Monday, May 9, 2011

From Twitter 05-08-2011

MT @NCHornet #Obama Re-Brands #CAPandTAX as a #Jobs Bill | Red Dog Report #news #tcot #economy #teaparty #p2 #tlot
RT @McQandO: Op-Ed: Spiking The Credit in Osama bin Laden's Demise
RT @McQandO: UK government won't block Scottish referendum on independence
RT @McQandO: 20-year-old student 'making thousands' on YouTube every month
RT @McQandO: Christians and Muslims clash violently in Egyptian capital
RT @jeffemanuel: .@McQandO nails the Dems' attempt to build "gutsy call" into Obama's #OBL/reelection narrative #tcot #mil #teaparty
#Christians in the #MiddleEast had more help/protection from the West during the #Crusades, than they do now_Pathetic #tcot #mil #Catholics
RT @tweetmunky: Totalitarians have little use 4 idealistic rabble-rousers once they achieve pwr granted them by rabble. #tcot #p2 @Amp_ ...
RT @tweetmunky: How the Soviets used useful idiots to subvert Americanism and liberty. Does any of this ring a bell? ...
RT @MuslimAlert Egyptian Sheik: Worst Enemies of the #Muslims after Satan are the #Jews #tcot #mil #news #Israel
RT @tweetmunky: Left doesn't realize that after giving govt more pwr, it will never b satisfied with just that much pwr @Amp_up @Conserv ...
RT @tweetmunky: Failure of leftism: No matter how much pwr u give govt, it will work 2 achieve more. #tcot #P2 @Amp_up @ConservativeLA
RT @tweetmunky: The pwr we give govt is never ever enuf as far as govt is concerned. @Amp_up @ConservativeLA #tcot #p2
RT @tweetmunky: "We the Living" is an excellent commentary on what happens 2 idealistic Marxists after the revolution. #tcot #P2 @Amp_up ...
RT @tweetmunky: However, I am 100% in favor of Levin's trashing of Trump. #tcot @mantis8585
Asking a #progressive to perform an honest introspection, is as effective as pissing up a rope, instead of actually climbing it. #tcot #p2
I smell the return of a #Republican #ConcernTroll. #tcot #teaparty #p2 #mil #gop
RT @dmatthewstewart: RT @AnyStreet: Stewart's Campaign Against RINOs #scar begins now.Target identified: NC GOP I n ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot #gop Cuban dissident buried amid controversy: HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban dissident Juan Wilfredo S... http://bit.l ...
RT @JENin140 @foxheadlines US: #Arizona Seeks Online Donations to Build #BorderFence #news #tcot #teaparty #az
RT @CrustyB: Leftist hero Che Guevera oversaw the shooting of 100s of POWs, many of them teenagers. But a Navy SEAL shoots OSL and the l ...
RT @milblogging: USMC believes it has found right dog for counter-IED fight, but it’s not traditional military working dog ...
RT @brooksbayne: Transfusion of Synthetic Blood Saves Woman's Life hemoglobin-based synthetic w/ a molecule derived ...
RT @TennTina: The Libertarian Patriot: Illegal Immigration And The Underground ...: While these illegal immigr... # ...
RT @uncoverage: After all our hard work in Afghanistan, the barbaric Taliban is still butchering girls for trying to get an... http://fb ...
RT @arye4life #Israel has 30X more venture capital per cap. than any other land_just ask Gates/Buffett where they love to invest #tcot #p2
RT @SykesCharlie: It's over. “@UWGOP: UW Professor Ken Mayer explains why Prosser will win the recount
RT @UWGOP: UW Professor Ken Mayer explains why Prosser will win the recount
RT @djsmuzz: #keders75000thtweet "Buck Ofama!"
#keders75000thtweet just wait til @keders 75001thtweet
#LegalInsurrection: #ThinkProgress PWND by Fake #Navy #SEAL "Anchor Baby" Story via @AddThis #news #mil #tcot #p2
Poll - When Will RAID ON #ABBOTTABAD Be Released? via @AddThis #news #tcot #mil #p2 #obl
RT @southsalem: Attn #NY26: FALSE #TeaParty candidate - threat to #GOP seat via @LegInsurrection: #tcot
RT @cbsatl: Griffin Church Increasing Efforts To Help Storm Victims: First Assembly of God’s efforts to help storm victims i... http://b ...
RT @leyalely: - After Birds Point: The Army Corps’ Missouri Floodway Boondoggle

