Friday, May 6, 2011

From Twitter 05-05-2011

RT @LibertyCzarina: RT @cprater: Gary Johnson - take your ball and go home. <---Now
RT @kjon: Gary Johnson is definitely a fan of jazz hands. #scdebate
RT @JohnRGuardiano: Johnson brags about implementing managed care in New Mexico. I'm not sure that's a political winner. #Back_To_The_'9 ...
RT @rumpfshaker: OK, block grants to the states for Medicaid/Medicare = good idea. @FLGovScott has advocated for the same thing. #scdeba ...
RT @KerryPicket: Interesting that no candidate stressed the problem of violent drug cartels around the border right now #scdebate
#Fact: the #UN Sucks. #scdebate
RT @Doc_0: Paul's team is thinking: don't mention Israel, don't mention Israel... DAMN IT RON #scdebate
RT @DavidLimbaugh: LOL RT @Aaron_RS: This won't end well. RT @benpolitico: Ron Paul, speaking for the Jews. #SCdebate
@kesgardner #tcot the fairtax prebate is universal.
@PaulSwashbuckl it was one went.
RT @Blueberrier0341: I've never understood why so many people from Mexico celebrate their independence while striving to get the hell ou ...
RT @Kriskxx: RUSH/Obama ppl rlly seem determined 2 snatch a propaganda defeat from the jaws of victory, & now they're tryin… (cont) http ...
MT @jjmnolte: Remember how the first GOP debate was supposed to be held by Politico and NBC? Gawd, can you imagine? ~Praising Yahweh 4 it.
@kesgardner thats exactly the same reason why i have issues w/ the flat tax, pols using it social-engineering.
@kesgardner no dissent there.
RT @SaraCJohnsonGA: RT @DLoesch: "I just admit it. I don't try to duck it, bob it, weave it ... I made a mistake ... nobody is perfect." ...
Chris Wallace just gave Ron Paul a battlefield promotion #SCdebate
MT @mattklewis: Gary Johnson with a surprisingly solid answer on the marijuana question. ~oddly, his most lucid moment. #SCdebate
Lightning Roooooooooooound. #SCdebate
They are going after Obama instead of each other. #Progress. #SCdebate
RT @ExJon: The last incumbent Santorum knocked out of office was himself #scdebate
RT @PaulSwashbuckl: @OHCONSERVATISM Agreed, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are both idealists who would rather feel right than be right. #GOP ...
RT @KLSouth: Regardless of keeping score... I would vote for any of these guys over Obama. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Sam Kinison: "There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or else you run out." #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Pawlenty admitted he was wrong on global warming. He is still an ethanol panderer. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Herman Cain... no teleprompter required. Ever. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Pawlenty: 'UN is a pathetic organization.' Awesomeness. #scdebate
RT @rsmccain: #SCDebate Next round: Let's all badmouth Newt, Mitt and Sarah!
RT @jjmnolte: RT! @Stage_Right: TONIGHT: @PamelaGeller, the woman who makes @PatDollard look like Mahatma Ghandi! 1 ...
go away gary. #SCdebate
RT @DLoesch: Founding father of the tea party movement? #scdebate
RT @ConservativeLA: If I have a choice between a guy who once smoked pot, and a guy who believes 9/11 was an inside job, I'm going with ...
RT @guypbenson: Herman Cain is likeable, a total outsider, and a strong conservative. He helped himself tonight. #GOPdebate #tcot
RT @bdomenech: Frank Luntz still looks like he's trapped in an Edgar suit.
RT @LDoren: Racist Teapartiers unanimously supporting Herman Cain on Fox News right now. #tcot
RT @jjmnolte: Hi Corrup MSM: Turn on FOX now! White, conservative Southern RACISTS loving them some @THEHermanCain! #Racers #tcot
RT @Brannon_14: Is it just me, or does luntz look like JaNap in drag?
RT @ctsa: Discovering I follow way too many folks who live and work in Washington D.C. Trust me people, it will be okay to elect someone ...
RT @Kriskxx: RT @fmsabino: Donald Trump you've been FIRED by @THEHermanCain #tcot #gop #scdebate
RT @diggrbiii: THIS -> Simon Maloy - A Man After Boehlert's Heart | @theRightSphere
RT @KerryPicket: RT @michellemalkin Bottom-feeder of the night: |Oy vey.
RT @TrentIWilliams: Join the movement undraft Gary! RT @Freedomwarrior: RT @tahDeetz: go away gary. #SCdebate
@CajunDave the comment was made as sarcasm. @ldoren
@MarineDadGA Our indebtedness to your family, can never be repaid. G-d Bless, Sir.
@CajunDave no worries....
