RT @DLoesch: Thanks all and again, Happy Mother's Day. You who work and stay home are treasured. Never let anyone tell you otherwise ;)
@DLoesch ~as a kitteh plays w/its yarn_Its an instant @Stage_Right Mothers Day Classic_4 annual re-air_just as #ItsAWonderfulLife #tcot
RT @PatDollard: Video - SNL Leftist Hate Propaganda: Shepard Smith Moderates Debate Between Palin, Romney, Gingrich, Bachmann,& Trump ht ...
RT @Jbroks86 @g10gref56 Leftist logic: The Soviet Union was a "republic" so all republics are bad & pure democracy is good #tcot #p2
RT @whpresscorps: Lessons from the Osama bin Laden coverage: Twitter is King http://bit.ly/mCUYiZ
RT @esqcapades: RT @BryTupper: <-- Does not have a poli sci. degree but has an opinion that Obama = NOT BUENO. Cool w/ everybody? Yea ...
RT @welshman007: Slouching Toward Tyranny: http://is.gd/4UOVwy #tcot #tlot #sgp #ocra #phnm #teaparty #tpp #tpn #ampats #glennbeck #bec ...
RT @jimmiebjr: If yuo're spending a ton of money for to make a viral video, you need to hire @FilmLadd. Now. http://bit.ly/iJ4olL
If ppl could see Obama as a real military leader_he wouldnt need a week long media tour 2 cement that very idea~ @ingrahamangle para. #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: @KurtSchlicter nails Lamestream Media: "A Ministry of Truth promoting the lamest collectivist clichés du jour" http://b ...
RT @FirstTeamTommy New from @KurtSchlichter --> Going On the Offense: Some Lessons for Our Side http://bit.ly/mDWo8Q #tcot #teaparty #sgp
What is that weird pic of Mitch Daniels over on Drudge all about... #tcot
Hey Terry Moran ~ wipe your chin.... @abcnews @abc @TerryMoran @nightline ... not #news ... #tcot #teaparty
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @RedDogReport: Obama Re-Brands Cap and Trade as ‘Green Jobs’ http://wik.io/Dc6K3 #tlot #gop #twisters #thetwiste ...
RT @Glockfan19: Mh_liberal Peter King (R-NY) said Waterboarding was used on KSM, AND he spilled his guts and Named Names! Terrorism Xper ...
@allenwest .... just. damn.
Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!?
@billpr53 hey, quit impugning the character of douche-bags like that.... ;-)
RT @tasteofaz: American Thinker: Warmist Mantra Wearing Out http://goo.gl/xrFoi #green #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeBC: Andrew Klavan Introduces a Keith Olbermann Compilation http://goo.gl/fb/qKVjY #tcot #teaparty #p2 @msnbc
US Navy Now Recognizes & Performs Gay Marriage ~Hello Inch, Meet Mile http://is.gd/35qha6 #usn #navy #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty #ocra
RT @FederalistNo2: RT @MoneynewsOnline: McCaughan: Fed Causing Commodity Bubble, Dollar Weakness: http://bit.ly/mJwvSq #money #dollar
RT @Newswatcher89: So, Bill Simmons And Keith Olbermann Fought On Twitter Again http://bit.ly/iOOkxO #tcot #p2 #news
The #Ford F150 is still the top selling car in the US. luv it.
RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain Program in US Convicted on Terror Charges_Serves 23Yrs http://bit.ly/kn0Qxt #tcot #p2 #news
RT @JohnSWright49: Diff btween being passionate abt ur cause & radical; passionate ppl don't strap bombs on kids to "make a point" #tcot
RT @CrustyB: #Illinois is broke but they just passed the DREAM act to financially reward students for having criminals for parents. #tcot
@TN_Loadmaster First On Race Day.
@PPCMSurvivor no doubt.
@TN_Loadmaster I've had more #Fords than I've got fingers & toes.
