Monday, January 31, 2011

From Twitter 01-31-2011

RT @blogbat: Modern #Egypt provides us w/another explanation why colonial powers took ancient treasures out of the country:So Islamists ...
It really sucks right now that #Israel was forced to give up the Sinai. #tcot #jcot #mil #sot
RT @thedailyobama Take the #government & #unions out of the picture_& suddenly everything works #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @Ancient_Warrior: RT @mrinfowars #Walmart is playing homeland security videos N there stores telling U2 spy on ur neighbors This.. (c ...
RT @EmilyMillerDC: Weirdest interview RT @accesshollywood: Barbara Walters Grills Camille Grammer About Absent Sex Life With Kelsey Gram ...
RT @anitamoncrief: RT @conservtivemom: AS EGYPT BURNS… OBAMA PARTIES, WATCHES B-BALL | The Gateway Pundit via @toil ...
RT @ondrock: RT @creepingsharia Obama’s new counter terrorism adviser believes MORE outreach to Muslims is the answer ...
RT @welshman007: Theater Regrets #Palin Reference, Removes From Production #tcot #twisters #phnm #news #p2 #tsot
RT @gerfingerpoken @AnnCoulter IBD Kill The #Internet #KillSwitch: #Egypt used it - Will #Obama? #tcot #news #tech #p2
RT @dncfail #Bloomberg Launches Illegal #Gun Sting in #AZ #tcot #tlot #rkba #nra #goa #news #nyc #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: David Bowie - Fame ♫
RT @DMashak: Progressivism:What Do Progressives Believe? #teaparty #tcot #infowars My Question-Why would anyone vote ...
RT @GregWHoward: Of course, #p2 if you weren't such hypocrites, I would not have to trash your hash. Enjoy the show :) #tcot
RT @twiggyoh: While Obama Parties, and plays Basketball~>11% of All US Homes Are Now Empty! @krmullins1964 / ...
RT @Afterseven: How can the #MuslimBrotherhood be a Democratic Organization if all #Women are excluded? #tcot #dsa #p2 #tlot #sgp #dnc #ofa
RT @GregWHoward LIB TACTIX_If U see 1 of ur own demonizing some1_U must pile on & RT each other endlessly #tcot #p2 #dnc #px #p21 #tlot #ofa
RT @jamiedupree DoJ "intends to appeal this ruling to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals" Whats the 11th makeup? #tcot
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Always reframe the other side's argument into something you can actually debate against #tcot #p2 #ocra #s ...
RT @RedDogReport: Tea Party Focused on Ousting GOP Liberals #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @jennisahottie: Just like NPR and Tuscon, Thunderdolt campaigns on our dime at Penn St. #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @RockyII: Kelsey Gramar stopped cuddling his wife because "He was too busy watching Fox News." LMAO! @GStephanopou ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Audioslave - Like A Stone ♫
Someone define "unseverable" for Marc Lamont Hill, please. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #p2
RT @stix1972 @rsmccain #tcot #TeaParty In Case U Didnt Notice, #ObamaCare Is Both Unconstitutional & Un-American #p2
RT @GregWHoward: LIB TACTICS: Accuse your opponent of mental defect or lack of intelligence. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
Hey #Bloomberg, if U wish 2 change #Arizona #gun laws, then MOVE YER SQUAT-A$$ 2 ARIZONA & RUN 4 FRIKKIN OFFICE, D1CK! #tcot #nyc #rkba #goa
RT @kesgardner LOL!-> @JW_Republic We had 2 repeal #Obamacare 2 show @nancypelosi what's in the Constitution #tcot #p2 #teaparty #gop #dems
RT @GregWHoward: RT @backscatter @GregWHoward Another favorite tactic: blame the person on watching too much Fox News. }} #tcot #ocra # ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama didn't have experience but he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. #p2 #tcot #cspj #teaparty #gop #fail #news #tlo ...
RT @SooperMexican: Jimmy Carter gave us Islamist Iran, Clinton dismantled our military, and Obama will leave us an Islamist Egypt #tcot ...
RT @Vision365: Jimmy Carter lost Iran, Obama lost Egypt, me thinks i see a pattern. #tcot #p2
RT @gatewaypundit: RT @michellemalkin: RT @patrickmgleason: @jerrybrowngov is comparing his effort to put higher taxes on the ballot to ...
RT @michellemalkin @NRSC Flashback - Claire McCaskill @Clairecmc Defended Constitutionality of #Obamacare #news #tcot #p2
Isn't Chucky Schumer on the senate's judiciary committee?!? #tcot #nyc #teaparty
RT @foundersweb: 'Jobs' legislation as corporate welfare (beltway) #tcot #teaparty #news #jobs #p2 #economy
RT @Turdhunter: With the top foreign policy expert as your VP how did this mess catch our govt off guard? #tcot #P2 #dnc #teaparty
The Left, etc, can now forget the #Israel EVER giving up the #GolanHeights now. Not. Gonna. Happen. #tcot #p2 #jcot #jews
RT @LibertyLynx: Where does all that Dalai Lama book money go? ~to the Dalai Mama. . .
RT @GregWHoward: Seriously, if all it took to make an economy recover were trillions of dollars in govt spending, Obama would be a succe ...
RT @TwitToNande: RT @Mommentator: Poll: #Obama. Tonight. Sucking thumb or throwing things? Go. #tcot #p2 ~sucking. . .
RT @CantorPress: @BachusAL06 on #fannie DL - Dems always offer an excuse for not meeting deadlines even those they themselves impose htt ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc POLITICO: Dems sell aviation bill as jobs boon #tcot #ocra #ampat ...
RT @GregWHoward: Some of the uninformed point to rise in DJIA as proof Obama is good for economy. Pricing in inflation and Fed purchases ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @prismsinc Hot Air: Video: And now, an important message from Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric about the Internet ...
Keep it classy Kelsey Grammer's x-wife. #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via Radio Breitbart: Listen Live as Breitbart Guest-Hosts KABC Talkradio in Los Angeles ...
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Florida Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional #p2
RT @Herfarm: Democrats mantra > Feed the unions, starve the children, kill the old, and hate the right. #tcot #tlot #ocra #p2 #teaparty
RT @Pqlyur1: Here's to the Repubs taking back all three branches of government in '12. Senate, House, and White House... #tcot #p2 #ny
RT @NRAand2ndAmend: #Virginia #Gun Owners Coalition: Good #News Bad News for #GunRights #tcot #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @esqcapades: A million Egyptians may take to the streets demanding that their gov't listen to them. Luckily, Obama isn't their Prez. ...
RT @LHphotog: "or nearly one in three humans" | UN: Internet surpasses two billion users - TechSpot News: #tech
RT @EliLake: The Egyptian who wants to mediate a transition from dictatorship to democracy clashed with Bush on Iran
RT @katraky: Gov. Rick Scott to debut budget at #teaparty event | #Florida politics blog #tcot #news
RT @RightTopics: John Bolton compares Barack Obama to Michael Dukakis. #rtt #topics #talk #news #tcot #mil #p2
RT @ericbolling: oh boy! Street cred is crashing as we speak ~whose?
RT @RealSheriffJoe Why's Bloomberg concerned about law enforcement in my county?~Dont outside LEOs need 2 get ur permission 2 entr Maricopa?
RT @JennQPublic: As I was leaving Sexy Taco the cashier said "Have a sexy night!" Um, I'm leaving with a sack of tacos. Sexy night? Prob ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Someone can see Pennsylvania Ave from her igloo "Palin Narrowly Outraises Romney at End of 2010" ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Obamacare Meets the #DeathPanel — The Erick Erickson Show #tcot #p2 #news
RT @J_Kane: RT @keder: Liberals aren't even pretending that ObamaCare's constitutional. They just don't care. #tcot #p2
RT @lisbethcarter #ChrisMatthews is a bloated bully_Nothing like a fat thin haired man insulting women ~Dont forget the spittle & lisp #tcot
RT @crispix49: Media Matters Blames The Egyptian Crisis on Those Foreign Policy-Controlling, Media-Owning JEWS @mmfa ...
RT @JadedByPolitics: Exclusive: ABCNews Star Reporter Busted for Eco-Activist Journalism; Network Investigating Discipline http://is.g ...
RT @crispix49 @GregWHoward Wasnt it #SEIU that sent thugs 2 bite off fingers/beat people 2support #HCR & they want waiver from it? #tcot #p2
You stop me like a watch. . . #ObamaCare. #tcot
RT @MikeGaukin PalinTV @AndrewLawton This whole riot in Egypt started when they got #FoxNews & some1 watched an episode of #GlennBeck. #tcot
RT @pinnie99: RT @Herfarm: Apparently its worse 2 die in Bush's war then Obama's wars. More troops killed under Obama.....*crickets* #tc ...
RT @WiredPig: @RealSheriffJoe do they have legal standing to be conducting investigations in your county?
RT @crispix49: Chicago Democrat hires a convicted felon who was ordered to receive treatment for sex addiction as an opertive http://ht. ...
RT @Snooper1: Man Seeks Police Protection from Sex-Crazed Wife #tcot
RT @FOX10News: Homeowner shoots 3 would-be robbers - Three robbers armed with a baseball bat tried to force their way into the wron... h ...
RT @Derameth: @LibertysArmy *lol* Anyone "shocked" by #NObama's 'betrayal' of ANYONE hasn't been paying attention for the last 2 years.. ...
It's a State AG parade on Greta. #tcot

