RT @HenryStradford: These Resurrected Polaroid #Cameras Have Me Shaking With Anticipation [Cameras] - http://www.photozz.com/?1q48
RT @MacworldUK: X-mini II speaker reviewed at Macworld - small but mighty portable speakers - http://ow.ly/3lJUS
RT @Notorious918: JSOC analyst arrested in FBI spy sting. | RedState http://t.co/WebAju4 via @moelane
RT @NEWSINATORS: Hackers Defend WikiLeaks by Attacking PayPal and PostFinance: A group of hackers connected to the onli... http://bit.ly ...
RT @mabvet: Rich Leftist Mark Dayton Calls on Soros Help http://pulsene.ws/sWAB
RT @mabvet: Obamacare Waiver-mania! continues: List tops 222 http://pulsene.ws/tcaz
RT @KOSMOSNET: Big Government Black Farmer Blows Whistle on Pigford: ‘If You Got a Potted Plant, That Makes You a Farmer’ http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @rsmccain: RT @TeaTephi RT @ProLifeAction Population Control = another way of saying, "Kill the poor" http://tinyurl.com/
A Knock-Out Anthem by #Stand http://is.gd/inQkQ @patdollard @snooper1 #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #sgp @dloesch #mil #sot #hhrs @rsmccain #cmt
RT @griffinrc #KISS’s Gene Simmons~Im Very #Conservative on Some Issues_Regrets Voting 4 ‘Unqualified’ #Obama http://bit.ly/hQdY70 #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: Obama's Marxist background influences & corresponding evidence of his current collectivist bent are very well documented. ...
RT @andilinks: RT @savetheusa Assange: Don't Shoot Messenger for Revealing Uncomfortable Truths http://bit.ly/fPHAlt #tcot // but shoot ...
RT @WSB_TV: #Atlanta #weather: Chilly, chance of sprinkles/flurries: http://bit.ly/b1IPFZ #news
RT @slkbrooke Mexican Thugs torch kindergarten after teachers refuse 2pay Christmas bonuses #NYDaily http://is.gd/inV9G #tcot #news #ny #nyc
RT @theblaze: VID #VanJones Predicts ‘Potential Nightmare Scenario’ of Social Unrest http://is.gd/inVf5 via @theblaze #news #tcot #sot #mil
RT @theblaze: FCC Com Calls for Gov Run “Values Test”, Control Over Minority Characters, Programming & Scheduling of TV http://t.co/s3C ...
RT @TeaTephi: RT @theblaze Beck’s Political Necrophilia: ACORN CEO Says ’Glenn Beck is My Boyfriend’… http://t.co/wxIDMuw via @theblaze
RT @cindyvriend: 152 Zoooooming Photographs #photography #photogs http://gizmo.do/gIHEq5 RT @9swords: @photographytalk
RT @TeaTephi: RT @GeeekGirl Michelle Malkin - Small-Biz Killers: Who Pays for Jobless Benefits? - http://j.mp/ek5d3t #tcot #news #jobs
RT @jamiedupree: One more note on this budget plan - Democrats will again use a parliamentary move 2 prevent any #GOP amendments #news #tcot
RT @DailyCaller How #conservatives should fight back http://bit.ly/gKCIDS #tcot #teaparty #nfl #football
RT @DailyCaller Meet the #FCC Commissioner who wants to control the #news http://bit.ly/h8tCog #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tbrs #tlot #hhrs #p2
RT @texaszman: Article from #Wikileaks: Saddam's #WMD program existed in #Iraq http://is.gd/io5zV #tcot #news #mil #sot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Linny_Buck: TRUE RT @victoria_29 keep telling every1 when say Obama has failed totally thats not accurate, he has been very success ...
RT @sjsturkie Breitbart.tv #LawrenceODonnell Exposes #Liberal Ignorance of #TaxCode http://ht.ly/1am7q6 #news #tcot #msnbc #p2 #teaparty
#MotherJones ClassWarfare Propaganda Laid Bare~VID: #Barstool #Economics http://is.gd/io7Mg #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #jobs #tlot
RT @Doc_0 http://ow.ly/3lNQy Let's make small businesses pay 4 endless unemployment benefits, then blame them 4 not creating #jobs! #tcot
#MotherJones ClassWarfare Propaganda Laid Bare~VID: #Barstool #Economics http://is.gd/io7Mg #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @AZgrassroots: #Kids Are Giving #Oklahoma #Schools the Finger http://bit.ly/dEN2UB #tsot #sgp #tcot #news #asamom #biometrics #tlot
RT @AZgrassroots: Kids Are Giving Oklahoma Schools the Finger http://bit.ly/dEN2UB #dripusa #r3s #tcot
RT @AZgrassroots: Pigileaks: Documents Reveals Pigford Lawyer Sabotaged Mediation That Could Have Saved Tax P... http://bit.ly/gMiFjA #d ...
