: New ad: #TaxCut plan 2 bring new #jobs 2 #GA http://youtu.be/tUbvrSfTxqk #gagov #gapolitics @ajc #ajc #atlanta
@andilinks @rsmccain either or are relevant positions, imho
RT @WooHooYoo: Audio RT @trscoop: RUSH: #ChrisCoons isn't up by double digits http://is.gd/fYT2h #desen #de #netde #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: That @GovBrewer was nuts to suggest headless bodies have been found in AZ desert. Mexicans would never do *that* http ...
RT @BluShadows #Nevada -69.9% of mortgages underwater Thank U #HarryReid!! Great Job destroying ur state & the rest of the USA! #NVsen
RT @survivalstation #tcot #news Update on #NewHampshire Thugs Snatching Baby Girl: #OathKeepers plans rally http://bit.ly/aML1nH #teaparty
RT @Dianykinns: First US Offshore Wind Farm Gets a Step Closer http://bit.ly/c91Wfy only problem people who live there DONT WANT IT! #tc ...
RT @newzealblog: Be There! - “Marxism in America Conference” http://nblo.gs/90zPx #tcot #teaparty #accdf #hhrs #ocra
RT @Live_Liberty Obama 2 campaign in #DEsen 2 expose @ChristineOD as nutjob_apparently unaware that #Delaware also elected Biden #tcot #tlot
RT @Kalel194: @Renee4Congress: Watch the video from today's #NC2 debate: http://ow.ly/2RMPn #consnc #ncgop #tcot #ncpolitics #nc #nc02
RT @Kirk4senate: Chicago Tribune: What Alexi Knew - His Damning Non-Denial About Loans to Criminals http://ow.ly/2Sjbv #ilsen #ilgop #il ...
RT @EZeeGardening: Let easy-growing groundcovers be the solution to your landscaping problems. 30 good groundcover plants ➤ http://tinyu ...
RT @EvilEsq @redostoneage #Union members speak up on coerced political spending http://bit.ly/anLwTr #tcot #tweetcongress #politics
RT @Kalel194: @ChristineOD: With 3 weeks to the election, Delaware needs to know about my opponent, the Taxman. http://is.gd/fYVP1 #DESE ...
RT @EZeeGardening: 18 excellent Japanese maples to add grace and beauty through the seasons ➤ http://tinyurl.com/29jv92q #trees #gardening
RT @AsianConsBlog #tcot BlogPost_Forfeitng Capitalism_What A Fine Mess Obama & Democrat-Socialists Got Us N2 http://ow.ly/19pCNg #news #jobs
RT @BeardedMarxist: Dems Stealing Signs http://bit.ly/994udy via @BeardedMarxist #DESEN #netde #delaware #wgmd #tcot #deltweet #teaparty ...
RT @outofstyle: "He's taxin everything... out here" http://youtu.be/T5aJAyBp_S8 #DESen #DE #Delaware #WGMD #WDOV #WDEL #DelTweet #netde ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @FloridaJayhawk: WARN PEOPLE OF #DELAWARE...THE TAX MAN IS GOING TO TAX THEM TO DEATH http://is.gd/fYU1M #de #desen #n ...
RT @WooHooYoo #Rush Playng the TAXMAN video! Love it! Hide ur lights_Hide everything! The TAXMAN--> #ChrisCoons Rush <3s @ChristineOD #DESEN
RT @outofstyle: RT @kentrod: Remember what happens when Obama campaigns for candidates? They lose #desen #tcot #teaparty #p2 #wdel #netde
RT @nickmarschel @Cubachi #NJ dem doesnt actually deny #democrat involvement n pushing phony #teaparty candidate http://bit.ly/dhpvud #tcot
RT @KLSouth: RT @outofstyle Coons may not be you, but his friends grow fat on your $$ http://tinyurl.com/2cfa64o #DESen #Delaware #WDO ...
RT @6061 #Soros’ 8 Most Despicable Acts http://bit.ly/cu5tZJ collaborated w/Nazis~the Man Who Broke the Bank of England #news #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @anitamoncrief @MicheleBachmann 30 companies & orgs receive #Obamacare waivers http://tiny.cc/qshq4 #tcot #news #hcr #healthcare #GOP
RT @KLSouth: Rush: "No Mistake. There is a surging of support for Christine O'Donnell in #Delaware ." #DESen #DE #Delaware #WGMD #WDOV # ...
RT @andilinks: America gets a taste of progressive thugocracy as the hive mind is exposed during the Obama presidency. #tcot #p2 #toppro ...
RT @andilinks: Gotta hand it to those crafty Marxists, if they had installed Hillary instead of Obama their coup might have succeeded. # ...
