Monday, January 17, 2011

From Twitter 01-17-2011

RT @SissyWillis: @seanhackbarth Can never get enough House, myself. Ima #Dexter & #BreakingBad fiend muhself.
RT @LibertyLynx: Oh yay! China to fund 23 major projects in Venezuela!! Coincidence that it was announced today? I don't think so.... O ...
RT @stangrev #PAKISTAN: Where they stone newborn babies 2 death~Bare Naked #Islam #news #tcot #mil #sot #sgp #p2
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot Fox Panel Takes On Moulitsas, Alter, Krugman, For... #912 #teaparty #tcot #pal ...
RT @TheRealMirCat: @Jihadihunter Raising the debt ceiling is the same as giving another of your credit cards to a gold digger. Only w/o ...
RT @kxly4news: Authorities holding briefing in next few minutes to talk about cordon in downtown #Spokane due to suspicious backpack / d ...
RT @FloppingAces: J Eric Fuller is getting a psych exam. Why didn’t Jared Loughner get one? #tcot #rightnetwork #news
RT @Kalel194: Cradle-to-grave health insurance burying the UK #hcr #news #tcot
RT @grhines George Will: Americans sadly lack self-control #tcot #gop #teaparty Hey George_get ur myopic ass outta DC
RT @seanhackbarth: @tahDeetz Wrong kinda house. @SissyWillis . . . doph
RT @ExpeditionOK: Wonders why wannabe Rap Stars like to follow me? I can't offer them any advice except maybe to vote against Obama nex ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Saving Abel – Addicted ♫
RT @SissyWillis: @seanhackbarth lol. Who knew? @tahDeetz I like to EFF wi da bell-curve. #outlier.
RT @pjcomix: Forget #gas prices --- Focus on #Palin #tcot #jobs #economy #inflation #news #p2 #tsot
RT @toddstarnes: Muslims storm hospital -- shoot Christian doctor point blank in head but it's a peaceful religion.
RT @Fogdood: Many claim the media has deteriorated & can't be trusted but the truth is it's always been biased. We just found out b/c we ...
RT @arlenearmy: @tahDeetz See, Jared kept mouth shut in jail. But Eric Fuller talks too much. So they hauled Fuller 2 pschy ward 2 dr ...
@arlenearmy no doubt. S.O.P.
RT @DRIPusa: U.S. House Members Urge Obama to Raise Human Rights in Talks with President Hu; ChinaAid's Bob F... #t ...
@arlenearmy Ruby waitin' in the wings. . .
RT @notalemming #Utah city may use blimp as anti-crime spy in the sky: Big Brothers lookin in ur windows B #news #tcot
RT @jennisahottie: Matthews "Do white reps get nervous w/ black reps in the room?" Why is the left so obscessed with race? #tcot #p2 ht ...
RT @Kriskxx: RT @pjcomix: Forget gas prices --- Focus on Sarah Palin #tcot @Foxnews #cbs #nbc #cnn
"I want to take my country back" has not a damn thing 2 do w/race_It has everything thing 2 do w/ marxist #progressives. #tcot #msnbc #p2
RT @Rxrthepoet: RT @sarcasticbitch0 People openly wanted him and Cheney to die, nobody is saying that about Obama //Yep, nobody is sayin ...
RT @AppleInvestor: Video: Glasses-free 3D using iOS accelerometer and camera
RT @stix1972: Reason #342 why public sector #unions should be banned. #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @CO2HOG #STORM (front)-Reclaiming Revolution_Founded by Obama Green Czar #VanJones #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ocra
RT @ThomasSSchmitz: .@SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader BE MEN Job Killing is NOT "hate speech", Sitting together @ #SOTU is WEAK No limp #GOP m ...
RT @CaptDreadlocke: @tahDeetz @mikepfs I'd like to know if there was any contact between Fuller and Dem chair Rogers before Fuller went ...
@CaptDreadlocke there has been plenty info the FBI has been told to sit on. We cant embarrass the left now, now can we?
