Tuesday, November 2, 2010

From Twitter 11-01-2010

RT @BreakingNewz NewsBusters: #CNN Leads #TeaParty Special W/Racism Charge; Castle a #Conservative http://bit.ly/9Ir9xM #news #tcot #desen
RT @AppleOneJobs: Administrative Assistant with Exceptional Multi-tasking Skills http://tinyurl.com/27alqu5 #Burbank #CA #jobs #hiring
RT @SarahStormRpt: FORUM: #tcot #tlot Newsweek’s Power 50: #1 Rush #2 Beck #3 Hannity #4... http://dlvr.it/7sm5n #teaparty #912 #tsot #p ...
RT @MassRon #VoteFraud Hotline 4 NOv2 888-775-8117 call w/any suspectd fraud complaint PLzRT #tcot #desen #wvsen #casen #ilsen #cosen #wasen
RT @nobodysnews: Liberal #News Media Breaking Law Not Running O'Donnell Ad http://is.gd/gAgM7 #desen #netde #de #tcot #sgp #teaparty #hhrs
RT @KLSouth: Boo: Nate Silver Gives Democrats 5 Reasons Why Tuesday Could Be Worse Than Their Worst Nightmares http://is.gd/gyWb3 #dese ...
RT @KLSouth: Democrats hurting business, economy http://is.gd/g4qrB #business #tcot #desen #nvsen #wisen #casen… http://is.gd/gAhsR
RT @CFHeather: RT @klsouth: RT @trscoop: Unbelievable: O’Donnell railroaded by TV station http://is.gd/gA82Y #wethepeople #desen #WilmDE ...
RT @dougyork51 Sarah #Palin Calls #Politico 'Crap' http://is.gd/gAi8V via @AddThis #news #tsot #tcot #sgp #spwbt #teaparty #hhrs #ocra #tlot
RT @croesus2009: Has #Soros’ Money Affected #ABCNews’ Independence? http://is.gd/gAjnR #news #abc #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #sgp
RT @KLSouth: Looks like O'Donnell camp took the high-road to resolve Channell 28 mishap. Now back to Coons. His base is crumbling!! #des ...
RT @BadMayo: #ClimateChange Hysteria Falters. Water Is The New Target http://bit.ly/aq3mY2 #tcot #agw #tlot #news #teaparty
RT @WSB_TV Proof terrorists have crossed US/Mexican Border. Today at 5pm. http://www.wsbtv.com/2investigates/index.html
RT @WSB_TV Proof terrorists have crossed US/Mexican #Border. Today at 5pm http://is.gd/gAjMu #news #tcot #GAgop #GApolitics #GA
RT @Laubach Dont trust #news media 2 provide fair & accurate reporting, #ABC is the worst w/ #Soros around http://bit.ly/aNDcXD #tcot #ocra
RT @AUG_Chronicle: Factory activity slows in #Ga., #Southeast http://bit.ly/aM2CA5 #news #economy #jobs #tcot #teaparty #GApolitics
RT @a12iggymom: #Paladino passing Dandy Andy in #NY Governors race....VOTE!!!: http://wp.me/p13ync-1r6 #NYgov #teaparty #tcot #news
@JonUPS @Laubach Im abt as concernd abt KochBros as ur concernd abt Soros_GoogleCEO_ProgressiveCEO_ABC_CBS_NBC_NPR_AP_SEIU_Trumka_Piven_CNN
Pay No Attention 2 the #Communists behind the Curtain http://is.gd/gAmdi #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #ocra #tsot #tlot #tpp #gop
Obama tells #GOP "I Won" then goes on 2 accuse the Right being "Cocky" . . . Is #Obama stupid or does he just have a bad memory? #tcot #news
@JonUPS @Laubach so I take it u think the news media isnt biased_eh? ur protestations ring hollo w/CPAC, Tides & the rest of Soros' pet orgs
RT @alaskatalks Im furious~Comeau told #ADN, School district cries foul over #Murkowski letter http://bit.ly/beBZxp #news #tcot #aksen #AK
RT @davecatanese: Murray now running 45 minutes late for #Everett rally. Same rule apply when a prof didn't show in college? #WASEN #WA
