Tuesday, November 16, 2010

From Twitter 11-16-2010

RT @itmakessenseblo #GOP {Actually #TeaParty} Earmark Victory http://bit.ly/asdyRi #wsj #news #tcot #p2 #hhrs #tlot #sgp #tbrs #cspj #ocra
Like it or not Leftists_this is #NewParty Vs. #TeaParty; & We've got American history on our side_U frikkin #Communists> #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
Like it or not Leftists_this is #NewParty Vs. #TeaParty; & We've got American history on our side_U frikkin #Communists. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
1 big reason Y progressives/liberals hate #teaparty so much is that TP is DNA of USA & Lib-Progz refudiate US founding principles #tcot #p2
The #TeaParty is thee DNA of the USA. Suck on that, libstain-progzi's . . . #tcot #p2
@terraM I'm a prevert in re statism. . .
Don't forget muh peeps. . . Pinochet stood 4 election, lost & STEPPED DOWN after the Chilean people decided otherwise. #tcot #redeye #p2
@terraM @TheFlaCracker Leftists love a marxist police state. . . what can we say?
@terraM actually. . . . . . . . . . . .
@terraM I had a TSA #HeavyHands treatmnt bout 5yrs ago at LaGuardia_asked the guy if he was gonna buy me dinner or at least gimme a smoke
@terraM ElAl knows well. . .
@Pedlar7 its real close 2 the #brownnote. . . #Charlie
Murcowshit lacks feminism. . . #aksen #tsot #tcot #murkowski
@Pedlar7 not 2 mention Rangel's Dominican Republic digs. #tcot #p2 #CharlieRangel
RT @DanRiehl: RT @PoliticalTicker: #TeaParty goes high tech - http://bit.ly/97IKGR #tcot
Just coz we got yer asses elected dont mean were goin the fuck away!! NOT THIS TIME!! #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tweetcongress #hhrs #tbrs #sgp
@terraM the #DontTouchMyJunk guy is muh hero. #tcot #p2 #TSAgestapo
RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT Donald Lambro: Bush Tax-Cut Support Gains Strength http://is.gd/hcN8D #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @TheFlaCracker: #TEAPARTY just remember the people you are dealing with "believe" the global warming hoax #tcot #p2 #GOP #ocra #tlot ...
The #TSA #HeavyHands method of searching fliers is 2 desensitize & dehumanize US populace_this is a hill 2 die on #tcot #tlot #teaparty #sgp
RT @teacherspets Rare Ethics Panel Hearing Hints at Rangel Violations http://is.gd/hcPGI #twisters #sgp #gop #news #dnc #p2 #ofa #tcot
Every Leftist boycott fails miserably w/ only humiliation 4 the #progressives involved_SUCKKA'S!! #p2 #ofa #tcot #dnc #topprog #teaparty
RT @WSB_TV: Police say a man was shot in the back while sitting on his couch watching football: http://bit.ly/dds5xl
If your tweetstream is not a bit bipolar, then u suck. #tcot
If your tweetstream is not a bit bipolar, then u suck. #redeye
RT @GAFrontPage: Arts: CEA and Photojojo Launch ‘Best Shots’ Photo Contest: (BUSINESS WIRE)--The Consumer Electronics... http://bit.ly/a ...
RT @imsure @mparent77772 #Soros increased #gold positions in 3rd quarter http://bit.ly/aYZszu #tcot #news #economy #markets #teaparty
If #GOP doesn't CUT OFF ALL FUNDING 2 #Obama's plans_then the future is certainly bleak_Pick a fight #Conservatives, U will WIN!!! #tcot #p2
Notice #p2 leftists aint sayin' shit 2 U since #SNL came out w/a pro-Beck/anti-Obama skit_it shows U leftists cant think 4 themselves #tcot
#tcot types have full rein in the #p2 tweet-stream right now coz Kos aint thought up any push-back yet_fuckin worthless lemmings. . . #ofa
I can feel muh boot on #p2's jugular. . . #tcot
Notice #p2 leftists aint sayin' shit 2 U since #SNL came out w/a pro-Beck/anti-Obama skit_it shows U leftists cant think 4 YOURselves #tcot
Leftists suck . . . Why do you think they make such good whores?!? #tcot #p2 #teaparty
G-d forbid we have a few #Jews from #ElAl tell the US how 2 actually run airline security. I LOVE DA JOOOOOOS!! srsly!! #tcot #p2 #hhrs #sgp
This #POTUS & his partyin' are not oft separated. . . #tcot #p2 #ofa whats the balance on yer EBT?