RT @Warof2010: END THE #CORN #ETHANOL SUBSIDY TODAY @cspanwj #tcot #commodities #tlot #Iowa #tweetcongress
@Heidsy A #SmallBiz making weekly payroll w/o needing a loan & boiler-plate #SocialJustice rhetoric R mutually exclusive subjects #tcot #p2
RT @hmfearny Sigh~ #FredUpton aka #Death2Edison, 2head #ENERGYandCOMMERCE Cmte: #gopFAIL http://bit.ly/dSYtRX #tcot #teaparty #gop #tbrs
RT @Drudge_Report: Town proposes ban on ALL energy drinks for teens... http://is.gd/ioehx #food #news #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @Drudge_Report #Kardashian: Going through airport security is like being raped in public http://is.gd/ioekY #tsa #sgp #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @the_912_project: Big Journalism News: NPR, PBS Soon Extinct? - We have to cut something to pay for the extra 13 months of unemployme ...
RT @usACTIONnews: How attacks on the ‘wealthy’ will hurt the middle class and the poor: This parable explains how our 'progressive... ht ...
RT @usACTIONnews: Limbaugh On Pigford – Corruption Right In The Open: Rush rails on the blatant corruption in the Pigford reparati... ht ...
RT @pinnie99: RT @vadoug: @cspanwj - Death taxes and gift taxes should be abolished. Nobody deserves to be taxed just for dying. #tcot # ...
RT @clusterstock Its Just AMAZING 2 Watch #Liberals Suddenly Turning Into Deficit Hawks by @thestalwart http://is.gd/ioeA2 #news #tcot #p2
RT @HoosierHomemade: Cranberry Bread makes a perfect teacher or neighbor gift! http://bit.ly/eaI3eV Learn how to add a special touch! # ...
RT @WilliamJBennett #GWB, I've walked off the national stage, & it doesn't benefit the nation to be criticizing the next president #tcot #p2
RT @jeanniemcbride: WHY is it everytime I hear a lib they are talking about "giving" us a tax break? Hey, it is OUR money to begin with, ...
RT @Michael_Yon: About T-24 minutes to Launch of Falcon 9
Video/audio just started streaming live: http://fb.me/zi0QtXBK
RT @standinthegap: BIOETHICS WATCH => Obamacare: Waivers Double, Sign of Coming Meltdown? http://dlvr.it/9z2V4 #912 #ocra #ucot #rs ...
RT @Linny_Buck: RT @GregWHoward: Obama, you can put your name calling and anger the same place Santa stuck the tree on the Angel. #tcot ...
RT @usACTIONnews #UN #climate official admits climate hoax is about redistributing wealth globally http://is.gd/hpWwN #tcot #news #agw #tlot
RT @KurtSchlichter: Who said they were useful? RT @JammieWF Obama's Sister Souljah Week: Or How the Angry Left Will Remain Useful Idiots ...
RT @usACTIONnews @GOPLeader, Barton is the #TeaParty pick 4 Energy & Commerce chair http://is.gd/il3VY #tcot #tweetcongress #tpp
RT @yeeheecom: #Libya Threatened #UK Over #Lockerbie Bomber http://bit.ly/feWnWR #mil #sot #news #tcot
RT @Umahpap: #tcot If we allow our medical records 2 be digitised whose 2 say tht it W not be hacked & released in2 the public domain #hcr
RT @Jarjarbug: Rush: @Clairecmc 's pitchfork army on it's way to Washington..... <== I love this!! #Nov2012 #MOSen #tcot
RT @str8thinker: maybe the congress should go on voluntary go on unemployment and donate their salarys to fund the contined tax rates.. ...
