RT @Tanapseudes: The South and Alabama will keep their Auto companies free of corrupt union bosses. We are proudly a Right to Work State ...
RT @stephenkruiser: @AceOfSpadesHQ Bitch slaps Howie Kurtz: http://is.gd/9O7srl #news #tcot
The #Progressive / #Liberal mind: Wholly unfettered in it's ability & willingness 2 transpose the literal & w/the figurative #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Sami_Shamieh: #China Humiliates Gates, Obama - http://bit.ly/hKlpyg #tcot #p2 #mil #sot #news #teaparty #dnc
RT @RFNovotny: Hey Illini how does UR 67% tax increase feel?This is what U get w/ the #Dems & #GOP running things forever. More states 2 ...
RT @Kimmi333: #NorthKorea Becoming Direct Threat to U.S. http://is.gd/L36xSR #news #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty
RT @ParisParamus: What a dick, and not , and not a dick jr. JFK was shot by leftist Marxist wacko! #tcot --Ace http://bit.ly/eCNKzz #p2
RT @Marsh626: Flashback: Bill Maher Says Cheney’s Death Would Save Lives http://is.gd/4lALG4 #news #tcot #p2
RT @NetRightDaily: The UAW Aims South... http://ow.ly/3CODq #tcot #teaparty
RT @kesgardner: Oh brother. First time I've seen this --> RT @diggrbiii: @anthropocon Dude. http://bit.ly/eXsVqQ
RT @BrushfireOrg: Mrs. Palin, you're supposed 2 take it and shut up. You have no right 2 speak, you are a Conservative #tcot #bfire http ...
@TN_SmartGirl It's still yet to be seen if they are stupid enough to actually employ the use of a logo. It will be illustrative for all.
RT @fredthompson: Dead fish washing up along Chicago lakefront. I guess Rahm's gonna have plenty of presents to send to his political op ...
RT @College_FB: Folks Need to Sack SEC in Football, but They Won't http://aol.it/eIDnoO (via @FanHouse)
RT @PeginMobile: Heard Sarah Palin's reply to the Lefties. VERY Presidential I must say. Guarantee Obama can't match her sincerity tonit ...
RT @dncfail: Hannity: 'Reckless Hoax Coming Apart Brick by Brick' http://bit.ly/gLgfVy #tcot #tlot #news
RT @JedediahBila: Was important & appropriate. MT @MelissaTweets: Krauthammer: "It was unfortunate and unnecessary." re: Palin's stateme ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: 'Burn Breitbart in Effigy' on YouTube -- more hyper-ironic goodies from the keep-politics-civil-organized-left: htt ...
RT @TheRealMirCat: RT @TaoMannaDon: I will not be quiet nor tone it down. I will speak my mind. No liberal will shame me or trick me int ...
@Hugo_Mortis the what ev is quite mutual
RT @savethiscountry: RT @michellemalkin: Will memorial attendees get giant foam fingers & blue cotton candy w/their tshirts? http://is.g ...
RT @iowahawkblog: @michellemalkin The forgotten stage of grief: branding! (h/t @ExJon) #tcot #p2
RT @Furrystoat: RT @CooperRepublic: George W. Bush never had a Ground Zero logo #tcot #nobama #ocra #sgp #twisters
"Do it for Paul. Do it for Paul. Do it for Paul!!!" #tcot #foxnation #foxnews #p2
W.T.F. Running with BullShit?!? #foxnews #tcot #2getherwethrive
W.T.F. Running with BullShit?!? #foxnews #tcot #2getherwethrive #p2 #tlot
Yeerrrrr in the Sphirret Werld AsssHoooole!!! #tcot #p2 #2getherwethrive #foxnews
RT @aprylmarie: The cheering is seriously bizarre. There are mourning families in the crowd. This service defines inappropriate behavior.
RT @Michelle_Moore: RT @drginaloudon: Remind me why there wasn't a memorial service for the victims at Ft. Hood?//EXCELLENT question! #tcot
RT @CaptDreadlocke @Michelle_Moore @drginaloudon After seeing this crap I'm HAPPY that Ft hood didn't receive this treatment. no doubt
RT @Rusty5329: @tahDeetz @Michelle_Moore @drginaloudon I know what it is, the Ft.Hood memorial didn't get a logo treatment. #tcot
RT @Vickielvico: RT @MelissaTweets: RT @JedediahBila: Jan Brewer is doing her best to make this an actual memorial service. Amen #tcot
@Rusty5329 Odd thing that I don't remember watching a spectacle such as we are witnessing now.
