RT @blogbat: Modern #Egypt provides us w/another explanation why colonial powers took ancient treasures out of the country:So Islamists ...
It really sucks right now that #Israel was forced to give up the Sinai. #tcot #jcot #mil #sot
RT @thedailyobama Take the #government & #unions out of the picture_& suddenly everything works http://d1k.us/2858 #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @Ancient_Warrior: RT @mrinfowars #Walmart is playing homeland security videos N there stores telling U2 spy on ur neighbors This.. (c ...
RT @EmilyMillerDC: Weirdest interview RT @accesshollywood: Barbara Walters Grills Camille Grammer About Absent Sex Life With Kelsey Gram ...
RT @anitamoncrief: RT @conservtivemom: AS EGYPT BURNS… OBAMA PARTIES, WATCHES B-BALL | The Gateway Pundit http://bit.ly/eJtlLA via @toil ...
RT @ondrock: RT @creepingsharia Obama’s new counter terrorism adviser believes MORE outreach to Muslims is the answer http://dlvr.it/FQQ ...
RT @welshman007: Theater Regrets #Palin Reference, Removes From Production http://is.gd/bkF5LU #tcot #twisters #phnm #news #p2 #tsot
RT @gerfingerpoken @AnnCoulter IBD Kill The #Internet #KillSwitch: #Egypt used it - Will #Obama? http://ow.ly/3NI7f #tcot #news #tech #p2
RT @dncfail #Bloomberg Launches Illegal #Gun Sting in #AZ http://bit.ly/hHPhN0 #tcot #tlot #rkba #nra #goa #news #nyc #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: David Bowie - Fame ♫ http://blip.fm/~11c3od
RT @DMashak: Progressivism:What Do Progressives Believe? http://t.co/I1CYpIK #teaparty #tcot #infowars My Question-Why would anyone vote ...
RT @GregWHoward: Of course, #p2 if you weren't such hypocrites, I would not have to trash your hash. Enjoy the show :) #tcot
RT @twiggyoh: While Obama Parties, and plays Basketball~>11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty! http://drudge.tw/hB8anu @krmullins1964 / ...
RT @Afterseven: How can the #MuslimBrotherhood be a Democratic Organization if all #Women are excluded? #tcot #dsa #p2 #tlot #sgp #dnc #ofa
RT @GregWHoward LIB TACTIX_If U see 1 of ur own demonizing some1_U must pile on & RT each other endlessly #tcot #p2 #dnc #px #p21 #tlot #ofa
RT @jamiedupree DoJ "intends to appeal this ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals" http://is.gd/8Rparr Whats the 11th makeup? #tcot
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Always reframe the other side's argument into something you can actually debate against #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @RedDogReport: Tea Party Focused on Ousting GOP Liberals http://bit.ly/gAUcpm #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @jennisahottie: Just like NPR and Tuscon, Thunderdolt campaigns on our dime at Penn St. #tcot #p2 http://bit.ly/fYpVZ7 #news #teaparty
RT @RockyII: Kelsey Gramar stopped cuddling his wife because "He was too busy watching Fox News." http://ow.ly/3NK0O LMAO! @GStephanopou ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Audioslave - Like A Stone ♫ http://blip.fm/~11c44h
Someone define "unseverable" for Marc Lamont Hill, please. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #p2
RT @stix1972 @rsmccain #tcot #TeaParty In Case U Didnt Notice, #ObamaCare Is Both Unconstitutional & Un-American http://bit.ly/hK6r9L #p2
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Accuse your opponent of mental defect or lack of intelligence. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
Hey #Bloomberg, if U wish 2 change #Arizona #gun laws, then MOVE YER SQUAT-A$$ 2 ARIZONA & RUN 4 FRIKKIN OFFICE, D1CK! #tcot #nyc #rkba #goa
RT @kesgardner LOL!-> @JW_Republic We had 2 repeal #Obamacare 2 show @nancypelosi what's in the Constitution #tcot #p2 #teaparty #gop #dems
RT @GregWHoward: RT @backscatter @GregWHoward Another favorite tactic: blame the person on watching too much Fox News. }} #tcot #ocra # ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama didn't have experience but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. #p2 #tcot #cspj #teaparty #gop #fail #news #tlo ...
