RT @GaltsGirl @1SupremeGoddess @ToddyLittman @tahDeetz I missed all the good stuff. Silly beer lunch =P ~ mmm, beeeeer lunch... ughughugh
RT @Chris_Moody: Heh. After WH Press Secretary dances around journo's question multiple times, reporter says "I give up" & moves onto ot ...
Hey bin Laden's son ~ go porkel some snork.
RT @BadMayo: Iran Turns Up the Heat in the Gulf http://tinyurl.com/66fgvwg #tcot #news #mil
fyi ~ cyberwarfare rules included in defense bill.
@BarackObama actually invites racists into the @WhiteHouse. #Progressive #progress. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
RT @reasonmag: Is Obama serious about immigration reform? David Harsanyi says his speech this week suggests that he's not http://bit.ly/ ...
State-Run Media Already Skewing Polls By 17 Points for #Democrats http://t.co/c0el9fy via @gatewaypundit #news #tcot #dnc #p2
#Porsche N. America is frikkin moving to the frikkin ol' #Hapeville #Ford plant. AN EFFIN BIG DEAL!! #ga #atlanta
RT @diggrbiii: .@OWillis is falsely claiming the hashtag #SorosMonkey is a racist slur against thim. Of course, pasty white @EricBoehler ...
RT @macgeekpro: iOS app: Make gorgeous posters out of your photos w/ Phoster. Comes w/ super sleek templates to boot · http://t.co/nMrLgz7
RT @SusanAnneHiller: @jjmnolte How does Common feel about Van Jones? Jones' wife is white. #tcot #p2
#Obama Lies, again!… Obama Says Border Fence Is “Basically Complete” But It’s Only 5% Finished http://t.co/LUalixi via @gatewaypundit #tcot
Poor Distraught #Fishermen Attempt Suicide After 1Year of #Obama #Jobs -Killing Regz http://t.co/GVU77rK via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
Michelle Obama will work just fine in that moat, Barry. ___ #tcot @barackobama @whitehouse #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc #px #p21
RT @kesgardner I would like to build a very deep moat, w/alligators, between leftists & my property, including my income & savings #tcot
RT @commonpatriot via @BigGovt #Illinois 2 Release #IllegalAliens Convicted 4 Violent Crimes Rather than Deport http://bit.ly/lcQzA0 #tcot
RT @TheFix: Kenobi dead, Vader says. http://ow.ly/4SjEF #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @RedState: The 60-Day Mark In Libya - A Serious Deadline For A Serious Anti-War Movement http://bit.ly/iUT7UB #TCOT #RS
RT @DoDLiveMil: A @USMC Gunnery Sgt. winning the @USNavy Cross? I think it's Worth a Thousand Words: http://bit.ly/l61kbK #sot #Marines #mil
RT @US395: FYI #SorosMonkey applies to anyone working for Soros including girls like @ericBoehlert. #tcot #p2
Hey #LSU YOU SUCK!!! #UGA #Dawgs
Hey muzzies, necrophilia is now #halal. 16th century #progress. #tcot #islam
If you 'choose' to be a #teacher, imposing order by stopping fights, 'is' part of your job. #tcot
RT @diggrbiii: Hey @Owillis, it's okay for you to criticize Common now. The White House says it's okay: http://abcn.ws/kreU3e #tcot #p2
MT @bccohan I luv that there R headlines as such~ @WhiteHouse Condemns Some of #Common's Lyrics but Praise his Larger Body of Work #tcot #p2
RT @TheCupcakeBlog: Caramel Apple Cupcake Trio http://bit.ly/k6BDNl #cupcake
RT @hmfearny: RT @nickmarschel: I will say it, er... uh, I mean tweet it -> The eras of Bob Dole, Gerald Ford and John Mccain are all ...
RT @jjmnolte: This is so good: Whether you say or don't say "basketball" you might be a racist: http://bit.ly/mEiP40 #news #tcot #p2
#DeetzPSA ~ the #PeaceCorps serves up American girls to Third World rapists, as a matter of due course. #sgp #asamom #tcot #p2
RT @amandacarpenter @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #tcot @talkmaster #news
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: Barrow Co. officials arrest 29 in a drug dealer roundup. Slideshow of suspects http://www.cbs... http://b ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed an intruder Wednesday morning.
