Saturday, May 14, 2011

From Twitter 05-13-2011

@MichaelRCaputo Jack Davis leads a rearguard action AGAINST #TEAparty interests in #NY26. Complete w/Leftist dissimulative verbiage #tcot
The #Bolshevik's skull WILL BE CRUSHED at my heel. #cpusa. #dsa #sds #tcot #teaparty #p2 #laraza #mecha #communists
Let me be clear, the American Left & #Obama, is busy cultivating a cadre of #Bolshevik revolutionaries. #tcot #cpusa #p2
Let's adopt #Mexico's #immigration laws. #tweetcongress #tcot #p2 #laraza #mecha #teaparty
RT @RachaelJ83: Keep dreaming MT @ThePlumLineGS: Scott Walker's overreach could end up costing #GOP a senate seat #tcot
RT @TheWrightWingv2 Liberalism In 120 Seconds @Noamtweets #homsky’s Fans Are Morons Part 2 ► ◄#tcot #cpusa #dsa #p2
RT @LisaGraas: Pro-life flash mobs go viral via @jillstanek
@MichaelRCaputo deal. with. it. #NY26
@MichaelRCaputo i'll frikkin tweet about what I want, when i want & most certainly about frikkin whom i want. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@MichaelRCaputo linguists tend to pay attention.
RT @blogho: PoliNation: Where are Wright’s chickens now?: #tcot, #tlot, #sgp, #teaparty #news #obama
RT @hbcampbell #AmThinkBlog: A Warning to America: Geert Wilders in #Nashville, #Tennessee 5/12/11: via @addthis #tcot
RT @elemonader Fox: #GunControl Advocates Cite Rise in Fatal #Cop Shootings to Push for More Background Checks #tcot
RT @allahpundit: Surprise Social Security, Medicare Funds Running Out Sooner Than Expected #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @MiahMarker: Is is just me or do ppl preaching tolerance the most generally r most cruel, mean when 1 disagrees? #tcot #p2
@fakejackdavis I'm not the one thick w/ soviet-speak. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@fakejackdavis we're not going to let an arsehole like #JackDavis impugn the #TEAparty movemment. Aint Gonna. Happen. #tcot #NY26 #ny #nyc
@fakejackdavis maybe Jack shouldn't assault a camera man, he might get more support. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@fakejackdavis #JackDavis assaulted a camera man & therefore he doesnt have the temperament 4 ANY political office #tcot #teaparty #NY26 #ny
@fakejackdavis 'reactionist'
@HeiressJCorwin looks like there are multiple sock accounts after me over #NY26. @JaneCorwin must be pissin off the right people. #ny #tcot
@fakejackdavis is there any video of @JaneCorwin assaulting a camera man as she runs for #NY26?!? Hmmmm?!? #tcot #teaparty #jackdavis
RT @foxnewspolitics: EXCLUSIVE: Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest #Obama #Immigration Speech #news #tcot
RT @omega_six: @rsmccain Jack Davis attacking a camerman, found it on TRScoop and thought you'd like it:
RT @stackiii: .@MMFlint loves to demonize corporations--except when he doesn't: #tcot #teaparty #news
MT @HeiressJCorwin @fakejackdavis @JaneCorwin There are plenty of her assaulting the English language #NY26 iz that all ya got?
MT @fakejackdavis: @tahdeetz of course not, because nobody sent their Chief of Staff to harass and goad her. #NY26 ~what, politics? lololol
MT @HeiressJCorwin: @tahDeetz @fakejackdavis @JaneCorwin That and the lead in the polls....and a Lexus ~fake polls & wealth envy
the fewer the words you can use to take out leftist filth parading as #teaparty, the better. Incise decisively. #tcot #ny26
Give 'em H3ll ... We're in Heaven ... Governor Deal just signed #GA87 .... #gapolitics #gagop #tcot
@fakejackdavis yea, that's 'effective' ... #chortle #chortle #chortle #NY26
@fakejackdavis @HeiressJCorwin @MichaelRCaputo ya boy (Camera-man assaulter #JackDavis) was just on #FoxNews, again. #NY26 #teaparty #tcot
@MichaelRCaputo the assumptions of a leftist ~ too funny.
RT @PinkFloydGeek: Pink Floyd's David Gilmour and Roger Waters Reunite Onstage in ... WTF?!?
RT @FoxieNews: Either my internet or Tweetdeck's running slow, gonna run a couple errands and try again later. Thanks for the RTs today. ...
MT @HeiressJCorwin @tahDeetz @fakejackdavis @MichaelRCaputo You mean Camera Boy who was just relocated to Fla? #NY26 ~Hello Jack, Meet Fork.
@MichaelRCaputo I couldn't give a flyin' ... My mission is exposing #JackDavis as a #NY26 carbetbagging democrat. #tcot #teaparty
@buffalopundit playin teaparty when you're not, yea, thats carpetbagging. #NY26
@buffalopundit #mynameisredneck #properhistoricalcontext #NY26 #MynameisInigoMontoya
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Huntsman the Latest Too-Clever 'Climate' Candidate #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis: It's not like I watch this all day-every day or anything, but what is the Obamacrat plan on entitlements? Must keep ...
@MichaelRCaputo you tweet so much, but say so little.
It's way passed time that the #NLRB meets a #DeathPanel. #tcot #boeing #sctweets #sc #teaparty
@2050Coalition either intro fair-market forces n2 so-called entitlements, or there wont be any entitlements. #JustFact #every1entitled #tcot
RT @MuslimAlert: Muslim Jew Hatred Spikes: The media substitutes the word Arab for Muslim. This is their way of avoiding ... http://bit. ...
RT @Kalel194: What If Oil Producers Actually Received Subsidies Like Wind Energy Producers? #news #tcot #agw #p2
RT @akonsen: Lady Fatima's Lover #OBLPornStash
Big Moe #OBLPornStash
Obama-holics ~ #Rush caller. #tcot #teaparty
RT @PinkFloydGeek: Pink Floyd's David Gilmour and Roger Waters Reunite Onstage in ...
Sandy's Crack #OBLPornStash
RT @PhotographyTalk: #Photography Tip - Photographing Spider Webs
@JustMePammy So. Much. Pressure. ... for a funny follow on tweet... ;-)
@JustMePammy I knows, thankfully.....
MT @ccharvella: @tahDeetz when you want Oreo Cookies, but get Hydrox instead #carpetbagger #amirite? #NY26 ~as a baker, I resemble ur remark
RT @DanRiehl: Sarah #Palin: "The more competition, the better" #tcot #teaparty #news #2012
RT @notjessewalker: I don't want my skepticism to halt the flow of Bin Laden jokes. Unless they're the reason Twitter keeps breaking, in ...
People under 30 in #NewYork, are feelin' the pain. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #ny
Piggy #OBLPornStash
Hoggin' Allah's Hole #OBLPornStash
Pork-Snorklin' Pig-Lickers #OBLPornStash
@mereswin got drudge?
@ginthegin muah hahahaha.... ;-) #OBLporn
RT @ginthegin: @tahDeetz Keep lookin at you and SMH b/c I wasn't going to contribute... u r bad influence. Daliya Does Dinga #OBLporn
RT @Dr_Rose: 2 and a half sheep #OsamaPorn
@mereswin aren't we pissy today?!?
RT @kimberlyhaney: RT @EWErickson: Donald Trump just cancelled on me for Tuesday. Says he'll reschedule. I'm not convinced he's even r ...
RT @beccarter28: Food Trucks' Tasty Tweets: Enter: the glory of the food truck. Many restaurateurs are choosing to launch food tr... htt ...
Dancing Boys #OBLPornStash #OsamaPorn
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #p2 @AustinHess Remembering Kate Puzey, Murdered #PeaceCorps Whistleblower
RT @AustinHess: @angelfleming @rsmccain A HS friend of mine was a Peace Corps whistleblower about rape who got her throat slit in Africa ...
@mereswin coulda fooled me...
Beat Me, Hurt Me, Teach Me Allah's Love #OBLPornStash #OsamaPorn
RT @kesgardner: @AmericnElephant THAT is the single most annoying thing I know about Newt. Those 2007 commercials with Nancy Pelosi. # ...
RT @kesgardner: I'm with the 64% who say our border is not secure. We're doing the non-computer equivalent of surfing the Internet witho ...
RT @MelissaTweets: Curriculum: Where the socialists have done the most damage:
@mereswin drudge simply aggregates the news that's already out there. wow, what an insipid retort.
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: Obama Job Approval 47% (nc), JA Index -12 (nc) (Strongly Approve 25%, Strongly Disapprove 37%). OBL bounce o ...
@mereswin I'm not the one overly-emoting.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

