Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From Twitter 01-19-2011

RT @RNC: Nearly 2/3 Of #Doctors Fear #HCR Could Worsen Care 4 Patients #tcot #gop #news #aarp #p2 #ObamaCare
RT @chicostien: RT @Doc_0 New @HumanEvents: The #Abortion Murders.|||God help us! #news #tcot #p2
RT @seanhannity: Sean's Exclusive Sarah Palin Interview:
Nine days after the tragic shooting that killed six and wounded thirtee... htt ...
Et tu 'DICK' Cheney. . . #tcot #teaparty #rkba #goa #nra
RT @NRANews: Cam and Company is live from #SHOTShow in Las Vegas at 3PM/ET and Ted Nugent will be live on set at 3:30PM/ET -
RT @LaurieT333: Abortionist faces eight counts of murder in Philadelphia: Ghastly.
This may be as ghastly a stor... ...
RT @bobbycrumpley: Retracto? RT @allahpundit: Definition of a slow news day: John Stossel bringing an alpaca into his interview with Meg ...
RT @belvdere: Will Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz & Rachel Maddow start getting their resumes in order after Comcast takes ...
RT @grivno: China’s J-20 Fighter: Stealthy or Just Stealthy-Looking? Posing #TeaParty #p2 #ocra
RT @irishspy: RT @BOTeleprompter: Big Guy was tough with Chi-Coms: told them he wouldn't give them iPod full of his speeches due to copy ...
RT @UntilimInCharge: #OBAMACARE: SURVEY OF 2,900 MDS.. 65% believe #HC will be worse! #tcot #p2 #sgp #ocra #gop #tl ...
RT @C4Palin: David Harsanyi | #Obama Isn’t Fooling Anyone #tcot #palin #p2 #ofa #dnc #news #p21 #px
@SnakePAC his asinine comment on limiting magazine sizes.
Looks like our President has misplaced his pedigree. . . doph . . . #tcot #teaparty #p2
@SnakePAC The deal will be written only 2 enhance govt/#fcc power down the road. . . #sweeteners 4 @comcast
RT @LDG22381: Is the Left going to politicize EVERY shooting in the U.S. from now on? I haven't heard a peep about Gardena High shooting ...
@LDG22381 They are taking a bit more time to formulate their response, that cant afford to look like asses, again. #tcot #p2
@SnakePAC its actually kinda hypocritical on Cheney's part since he is a Class 3 owner
#TheBlaze has a Cheaper Than Dirt banner . . . heh. . . #tcot #teaparty
RT @Daggy1: Chinese manufacturers pollute more than do Americans but eco-freaks are OK with that cause its not within sight.
@Daggy1 @Troy_Lake "its not within sight." expect for that big brown cloud that's floating across the Pacific ocean from China to the U.S.
Soooo. . . the #iPad is a bit 'leaky' ?!?
RT @astroterf: Herman Cain: Blacks Finally Hearing Truth on #GOP #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
@JasonMunich was it only ATT customers? #iPad
So much more the #Tunisian tourist industry. #Tunisia #tcot
RT @AndyWendt: RT @lizarddawg: The militia is the dread of tyrants and the guard of freemen. - Gov. R. Lucas
RT @TonyPhyrillas - Opinion: Sen. Pat Toomey: How to Freeze the Debt Ceiling Without Risking Default #tcot #news
RT @jeaneeinabottle: So we're going to have to pay for Mexican TV thru the FCC? And computers and internet?? With our tax dollars and ra ...
RT @AlanColmes: #Conservatives Applaud Ricky Gervais For Going After “#Hollywood Elites” #p2 #tcot #teaparty
RT @littlebytesnews: #faves #lbnews #tcot littlebytesnews: #breaking #news Penn Station Being Evacuated Due to Suspicious Package... htt ...
RT @LenaSiberian: Repeal of #ObamaCare in the Senate - How To Do It | RedState #tcot #teaparty #hcr #news via @redstate
RT @imsure: RT @SpeakerBoehner RT @resurgentrep: New Poll: Independents Remain Steady in Support for Repeal of Obamacare ...