RT @SooperMexican: Jimmy Carter gave us Islamist Iran, Clinton dismantled our military, and Obama will leave us an Islamist Egypt #tcot ...
RT @Vision365: Jimmy Carter lost Iran, Obama lost Egypt, me thinks i see a pattern. #tcot #p2
RT @gatewaypundit: RT @michellemalkin: RT @patrickmgleason: @jerrybrowngov is comparing his effort to put higher taxes on the ballot to ...
RT @michellemalkin @NRSC Flashback - Claire McCaskill @Clairecmc Defended Constitutionality of #Obamacare http://j.mp/gsuTVQ #news #tcot #p2
Isn't Chucky Schumer on the senate's judiciary committee?!? #tcot #nyc #teaparty
RT @foundersweb: 'Jobs' legislation as corporate welfare (beltway) http://bit.ly/eExqoR #tcot #teaparty #news #jobs #p2 #economy
RT @Turdhunter: With the top foreign policy expert as your VP how did this mess catch our govt off guard? #tcot #P2 #dnc #teaparty
The Left, etc, can now forget the #Israel EVER giving up the #GolanHeights now. Not. Gonna. Happen. #tcot #p2 #jcot #jews
RT @LibertyLynx: Where does all that Dalai Lama book money go? ~to the Dalai Mama. . .
RT @GregWHoward: Seriously, if all it took to make an economy recover were trillions of dollars in govt spending, Obama would be a succe ...
RT @TwitToNande: RT @Mommentator: Poll: #Obama. Tonight. Sucking thumb or throwing things? Go. #tcot #p2 ~sucking. . .
RT @CantorPress: @BachusAL06 on #fannie DL - Dems always offer an excuse for not meeting deadlines even those they themselves impose htt ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc POLITICO: Dems sell aviation bill as jobs boon http://bit.ly/ek53rM #tcot #ocra #ampat http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @GregWHoward: Some of the uninformed point to rise in DJIA as proof Obama is good for economy. Pricing in inflation and Fed purchases ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc Hot Air: Video: And now, an important message from Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric about the Internet ...
Keep it classy Kelsey Grammer's x-wife. #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via Breitbart.tv: Radio Breitbart: Listen Live as Breitbart Guest-Hosts KABC Talkradio in Los Angeles http://bit.ly/i ...
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Florida Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional http://bit.ly/hqFUby #p2
RT @Herfarm: Democrats mantra > Feed the unions, starve the children, kill the old, and hate the right. #tcot #tlot #ocra #p2 #teaparty
RT @Pqlyur1: Here's to the Repubs taking back all three branches of government in '12. Senate, House, and White House... #tcot #p2 #ny
RT @NRAand2ndAmend: #Virginia #Gun Owners Coalition: Good #News Bad News for #GunRights http://bit.ly/dWv501 #tcot #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @esqcapades: A million Egyptians may take to the streets demanding that their gov't listen to them. Luckily, Obama isn't their Prez. ...
RT @LHphotog: "or nearly one in three humans" | UN: Internet surpasses two billion users - TechSpot News: http://bit.ly/iiMSJx #tech
RT @EliLake: The Egyptian who wants to mediate a transition from dictatorship to democracy clashed with Bush on Iran http://bit.ly/e4ecqa
RT @katraky: Gov. Rick Scott to debut budget at #teaparty event | #Florida politics blog http://shar.es/3bVIb #tcot #news
RT @RightTopics: John Bolton compares Barack Obama to Michael Dukakis. http://bit.ly/gF8Z6m #rtt #topics #talk #news #tcot #mil #p2
RT @ericbolling: oh boy! Street cred is crashing as we speak ~whose?
RT @RealSheriffJoe Why's Bloomberg concerned about law enforcement in my county?~Dont outside LEOs need 2 get ur permission 2 entr Maricopa?
