RT @Dfildebrandt Gr8 piece @timhudak @MacLeodLisa @acoyne How tax cuts beat out tax hikes in the revenue-raising game http://j.mp/hpU2EA #p2
RT @12C4: 'Zombie' Satellite Comes Back to Life http://bit.ly/i5DZOr #usaf #mil #sot #news #tcot
RT @deef1923 American Thinker: Why Do Schools Fire Losing Coaches But Not Bad Teachers? http://bit.ly/dM22fk #tcot #tlot #ocra #news #p2
RT @DanRiehl: Obama, Socialist Creep? http://bit.ly/eVSBcF
RT @TropicsZ4: Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick (Part One) ♫ http://blip.fm/~10846i
RT @adamsbaldwin: Who needs hygiene products when there's Victory Rum & Cheryl Crow music? ~ #CubaRations ... #tcot
RT @Val: MT@HillBuzz: The “misunderstood CAIR Bears of Islam” set 2 burn thousands of cars in France today 2 celebrate New Year http:// ...
RT @laborunionrpt #NewYork Snow Cleanup: #Unions Once Again Prove They Are Un-American http://bit.ly/gwsOUo #tcot #news #tlot #sgp #p2 #nyc
RT @arye4life: I almost feel sorry for @algore ..all those billion $$$$ that danced in his head now gone..but his tweets show he's still ...
RT @creepingsharia #Indiana #DHS doesnt investigate or monitor jihadi propagandists http://is.gd/jQ7Ef #ocra #jihad #news #tcot #mil #sot
RT @laborunionrpt @SEIU, @ACLU, @NAACP, @SPLC & @DHS: Top 5 #liberal hate groups http://bit.ly/eMl7it #unions #tcot #sgp #ocra #news #p2
RT @ConTchr: Why is MSM ignoring Westboro Baptist Church haters? B/c the Pastor is a Dem Pol & Civil Rights activist. #mapoli #tcot @Kat ...
RT @DMashak: What the Tea Party is planning for 2011 (Prediction #1) CSMonitor.com http://t.co/sT5NE72 via @AddThis #teaparty #tcot #tpp ...
RT @deef1923: Calling a Pig a Pig… RNC Candidate Ann Wagner Calls Out Democrats on Their Creeping Socialism |: http://bit.ly/etIJrt #tco ...
RT @ByronYork How Dems turned a 134-day supermajority into #Obamacare -& the years it will take 2 clean up the mess http://ow.ly/3wx6H #tcot
RT @MooseOfReason: Video: Enjoy Your Rights While You Can http://bit.ly/i4x2vC #tcot #tlot #TEAparty #news
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: VIDEO: Dueling A**holes http://bit.ly/fmKzaL
RT @mrmannycan: more tyranny- more menacing - EPA fines Crocs $230,000 over claims | Denver Business Journal http://t.co/rejQQu5
RT @victoria_29: RT @NatalieDuvalNY:Calling a Pig a Pig RNC Candidate Ann Wagner Slams Dems on Their Creeping Socialism http://bit.ly/g0 ...
RT @island_adv: The #Obamacare #Gold Grab http://is.gd/dKQ6R #hcr #tcot #news
RT @michaeljohns How the #TeaParty movement rocked 2010 & revitalized the American zeitgeist http://tinyurl.com/28m8wv8 #tcot #sgp #news #p2
RT @Super_Patriot US Constitution too Old - Witnessing the De-Klein http://is.gd/jPPp4 #obama #p2 #dem #tcot #ocra #sgp #dnc #news #ofa
RT @OctavianD: #BoyScout Saves Residents From House Fire - http://is.gd/jQgvL #tcot #news
RT @KatWomanUSA: Canada: Man in Muslim woman's garb robs bank: You just never know Good thing Western officials are r... http://awe.sm/5 ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion ♫ http://blip.fm/~1086qo
Who else would like to see Obama clear some underbrush w/ GWBush? But 1st, Obama has 2 put down the Mai-Tai. #tcot #p2
@Snarky_Basterd no doubt.
@rsmccain It's an auto-RT whenever "Dueling A**holes" is in the title.
RT @Snooper1 http://fwd4.me/t8T #Kansas likely to crack down on #illegalimmigration. #Texas #mexico #illegals #tcot #p2 #borderwars #news
RT @GregWHoward: Sentencing Of Khodorkovsky Marks End Of Russian Democracy http://read.bi/foj6Mi Thou shalt not challenge Putin #tcot #o ...