From Twitter 05-11-2011

RT @GaltsGirl @1SupremeGoddess @ToddyLittman @tahDeetz I missed all the good stuff. Silly beer lunch =P ~ mmm, beeeeer lunch... ughughugh
RT @Chris_Moody: Heh. After WH Press Secretary dances around journo's question multiple times, reporter says "I give up" & moves onto ot ...
Hey bin Laden's son ~ go porkel some snork.
RT @BadMayo: Iran Turns Up the Heat in the Gulf #tcot #news #mil
fyi ~ cyberwarfare rules included in defense bill.
@BarackObama actually invites racists into the @WhiteHouse. #Progressive #progress. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
RT @reasonmag: Is Obama serious about immigration reform? David Harsanyi says his speech this week suggests that he's not ...
State-Run Media Already Skewing Polls By 17 Points for #Democrats via @gatewaypundit #news #tcot #dnc #p2
#Porsche N. America is frikkin moving to the frikkin ol' #Hapeville #Ford plant. AN EFFIN BIG DEAL!! #ga #atlanta
RT @diggrbiii: .@OWillis is falsely claiming the hashtag #SorosMonkey is a racist slur against thim. Of course, pasty white @EricBoehler ...
RT @macgeekpro: iOS app: Make gorgeous posters out of your photos w/ Phoster. Comes w/ super sleek templates to boot ·
RT @SusanAnneHiller: @jjmnolte How does Common feel about Van Jones? Jones' wife is white. #tcot #p2
#Obama Lies, again!… Obama Says Border Fence Is “Basically Complete” But It’s Only 5% Finished via @gatewaypundit #tcot
Poor Distraught #Fishermen Attempt Suicide After 1Year of #Obama #Jobs -Killing Regz via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
Michelle Obama will work just fine in that moat, Barry. ___ #tcot @barackobama @whitehouse #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc #px #p21
RT @kesgardner I would like to build a very deep moat, w/alligators, between leftists & my property, including my income & savings #tcot
RT @commonpatriot via @BigGovt #Illinois 2 Release #IllegalAliens Convicted 4 Violent Crimes Rather than Deport #tcot
RT @TheFix: Kenobi dead, Vader says. #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @RedState: The 60-Day Mark In Libya - A Serious Deadline For A Serious Anti-War Movement #TCOT #RS
RT @DoDLiveMil: A @USMC Gunnery Sgt. winning the @USNavy Cross? I think it's Worth a Thousand Words: #sot #Marines #mil
RT @US395: FYI #SorosMonkey applies to anyone working for Soros including girls like @ericBoehlert. #tcot #p2
Hey #LSU YOU SUCK!!! #UGA #Dawgs
Hey muzzies, necrophilia is now #halal. 16th century #progress. #tcot #islam
If you 'choose' to be a #teacher, imposing order by stopping fights, 'is' part of your job. #tcot
RT @diggrbiii: Hey @Owillis, it's okay for you to criticize Common now. The White House says it's okay: #tcot #p2
MT @bccohan I luv that there R headlines as such~ @WhiteHouse Condemns Some of #Common's Lyrics but Praise his Larger Body of Work #tcot #p2
RT @TheCupcakeBlog: Caramel Apple Cupcake Trio #cupcake
RT @hmfearny: RT @nickmarschel: I will say it, er... uh, I mean tweet it -> The eras of Bob Dole, Gerald Ford and John Mccain are all ...
RT @jjmnolte: This is so good: Whether you say or don't say "basketball" you might be a racist: #news #tcot #p2
#DeetzPSA ~ the #PeaceCorps serves up American girls to Third World rapists, as a matter of due course. #sgp #asamom #tcot #p2
RT @amandacarpenter @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% #tcot @talkmaster #news
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: Barrow Co. officials arrest 29 in a drug dealer roundup. Slideshow of suspects http://b ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed an intruder Wednesday morning.
MORE DETAILS: <http://... http: ...
RT @FreedomUS: #GOP, be bold. Appeasement didn't work for Chamberlain, & it won't work now. Call out the left on lies, such as Obama tol ...
RT @SiddharthPatel: Dear Tweetdeck, tell me when is Twitter API is available? Even in worst cases, temporarily?
@Talkmaster RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% #401k #tcot
RT @jimmiebjr Come on, @owillis. U have the chance 2 be a leader here & stand out from your colleagues_Go on @LarryOConnor's show #p2 #tcot
RT @NicholasBrodie: @owillis If you believe one person's actions paint the portrait of an entire group you are guilty of all you accuse ...
#Democrats are coming after whats left in your #401k, just as the @TalkMaster has been warning us about for years. #DeetzPSA. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat @Talkmaster Cause to celebrate today_The death of a predator #EtermalRapistAeration #tcot #p2 #goa
RT @dominionpundit: wow.. the pneumatic hammer of inflation fears taken to the stock and commodities markets today... #puking
If you douse your x-girlfriend w/ gas & set her on fire, a rusty-knife castration, sans drugs, is too good for you. #tcot #sgp
RT @jimmiebjr: Shorter @owillis: My accusations only work if no one refutes them. Also, I'm afraid of @LarryOConnor. #MyChortleLadenDay
RT @cbsatl: Facebook Apps Leaked Personal Info, Firm Says: Nearly 100,000 Facebook applications accidentally leaked access t... http://b ...
RT @jjmnolte: Like Kryptonite to stupid, er, uhm, except live on the air where I might not be able to flip the MMFA flipchart fast enuf! ...
RT @Guntalk Pass this along to ALL. Serious #AMMO recall! .223 #Winchester Ranger ammo ReTweet PLz #tcot #nra
RT @deepereyes RINOs are more concerned w/stopping #conservatives than they are w/stopping liberal socialism. #lindseygraham #nolabels #tcot
RT @Dasan: Ritzholtz boils down the %MSFT problem in a page- "the rich fat kid that wants to be cool" #tech #news #tcot
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary I miss the old cave in A-stan. More room than this crummy old house. Fleas were better than roaches.
@tom19803 after 100 years of progressive language bastardization, many do see it as such. the enemy is w/in. @deepereyes
RT @jamiedupree: Sen Jim Inhofe (R-OK) says he has become the first member of Congress to see photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden #tcot
RT @whitneypitcher: @pat_ess LOL. Nice avatar! :)
RT @PalinTV: Palin’s Problem Isn’t What She’s Done; It’s Who She Is
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary Used to think American culture was the devil's work. Then I got into Tori Amos and my thoughts became purple choc ...
@tom19803 wow, another clueless cipher w/ nothing but ad hominem, revealing true colors... makes muh job that much easier @deepereyes
@tom19803 If U quote scripture in ur description & then cuss like a sailor in ur defense of progressives, U aint #TEAparty. #justsayin #tcot
MT @tom19803: @tahDeetz no longer following you---> sheep ~ beat ya to it....
@deepereyes someone didn't like my proper historical characterization of progressive language manipulation, it would seem.... ;-)
The implanted ciphers (read political #progzi sleeper-cells) begin their rearguard actions. #GameOn. #tcot #teaparty #p2
No tax-breaks if your fat kid loves #cake, in #Illinois. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat: RT @WalidShoebat: #Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report #news #mil #tcot #sgp
I'm thinking of doing a #mohammed crop-circle. @heytammybruce #tbrs #tcot
RT @SMDepp "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... Im not joking." -Joe Biden #teaparty #tcot
RT @CO2HOG via @theblaze ‘Climate Scientists’ Release Profane Video Bashing Deniers #tcot #agw suck it, #greens
The next person that attempts to rush a cockpit or open an #aircraft fuselage door, needs a broke neck to send a message. #tcot #teaparty
RT @AndrewBreitbart: On GMA you said you didn't care about facts, the 4 videos that PROVE N-word incident didn't happen. It. didn't. happen.
RT @chadmiles: Jay Carney = in over his head #tcot #tweetcongress #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: RB !! @DamnTheMan: "Alice In Chains – Sickman" ♫
RT @Snooper1: Thousands of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs Recalled #ecobulbs cause #fires #tcot #globalwarminghoax #clima ...
RT @Snooper1: US Postal Service Posts $2.2 Billion Loss #usps #broke #stamps #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: ABC Affiliate Fires Christian Over Strip Club Segment #God #Jesus #Christian #media #atheists #tcot #t ...
RT @Snooper1: Cops Say 'Bomb' Sign Next to Mosque Perfectly Legal #cops #law #screw #islam #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: Obama went to Texas to lie his ass off #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot #p2 #borderw ...
RT @Snooper1: Navy halts move to allow gay unions by chaplains #dadt #faggots #tcot #thetroops #troops #warnews #mil ...
RT @Snooper1: Herman Cain on Obama's Photo Op to US Border Today #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot ...
RT @Snooper1: Democrats and Democrats In Drag are everywhere #taxes #gop #rnc #dems #dnc #media #tcot #teaparty #ilgop
RT @Snooper1: Red Chinese (PRICS) are going to check out the stealth chopper in Pakistan #tcot #thetroops #troops #w ...
RT @Snooper1: 'Pro-Choice Terrorist' Indicted #tcot #islam #jihad #cair #hamas #muslim #sharia #homegrown #teaparty
RT @TombstoneBadBob So_just add 15 million Illegals to our country to take #jobs from Americans in an already stressed job market! #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeLA: Unflippingbelievable: Drudge: Obama admin pushing banks to offer sub-prime mortgages again... ...
RT @AGW_IS_A_HOAX Propaganda organ NYT gushes over fraudster Al Gore's $5 climate hoax app #AGW #GlobalWarming #tcot
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: The DREAM Act if passed would allow children of illegal immigrants to gain citizenship if they go to college or join the ...
RT @obamascare: How to Turn 100 Trillion Dollars Into Five and Feel Good About It  #tcot
RT @dancurry @DLoesch "Burn Prez Bush!" = socially conscious. "I'd like 2 control my own health care" = racist. #todaysdefinitions #tcot #p2
RT @Advocacy4Israel: There you go. Left wing apologists for jjihadis in the UK, who wish to kill Jews, gays, Christians, and the LEFT ap ...
RT @BuckeyeFirearms: FLASH: Ohio House passes HB45 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of… #tcot
RT @United_Ignited: LSU American flag burning protest #tcot #wtpuai #teaparty #twisters #ocra
RT @exposeliberals: @seanhannity why not mention Jill Scott (INVITED to poetry festival) who winced when her friend married a White woma ...
RT @USAHipster: One of Obama's leftwing nutjobs tried to BURN AMERICAN FLAG AT LSU today. Students protested & stopped the loon. http:// ...
RT @kesgardner: .@siameesecities You tell me the last time in our nation's history revenues exceeded 19% of GDP, regardless of tax rates ...
looks like I have a few new worthless #progzi 'followers' ~apt description I should say. #tcot #p2
RT @leolaporte: Have you ever authorized an app with Facebook (Twitter say?) @eimken? That counts.
RT @GaltsGirl: I think I got it! Spending=Good, Profit= Evil , Spending beats Profit. Wait.. what are we spending again? #dontgotit. #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber: Paging the ACLU - Osama bin Laden's son might sue the USA #tcot #p2 Will Holder and DOJ defend against the lawsuit?
RT @Newswatcher89 #Steelworkers #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Opponent’s Roof #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Newswatcher89 #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Foe's Roof #PooFlingersLocal101. #tcot #p2