Crowd~Streams Out~as Biden Drones on Endlessly During Campaign Speech in #Vermont http://is.gd/gArgx #vt #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dnc #ofa
SHOCKER_Dems Keeping Hold On Senate Sinks 7pts to 43% on #Intrade http://is.gd/gArWT #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dnc #ofa #tpot #hhrs #sgp
RT @welshman007 Goon Squad Deployd 2 Steal #Nevada Election http://is.gd/gzX0l #tcot #news #nv #sgp #nvsen #palin #ocra #tlot #tpp #teaparty
RT @SAMMIESMILES8 @ChristineOD Im scheduled 2 be on w/ Mark Levin tonight (11/1) at 7:40 PM_Tune in http://bit.ly/CEFJm #desen #netde #tcot
RT @JuanitaBerguson @ChristineOD win increasingly more possible on eve of election http://j.mp/bIjDcz #desen #netde #de #news #tcot #sgp
RT @JohnDDonut: Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Behind Anti-Chamber of Commerce Internet Campaign http://is.gd/gAtZA #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @JuanitaBerguson Could she win again? ODonnell surge_pt2_the Coons takedown http://j.mp/bIjDcz #desen #netde #Delaware #news #sgp #tcot
RT @NRSC New Dem Polls Find #GOP Candidates Ahead in IL, WA, CO & AK http://ow.ly/32rPP #ilsen #wasen #cosen #aksen #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @marklevinshow Mark's #election map will have live results as they occur Nov2 http://tiny.cc/d5htp http://is.gd/gAuyO #news #tcot #sgp
Michelle Obama says she wants~2 restore the American Dream~but I thot FLOTUS just recently found pride in her country 4 the 1st time? #tcot
RT @KLSouth: O'Donnell: "I'm not beholden to any special interest group, not even my party bosses." #desen #DELAWARE #tcot #sgp
RT @TheScottPapers: My Opinion - The Real Deal on 'Deal Real' - GA Gov Race @VoteDeal @Redstate @TheDalePeterson http://t.co/1w4WD07 #ga ...
RT @StickeeNotes @PatDollard Partisan Teachers Violating Federal Law http://tinyurl.com/272jynf #accdf #tcot #news #teaparty #sgp #hhrs
RT @hotnobamagirl #tcot #teaparty #p2 Rush - Obama, The Media & Establishment #GOP Are In Full Pa... http://ow.ly/19KpDw #news #ocra #sgp
@JamieWalker725 the story is over at WeaselZippers.us
RT @SwiftRead: "SCOTT MCADAMS: CAMPAIGN LINKED TO RACISM & VIOLENT THREATS" http://tinyurl.com/McAdams-Racism | #teaparty #tpp #sgp #AkS ...
RT @MelissaTweets @pinkelephantpun Hearing Democrats in #SC05 put up fake #teaparty signs illegally & list Gov Sanford's office #. #tcot #sc
RT @michellemalkin: Department of Social Justice deploys poll-watching army http://is.gd/gAwLT #tcot #news #teaparty #sgp
RT @politicallogic: So if u inherit a huge deficit; u make it exponentially bigger & then blame it on the last guy? That's pathetic & 2 ...
RT @pepper_10 @slkbrooke Mexican national charged w/ 2006 rape, murder finally extradited to U.S. http://is.gd/gAxrZ #tcot #news
RT @TheTwisters @politico @mikeallen Obama says~should've used_opponents_instead of_enemies http://is.gd/gAxA3 Paging Dr.Freud #tcot #news
RT @DanRiehl: Jon Stewart's Rally to Ignore Reality: We're Cool, You're Crazy http://is.gd/gAugH #tcot #rally4sanity #news #teaparty
@BLK_JK_PERSHING no more of that 3-card-monty legislation.
