Saturday, May 14, 2011

From Twitter 05-13-2011

@MichaelRCaputo Jack Davis leads a rearguard action AGAINST #TEAparty interests in #NY26. Complete w/Leftist dissimulative verbiage #tcot
The #Bolshevik's skull WILL BE CRUSHED at my heel. #cpusa. #dsa #sds #tcot #teaparty #p2 #laraza #mecha #communists
Let me be clear, the American Left & #Obama, is busy cultivating a cadre of #Bolshevik revolutionaries. #tcot #cpusa #p2
Let's adopt #Mexico's #immigration laws. #tweetcongress #tcot #p2 #laraza #mecha #teaparty
RT @RachaelJ83: Keep dreaming MT @ThePlumLineGS: Scott Walker's overreach could end up costing #GOP a senate seat #tcot
RT @TheWrightWingv2 Liberalism In 120 Seconds @Noamtweets #homsky’s Fans Are Morons Part 2 ► ◄#tcot #cpusa #dsa #p2
RT @LisaGraas: Pro-life flash mobs go viral via @jillstanek
@MichaelRCaputo deal. with. it. #NY26
@MichaelRCaputo i'll frikkin tweet about what I want, when i want & most certainly about frikkin whom i want. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@MichaelRCaputo linguists tend to pay attention.
RT @blogho: PoliNation: Where are Wright’s chickens now?: #tcot, #tlot, #sgp, #teaparty #news #obama
RT @hbcampbell #AmThinkBlog: A Warning to America: Geert Wilders in #Nashville, #Tennessee 5/12/11: via @addthis #tcot
RT @elemonader Fox: #GunControl Advocates Cite Rise in Fatal #Cop Shootings to Push for More Background Checks #tcot
RT @allahpundit: Surprise Social Security, Medicare Funds Running Out Sooner Than Expected #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @MiahMarker: Is is just me or do ppl preaching tolerance the most generally r most cruel, mean when 1 disagrees? #tcot #p2
@fakejackdavis I'm not the one thick w/ soviet-speak. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@fakejackdavis we're not going to let an arsehole like #JackDavis impugn the #TEAparty movemment. Aint Gonna. Happen. #tcot #NY26 #ny #nyc
@fakejackdavis maybe Jack shouldn't assault a camera man, he might get more support. #tcot #teaparty #NY26
@fakejackdavis #JackDavis assaulted a camera man & therefore he doesnt have the temperament 4 ANY political office #tcot #teaparty #NY26 #ny
@fakejackdavis 'reactionist'
@HeiressJCorwin looks like there are multiple sock accounts after me over #NY26. @JaneCorwin must be pissin off the right people. #ny #tcot
@fakejackdavis is there any video of @JaneCorwin assaulting a camera man as she runs for #NY26?!? Hmmmm?!? #tcot #teaparty #jackdavis
RT @foxnewspolitics: EXCLUSIVE: Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest #Obama #Immigration Speech #news #tcot
RT @omega_six: @rsmccain Jack Davis attacking a camerman, found it on TRScoop and thought you'd like it:
RT @stackiii: .@MMFlint loves to demonize corporations--except when he doesn't: #tcot #teaparty #news
MT @HeiressJCorwin @fakejackdavis @JaneCorwin There are plenty of her assaulting the English language #NY26 iz that all ya got?
MT @fakejackdavis: @tahdeetz of course not, because nobody sent their Chief of Staff to harass and goad her. #NY26 ~what, politics? lololol
MT @HeiressJCorwin: @tahDeetz @fakejackdavis @JaneCorwin That and the lead in the polls....and a Lexus ~fake polls & wealth envy
the fewer the words you can use to take out leftist filth parading as #teaparty, the better. Incise decisively. #tcot #ny26
Give 'em H3ll ... We're in Heaven ... Governor Deal just signed #GA87 .... #gapolitics #gagop #tcot
@fakejackdavis yea, that's 'effective' ... #chortle #chortle #chortle #NY26
@fakejackdavis @HeiressJCorwin @MichaelRCaputo ya boy (Camera-man assaulter #JackDavis) was just on #FoxNews, again. #NY26 #teaparty #tcot
@MichaelRCaputo the assumptions of a leftist ~ too funny.
RT @PinkFloydGeek: Pink Floyd's David Gilmour and Roger Waters Reunite Onstage in ... WTF?!?
RT @FoxieNews: Either my internet or Tweetdeck's running slow, gonna run a couple errands and try again later. Thanks for the RTs today. ...