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

From Twitter 05-09-2011

RT @DLoesch: Thanks all and again, Happy Mother's Day. You who work and stay home are treasured. Never let anyone tell you otherwise ;)
@DLoesch ~as a kitteh plays w/its yarn_Its an instant @Stage_Right Mothers Day Classic_4 annual re-air_just as #ItsAWonderfulLife #tcot
RT @PatDollard: Video - SNL Leftist Hate Propaganda: Shepard Smith Moderates Debate Between Palin, Romney, Gingrich, Bachmann,& Trump ht ...
RT @Jbroks86 @g10gref56 Leftist logic: The Soviet Union was a "republic" so all republics are bad & pure democracy is good #tcot #p2
RT @whpresscorps: Lessons from the Osama bin Laden coverage: Twitter is King
RT @esqcapades: RT @BryTupper: <-- Does not have a poli sci. degree but has an opinion that Obama = NOT BUENO. Cool w/ everybody? Yea ...
RT @welshman007: Slouching Toward Tyranny: #tcot #tlot #sgp #ocra #phnm #teaparty #tpp #tpn #ampats #glennbeck #bec ...
RT @jimmiebjr: If yuo're spending a ton of money for to make a viral video, you need to hire @FilmLadd. Now.
If ppl could see Obama as a real military leader_he wouldnt need a week long media tour 2 cement that very idea~ @ingrahamangle para. #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: @KurtSchlicter nails Lamestream Media: "A Ministry of Truth promoting the lamest collectivist clichés du jour" http://b ...
RT @FirstTeamTommy New from @KurtSchlichter --> Going On the Offense: Some Lessons for Our Side #tcot #teaparty #sgp
What is that weird pic of Mitch Daniels over on Drudge all about... #tcot
Hey Terry Moran ~ wipe your chin.... @abcnews @abc @TerryMoran @nightline ... not #news ... #tcot #teaparty
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @RedDogReport: Obama Re-Brands Cap and Trade as ‘Green Jobs’ #tlot #gop #twisters #thetwiste ...
RT @Glockfan19: Mh_liberal Peter King (R-NY) said Waterboarding was used on KSM, AND he spilled his guts and Named Names! Terrorism Xper ...
@allenwest .... just. damn.
Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!?
@billpr53 hey, quit impugning the character of douche-bags like that.... ;-)
RT @tasteofaz: American Thinker: Warmist Mantra Wearing Out #green #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeBC: Andrew Klavan Introduces a Keith Olbermann Compilation #tcot #teaparty #p2 @msnbc
US Navy Now Recognizes & Performs Gay Marriage ~Hello Inch, Meet Mile #usn #navy #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty #ocra
RT @FederalistNo2: RT @MoneynewsOnline: McCaughan: Fed Causing Commodity Bubble, Dollar Weakness: #money #dollar
RT @Newswatcher89: So, Bill Simmons And Keith Olbermann Fought On Twitter Again #tcot #p2 #news
The #Ford F150 is still the top selling car in the US. luv it.
RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain Program in US Convicted on Terror Charges_Serves 23Yrs #tcot #p2 #news
RT @JohnSWright49: Diff btween being passionate abt ur cause & radical; passionate ppl don't strap bombs on kids to "make a point" #tcot
RT @CrustyB: #Illinois is broke but they just passed the DREAM act to financially reward students for having criminals for parents. #tcot
@TN_Loadmaster First On Race Day.
@PPCMSurvivor no doubt.
@TN_Loadmaster I've had more #Fords than I've got fingers & toes.
MT @verumserum: Wisconsin Style Protests Coming to CA, NY This Week - ~defending home turf, again #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @thehotjoints: Weekend Doc Block: ‘Indoctrinate U’ via @conurls #tcot #teaparty #collegerules
@TN_Loadmaster I still got a soft-spot for ol' vettes & camaros though.
RT @BenFroland: RT @GovWalker: WI's move up from 41st to 24th best state to do business in is fastest climb in history of CEO survey: ht ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: Via Gunny G >> Obama Adm planning $1 billion debt relief for #Egypt #news #tcot
RT @briandaitken: Hillary Clinton in Bed with UN Gun Grabbers #NRA #guns #libertarian #tcot #conservative #tlot #po ...
#ATF Supplies Guns to #Mexico's #DrugCartels – Blames Lax #Gun Laws #news #tcot #2nd #tlot #teaparty #p2 #doj
RT @e54514g: Obama's NLRB Launches Attack on Private Industry #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #tpp #sgp
RT @ALakerfan78: How Convenient! *in Church Lady Voice from SNL*»RT @tahDeetz: RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain (cont) htt ...
RT @mikepfs: The Gateway Pundit - Awful. Obama Stalled for 5 Months Before Shaping Plan to Get Bin Laden
RT @EvilConservativ: Flashback: Obama Energy Secretary Chu Says We Must Get Gas Prices “to the Levels in Europe” #tcot #p2 #teaparty ht ...
RT @DailyReckoning: "Nearly 3/4 of these new #jobs are statistical invention. The rest are the 62k ppl McD’s hired in a jobfair PR stunt ...
RT @dangainor: Wow, lefties hate Kochs AND charity: Lincoln Center Should Remove Koch Name #TCOT #news #p2
RT @commonpatriot: via @HotAirBlog: WaPo fact checker: No, seniors won’t die faster under Ryan plan #tcot #news #hcr
RT @vadum: Traffic Nosedives for Soros's character assassination site Media Matters #tcot #p2 #tlot #bigjournalism
RT @BrentTeichman These charts show how dismal the #housing market really is... again | The Blaze #tcot #news
RT @TechZader: Free Hi-Res Clouds Photoshop Brush Set
Mitch Daniels is John McCain, without the charisma. #tcot #teaparty #gop
@jimmiebjr In terms who the media is pushing.
@jimmiebjr check out the Mitch pic on ... it's odd.
@jimmiebjr I'm off the mindset, it's too early. We have that canceled politico/nbc debate to thnk for that.
@jimmiebjr it's 'definitely' editorial. . . . no doubt, more the better.
@jimmiebjr I understand Daniels did unfortunately hork-up Indiana's new school voucher law -> @BigGovt. Its being called a strategic loss
@jimmiebjr i hear the state of IN dept of ed expands into new areas of private ed. not a good flank to have to defend, imho.
RT @cbsatl: Fulton County Property Owners Irate: Fulton County property owners are irate after receiving tax assessment noti... http://b ...
#Indiana #Voucher Law: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? #edreform #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ginthegin: MT @BreakingNews: A ship carrying up to 600 migrants trying to flee Libya has sunk just off the coast....http://on.msnbc. ...
RT @imsure #TeaParty & Hippies Unite: #Food Safety & #Obama’s Food Safety Czar #news #tcot #p2 #s510 #tlot
RT @Synders777: SHIFTING THE BLAME? DOJ deflects Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local officials #tcot #tlot #WeThe ...
RT @Synders777 SHIFTING BLAME? #DOJ deflects #Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local #LEO #tcot #atf #news #nra #guns
RT @adamcarolla: Bin Laden computer should yield a treasure trove of intel, we can get started on analyzing it as soon as paperwork come ...
Dont forget: #Gorelick's Intel-Wall kept us from looking at Padilla's PC_which had timely Intel on the 911 planners #tcot #mil #teaparty
If we pick a #GOP nominee that truly pisses off the media, wasn't it Sun Tzu that said~a hasty temper is coaxed by insults? #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: The State Media #MSM is staging a PR coup on the #TeaParty this month ... they have NO CLUE what they're up against #tcot
RT @cultofmac: New post: Daily Deals: $979 3.06GHZ iMac Core i3, $899 2.4GHz MacBook Pro, JumpStart Battery Pack
RT @dangerroom: Famed Spaceship-Maker Gives Spy Drones a Try
RT @s_mlbbraves: Keep the wins coming Braves! Doing a great job!
RT @jjmnolte: Palin connects the dots: 50+k of last months new jobs came from McDonald's ... who received ObamaCare waiver! http://bit.l ...
RT @stagestop: @Afterseven All of a sudden the hippies are being bitten by big government. Wake up call!! Big government erodes freedo ...
It seems @TuckerCarlson took some serious 'after-action snipper-fire' over his Milfistan tweet. ~heh. #tcot #Palin #sgp #tbrs
RT @DLoesch: @LarryOConnor Btw, isn't holding a "slut walk" mocking women already? @ericboehlert
RT @TechZader: Chatting May Soon Charge Your Cell Phone, While Making Public Calls Even More Annoying
RT @dmatthewstewart: RINO alert! (ah qu'il est bon de pouvoir haranguer ainsi) NC GOP hires La Raza pt 2 @Conserva ...
RT @WSJWashington: #TeaParty Warns #GOP Leaders on Debt Limit Vote #news
If ya think a milquetoast_non-threatening personality can beat Obama in 2012_congratulations on ur conditioned response #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Fake But Accurate, Law School Edition #tcot
RT @DLoesch: Live at 2pm cdt. Can't get the broadcast? Stream, DanaCam at, accompanying chat at #dlrs
RT @chucksrant: Liberals responsible 4 High gas prices = higher $$ 4 Food & Goods, High Credit Card rates (biden) & Higher unemployment. ...
RT @bccohan @WhiteHouse is asking that you submit questions for upcoming town hall using the hashtag #CBStownhall. What are yours? #tcot
If U have an instant, emotional response to anything #Palin, congratulations on your conditioned response. #sgp #tcot #teaparty #gop #Pavlov
RT @Papatul: NANNY STATE ALERT: Minn. School Bans "Smarties" Candy b/c It Might Lead To Drug Abuse. U Can't Make This Stuff Up http://bi ...
RT @AlieGirl7: LMFAO!!!! RT @RightWingBlacko: @AlieGirl7 Got one for you; one of my favorites.
@kesgardner those + MDs edreform_2 be voucher eligible_a school must toe Indiana curriculum line_Its "Leave No Indiana Child Behind" #tcot
RT @Artist4Palin: @hotairblog Death Care states elders over 76 will not be given cancer treatments . Cutting costs is a special Obama re ...
MT @Oenonewept: Don't know, but that's an insult to the penguin. RT @tahDeetz Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!? ~quite.
@Oenonewept *disclaimer ~ no penguins were harmed in the formation of said tweet.
RT @jjmnolte Fewer ocean voyages, perhaps? @LarryOConnor Get behind me, Satan! I can't afford a new digital TOY! @adamsbaldwin @derekahunter
RT @Doc_0: The Burger Flip: Remember when fast-food #jobs were a disgrace? #news #economy #dnc #ofa #tcot #p2
RT @FoxNewsMom: Rush says no Mitch 4 POTUS, Christie Says He May Support Daniels for GOP Nomination: /Coulter, s ...
People will not inherently support politicians that pocket their principles in order 2 achieve a #NewTone that is defined by the foe #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber #Obama will honor a far left cop-killer promoting poet at White House Wed. night #tcot #p2 #news #leo
RT @TUAW: Skype pushes update to Mac client for security flaw [post]
RT @LarryOConnor @texicalirose @ericbolling W/O the waterboarding_there wouldnt have BEEN shot 2the LeftEye_Yet former is considered illegal
RT @macgasm: Inception explained with the OS X Finder
RT @BrentTeichman: How long until Obama/Holder file a lawsuit against #AZ to prevent the building of this Border Fence...? #tcot
RT @FightersIntel YES_Finally_States R sovereign 2 fed govt, #Arizona 2 Use Prison Inmates 2 Build #BorderFence #tcot
RT @PatriciaSmiley: Show Your Thanks to World War II Veterans Before It's Too Late! | Causes [HT @marleed] #tbrs #i ...
RT @velvethammer Breaking: #SanFrancisco: Man W/ Yemeni Passport Storms Cockpit Door In Flight #tcot #news #terrorism
RT @EvilConservativ: 2012: Christie Says He Might Support Daniels...Meh #tcot #p2 #teaparty
Sounds like AG Holder is beatin' the long-dead #GITMO horse to keep the Obots inline. Cry wolf, Sparky. #tcot #p2 #p21