RT @ThomasSSchmitz: Looking 4ward 2 watching Sarah #Palin's #SOTU 2nite @ 6pm(PST) on #FOX. #RealMen like .@SarahPalinUSA know what #Ame ...
RT @mpk33: A muni meltdown? Broke states rattling #market #tcot #munibonds #unions #news #economy #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: "Hey don't you wanna go down Like some junkie cosmonaut " RB !!@fxp123: "#Cracker - Low" ♫ #cracka
#BillMaher ~ TeaBaggee Extraordinaire. #teaparty #tcot #hbo
RT @KOSMOSNET: News Busters Glenn Beck Pounds ABC and Amanpour for Shrugging Off Death Threat to Tea Partier #tcot ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @theblaze Graphic Video: Swedish Tourists on Hunting Trip Are ‘Savagely’ Beaten in Tunisia #tcot
RT @Infidelmonster Video_New #EPA Guidelines 4 Toxic Light Bulbs via @youtube #tcot #news #cfl #teaparty
RT @PL1776: RT @GregWHoward Explosive! "Who Is James Eric Fuller?" #tcot #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm #teaparty #tpp #news
RT @wpri: Michelle Rhee: In Budget Crises, an Opening for #School Reform: #news #sgp #asamom #tcot #teaparty
RT @PecosRoyBean: .@BillMaher Since you've joined AA (Absolute ASSHATS), you membership as Comdien has been revoked! #ocra #tcot #teapar ...
@CaptDreadlocke I'm lookin forward to some FOIAs
Hey #NPR #Latina. . . As long as I'm not constipated, I feel some #BrownRelief, daily. #tcot #teaparty #foxnews
RT @SexCigarsBooze: If they made Viagra-infused booze you could really pour yourself a stiff one.
RT @Newswatcher89: #Auto #union wants to organize non-Big 3 plants #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @TalentCulture: Using Visualization To Drive Creativity (via @TechCrunch) #Innovation #TChat
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit MICKEY KAUS: “Republicans are in a position to be mean to Democrats, and there’s suddenl... http:// ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @itMakesSense: George Soros – China must be brought into the New World Order #tcot
#Haiti is what happens when civilization unexpectedly takes a few years off & the populace has been disarmed. #rkba #tcot #teaparty
RT @Conunderground: With #Obama expect the worst and he'll surpass it #toct #tlot #ocra #teaparty #tparty #usmc #army #FBO #p2
RT @TheFlaCracker: #libiots want you to believe [APPLAUSE] was closed captioned for deaf SITTING RIGHT THERE to know someone was clappin ...
RT @mite72: The Top 10 Obama Administration Investigation Targets
RT @jennisahottie Hey Schultz U douchbag, if #Rush advocated ripping out Bidens heart_he'd be off the air #tcot #p2
RT @1HotItalian: #Stuxnet. Made in the USA #tcot #tlot #ocra #ucot #military #twisters #ctsa #tech
RT @N_IdahoElection SURVIVAL KNOWS NO BOUNDARIES @1BadRobot There are no rules in combat when ur survival is at stake!
@jdb2009 twank you. . .
RT @Tanapseudes: Libs may not realize it but increased fuel costs will drive up food costs. Stopped some oil from being pumped but the c ...
RT @iowahawkblog: Loughner a 9-11 Truther whose "anger would well up at the sight of G.W. Bush" Mission Accomplish ...
RT @ReaganTMan: RT @PalinTV Ed Koch: Ms. Palin you are an example of the American dream #TCOT #SGP #PALIN #news #p2
RT @Right2Liberty: @HeyTammyBruce “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”-MLK,Jr // ...
RT @Con_Brawler: 71% of Republicans approve of Obama handling of Tucson shooting in new WaPo/ABC poll #pushpoll #tcot
RT @Waterboarding4U: Spike Lee says the USA is the most violent country in civilization. Well Spike, how is it U can get away with that ...