@Rusty5329 Was that the memorial speech where Obama gave a shout out? #tcot
@Rusty5329 I'll get right on that, Memorial Police.
. . . & how Big, Fat Government fix all your boo boos. . . #tcot
@Rusty5329 Like I said, I don't remember near the same 'spectacle' we are seeing now. #tcot #p2
@politigize why are you so dense?
RT @BlueCollarTodd: The Arizona Memorial Service Has Turned Into A Pep Rally; Shirts Prove It.. http://tinyurl.com/62dgubz #tcot #tlot # ...
@Rusty5329 A you should be of a concern of mine for. . .
RT @snarkandboobs: My posty: Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality http://bit.ly/flqd1v #tcot
RT @blogbat: WaPo concedes left treats conservatives the way it doesn't want Islamists treated: http://bit.ly/gtWv0k #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @brooksbayne: who creates a slogan/logo for an event where ppl were murdered? http://grf.me/r6PM #azmemorialconcert #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Because 4 days ago they thought it would work, the polls today say Americans have rejected that. The "rebuke" was qui ...
RT @keder: Has the left-wing blogosphere collectively apologized to the American people for their crass and obscene behavior?
RT @kimcliftrn: lol @PolarCoug: I Became An American Because Of The Arizona Shooting, & All I Got Was This T-shirt & Voodoo Powers! #tcot
RT @ConservativeLA: Chronic asshat #tcot troll: cons don't have souls b/c they're horrified by memorial services as political pep rallie ...
The crowd response would have restrained if the service was actually held in a church, but liberals can't have that #tcot #azmemorialconcert
RT @jlakely: RT @jstrevino: Yep. RT @PatrickRuffini: Universal conservative praise 4 POTUS tonight contrasts with, well, nevermind... #tcot
RT @CDNnow: RT @Drudge_Report: World moves closer to #food price shock... http://is.gd/dqoWuq #news #tcot #inflation #economy
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Obama's is destroying the country, and now he is to be revered because of the way he delivered a...speech? Right. #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Quite surprised that people are taking seriously Obama condemning 'the tone of our discourse.' How about saying the 4 ...
RT @JenEnnenbach: @scottsboston Yep. Rally with logo, slogan Tshirts and all. I'm SERIOUS! #tcot #teaparty #griefapalooza #azmemorial
RT @Mr_Lexington: Union Boss With History of Violence Decries Vitriolic Rhetoric of Right: Well, it’s the old “gla... http://bit.ly/fxsp ...
RT @ResistTyranny: Note to self: When you die, get eulogized by people who never met you. Be sure to invite college students. And libera ...
RT @Dr_Rose: .@GottaLaff @gracels So now we should all tone it down? Shouldnt he of came out and said that 3-4 days ago? Naw let the MS ...
RT @KLSouth: ...“together we thrive” - Sounds like a Kaiser Permanente commercial. #tcot #p2
RT @beesnguns: RT @lady_patriot: Yes, Obama sounded Presidential. Let me know when he acts Presidential, for leadership occurs when word ...
RT @JedediahBila: Speeches are nice, but your behavior must indicate that you practice what you preach. #tcot
RT @Cubachi: RT @nickmarschel: <- agrees with what he tweeted -> RT @keder: <--- still doesn't like ObamaCare. #tcot
RT @CHARLIEFOGG: A great speech is like a well crafted song . a beginning a middle and an end.......its not a36 min drum solo. #a ...
I'm surprised Obama & Co left the T-shirt cannons at home. #tcot
RT @MikeGaukin: When your being told to tone down the rhetoric, your really being told to shut up!! #tcot
RT @VermontAttorney: Tonite only missin Roman Pillars & Balloons Tomorrow Lib media will praise "comeback" & attack those who disagree w ...
RT @Counter_Force: New definition for hate speech and vitriol: Any statement that progressives disagree with. #tcot #p2
RT @BrushfireOrg: To the liberal mind, you only need to be a conservative to be wrong. #tcot #bfire http://tinyurl.com/6zj6gla #news
RT @theGOPalliance: LIBERAL VIOLENCE: Death threats against Sarah Palin have risen to unprecedented levels. http://abcn.ws/he9uQn #tcot ...