Tweets copied by

Monday, May 9, 2011

From Twitter 05-08-2011

MT @NCHornet #Obama Re-Brands #CAPandTAX as a #Jobs Bill | Red Dog Report #news #tcot #economy #teaparty #p2 #tlot
RT @McQandO: Op-Ed: Spiking The Credit in Osama bin Laden's Demise
RT @McQandO: UK government won't block Scottish referendum on independence
RT @McQandO: 20-year-old student 'making thousands' on YouTube every month
RT @McQandO: Christians and Muslims clash violently in Egyptian capital
RT @jeffemanuel: .@McQandO nails the Dems' attempt to build "gutsy call" into Obama's #OBL/reelection narrative #tcot #mil #teaparty
#Christians in the #MiddleEast had more help/protection from the West during the #Crusades, than they do now_Pathetic #tcot #mil #Catholics
RT @tweetmunky: Totalitarians have little use 4 idealistic rabble-rousers once they achieve pwr granted them by rabble. #tcot #p2 @Amp_ ...
RT @tweetmunky: How the Soviets used useful idiots to subvert Americanism and liberty. Does any of this ring a bell? ...
RT @MuslimAlert Egyptian Sheik: Worst Enemies of the #Muslims after Satan are the #Jews #tcot #mil #news #Israel
RT @tweetmunky: Left doesn't realize that after giving govt more pwr, it will never b satisfied with just that much pwr @Amp_up @Conserv ...
RT @tweetmunky: Failure of leftism: No matter how much pwr u give govt, it will work 2 achieve more. #tcot #P2 @Amp_up @ConservativeLA
RT @tweetmunky: The pwr we give govt is never ever enuf as far as govt is concerned. @Amp_up @ConservativeLA #tcot #p2
RT @tweetmunky: "We the Living" is an excellent commentary on what happens 2 idealistic Marxists after the revolution. #tcot #P2 @Amp_up ...
RT @tweetmunky: However, I am 100% in favor of Levin's trashing of Trump. #tcot @mantis8585
Asking a #progressive to perform an honest introspection, is as effective as pissing up a rope, instead of actually climbing it. #tcot #p2
I smell the return of a #Republican #ConcernTroll. #tcot #teaparty #p2 #mil #gop
RT @dmatthewstewart: RT @AnyStreet: Stewart's Campaign Against RINOs #scar begins now.Target identified: NC GOP I n ...
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot #gop Cuban dissident buried amid controversy: HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban dissident Juan Wilfredo S... http://bit.l ...
RT @JENin140 @foxheadlines US: #Arizona Seeks Online Donations to Build #BorderFence #news #tcot #teaparty #az
RT @CrustyB: Leftist hero Che Guevera oversaw the shooting of 100s of POWs, many of them teenagers. But a Navy SEAL shoots OSL and the l ...
RT @milblogging: USMC believes it has found right dog for counter-IED fight, but it’s not traditional military working dog ...
RT @brooksbayne: Transfusion of Synthetic Blood Saves Woman's Life hemoglobin-based synthetic w/ a molecule derived ...
RT @TennTina: The Libertarian Patriot: Illegal Immigration And The Underground ...: While these illegal immigr... # ...
RT @uncoverage: After all our hard work in Afghanistan, the barbaric Taliban is still butchering girls for trying to get an... http://fb ...
RT @arye4life #Israel has 30X more venture capital per cap. than any other land_just ask Gates/Buffett where they love to invest #tcot #p2
RT @SykesCharlie: It's over. “@UWGOP: UW Professor Ken Mayer explains why Prosser will win the recount
RT @UWGOP: UW Professor Ken Mayer explains why Prosser will win the recount
RT @djsmuzz: #keders75000thtweet "Buck Ofama!"
#keders75000thtweet just wait til @keders 75001thtweet
#LegalInsurrection: #ThinkProgress PWND by Fake #Navy #SEAL "Anchor Baby" Story via @AddThis #news #mil #tcot #p2
Poll - When Will RAID ON #ABBOTTABAD Be Released? via @AddThis #news #tcot #mil #p2 #obl
RT @southsalem: Attn #NY26: FALSE #TeaParty candidate - threat to #GOP seat via @LegInsurrection: #tcot
RT @cbsatl: Griffin Church Increasing Efforts To Help Storm Victims: First Assembly of God’s efforts to help storm victims i... http://b ...
RT @leyalely: - After Birds Point: The Army Corps’ Missouri Floodway Boondoggle

RT @MattRussell_TX: "The new generation must declare war on capitalism and take up the banner of socialism." This is getting taught. Fed ...
RT @RLibertyCaucus: RT @BarryHinckley: New jobs / unemployment numbers prove that gov't is making the problem worse. ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: The liberals love what Obama says. But they seem to miss what he really does. They hear but they are blind. #cspj #tcot ...
RT @karenegantx: Poster Boy For Why Entitlement Programs Are Bogus. EWWWWWW! #tcot
The open bigotry of white #Progzis, is simply astounding. #tcot
RT @beccarter28: Police: Fast Food Manager Assaulted, Robbed - Regional News ...: WEB ONLY -- Police have arrested at least one m... htt ...
RT @Galrahn #Iran made C704 anti-ship missiles, among weapons being smuggled to #Hamas seized by #Israel's Navy #tcot
RT @mboyle1: I think it's quite odd that companies like Hyatt and Walmart trusted Obama admin. Now, Hyatt's SOL w unions and Walmart has ...
RT @newsbusters: Ignatius: Bush Didn't Go To Ground Zero Thursday Because It Would Have Sealed Obama's Reelection
RT @USAHipster: Anyone who thinks Wal-Mart should hire criminals in DC should hire a criminal themselves. Then let us know how that work ...
RT @mboyle1: Washington Post execs bury heads in sand after 66% decline in profit:
RT @mboyle1: Great work @RedState! @thinkprogress clowns advocate 4 dream act using falsified details from OBL killing:
RT @mrsimplesense: NC GOP hires La Raza? #tcot #gop by @dmatthewstewart
RT @CoachDB18: When you've passed guns used to kill border agents, and stolen companies in the name of government, it all makes forging ...
RT @Aus_Infidel: RT @news_com_au Muslims Against Crusades hate video targets Prince Harry after Bin Laden death | N..
RT @BreakingNews: Japan, U.S. consider joint nuclear waste storage in Mongolia, paper reports - Reuters
RT @carryconcealed AK47s used in #HomeInvasion robbery in #KennettSquare I wonder if #DOJ AG Holder supplied it? #tcot
MT @carryconcealed AK47s used in #HomeInvasion robbery in #KennettSquare I wonder if #DOJ AG Holder supplied 'em? #tcot
RT @PolarCoug: Hey, Barack! Before giving someone a piece of your mind, remember to leave a little something for yourself. #tcot
Tweet Vacuity ~ Tweet #Progressive ___ #tcot #p2 #p21 #topprog #tpot
RT @laborunionrpt: UFCW Strikes Small Georgia Grocer #tcot #unions #LUR
RT @gerfingerpoken: @LibertyPatriot IBD Obama A #Gunrunner? Holder covers up #ATF program that got #BorderPatrol agent killed http://ow ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @IngrahamAngle IBD Obama A #Gunrunner? Holder covers up #ATF program that got #BorderPatrol agent killed http://ow.l ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @Drudge_Report IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @DRUDGE IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed
RT @gerfingerpoken: @NRAILA IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed # ...
RT @gerfingerpoken: @NRANews IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed ...
RT @jjmnolte: Any more questions on why Palin & Bachmann are treated with complete & utter contempt at Mediaite? Read France Martel's Tw ...
RT @kesgardner: RT @bethanyshondark: RT @keder: Of course, liberals think there should be no motherhood, thanks to abortion. #tcot
RT @1CaCracker: Radical Islam Finds a Home at UC Berkeley Law School… #tcot #tlot
RT @michellemalkin: Via @Heritage: This Date in History: Obama Imposes Job-Destroying Drilling Moratorium
Why does #progressive stupidity_insist on growing endless #liberal Govt programs_that R easily quantified as utter failures? #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @jjmnolte Elitism isn't a value either, & #IvyLeagues don't teach selflessness or wisdom. Frances Martel's twitter feed proves that point
@okbb01 ssdd
RT @PolarCoug: now that Barry’s a lean, mean, Muslim killing machine, I suppose he’s earned the right to blow his own horn.