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

From Twitter 01-30-2011

RT @PATR2012 @Cubachi #Palin at #hunting convention_defends 2nd amendment & hints at 2012 #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @hch242 #CNN: If U dont want higher #taxes, youre~part of the problem #news #tcot #p2 #jobs #tlot
RT @TennConserv: Liberal spelled backward: Arse-wipe #tcot #p2
RT @andylevy: RT @DrewMTips: Wow, nothing says hockey like...Clay Aiken? So much FAIL.
RT @spongedocks: #WSJ confirms the money flow to the #MuslimBrotherhood #news #tcot #p2 #jan25 #egypt #mil #sot
RT @marklevinshow: Once again, Sarah #Palin shows she's smarter than her critics. #tcot #tsot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @ConservativeLA: I've said all along MB was in the mix: "Muslim Brotherhood [will form coalition with] ElBaradei" ...
RT @VFW91 #2012TARGET: Sen. Richard Lugar (R) of #Indiana - Voted YEA on #FDA #Food Safety Modernization Act -He must GO! #tcot #teaparty
RT @IdaFlo @slone TRUMP: #Mideast Explosion Could Destroy #OPEC, LOWER #Oil Prices #tcot #tlot #gop #news #p2 #mil #sot
New #GroundZeroMosque Imam: #Homosexuals R Like Animals #lgbt #tcot #gzm #nyc #news #ny #mil #sot #p2 #teaparty
RT @THESHARKTANK1 @jazzshaw @floridapundit @smitty_one_each Rand Paul-Cut #Military Aid 2 #Israel, Rubio Dissents #tcot
If anything, we should INCREASE aid (find offsets) 2 #Israel now that the Middle East is a tinder-box. #tcot #jcot #teaparty #mil #sot
RT @GregWHoward @BraveLad #Wilkow is a patriot on Sirius radio every day & #p2 is the libs' hashtag_I post 2 it 2 piss'em off #dittro #tcot
RT @jaxbchgirl521: @crispix49 OOPS! Obama Delivers Weekly Address From Green Energy Company That Lost $4.8 Million Last Year http://ht.l ...
RT @FloridaJayhawk: BREAKING:::: Muslim Brotherhood Looking To Take Over Egypt! Can You Say Welcome To The Dark Ages? Good Bye Tourism! ...
RT @GregWHoward: Honestly @BarackObama could not lead a starving man to the dinner table. He's a complete failure as a leader #tcot #p2 ...
RT @derised1: @PatDollard Egyptian Oppo Leader: Obama Has “Absolutely No Credibility In Egypt” // What about O's Nob ...
RT @GregWHoward The Obama Doctrine? You mean there's 1? I thought it was about expensive trips & par-tays? #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
@BraveLad ditto as I say it. . . #dittro
@TheaGood it all depends is they are in the mosque or the hut.
@BraveLad that would make absolute sense. #TCOT #AIP
RT @GregWHoward: Voters Continue To Favor Lower #Taxes, Less Spending #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #phnm #news #economy
RT @BraveLad @GregWHoward @tahDeetz @jaqobjackson brevity ~ tis wit's soul. . . #TCOT #TEAPARTY #AIP #OCRA
RT @MEEchelleO: #questionsidontlike
Why do me & Barack love terrorists like Rathke, Ayers, Mao & Che?
#cspj #tcot #p21 #p2 #tcot #sgp ...
RT @MEEchelleO: #questionsidontlike
Why did Barack live in the foreign students' dorm?
#cspj #tcot #p21 #p2 #tcot #sgp #mob #twisters
RT @CooperRepublic: RT @VRWCTexan: Anyone reading my last 10 tweets might surmise that having El Baradei rise to power in Egypt is not a ...
RT @FloridaJayhawk: RT @zerohedge: China Central Bank Advisor Urges Increase In Official Gold Reserves ||| Gold To ...
RT @USPassenger Sen.Schumer‘s ’3 Branches’ of Govt No Longer Includes Judiciary @MSNBC #tcot #teaparty #news #ny #p2
RT @Newswatcher89: Protesters decry conservative desert retreat #tcot #p2 #news
RT @NatalieDuvalNY: MSNBC Complains About CNN Airing Bachmann's SOTU Response Then Spends Days Talking About Her via ...

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

From Twitter 01-29-2011

RT @BarrySux: What happens when tankers can't get thru Suez Canal? Oil hits $200+ bbl. Too bad ANWR & Gulf are off limits. #cspj #tcot # ...
fyi . . . Egypt falling into the clutches of the Muslim Brotherhood would fit right in w/ Obama's interest in seeing oil prices go up #tcot
A Daley in the @WhiteHouse . . . what could go wrong?!? #tcot
Andrea Mitchell said on Matthews show, that Barack's #SOTU bingo BS in re recycling Reagan, was just that, bulls1t. . . progress. #tcot #p2

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Friday, January 28, 2011

From Twitter 01-28-2011

RT @USASunrise: History Attention Deficit Disorder: Easily diagnosed, when someone says, "Barack Obama is like Ronald Regan." #tcot #p2
RT @Jarjarbug: #GOP if you CANT CONTROL WHERE TO DEBATE... Don't even bother entering #Nov2012 race!!! Seriously! Enough with butt kissi ...
RT @BrentTeichman: Dear @JimTalent - If your judgment is poor enough to back Mitt in 2012, it's a good thing for #MO that you're not run ...
RT @Daggy1: These talentless hacks are screwing around with the very existence of our Republic! NO! Cut back gov't NOW! That is a friggi ...
RT @Jihadihunter: @PatDollard What does Hannnibal Lector call prostitutes?Whore-d'oeuvres!
RT @thebighoot #Palin Zings #Obama Speech: #WTF The perfect summary of Obama's State of the Union #tcot #teaparty #news #p2 #sgp #sotu
RT @NOLAQueenD: Obama being depicted as Reaganesque? He's not even fit to hold The Gipper's riding crop! #tcot
RT @charlesedwards1: Today, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said the city's school board is turning Atlanta into a national embarrassment. #wab ...
RT @mrshmrsh: @TexasRV don't forget acorn stuffed the ballot box & took bus loads to hunt down corp executives at their homes in the nam ...
RT @Capt_Kirk45: ‘WTF?‘ Why Does Palin Keep Saying ’WTF‘ About Obama’s WTF Speech? WTF people lighten up. I thought ...
RT @TheRickWilson: There's nothing wrong with Hugo Chavez that a JDAM wouldn't fix.
RT @arlenearmy: "Obama Sucks" carved into walls in unexpected Chicago places: #p2 #tcot
RT @56forfreedom: It's Egypt's young who are leading the protests | Ahdaf Soueif #tcot #teaparty #p2 #dem #gop
RT @Con_Brawler: Fed likely to keep $600B bond-purchase plan intact #tcot
RT @marklevinshow: Christie for gun control.
RT @CFHeather: RT @cfact: Global #warming edifice keeps crumbling: #UN boss Ban Ki-moon gives up #climate change fight ...
RT @kesgardner: .@Jarjarbug The entire Obama Presidency can be summed up: WTF. #tcot
RT @Val: Comparing Obama to Reagan is like comparing Joy Behar to Princess Diana. #ObamaAintNoReagan
RT @sav01: Call, write, help...MT @JeffFowle: Horse Owners To Be Required To Register With State #agchat #horses #S ...
RT @ali: listening to The Mercy Seat by Johnny Cash on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying #music
RT @CO2HOG: #Klavan RT @Zo_Macho_Sauce: The Highway to Hell, Leftist Remix Edition #tcot
RT @redostoneage: What Obama's State of the Union speech has in common with Taco Bell #chicago #p2 #dems #tcot #tlot ...
RT @TechZader: 7 Ad Networks for Design Bloggers
RT @DogOnCrack: @greggutfeld Meghan McCain is a poor man's Joy Behar!
RT @naldzgraphics: 40+ Superb Examples of Fisheye #Photography -
RT @CO2HOG: The Black Book of Communism -
RT @CFACT #GlobalWarming edifice keeps crumbling: #UN boss BanKiMoon gives up #ClimateChange fight #tcot #news #p2 #agw
RT @WooHooYoo: MT @AllenWestFL: 600+ people came to my townhall 2night! It went gr8! Thx 2 Sheriff Lamberti 4all the help. Its what demo ...
RT @free_US_Citizen: Obama's airport security strategy dictated by CAIR
RT @FtLauderDaniel: Asian stocks down after S&P downgrades Japan (via @news360app)
RT @KLSouth: For anyone keeping score, the national debt increased by about $100 million during Obama’s SOTU Address…
RT @texasps: @bellez8 LOL a community organizer would be anti-Reagan @kesgardner who dreams this stuff up? They really thing we're s ...
RT @jamiedupree: Health Secretary Sebelius sidesteps question about financial thumbs down on health law from Medicare Actuary
RT @jamiedupree: TALE OF TWO WORLDS: At Senate hearing, HHS Chief says health reform working while Republicans say it's a disaster
RT @Trident_Arms: Suppressed Short Barrel Rifle (SBR) articles posted.
RT @Amuk3 Remember how #Obama was no threat at all 2 your #guns? Yeah, about that #tcot #teaparty #p2 #news #rkba #sgp
RT @instapundit: CHANGE: Sen. Rand Paul to introduce Social Security bill ‘in the next two to three weeks.’
…: CHANGE: Sen. Ran... htt ...
RT @ctsa: RT @philipaklein Rubio picks RomneyCare apologist Cesar Conda ( ) as his chief of staff ( ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @AtlasShrugs Islamic Law Courses Come to University Campuses #tcot
RT @pamelageller: Muslim in Full Islamic Garb Attempts to Shoot and Kill EDL Leader: I expect the mainstream media to say that EDL... ht ...
RT @exposelibtards: Muslim in Full Islamic Garb Attempts to Shoot & Kill #EDL Leader #tcot #tlot #news #uk
Dressed-Out Muslim Attempts 2 Shoot & Kill #EDL Leader_Yet #Guns are verbotten in the UK_hmm #tcot #news #tlot #p2 #goa
RT @THESHARKTANK1 @Amuk3 #AllenWest Reacts to Olbermann's Dismissal at #MSNBC #fl22 #tcot #teaparty #news #p2
RT @Sir_Templar: RT @C0d3Fr0sty: Radio junkies in Israel help set up relay information in/out of Egypt via HAM frequencies #jan25 #tweet ...
RT @USASunrise: Are the CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies being given what they need to anticipate the spread of Middle East rio ...
RT @Con_Brawler: N2K: Homegrown Terrorism on the Rise #tcot
RT @BlueCollarTodd: Genetically Altered Mosquitoes Let Loose In Malaysia; What Could Go Wrong? #tcot #tlot #n ...
RT @TheRickWilson: Heh: "merely a shutdown of FB and Twitter (and possibly cable) and 300 mill well-armed American will promptly go apes ...
Charlie Sheen~loc8s~a fat briefcase of BoogerSugar & 5Professionalles 2generously sprinkle it on_reminds me of the ant & elephant tree #tcot
RT @LynetteWyrick: RT @Swerdloff: Everyone's up in arms abt the Internet being shut down in #Egypt. Good. You're aware #FCC wants the sa ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @JudicialWatch Obama Justice Department Colluded with ACLU to Attack Arizona’s SB 1070 According to Documents Un... http ...
RT @somethingfishie @Carydc Top #Union Official Caught on Tape Talking #VoteFraud #news #tcot #ocra #p2 #TeaParty
RT @ioerror: It is extremely important that Noor DSL and the Noor ISP is not attacked. It is the last free standing point of access. #eg ...
RT @AlieGirl7: Hahaha RT @stringbox Bonus points for punching a hippie... RT @AlieGirl7: Have you bitch slapped an environmentalist today?
RT @sjsturkie: Rebecca Kleefisch, Nikki Haley, Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, Michelle Bachmann, Kristi Noem, etc, etc, etc. The future is ...
RT @TNJim: Sputnik? Try Stalingrad #tycot #ocra #eers #TCOT #RS #sgp
RT @AZUSAVoice: Mexican town's cops quit after colleagues beheaded by Drug Cartels - Police Chief & all 38 cops resign! ...
The Cotton Club on free over-air digital_effin kool
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Tip for journalists: Another possible way to connect to the internet is via "leased lines" which are mostly used in ...
RT @WonkishRogue: RT @pdigaudio This> RT @TheOnion:If @KeithOlbermann is looking for a news org with more cred than @MSNBC, we'd love ...
RT @MooseOfReason: "Waiting for Superman" snubbed by Oscar committee #tcot #tlot #schoolchoice #p2 #news
RT @IdaFlo: VIDEO Left Wing's Relentless Assault on Civility #tcot #gop
RT @CoachDB18: Good luck! @Tori_Lennox Dear twitchy eyelid, you are driving me insane. Please cease and desist. Thank you. Me_it's the CFLs
RT @AlieGirl7: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! RT @SPNfacebook: don't vote for democrats - they leave a bad taste in your mouth- signed Monica Lewinsky
RT @pbump 3 days ago_Lieberman said he'd reintro a bill letting the Govt 2switch off net access_like Egypt 2day #tcot #p2
RT @LaurieT333: Rep. Gingrey leads fight against federal employees using ‘official time’ for union activity: Rep. Gi... ...
RT @danny_at_cpj: This is what Egypt's cutoff from the Net looks like: (HT @labovit - it's from a global set of ...
RT @RenoDude50: Ten states working on "proof of eligibility" laws. #teaparty #tcot #ocra #twisters #tweetcongress #news
RT @beckychr007: #GOP’s Dick Lugar Knocks #TeaParty #tcot #tlot #in #insen #tbrs #hhrs
RT @monaeltahawy @Sandmonkey today's protest is NOT about #MuslimBrotherhood & shouldn't be portrayed as such. #Jan25 #Egypt #tcot #news
RT @GuitarHero1965: Gallup Poll: GOP Approval Rating Highest Since 2005, Democrats Worst Since 1992
RT @carryconcealed: Home invasion frightens family #news #tcot #rkba
#Richland #Spudnut Shop Spotlighted By #Palin on FOX #News. #Pasco #WA #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tsot #donuts
The original #SputnikMoment collectively gave Americans a PuckerFactor12_Since Obama has done the same_Sputnik imagery makes sense #tcot #p2
The new Press Sec Carney reminds me of a cuter, blonder #Maddow. #tcot #redeye
RT @capflowwatch: Food inflation inches up to 15.57% in India. #tcot
RT @ondrock: First these idiots destroy the.schools, then they harass anyone that dares to try to find a better school. VOUCHERS NOW end ...
RT @USASunrise: Official: Trading software did not cause financial crash #tcot
T-Paw's ad reminded on the movie "Traffic" #redeye
RT @lisang: Egyptian gov't has ordered all ISPs to shut down int'l service. Egypt now cut off from world. #jan25
RT @thebighoot: Hiding Your Guns From Criminals And Other Predators." #tcot #teaparty #p2 #politics
Obama bows to 3rd dictators & yet the Left thinks #Palin's use of WTF is unpresidential?!? #tcot
RT @Muqata: Jewish hikers shot at near Bat Ayin. Return fire at attackers. ...
RT @GoldOnion: I don't want 45% of my food imported...many reasons for that. At same time, BIG GOVT wants to control my garden. What's ...
RT @TomRaftery: Internet blackout in Egypt has taken the US Embassy site ( offline - what'll Obama make of that? #jan25
RT @lisduarte: RT @carbonmeme: Will climate change burst 'food bubble'? - Guardian
Hey, lets knock out some of those Iranian nuke sites while everyone is looking at Tunisia & Egypt. #tcot #mil