MORE DETAILS: <http://... http: ...
RT @FreedomUS: #GOP, be bold. Appeasement didn't work for Chamberlain, & it won't work now. Call out the left on lies, such as Obama tol ...
RT @SiddharthPatel: Dear Tweetdeck, tell me when is Twitter API is available? Even in worst cases, temporarily?
@Talkmaster RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #401k #tcot
RT @jimmiebjr Come on, @owillis. U have the chance 2 be a leader here & stand out from your colleagues_Go on @LarryOConnor's show #p2 #tcot
RT @NicholasBrodie: @owillis If you believe one person's actions paint the portrait of an entire group you are guilty of all you accuse ...
#Democrats are coming after whats left in your #401k, just as the @TalkMaster has been warning us about for years. #DeetzPSA. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat @Talkmaster Cause to celebrate today_The death of a predator http://tinyurl.com/3nlmrbf #EtermalRapistAeration #tcot #p2 #goa
RT @dominionpundit: wow.. the pneumatic hammer of inflation fears taken to the stock and commodities markets today... #puking
If you douse your x-girlfriend w/ gas & set her on fire, a rusty-knife castration, sans drugs, is too good for you. #tcot #sgp
RT @jimmiebjr: Shorter @owillis: My accusations only work if no one refutes them. Also, I'm afraid of @LarryOConnor. #MyChortleLadenDay
RT @cbsatl: Facebook Apps Leaked Personal Info, Firm Says: Nearly 100,000 Facebook applications accidentally leaked access t... http://b ...
RT @jjmnolte: Like Kryptonite to stupid, er, uhm, except live on the air where I might not be able to flip the MMFA flipchart fast enuf! ...
RT @Guntalk Pass this along to ALL. Serious #AMMO recall! .223 #Winchester Ranger ammo http://tinyurl.com/4ghl5mv ReTweet PLz #tcot #nra
RT @deepereyes RINOs are more concerned w/stopping #conservatives than they are w/stopping liberal socialism. #lindseygraham #nolabels #tcot
RT @Dasan: Ritzholtz boils down the %MSFT problem in a page- "the rich fat kid that wants to be cool" http://bit.ly/iNHMAU #tech #news #tcot
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary I miss the old cave in A-stan. More room than this crummy old house. Fleas were better than roaches.
@tom19803 after 100 years of progressive language bastardization, many do see it as such. the enemy is w/in. @deepereyes
RT @jamiedupree: Sen Jim Inhofe (R-OK) says he has become the first member of Congress to see photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden #tcot
RT @whitneypitcher: @pat_ess LOL. Nice avatar! :)
RT @PalinTV: Palin’s Problem Isn’t What She’s Done; It’s Who She Is http://bit.ly/ijnfSx
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary Used to think American culture was the devil's work. Then I got into Tori Amos and my thoughts became purple choc ...
@tom19803 wow, another clueless cipher w/ nothing but ad hominem, revealing true colors... makes muh job that much easier @deepereyes
@tom19803 If U quote scripture in ur description & then cuss like a sailor in ur defense of progressives, U aint #TEAparty. #justsayin #tcot
MT @tom19803: @tahDeetz no longer following you---> sheep ~ beat ya to it....
@deepereyes someone didn't like my proper historical characterization of progressive language manipulation, it would seem.... ;-)
The implanted ciphers (read political #progzi sleeper-cells) begin their rearguard actions. #GameOn. #tcot #teaparty #p2
No tax-breaks if your fat kid loves #cake, in #Illinois. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat: RT @WalidShoebat: #Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report http://is.gd/n7zdD9 #news #mil #tcot #sgp
I'm thinking of doing a #mohammed crop-circle. @heytammybruce #tbrs #tcot
RT @SMDepp "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... Im not joking." -Joe Biden #teaparty #tcot
RT @CO2HOG via @theblaze ‘Climate Scientists’ Release Profane Video Bashing Deniers http://tinyurl.com/42rd4y7 #tcot #agw suck it, #greens
The next person that attempts to rush a cockpit or open an #aircraft fuselage door, needs a broke neck to send a message. #tcot #teaparty
RT @AndrewBreitbart: On GMA you said you didn't care about facts, the 4 videos that PROVE N-word incident didn't happen. It. didn't. happen.