Tweets copied by

Sunday, May 8, 2011

From Twitter 05-07-2011

RT @exposeliberals: Alan Colmes lies about Donald Rumsfeld and waterboarding #tcot #tlot #sgp #hhrs #ocra
RT @FreedomWorks: General Electric's Jeff Immelt Surrenders
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Will never apologize for standing up for black conservatives openly & deviously called 'Uncle Toms' by race-baiters ...
#GeneralElectric's Jeff Immelt Surrenders~Throws Entire #GE #Green Scheme_Under Bus #news #tcot #agw #p2 #globalwarming
MT @Live_Free_orDie: @exposeliberals Alan Colmes is an idiot. @tahDeetz #tcot ~with all due respect to idiots... ;-)
RT @GaltsGirl: ROFL RT @BryTupper: @AmericnElephant I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself. #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: McCarthy was right. Venona documents released from old Soviet archives in 1995 proved Joe's lists were quite accurate. #p ...
RT @Mirac777: The Communists at #mmfa and #OFA make me sick- Dont love America? GTFO !
RT @CaptDreadlocke: 3 hrs 2 distribute printed copies 2 noncomputer crew, from items found by Twitter crew. Bring it on folks, we gotta ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Issa Calls Holder to Account How bad does Project Gunrunner get? #doj #atf #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp #tc ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Oversight Rep. demands answers on #TSA pat-down of 6-year old #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp #tcot #tlot #topprog
Sorry progstains, after years of hanging Bush in effigy, your bleatings are but infantile blather. #tcot #p2
RT @VoteSmartToday: The marvel of #capitalism is that it naturally transforms human self-serving into service for others as #profits are ...
RT @slicedsky: Pay-backs are hell! ~ Republicans back on familiar turf: Criticizing Obama on economy #tcot #tpp #gop ...
RT @KerryPicket: Did weak GOP polling in GA scare Gingrich away?
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals care about the earth 200 years from now but could care less about our financial future 2 days from now. #t ...
RT @TomGMS: Contrary to what everyone tells me, I found the #SAT to be quite easy. Maybe because I'm #homeschooled. HMMMMMM #tcot #teaparty
RT @Blueberrier0341: Texas #TeaParty Patriots PAC Endorses Peggy Hausman for Township Position 6 #twisters #tcot ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Mark Steyn: Our Pakistani Allies - They knew they could get away with harboring bin Laden. #t ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: A piece of spaghetti or a military unit can only be led from the front end.
~George S. Patton #SOT #USMC #Military
RT @Blueberrier0341: A short tribute video of my dear friend Sgt. Michael A. Marzano. K.I.A May 7, 2005 #US ...
RT @donnalashe: Question; how can Obama sympathize with us about fuel prices, utilities or food when it's his policies that caused them? ...
RT @OrrinHatch: 51% of US households did not pay any federal income tax in 2009. It's easy to want more gov't benefits when you aren't p ...
@TomGMS no doubt.
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: I do find it strange how Obama screws his most loyal sheep. He screws them over more then any other president . Very st ...
RT @IsraelNewsNow Arutz Sheva #News Briefs: Assad Forces Kill 6 Civilians in Banias Full #tcot
@SaintRPH glad to see they got that SOB. thnx for posting.
RT @SaintRPh: Flag-burning suspect in custody We don't Mess around in Louisiana! #tcot
RT @AnyStreet: RT @runedart: #TUSD Violates La Raza Studies Ban #twisters #tcot #ocra #twcot #az #anystreet
RT @AnyStreet: Wasserman-Schultz: We've really concentrated on oil production #fantasy #anystreet #twisters #tcot
@SaintRPh we heard he was coming our way. kinda reminds me why Southern Comfort is one of my all time fave flicks.
@SaintRPh dem coonass don't mess 'roun now....
@SaintRPh h3llz yea.
RT @KerryPicket: Update: Gingrich getting ready to announce
RT @JohnJ2427 The next #Republican president can kill as many terrorists as he wants & #liberals cant complain about it. Yay! #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @Herfarm: Obama's vulnerability to the conspiracy theorists is his own history of mega- gaps between his words & his actions. #tcot # ...
RT @CO2Insanity: Bin Laden's DNA 1 in 11.8 quadrillion odds it's him-or was that what they want to raise the budget ceiling to? #tcot #t ...
RT @CO2Insanity: Going Green – Pay More – Get Screwed | Co2 Insanity -
RT @CO2Insanity: Climate Lawsuits Heading for Defeat Say Top Legal Experts | Co2 Insanity -
RT @CO2Insanity: Unreal: #nObama Allows Photos of Dead US Soldiers But Not Dead Terrorist - #tcot #teaparty #twiste ...
RT @KimberTrent: When 9-11 happened, Bush's thoughts were: My country...
When bin Laden was killed, Obama's thoughts were: My re-election...
RT @NHealthResource: Are Blueberries Special?
RT @rjennings333: RT @CnsrvtvReActvst Students Sue High School That Banned Christian Club: Students at New York's Hicksville http://tl.g ...
RT @GPollowitz: Glenn Greenwald to Obama supporters: How can someone who objected to Bush's attempt to eavesdrop on or detai… (cont) htt ...
RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT @HughHewitt: SEAL Team Six and the DoD's Budget
RT @Talkmaster: Why Atlanta's Underground Atlanta never has been and never will be a success.
RT @FloridaJayhawk: Chris Rock blasting Bush on #wars - How bout now homey?
RT @USArmy_vet: #obama & #Dems steal food from starving babies to feed FAT Teachers unions - - #tlot #tpp #tcot #go ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: Why do 3 supporters own Obama's home?
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Communists (aka #international #socialists) portray themselves as #democratic liberators and champions of (cont) ht ...
@kesgardner yup, been that way ever since tweetdeck & twitter news bubbled up.
@kesgardner I've also noticed greater instances of twitmo to.
RT @Blueberrier0341 Thats the problem w/responding to #Libtards, you respond to 1 & you get 5 more saying the same bullshit. NO USE. #tcot
@Blueberrier0341 they do that to attack, just as much to keep each other on the progstain plantation_heaven forbid u have a honest talk w/em
RT @EdBigCon: I think I'll go Old School and use the VCR to tape @AndrewBreitbart on @CSPAN BookTV tonight 10pm EST. #tcot
RT @bethanyshondark: I've spent Shabbos inhaling @AndrewBreitbart 's book. It is GOOD. Makes me excited for the fight.
RT @s_mlbbraves: Final Atl 0, Phi 3
RT @s_mlbbraves: Next game: Phillies vs. Braves 5/8 8:05PM EDT
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Banned. Self explanatory. H8er! @JC_Christian
RT @pinnie99: RT @Pudingtane: ths is wht real torture looks lk: Beheading of Nick Berg: /big mouth libs dare ...
RT @MLAS: Gas Prices Hypocrisy: #tcot #drillnow #p2 #energy
RT @MLAS: #Diesel From #Soybeans Sparks $560 Million Investment by ADM, Cargill #agchat #energy #biofuel #tcot #grow ...
RT @MLAS: Republicans scramble to avoid another #NewYork special election loss #tcot #sgp
RT @MLAS: HumanEvents: Why Egyptians Want War With #Israel: It's in the #Koran #egypt #tcot #p2
RT @MLAS: #Politics of personal destruction waged by the Left & their #media allies against #SarahPalin intensifies. ...
RT @MLAS: OMG: Did you see this? Mob of #Thieves Swarms #LasVegas Convenience Store #nv #crime #tcot #p2
RT @dsm012: #tcot #media RT @BigJournalism: Traffic Nosedives for Soros’ Media Matters
RT @kahotep: Poisoned Google Image Searches Becoming a Problem: Orome1 writes "If you are a regular user of Google's image se... http:// ...
Breitbart -->> #teaparty #p2 #tlot #tcot
RT @michaelemlong: Slouching Toward Palestine #tcot #sgp #teaparty #right #conservative #obamafail #trump #tsot #gop
RT @AndrewBreitbart: The mainstream media nuclear war against @SarahPalinUSA & her family - & how to fight back! @jj ...
RT @kesgardner: @texicalirose Yes, between FEMA snubs and the even more incomprehensible space shuttle snub, Texans are NOT happy. @lone ...
RT @kesgardner: Especially Texas? RT @lonelycon: #tcot: Why is Obama's FEMA Denying Disaster Relief to Red States? ...
RT @DRIPusa Big #GOP Donors Adopt Wait-&-See 2012 Tack #tcot #tlot #ocra #teaparty
RT @BadMayo: Team O Releases Version 29 on Osama Raid #news #teaparty #mil #tcot
RT @CFHeather @leftfootleeds Torture? See how #China gets its way w/victims via @addthis #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ResistTyranny: Pure schadenfreude -30 awesomely bad school portraits:
RT @SpotTheColumn: "True Socialism, in which everyone is truly equal, does not just resemble a prison - it is a prison." - Viktor Suvoro ...
RT @FSM_47: Senate Dems get ready to spring a stealth budget | Washington Examiner: CAN'T THEY DO ANYTHING HONESTLY?
RT @dewar4: #SEIU goes COMMUNIST happily & publicly #unions #tcot #teaparty RT @sh007r1 RT @peakwriter
RT @DawnRachel13: The WH is not battling high gas prices. There are more oil reserves in the U.S. than the entire middle east & Dems ref ...
RT @Mr_Fastbucks: So confusing.-> RT @MichelleInCAL: This Prius is unlike any other - in CA too! Amazing. ...
RT @Onelifetogive: #Leftists hate when you try to impose your beliefs on others, and insist that you believe the same way as they do abo ...
RT @Onelifetogive: Communism/Socialism is most appealing to those, who deep in their heart, know they are below average. #tcot #ocra
Liberals in the press use the pretense of their feigned objectivity_2 push their progressive agenda~ @andrewbreitbart paraphrase. #tcot #p2
RT @cbsatl: Florists Feel Pain At The Pump: Florists forced to buy higher priced flowers say high gas prices are affecting t... http://b ...
RT @Betty_Ruth: RT @IsraelSurvival: @Jenfidel - that bin laden hit to me is a distraction from the 'Gunwalker' thing - that's HUGE//yep- ...
RT @FinanceBuzz: RT @dsm012: @BigJournalism: Traffic Nosedives for Soros’ Media Matters >@mmfa has no cred! #tco ...
RT @bighollywood: ‘Starship Troopers’: Proof Hollywood Can’t Be Trusted to Get it Right.: Every once in a great while, for reasons... ht ...
RT @Conclusionist: What's really funny is when progressives don't realize they are socialists. Not funny ha ha. Like 3 legged cat, sad/f ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: CSPAN2 now. My hour long interview w Armstrong Williams. Intense stuff.
RT @directorblue: Paging Mr. Boehner... Mr. Boehner... You Have a Telephone Call at the Front Desk #tcot
RT @KurtSchlichter: The #NavySEALs needed to make it happen so they took a dog. Notice what they didn't take? Liberals, #p2 and govt un ...
RT @Conservativeind: RT @USpace123: Zombie » SEIU drops mask, goes full commie: via @addthis || #twisters #anystree ...
RT @sambowne: Playstation Network won't be restored this week after all
RT @OfficialSkynet: 01100111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100001 01110010 01110010 01101000 01100101 01100001 00100000
RT @gerfingerpoken: @DailyCaller IBD Obama A Gunrunner? Holder covers up ATF program that got Border Patrol agent killed ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Barack #Obama You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll. Lou Pritchett #tcot #OneTerm
RT @TennTina: Mexico's drug war: Crossing borders: It is time the US joins Mexico in saying enough to the cart... # ...
RT @MyAgendaIsTruth: CAMPAIGN TO DEFEAT OBAMA ‘sticky note campaign’ gains momentum #glennbeck #rushlimbaugh #tcot ...