RT @JennQPublic: As I was leaving Sexy Taco the cashier said "Have a sexy night!" Um, I'm leaving with a sack of tacos. Sexy night? Prob ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Someone can see Pennsylvania Ave from her igloo "Palin Narrowly Outraises Romney at End of 2010" http://bit.ly/eZKUZb ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Obamacare Meets the #DeathPanel — The Erick Erickson Show http://bit.ly/i2ynmf #tcot #p2 #news
RT @J_Kane: RT @keder: Liberals aren't even pretending that ObamaCare's constitutional. They just don't care. #tcot #p2
RT @lisbethcarter #ChrisMatthews is a bloated bully_Nothing like a fat thin haired man insulting women ~Dont forget the spittle & lisp #tcot
RT @crispix49: Media Matters Blames The Egyptian Crisis on Those Foreign Policy-Controlling, Media-Owning JEWS http://ht.ly/3NMFf @mmfa ...
RT @JadedByPolitics: Exclusive: ABCNews Star Reporter Busted for Eco-Activist Journalism; Network Investigating Discipline http://is.g ...
RT @crispix49 @GregWHoward Wasnt it #SEIU that sent thugs 2 bite off fingers/beat people 2support #HCR & they want waiver from it? #tcot #p2
You stop me like a watch. . . #ObamaCare. #tcot
RT @MikeGaukin PalinTV @AndrewLawton This whole riot in Egypt started when they got #FoxNews & some1 watched an episode of #GlennBeck. #tcot
RT @pinnie99: RT @Herfarm: Apparently its worse 2 die in Bush's war then Obama's wars. More troops killed under Obama.....*crickets* #tc ...
RT @WiredPig: @RealSheriffJoe do they have legal standing to be conducting investigations in your county?
RT @crispix49: Chicago Democrat hires a convicted felon who was ordered to receive treatment for sex addiction as an opertive http://ht. ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gLSxr7 Man Seeks Police Protection from Sex-Crazed Wife #tcot
RT @FOX10News: Homeowner shoots 3 would-be robbers - Three robbers armed with a baseball bat tried to force their way into the wron... h ...
RT @Derameth: @LibertysArmy *lol* Anyone "shocked" by #NObama's 'betrayal' of ANYONE hasn't been paying attention for the last 2 years.. ...
It's a State AG parade on Greta. #tcot
It really sucks right now that #Israel was forced to give up the Sinai. #tcot #jcot #mil #sot
RT @thedailyobama Take the #government & #unions out of the picture_& suddenly everything works http://d1k.us/2858 #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @Ancient_Warrior: RT @mrinfowars #Walmart is playing homeland security videos N there stores telling U2 spy on ur neighbors This.. (c ...
RT @EmilyMillerDC: Weirdest interview RT @accesshollywood: Barbara Walters Grills Camille Grammer About Absent Sex Life With Kelsey Gram ...
RT @anitamoncrief: RT @conservtivemom: AS EGYPT BURNS… OBAMA PARTIES, WATCHES B-BALL | The Gateway Pundit http://bit.ly/eJtlLA via @toil ...
RT @ondrock: RT @creepingsharia Obama’s new counter terrorism adviser believes MORE outreach to Muslims is the answer http://dlvr.it/FQQ ...
RT @welshman007: Theater Regrets #Palin Reference, Removes From Production http://is.gd/bkF5LU #tcot #twisters #phnm #news #p2 #tsot
RT @gerfingerpoken @AnnCoulter IBD Kill The #Internet #KillSwitch: #Egypt used it - Will #Obama? http://ow.ly/3NI7f #tcot #news #tech #p2
RT @dncfail #Bloomberg Launches Illegal #Gun Sting in #AZ http://bit.ly/hHPhN0 #tcot #tlot #rkba #nra #goa #news #nyc #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: David Bowie - Fame ♫ http://blip.fm/~11c3od
RT @DMashak: Progressivism:What Do Progressives Believe? http://t.co/I1CYpIK #teaparty #tcot #infowars My Question-Why would anyone vote ...
RT @GregWHoward: Of course, #p2 if you weren't such hypocrites, I would not have to trash your hash. Enjoy the show :) #tcot
RT @twiggyoh: While Obama Parties, and plays Basketball~>11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty! http://drudge.tw/hB8anu @krmullins1964 / ...