RT @imsure: AmericanThinker- Cancun's Climate Crock http://is.gd/io4rH #tcot #sgp #agw #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @MrJlfish77: Here's an idea... drill closer to shore & even on land! http://bit.ly/ePDJrl #tcot #tlot #twisters #ocra #oil #news
RT @jilevin_feeds #Democrats try 2 revive #food control bill http://bit.ly/hIbNJj #p2 #tsot #s510 #news #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #tlot #asamom
RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: Worst Scandal Imaginable http://bit.ly/gCwahU #tcot #news
RT @cpwilldo @MichelleMalkin Senate #DREAMAct cloture vote today_4pm EST http://bit.ly/g2XvAM #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #tsot #ocra #sgp #asamon
RT @southsalem: Of course the BC pictured is short form COLB and not the original Long Form BC. But let's not let facts intrude http:// ...
RT @NWOBlog The #TSA, #CIA & #FaroukAbdulmutallab: Connecting the Odd Dots http://ht.ly/3lTXr #news #tcot #mil #sot #dia #hhrs #teaparty
RT @infowarsstories #TSA Agent Revolt Over BodyScanner #Radiation Exposure_Radiatn Inspection W/held http://bit.ly/hcnVs9 #news #tcot #tlot
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @lisbethcarter: When will we implement Zero-Based Balanced Budgeting in every Federal Dept? #tcot
RT @Drudge_Report: Congress deals death blow to Gitmo closure... http://is.gd/ioBzU #news #tcot #sot #mil #p2
RT @kansaspider: The world better wake up because anarchists and terrorists are realizing that the internet is the best weapon- using i ...
RT @Celtic_Norse: Watch these Leftists Sneak one in- House DemoRats tack Food Safety Bill 2 spending measure http://bit.ly/i7BK5v #tcot ...
RT @GregWHoward: Investor confidence falls to lowest level in two months http://t.co/TdhJCUu #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #phnm #tlot
RT @Celtic_Norse: Giving more Gov't $ 2 rich people just isn't a good way 2 get peeps working
The Economist- It isn't the Govt's $ 2 Beg ...
RT @AlinskyDefeater: Goodbye to Bake Sales? Nutrition Bill Subjects School Fundraisers to New Regs http://bit.ly/fLyPg1 #ocra #tcot
RT @Cubachi: Mexican drug cartel set kindergarten on fire. Children now taught gun battle training: http://wp.me/p28v3-1Ud
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Guess what? They're reviving s.510 by 'tacking' it onto a spending bill this morning. Call your senators! #tcot #p2 #tw ...
RT @LadyFyreAZ: ALERT: Police/Firefighter Bill Vote TODAY.Senate Dems determined 2 force collective bargaining on cities. MORE PAYBACK! ...
RT @goodinohio: Let’s keep the death tax dead - The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/REMC2
RT @TPO_Hisself: RT GregWHoward - 8 year prediction: "I Never Asked Daddy Any of That Crap" by Malia Obama becomes a best seller. #tco ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: If #CapnTrade are implemented, EVERYONE will be paying higher prices for EVERYTHING. #fail #tcot @GOPLeader #Vote201 ...
RT @Doc_0: New post @HumanEvents: Peril For The Tax Deal. http://ow.ly/3lVWX #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @themick1962: Until we repeal the 16th Amend & implement a Fair Tax we will continue to have to endure the DEMS class warfare nonsens ...
RT @bamagirl0117: Record lows in Cancun 3 days in a row: http://bit.ly/fKuWXR via @addthis #un #cancun #agw #news #tcot
RT @JennyErikson: #sigh-> RT @BadMayo: Maureen Dowd: The Caribou Palin Shot on TLC is Obama http://tinyurl.com/2aqqpsm #tcot
RT @diesel_lady: RT @LionessOfJudeah: EMERGENCY: Department of Homeland Security shutting down popular rap sites - http://tinyurl.com/38 ...
RT @standinthegap JUDICIAL WATCH_Freed Gitmo Inmates “Reengage” In Terrorism http://is.gd/ioVBO #p2 #teaparty #sot #tcot #news #sgp #sot
RT @KristenHawley Pizza place note~Due2 un4seen price spikes in #wheat, #dairy, weve been forced 2raise prices #inflation #tcot #economy #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love ♫ http://blip.fm/~zg6az
RT @redostoneage: Insane Olbermann Compares Obama’s Tax Deal to Nazi Appeasement (Video)http://bit.ly/i1MoKZ #jews #jewish #jcot #jlot # ...