RT @thebigshmoog #ICE: 3 arrested, 28,000 rounds seized at #Tucson home http://wp.me/pQjya-7M #az #news #rkba #goa #tcot #teaparty #sot #mil
RT @dangerroom: Video: 150 Machine Guns, One Cadillac http://t.co/HXXIoW8 via @jalopnik
RT @KurtSchlichter @iowahawkblog Ezra Klein is the kind of guy who wud be part of a panel discussion on the topic of panel discussions #tcot
RT @imsure: Liberal Ezra Klein Confused by Constitution http://is.gd/jQlOP #tcot #p2
RT @JENin140: RT @michellemalkin: My column today on the Snowmageddon union snit fit - Slow the plow: Big Labor’s death grip http://tiny ...
RT @prismsinc: @Ron_Bacardi Again, what you're not getting is that Castle was a RELIC, a Dem appeaser, the reason the GOP lost the major ...
RT @irishspy @jstrevino Its the Left that bears the burden of an intellectual history shot thru w/open disdain 4 Constit'l strictures #tcot
RT @Weirdodo: Hey #NewYork Unions, Thanks for proving my point on how Divisive #Unions are against America! #tcot #teaparty #p2 #nyc
RT @First_Patriots: C the coward Left/Socialists run away from Andrew Breitbart when confronted -Fun 2 watch! http://bit.ly/docFsI #teap ...
RT @dougyork51: #NEWS Birth Certificate of #Obama May Be Revealed http://t.co/tdKZJhN via @AddThis
RT @yidwithlid @MelissaTweets MAJOR #NaturalGas Find Confirmed in #Israel-Moses' Sense of Direction Vindicated http://bit.ly/gy67lg #tcot
RT @Boomerjeff: The myth of "public INvestment" exposed by @larrymwalkerjr http://bit.ly/d01T8A #tcot #p2 #twcot #sgp #news
RT @Hunter7Taylor: All babies born in the US are automatically citizens<-- LIE. Babies born to diplomats in the US are not granted ci ...
RT @1ststarfighter: The Cynically Ruthless Barney Frank, Enabler Of The Mortgage Meltdown http://is.gd/jQB0d #tcot #news
RT @BreakingNewz: The Fox Nation- Chevy Volt Sales 'Microscopic': This was the year General Motors Co. and Nissan made good on the... ht ...
RT @SarahStormRpt WOMENS VIEW: #tcot The Palins Make Pies on Sarah Palin's Alaska http://dlvr.it/CRJk2 #teaparty #pie #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Edu Establishment: A nearly monolithic force that controls our public schools from K-12 and beyond. Stop the madnes ...
RT @12C4: 'Zombie' Satellite Comes Back to Life http://bit.ly/i5DZOr #usaf #mil #sot #news #tcot
RT @deef1923 American Thinker: Why Do Schools Fire Losing Coaches But Not Bad Teachers? http://bit.ly/dM22fk #tcot #tlot #ocra #news #p2
RT @DanRiehl: Obama, Socialist Creep? http://bit.ly/eVSBcF
RT @TropicsZ4: Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick (Part One) ♫ http://blip.fm/~10846i
RT @adamsbaldwin: Who needs hygiene products when there's Victory Rum & Cheryl Crow music? ~ #CubaRations ... #tcot
RT @Val: MT@HillBuzz: The “misunderstood CAIR Bears of Islam” set 2 burn thousands of cars in France today 2 celebrate New Year http:// ...
RT @laborunionrpt #NewYork Snow Cleanup: #Unions Once Again Prove They Are Un-American http://bit.ly/gwsOUo #tcot #news #tlot #sgp #p2 #nyc
RT @arye4life: I almost feel sorry for @algore ..all those billion $$$$ that danced in his head now gone..but his tweets show he's still ...
RT @creepingsharia #Indiana #DHS doesnt investigate or monitor jihadi propagandists http://is.gd/jQ7Ef #ocra #jihad #news #tcot #mil #sot
RT @laborunionrpt @SEIU, @ACLU, @NAACP, @SPLC & @DHS: Top 5 #liberal hate groups http://bit.ly/eMl7it #unions #tcot #sgp #ocra #news #p2
RT @ConTchr: Why is MSM ignoring Westboro Baptist Church haters? B/c the Pastor is a Dem Pol & Civil Rights activist. #mapoli #tcot @Kat ...
RT @DMashak: What the Tea Party is planning for 2011 (Prediction #1) CSMonitor.com http://t.co/sT5NE72 via @AddThis #teaparty #tcot #tpp ...
RT @deef1923: Calling a Pig a Pig… RNC Candidate Ann Wagner Calls Out Democrats on Their Creeping Socialism |: http://bit.ly/etIJrt #tco ...