RT @stephenkruiser: @AceOfSpadesHQ Bitch slaps Howie Kurtz: http://is.gd/9O7srl #news #tcot
The #Progressive / #Liberal mind: Wholly unfettered in it's ability & willingness 2 transpose the literal & w/the figurative #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Sami_Shamieh: #China Humiliates Gates, Obama - http://bit.ly/hKlpyg #tcot #p2 #mil #sot #news #teaparty #dnc
RT @RFNovotny: Hey Illini how does UR 67% tax increase feel?This is what U get w/ the #Dems & #GOP running things forever. More states 2 ...
RT @Kimmi333: #NorthKorea Becoming Direct Threat to U.S. http://is.gd/L36xSR #news #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty
RT @ParisParamus: What a dick, and not , and not a dick jr. JFK was shot by leftist Marxist wacko! #tcot --Ace http://bit.ly/eCNKzz #p2
RT @Marsh626: Flashback: Bill Maher Says Cheney’s Death Would Save Lives http://is.gd/4lALG4 #news #tcot #p2
RT @NetRightDaily: The UAW Aims South... http://ow.ly/3CODq #tcot #teaparty
RT @kesgardner: Oh brother. First time I've seen this --> RT @diggrbiii: @anthropocon Dude. http://bit.ly/eXsVqQ
RT @BrushfireOrg: Mrs. Palin, you're supposed 2 take it and shut up. You have no right 2 speak, you are a Conservative #tcot #bfire http ...
@TN_SmartGirl It's still yet to be seen if they are stupid enough to actually employ the use of a logo. It will be illustrative for all.
RT @fredthompson: Dead fish washing up along Chicago lakefront. I guess Rahm's gonna have plenty of presents to send to his political op ...
RT @College_FB: Folks Need to Sack SEC in Football, but They Won't http://aol.it/eIDnoO (via @FanHouse)
RT @PeginMobile: Heard Sarah Palin's reply to the Lefties. VERY Presidential I must say. Guarantee Obama can't match her sincerity tonit ...
RT @dncfail: Hannity: 'Reckless Hoax Coming Apart Brick by Brick' http://bit.ly/gLgfVy #tcot #tlot #news
RT @JedediahBila: Was important & appropriate. MT @MelissaTweets: Krauthammer: "It was unfortunate and unnecessary." re: Palin's stateme ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: 'Burn Breitbart in Effigy' on YouTube -- more hyper-ironic goodies from the keep-politics-civil-organized-left: htt ...
RT @TheRealMirCat: RT @TaoMannaDon: I will not be quiet nor tone it down. I will speak my mind. No liberal will shame me or trick me int ...
@Hugo_Mortis the what ev is quite mutual
RT @savethiscountry: RT @michellemalkin: Will memorial attendees get giant foam fingers & blue cotton candy w/their tshirts? http://is.g ...
RT @iowahawkblog: @michellemalkin The forgotten stage of grief: branding! (h/t @ExJon) #tcot #p2
RT @Furrystoat: RT @CooperRepublic: George W. Bush never had a Ground Zero logo #tcot #nobama #ocra #sgp #twisters
"Do it for Paul. Do it for Paul. Do it for Paul!!!" #tcot #foxnation #foxnews #p2
W.T.F. Running with BullShit?!? #foxnews #tcot #2getherwethrive
W.T.F. Running with BullShit?!? #foxnews #tcot #2getherwethrive #p2 #tlot
Yeerrrrr in the Sphirret Werld AsssHoooole!!! #tcot #p2 #2getherwethrive #foxnews
RT @aprylmarie: The cheering is seriously bizarre. There are mourning families in the crowd. This service defines inappropriate behavior.
RT @Michelle_Moore: RT @drginaloudon: Remind me why there wasn't a memorial service for the victims at Ft. Hood?//EXCELLENT question! #tcot
RT @CaptDreadlocke @Michelle_Moore @drginaloudon After seeing this crap I'm HAPPY that Ft hood didn't receive this treatment. no doubt
RT @Rusty5329: @tahDeetz @Michelle_Moore @drginaloudon I know what it is, the Ft.Hood memorial didn't get a logo treatment. #tcot
RT @Vickielvico: RT @MelissaTweets: RT @JedediahBila: Jan Brewer is doing her best to make this an actual memorial service. Amen #tcot
@Rusty5329 Odd thing that I don't remember watching a spectacle such as we are witnessing now.