RT @MattRussell_TX: "The new generation must declare war on capitalism and take up the banner of socialism." This is getting taught. Fed ...
RT @RLibertyCaucus: RT @BarryHinckley: New jobs / unemployment numbers prove that gov't is making the problem worse. ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: The liberals love what Obama says. But they seem to miss what he really does. They hear but they are blind. #cspj #tcot ...
RT @karenegantx: Poster Boy For Why Entitlement Programs Are Bogus. EWWWWWW! #tcot
The open bigotry of white #Progzis, is simply astounding. #tcot
RT @beccarter28: Police: Fast Food Manager Assaulted, Robbed - Regional News ...: WEB ONLY -- Police have arrested at least one m... htt ...
RT @Galrahn #Iran made C704 anti-ship missiles, among weapons being smuggled to #Hamas seized by #Israel's Navy #tcot
RT @mboyle1: I think it's quite odd that companies like Hyatt and Walmart trusted Obama admin. Now, Hyatt's SOL w unions and Walmart has ...
RT @newsbusters: Ignatius: Bush Didn't Go To Ground Zero Thursday Because It Would Have Sealed Obama's Reelection
RT @USAHipster: Anyone who thinks Wal-Mart should hire criminals in DC should hire a criminal themselves. Then let us know how that work ...
RT @mboyle1: Washington Post execs bury heads in sand after 66% decline in profit:
RT @mboyle1: Great work @RedState! @thinkprogress clowns advocate 4 dream act using falsified details from OBL killing:
RT @mrsimplesense: NC GOP hires La Raza? #tcot #gop by @dmatthewstewart
RT @CoachDB18: When you've passed guns used to kill border agents, and stolen companies in the name of government, it all makes forging ...
RT @Aus_Infidel: RT @news_com_au Muslims Against Crusades hate video targets Prince Harry after Bin Laden death | N..
RT @BreakingNews: Japan, U.S. consider joint nuclear waste storage in Mongolia, paper reports - Reuters
RT @carryconcealed AK47s used in #HomeInvasion robbery in #KennettSquare I wonder if #DOJ AG Holder supplied it? #tcot
MT @carryconcealed AK47s used in #HomeInvasion robbery in #KennettSquare I wonder if #DOJ AG Holder supplied 'em? #tcot
RT @PolarCoug: Hey, Barack! Before giving someone a piece of your mind, remember to leave a little something for yourself. #tcot
Tweet Vacuity ~ Tweet #Progressive ___ #tcot #p2 #p21 #topprog #tpot
RT @laborunionrpt: UFCW Strikes Small Georgia Grocer #tcot #unions #LUR
RT @gerfingerpoken: @LibertyPatriot IBD Obama A #Gunrunner? Holder covers up #ATF program that got #BorderPatrol agent killed http://ow ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @IngrahamAngle IBD Obama A #Gunrunner? Holder covers up #ATF program that got #BorderPatrol agent killed http://ow.l ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @Drudge_Report IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @DRUDGE IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed
RT @gerfingerpoken: @NRAILA IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed # ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @NRANews IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed ...
RT @jjmnolte: Any more questions on why Palin & Bachmann are treated with complete & utter contempt at Mediaite? Read France Martel's Tw ...
RT @kesgardner: RT @bethanyshondark: RT @keder: Of course, liberals think there should be no motherhood, thanks to abortion. #tcot
RT @1CaCracker: Radical Islam Finds a Home at UC Berkeley Law School… #tcot #tlot
RT @michellemalkin: Via @Heritage: This Date in History: Obama Imposes Job-Destroying Drilling Moratorium
Why does #progressive stupidity_insist on growing endless #liberal Govt programs_that R easily quantified as utter failures? #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @jjmnolte Elitism isn't a value either, & #IvyLeagues don't teach selflessness or wisdom. Frances Martel's twitter feed proves that point
@okbb01 ssdd
RT @PolarCoug: now that Barry’s a lean, mean, Muslim killing machine, I suppose he’s earned the right to blow his own horn.

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