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

From Twitter 01-27-2011

RT @raywatts: #Soros Buying up all the available Pickles #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: Mobilizing the Jobless (Cloward-Piven Strategy, by FF Piven) #tcot #Twisters #tlot #Teaparty ...
RT @Kriskxx: RT @IngrahamAngle: @newtgingrich on my show, says Obama's #sotu was "A clever speech that was fundamentally dishonest." #tc ...
RT @SteveSchulin Pushing #food cost in the wrong direction- #govt may make problem worse #investing #econ #news #tcot
Sig Sig #WTF Sputnik #tcot #sotu
RT @DanRiehl: RT @directorblue: C'mon, Speaker Boehner: Gird yr Loins & Tell the Truth 2 the American ppl--.. #tcot
RT @KatrinkaYobotz Chances 4 Obama re-electn best if #GOP fields a BigGovt/Estblshmnt pik #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tbrs
RT @RiverRoads: Video of Arabs and leftists trying to provoke settlers
RT @RiverRoads: Good for ABC NEWS: Getting results for its expose of the Muslim Rape cover-up by the Peace Corps
RT @RiverRoads: Muslims Issue Death Fatwa Against British Home Secretary: Islamic Poster Campaign
RT @RiverRoads: Danny Glover - known for a cancerous sick soul, Blames Conservatives for Tucson Tragedy
RT @RiverRoads: RT @toiletmaterial: GOP to target employers who hire illegal workers It's about F'in time
RT @Tanapseudes: How many old goats like F. Piven make up the radicals; some of the members of teaparty r young n will influence directi ...
RT @SarahStormRpt: NEWS: #tcot Video: Charles Barkley on Twitter, Sarah Palin, Kids and More #tlot #teaparty #nra # ...
RT @Bill_Dupray: Rand Paul: “The president has been co-opted by the Tea Party”:
“Young America’s Foundation stepped in to ... http://bi ...
RT @andilinks: @Jenevalynne The #suez canal closing that will make oil skyrocket. If someone knows it's coming they can bid up oil futur ...
RT @LizSingZ4U: @AndrewBreitbart wow u r lurking in the showrooms of the PDC in west hollywood! Best ... htt ...
RT @gerfingerpoken @hannityshow IBD "3rd Rail" Gets Derailed~ #SocialSecurity broke_Can Ryan Roadmap save it? #tcot #news
RT @whufflepuppy: RT @KLSouth: Gallup: GOP Approval Rating Highest Since 2005, Dems Worst Since 1992.. Ha! Weeding out has just begun. ...
RT @allahpundit: What could go wrong?
RT @Jihadihunter: As A Patriot Are You A Chicken Or A Pig? Freedom Is Like Breakfast: The Chicken Contributes, The Pig Is Committed http ...
RT @GetsGreased: Are you smelling smoke? Radical left is striking matches around the world. Dependency class is their army. Ignorance th ...
RT @LHphotog: Lisa Graas » The Left is Driving a Wedge Between Tea Partiers and Republicans, and Michele Bachmann Knows It: http://bit.l ...
RT @marleed: #glennbeck #tcot #tbrs Organizing controlled chaos: National Naval Gazing Day set in honor of BHO |Liberty Pundits http://b ...
RT @diggrbiii: Did you see Tom Harkin on MSNBC? -> My latest -> Civility, huh? - @theRightSphere #tcot
RT @jmattbarber: Blacks are "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born."~M Sanger, ...
RT @Offred1: FACT: Most foreign aid given to Israel (less than 1% of US budget) must be spent on US goods/services. This creates jobs fo ...
RT @MuslimAlert: UK Taxi Jihad: Muslim Kicks Woman Out of Cab For Carrying Beer: Daily Star via TROP:
Kuffar-and alcohol-... http://bit. ...
RT @dvolatility: waste and scrap material spike $$