RT @ByronYork How Dems turned a 134-day supermajority into #Obamacare -& the years it will take 2 clean up the mess http://ow.ly/3wx6H #tcot
RT @MooseOfReason: Video: Enjoy Your Rights While You Can http://bit.ly/i4x2vC #tcot #tlot #TEAparty #news
RT @jimmiebjr: RT @smitty_one_each: TOM: VIDEO: Dueling A**holes http://bit.ly/fmKzaL
RT @mrmannycan: more tyranny- more menacing - EPA fines Crocs $230,000 over claims | Denver Business Journal http://t.co/rejQQu5
RT @victoria_29: RT @NatalieDuvalNY:Calling a Pig a Pig RNC Candidate Ann Wagner Slams Dems on Their Creeping Socialism http://bit.ly/g0 ...
RT @island_adv: The #Obamacare #Gold Grab http://is.gd/dKQ6R #hcr #tcot #news
RT @michaeljohns How the #TeaParty movement rocked 2010 & revitalized the American zeitgeist http://tinyurl.com/28m8wv8 #tcot #sgp #news #p2
RT @Super_Patriot US Constitution too Old - Witnessing the De-Klein http://is.gd/jPPp4 #obama #p2 #dem #tcot #ocra #sgp #dnc #news #ofa
RT @OctavianD: #BoyScout Saves Residents From House Fire - http://is.gd/jQgvL #tcot #news
RT @KatWomanUSA: Canada: Man in Muslim woman's garb robs bank: You just never know Good thing Western officials are r... http://awe.sm/5 ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion ♫ http://blip.fm/~1086qo
Who else would like to see Obama clear some underbrush w/ GWBush? But 1st, Obama has 2 put down the Mai-Tai. #tcot #p2
@Snarky_Basterd no doubt.
@rsmccain It's an auto-RT whenever "Dueling A**holes" is in the title.
RT @Snooper1 http://fwd4.me/t8T #Kansas likely to crack down on #illegalimmigration. #Texas #mexico #illegals #tcot #p2 #borderwars #news
RT @GregWHoward: Sentencing Of Khodorkovsky Marks End Of Russian Democracy http://read.bi/foj6Mi Thou shalt not challenge Putin #tcot #o ...
RT @thebigshmoog #ICE: 3 arrested, 28,000 rounds seized at #Tucson home http://wp.me/pQjya-7M #az #news #rkba #goa #tcot #teaparty #sot #mil
RT @dangerroom: Video: 150 Machine Guns, One Cadillac http://t.co/HXXIoW8 via @jalopnik
RT @KurtSchlichter @iowahawkblog Ezra Klein is the kind of guy who wud be part of a panel discussion on the topic of panel discussions #tcot
RT @imsure: Liberal Ezra Klein Confused by Constitution http://is.gd/jQlOP #tcot #p2
RT @JENin140: RT @michellemalkin: My column today on the Snowmageddon union snit fit - Slow the plow: Big Labor’s death grip http://tiny ...
RT @prismsinc: @Ron_Bacardi Again, what you're not getting is that Castle was a RELIC, a Dem appeaser, the reason the GOP lost the major ...
RT @irishspy @jstrevino Its the Left that bears the burden of an intellectual history shot thru w/open disdain 4 Constit'l strictures #tcot
RT @Weirdodo: Hey #NewYork Unions, Thanks for proving my point on how Divisive #Unions are against America! #tcot #teaparty #p2 #nyc
RT @First_Patriots: C the coward Left/Socialists run away from Andrew Breitbart when confronted -Fun 2 watch! http://bit.ly/docFsI #teap ...
RT @dougyork51: #NEWS Birth Certificate of #Obama May Be Revealed http://t.co/tdKZJhN via @AddThis
RT @yidwithlid @MelissaTweets MAJOR #NaturalGas Find Confirmed in #Israel-Moses' Sense of Direction Vindicated http://bit.ly/gy67lg #tcot
RT @Boomerjeff: The myth of "public INvestment" exposed by @larrymwalkerjr http://bit.ly/d01T8A #tcot #p2 #twcot #sgp #news
RT @Hunter7Taylor: All babies born in the US are automatically citizens<-- LIE. Babies born to diplomats in the US are not granted ci ...
RT @1ststarfighter: The Cynically Ruthless Barney Frank, Enabler Of The Mortgage Meltdown http://is.gd/jQB0d #tcot #news
RT @BreakingNewz: The Fox Nation- Chevy Volt Sales 'Microscopic': This was the year General Motors Co. and Nissan made good on the... ht ...
RT @SarahStormRpt WOMENS VIEW: #tcot The Palins Make Pies on Sarah Palin's Alaska http://dlvr.it/CRJk2 #teaparty #pie #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Edu Establishment: A nearly monolithic force that controls our public schools from K-12 and beyond. Stop the madnes ...
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