@Rusty5329 Was that the memorial speech where Obama gave a shout out? #tcot
@Rusty5329 I'll get right on that, Memorial Police.
. . . & how Big, Fat Government fix all your boo boos. . . #tcot
@Rusty5329 Like I said, I don't remember near the same 'spectacle' we are seeing now. #tcot #p2
@politigize why are you so dense?
RT @BlueCollarTodd: The Arizona Memorial Service Has Turned Into A Pep Rally; Shirts Prove It.. http://tinyurl.com/62dgubz #tcot #tlot # ...
@Rusty5329 A you should be of a concern of mine for. . .
RT @snarkandboobs: My posty: Thoughtful, On-Target Palin Responds To Attacks; Left Loses Last Grip On Reality http://bit.ly/flqd1v #tcot
RT @blogbat: WaPo concedes left treats conservatives the way it doesn't want Islamists treated: http://bit.ly/gtWv0k #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @brooksbayne: who creates a slogan/logo for an event where ppl were murdered? http://grf.me/r6PM #azmemorialconcert #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Because 4 days ago they thought it would work, the polls today say Americans have rejected that. The "rebuke" was qui ...
RT @keder: Has the left-wing blogosphere collectively apologized to the American people for their crass and obscene behavior?
RT @kimcliftrn: lol @PolarCoug: I Became An American Because Of The Arizona Shooting, & All I Got Was This T-shirt & Voodoo Powers! #tcot
RT @ConservativeLA: Chronic asshat #tcot troll: cons don't have souls b/c they're horrified by memorial services as political pep rallie ...
The crowd response would have restrained if the service was actually held in a church, but liberals can't have that #tcot #azmemorialconcert
RT @jlakely: RT @jstrevino: Yep. RT @PatrickRuffini: Universal conservative praise 4 POTUS tonight contrasts with, well, nevermind... #tcot
RT @CDNnow: RT @Drudge_Report: World moves closer to #food price shock... http://is.gd/dqoWuq #news #tcot #inflation #economy
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Obama's is destroying the country, and now he is to be revered because of the way he delivered a...speech? Right. #tcot
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Quite surprised that people are taking seriously Obama condemning 'the tone of our discourse.' How about saying the 4 ...
RT @JenEnnenbach: @scottsboston Yep. Rally with logo, slogan Tshirts and all. I'm SERIOUS! #tcot #teaparty #griefapalooza #azmemorial
RT @Mr_Lexington: Union Boss With History of Violence Decries Vitriolic Rhetoric of Right: Well, it’s the old “gla... http://bit.ly/fxsp ...
RT @ResistTyranny: Note to self: When you die, get eulogized by people who never met you. Be sure to invite college students. And libera ...
RT @Dr_Rose: .@GottaLaff @gracels So now we should all tone it down? Shouldnt he of came out and said that 3-4 days ago? Naw let the MS ...
RT @KLSouth: ...“together we thrive” - Sounds like a Kaiser Permanente commercial. #tcot #p2
RT @beesnguns: RT @lady_patriot: Yes, Obama sounded Presidential. Let me know when he acts Presidential, for leadership occurs when word ...
RT @JedediahBila: Speeches are nice, but your behavior must indicate that you practice what you preach. #tcot
RT @Cubachi: RT @nickmarschel: <- agrees with what he tweeted -> RT @keder: <--- still doesn't like ObamaCare. #tcot
RT @CHARLIEFOGG: A great speech is like a well crafted song . a beginning a middle and an end.......its not a36 min drum solo. #a ...
I'm surprised Obama & Co left the T-shirt cannons at home. #tcot
RT @MikeGaukin: When your being told to tone down the rhetoric, your really being told to shut up!! #tcot
RT @VermontAttorney: Tonite only missin Roman Pillars & Balloons Tomorrow Lib media will praise "comeback" & attack those who disagree w ...
RT @Counter_Force: New definition for hate speech and vitriol: Any statement that progressives disagree with. #tcot #p2
RT @BrushfireOrg: To the liberal mind, you only need to be a conservative to be wrong. #tcot #bfire http://tinyurl.com/6zj6gla #news
RT @theGOPalliance: LIBERAL VIOLENCE: Death threats against Sarah Palin have risen to unprecedented levels. http://abcn.ws/he9uQn #tcot ...
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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