RT @chadmiles: Jay Carney = in over his head #tcot #tweetcongress #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: RB !! @DamnTheMan: "Alice In Chains – Sickman" ♫ http://is.gd/OJKrxz
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/mjy1p Thousands of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs Recalled #ecobulbs cause #fires #tcot #globalwarminghoax #clima ...
RT @Snooper1: US Postal Service Posts $2.2 Billion Loss http://goo.gl/3HO54 #usps #broke #stamps #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/MVtO2 ABC Affiliate Fires Christian Over Strip Club Segment #God #Jesus #Christian #media #atheists #tcot #t ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/FY500 Cops Say 'Bomb' Sign Next to Mosque Perfectly Legal #cops #law #screw #islam #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/lIw0A Obama went to Texas to lie his ass off #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot #p2 #borderw ...
RT @Snooper1: Navy halts move to allow gay unions by chaplains http://goo.gl/MqO4d #dadt #faggots #tcot #thetroops #troops #warnews #mil ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/L9Qsx Herman Cain on Obama's Photo Op to US Border Today #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/aUCPJ Democrats and Democrats In Drag are everywhere #taxes #gop #rnc #dems #dnc #media #tcot #teaparty #ilgop
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/rVE7l Red Chinese (PRICS) are going to check out the stealth chopper in Pakistan #tcot #thetroops #troops #w ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/3ccY3 'Pro-Choice Terrorist' Indicted #tcot #islam #jihad #cair #hamas #muslim #sharia #homegrown #teaparty
RT @TombstoneBadBob So_just add 15 million Illegals to our country to take #jobs from Americans in an already stressed job market! #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeLA: Unflippingbelievable: Drudge: Obama admin pushing banks to offer sub-prime mortgages again... http://tinyurl.com/3rb ...
RT @AGW_IS_A_HOAX Propaganda organ NYT gushes over fraudster Al Gore's $5 climate hoax app http://is.gd/vw8RFF #AGW #GlobalWarming #tcot
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: The DREAM Act if passed would allow children of illegal immigrants to gain citizenship if they go to college or join the ...
RT @obamascare: How to Turn 100 Trillion Dollars Into Five and Feel Good About It http://goo.gl/ENjlo #tcot
RT @dancurry @DLoesch "Burn Prez Bush!" = socially conscious. "I'd like 2 control my own health care" = racist. #todaysdefinitions #tcot #p2
RT @Advocacy4Israel: There you go. Left wing apologists for jjihadis in the UK, who wish to kill Jews, gays, Christians, and the LEFT ap ...
RT @BuckeyeFirearms: FLASH: Ohio House passes HB45 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of… http://goo.gl/fb/kfGca #tcot
RT @United_Ignited: LSU American flag burning protest http://t.co/uFI5qVY #tcot #wtpuai #teaparty #twisters #ocra
RT @exposeliberals: @seanhannity why not mention Jill Scott (INVITED to poetry festival) who winced when her friend married a White woma ...
RT @USAHipster: One of Obama's leftwing nutjobs tried to BURN AMERICAN FLAG AT LSU today. Students protested & stopped the loon. http:// ...
RT @kesgardner: .@siameesecities You tell me the last time in our nation's history revenues exceeded 19% of GDP, regardless of tax rates ...
looks like I have a few new worthless #progzi 'followers' ~apt description I should say. #tcot #p2
RT @leolaporte: Have you ever authorized an app with Facebook (Twitter say?) @eimken? That counts.
RT @GaltsGirl: I think I got it! Spending=Good, Profit= Evil , Spending beats Profit. Wait.. what are we spending again? #dontgotit. #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber: Paging the ACLU - Osama bin Laden's son might sue the USA #tcot #p2 Will Holder and DOJ defend against the lawsuit?
RT @Newswatcher89 #Steelworkers #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Opponent’s Roof http://bit.ly/k5MIEZ #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Newswatcher89 #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Foe's Roof http://bit.ly/k5MIEZ #PooFlingersLocal101. #tcot #p2
RT @Chris_Moody: Heh. After WH Press Secretary dances around journo's question multiple times, reporter says "I give up" & moves onto ot ...
Hey bin Laden's son ~ go porkel some snork.