RT @LiberalismKills: RT @andilinks: Progressives have a long sordid history that they have tried desperately to erase. They're not nice ...
RT @jaketapper: If the President and VP Biden were 100% confident @chriscoons will beat @ChristineOD, they wouldn't be going to DE on fr ...
RT @PeepGov: Sharron Angle Raised $14 Million in the 3rd Quarter to beat #NV Sen Harry Reid http://bit.ly/8Z9y1s #tcot #tlot #election # ...
RT @prismsinc @ChristineOD is leading #Coons -keep n mind BOTH sides of establishment DO NOT WANT HER 2 WIN_they skew poll data #tcot #desen
RT @redostoneage: Democrats discuss what to do with your 401(k) Accounts http://fb.me/wEuwkBn9 #ma #boston #ct #nyc #ny #newyork #cbs #a ...
RT @GulfCoastTider: DailyCaller: Senator Ma'am actually had SEVEN Country Wide mortgages http://bit.ly/c7N4R7 #casen #tcot #gop
RT @zolqarnain #AZ HORROR: #IllegalAlien arrested in stabbing_decapitation http://bit.ly/czRiNM #tcot #az1070 @GovernorPerry #news #hhrs
RT @tjholthaus: "Are You Astroturf? | RedState" ( http://bit.ly/cLNq4y ) #tcot
RT @Incognito912 #DEMOCRAT Natnl Committee TOP Contributors for 2010 cycle #Google $133,082 http://bit.ly/bFK45q #news #tcot #teaparty #hhrs
RT @proctorshow @outofstyle #ChrisCoons Job creation plan_tax-spend-tax-spend-tax-spend_Been there_done that_FAIL http://tmi.me/2bGF6 #DEsen
RT @CO2HOG via @Biggovt Nov 30th Could Be the Day the Govt Seizes Control of the #Internet http://bit.ly/aXGZN5 #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs
RT @dprogram Palin: The Next Teleprompter Reader in the White House? #Palin doesnt crutch on the Teleprompter http://bit.ly/aGiaVB
RT @NSOLD: Have you read Online Character Assassinations of Republican Candidates http://is.gd/fYNxc #nsold #tcot #tlot #twisters #gop @ ...
RT @slicedsky #WeaselZippers »Pint-Sized Socialist Robert Reich~US on Verge of Losing Democracy http://goo.gl/q1oN #tcot #tlot #news #tpp
RT @CooperRepublic: Harry Reid Aide’s 100% Stock Return Raises Eyebrows http://is.gd/fZ1Pa #tcot
RT @KateNix927: RT @Heritage Morning Bell: How the Obama Tax Hikes Affect You | The Foundry http://bit.ly/aINW8a #economy #taxes #tcot
A Public Sector #Union Is A Mutiny Awaiting Its Moment_See Greece http://is.gd/fZ1Y9 #tcot #sgp #teaparty #news #politics #hhrs #ocra #tlot
RT @LiliaEP: Bill Gates Pushes for Tax Increase on the Rich http://fxn.ws/bMT8o5 Spoken like a rich liberal. #tcot
#Obama Stumps 4 #RonKlein...Ron Klein Flees http://is.gd/fZ3qV #fl22 #flgop #tcot #fl #news #politics #teaparty #ocra #hhrs #tpp #tpe #tlot
RT @BoschFawstin: Behind the "HOPE".... http://bit.ly/aASGKr #tcot
RT @activistnews Too Funny! #MSNBC Prez Claims7~Were Not Trying 2 Push #Democrat Talking Points http://bit.ly/9FmgCu #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ericjodom YEP @First_Patriots No 1 can accept more than #HarryReid -Top recipient of lobbyist cash http://bit.ly/90Ylfk #nvsen #tcot #nv
RT @XtyMiller: Check this video out -- UFO sighting in Anaheim, CA. 10/10/10 http://t.co/VExmeCh < Get ready for a false flag alien ...
RT @WomenGunOwners: It points to Mecca http://t.co/kpX2W0k #tcot #ac2c #USA #fl93
RT @DailyCaller #Komen breast cancer charity provides funding 4 #PlannedParenthood http://ht.ly/2SjFw #tcot #news #sgp #teaparty
RT @EZeeGardening: Oregano is one of the easiest, most versatile and most useful herbs in the garden. #Bees love it ➤ http://tinyurl.com ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Uplifting @michellemcale Barack Obama 33 % approval rating in West Virginia. Worst approval rating 4 POTUS N all 32 state ...
RT @VotingFemale: Majority of Voting Females turn away from DEM party http://t.co/Lc2hs3W #NVsen #MApoli #DEsen #tcot #tlot #news #politics
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