RT @redostoneage: #p2 finally asking who is Obama & who vetted this empty suit? #topprog #msnbc #nbc #tcot #tlot #ocra #teaparty #tpp #t ...
RT @PJTV: PTV REPORT: The Left Freaks Out Over Obama's Tax Deal; and #WikiLeak's Poison Pill http://bit.ly/e0TWmX #taxes #tcot
RT @instapundit #AARONSORKIN: “I am a little girly-man.” Or something like that... http://bit.ly/ghBGD6 #news #tcot
RT @SavageNews: Exposing Un-American Activities: Some conservatives have belatedly discovered that Obama has socialist and... http://bit ...
RT @sjsturkie: Breitbart.tv: Michele Bachmann Hits Pigford on Laura Ingraham Show http://ht.ly/1amypy
RT @cbsatl: Florida Football Coach Meyer Resigns: Florida football coach Urban Meyer is stepping down after the Gators appea... http://b ...
RT @GregWHoward: Market is not impressed with tax package hitting the Senate tomorrow. You know why? All it does is preserve status quo ...
RT @rsmccain: RT @Lady_grrrr Democrats attempt to revive #food safety bill http://is.gd/ipeui #news #s510 #tcot #teaparty #tlot
RT @Doc_0: New post @HumanEvents: #FBI Fake Bomb Industry Posts Record Sales. http://ow.ly/3m6Ew #tcot #sot #mil
RT @thehotjoints: #TCOT Does GOP Have Secret Palin To Crush Unions? http://goo.gl/fb/VZLXh
RT @Lady_grrrr: Sarah #Palin Against Obama Tax Cut Deal http://shar.es/X2G03
RT @AndrewBreitbart: CS Monitor picks up USDA discriminated against black farmer Jimmy Dismuke's #Pigford FRAUD whistleblower story: ht ...
@sjsturkie @sissywillis @rsmccain It's a #LameDuck, Cloward-Piven congress. Don't forget #S510, #NetNeutrality, #DreamAct, etc, etc, etc...
RT @runedart: WikiLeaks: WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results http://bit.ly/96SrWa surprising to whom??? #twisters #tcot ...
RT @AskMarion: Obama’s #Land Grab Nightmare http://t.co/pcTHSQr #news #tcot #LandGrab #teaparty
RT @MacworldUK: X-mini II speaker reviewed at Macworld - small but mighty portable speakers - http://ow.ly/3lJUS
RT @Notorious918: JSOC analyst arrested in FBI spy sting. | RedState http://t.co/WebAju4 via @moelane
RT @NEWSINATORS: Hackers Defend WikiLeaks by Attacking PayPal and PostFinance: A group of hackers connected to the onli... http://bit.ly ...
RT @mabvet: Rich Leftist Mark Dayton Calls on Soros Help http://pulsene.ws/sWAB
RT @mabvet: Obamacare Waiver-mania! continues: List tops 222 http://pulsene.ws/tcaz
RT @KOSMOSNET: Big Government Black Farmer Blows Whistle on Pigford: ‘If You Got a Potted Plant, That Makes You a Farmer’ http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @rsmccain: RT @TeaTephi RT @ProLifeAction Population Control = another way of saying, "Kill the poor" http://tinyurl.com/
A Knock-Out Anthem by #Stand http://is.gd/inQkQ @patdollard @snooper1 #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #sgp @dloesch #mil #sot #hhrs @rsmccain #cmt
RT @griffinrc #KISS’s Gene Simmons~Im Very #Conservative on Some Issues_Regrets Voting 4 ‘Unqualified’ #Obama http://bit.ly/hQdY70 #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: Obama's Marxist background influences & corresponding evidence of his current collectivist bent are very well documented. ...
RT @andilinks: RT @savetheusa Assange: Don't Shoot Messenger for Revealing Uncomfortable Truths http://bit.ly/fPHAlt #tcot // but shoot ...
RT @WSB_TV: #Atlanta #weather: Chilly, chance of sprinkles/flurries: http://bit.ly/b1IPFZ #news
RT @slkbrooke Mexican Thugs torch kindergarten after teachers refuse 2pay Christmas bonuses #NYDaily http://is.gd/inV9G #tcot #news #ny #nyc
RT @theblaze: VID #VanJones Predicts ‘Potential Nightmare Scenario’ of Social Unrest http://is.gd/inVf5 via @theblaze #news #tcot #sot #mil
RT @theblaze: FCC Com Calls for Gov Run “Values Test”, Control Over Minority Characters, Programming & Scheduling of TV http://t.co/s3C ...