RT @BadMayo: Iran Turns Up the Heat in the Gulf http://tinyurl.com/66fgvwg #tcot #news #mil
fyi ~ cyberwarfare rules included in defense bill.
@BarackObama actually invites racists into the @WhiteHouse. #Progressive #progress. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
RT @reasonmag: Is Obama serious about immigration reform? David Harsanyi says his speech this week suggests that he's not http://bit.ly/ ...
State-Run Media Already Skewing Polls By 17 Points for #Democrats http://t.co/c0el9fy via @gatewaypundit #news #tcot #dnc #p2
#Porsche N. America is frikkin moving to the frikkin ol' #Hapeville #Ford plant. AN EFFIN BIG DEAL!! #ga #atlanta
RT @diggrbiii: .@OWillis is falsely claiming the hashtag #SorosMonkey is a racist slur against thim. Of course, pasty white @EricBoehler ...
RT @macgeekpro: iOS app: Make gorgeous posters out of your photos w/ Phoster. Comes w/ super sleek templates to boot · http://t.co/nMrLgz7
RT @SusanAnneHiller: @jjmnolte How does Common feel about Van Jones? Jones' wife is white. #tcot #p2
#Obama Lies, again!… Obama Says Border Fence Is “Basically Complete” But It’s Only 5% Finished http://t.co/LUalixi via @gatewaypundit #tcot
Poor Distraught #Fishermen Attempt Suicide After 1Year of #Obama #Jobs -Killing Regz http://t.co/GVU77rK via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
Michelle Obama will work just fine in that moat, Barry. ___ #tcot @barackobama @whitehouse #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc #px #p21
RT @kesgardner I would like to build a very deep moat, w/alligators, between leftists & my property, including my income & savings #tcot
RT @commonpatriot via @BigGovt #Illinois 2 Release #IllegalAliens Convicted 4 Violent Crimes Rather than Deport http://bit.ly/lcQzA0 #tcot
RT @TheFix: Kenobi dead, Vader says. http://ow.ly/4SjEF #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @RedState: The 60-Day Mark In Libya - A Serious Deadline For A Serious Anti-War Movement http://bit.ly/iUT7UB #TCOT #RS
RT @DoDLiveMil: A @USMC Gunnery Sgt. winning the @USNavy Cross? I think it's Worth a Thousand Words: http://bit.ly/l61kbK #sot #Marines #mil
RT @US395: FYI #SorosMonkey applies to anyone working for Soros including girls like @ericBoehlert. #tcot #p2
Hey #LSU YOU SUCK!!! #UGA #Dawgs
Hey muzzies, necrophilia is now #halal. 16th century #progress. #tcot #islam
If you 'choose' to be a #teacher, imposing order by stopping fights, 'is' part of your job. #tcot
RT @diggrbiii: Hey @Owillis, it's okay for you to criticize Common now. The White House says it's okay: http://abcn.ws/kreU3e #tcot #p2
MT @bccohan I luv that there R headlines as such~ @WhiteHouse Condemns Some of #Common's Lyrics but Praise his Larger Body of Work #tcot #p2
RT @TheCupcakeBlog: Caramel Apple Cupcake Trio http://bit.ly/k6BDNl #cupcake
RT @hmfearny: RT @nickmarschel: I will say it, er... uh, I mean tweet it -> The eras of Bob Dole, Gerald Ford and John Mccain are all ...
RT @jjmnolte: This is so good: Whether you say or don't say "basketball" you might be a racist: http://bit.ly/mEiP40 #news #tcot #p2
#DeetzPSA ~ the #PeaceCorps serves up American girls to Third World rapists, as a matter of due course. #sgp #asamom #tcot #p2
RT @amandacarpenter @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #tcot @talkmaster #news
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: Barrow Co. officials arrest 29 in a drug dealer roundup. Slideshow of suspects http://www.cbs... http://b ...
RT @cbsatl: RT CBSAtlBreaking: A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed an intruder Wednesday morning.
MORE DETAILS: <http://... http: ...
RT @FreedomUS: #GOP, be bold. Appeasement didn't work for Chamberlain, & it won't work now. Call out the left on lies, such as Obama tol ...
RT @SiddharthPatel: Dear Tweetdeck, tell me when is Twitter API is available? Even in worst cases, temporarily?