RT @KLSouth: Harris Poll: 70% Indy's, 60% Moderates, 34% Dem's & 33% Liberals are unhappy with Democrats. Coons is in trouble. #desen #s ...
RT @KLSouth Rush talked about 2day-> #GOP Sounds Alarm on #Obama Adm Plan 2 Steal #401k's http://is.gd/geJMA #tcot #news #tlot #sgp #tsot
RT @KLSouth: No #Delaware woman, likes misogynist invasion of privacy nor slandering sexism taunts that Democrats have launched at O'Don ...
RT @SavageNews: Jim Geraghty and Jay Cost: How does a 70+ seat pick-up tomorrow sound? http://bit.ly/990CYV #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog: #Nullification: What The #NEA Refuses 2 Teach & You'll Never Learn in #School http://ht.ly/32S2O #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp
@LRobot got linky? btw. . . the percentage has dropped to 41.9%
@JonUPS Ive been a political-junky since my early 20s_so yea_u can say Ive done my~research
@JonUPS a defender of hope-change-slurpees & our car is in a ditch is castigating others on "talking point" . . heh. . .
RT @BigJournalism #MediaMatters Was 4 Investigatng #VoteFraud Before It Was Against It http://bit.ly/aqKqa8 #news #tcot #sgp #hhrs #teaparty
RT @BigJournalism #PuffHo Ignores Evidence, Foolishly Sneers at Sarah #Palin, Instead http://bit.ly/bd5uPo #news #tcot #sgp #hhrs #teaparty
RT @SarahStormRpt #tcot Joe Miller has jumped 2 a 7 point lead over Ol'Murky http://dlvr.it/7t88h #teaparty #tlot #rs #aksen #spwbt #sgp
@Tokyo_Tom he sounds like he's from lib/prog wing of libertarianism_corps are manifestations of free association
RT @skigarmisch 1 of the penalties 4 refusing 2 participate n politix is that ull b governd by ur inferiors~Plato_via Allen West #tcot #fl22
RT @mamaswati @scrowder Here it is_The #Rally4Sanity video_Assault_Vulgarity & attempted theft ahoy! http://tinyurl.com/26c9n6b #TCOT #news
RT @ContactDataAide @2BlueStarMom #Progressive SugaDadi #Soros Found Guilty of #InsiderTrading in France http://is.gd/gALEI #tcot #news #sgp
RT @fixfelicia: Murkowski releases internal poll showing her at 36 percent, Miller at 34 percent and McAdams at 22 percent
RT @WalksAlone: "@PolarCoug: If he wants to call me his enemy, I’m fine with that. The feeling is mutual."//same here
RT @imsure: RT @sparkey999w AmTh: Pay No Attention 2 the Communists behind the Curtain http://bit.ly/avhqhK #tcot #p2 @foxnews @cnn @msn ...
RT @ConservativeWN #SEIU: Building a New American #HealthCare Empire? http://t.co/enCj6nH http://is.gd/gAMLN #news #hcr #tcot #teaparty #sgp
@Tokyo_Tom Do something about the lawyer infestation & LLC's will not be so prevelant_I guess u think unions R altruistic entities?
@Tokyo_Tom try congress & 100 years of progressivism. . . business acts within the legal environs created by congress.