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

From Twitter 01-26-2011

RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Tipping Point: 25 Signs That The Coming Financial Collapse Is Now Closer Then Ever | . #cspj #tcot # ...
RT @bittner: Snowed in at Pixel Workshop with @strobist, a couple of bottles of wine and a copy of Brokeback Mountain. #ThoseArentPillows
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: That 2% reduction in social security. That means the employer will put 2% less in. And you will put 4% less in your own ...
RT @iammilitary: Grow Your Own Security: Prof Breeds Bomb-Spotting Plants #military
RT @JCred: White Men Can't Jump Because They're Racist And Hate The President Because He's Black #RealBrotherMovies
RT @slkbrooke #JudicialWatch Uncovers New Docs Detailing #Pelosi Use of #AirForce Aircraft in 2010 #tcot #news #usaf
RT @FireandSword: US lawmakers plan to reintroduce #China #currency bill #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @wizard001: Mr. Obama, let's power an M1 Abrams Tank with solar panels and see how well they work first??!! #tcot #p2 #sotu #army
RT @x_1013_x: #GraphicDesign #job #market, please stop sucking. Please, please, please. Hands and knees here people. #tcot #jobs #economy
RT @NWOBlog: Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy? #nwo #globalism #PatrickWood #technocracy #news #tcot #agw
RT @beesnguns: #USDA responsible for mass poisoning of millions of birds "Bye Bye Blackbird". #tcot #FOK #p2
RT @DanRiehl: RT @projectvirginia: Meet The New #Richmond #TeaParty President #vagop #gop #rpv #rva #va #tcot
RT @VRWCTexan: Obama’s #TSA pat-downs joke infuriates #ACLU {Hey Barry, how's that bowling game going?} #tcot #news
RT @KDVR #FOX31 #Longmont #Colorado #GOP lawmakers want people 2 prove citizenship when registering 2 vote #news #tcot
RT @Gabby_Hoffman: Everyone! Be sure to follow @AllenWestFL ! @YoungCons @AmatoTalk @AiPolitics @pcam @suttonporter @AriMFine @AndrewLaw ...
RT @tweetdrudge: Cartoon of former CEO Schmidt's 'creepy' lines... #tcot #news
RT @foodcreate: #Recipe ~ Almond Mocha #Coffee #beverage #drink
RT @DavidLimbaugh: 1 of the things that drives me crazy about libs is: they crowd out the private sector & then blame the private sector ...
@jenciTN he will eventually regret the err of his ways. . . ;-) #strikeoutmom
RT @WSJopinion After You, Mr. Ryan: The President says the deficit is the #GOP's problem now #news #p2 #teaparty #tcot
RT @WiredPig: RT @KATUMeghan 3 people take down an aggressive passenger on a trimet bus today can't wait to hear their story #TriMet
RT @TechZader: Does Hulu Have Too Many Ads?
RT @CFHeather 1 Day After Securing A Huge Deal W/ #China, #Boeing Lays Off 1000 US Workers #jobs #news #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @desertgardens American #missionary arrives in #TX after being shot in #Mexico, dies later #news #tcot
RT @lr3031: RT @Goolsby2012 Cause of Global Warming found: 100 yrs of liberal hot air! Cure: shut the liberals up! #tcot #tlot
RT @YahooFinance #Mom Jailed 4 Sending Kids to Better #School on @yahoonews #tlot #hhrs #Ohio #news #tcot #asamom #sgp
RT @TechZader: China's New Super-City Will Merge Nine Urban Centers into a Single, 16,000-Square-Mile Megatropolis ...
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Libs had 1/2 socialized medicine which led to many of our HC problems then blamed the private sector & demanded full ...
RT @MooseOfReason: Paul Ryan 1, #ObamaCare 0. #tcot #tlot #p2 #HCR #news
RT @chuckdevore: A liberal mindset: A land overrun by angry bulls and stinging insects. #tcot #p2
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Similarly, libs cause the public sector to metastasize in America, then blame private sector & push for more socialis ...
RT @kmita3 HJ 558 U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights; Subcommittee 2 Study Compliance of Federal Govt #tcot #news
Dr #DeathPanel Berwick renominated by Obama. via LevinShow #tcot #hcr #teaparty #news
RT @Twin66: School choice meeting with Dick Morris, invited teachers union representative to speak, instead of (cont)
RT @moonroach1: "We are living with a legacy of deficit spending that began almost a decade ago." - Eh, it actually began about 55 years ...
RT @stix1972: RT @ChrisRBarron: Fact: The gay Taliban is one greatest threats facing this country. #ROFLMAO
RT @FTR__Radio: Listen to Liberals leave voice message over at Freedomworks that don't show much " Love & Tolerance" ...
RT @kennethlang: Sometimes I think Obama just throws s**t against the proverbial wall 2 c what sticks; No, really "all the time" #teapar ...
RT @TUFFTV: NEW BLOG POST: Hardest Organic Material Ever Designed by Scientists.
RT @TUFFTV: NEW BLOG POST: World's Strongest Dog Pulls a Tractor
RT @slashdot: Ford Building Cars That Talk To Other Cars
I think all #progressives must have skipped the "round-peg~square-hole" lesson in kindergarten. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: Midnight Oil – Beds are Burning ♫
RT @Afterseven: No More iPod while walking or jogging.....Socialists will regulate how you stroll. #tcot #MuckTheFar ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: LOL! Malkin: Beltway Prom Night hangover: AFL-CIO and Chamber of Commerce now dating
@Smalltalkwitht @OReillyFactor That aint OReilly, Olbermann has picked-up shape-shifting while on involuntary sabbatical #tcot #ORLYisHIGH
RT @redTrends: GE has spent more than any other company on lobbying the Obama adminn: $65.7 million. No wonder Obama ... ...
RT @mpk33: HHS grants 500 new healthcare waivers #tcot
RT @RockinScottie: RT @nypost_hubbuch: Don't be fooled: #NFL dispute really a case of big-market owners vs. small-market owners over too ...
RT @ORlibertygal: RT @rsmccain: What would Nancy Grace do for a living if it wasn't for teenagers getting murdered? // Union lobbyist? #tcot
RT @CaptDreadlocke: Hey young lefty- A Sputnik moment is NOT something to be proud of.
@Jason_Pollock @jasonkneen @diskopo itd b a hoot ofa show if #DHS took #JerseyShore casts passports &wre givn a #TSA FullCavity 2get'em back
RT @jenciTN: @tahDeetz if u want 2 come over, i've got blueberry pancakes & gumbo to share! . . . both dishes do rawk! much obliged.
RT @SpaceyG: Live-stream of a Cairo street. They're still going at it! #news #tcot #mil #sot
@oreillyfactor is hi_MLK was republican_How big is the mallet BOR uses 4 an alarm clock? @Kasons4 @Halley5 #teaparty
RT @Jarjarbug Olbermann Replacement #YoungTurk Cenk Uygur Compares Beck 2 a Nazi_will Go After #FoxNews #tcot #fok #news
RT @kesgardner: RT @JimELiv: #CBO Baseline Shows Staggering Debt #tcot #news #teaparty #p2
RT @peakwriter: Drug catapult discovered on Mexico border - via @msnbc
RT @N_IdahoElection @mariahart19 #NewMexico HiCourt Overrules #TeaParty Governor Fighting Climate Law #news #tcot #agw
#Egypt is making use of it's #internet #killswitch 4 #twitter & #facebook. #tcot #tlot #p2 #teaparty
RT @commonpatriot: via @newsrealblog: The Right Side Of The Blogosphere’s Reaction To Obama’s State Of The Union Speech ...
RT @KevinWhitemanUS The #Liberal Call 4 "Strikes" & "Riots" #TCOT #tlot #sot #news #mil #TeaParty #hhrs #tbrs #Twisters
RT @BLK_JK_PERSHING @Jihadihunter How 2 Win The Future_Make JetPacks cheap & available #sotu #tcot #gop #teaparty I'd vote 2 get a JetPack
RT @amandacarpenter: Great. MT @KLSoltis: Girl on MTV True Life is compulsive shopper, spends tons of $ on clothes and...gets therapy pa ...
RT @ehvogel: Reagan/Palin Appreciation Month #tcot #teaparty #sarahpalin
RT @BLK_JK_PERSHING @Jihadihunter How 2 Win The Future_Make JetPacks cheap & available #tcot #sotu Id vote 2get a JetPack> workersonly #drat
RT @America1First: Sarah Palin and Obama Poll Numbers - Elect Sarah Palin ...
RT @CWJonesIII: RT @jslconsulting: "Al Sharpton is a Reverend like Colonel Sanders is a war hero."--Chris Rock #tcot #twisters /// LMAO!!
RT @FreeWeThePeople: RT! @pwilkinson1: Big thanks to all the junkies out there for making me feel like a criminal when I purchase cold m ...
is twitta in teh suk now?
RT @BigBucksCo: The Menace of Radical Islam and the Radical Left
RT @BrainTerminal: The Student Free Press Association tracks the return of the Obama-approved ROTC on campus #usa # ...
RT @gatewaypatriot: So the snow has forced a government shut down. You know who we can blame for this, Sarah Palin- Alert MSNBC: Palin s ...
Credit Where It's Due: @CNN Airs Bachmann Speech, @MSNBC Freaks #news #tcot #teaparty #sotu #p2
RT @jmattbarber: CBS poll: 92% approve of Obama's #SOTU proposals! Wow! Havnt seen numbers like that since Saddam's last election. http: ...

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From Twitter 01-25-2011

RT @Conservativeind: RT @djrekha: Muslims are a part of our american family #SOTU || Except the ones that want to kill us #tcot #sotu #p2
RT @Wodego: Did Biden work for Dunder Mifflin? #tcot #sotu #p2
I think Obama has taken a few thespian classes. . . notice his stressed inflections. . . #tcot #sotu #p2
RT @velvethammer: RT @TheLibertyTree Obama Calls for Sputnik Moment a Year After Cutting NASA |#sotu #tcot #p2
RT @jamiedupree: From the House floor, Rep Jeff Miller R-FL: "Want to simplify the tax code? How about the Fair Tax?"
RT @tnlawgirl Whoda thunk the #TeaParty would have gotten to respond to SOTU a year ago? woot to #tcot! #p2 #tcot
RT @velvethammer: obama #sotu: "we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels" Yay! Fuel vehicles by starving the world. Inovation! #tcot
I dont think the new #SOTU prom-date seating made for good optics for our #Chicago Jesus. #tcot #p2
RT @vadum: Frances Fox #Piven is a terrorist. In a less tolerant country she would be in prison. #tcot #sotu #p2
RT @Beregond: Bachmann tallies various stimuli & bailouts. Chart now for deficits under Bush vs deficits under Obama. #tcot #sotu #p2
RT @prfekrdumbrella: Luntz group hated teh SOTU because it was a bad speech and 44 has finally become truly transparent he is a bad POTU ...
Noboby is buying Barack's bullsh1t anymore. #tcot #sotu #p2
RT @Kalel194: RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals h8 the #Teaparty b/c they know how effective they have bn & will cont 2 B. #Twisters #tcot # ...
RT @Kalel194: RT @michellemalkin: Actions-speak-louder reminder: Michele Bachmann voted against TARP & bailout. Paul Ryan voted for them.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