RT @Afterseven: How can the #MuslimBrotherhood be a Democratic Organization if all #Women are excluded? #tcot #dsa #p2 #tlot #sgp #dnc #ofa
RT @GregWHoward LIB TACTIX_If U see 1 of ur own demonizing some1_U must pile on & RT each other endlessly #tcot #p2 #dnc #px #p21 #tlot #ofa
RT @jamiedupree DoJ "intends to appeal this ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals" http://is.gd/8Rparr Whats the 11th makeup? #tcot
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Always reframe the other side's argument into something you can actually debate against #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @RedDogReport: Tea Party Focused on Ousting GOP Liberals http://bit.ly/gAUcpm #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @jennisahottie: Just like NPR and Tuscon, Thunderdolt campaigns on our dime at Penn St. #tcot #p2 http://bit.ly/fYpVZ7 #news #teaparty
RT @RockyII: Kelsey Gramar stopped cuddling his wife because "He was too busy watching Fox News." http://ow.ly/3NK0O LMAO! @GStephanopou ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Audioslave - Like A Stone ♫ http://blip.fm/~11c44h
Someone define "unseverable" for Marc Lamont Hill, please. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #p2
RT @stix1972 @rsmccain #tcot #TeaParty In Case U Didnt Notice, #ObamaCare Is Both Unconstitutional & Un-American http://bit.ly/hK6r9L #p2
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Accuse your opponent of mental defect or lack of intelligence. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
Hey #Bloomberg, if U wish 2 change #Arizona #gun laws, then MOVE YER SQUAT-A$$ 2 ARIZONA & RUN 4 FRIKKIN OFFICE, D1CK! #tcot #nyc #rkba #goa
RT @kesgardner LOL!-> @JW_Republic We had 2 repeal #Obamacare 2 show @nancypelosi what's in the Constitution #tcot #p2 #teaparty #gop #dems
RT @GregWHoward: RT @backscatter @GregWHoward Another favorite tactic: blame the person on watching too much Fox News. }} #tcot #ocra # ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama didn't have experience but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. #p2 #tcot #cspj #teaparty #gop #fail #news #tlo ...
RT @SooperMexican: Jimmy Carter gave us Islamist Iran, Clinton dismantled our military, and Obama will leave us an Islamist Egypt #tcot ...
RT @Vision365: Jimmy Carter lost Iran, Obama lost Egypt, me thinks i see a pattern. #tcot #p2
RT @gatewaypundit: RT @michellemalkin: RT @patrickmgleason: @jerrybrowngov is comparing his effort to put higher taxes on the ballot to ...
RT @michellemalkin @NRSC Flashback - Claire McCaskill @Clairecmc Defended Constitutionality of #Obamacare http://j.mp/gsuTVQ #news #tcot #p2
Isn't Chucky Schumer on the senate's judiciary committee?!? #tcot #nyc #teaparty
RT @foundersweb: 'Jobs' legislation as corporate welfare (beltway) http://bit.ly/eExqoR #tcot #teaparty #news #jobs #p2 #economy
RT @Turdhunter: With the top foreign policy expert as your VP how did this mess catch our govt off guard? #tcot #P2 #dnc #teaparty
The Left, etc, can now forget the #Israel EVER giving up the #GolanHeights now. Not. Gonna. Happen. #tcot #p2 #jcot #jews
RT @LibertyLynx: Where does all that Dalai Lama book money go? ~to the Dalai Mama. . .
RT @GregWHoward: Seriously, if all it took to make an economy recover were trillions of dollars in govt spending, Obama would be a succe ...
RT @TwitToNande: RT @Mommentator: Poll: #Obama. Tonight. Sucking thumb or throwing things? Go. #tcot #p2 ~sucking. . .
RT @CantorPress: @BachusAL06 on #fannie DL - Dems always offer an excuse for not meeting deadlines even those they themselves impose htt ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc POLITICO: Dems sell aviation bill as jobs boon http://bit.ly/ek53rM #tcot #ocra #ampat http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @GregWHoward: Some of the uninformed point to rise in DJIA as proof Obama is good for economy. Pricing in inflation and Fed purchases ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc Hot Air: Video: And now, an important message from Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric about the Internet ...