@Talkmaster RT @JimPethokoukis Senate #Dems want $2Trlln in tax hikes, including a millionaire #SURTAX of 3% http://j.mp/k4MSbZ #401k #tcot
RT @jimmiebjr Come on, @owillis. U have the chance 2 be a leader here & stand out from your colleagues_Go on @LarryOConnor's show #p2 #tcot
RT @NicholasBrodie: @owillis If you believe one person's actions paint the portrait of an entire group you are guilty of all you accuse ...
#Democrats are coming after whats left in your #401k, just as the @TalkMaster has been warning us about for years. #DeetzPSA. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat @Talkmaster Cause to celebrate today_The death of a predator http://tinyurl.com/3nlmrbf #EtermalRapistAeration #tcot #p2 #goa
RT @dominionpundit: wow.. the pneumatic hammer of inflation fears taken to the stock and commodities markets today... #puking
If you douse your x-girlfriend w/ gas & set her on fire, a rusty-knife castration, sans drugs, is too good for you. #tcot #sgp
RT @jimmiebjr: Shorter @owillis: My accusations only work if no one refutes them. Also, I'm afraid of @LarryOConnor. #MyChortleLadenDay
RT @cbsatl: Facebook Apps Leaked Personal Info, Firm Says: Nearly 100,000 Facebook applications accidentally leaked access t... http://b ...
RT @jjmnolte: Like Kryptonite to stupid, er, uhm, except live on the air where I might not be able to flip the MMFA flipchart fast enuf! ...
RT @Guntalk Pass this along to ALL. Serious #AMMO recall! .223 #Winchester Ranger ammo http://tinyurl.com/4ghl5mv ReTweet PLz #tcot #nra
RT @deepereyes RINOs are more concerned w/stopping #conservatives than they are w/stopping liberal socialism. #lindseygraham #nolabels #tcot
RT @Dasan: Ritzholtz boils down the %MSFT problem in a page- "the rich fat kid that wants to be cool" http://bit.ly/iNHMAU #tech #news #tcot
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary I miss the old cave in A-stan. More room than this crummy old house. Fleas were better than roaches.
@tom19803 after 100 years of progressive language bastardization, many do see it as such. the enemy is w/in. @deepereyes
RT @jamiedupree: Sen Jim Inhofe (R-OK) says he has become the first member of Congress to see photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden #tcot
RT @whitneypitcher: @pat_ess LOL. Nice avatar! :)
RT @PalinTV: Palin’s Problem Isn’t What She’s Done; It’s Who She Is http://bit.ly/ijnfSx
RT @Doc_0: #OsamaDiary Used to think American culture was the devil's work. Then I got into Tori Amos and my thoughts became purple choc ...
@tom19803 wow, another clueless cipher w/ nothing but ad hominem, revealing true colors... makes muh job that much easier @deepereyes
@tom19803 If U quote scripture in ur description & then cuss like a sailor in ur defense of progressives, U aint #TEAparty. #justsayin #tcot
MT @tom19803: @tahDeetz no longer following you---> sheep ~ beat ya to it....
@deepereyes someone didn't like my proper historical characterization of progressive language manipulation, it would seem.... ;-)
The implanted ciphers (read political #progzi sleeper-cells) begin their rearguard actions. #GameOn. #tcot #teaparty #p2
No tax-breaks if your fat kid loves #cake, in #Illinois. #tcot #p2
RT @TRMirCat: RT @WalidShoebat: #Islam Not Mentioned in Honor Killing Report http://is.gd/n7zdD9 #news #mil #tcot #sgp
I'm thinking of doing a #mohammed crop-circle. @heytammybruce #tbrs #tcot
RT @SMDepp "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... Im not joking." -Joe Biden #teaparty #tcot
RT @CO2HOG via @theblaze ‘Climate Scientists’ Release Profane Video Bashing Deniers http://tinyurl.com/42rd4y7 #tcot #agw suck it, #greens
The next person that attempts to rush a cockpit or open an #aircraft fuselage door, needs a broke neck to send a message. #tcot #teaparty
RT @AndrewBreitbart: On GMA you said you didn't care about facts, the 4 videos that PROVE N-word incident didn't happen. It. didn't. happen.