From Twitter 01-24-2011

RT @vmpcott: Globalization Destruction: Piven Explains How Countries Like China Can Bring Revolutionary Transformation ...
RT @vmpcott: Frances Fox Piven, SEIU and Bertha Lewis Coordination in Their Own Words. Can NYT's Hear? #Tcot
RT @vmpcott: In response to NYT article Glenn Beck Targeting Francis Fox Piven Piven in her own words #Tcot
RT @vmpcott: | Center for Constitutional Rights another Soros funded group tries to silence Glenn Beck #Tcot
RT @vmpcott: The Truth About Unions #Tcot
RT @vmpcott: More #Obamacare waivers for SEIU #TCOT #sgp
RT @RhodesNews: @RichBusi He is superior in his skills at ACTING as our president than he is SERVING as our president. #nobama #obama #t ...
RT @ConserValidity: Obama purposely late with Dem's#1 Wealth Redistribution vehicle Fannie-Freddie Report WSJ ...
RT @GregWHoward: Hitler's first moves were to demonize opposition, take over healthcare, grab guns. Paying attention yet? #tcot #p2 #ocr ...
RT @survivalstation: The next generation of "Free Thinkers" // Over Two Million Children Are Now Homeschooled #tcot ...
RT @KillerChi: Rt @judicialabuse Gov. Christie dismantles a state affirmative action office Christie for President! ...
RT @stevesjc: RT @welshman007: We need to just go aheaed and drill--defy Obama and the EPA--after all, that's what he does with court or ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: CUT #TAXES: #Save $2.25 BILLION by eliminating #FCC funding for school Internet services. #waste #tcot #ocra #youcut ...
RT @FTR__Radio: Listen to Liberals leave voice messages over at Freedomworks that don't show much " Love & Tolerance" ...
RT @Herfarm: The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do..... #tcot #ocra #p2 #tweetcongr ...
RT @KimBrame: What the HELL? Russian Cruise Missiles on US Soil:Is a threat to ATLANTA RT #tcot
RT @lolornamarie: "You're stupid" does not = an intelligent argument. #tcot #p2
RT @tographer: RT @Heritage: Double double toil and trouble, regulatory costs are boiling over! Good Read, and we p ...
RT @jimgeraghty: People say Chicago's a liberal town, but I see those Bears fans burning Cutler's jersey with no thought of the carbon e ...
RT @danthebarbarian @gatewaypundit Hey #GOP ~We did not elect U 2 play kissy-kissy w/ socialists at #SOTU Address_Wise Up @Senate_GOPs #tcot
RT @FloridaJayhawk: Obama takes over GM. GM gets a black eye and the stigma of Government Motors. Thats like getting HIV. Now Obama doin ...
RT @USAHipster: Harry Reid LIES: the GOP wants to end Social Security and Medicare. WRONG. The Dems stripped $500m out of Medicare to ki ...
RT @Val @SPNfacebook The #Palin Revolution: The Day is Coming #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot #p2 #ofa #dnc #tlot
RT @MEEchelleO: Me & Barack are flying in AZ survivors for his speech. It'll be wonderful to have them as guaranteed applause. #cspj #tc ...
RT @debydoll: Suddenly Radical Frances Fox Piven Is Old “Widowed College Professor” Frances Fox Piven has a history of flame-throwing ht ...
RT @beccarter28: 3-D Food Printer Makes Edible Extrusions, Courtesy of Cornell and ...: Mad scientist/artist/all-around genius Da... htt ...
RT @SpeakerBoehner: .@WSJOpinion: “Obama's Rule-Making Loophole” – executive order may do little to curb red tape, protect jobs http://o ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @forbes: Gold Bugs Take Note: Facebook Credits Now “Universal Currency” @danbigmanforbes
RT @KansasWatchdog: Who's in charge of your school district? In Kansas the elected BOE may not be. De Soto and Haysville offer examples. ...
RT @JohnRGuardiano: Grover Norquist wants defense & cultural cons to be cannon fodder for the more powerful econ/libertarian cons http:/ ...
RT @SarahStormRpt: FORUM: #tcot #tlot Stunning Hypocrisy: Sharpton Bizarrely Rants Against... #teaparty #912 #tsot ...
RT @schoolchoicewk: #schoolchoicewk got a great mention in the @AJC! #gapolitics #tcot #gagop #ga #atlanta #edreform
#Newsweek, the 1 buck wonder, finally managed 2 top the f*kery that was the~We Are All Socialists Now~crap w/this week Assassins cover #tcot
RT @iKarith: Interesting. RT @JuanitaBerguson Liberals HATE him, RINOS hate him. Go here -
RT @CFHeather: RT @twin66: Radical Frances Fox Piven complains that she's had threats, after released that she cal ...
RT @BrentTeichman: RT @jingstri: Class. Shoot me. <--- Dial back on the rhetoric, please. #newtone
RT @EconomicMayhem: #FederalReserve Uses Accounting Gimmick to Hide Losses #news #tcot #teaparty #tlot #p2
RT @JRobertConley: Can't Stop Coughing? 8 Possible Reasons: via @addthis
RT @jjburdett Jeff Immelt has added 36,000 #jobs 2 #GE's worker roles_Too bad they are not in the US & now he is job czar #news #tcot #p2
RT @gerfingerpoken: @limbaugh Wal-Mart In Unions' Cross Hairs - Union thugs target private homes of opponents #teaparty
RT @jimgeraghty: Rahmbo leaves Obama's side, only to get tossed off the ballot. I can't wait to see what Olbermann says about this tonig ...
RT @bamabelle: CSPAN2 what a group of clowns! Conyers is lead buffoon. #senate_gops #tcot #ocra #tpp NULLIFY NOW
RT @x_1013_x: @iowahawkblog I really hope there's some kind of protection and contraception at that #SOTU key party, good Lord. #tcot #p2
Hey #GOP, who does Barney get to pat on the a$$ at the #sotu? #tcot #teaparty
RT @imsure STANLEY KURTZ: #Tucson, #Piven & the Left’s Strategic Blunder~The hope of silencing #Beck... #tcot #news #p2
RT @CO2HOG via @theblaze Stunning Hypocrisy_Sharpton Bizarrely Rants #Beck #Palin #TeaParty & Fox Trying 2~ #tcot
RT @N_IdahoElection @Jihadihunter: Robert Fibbs Lets Cat Out Bag: Obama Wants Your #Guns #sotu #news #tcot #rkba #p2
RT @infowarsstories: Mexican truckers may gain more access to Texas roadways, at cost to U.S. jobs: Texas Tribune | A proposal by the... ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: Marco #Rubio Disses The #TeaParty Caucus? #news #tcot #fl #flgop
RT @USAHipster: Chris Matthews is spewing #GlennBeck hate speech on Hard Ball. Guess he ran out of material on Sarah #Palin. Screw him #tcot
RT @rpetty: Worst Idea: Filming a Speeding Train Running Over You via @gizmodo
RT @clusterstock: Fresh Group Of Life Insurance Companies Sue Countrywide Alleging "Massive Fraud" In Mortgage Sales
RT @dailydanet: Thoughtless Democrats call for Obama to have Internet "Kill Switch." Maybe a "Nonviolent state reversal switch?' http:// ...
RT @nordicjack: Immelt creates 25000 jobs overseas, loses 38000 here; closes light bulb plants in USA, open new plants in Mexico and Chi ...
RT @Vision365: When I hear a black liberal saying an unborn baby "isnt a human",I think,not 2 long ago,didnt Racists say the same about ...
RT @LibertyLynx: @Dionysi_Dionou Well, it's very important 2 remember that many of the NWO conspiracies come straight from Russia & are ...
RT @anabeavenhouser: NASA now targeting children with "Climate Kids" website!! This is truly disturbing and compl ...
RT @jolene_blalock: #tcot Heh: Former Michigan Gov. Granholm to Teach Job Creation at UC Berkeley
RT @JoeWurzelbacher: According to Rasmussen, Right now "Romney" is the man.That tells me How screwed up the Republican party is. we need ...
RT @Pudingtane: @IngrahamAngle gargle salt water___gargle w/ Cepacol mouthwash & hydrogen-peroxide 3 to 1 or 1/2 & 1/2_gargle deep_cvr mouth
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #prolife Media Shocked to Discover That Ann Marie Buerkle Is Pro-Life
RT @cchangrl: Absolutely. RT @Vision365 "The sad part about this Dr. Butcher in Philadelphia is that they're more out there like him"
RT @CFHeather: RT @tanapseudes: SIGA Technologies is not small business and is ineligible 4 Govt contract for Smallpox vaccine http://b ...
RT @CO2HOG: Young Venezuelan’s Historic PGA Win Seen As Rebuke to Hugo Chavez’s Assault on Golf | #tcot
RT @brooksbayne: Young Communists Launch National ‘Red School-Bus Tour’ #tcot #tlot all enemies foreign *and* domestic.
RT @USAHipster: Jeff Immelt GE CEO = Outsources jobs to China and India + received $140B TARP $ + Sent Lightbulb manufacturing to China ...
RT @lizarddawg: "Zombie Corporation" A once free market corporation placed under the control of the Federal Government - Phil Kammer #tcot
RT @joemich: Whoa - Kevin Smith Buys His Own Film At Sundance, Swears Off Distributors, and Announces Details for Self-Distribution http ...
RT @markknoller: Only line from a past State of the Union that comes easily to mind is Pres Clinton in '96: "The era of big government i ...
RT @eurobird: RT @Wrench06: Obama is not a Moderate. compromise does not a moderate make! AlanColmes believes it #tcot #hhrs
RT @keder: Stephen Moore just laughed at a Congressman on MSNBC. I *LOVE* that guy.
RT @Politisite: State of the Union #2011 ‘Date Night’: The State of the Union has turned into a #Prom… #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Led Zeppelin – Stairway To Heaven, top guitar songs number 7 ♫
RT @MuslimAlert: Two Green Wave Leaders Hanged In Iran: From Asia News:Two political activists involved in the 2009 post-... http://bit. ...
RT @CNETNews W.T.F.?!? #GOP pushes 4 ISPs 2 record #UserData #tlot #tech #news #teaparty #tcot #hhrs #tbrs #ocra #sgp
RT @Winghunter: 3 yrs after you should've known better ifyou're still supporting Willard, here's your application for Darwin's Nominees ...
RT @CSTACTICAL: I uploaded a YouTube video -- SHOT Show 2011 - Insight Tech. - L3 Comm.
RT @Jarjarbug: RT @cybersly Remember Obama Pushing the Arms Treaty in Lame duck session? << LOOK what the Ru ...
The 10 Most Deranged #Newsweek Covers of All-Time~This Week's Entry Breaks Coveted Top 10 #news #tcot #p2 #tlot
Obama's #SOTU: If There's 1 Thing the Last 2 Years Showed Us_It's That We Know Better Than U_ #tcot #news #p2
Camera-Hound #Pelosi Back in the Day w/ Hawk & TaxCutter #JFK #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty #dnc
Map o' the Day: Matching U.S. States to Countries Based on GDP #tcot #teaparty #news #p2
Bears-Packers Civility: Best of Anti-Packers Photochops #newtone #nfl #tcot
#Illinois: Still Circling the Drain Despite Massive Tax Hikes #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
Radicals in Planning Stages of Massive / Militant US Protests #Piven #tcot #news #sot #mil #teaparty #p2 #tlot #hhrs
RT @Newswatcher89: Tea party wary of spending cut vows #tcot #p2 #news
RT @dncfail: Obama's 'Climate Change Czar' Resigns #tcot #tlot
RT @IAmSoSmart: Nine Texas Democrats Switch to the GOP #tcot #TeaParty #hhrs
RT @LHphotog: Judge sentences former B-2 stealth bomber engineer to 32 years for selling secrets to China - ...
RT @kmita3: Every state governor has allocated some U.S. state land to be inhabited by Chinese communists NOT subject to US LAW http://b ...
RT @cwpseattle: Authorities Fear Cops Being Targeted After at Least 11 Officers Shot in 24 Hours
RT @TechZader: NVIDIA's roadmap leaks, hinting at a 3D tablet
RT @redostoneage: Before banning 'crosshairs,' #CNN used it to refer to Palin, Bachmann #cbs #abc #p2 #dems #gop #tl ...
RT @CStevenTucker: The ONLY REASON Obama's MARXIST A** is 'moving towards center" is because the #TeaParty KICKED IT THAT WAY! #tcot #oc ...
RT @VRWCTexan: June 2009 WaPo > "How a Loophole Benefits GE in Bank Rescue" {Barry's buddy GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt} ...
RT @armoryblog: Johnny Cash + Tactical Coolness -
RT @armoryblog: The Walking Dead Zombie Targets -
RT @armoryblog: New blog post: Pulp Fiction Ezekiel 25:17 Gun Wallpaper ...
RT @armoryblog: New blog post: Predator drones hacked in Iraq by insurgents ...
RT @armoryblog: New blog post: Raytheon iPhone app tracks enemy combatants

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

From Twitter 01-22-2011

RT @therayban Tiny camcorder steals info from #ATM cards in #SanLuisObispo - #KSBY #News #ca #tcot #tech
RT @WeirdNewsReport: #