RT @JasonBWhitman: @rightinillinois Good point, you mean translating BS into Chinese as opposed to English. .. Just imagine those characters
RT @timeboat 1 More Farmer Implicates Rep #SanfordBishop (D-#GA) n #PigfordFraud CoverUp @darrellIssa #tcot #GApolitics
@JasonMunich makes sense
RT @JasonMunich: @tahDeetz That's actually a really interesting exploit. (Note the date) June 14 2010 ...
RT @lilleth71: RT @HeartlandInst Dem VA legislators r trying to block access 2 information on govt-funded global warming studies http:// ...
RT @glennbeck: Check out Glenn's reaction to his "Today Show" interview WG #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @KateNix927: @Heritage on how #Obamacare Individual Mandate violates personal liberty and federalism: The soluti ...
RT @fredthompson: CNN's John King apologizes for guest saying "in the crosshairs". Relax. Just figure of speech. Like calling CNN a "new ...
RT @LHphotog: Backpack bomb found at MLK event rattles #Spokane - #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @lizbuddie @michellemalkin: Civility Watch: Nazis & crosshairs & killers, oh my! | #tcot #tlot #p2 #news #NewTone
RT @CO2HOG E-mails Containing Malware Sent 2 Businesses Concerning Their Online Job Postings #tcot #tech #news
RT @JohnTagliaferro: #ObamaCare repeal aka "roll back the Marxists" vote scheduled for 5PM EST #tcdot #tlot #teaparty #twisters #news #p2
@rightinillinois It could make 4 a funny SNL skit w/ Hu's (on 1st) teleprompter
RT @tjholthaus: Marsha Blackburn declares war: Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, has put out a two pronged announcement... http ...
RT @Afterseven: Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate Doh! #tcot
RT @Afterseven Hawaii govnr cant find Obama birth certificate Doh! #tcot 1 well-written state law can sink Obama in '12
@rightinillinois It could be 'our' next teleprompter that even Obama aint got yet. . . thanx to #GE
RT @RayBeckerman: Chamber President Tells Congress To ‘Starve To Death Financially’ New Consumer Protection Bureau ~ @wonkroom http://bi ...
RT @onespot: Plastic Logic Is Raising $700 Million To Open A New Factory In Russia: Plastic Logic is raising $700 million to ... http:// ...
RT @lizbuddie: #Houston: u ppl who continually re-elect SheilaJacksonLee are the biggest embarrassment in the history of #Texas.
RT @HoosierHomemade: Any snow skiers out there? How about these #cupcakes for your next downhill outing?
RT @Palin_MMXII: #Obamacare & the Employer Mandate: Cutting #Jobs & Wages #news #tcot #hcr #teaparty #p2
RT @TheNewsBlotter: AP-US: #LA school officer shot near #SanFernando #school #news #tcot #California
RT @safeshooter Court Declares #California “Handgun #Ammo” Registration Unconstitutional via @NSSFComm #tcot #guns #news
RT @zerohedge: ...Hu is wearing a gorgeous made in Hong Kong suit, while Barack is wearing an even more magnificent made in Hong Kong suit
The Comcast deal just covered part of Obama's stash obligations. . .
RT @zerohedge: African Food Riots Spread To Persian Gulf As Oman Is Next; Adverse Implications For Oil Prices?
RT @Fogdood: Dems give 'the will of the people' a lot of lip service but when it gets down 2 it they hold the people in disdain & contempt.
#SheliaJacksonLee compares auto ins requirements to health ins reqs. . . what an insipid moonbat. Nice job, #Texas. #tcot #p2 #hcr
RT @StartupReport: Need to say something to the #startup community?
RT @ExecuSearch: Social Media Tips for Job Seekers: #Jobs #CareerAdvice #Networking
RT @GregWHoward: @pdigaudio Yeah don't get me started on our side cowering. Too many paper patriots. And I'm going to stop right there.
RT @MelissaTweets: California test run on #CFL bulbs tanks; savings disappoint #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @CCSL_States: Wisconsin liberals face decade of powerlessness via GOP-led redistricting. See (#RGA #NRA #pro ...