RT @TeaTephi: RT @theblaze Beck’s Political Necrophilia: ACORN CEO Says ’Glenn Beck is My Boyfriend’… http://t.co/wxIDMuw via @theblaze
RT @cindyvriend: 152 Zoooooming Photographs #photography #photogs http://gizmo.do/gIHEq5 RT @9swords: @photographytalk
RT @TeaTephi: RT @GeeekGirl Michelle Malkin - Small-Biz Killers: Who Pays for Jobless Benefits? - http://j.mp/ek5d3t #tcot #news #jobs
RT @jamiedupree: One more note on this budget plan - Democrats will again use a parliamentary move 2 prevent any #GOP amendments #news #tcot
RT @DailyCaller How #conservatives should fight back http://bit.ly/gKCIDS #tcot #teaparty #nfl #football
RT @DailyCaller Meet the #FCC Commissioner who wants to control the #news http://bit.ly/h8tCog #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tbrs #tlot #hhrs #p2
RT @texaszman: Article from #Wikileaks: Saddam's #WMD program existed in #Iraq http://is.gd/io5zV #tcot #news #mil #sot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Linny_Buck: TRUE RT @victoria_29 keep telling every1 when say Obama has failed totally thats not accurate, he has been very success ...
RT @sjsturkie Breitbart.tv #LawrenceODonnell Exposes #Liberal Ignorance of #TaxCode http://ht.ly/1am7q6 #news #tcot #msnbc #p2 #teaparty
#MotherJones ClassWarfare Propaganda Laid Bare~VID: #Barstool #Economics http://is.gd/io7Mg #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #jobs #tlot
RT @Doc_0 http://ow.ly/3lNQy Let's make small businesses pay 4 endless unemployment benefits, then blame them 4 not creating #jobs! #tcot
#MotherJones ClassWarfare Propaganda Laid Bare~VID: #Barstool #Economics http://is.gd/io7Mg #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @AZgrassroots: #Kids Are Giving #Oklahoma #Schools the Finger http://bit.ly/dEN2UB #tsot #sgp #tcot #news #asamom #biometrics #tlot
RT @AZgrassroots: Kids Are Giving Oklahoma Schools the Finger http://bit.ly/dEN2UB #dripusa #r3s #tcot
RT @AZgrassroots: Pigileaks: Documents Reveals Pigford Lawyer Sabotaged Mediation That Could Have Saved Tax P... http://bit.ly/gMiFjA #d ...
RT @Warof2010: END THE #CORN #ETHANOL SUBSIDY TODAY @cspanwj #tcot #commodities #tlot #Iowa #tweetcongress
@Heidsy A #SmallBiz making weekly payroll w/o needing a loan & boiler-plate #SocialJustice rhetoric R mutually exclusive subjects #tcot #p2
RT @hmfearny Sigh~ #FredUpton aka #Death2Edison, 2head #ENERGYandCOMMERCE Cmte: #gopFAIL http://bit.ly/dSYtRX #tcot #teaparty #gop #tbrs
RT @Drudge_Report: Town proposes ban on ALL energy drinks for teens... http://is.gd/ioehx #food #news #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @Drudge_Report #Kardashian: Going through airport security is like being raped in public http://is.gd/ioekY #tsa #sgp #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @the_912_project: Big Journalism News: NPR, PBS Soon Extinct? - We have to cut something to pay for the extra 13 months of unemployme ...
RT @usACTIONnews: How attacks on the ‘wealthy’ will hurt the middle class and the poor: This parable explains how our 'progressive... ht ...
RT @usACTIONnews: Limbaugh On Pigford – Corruption Right In The Open: Rush rails on the blatant corruption in the Pigford reparati... ht ...
RT @pinnie99: RT @vadoug: @cspanwj - Death taxes and gift taxes should be abolished. Nobody deserves to be taxed just for dying. #tcot # ...
RT @clusterstock Its Just AMAZING 2 Watch #Liberals Suddenly Turning Into Deficit Hawks by @thestalwart http://is.gd/ioeA2 #news #tcot #p2
RT @HoosierHomemade: Cranberry Bread makes a perfect teacher or neighbor gift! http://bit.ly/eaI3eV Learn how to add a special touch! # ...