JoyBehar scuffles with TSA Agent over what she considered excessive handling of her Twinkies. #tc ...
RT @RedState: We Have Drawn a Line #TCOT #RS
RT @robints: Job-creating,economy-stimulating plan that will work- Drill, baby, Drill may regain popularity. #tcot
RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT Aaron Blake/Chris Cillizza: Mike Huckabee's mixed messages
RT @vermontaigne: RT @vtconservative1: Baby Doc was in Haiti 'trying to unlock Swiss bank accounts' (UK Telegraph)
RT @emmeffemm: What would liberal, anti-censorship comedians Lenny Bruce & George Carlin have made of the hysteria over "rhetoric?" #tlot
RT @Carolde: RT @Eggoverlight: One less hate munger to peddle the trash and make the hash while continuing to bash this country!
RT @beesnguns: Chinese public kept in the dark on Hu Jintao's human rights admission #tcot
RT @NWOBlog Big Sis launches #DHS takeover of hotels, malls & sports stadiums. #news #tcot #teaparty #tlot #mil #sot
RT @island_adv: The Governments Tax Fraud
RT @buszero @MR_PUNJABI Feisty Govrnor Nikki Haley Tells #Unions 2~Bring It ... think a #Sikh POTUS from #SC. #sgp #tcot
RT @gpollowitz: Missing the point WSJ: Low Alcohol Cocktails
RT @beesnguns: No matter how you look at it, it is slave labor #tcot #cuba #news #marxism #hcr #p2
RT @Mirac777 @slingbrush If we waterboarded a few in Congress_maybe we'd get some truth outa the Tyrants! ~bring back Tar-N-Feathers___srsly
RT @Newswatcher89: Washington Post Leads Palin Boycott #tcot #p2 #news
RT @unitedweremain: Antidote to Government’s Education Monopoly: Americans are beginning to understand that the government-run... http:/ ...
RT @JammieWF: Hammer and Sickle Flag at Half Staff Outside Media Matters HQ Following Olbermann Departure @mmfa @Er ...
RT @nanningsteve: BBC News - John Mohammed Butt: The hippy who became an imam
RT @Mcbeardie: Oh Chris Christie, you should have known appointing a single Muslim would destroy your career among the freedom-loving co ...
RT @ericinva: #Palin to be prosecuted for inciting violence if she visits Australia, or something. #news #tcot #p2 #tsot
RT @elocio: Metallica - Fade To Black ♫
RT @Duh_Progressive: In the 80s Joan Rivers was "hilarious" on the Muppets. Strangely, after all that plastic, she now looks like a mup ...
RT @jennisahottie: Obamas speech writers have major job with SOUA. Even Pollyanna can't spin his performance. #tcot #p2
RT @tricia1914: Chris Christie nominates Sohail Mohammed one of the trustees of the American Muslim Union which has close ties to ICP - ...
RT @tricia1914 Chris Christie's #NJ HiCourt Nominee cc: @creepingsharia #tcot #news #teaparty #mil #sot #NJgov #gop #sgp
happy they did it quik 2 Olbermann _ #Comcast saved the world from untold days of a dime-store Hamlet's rectally inverted soliloquies #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Nirvana – Come As You Are ♫
RT @andylevy: Joe Scarborough. RT @RichLowry: who now will there be to lecture us angrily and hatefully abt the need for civility? #tcot
RT @teacherspets: RT @JiangxiDad: Truth is stranger than fiction: CNN discovers link between Arab language translators and homosexuality ...
RT @GuitarHero1965: Americans are beginning to understand that the government-run assembly-line education system is not working. http:// ...
RT @Zener39: RT @ftwTexas Arlington school board cool to idea of armed teachers: Two NRA members proposed letting teachers..... http ...
RT @Coondawg68: November: Beck Predicts NBC-Comcast Merger Will Mean No Olbermann on MSNBC #tcot
RT @HDForums: Edge Cut Collection on Fatboy Lo: Let me start out by saying what a wonderful and thoughtful wife I have. For m... http:/ ...
RT @LisaGraas: Hey, Let's Blame Conservatives for Another Mass Murder via @CMReport
RT @commr51: @prismsinc Christie is best thing to happen to NJ in a long time, even if he has 1 or 2 RINO genes - RINOs have not taken ...
RT @larry_kudlow #GOP state bankruptcy bill would stop pension & health benefit bailouts. It would also break Govt #union power. Wow. #tcot
RT @ByronYork: …all because of federal subsidies and mandates. Tim Carney will tell you more.
RT @velvethammer: Obama centrist? Ha! Sure, as soon as satan hands out Slurpees in hell. Don't allow urself 2b bamboozled & hoodwinked. ...
RT @DavidLimbaugh: maddening “@ByronYork: from the WSJ: Nearly 40% of US corn goes to ethanol, even as world food demand and prices rise ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Erick Erickson Mocks Olbermann's Departure On Twitter, Then Asked To Comment On CNN #tcot #p2 #news
RT @iowahawkblog: #NewOlbermannJobs the outspoken progressive conscience of the 42nd St. Applebee's lunch shift kitchen staff
RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: Editorial: Why Does The U.S. Still Give China Aid? - IBD Editorial -
@NWOBlog frikkin #ethanol lobby dont wanna hear that the govt subsidized demand of #corn used4 #gas,affects global #food #commodities. #tcot
RT @Newswatcher89: NFL Playoffs: New York Jets defensive backs riled up over Pittsburgh Steelers' Hines Ward #news # ...
RT @AUG_Chronicle: Analysis: Deal takes the reins with a firm grasp
RT @VoteSmartToday US Dept of #Agriculture routinely pays #farmers BILLIONS of $$ NOT 2 farm their land! #BLM #tcot #news Stop the madness!
RT @wiskey1249: Idaho Set to Nullify Obama's Health Care Law
@ceolas but then again, maybe the Comcast CEO just thought Olbermann was a basic snot-bubble. . .
RT @FloridaJayhawk: The financial meltdown was caused by PROGRESSIVE BANKERS - Goldman, JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Merrill & ...
RT @CO2HOG: #Wyoming constitutional amendment introduced outlawing #Sharia #tcot #news #mil #sot #teaparty
RT @The_Q_is: RT @tjholthaus: Does Olbermann Ouster Mean Comcast is Moving MSNBC to the Right?: ...
RT @ConservativeLA: Unlike Left, I'm content to let opposition rant & rave--because in marketplace of ideas, we win. On one level I'm so ...
RT @sanuzis: Ruffini: 10 Congressional Social Media Myths #tcot #teaparty
RT @apackof2: RT @24thstate: Since Left is promising Palin Free month, Right should blow up coverage with positive press.....Sounds like ...
RT @OneVeritas: RT @NatalieDuvalNY: The Olbermann Conspiracy: Evil forces to take control of NBC
RT @imsure: Written in cursive! RT @texasps LOL n archives written down> Rush Weighs in on Hawaii’s Obama Birth Certificate Search ht ...
RT @fbraswell: If you make a football bet, don't ever bet food with a Southerner! @ASouthernYankee
RT @LaurieT333: Bill Maher Rages Over Olbermann’s Exit: “F**k Them If They Don’t Get a Joke” (Video): Liberal ho... ...
RT @TechZader: Google, content farms and one slippery slope
RT @Newswatcher89: Eric Hobsbawm, the “Crisis of Capitalism” and the Bloody Cult of Marxism #tcot #p2 #news
RT @sanuzis: #Michigan #GOP leader Anuzis considers 2012 run against Stabenow #tcot #teaparty #migop
RT @wiskey1249: Media misleads public on birthright citizenship
RT @CynthiaY29 #Obama promises to ‘unlock’ America’s productivity | Raw Story #news #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty #jobs
RT @wikileaks: Authoritarian governments have immensely benefited from the web. We agree:
RT @GregWHoward: @Rxrthepoet And that's what bothers me the most. I'm just a private citizen being publicly lynched day after day by the ...
RT @Daggy1: It isn't too hard to figure out folks. We're missing 15 million manufacturing jobs. Unions, eco-terror groups & our weak gov ...
RT @Coondawg68: AGW supporters say Freezing Winters In Europe Could Be The Norm for Decades...Blame the Sun? #tcot #p2
RT @JosephAGallant: Sen. Jim DeMint tells NRO that the states will be left to clean up their own messes. NRO: #TCOT ...
RT @mite72: Poll: Americans Firm in Second Amendment Support Despite Tucson
RT @theIsh Long term desperation & tactical confusion! RT @allahpundit #NewTone! #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tbrs
RT @TechZader: Weekend Links: How the British Speak American
RT @checktothepower: READ THIS;Obama Campaign tied to the attack on Sarah Palin and the shooting in AZ. John Podesta and Legacy Media ht ...
RT @OneCrankyFemale: RT @angrycalifornia: Pro-union Harper's Publisher Changes Tune as His Employees Unionize. Ahhh ...
RT @TCTaxTeaParty: The #Bible doesn't advocate gov steeling from some 2 give 2 others. It promotes personal responsibility & private cha ...
RT @SPtrades #Internet Surpasses Television as Main #News Source for Young Adults [STUDY] #tcot #teaparty #tlot
RT @Warof2010: Minnesota Chipotle restaurants fire hundreds of illegals, draws protest TELL CHIPOTLE TO E-VERIFY ht ...
RT @southernmax Federal Govt Teaching #Farmers 2 Participate in Carbon Markets that Dont Exist Yet #tcot #tlot #news
RT @LisaGraas: Australia: "Say No to Burqas" mural artist defies Leftist and Islamic supremacist death threats,... ...
RT @LisaGraas: Minneapolis: Muslim policeman charged with felony assault, terroristic threats for beating,... via @ ...
RT @Warof2010: TELL #CHIPOTLE TO E-VERIFY ALL EMPLOYEES NATIONWIDE #tcot #teaparty #twisters #sb1070 #news
RT @ElianaBenador: US-INTEL: New Chinese J-20 stealth aircraft And The Russian Connection - #Benador #jcot #M ...
RT @Sky_Bluez: listening to "Life of Brian - Bright Side of Life" ♫
RT @NathanWurtzel: Yes, it's a...trap:
RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: Terror cells suspected in #Canada | #CalgarySun #mil #sot #news #tcot
RT @imwindowman: Patriot Act #GOP Up For Renewal, #DEM Nobody Notices: Distraction works wonders. http://imwindowma ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @InfoWars: Who Needs Search Warrants? Just Follow Your Nose! #tcot
RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @ThePowersThatBe: State of the Union/Congressional Prom Night 2011 Seat Buddies Update #tcot
RT @PresidentSuit: Jaws flapping all over the blogosphere as Roger Ebert takes it on the chin for alleged abuses at Facebook, http://tin ...
RT @island_adv Despite massive subsidies, #ChevyVolt sales not exactly expecting to be large #news #tcot #p2 #jobs
RT @afeagle1: RT @natalieduvalNY: A Month After START Signed Russia Renews Opposition 2 Unilateral Sanctions on Iran ...
RT @wikileaks: #Palin & other US politicians to be prosecuted for incitement ~heh #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @anthropocon @MelissaTweets Heh. Passive aggressive journalism. #WaPo has managed to show their obsession w/ #Palin by NOT covering Palin
RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @ByronYork: Read this from the WSJ: Nearly 40% of US corn goes to ethanol, even as world food demand and prices rise ...
RT @LJZumpano: With thanks to Milbank, it's ALL PALIN FEBRUARY RE via @nativevoice
RT @CO2HOG: via @hotairblog: NEA Gave More Than $13 Million to Advocacy Groups #tcot
RT @ExJon: Definition of insanity. RT @allahpundit Looks like the rumors of O pushing budgetary discipline in the SOTU are false http:// ...
RT @jolene_blalock: #tcot State of the Union/Congressional Prom Night 2011 Seat Buddies Update
RT @JohnThune2012: Tone deaf -> WSJ: "Obama to Push New Spending in State of the Union" #tcot #sgp