Waterboarding . . . part of US #Military SERE training. . . torture muh left nard. #tcot #p2
#Obama is a Wannabe Dictator_He aint got the ballz 2 break out the barricades_If he does_Ill be surprised_but ecstatic!! #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @colocelt: A Liberal-Progressive Abstraction: Caring For The Little Guy http://bit.ly/arbWv7 #tcot #p2
I love 2 poke #progressives like they're animals in a cage_which aint far off. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
The 2nd Amendment will 'generally' keep hardcore Leftists from rioting in the USA. Heller, how art be thy name? #tcot #p2 #teaparty #hhrs
RT @Coondawg68: Criticizing a former Hitler youth who's "best year" was spent confiscating property from Jews is 'Anti-Semitism'? #Orwel ...
RT @VyleTweetz: RT @LeftFighter: My guess: the LA missile was a Chinese message & Obama Admin will never admit it or will explain it awa ...
@colocelt begosh begora . . . jes. . .
#Palin got elected . . . #Murkowski got appointed. nuf said. #AKsen #tcot #p2
RT @JammieWF: Angry Left Freaking Out Over Obama: 'Boy, Their Political Instincts are Really Stupid' http://bit.ly/cTimSe #tcot #p2 #ofa
@GOPLeadr, if U decpl any part of Bush Taxcuts_then were all fookd_Its "All Or None" proposition_If dems 4go_them its Obama TaxHikes #tcot
Honestly_I dont have any problem w/ the Right, using 2 full extent, any legislated advantage_suck it progzis!! #tcot #p2
Rightists understand intricacies of guerrilla warfare_dont expect us 2 playfair_the Lefts' mask has slipped_its vileness revealed #tcot #p2
Murkowski looks like a brook-trout. . . #tcot #aksen
Leftist Sacred Cows . . . The New Hamburger #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @TechZader Dont Miss This Deal_Buy a Truck_Get a Free AK-47 Assault Rifle (not really an assault rifle)! http://bit.ly/bWOBCr #news #tcot
hey #BuleDogDemocrats, stand up or be written off. #tcot #p2
hey @ingrahamangle, Rosa Delauro is a hardcore socialist_dont allow marxists 2 redefine themselves as centrist_why do talkers do that crap?
@DDJTJ @notalemming @littlebytesnews Murkowski's & pole-dancin' dont mix. #aksen #tcot
Progressives are like women . . . you can't live w/ them & you can't shoot 'em . . . #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @HomerWhite: There is no Islam without revenge.
RT @AsianConsBlog: Democtat-Socialists Love Blaming Tax Cuts For The Deficit—Huh? http://goo.gl/fb/J1Gb5 #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp
#SMU are some partyin' mofos, as I understand it. . . #GDub #tx #tcot
Leftists will claim #tcot & #teaparty has no mandate_SEIZE ur mandate as their example shows_marxists aint bashful_neither shud U be #tcot
Leftists will claim #tcot & #teaparty has no mandate_SEIZE ur mandate as their example shows_marxists aint bashful_neither shud U be #p2
RT @ericbolling: Sanchez next! . . . is that the Dirty S?
Fuck Leftist verbiage_its all designed 2 elicit a certain response_the only real poll that matters was on Nov2_Exercise ur POWER! #tcot #p2
RT @MelissaTweets Dennis Miller 2 Craig Ferguson: “I like Palin because too many people I don’t respect hate her” http://bit.ly/9bXo9Y #tcot
RT @CatsPolitics: Will they ban Red Bull & vodka? RT @thehill: Schumer: FDA will effectively ban Four Loko, other alcohol-caffeine drink ...
RT @TheTwisters: RT @greybeard411: Each airport has the Option to get RID OF THE #TSA goonsquads- get peeps makin enuff complaints at yo ...
RT @TheTwisters @AlinskyDefeater Obamanomics leaving world nervous... http://6xg7.sl.pt #ocra #tcot #news #p2 #economy #ofa #dnc
We're The #TSA . . . We Know Which Ball Hangs Lower. . . . #TSAslogans #tsa #tcot #p2 #sgp #dhs
@FrankLuntz Cut Spending, Drastically.
RT @American1st: Nothing about the filthy cullt of #ISLAM can be thought of as eloquent "DAISY KHAN never saw so many Jews" http://bit. ...