Tweets copied by

Saturday, May 7, 2011

From Twitter 05-06-2011

I'm just wondering how many #progressives w/a son, will now go buy that son a G.I. Joe, if he asks for it. #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty
How many kids will be expelled from govt school for now playing "#SEALs & Islamists" ?!? #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @CMORTOLANI: @EWErickson #WH has Blabbed Way2 Much info re: binLaden raid & info found,shld they’ve stayed quiet on raid until caught ...
RT @CFHeather @gregwhoward Did Back Channel Contacts W/West Set In Motion #Iran Power Struggle? #tcot #p2 #news #mil
@RYDASBLOK small seat ~heh ... project much?
RT @PatDollard: @TinaVane Yeah, re: #Obama. The Left always needs you to believe gibberish in order to accept their positions. #tcot #p2
@RYDASBLOK gene-pool infection.
@RYDASBLOK if thats what u want, then stfu.
RT @ByronYork: 24% of Republican releases mentioned Obama; 2.5% of Democratic releases mentioned Bush. #tcot
RT @DanRiehl: #Reagan Made Killing Bin Laden Possible #mil #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @RuBegonia: Says @AndrewBreitbart: Strong Black, Female #Conservatives R threat2 #Democrat -media complex #news #tcot
RT @cwpseattle @msbs05 in 2007 there were over 1500 verified #TerroristCells inside #USA. Lots more now. Bet they get activated #mil #tcot
RT @DanRiehl: MT @benpolitico: Santorum how Britain lost Empire: "Stopped believing in themselves & accepted the drug, the mediocrity of ...
RT @redostoneage: Obama Victory! Unemployment climbs back to 9% #p2 #topprog #p21 #msnbc #cnn #cbs #nyc #ny #newyork
RT @edmondesq Rut Roh! @TheGracePark #Obama Flashback_It Is No Longer Essential to Kill Osama Bin Laden #tcot #news #p2
RT @RuBegonia: Says @AndrewBreitbart: Palin, Bachmann, Rubio, West & Cain, are the threat to what I call the Democrat-media complex http ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @redostoneage: AP: Taliban Release Video of Captured US Soldier #chicago #il #illinois #cnn #ac360 ...
Why does the public now know that we captured timely intel on #OBL's #2 ?!? .... EFFIN' WHY ?!?!?!?!?!? ... #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @fredthompson: Obama: having "conversations" w/ Saudis to boost oil production. Instead of talking to Saudis, he should get out of th ...
RT @CFHeather: GE's Immelt Returns Focus To Green Cash - #becktips #twisters #tcot #ampat #tpp #sgp #ocra
RT @redostoneage: Progressive Victory! Protecting Muslim Girls From Rape is Now a Crime in Europe #p2 #topprog #msn ...
RT @CFHeather @opphoto Shocking, ok, not! @candisee: Ariz. Sheriff: Feds Order Release of Illegals to Phony Up Numbers
@FTWes we should not have heard about the raid, at the very minimum, of at least 3 weeks.
RT @angrymom80: The U.S. Secret Service is following you on Twitter - Yahoo! News
MT @RuBegonia @HeyTammyBruce WSJ: #Obama ~Gangster Politics ~WH brazenly directs govt power vs political foes #tcot #p2
@FTWes the compound should've been vaporized afterward, thats a given.
RT @utopianna: da #Left so overjoyed BO MADE A DECISION they act like he alone took out UBL. After 2+ years, sumpin they can celebrate! ...
#Communists are not good for #business. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @gary4205 @Norsu2 #Palin has said, & rightly so, it's too early. Look for her to get in after July4th. Reagan waited til Nov1979 #tcot
The only thing #Obama pulled, was Panetta's finger. #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @STXherry: New Zeal Blog - Red Reps 9 California’s Socialist Assembly Member, Gil Cedillo #tcot
RT @STXherry: Hezbollah in #Mexico RT! #border #tcot
RT @STXherry: TrevorLoudon SEIU’s Full Frontal #Communism RT!
RT @TRMirCat: RT @trscoop: Sarah #Palin talks energy, jabs MSM with David Asman #tcot #news
RT @mjgranger1 What's it really like to take care of people who want to kill you? #tcot #sot #GITMO #news #mil #teaparty
@snarkynavel: @colestreeper1 #Obama would've cleaned up over #OBL, if he would've just have kept his pie-hole SEALed. #tcot #p2 #mil
@mjgranger1 Job as Patron Saint of #GITMO, eh? _ Thank you, your family & 'both' phases of your service. Our gratitude is eternal.
Allen West to be on @Gretawire in a few
Allen West to be on @Gretawire in a few #tcot #teaparty
RT @wecanvote: Herman Cain could beat Obama
RT @dmatthewstewart: In your face greenies! turns out Biomass isnt green at all @mrsimplesense #tcot
all the tweeted soviet agit-prop I keep reading, kinda reminds me of the Reagan years. #tcot #p2
MT @TomGMS: @andylevy needs to go on #hannity more often. Continue #RedEye 's conquest over #primetime! ~yep yeppers. #tcot
RT @Afterseven: FRIDAY NEWS DUMP: Border Agents Killer was deported 3 times in the year before he killed Brian Terry #tcot
RT @ReaganStyle: Fascism's private ownership, private enterprise but total government control and regulation. Well, isn't this the liber ...
RT @Chani_11: (2006)The Texas Hospital Association has estimated the annual cost of uncompensated care to illegal immigrant… (cont) http ...
RT @GregWHoward: Never has the word "bully pulpit" been more appropriate with this narcissistic ass in the White House #tcot #p2 #ocra # ...
RT @AmericanLady49: Westboro Baptist Church seen in 2 boats headed for the North Arabian Sea to picket funeral of bin Laden http://twitp ...
RT @kesgardner: @hankishtwit I agree. Obama's left wing world view is inconsistent with American exceptionalism or as leader of the fre ...
RT @KimberTrent: David Beamer: Bin Laden Mission Does Not Erase Pres. Obama's Other Bad Decisions #tcot #p2
RT @debster7301: RT @PalinTV: Governor Palin on Fox Business with David Asman -
RT @SusanBZ46: RT@conservTrump Without Bin Laden ..... #Tcot #Tlot #Tdot #Gop #teaparty #patriot #BinLaden
RT @AlinskyDefeater: If Bush had killed bin Laden Libs would call him a murderer.Obama follows Bush policies to get Bin Laden & he's a h ...
RT @HiramHawk: Gov #Palin: “[#Obama] Is Doing All That He cn 2 Manipulate the US Supply of Energy” | vid: #teaparty ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Obama has the highest debt in world history. No one can beat Obama on that. Obama will always be the best. @cspanwj #cs ...
Richard M. Daley should be forced to live somewhere that's worse than Cabrini Green, without a gun. #chicago #il #tcot
RT @DE_PI: RT @tahDeetz: RT @Afterseven: FRIDAY NEWS DUMP: Border Agents Killer was deported 3 times in the year before he killed Brian ...
RT @askbillmitchell: Kudos to Mozilla for telling DHS to go kick rocks -
Is #Obama A Mexican #Gunrunner? #atf #doj #news #tcot #teaparty #mexico #p2 #dnc
RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT @HughHewitt: Snapshots from inside Washington's job-killing machine
RT @ConservativeLA: Tim Wilson on Abbie Hoffman: "The only guy that got his ass kicked at Woodstock."
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Video: The KGB Connections - An Interesting Documentary from the late 1960's to early 1970's.
After seeing @AndrewBreitbart take apart Al Pires on Stossel's show, Andrew is the new media SEAL Team VI. #tcot go2 at
RT @RandysRight: Terrorist Group Setting Up Operations Near Border ......Hezbollah Considered To Be More Advanced Than Al-Qaida http://w ...
It's Easier to Assassinate When You're a #Liberal President #news #tcot #teaparty #mil #p2 #dnc #ofa