MT @verumserum: Wisconsin Style Protests Coming to CA, NY This Week - http://is.gd/NbtsZz ~defending home turf, again #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @thehotjoints: Weekend Doc Block: ‘Indoctrinate U’ http://t.co/hLHHAJ0 via @conurls #tcot #teaparty #collegerules
@TN_Loadmaster I still got a soft-spot for ol' vettes & camaros though.
RT @BenFroland: RT @GovWalker: WI's move up from 41st to 24th best state to do business in is fastest climb in history of CEO survey: ht ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: Via Gunny G >> Obama Adm planning $1 billion debt relief for #Egypt http://tiny.ly/XfUT #news #tcot
RT @briandaitken: Hillary Clinton in Bed with UN Gun Grabbers http://bit.ly/kplv0S #NRA #guns #libertarian #tcot #conservative #tlot #po ...
#ATF Supplies Guns to #Mexico's #DrugCartels – Blames Lax #Gun Laws http://bit.ly/gFnd3O #news #tcot #2nd #tlot #teaparty #p2 #doj
RT @e54514g: Obama's NLRB Launches Attack on Private Industry http://bit.ly/jozgYj #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #tpp #sgp
RT @ALakerfan78: How Convenient! *in Church Lady Voice from SNL*»RT @tahDeetz: RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain (cont) htt ...
RT @mikepfs: The Gateway Pundit - Awful. Obama Stalled for 5 Months Before Shaping Plan to Get Bin Laden http://is.gd/bS180L
RT @EvilConservativ: Flashback: Obama Energy Secretary Chu Says We Must Get Gas Prices “to the Levels in Europe” #tcot #p2 #teaparty ht ...
RT @DailyReckoning: "Nearly 3/4 of these new #jobs are statistical invention. The rest are the 62k ppl McD’s hired in a jobfair PR stunt ...
RT @dangainor: Wow, lefties hate Kochs AND charity: Lincoln Center Should Remove Koch Name http://bit.ly/ij9pbj #TCOT #news #p2
RT @commonpatriot: via @HotAirBlog: WaPo fact checker: No, seniors won’t die faster under Ryan plan http://bit.ly/mneakt #tcot #news #hcr
RT @vadum: Traffic Nosedives for Soros's character assassination site Media Matters http://is.gd/ABKPzE #tcot #p2 #tlot #bigjournalism
RT @BrentTeichman These charts show how dismal the #housing market really is... again | The Blaze http://is.gd/mSshjW #tcot #news
RT @TechZader: Free Hi-Res Clouds Photoshop Brush Set http://bit.ly/iSO6k1
Mitch Daniels is John McCain, without the charisma. #tcot #teaparty #gop
@jimmiebjr In terms who the media is pushing.
@jimmiebjr check out the Mitch pic on drudge.com ... it's odd.
@jimmiebjr I'm off the mindset, it's too early. We have that canceled politico/nbc debate to thnk for that.
@jimmiebjr it's 'definitely' editorial. . . . no doubt, more the better.
@jimmiebjr I understand Daniels did unfortunately hork-up Indiana's new school voucher law -> @BigGovt. Its being called a strategic loss
@jimmiebjr i hear the state of IN dept of ed expands into new areas of private ed. not a good flank to have to defend, imho.
RT @cbsatl: Fulton County Property Owners Irate: Fulton County property owners are irate after receiving tax assessment noti... http://b ...
#Indiana #Voucher Law: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? http://is.gd/1el1nr #edreform #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ginthegin: MT @BreakingNews: A ship carrying up to 600 migrants trying to flee Libya has sunk just off the coast....http://on.msnbc. ...
RT @imsure #TeaParty & Hippies Unite: #Food Safety & #Obama’s Food Safety Czar http://j.mp/l4V2Gy #news #tcot #p2 #s510 #tlot
RT @Synders777: SHIFTING THE BLAME? DOJ deflects Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local officials http://ow.ly/4QtLh #tcot #tlot #WeThe ...