RT @chadmiles: Jay Carney = in over his head #tcot #tweetcongress #p2
RT @TropicsZ4: RB !! @DamnTheMan: "Alice In Chains – Sickman" ♫ http://is.gd/OJKrxz
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/mjy1p Thousands of Energy-Saving Light Bulbs Recalled #ecobulbs cause #fires #tcot #globalwarminghoax #clima ...
RT @Snooper1: US Postal Service Posts $2.2 Billion Loss http://goo.gl/3HO54 #usps #broke #stamps #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/MVtO2 ABC Affiliate Fires Christian Over Strip Club Segment #God #Jesus #Christian #media #atheists #tcot #t ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/FY500 Cops Say 'Bomb' Sign Next to Mosque Perfectly Legal #cops #law #screw #islam #media #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/lIw0A Obama went to Texas to lie his ass off #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot #p2 #borderw ...
RT @Snooper1: Navy halts move to allow gay unions by chaplains http://goo.gl/MqO4d #dadt #faggots #tcot #thetroops #troops #warnews #mil ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/L9Qsx Herman Cain on Obama's Photo Op to US Border Today #Texas #mexico #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/aUCPJ Democrats and Democrats In Drag are everywhere #taxes #gop #rnc #dems #dnc #media #tcot #teaparty #ilgop
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/rVE7l Red Chinese (PRICS) are going to check out the stealth chopper in Pakistan #tcot #thetroops #troops #w ...
RT @Snooper1: http://goo.gl/3ccY3 'Pro-Choice Terrorist' Indicted #tcot #islam #jihad #cair #hamas #muslim #sharia #homegrown #teaparty
RT @TombstoneBadBob So_just add 15 million Illegals to our country to take #jobs from Americans in an already stressed job market! #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeLA: Unflippingbelievable: Drudge: Obama admin pushing banks to offer sub-prime mortgages again... http://tinyurl.com/3rb ...
RT @AGW_IS_A_HOAX Propaganda organ NYT gushes over fraudster Al Gore's $5 climate hoax app http://is.gd/vw8RFF #AGW #GlobalWarming #tcot
RT @OBAMA_CZAR: The DREAM Act if passed would allow children of illegal immigrants to gain citizenship if they go to college or join the ...
RT @obamascare: How to Turn 100 Trillion Dollars Into Five and Feel Good About It http://goo.gl/ENjlo #tcot
RT @dancurry @DLoesch "Burn Prez Bush!" = socially conscious. "I'd like 2 control my own health care" = racist. #todaysdefinitions #tcot #p2
RT @Advocacy4Israel: There you go. Left wing apologists for jjihadis in the UK, who wish to kill Jews, gays, Christians, and the LEFT ap ...
RT @BuckeyeFirearms: FLASH: Ohio House passes HB45 (Restaurant & Car Carry Rules Fix) and HB54 (Restoration of… http://goo.gl/fb/kfGca #tcot
RT @United_Ignited: LSU American flag burning protest http://t.co/uFI5qVY #tcot #wtpuai #teaparty #twisters #ocra
RT @exposeliberals: @seanhannity why not mention Jill Scott (INVITED to poetry festival) who winced when her friend married a White woma ...
RT @USAHipster: One of Obama's leftwing nutjobs tried to BURN AMERICAN FLAG AT LSU today. Students protested & stopped the loon. http:// ...
RT @kesgardner: .@siameesecities You tell me the last time in our nation's history revenues exceeded 19% of GDP, regardless of tax rates ...
looks like I have a few new worthless #progzi 'followers' ~apt description I should say. #tcot #p2
RT @leolaporte: Have you ever authorized an app with Facebook (Twitter say?) @eimken? That counts.
RT @GaltsGirl: I think I got it! Spending=Good, Profit= Evil , Spending beats Profit. Wait.. what are we spending again? #dontgotit. #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber: Paging the ACLU - Osama bin Laden's son might sue the USA #tcot #p2 Will Holder and DOJ defend against the lawsuit?
RT @Newswatcher89 #Steelworkers #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Opponent’s Roof http://bit.ly/k5MIEZ #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Newswatcher89 #Union Official Faces Charges After Flinging Feces on Foe's Roof http://bit.ly/k5MIEZ #PooFlingersLocal101. #tcot #p2
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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