Tweets copied by

Friday, May 6, 2011

From Twitter 05-05-2011

RT @LibertyCzarina: RT @cprater: Gary Johnson - take your ball and go home. <---Now
RT @kjon: Gary Johnson is definitely a fan of jazz hands. #scdebate
RT @JohnRGuardiano: Johnson brags about implementing managed care in New Mexico. I'm not sure that's a political winner. #Back_To_The_'9 ...
RT @rumpfshaker: OK, block grants to the states for Medicaid/Medicare = good idea. @FLGovScott has advocated for the same thing. #scdeba ...
RT @KerryPicket: Interesting that no candidate stressed the problem of violent drug cartels around the border right now #scdebate
#Fact: the #UN Sucks. #scdebate
RT @Doc_0: Paul's team is thinking: don't mention Israel, don't mention Israel... DAMN IT RON #scdebate
RT @DavidLimbaugh: LOL RT @Aaron_RS: This won't end well. RT @benpolitico: Ron Paul, speaking for the Jews. #SCdebate
@kesgardner #tcot the fairtax prebate is universal.
@PaulSwashbuckl it was one went.
RT @Blueberrier0341: I've never understood why so many people from Mexico celebrate their independence while striving to get the hell ou ...
RT @Kriskxx: RUSH/Obama ppl rlly seem determined 2 snatch a propaganda defeat from the jaws of victory, & now they're tryin… (cont) http ...
MT @jjmnolte: Remember how the first GOP debate was supposed to be held by Politico and NBC? Gawd, can you imagine? ~Praising Yahweh 4 it.
@kesgardner thats exactly the same reason why i have issues w/ the flat tax, pols using it social-engineering.
@kesgardner no dissent there.
RT @SaraCJohnsonGA: RT @DLoesch: "I just admit it. I don't try to duck it, bob it, weave it ... I made a mistake ... nobody is perfect." ...
Chris Wallace just gave Ron Paul a battlefield promotion #SCdebate
MT @mattklewis: Gary Johnson with a surprisingly solid answer on the marijuana question. ~oddly, his most lucid moment. #SCdebate
Lightning Roooooooooooound. #SCdebate
They are going after Obama instead of each other. #Progress. #SCdebate
RT @ExJon: The last incumbent Santorum knocked out of office was himself #scdebate
RT @PaulSwashbuckl: @OHCONSERVATISM Agreed, Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are both idealists who would rather feel right than be right. #GOP ...
RT @KLSouth: Regardless of keeping score... I would vote for any of these guys over Obama. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Sam Kinison: "There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or else you run out." #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Pawlenty admitted he was wrong on global warming. He is still an ethanol panderer. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Herman Cain... no teleprompter required. Ever. #scdebate
RT @KLSouth: Pawlenty: 'UN is a pathetic organization.' Awesomeness. #scdebate
RT @rsmccain: #SCDebate Next round: Let's all badmouth Newt, Mitt and Sarah!
RT @jjmnolte: RT! @Stage_Right: TONIGHT: @PamelaGeller, the woman who makes @PatDollard look like Mahatma Ghandi! 1 ...
go away gary. #SCdebate
RT @DLoesch: Founding father of the tea party movement? #scdebate
RT @ConservativeLA: If I have a choice between a guy who once smoked pot, and a guy who believes 9/11 was an inside job, I'm going with ...
RT @guypbenson: Herman Cain is likeable, a total outsider, and a strong conservative. He helped himself tonight. #GOPdebate #tcot
RT @bdomenech: Frank Luntz still looks like he's trapped in an Edgar suit.
RT @LDoren: Racist Teapartiers unanimously supporting Herman Cain on Fox News right now. #tcot
RT @jjmnolte: Hi Corrup MSM: Turn on FOX now! White, conservative Southern RACISTS loving them some @THEHermanCain! #Racers #tcot
RT @Brannon_14: Is it just me, or does luntz look like JaNap in drag?
RT @ctsa: Discovering I follow way too many folks who live and work in Washington D.C. Trust me people, it will be okay to elect someone ...
RT @Kriskxx: RT @fmsabino: Donald Trump you've been FIRED by @THEHermanCain #tcot #gop #scdebate
RT @diggrbiii: THIS -> Simon Maloy - A Man After Boehlert's Heart | @theRightSphere
RT @KerryPicket: RT @michellemalkin Bottom-feeder of the night: |Oy vey.
RT @TrentIWilliams: Join the movement undraft Gary! RT @Freedomwarrior: RT @tahDeetz: go away gary. #SCdebate
@CajunDave the comment was made as sarcasm. @ldoren
@MarineDadGA Our indebtedness to your family, can never be repaid. G-d Bless, Sir.
@CajunDave no worries....
RT @ChrisBarnhart: Dear Apple: Why does your aluminum wireless keyboard require *3* batteries? You're upsetting my OCD.
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Luntz is always stressing that candidates communicate by connecting with people. He needs to heed own advice re Bam's ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @BreitbartVideo Condi Smacks Down O’Donnell During Hostile MSNBC Interview #tcot #news
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Amen, bro.RT @DrLaird: @DavidLimbaugh When is "spread the wealth around" NOT socialism? #tcot #scdebate
RT @CrustyB: There's nothing like an assertive, free-thinking, conservative black man to bring out the frothing racism of the left. #tcot
RT @FSM_47 @keder #GOP candidates could run a whole campaign just showing Obama's u-tube clips where he contradicts himself or lies #tcot
RT @irishspy: #KeenSenseofTheObvious RT @mattklewis: Luntz's focus group pretty much unanimous that #Obama is a #socialist. #scdebate #tcot
RT @Lash3 @DavidLimbaugh Clarification_Ppl who R familiar w/the constitution think Obama is socialist, underinformed Americans have no clue.
RT @GregWHoward: Bin Laden is dead and so are the jobs of nearly half a million Americans just last week #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phn ...
RT @comradescott: RT @diggrbiii: Obama is a Statist who'll shift from Socialist/Fascist policies depending on what he can get. He's for ...
I don't care if you disagree, @BarackObama is a putz. #tcot #p2
RT @ToadonaWire: Obama to meet the Navy Seals. Is that so they can thank him personally? #tcot #p2
RT @CFHeather: RT @allahpundit: Obama should totally use the Bin Laden victory to sell his budget plan <Pathetic ...
RT @CFHeather: RT @co2hog: via @WOTN Finders of Fogel-Family Murderers given IDF Appreciation #tcot
leftist canned tweets are such a vapid nothing. #tcot #p2
RT @vickihinze: @GregWHoward Why's Holder after the CIA agents on the UBL? He's going to investigate to see if the agents should be pros ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Two Firefighters Dead, Over Two Million Acres Burned, 400 Homes Destroyed. . . But It‘s Not A ’Disaster.’ - http://bit ...
RT @EZKpatriots: RT @libertyspot Dems Introducing Sweeping Gun Control Legislation #tcot @Judgenap #scdebate
RT @Lash3: @Sami_Shamieh @tahDeetz The question I have: did CA receive Fed assistance w/their fires?
RT @KenPerryTweets: The long arm of the American Military reaches far, deep & never forgets. Other countries need to remember this. Esp ...
RT @infocyde: Sorry Eric, Operation Gunrunner isn't going away ATF trafficed guns to Mexico #tcot #tlot #p21 #toppro ...
RT @infocyde: The war that is brewing, that isn't so distant, that everyone wants to ignore #warrumors #narcoterrois ...
RT @allahpundit: @benpolitico Yeah, a little sketchy right now, and yet... #iran #news #tcot #mil
RT @infocyde: #Statist continue to use zoning laws to control / make power grabs, not Constitutional IMHO #tcot #tlo ...
RT @infocyde: States attempt to push back against Federal land grabs #Statism #Constitution #tlot #teaparty #tcot
RT @infocyde: Helping Mexico sue US gun manufactures:Project Gunrunner #iamthemob #teaparty #Constitution #Corruptio ...
MT @Youreadygrandma @I_Hate_Hippies @1861_again @GregWHoward @tahDeetz I Hate Hippies!!! -Reminds me of Eric Cartman? Cartman is muh mentor
RT @DavidLimbaugh: White liberals have exploited blacks 4 so long, abusing the black's misplaced trust in them, 2 poison them w/ false c ...
RT @gjsibio: RT @JillStanek #Prolife teen flash mob surprises California Planned Parenthood #prochoice teen rally #ab ...
RT @AmericanLady49: #StickyNote Campaign & high food & gas prices in GA,So how's that hope & change thing working for U. ...
MT @kciao: Cool just watched the international space station make a pass under the north star. ~ #trippindicular
RT @greybeard411: RT @AllenWest: We must be ready for retaliation from Islamic world #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @steveegg: WI Supreme Court recount Day 9 - 79.5% units, 75% votes recounted, Prosser unofficial lead 7,096 - #w ...
RT @ThomasSSchmitz: .@TimPawlenty: I'm going to vote for @SarahPalinUSA but thank you for calling the #UnitedNations what they are: a pa ...