RT @DanRiehl: If 2008 was the death of Reagan conservatism, will media claim 2010 = death of Oba-Liberalism? #tcot
@Tokyo_Tom as long as public sector, trade & industrial unions maintain their unfettered speech_so 2 should businesses
#Tancredo picks up #Palin endorsement http://is.gd/gAOzR #news #cogov #cogop #colorado #denver #tcot #teaparty #gop #redco #sgp
Why does Mitt Romney look 'different' . . . has he had some 'work' done? #tcot #teaparty #mapoli
@Tokyo_Tom copious fed-govt redtape & the 2nd highest corp taxrate in the world is what is "stealing the managerial class"
@Tokyo_Tom business had nothing 2 do w/ public-sector unions_which dwarf the rest_PSU's are Cloward-Piven leviathans unto themselves
RT @AustinHess #TeaParty Express TV Ad against #BarneyFrank http://post.ly/191BC #tcot #ma04 #mapoli #ma
RT @GregWHoward: Don't forget your heroes at Google managed to avoid $3 billion in taxes with a complicated shell game of offshore accou ...
RT @baysidebetty: One If By Land *** Two If By Sea *** Three If By Government
@Tokyo_Tom then u should look into how Palin tamed the oils corps in Alaska, as well as the Alaska GOP
Poll: Support 4 #IllegalImmigration Plummets From 50% to 29% Among_ #Latinos http://is.gd/gARRd #news #tcot #hispanics #teaparty #tlot #hhrs
@Tokyo_Tom the 17th Amendment is why States have lost power 2 the Fed. . .
Libs At #Rally4Sanity: How Dare U Call Obama Keynesian_He's From Hawaii! http://is.gd/gAST8 #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #tpot #teaparty #sgp #news
RT @SecondCityNetwk: Is Obama A Keynsian? #rally4sanity http://youtu.be/_23Nt5XumaU
RT @bobbycrumpley Bloody hell! @SeanTrende @jpodhoretz Gallup is actually predicting about 98 seats right now #tcot #p2 #ofa #dfl #dnc #news
RT @KatyinIndy Rush~If #TeaParty cant change DC_then why is everybody so damned afraid of them 2day? http://is.gd/gASKe #dnc #ofa #p2 #tcot
@Tokyo_Tom there's good why 16th & 17th A's were ratified so closely together.
RT @pepper_10 @laborunionrpt Poll_Union Members Overwhelmingly Oppose Union Boss Political Spending http://bit.ly/bCVf0Z #tcot #news #unions
RT @brabakr: Eight Unbreakable Rules for Hard-Core #TeaParty Activists http://tinyurl.com/24xq5re #tcot #sgp #palin #ocra #hhrs #tpp
RT @TriciaNC1: RT @KatyinIndy: As Governor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown squandered nearly $7.1 B in surplus in 1977 http://is.gd/gAR8O #caagov ...
@brabakr just trying 2 keep up w/ the deluge of relevant info. . . easier said than done.
RT @phelony_jones yay__Biden rallies 200 #Delaware #Democrats ahead of election http://is.gd/gAYEB #desen #netde #tcot #news #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @mikem2006 Any1 have an estimate on the cost of #Obama's trip 2 India?_40 aircraft_3 disassembled helicopters_the entire Taj Mahal? #tcot
@suziplasse zup. . . here's to the last night of our progressive nightmare. . .
@Soldierjohn I dont mind him goin, but must he take 3/4s of DC w/ him?
@suziplasse I'll check in_pins & needles ya know_hope we can srsly outpace the "Margin of Fraud"
@suziplasse no where that i know off....
@Brannon_14 it's getting as much play as a pres election, at least on the right anyway. . .
RT @EveGem: "American Thinker: Tsunami: Could Be 100 House Seats (and Maybe the Senate)" ( http://bit.ly/99WjEi ) #tcot #teaparty #sgp #news
RT @LisaLikes: RT @allahpundit: If GOP underperforms tomorrow, we advance on Gallup and Rasmussen HQ with torches and pitchforks #expect ...
RT @Jenevalynne: Partisan Teachers Violating Federal Law: http://bit.ly/bEk16t #ocra #tcot #teaparty #iamthemob #p2 #news #votefraud
RT @laborunionrpt #AZ Atty General Caught at Pizza 4 Votes Rally http://bit.ly/9bGXGc #teaparty #tcot #rs #ocra #sgp #news #votefraud

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