RT @Synders777 SHIFTING BLAME? #DOJ deflects #Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local #LEO http://ow.ly/4QtLh #tcot #atf #news #nra #guns
RT @adamcarolla: Bin Laden computer should yield a treasure trove of intel, we can get started on analyzing it as soon as paperwork come ...
Dont forget: #Gorelick's Intel-Wall kept us from looking at Padilla's PC_which had timely Intel on the 911 planners #tcot #mil #teaparty
If we pick a #GOP nominee that truly pisses off the media, wasn't it Sun Tzu that said~a hasty temper is coaxed by insults? #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: The State Media #MSM is staging a PR coup on the #TeaParty this month ... they have NO CLUE what they're up against #tcot
RT @cultofmac: New post: Daily Deals: $979 3.06GHZ iMac Core i3, $899 2.4GHz MacBook Pro, JumpStart Battery Pack http://bit.ly/lPqNjE
RT @dangerroom: Famed Spaceship-Maker Gives Spy Drones a Try http://bit.ly/jxb5bL
RT @s_mlbbraves: Keep the wins coming Braves! Doing a great job!
RT @jjmnolte: Palin connects the dots: 50+k of last months new jobs came from McDonald's ... who received ObamaCare waiver! http://bit.l ...
RT @stagestop: @Afterseven All of a sudden the hippies are being bitten by big government. Wake up call!! Big government erodes freedo ...
It seems @TuckerCarlson took some serious 'after-action snipper-fire' over his Milfistan tweet. ~heh. #tcot #Palin #sgp #tbrs
RT @DLoesch: @LarryOConnor Btw, isn't holding a "slut walk" mocking women already? @ericboehlert
RT @TechZader: Chatting May Soon Charge Your Cell Phone, While Making Public Calls Even More Annoying http://bit.ly/koPvVJ
RT @dmatthewstewart: RINO alert! (ah qu'il est bon de pouvoir haranguer ainsi) http://bit.ly/mRsWQw NC GOP hires La Raza pt 2 @Conserva ...
RT @WSJWashington: #TeaParty Warns #GOP Leaders on Debt Limit Vote http://is.gd/kwqTyy #news
If ya think a milquetoast_non-threatening personality can beat Obama in 2012_congratulations on ur conditioned response #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Fake But Accurate, Law School Edition http://bit.ly/kpdt1r #tcot
RT @DLoesch: Live at 2pm cdt. Can't get the broadcast? Stream, DanaCam at 971talk.com, accompanying chat at Breitbart.tv. #dlrs
RT @chucksrant: Liberals responsible 4 High gas prices = higher $$ 4 Food & Goods, High Credit Card rates (biden) & Higher unemployment. ...
RT @bccohan @WhiteHouse is asking that you submit questions for upcoming town hall using the hashtag #CBStownhall. What are yours? #tcot
If U have an instant, emotional response to anything #Palin, congratulations on your conditioned response. #sgp #tcot #teaparty #gop #Pavlov
RT @Papatul: NANNY STATE ALERT: Minn. School Bans "Smarties" Candy b/c It Might Lead To Drug Abuse. U Can't Make This Stuff Up http://bi ...
RT @AlieGirl7: LMFAO!!!! RT @RightWingBlacko: @AlieGirl7 Got one for you; one of my favorites. http://twitpic.com/4vl75j
@kesgardner those + MDs edreform_2 be voucher eligible_a school must toe Indiana curriculum line_Its "Leave No Indiana Child Behind" #tcot
RT @Artist4Palin: @hotairblog Death Care states elders over 76 will not be given cancer treatments . Cutting costs is a special Obama re ...
MT @Oenonewept: Don't know, but that's an insult to the penguin. RT @tahDeetz Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!? ~quite.
@Oenonewept *disclaimer ~ no penguins were harmed in the formation of said tweet.
RT @jjmnolte Fewer ocean voyages, perhaps? @LarryOConnor Get behind me, Satan! I can't afford a new digital TOY! @adamsbaldwin @derekahunter
RT @Doc_0: The Burger Flip: http://bit.ly/jvwQcF Remember when fast-food #jobs were a disgrace? #news #economy #dnc #ofa #tcot #p2
RT @FoxNewsMom: Rush says no Mitch 4 POTUS, Christie Says He May Support Daniels for GOP Nomination: http://bloom.bg/jzSCCw /Coulter, s ...