Tweets copied by

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

From Twitter 05-03-2011

RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: PM says he won't move Canada hard to the right -RealClearPolitics News
RT @GlenSpicer: Obama is writing a new book - "The Audacity of Running For President Again When I Didn't Do Anything My 1st Term" #tcot #p2
MT @RWBEagle U too? @Smalltalkwitht My cussing has gone up 300% since Obama took office_Another record more like WTF! ~I cuss in muh sleep
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Gallup: 89% of Americans Credit Military for Finding, Killing Bin Laden--35% Credit Obama - #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat: Bin Ladenless RT @GrayMatta: Enough about was your day?
RT @AppleFollowers: Ideas For Repurposing Your Old iMac
Nary even a dead-cat bounce for our Light-Workin' 2nd-Hand messiah. #tcot #p2
RT @TechZader: Intel To Fabricate Chips For Future Apple iPads And iPhones?
RT @JadedByPolitics #Palin on the #California #CentralValley water issue #news #catcot #tcot #teaparty #ca #waterrights
RT @RorschachNEOCON: Did #Islam recognize and follow Daniel Pearl's religious requirements after they beheaded him? @CAIR_USA @park51 #M ...
RT @keder: I'm seriously not a wingnut, but I'm sick and tired of watching lefty media goofballs take their phony cheap shots at average ...
RT @FirstTeamTommy: Who cares if he was armed? Does anyone know what sort of carbon footprint they left during the bin Laden raid? #CapA ...
RT @AndrewLawton: On this day in 1979, Margaret Thatcher was elected Prime Minister of Britain!
MT @TechZader When #Designers Run Out of #Jobs #tcot
RT @JawaVinnie: @jjmnolte let's ask @randizuckerberg why Trig Palin hate page still on Facebook #TrigsCrew
@pkrbkr66 its nice to know they no longer have free reign when it comes to establishing the daily prog meme.
RT @Talkmaster: Greatest covert operation ever? Perhaps so .. but do you remember the Entebbe Raid? July 4, 1976.
RT @TropicsZ4: Hey there :) @scotlandlover: "rb vi @TropicsZ4: "The Church – Under The Milky Way"" ♫
RT @kesgardner: The same people who call enhanced interrogation "torture" brought us "contingent overseas operation" & "kinetic military ...
It's time the #UN follows #OBL's lead. #tcot #teaparty
RT @stagestop: I think Prince Charles and Obama should beer summit. They have the same level of intellect, hypocrisy, and international ...
RT @Kalel194: In the Left’s Rush to Politicize Bin Laden They Overlook Their Hipocrisy
RT @EternalRiteWing: RT @DarrellIssa: I grilled AG Holder on deadly project #gunrunner today. More ?s raised than answered. VIDEO: http: ...
RT @DanRiehl: RT @tobyharnden: My blog post: "Did 'dead' courier betray Osama bin Laden? The White House story doesn't add up" http://bi ...
RT @Kalel194: David Limbaugh: 2012 Is the Republicans' Election To Lose
RT @Q_Element: This Backpack Looks Through Walls [Recon]: Although the brick and concret...
MT @wusa9 SEAL Team 6 Brags-Quietly ~fyi_SEALs dont brag_they dont have 2_in their world_reputations precede #tcot #mil
RT @TechZader: 28 Clean and Minimal Photography Examples
still tweetin' the shine off our manchurian marxist messiah. #tcot
RT @corba7: Breakdown of Black Families in U.S. Linked to Planned Parenthood’s Birth Control Campaign, Expert… (cont)
RT @keder: Waterboarding works? Imagine that. #tcot #p2
RT @Smith6988: @Talkmaster They didnt mind releasing video of our people being be-headed either...
RT @kesgardner: .@JBrenn I can debate libs who accept the need to be true to facts. It's lefties who disconnect themselves from facts wh ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Mettalica - Master Of Puppets ♫
RT @GregWHoward: What Is The Best Place In The U.S. To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse? #tcot #p2 #ocra #sg ...
RT @duchessrebecca: Totally agree. RT @dmataconis: Obama invited Bush to GZ on Thursday. Bush declined. They both made the right decision.
RT @EvanPokroy: RT @jtLOL: White people who see racism in everything are a bigger cause for racial resentment than the racists they thin ...
RT @Artist4Palin: @EricSteeleLive @jessibradshaw I have Sarah Palin first but West and Bachmann on short list if she does not run. I thi ...
RT @StopTheTakeover This OBL stuff is a conveniently timed distraction from much more important stuff we are fighting for here in USA. #tcot
RT @beachkatie: RUSH: You Can’t Put Osama bin Laden’s Blood In Your Gas Tank –We Are Not Unifying Around Obama Daily Rush Video Post: h ...
RT @kesgardner: Wow, Politico reports that President Bush turned down Obama's invitation to tour Ground Zero on Thursday. I don't blame ...
RT @irishspy #Democrats upset by disappearance of post- #OBL "national unity." 2 a Democrat "national unity" = "shut up and agree" #tcot #p2
RT @JammieWF: Bush Nixes Appearance at Obama's Crass Ground Zero Victory Lap
RT @AtlanticStation: Help @AtlanticStation & Red Cross & donate to support the tornado victims in GA & AL. Text "REDCROSS" to 90999 htt ...
RT @keder: Shorter #p2, thank you George W. Bush for your foreign policy ideas that we opposed. Now, go away -- we have a messiah to wor ...
RT @jjmnolte: Hi #P2: Waterboarding works, the welfare state does not.
RT @keder: MT @diggrbiii: Leon Panetta single-handedly demolished nearly 48 hours of false narratives being pushed by @thinkprogress & C ...
RT @keder: Sorry liberals, but unlike U guys, we support policies b/c they actually accomplish something. U support stuff that sounds gd ...
RT @thetalentscout: LOL! On O'Reilly, Combs said Rumsfeld said no intel came from water boarding. Big fight w Bill. On Hannity, Rumsfeld ...
RT @brooksbayne: Osama bin Laden Largely Discredited Among Muslim Publics in Recent Years #tcot
RT @KLSouth: "encountered resistance "thru-out the operation," Carney said. Is he referring to AK-47 fire from house, or backbiting from ...
RT @sanuzis: Taunting the Enemy: Victory Lap After bin Laden Killing Could be Risky for Obama
RT @GregWHoward: White House Struggles to Get Story Right on Raid Truth doesn't require re… (cont)
RT @DannyGallows: Before we all get upset about washing OBL before dumping him into the sea, ask yourself what he was washed WITH? #tcot
RT @DannyGallows: Excellent! RT @steveegg: @DannyGallows @tahDeetz If it wasn't pork grease and bourbon, I'll be mighty upset. #tcot
RT @The_Anti_Obama: @diesel_lady Once again, Bush shows true class by staying away from Obama's cheap attempt to captalize on Osama's death.
RT @whitneypitcher: The Palin doctrine is simple. You count all 5 points on your hand, make a fist, and punch the enemy in the face. Pro ...
RT @erickbrockway: RT @yidwithlid YID With LID: Media Matters New Theory "All Conservertives Were Born "Birthers" #tcot
RT @lonelycon: #tcot: The NYT Admits that Obama Poll Numbers Show Little Improvement After Killing Osama Bin Laden
RT @TechZader: 25+ Professional Web Design Agency WebSites
RT @ConservativeLA Interestingly, the buzz is there was no jump in O's approval rating. The non-koolaid drinkers seem to get it. #tcot #hhrs
RT @OC_Dad: When #GWB said he was done politicking he meant it Get off his back #libs he aint gonna carry the mongrels water Your presid ...
RT @allahpundit: What??? MT @TheFix: Mitch Daniels when asked whether he was ready to debate Obama on foreign policy: "Probably not". ht ...
MT @ConservativeLA: @tahDeetz @eurobird At least I hope they do. ~the inconsistencies R glaring 2 even those that pay little attention, imho
RT @wickedpoptart: RT @Smalltalkwitht: Neolibs have to read conservative tweets because we don't read their crap. #justsayin|LOL
RT @tinastullracing: One more win for the obvious and simple.
RT @marychastain: LOL! RT @jjmnolte: Hi @dailydish looking forward to yer tortured logic about #OBL tomorrow. Get it, "tortured?" TORTUR ...
RT @MarkTapson: David Horowitz Freedom Center Defends Israel in the Left’s Most Beloved Venue -
RT @SouthTejasGal: Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons Used Against WIU Students
RT @irishspy: I don't see how @JRubinBlogger can call her "neo-isolationist:" One may disagree with Palin, but the l ...
RT @Good_Lt: NYT even admits EIT played role in IDing OBL courier - and they try to weasel word it, calling it "small," but they can't a ...
RT @jmattbarber: Waterboarding is to torture as #MSNBC is to journalism... Wait, I take that back. MSNBC is torture #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Daggy1: If you weren't taught that capitalism is the kindest, most efficient & most equitable economic structure you were educationa ...
RT @FoxieNews: RT @ReconChesty: The new TSA pin up. She is Hot! LOL!!!!!! #tcot // do they have the male vers ...
RT @jjmnolte: Hi #P2. Waterboarding works. Taxing the rich does not. #facts #tcot
RT @Pudingtane: Of course Moderate Muslim wont speak out n some of those countries.They will get their heads chopped off.It is like the ...
RT @WraithofNeptune: Fair winds & following seas Navy SEAL Neil Roberts. On news of Geronimo, I toast ur sacrifice & memory. Long time c ...
RT @SafeHavenGold: @GregWHoward i am sick of being called a racist because i have sense when it comes to economics. #tcot
RT @lowlightphoto: 50 New Sensational Long Exposure Photos: Long exposure is something we never tire of here at Phototuts+, so here... h ...
RT @tjholthaus: RT @GregWHoward: Questioning Bush was considered the highest form of patriotism by libtards, but questioning Obama is ra ...
RT @1HotItalian: When Saddam was hung the #topprog #p2 idiots would've liked us to send sympathy cards to Saddams family. OBL dead and t ...
RT @macgeekpro: What a bummer. RT @diglloyd: According to OWC, the new 2011 #iMac does NOT have SATA III 6 Gbps, only SATA II 3 Gbps. ht ...
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @TWlTTERWHALE: Please do not click on any links saying Osama Bin Laden EXECUTION Video! This is a virus that hacks ...
RT @bassmaster12: .@JRubinBlogger This===> Palin outlines doctrine for use of force, picks new foreign policy adviser ...
RT @danthebarbarian: The Palin Doctrine Emerges: Video and Transcript Of Sarah Palin's Tribute To The Troops:
RT @gary4205: The Palin Doctrine Emerges:Video&Transcript Of Sarah Palin's Tribute 2 The Troops: #tcot #gop #p2
RT @FoxieNews: Janet Napolitano: Unpassed DREAM Act Now the Law Oh REALLY now?? #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis Indeed, devastating @blakehounshell: PBS viewers are so going to sign up for jihad against Pakistan after watching this.
RT @knifework: @michellemalkin I'm trying to imagine Bill Clinton ever turning down an opportunity to bask in the glow of a spotlight... ...
RT @teh_Dede: Maybe get your prostate checked? RT @mooseofreason: My stream hasn't updated in several minutes.
RT @ReconChesty: RT @IngrahamAngle Fellow conservatives: don't fall for Obama "gutsy" line OR White House playing unity card. http://bit ...
RT @kesgardner: A recurring topic! Via @americnelephant The Democrat's Insatiable Demand to Regulate Other People's Lives: ...
RT @DLoesch: Oops! Rumsfeld destroys new @keitholbermann meme on waterboarding/interrogation. #tcot #news #mil #p2
RT @JimPethokoukis: CIA guy: O's Predator war in Pakistan has further radicalized militants who know see themselves as part of global jihad
RT @TheHenry: RT @KLSouth 12-year-old reveals even he was a regular visitor to Al Qaeda boss's hideaway
RT @gailtalk: RT @jmattbarber Libs are squirming out of their skins to deny the fact that enhanced interrogation (i.e.waterboarding) led ...

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