Tweets copied by

Friday, January 21, 2011

From Twitter 01-21-2011

RT @Didkaty Children of #Muslim who beheaded wife describe father as abusive/violent~video #news #tcot #sgp #p2 #sot
RT @slasher76: I love @MicheleBachmann i think her 'targeted' rhetoric is 'dead' on #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @brooksbayne: Krauthammer Attacks Media's 'Bogus' Call for Civility: Where Were They When Bush was Being Called Hitler? ...
RT @EternalRiteWing: Tell Congress, "I'm Holding Your Feet to the Fire!" Show your Support of Rep. Issa’s Investigations ...
RT @JamieWalker725: President Pookie is living proof that eventually BS doesn't cut it. #tcot #wcot #GOP #sgp #p2
#TCOT & #TEAPARTY ~ The Daily Antidote for #Obama's Government Opiate du jour. #p2 #gop #dnc #ofa
If #LeftWing #JournOlists want TV ratings equal2 #FoxNews, either give #Fox conservative competition or have all Libs work at 1network #tcot
RT @Newswatcher89: Dopey Hawaii governor figures out new way to tease Birthers #tcot #p2 #news
RT @redostoneage: Only The Cronies Can Play Green millionaires, & other gov creations #cnn #pbs #p2 #dems #gop #tcot ...
RT @silverluddite: Gold standard now supported by Alan Greenspan the person who help destroy USD:
RT @CDNnow Progressive's new target? #Steak #tcot #teaparty #912 #ocra #cspj #sgp #p2 #tlot #dems #tpp #beef #news
RT @slightstrider: Most liberals/socialists/progressives/marxists/Dems are closer to #10PillarsofCommunism then to the #USConst & #Billo ...
RT Jack's back?!? . . . @America1First: Is the #24 Movie Back On? #tcot #teaparty #mil #sot
RT @IAmSoSmart: Atlas Shrugged Movie via @_AtlasShrugged
RT @CaroleODell Im not going 2 #CPAC11 because I can't afford to leave my driveway, but I'm attending #fauxPAC (there will be cookies) #tcot
RT @betseyross: Lookout black Americans!! HuffPo’s newest section targets YOU #tcot #Soros_Funded #sgp #teaparty @ ...
RT @KevDough @secupp dude, the legs were stellar last night. Also, good job w/ the ombudsing, but damn. . . . mmmm . . . booooootsss #redeye
RT @chuck_dizzle: Interesting how things change. Last year it was gay *not* to go to #CPAC. #tcot #cpac11
RT @ChrisRBarron @Chris_Moody theyll all be beggng 4 tickets 2 the GOProud-Breitbart party~the hardest ticket 2get in DC_Obama will crash it
RT @proctorshow: Good news! Union membership sinks #AFSCME #SEIU #p2 #topprog #TCOT #PATCOT #Philadelphia #TeaParty ...
RT @pepper_10 @Zener39 @_GoldMarket #China #Silver Demand Quadruples in 1 Year ~A Lesson 4 the West? #tcot #news #ocra
RT @velvethammer: "The left wants us to be civil -- after being so uncivil for a decade. Bite me." #DITTO! #tcot #te ...
RT @OneVeritas: RT @foxnewspolitics: RFK's Daughter: Assault Weapons Ban Would've Complicated Arizona Shooter's Efforts
RT @CDNnow: RT @GregWHoward: IMF Boosts Credit Line for Poland to $30 Billion Cue The Doors "This Is The End" #tco ...
RT @martinavila Romney staying far away from the #TeaParty, probably a good idea #tcot #news #gop #tbrs #hhrs
RT @THESHARKTANK1 @CDNnow #Rubio on Islamic Militant Threat & Afghan visit (VIDEO) #news #tcot #mil #sot #teaparty #p2
RT @Afterseven: Uh Oh- Rand Paul being mentored by Al Franken "Hitting it Off" #tcot
RT @anna12061: If Sarah Palin is Snooki, Does this Make President Obama the Situation?
RT @prismsinc: I'll buy a loud motorcycle, get tatooed & join a biker gang before I buy a #Volt or a #Prius - f*** you #Obama !!! #tcot ...
Government, by definition, is waste, fraud & abuse, perpetually nudging us into feudalism, again. The #2nd is the last bulwark #tcot #p2
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @KatyinIndy: Obama admin approves GENBCCOMCAST merger & makes CEO Immelt part of Admin in same week! http://twurl.n ...
RT @tjholthaus: RT @foxheadlines: US: Gun permit revoked for man who denounced MLK...
RT @Drudge_Report: Ruh Roh. . . Joan Rivers calls Michelle Obama 'Blackie O'... #tcot #news #p2
RT @lonelycon #tcot #Kolejka - #Polish Version of #Monopoly Teaches the Struggles Under #Communism #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin Will Reportedly Speak in the San Joaquin Valley on May 1st/More On Her February 17th... ...
RT @STU_GBP Guess where Jared Loughner's favorite conspiracy movie is being shown? #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Afterseven New #Palin Comic Book from #Steampunk Comix_Libturds goin Bonkers!! #tcot #news #teaparty #p2 #tsot
RT @Amusing_Bunni: Barking Spider: Pat Condell: American Islamophobia via @BrkngSpider
RT @iowahawkblog What's a more ridiculous idea: #Palin working in academia, or #Obama working anywhere but academia? ~heh #tcot #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: Guns N' Roses – You Could Be Mine ♫
RT @pinnie99 @KatyinIndy #Obama Reinvents Himself as #ProBiz 2 Save HIS Job~NOT YOURS #tcot #news #p2 #ObamaTaqqiya
RT @Badoracle: @Brannon_14 Service-specific field blades - made to order and personalized - at ... we make gear for ...
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Twinkie inks deal with #JoyBehar as the official snack cake of #theview #tcot #p2 #gop
RT @eurobird: RT @Wrench06: @eurobird Left caught flat-footed by rebuke of liberal policies. Internet and talk radio exposed them #hhrs ...
RT @deltaforcetweet: #gunshow First gun show of year begins Saturday: BY JON VANDERLAAN Vendors and traders began setting up for the ... ...
RT @BlondHousewife: Hillary Clinton morphing into Emperor Palpatine. 70 percent complete.
RT @ITStactical: Small Arms Collimator. Zero your weapon in seconds w/no live fire. #SHOTshow ^MP http://twitp ...
RT @ITStactical: Kel-Tec RFB. Bull pup 7.62 w/interesting forward eject. #SHOTshow ^MP
RT @ITStactical: Dog mounted camera?! Wha!? And you watch the live feed on your wrist! #SHOTshow ^MP http://tw ...
RT @ITStactical: Cool night vision gear from TNVC #SHOTshow ^MP
RT @VAman49: Palin ties Romney in cash?
RT @ChrisRBarron: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Why would Giuliani say he's more likely to run for Prez if Palin does? He wants to be her VP ;) htt ...
RT @jamiedupree: Just got an email from #NBC saying "#MSNBC and #KeithOlbermann have ended their contract" #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @irishspy: Olbermann leaving related to NBC/Comcast merger? #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @LJZumpano: @HeyTammyBruce It's gonna be like Sadie Hawkins day when Gov Palin gets to pick a VP partner, mayB she'll find a black s ...
RT @Ufoblog: USDA, Not UFO's Or Antichrist To Blame For Dead Birds In South Dakota - Student Operated Press
The unexpected nature of the #Olbermann #news, smacks of an OuttaDaBlue_GangLand MobHit_meta4ically speaking of course #tcot #p2 #nbc #msnbc
RT @Mr_Fastbucks 3 semi-drunk #cougars in the booth next 2 me are planning their takeover of Vegas. Duuude... Low. Hangin. Fruit. ...Ripe 2.
Watch Out! _ Dan Rather has forged a #Palin 2010 election map that shows SP using crosshairs 2target #Olbermann's job #tcot #msnbc #p2 #tlot
Organ-Donor for George Soros. #NewOlbermannJobs #tcot #p2 #msnbc
RT @irishspy: RT @NathanWurtzel: I'll admit I did not give Sarah Palin enough credit. I had no idea she has this kind of clout.
RT @jjmnolte: Did Olbermann violate the NEW TONE? Said something that could be construed as violent not aimed at Sarah Palin?
RT @Carolde: RT @Politisite: On Jan 20th @KeithOlbermann had 1.1 M, Mathews 700K, Ed Show 760K, @maddow 976K, L. ODONNELL 855K http://ti ...
#NewOlbermannJobs __ Subbing 4 @PinchiePinch on #RedEye whenever Pinch lays out 2 scratch his summer-long, Fire-Island itch #tcot #p2 #msnbc
Udder Fluffer ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
Hugo Chavez's Food-Taster ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
RT @Duh_Progressive: OPINION: “Only Way 4 Civility Is...Roast Sarah Palin Alive and Damn Her To the Eternal Hell In Which She Belongs” h ...
#WikiLeaks PR Hack ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
RT @irishspy: RT @Slublog: Game over, Keef!
ALL YOUR WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD BELONG TO US!!! #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
RT @Jarjarbug: Palin's houseboy! #NewOlbermannJobs
RT @TexClassicalLib: Soros' footstool

RT @TN_SmartGirl: Please, not Romney...
RT @pir8gold: Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms should be a convenience store, not a government agency #tcot
RT @TexClassicalLib: “@ConservativeGal: Who writes 2 books about themselves before they’ve done anything? #tcot #p2”
Uh..Snooky? ...Mega ...
@Mr_Fastbucks I commend your restraint. . .
Spokesman for MTV's 'Skins' ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
Soup-Nazi ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc
#TwObot ... #NewOlbermannJobs ... #tcot #p2 #msnbc #redeye