Garman is hockin' a "portable friction mount" . . . heh
RT @cbsatl: Family Says Atlanta Police Officer Killed Their Dog:
RT @CStevenTucker: Bill Maher "8x10 Glossy" h/t @BigFurHat #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty #twisters #ampat #Tpp #t ...
RT @crispix49 Hey #p2, looks like your hate speech over George Bush drove LeftWing Loughner 2 kill #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @Q_Element: Idiot's Idiotic Live Grenade Bookend Explodes after Idiot Pulls Pin [Explosives]:
RT @BigBucksCo: Where to buy #Silver:
RT @charliemax: Good News: Evil Health Insurers Will Be Penalized by All-Powerful Federal Bureaucracy for 'Unreasonable Rate Increases' ...
RT @CindyCoops: Palin says she's doesn't believe Providence alone sheds light on lies to reveal truth. We must help shed light to expose.
@SarahPalinUSA learned a great deal from George W Bush's reticence when he did not defend himself from the BusHitler #BloodLibel. #tcot
RT @brooksbayne: do you really expect us to believe that if prosperity doctrine were legit that you'd still be playing with rattlesnakes?
RT @jimmiebjr: Sarah Palin is far from the best orator in the world, but compared to her critics, she's freaking Sophocles. #tcot
RT @FrankLuntz: Televised Focus Group w/ Dr. #FrankLuntz - #Atlanta via #constantcontact #gapolitics #tcot #ga #rs
RT @ConservNewMedia: #Palin on Hannity -- #tcot #p2 -- Only a few hours after shooting, Todd & I got calls trying to get us to respond t ...
RT @jmartpolitico: RT @TheTonyLee: Anyone who thinks Palin cannot win Presidency is wrong. This woman can.
RT @island_adv: #NASA logo makeovers: New Arabic Sensitivity Administration #tcot
RT @Dhummi: 40% of HS Grads (18-29) Don't Have A Job, But #Immigration Continues -- Is That Language Too Harsh? #TCO ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Palin notes the media started calling her immediately to respond, but waited until more appropriate time #tcot #news #p2
RT @JoeTheMailman: RT @DLoesch Regardless of your politics, if you don't find it disturbing how Palin is persecuted, her kids, something ...
RT @AlieGirl7: The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq. ~Dennis Miller #tcot
RT @crispix49: New #Obamacare Polls Have High Numbers of Democrats, Misleading Questions #tcot #p2 #hcr #news
RT @jbnv: Mark Levin criticizes Jeb Bush. #rtt #topics #talk #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @RoSiTa08: RT @JedediahBila: @SarahPalinUSA said that her children have received death threats. Truly a disgrace. (Right #libs even 4 u)
RT @Jarjarbug: WHY should Americans give Obamacare a chance when our elected & appointed made sure THEY are exempted! #tcot #teaparty #t ...
@MattDycus we define pragmatism differently.
@24AheadDotCom leave the logic to professionals.
@MattDycus we respectfully disagree on her electability. She'll move beyond her present message delivery vehicles when its time.
@MattDycus Primaries & debates can swing the national mood rather quickly.
@24AheadDotCom the NYTs likes bury incovenient truths deep in articles that are written simply 2 obfuscate it #teaparty #sgp #p2 #tlot
@MattDycus SP is good at the rope-a-dope. She's not gonna reveal all her strength until she can deliver a knock-out punch_misunderestimated
@MattDycus I srsly appreciate the honest difference of opinion on the matter. thnx
RT @PatrickinOH: RT @PalinTV It's not the timing of Palin's response Democrats are mad about, it's the fact that she had the audacity to ...
RT @MattDycus: Love the discourse. It's something the left doesn't understand. ~no doubt.
RT @Jenfidel @talkradiohost Liberals want us to shut up. It has nothing to do with civility. Don't be fooled by this civility crap. #tcot
@24AheadDotCom NYTs trying to paint Loughner as a #TeaParty'r #WhyAmINotSurprised?
RT @photoasia: 9 Useful Tutorials on Black and White Portraiture RT @lightstalking

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