RT @WilliamJBennett #GWB, I've walked off the national stage, & it doesn't benefit the nation to be criticizing the next president #tcot #p2
RT @jeanniemcbride: WHY is it everytime I hear a lib they are talking about "giving" us a tax break? Hey, it is OUR money to begin with, ...
RT @Michael_Yon: About T-24 minutes to Launch of Falcon 9
Video/audio just started streaming live: http://fb.me/zi0QtXBK
RT @standinthegap: BIOETHICS WATCH => Obamacare: Waivers Double, Sign of Coming Meltdown? http://dlvr.it/9z2V4 #912 #ocra #ucot #rs ...
RT @Linny_Buck: RT @GregWHoward: Obama, you can put your name calling and anger the same place Santa stuck the tree on the Angel. #tcot ...
RT @usACTIONnews #UN #climate official admits climate hoax is about redistributing wealth globally http://is.gd/hpWwN #tcot #news #agw #tlot
RT @KurtSchlichter: Who said they were useful? RT @JammieWF Obama's Sister Souljah Week: Or How the Angry Left Will Remain Useful Idiots ...
RT @usACTIONnews @GOPLeader, Barton is the #TeaParty pick 4 Energy & Commerce chair http://is.gd/il3VY #tcot #tweetcongress #tpp
RT @yeeheecom: #Libya Threatened #UK Over #Lockerbie Bomber http://bit.ly/feWnWR #mil #sot #news #tcot
RT @Umahpap: #tcot If we allow our medical records 2 be digitised whose 2 say tht it W not be hacked & released in2 the public domain #hcr
RT @Jarjarbug: Rush: @Clairecmc 's pitchfork army on it's way to Washington..... <== I love this!! #Nov2012 #MOSen #tcot
RT @str8thinker: maybe the congress should go on voluntary go on unemployment and donate their salarys to fund the contined tax rates.. ...
RT @imsure: AmericanThinker- Cancun's Climate Crock http://is.gd/io4rH #tcot #sgp #agw #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @MrJlfish77: Here's an idea... drill closer to shore & even on land! http://bit.ly/ePDJrl #tcot #tlot #twisters #ocra #oil #news
RT @jilevin_feeds #Democrats try 2 revive #food control bill http://bit.ly/hIbNJj #p2 #tsot #s510 #news #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #tlot #asamom
RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: Worst Scandal Imaginable http://bit.ly/gCwahU #tcot #news
RT @cpwilldo @MichelleMalkin Senate #DREAMAct cloture vote today_4pm EST http://bit.ly/g2XvAM #tcot #teaparty #tbrs #tsot #ocra #sgp #asamon
RT @southsalem: Of course the BC pictured is short form COLB and not the original Long Form BC. But let's not let facts intrude http:// ...
RT @NWOBlog The #TSA, #CIA & #FaroukAbdulmutallab: Connecting the Odd Dots http://ht.ly/3lTXr #news #tcot #mil #sot #dia #hhrs #teaparty
RT @infowarsstories #TSA Agent Revolt Over BodyScanner #Radiation Exposure_Radiatn Inspection W/held http://bit.ly/hcnVs9 #news #tcot #tlot
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @lisbethcarter: When will we implement Zero-Based Balanced Budgeting in every Federal Dept? #tcot
RT @Drudge_Report: Congress deals death blow to Gitmo closure... http://is.gd/ioBzU #news #tcot #sot #mil #p2
RT @kansaspider: The world better wake up because anarchists and terrorists are realizing that the internet is the best weapon- using i ...
RT @Celtic_Norse: Watch these Leftists Sneak one in- House DemoRats tack Food Safety Bill 2 spending measure http://bit.ly/i7BK5v #tcot ...
RT @GregWHoward: Investor confidence falls to lowest level in two months http://t.co/TdhJCUu #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #phnm #tlot
RT @Celtic_Norse: Giving more Gov't $ 2 rich people just isn't a good way 2 get peeps working
The Economist- It isn't the Govt's $ 2 Beg ...
RT @AlinskyDefeater: Goodbye to Bake Sales? Nutrition Bill Subjects School Fundraisers to New Regs http://bit.ly/fLyPg1 #ocra #tcot
RT @Cubachi: Mexican drug cartel set kindergarten on fire. Children now taught gun battle training: http://wp.me/p28v3-1Ud
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Guess what? They're reviving s.510 by 'tacking' it onto a spending bill this morning. Call your senators! #tcot #p2 #tw ...