Keep it classy Kelsey Grammer's x-wife. #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via Breitbart.tv: Radio Breitbart: Listen Live as Breitbart Guest-Hosts KABC Talkradio in Los Angeles http://bit.ly/i ...
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Florida Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional http://bit.ly/hqFUby #p2
RT @Herfarm: Democrats mantra > Feed the unions, starve the children, kill the old, and hate the right. #tcot #tlot #ocra #p2 #teaparty
RT @Pqlyur1: Here's to the Repubs taking back all three branches of government in '12. Senate, House, and White House... #tcot #p2 #ny
RT @NRAand2ndAmend: #Virginia #Gun Owners Coalition: Good #News Bad News for #GunRights http://bit.ly/dWv501 #tcot #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @esqcapades: A million Egyptians may take to the streets demanding that their gov't listen to them. Luckily, Obama isn't their Prez. ...
RT @LHphotog: "or nearly one in three humans" | UN: Internet surpasses two billion users - TechSpot News: http://bit.ly/iiMSJx #tech
RT @EliLake: The Egyptian who wants to mediate a transition from dictatorship to democracy clashed with Bush on Iran http://bit.ly/e4ecqa
RT @katraky: Gov. Rick Scott to debut budget at #teaparty event | #Florida politics blog http://shar.es/3bVIb #tcot #news
RT @RightTopics: John Bolton compares Barack Obama to Michael Dukakis. http://bit.ly/gF8Z6m #rtt #topics #talk #news #tcot #mil #p2
RT @ericbolling: oh boy! Street cred is crashing as we speak ~whose?
RT @RealSheriffJoe Why's Bloomberg concerned about law enforcement in my county?~Dont outside LEOs need 2 get ur permission 2 entr Maricopa?
RT @JennQPublic: As I was leaving Sexy Taco the cashier said "Have a sexy night!" Um, I'm leaving with a sack of tacos. Sexy night? Prob ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Someone can see Pennsylvania Ave from her igloo "Palin Narrowly Outraises Romney at End of 2010" http://bit.ly/eZKUZb ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Obamacare Meets the #DeathPanel — The Erick Erickson Show http://bit.ly/i2ynmf #tcot #p2 #news
RT @J_Kane: RT @keder: Liberals aren't even pretending that ObamaCare's constitutional. They just don't care. #tcot #p2
RT @lisbethcarter #ChrisMatthews is a bloated bully_Nothing like a fat thin haired man insulting women ~Dont forget the spittle & lisp #tcot
RT @crispix49: Media Matters Blames The Egyptian Crisis on Those Foreign Policy-Controlling, Media-Owning JEWS http://ht.ly/3NMFf @mmfa ...
RT @JadedByPolitics: Exclusive: ABCNews Star Reporter Busted for Eco-Activist Journalism; Network Investigating Discipline http://is.g ...
RT @crispix49 @GregWHoward Wasnt it #SEIU that sent thugs 2 bite off fingers/beat people 2support #HCR & they want waiver from it? #tcot #p2
You stop me like a watch. . . #ObamaCare. #tcot
RT @MikeGaukin PalinTV @AndrewLawton This whole riot in Egypt started when they got #FoxNews & some1 watched an episode of #GlennBeck. #tcot
RT @pinnie99: RT @Herfarm: Apparently its worse 2 die in Bush's war then Obama's wars. More troops killed under Obama.....*crickets* #tc ...
RT @WiredPig: @RealSheriffJoe do they have legal standing to be conducting investigations in your county?
RT @crispix49: Chicago Democrat hires a convicted felon who was ordered to receive treatment for sex addiction as an opertive http://ht. ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gLSxr7 Man Seeks Police Protection from Sex-Crazed Wife #tcot
RT @FOX10News: Homeowner shoots 3 would-be robbers - Three robbers armed with a baseball bat tried to force their way into the wron... h ...
RT @Derameth: @LibertysArmy *lol* Anyone "shocked" by #NObama's 'betrayal' of ANYONE hasn't been paying attention for the last 2 years.. ...
It's a State AG parade on Greta. #tcot
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