RT @yeeheecom Sean Hannity: Sources Telling Me Obama Unhinged http://youtu.be/70xwXoTo2PQ #tcot #gop #teaparty #consnc #p2 #dems #tlot #news
RT @CO2HOG: via @WOTN US Issues Travel Ban on Senior Kenyan Government Officials http://jf144.tk #tcot #news
RT @DianeEllis Al Sharpton: Republican #Latinos are LINOs http://bit.ly/91wlsx@SooperMexican #tcot #gop (via @Ricochet) #Hispanics #news #p2
RT @DanRiehl: Conservatives Pen Open Letter To Boehner Over Lewis As Appropriations Chair http://bit.ly/aoNhtx #tcot
RT @goodinohio: #TSA Do Sex To Me.avi: http://youtu.be/ko8uwkmMQ9E #tcot #dhs #teaparty #tlot #p2
RT @theabundantgift: Miller likely may not need the challenge ballot votes when the Military Vote comes in! They will more than likely f ...
RT @badjerry @HeidiForLiberty Know that tomorrow they vote 2 outlaw #gardening & take control of our #food supply #tcot #sgp #teaparty #news
RT @DennisDMZ: Looking at Charlie Rangel is like seeing Cesar-Romero-as-the-Joker's-head on Burgess-Meredith-as-the-Penguin's body. #tcot
RT @bdomenech Tomorrow, Donald 'Dr #DeathPanel' Berwick 2 testify b4 Congress 4 the 1st time http://bit.ly/drtmB7 #hcr #tcot #news #sgp #gop
RT @coyotered9: RT @HillBuzz: AWESOME: Governor Palin signals all gloves will be off regarding Obama’s past in 2012 election http://bit. ...
RT @brandootr: Confessions of a Libertarian on Immigration http://bit.ly/cF6ZFQ #tcot #sgp
RT @KOSMOSNET: Hot Air: Murkowski, Inhofe, Cochran may defy GOP’s ban on earmarks http://bit.ly/cq88DE #tcot
GOProud tells the #GOP to avoid social issues yet they sue in Federal Court to overturn #DADT?!? Hypocrites. #tcot #mil #sot #hhrs
@Winghunter It's a poll at HotAir.com
RT @activistnews: Deficit Panel Ignores $153 Trillion Hole http://bit.ly/bJle1h #news #economy #tcot #p2 #sgp #hhrs #tlot #teaparty
RT @OBAMA_CZAR After a failed attempt 2 scam money out of a Jewish charity in his youth, Soros has avoided Jewish orgs & Jewish causes #tcot
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: #JStreet is one of those exceptions, only because it is an Anti-Jewish organizations masquerading as a Jewish org #tcot
RT @coyotered9: Obama needs immediate $5 Billion 4 Obamacare http://tinyurl.com/2u4ctlr #tcot #news #teaparty #sgp #p2 #hhrs
RT @Jihadihunter: Upping the Ante: TSA to Start Putting Its Hands Down Your Pants/They'll Feel Nuts http://ace.mu.nu/ #tcot #tsa #gop #t ...
RT @CO2HOG: DISCOVERTHENETWORKS: Charles Rangel http://bit.ly/9u7PFW #tcot
#TSAslogans ~ ALL YOUR JUNK ARE BELONG TO US ~ #tsa #tcot #p2 #sgp #dhs
RT @welshman007: Ok, conservatives, this info needs WIDE distribution! DOJ/WH SCANDAL breaks wide open!: http://is.gd/heD4O #tcot #teap ...
RT @welshman007: Ok, conservatives, this info needs WIDE distribution! DOJ/WH SCANDAL breaks wide open!: http://is.gd/heD4O #politics #i ...
RT @photoasia: Top 10 Misconceptions about #Photography and the Law http://ow.ly/3aJde /via @JamesAzure
RT @FullMtlPatriot #CAIR is already demanding #TSA security exemptions 4 #Muslim women http://bit.ly/cFxaqg #news #hhrs #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @PalinPromotions: gary4205: RT @ginthegin: RT @mattklewis Sarah Palin -profile for tonight's '12 in 2012 series' on Fox News' 'Spe... ...
What word was never said by the MSM #news in 2008 when Obama ran 4 president? _ #Gravitas _ It'll be used daily against #Palin. #tcot #sgp
RT @christophil: One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked #TSA Body Scans http://goo.gl/8O9Cf #tech #tcot #news #tlot #p2 #teaparty
RT @hipEchik #SB510 HOT in Congress, A Clear & Present Danger http://tinyurl.com/25agatl & http://tinyurl.com/32vmn4o #news #food #tcot
RT @RightTopics: Food Safety Modernization Act http://bit.ly/cOJd5T #rtt #topics #talk #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @SarahStormRpt: NEWS: 12 in 2012: Palin Ready to Fill Void if Needed, Create Milestone in... http://dlvr.it/8fhTN #teaparty #912 #nr ...

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