RT @LadyFyreAZ: ALERT: Police/Firefighter Bill Vote TODAY.Senate Dems determined 2 force collective bargaining on cities. MORE PAYBACK! ...
RT @goodinohio: Let’s keep the death tax dead - The Boston Globe http://goo.gl/REMC2
RT @TPO_Hisself: RT GregWHoward - 8 year prediction: "I Never Asked Daddy Any of That Crap" by Malia Obama becomes a best seller. #tco ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: If #CapnTrade are implemented, EVERYONE will be paying higher prices for EVERYTHING. #fail #tcot @GOPLeader #Vote201 ...
RT @Doc_0: New post @HumanEvents: Peril For The Tax Deal. http://ow.ly/3lVWX #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @themick1962: Until we repeal the 16th Amend & implement a Fair Tax we will continue to have to endure the DEMS class warfare nonsens ...
RT @bamagirl0117: Record lows in Cancun 3 days in a row: http://bit.ly/fKuWXR via @addthis #un #cancun #agw #news #tcot
RT @JennyErikson: #sigh-> RT @BadMayo: Maureen Dowd: The Caribou Palin Shot on TLC is Obama http://tinyurl.com/2aqqpsm #tcot
RT @diesel_lady: RT @LionessOfJudeah: EMERGENCY: Department of Homeland Security shutting down popular rap sites - http://tinyurl.com/38 ...
RT @standinthegap JUDICIAL WATCH_Freed Gitmo Inmates “Reengage” In Terrorism http://is.gd/ioVBO #p2 #teaparty #sot #tcot #news #sgp #sot
RT @KristenHawley Pizza place note~Due2 un4seen price spikes in #wheat, #dairy, weve been forced 2raise prices #inflation #tcot #economy #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love ♫ http://blip.fm/~zg6az
RT @redostoneage: Insane Olbermann Compares Obama’s Tax Deal to Nazi Appeasement (Video)http://bit.ly/i1MoKZ #jews #jewish #jcot #jlot # ...
RT @redostoneage: #p2 finally asking who is Obama & who vetted this empty suit? #topprog #msnbc #nbc #tcot #tlot #ocra #teaparty #tpp #t ...
RT @PJTV: PTV REPORT: The Left Freaks Out Over Obama's Tax Deal; and #WikiLeak's Poison Pill http://bit.ly/e0TWmX #taxes #tcot
RT @instapundit #AARONSORKIN: “I am a little girly-man.” Or something like that... http://bit.ly/ghBGD6 #news #tcot
RT @SavageNews: Exposing Un-American Activities: Some conservatives have belatedly discovered that Obama has socialist and... http://bit ...
RT @sjsturkie: Breitbart.tv: Michele Bachmann Hits Pigford on Laura Ingraham Show http://ht.ly/1amypy
RT @cbsatl: Florida Football Coach Meyer Resigns: Florida football coach Urban Meyer is stepping down after the Gators appea... http://b ...
RT @GregWHoward: Market is not impressed with tax package hitting the Senate tomorrow. You know why? All it does is preserve status quo ...
RT @rsmccain: RT @Lady_grrrr Democrats attempt to revive #food safety bill http://is.gd/ipeui #news #s510 #tcot #teaparty #tlot
RT @Doc_0: New post @HumanEvents: #FBI Fake Bomb Industry Posts Record Sales. http://ow.ly/3m6Ew #tcot #sot #mil
RT @thehotjoints: #TCOT Does GOP Have Secret Palin To Crush Unions? http://goo.gl/fb/VZLXh
RT @Lady_grrrr: Sarah #Palin Against Obama Tax Cut Deal http://shar.es/X2G03
RT @AndrewBreitbart: CS Monitor picks up USDA discriminated against black farmer Jimmy Dismuke's #Pigford FRAUD whistleblower story: ht ...
@sjsturkie @sissywillis @rsmccain It's a #LameDuck, Cloward-Piven congress. Don't forget #S510, #NetNeutrality, #DreamAct, etc, etc, etc...
RT @runedart: WikiLeaks: WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results http://bit.ly/96SrWa surprising to whom??? #twisters #tcot ...
RT @AskMarion: Obama’s #Land Grab Nightmare http://t.co/pcTHSQr #news #tcot #LandGrab #teaparty
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