RT @redostoneage: "Pure, monstrous evil that was ignored for decades by state regulators" #pbs #cnn #dems #go ...
RT @brooksbayne: socialism: "a stage of society in marxist theory transitional between capitalism & communism" #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @New_federalists: 5,200 Pentagon Employees Caught Buying Child Porn #GOP #democrat You SOB's better deal w ...
RT @pinkelephantpun: Sheila Jackson Lee is all kinds of crazypants. #tcot #texas
RT @NathanWurtzel #Salon claims #FOXNews cancels Joan Rivers appearance because she told a #Palin joke #tcot #news
RT @CO2HOG: SHS: Global Warming Hysteria: Did Dire Predictions of Drought Lead Aussie’s Not to Prepare for Flood? #tcot
RT @BrkingPolitics: #TeaParty freshman invokes 'chains of #ObamaCare' via #tcot #news #hcr
RT @elocio: rb @happy2b - Joan Jett – Crimson And Clover ♫
RT @greaterscot: George Jonas: Disarming the harmless doesn't reduce crime, it reduces freedom #cdnpoli #politics # ...
RT @stacyhyatt: @rollcall Remember: Sen Bernie #Sanders: mastermind & founder of the #Congressional #Progressive Caucus & a self-describ ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: How can Obama screw his liberals anymore. Obama has done all the Bush policies the same. What's left.? @cspanwj #cspj # ...
RT @GregWHoward: The way I see it, IF YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE, YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO PAY YOUR OWN HEALTH INSURANCE #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 ...
RT @ITStactical: Crye MagClip Overview #SHOTshow ^MP
RT @HiramHawk: #Obama 2 fly R flag under & beside the ChiCom Flag lk a satellite nation #tcot #news #teaparty #gop ...
RT @mpk33: POLITICO: Harry Reid calls Chinese leader Hu Jintao a 'dictator' (and just before dinner!) #tcot
RT @ResistTyranny: More evidence that Rep Fred Upton (RINO-MI) was a dimbulb 4 banning incandescent light bulbs #ocra #tcot #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: Ship jobs out of US leaving people uninsured, engineer power grab to insure the uninsured. Got it. #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp ...
RT @MissingMimi: RT @janetney: i believe that we should do unto others as they have done to the unborn...especially that monster in philly
RT @divadoll123: Ed Secretary: States ‘Dummied Down’ Standards Because It ‘Was Good For Politicians’ Seeking Re-election | h ...
RT @mrjc1: that laser beam focus on #jobs is really doing the trick, isn't it? #tcot #p2
RT @rsmccain: @StevenErtelt @TheHermanCain -> Abortion Is (Still) Murder
RT @PJTV: Poliwood - “True Grit” and the Genre That Blazed a Trail Through Cinema #tcot
RT @RWBEagle: Stop making so much sense RT @pdigaudio @GregWHoward Why don't they get rid of all the job killing policies so ppl can get ...
RT @JoeKenHa: "Health care should not be a political game." Remember when Democrats played all sorts of games to pass this bucket of cra ...
#Twitter is perfect for my political ADD. #tcot #teaparty
RT @thebighoot: If #DEMs want a debat on the #HCR Read every page on the floor, debate it page by page!! #Obamacare ...
RT @912Cyounger: RT @bobbi85710: Figures. Democrats Move to Block Investigation of Manipulated Global Warming Junk Science Data http://o ...
RT @lizbuddie: *facepalm* RT @keder: Breaking: it's painful to know just how much stupid exists in our politics: #t ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Liberals portray income #inequality but intentionally conceal income #mobility (which is always proportional to ind ...
RT @keder: I was tired, but the appalling lack of knowledge and civility on the other side of the political aisle woke me right up. #tcot
Hey #MichealMoore, I own #guns because #marxists are still having sex. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @proctorshow: Philly is missing $53 million dollars #TCOT #PATCOT #TLOT #Philadelphia #TeaParty #912project #top ...
Gun control debate bumps US #gun sales 5%; #FBI report~VID #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #goa #rkba #nra
RT @newberryknives: My new chopper vs. a gingerbread house:

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