RT @ChrisBarnhart: Dear Apple: Why does your aluminum wireless keyboard require *3* batteries? You're upsetting my OCD.
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Luntz is always stressing that candidates communicate by connecting with people. He needs to heed own advice re Bam's ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @BreitbartVideo Condi Smacks Down O’Donnell During Hostile MSNBC Interview #tcot #news
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Amen, bro.RT @DrLaird: @DavidLimbaugh When is "spread the wealth around" NOT socialism? #tcot #scdebate
RT @CrustyB: There's nothing like an assertive, free-thinking, conservative black man to bring out the frothing racism of the left. #tcot
RT @FSM_47 @keder #GOP candidates could run a whole campaign just showing Obama's u-tube clips where he contradicts himself or lies #tcot
RT @irishspy: #KeenSenseofTheObvious RT @mattklewis: Luntz's focus group pretty much unanimous that #Obama is a #socialist. #scdebate #tcot
RT @Lash3 @DavidLimbaugh Clarification_Ppl who R familiar w/the constitution think Obama is socialist, underinformed Americans have no clue.
RT @GregWHoward: Bin Laden is dead and so are the jobs of nearly half a million Americans just last week #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phn ...
RT @comradescott: RT @diggrbiii: Obama is a Statist who'll shift from Socialist/Fascist policies depending on what he can get. He's for ...
I don't care if you disagree, @BarackObama is a putz. #tcot #p2
RT @ToadonaWire: Obama to meet the Navy Seals. Is that so they can thank him personally? #tcot #p2
RT @CFHeather: RT @allahpundit: Obama should totally use the Bin Laden victory to sell his budget plan <Pathetic ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @co2hog: via @WOTN Finders of Fogel-Family Murderers given IDF Appreciation #tcot
leftist canned tweets are such a vapid nothing. #tcot #p2
RT @vickihinze: @GregWHoward Why's Holder after the CIA agents on the UBL? He's going to investigate to see if the agents should be pros ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Two Firefighters Dead, Over Two Million Acres Burned, 400 Homes Destroyed. . . But It‘s Not A ’Disaster.’ - http://bit ...
RT @EZKpatriots: RT @libertyspot Dems Introducing Sweeping Gun Control Legislation #tcot @Judgenap #scdebate
RT @Lash3: @Sami_Shamieh @tahDeetz The question I have: did CA receive Fed assistance w/their fires?
RT @KenPerryTweets: The long arm of the American Military reaches far, deep & never forgets. Other countries need to remember this. Esp ...
RT @infocyde: Sorry Eric, Operation Gunrunner isn't going away ATF trafficed guns to Mexico #tcot #tlot #p21 #toppro ...
RT @infocyde: The war that is brewing, that isn't so distant, that everyone wants to ignore #warrumors #narcoterrois ...
RT @allahpundit: @benpolitico Yeah, a little sketchy right now, and yet... #iran #news #tcot #mil
RT @infocyde: #Statist continue to use zoning laws to control / make power grabs, not Constitutional IMHO #tcot #tlo ...
RT @infocyde: States attempt to push back against Federal land grabs #Statism #Constitution #tlot #teaparty #tcot
RT @infocyde: Helping Mexico sue US gun manufactures:Project Gunrunner #iamthemob #teaparty #Constitution #Corruptio ...
MT @Youreadygrandma @I_Hate_Hippies @1861_again @GregWHoward @tahDeetz I Hate Hippies!!! -Reminds me of Eric Cartman? Cartman is muh mentor
RT @DavidLimbaugh: White liberals have exploited blacks 4 so long, abusing the black's misplaced trust in them, 2 poison them w/ false c ...
RT @gjsibio: RT @JillStanek #Prolife teen flash mob surprises California Planned Parenthood #prochoice teen rally #ab ...
RT @AmericanLady49: #StickyNote Campaign & high food & gas prices in GA,So how's that hope & change thing working for U. ...
MT @kciao: Cool just watched the international space station make a pass under the north star. ~ #trippindicular
RT @greybeard411: RT @AllenWest: We must be ready for retaliation from Islamic world #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @steveegg: WI Supreme Court recount Day 9 - 79.5% units, 75% votes recounted, Prosser unofficial lead 7,096 - #w ...
RT @ThomasSSchmitz: .@TimPawlenty: I'm going to vote for @SarahPalinUSA but thank you for calling the #UnitedNations what they are: a pa ...

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