Tweets copied by

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From Twitter 01-19-2011

RT @RNC: Nearly 2/3 Of #Doctors Fear #HCR Could Worsen Care 4 Patients #tcot #gop #news #aarp #p2 #ObamaCare
RT @chicostien: RT @Doc_0 New @HumanEvents: The #Abortion Murders.|||God help us! #news #tcot #p2
RT @seanhannity: Sean's Exclusive Sarah Palin Interview:
Nine days after the tragic shooting that killed six and wounded thirtee... htt ...
Et tu 'DICK' Cheney. . . #tcot #teaparty #rkba #goa #nra
RT @NRANews: Cam and Company is live from #SHOTShow in Las Vegas at 3PM/ET and Ted Nugent will be live on set at 3:30PM/ET -
RT @LaurieT333: Abortionist faces eight counts of murder in Philadelphia: Ghastly.
This may be as ghastly a stor... ...
RT @bobbycrumpley: Retracto? RT @allahpundit: Definition of a slow news day: John Stossel bringing an alpaca into his interview with Meg ...
RT @belvdere: Will Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz & Rachel Maddow start getting their resumes in order after Comcast takes ...
RT @grivno: China’s J-20 Fighter: Stealthy or Just Stealthy-Looking? Posing #TeaParty #p2 #ocra
RT @irishspy: RT @BOTeleprompter: Big Guy was tough with Chi-Coms: told them he wouldn't give them iPod full of his speeches due to copy ...
RT @UntilimInCharge: #OBAMACARE: SURVEY OF 2,900 MDS.. 65% believe #HC will be worse! #tcot #p2 #sgp #ocra #gop #tl ...
RT @C4Palin: David Harsanyi | #Obama Isn’t Fooling Anyone #tcot #palin #p2 #ofa #dnc #news #p21 #px
@SnakePAC his asinine comment on limiting magazine sizes.
Looks like our President has misplaced his pedigree. . . doph . . . #tcot #teaparty #p2
@SnakePAC The deal will be written only 2 enhance govt/#fcc power down the road. . . #sweeteners 4 @comcast
RT @LDG22381: Is the Left going to politicize EVERY shooting in the U.S. from now on? I haven't heard a peep about Gardena High shooting ...
@LDG22381 They are taking a bit more time to formulate their response, that cant afford to look like asses, again. #tcot #p2
@SnakePAC its actually kinda hypocritical on Cheney's part since he is a Class 3 owner
#TheBlaze has a Cheaper Than Dirt banner . . . heh. . . #tcot #teaparty
RT @Daggy1: Chinese manufacturers pollute more than do Americans but eco-freaks are OK with that cause its not within sight.
@Daggy1 @Troy_Lake "its not within sight." expect for that big brown cloud that's floating across the Pacific ocean from China to the U.S.
Soooo. . . the #iPad is a bit 'leaky' ?!?
RT @astroterf: Herman Cain: Blacks Finally Hearing Truth on #GOP #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
@JasonMunich was it only ATT customers? #iPad
So much more the #Tunisian tourist industry. #Tunisia #tcot
RT @AndyWendt: RT @lizarddawg: The militia is the dread of tyrants and the guard of freemen. - Gov. R. Lucas
RT @TonyPhyrillas - Opinion: Sen. Pat Toomey: How to Freeze the Debt Ceiling Without Risking Default #tcot #news
RT @jeaneeinabottle: So we're going to have to pay for Mexican TV thru the FCC? And computers and internet?? With our tax dollars and ra ...
RT @AlanColmes: #Conservatives Applaud Ricky Gervais For Going After “#Hollywood Elites” #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @littlebytesnews: #faves #lbnews #tcot littlebytesnews: #breaking #news Penn Station Being Evacuated Due to Suspicious Package... htt ...
RT @LenaSiberian: Repeal of #ObamaCare in the Senate - How To Do It | RedState #tcot #teaparty #hcr #news via @redstate
RT @imsure: RT @SpeakerBoehner RT @resurgentrep: New Poll: Independents Remain Steady in Support for Repeal of Obamacare ...
RT @JasonBWhitman: @rightinillinois Good point, you mean translating BS into Chinese as opposed to English. .. Just imagine those characters
RT @timeboat 1 More Farmer Implicates Rep #SanfordBishop (D-#GA) n #PigfordFraud CoverUp @darrellIssa #tcot #GApolitics
@JasonMunich makes sense
RT @JasonMunich: @tahDeetz That's actually a really interesting exploit. (Note the date) June 14 2010 ...
RT @lilleth71: RT @HeartlandInst Dem VA legislators r trying to block access 2 information on govt-funded global warming studies http:// ...
RT @glennbeck: Check out Glenn's reaction to his "Today Show" interview WG #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @KateNix927: @Heritage on how #Obamacare Individual Mandate violates personal liberty and federalism: The soluti ...
RT @fredthompson: CNN's John King apologizes for guest saying "in the crosshairs". Relax. Just figure of speech. Like calling CNN a "new ...
RT @LHphotog: Backpack bomb found at MLK event rattles #Spokane - #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @lizbuddie @michellemalkin: Civility Watch: Nazis & crosshairs & killers, oh my! | #tcot #tlot #p2 #news #NewTone
RT @CO2HOG E-mails Containing Malware Sent 2 Businesses Concerning Their Online Job Postings #tcot #tech #news
RT @JohnTagliaferro: #ObamaCare repeal aka "roll back the Marxists" vote scheduled for 5PM EST #tcdot #tlot #teaparty #twisters #news #p2
@rightinillinois It could make 4 a funny SNL skit w/ Hu's (on 1st) teleprompter
RT @tjholthaus: Marsha Blackburn declares war: Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, has put out a two pronged announcement... http ...
RT @Afterseven: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate Doh! #tcot
RT @Afterseven Hawaii govnr cant find Obama birth certificate Doh! #tcot 1 well-written state law can sink Obama in '12
@rightinillinois It could be 'our' next teleprompter that even Obama aint got yet. . . thanx to #GE
RT @RayBeckerman: Chamber President Tells Congress To ‘Starve To Death Financially’ New Consumer Protection Bureau ~ @wonkroom http://bi ...
RT @onespot: Plastic Logic Is Raising $700 Million To Open A New Factory In Russia: Plastic Logic is raising $700 million to ... http:// ...
RT @lizbuddie: #Houston: u ppl who continually re-elect SheilaJacksonLee are the biggest embarrassment in the history of #Texas.
RT @HoosierHomemade: Any snow skiers out there? How about these #cupcakes for your next downhill outing?
RT @Palin_MMXII: #Obamacare & the Employer Mandate: Cutting #Jobs & Wages #news #tcot #hcr #teaparty #p2
RT @TheNewsBlotter: AP-US: #LA school officer shot near #SanFernando #school #news #tcot #California
RT @safeshooter Court Declares #California “Handgun #Ammo” Registration Unconstitutional via @NSSFComm #tcot #guns #news
RT @zerohedge: ...Hu is wearing a gorgeous made in Hong Kong suit, while Barack is wearing an even more magnificent made in Hong Kong suit
The Comcast deal just covered part of Obama's stash obligations. . .
RT @zerohedge: African Food Riots Spread To Persian Gulf As Oman Is Next; Adverse Implications For Oil Prices?
RT @Fogdood: Dems give 'the will of the people' a lot of lip service but when it gets down 2 it they hold the people in disdain & contempt.
#SheliaJacksonLee compares auto ins requirements to health ins reqs. . . what an insipid moonbat. Nice job, #Texas. #tcot #p2 #hcr
RT @StartupReport: Need to say something to the #startup community?
RT @ExecuSearch: Social Media Tips for Job Seekers: #Jobs #CareerAdvice #Networking
RT @GregWHoward: @pdigaudio Yeah don't get me started on our side cowering. Too many paper patriots. And I'm going to stop right there.
RT @MelissaTweets: California test run on #CFL bulbs tanks; savings disappoint #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @CCSL_States: Wisconsin liberals face decade of powerlessness via GOP-led redistricting. See (#RGA #NRA #pro ...
RT @redostoneage: "Pure, monstrous evil that was ignored for decades by state regulators" #pbs #cnn #dems #go ...
RT @brooksbayne: socialism: "a stage of society in marxist theory transitional between capitalism & communism" #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @New_federalists: 5,200 Pentagon Employees Caught Buying Child Porn #GOP #democrat You SOB's better deal w ...
RT @pinkelephantpun: Sheila Jackson Lee is all kinds of crazypants. #tcot #texas
RT @NathanWurtzel #Salon claims #FOXNews cancels Joan Rivers appearance because she told a #Palin joke #tcot #news
RT @CO2HOG: SHS: Global Warming Hysteria: Did Dire Predictions of Drought Lead Aussie’s Not to Prepare for Flood? #tcot
RT @BrkingPolitics: #TeaParty freshman invokes 'chains of #ObamaCare' via #tcot #news #hcr
RT @elocio: rb @happy2b - Joan Jett – Crimson And Clover ♫
RT @greaterscot: George Jonas: Disarming the harmless doesn't reduce crime, it reduces freedom #cdnpoli #politics # ...
RT @stacyhyatt: @rollcall Remember: Sen Bernie #Sanders: mastermind & founder of the #Congressional #Progressive Caucus & a self-describ ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: How can Obama screw his liberals anymore. Obama has done all the Bush policies the same. What's left.? @cspanwj #cspj # ...
RT @GregWHoward: The way I see it, IF YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE, YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO PAY YOUR OWN HEALTH INSURANCE #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 ...
RT @ITStactical: Crye MagClip Overview #SHOTshow ^MP
RT @HiramHawk: #Obama 2 fly R flag under & beside the ChiCom Flag lk a satellite nation #tcot #news #teaparty #gop ...
RT @mpk33: POLITICO: Harry Reid calls Chinese leader Hu Jintao a 'dictator' (and just before dinner!) #tcot
RT @ResistTyranny: More evidence that Rep Fred Upton (RINO-MI) was a dimbulb 4 banning incandescent light bulbs #ocra #tcot #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: Ship jobs out of US leaving people uninsured, engineer power grab to insure the uninsured. Got it. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp ...
RT @MissingMimi: RT @janetney: i believe that we should do unto others as they have done to the unborn...especially that monster in philly
RT @divadoll123: Ed Secretary: States ‘Dummied Down’ Standards Because It ‘Was Good For Politicians’ Seeking Re-election | h ...
RT @mrjc1: that laser beam focus on #jobs is really doing the trick, isn't it? #tcot #p2
RT @rsmccain: @StevenErtelt @TheHermanCain -> Abortion Is (Still) Murder
RT @PJTV: Poliwood - “True Grit” and the Genre That Blazed a Trail Through Cinema #tcot
RT @RWBEagle: Stop making so much sense RT @pdigaudio @GregWHoward Why don't they get rid of all the job killing policies so ppl can get ...
RT @JoeKenHa: "Health care should not be a political game." Remember when Democrats played all sorts of games to pass this bucket of cra ...
#Twitter is perfect for my political ADD. #tcot #teaparty
RT @thebighoot: If #DEMs want a debat on the #HCR Read every page on the floor, debate it page by page!! #Obamacare ...
RT @912Cyounger: RT @bobbi85710: Figures. Democrats Move to Block Investigation of Manipulated Global Warming Junk Science Data http://o ...
RT @lizbuddie: *facepalm* RT @keder: Breaking: it's painful to know just how much stupid exists in our politics: #t ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Liberals portray income #inequality but intentionally conceal income #mobility (which is always proportional to ind ...
RT @keder: I was tired, but the appalling lack of knowledge and civility on the other side of the political aisle woke me right up. #tcot
Hey #MichealMoore, I own #guns because #marxists are still having sex. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @proctorshow: Philly is missing $53 million dollars #TCOT #PATCOT #TLOT #Philadelphia #TeaParty #912project #top ...
Gun control debate bumps US #gun sales 5%; #FBI report~VID #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #goa #rkba #nra
RT @newberryknives: My new chopper vs. a gingerbread house:

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