MT @HeiressJCorwin @tahDeetz @fakejackdavis @MichaelRCaputo You mean Camera Boy who was just relocated to Fla? #NY26 ~Hello Jack, Meet Fork.
@MichaelRCaputo I couldn't give a flyin' ... My mission is exposing #JackDavis as a #NY26 carbetbagging democrat. #tcot #teaparty
@buffalopundit playin teaparty when you're not, yea, thats carpetbagging. #NY26
@buffalopundit #mynameisredneck #properhistoricalcontext #NY26 #MynameisInigoMontoya
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Huntsman the Latest Too-Clever 'Climate' Candidate #tcot
RT @JimPethokoukis: It's not like I watch this all day-every day or anything, but what is the Obamacrat plan on entitlements? Must keep ...
@MichaelRCaputo you tweet so much, but say so little.
It's way passed time that the #NLRB meets a #DeathPanel. #tcot #boeing #sctweets #sc #teaparty
@2050Coalition either intro fair-market forces n2 so-called entitlements, or there wont be any entitlements. #JustFact #every1entitled #tcot
RT @MuslimAlert: Muslim Jew Hatred Spikes: The media substitutes the word Arab for Muslim. This is their way of avoiding ... http://bit. ...
RT @Kalel194: What If Oil Producers Actually Received Subsidies Like Wind Energy Producers? #news #tcot #agw #p2
RT @akonsen: Lady Fatima's Lover #OBLPornStash
Big Moe #OBLPornStash
Obama-holics ~ #Rush caller. #tcot #teaparty
RT @PinkFloydGeek: Pink Floyd's David Gilmour and Roger Waters Reunite Onstage in ...
Sandy's Crack #OBLPornStash
RT @PhotographyTalk: #Photography Tip - Photographing Spider Webs
@JustMePammy So. Much. Pressure. ... for a funny follow on tweet... ;-)
@JustMePammy I knows, thankfully.....
MT @ccharvella: @tahDeetz when you want Oreo Cookies, but get Hydrox instead #carpetbagger #amirite? #NY26 ~as a baker, I resemble ur remark
RT @DanRiehl: Sarah #Palin: "The more competition, the better" #tcot #teaparty #news #2012
RT @notjessewalker: I don't want my skepticism to halt the flow of Bin Laden jokes. Unless they're the reason Twitter keeps breaking, in ...
People under 30 in #NewYork, are feelin' the pain. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #ny
Piggy #OBLPornStash
Hoggin' Allah's Hole #OBLPornStash
Pork-Snorklin' Pig-Lickers #OBLPornStash
@mereswin got drudge?
@ginthegin muah hahahaha.... ;-) #OBLporn
RT @ginthegin: @tahDeetz Keep lookin at you and SMH b/c I wasn't going to contribute... u r bad influence. Daliya Does Dinga #OBLporn
RT @Dr_Rose: 2 and a half sheep #OsamaPorn
@mereswin aren't we pissy today?!?
RT @kimberlyhaney: RT @EWErickson: Donald Trump just cancelled on me for Tuesday. Says he'll reschedule. I'm not convinced he's even r ...
RT @beccarter28: Food Trucks' Tasty Tweets: Enter: the glory of the food truck. Many restaurateurs are choosing to launch food tr... htt ...
Dancing Boys #OBLPornStash #OsamaPorn
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #p2 @AustinHess Remembering Kate Puzey, Murdered #PeaceCorps Whistleblower
RT @AustinHess: @angelfleming @rsmccain A HS friend of mine was a Peace Corps whistleblower about rape who got her throat slit in Africa ...
@mereswin coulda fooled me...
Beat Me, Hurt Me, Teach Me Allah's Love #OBLPornStash #OsamaPorn
RT @kesgardner: @AmericnElephant THAT is the single most annoying thing I know about Newt. Those 2007 commercials with Nancy Pelosi. # ...
RT @kesgardner: I'm with the 64% who say our border is not secure. We're doing the non-computer equivalent of surfing the Internet witho ...
RT @MelissaTweets: Curriculum: Where the socialists have done the most damage:
@mereswin drudge simply aggregates the news that's already out there. wow, what an insipid retort.
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: Obama Job Approval 47% (nc), JA Index -12 (nc) (Strongly Approve 25%, Strongly Disapprove 37%). OBL bounce o ...
@mereswin I'm not the one overly-emoting.

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