People will not inherently support politicians that pocket their principles in order 2 achieve a #NewTone that is defined by the foe #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber #Obama will honor a far left cop-killer promoting poet at White House Wed. night http://bit.ly/lofJFY #tcot #p2 #news #leo
RT @TUAW: Skype pushes update to Mac client for security flaw http://aol.it/jiuGYw [post]
RT @LarryOConnor @texicalirose @ericbolling W/O the waterboarding_there wouldnt have BEEN shot 2the LeftEye_Yet former is considered illegal
RT @macgasm: Inception explained with the OS X Finder http://mcgsm.co/jvxKNr
RT @BrentTeichman: How long until Obama/Holder file a lawsuit against #AZ to prevent the building of this Border Fence...? #tcot
RT @FightersIntel YES_Finally_States R sovereign 2 fed govt, #Arizona 2 Use Prison Inmates 2 Build #BorderFence http://is.gd/02sTIB #tcot
RT @PatriciaSmiley: Show Your Thanks to World War II Veterans Before It's Too Late! | Causes http://bit.ly/jjZSH8 [HT @marleed] #tbrs #i ...
RT @velvethammer Breaking: #SanFrancisco: Man W/ Yemeni Passport Storms Cockpit Door In Flight http://is.gd/Gu17gJ #tcot #news #terrorism
RT @EvilConservativ: 2012: Christie Says He Might Support Daniels...Meh #tcot #p2 #teaparty http://tiny.ly/LwYP
Sounds like AG Holder is beatin' the long-dead #GITMO horse to keep the Obots inline. Cry wolf, Sparky. #tcot #p2 #p21
@DLoesch ~as a kitteh plays w/its yarn_Its an instant @Stage_Right Mothers Day Classic_4 annual re-air_just as #ItsAWonderfulLife #tcot
RT @PatDollard: Video - SNL Leftist Hate Propaganda: Shepard Smith Moderates Debate Between Palin, Romney, Gingrich, Bachmann,& Trump ht ...
RT @Jbroks86 @g10gref56 Leftist logic: The Soviet Union was a "republic" so all republics are bad & pure democracy is good #tcot #p2
RT @whpresscorps: Lessons from the Osama bin Laden coverage: Twitter is King http://bit.ly/mCUYiZ
RT @esqcapades: RT @BryTupper: <-- Does not have a poli sci. degree but has an opinion that Obama = NOT BUENO. Cool w/ everybody? Yea ...
RT @welshman007: Slouching Toward Tyranny: http://is.gd/4UOVwy #tcot #tlot #sgp #ocra #phnm #teaparty #tpp #tpn #ampats #glennbeck #bec ...
RT @jimmiebjr: If yuo're spending a ton of money for to make a viral video, you need to hire @FilmLadd. Now. http://bit.ly/iJ4olL
If ppl could see Obama as a real military leader_he wouldnt need a week long media tour 2 cement that very idea~ @ingrahamangle para. #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: @KurtSchlicter nails Lamestream Media: "A Ministry of Truth promoting the lamest collectivist clichés du jour" http://b ...
RT @FirstTeamTommy New from @KurtSchlichter --> Going On the Offense: Some Lessons for Our Side http://bit.ly/mDWo8Q #tcot #teaparty #sgp
What is that weird pic of Mitch Daniels over on Drudge all about... #tcot
Hey Terry Moran ~ wipe your chin.... @abcnews @abc @TerryMoran @nightline ... not #news ... #tcot #teaparty
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @RedDogReport: Obama Re-Brands Cap and Trade as ‘Green Jobs’ http://wik.io/Dc6K3 #tlot #gop #twisters #thetwiste ...
RT @Glockfan19: Mh_liberal Peter King (R-NY) said Waterboarding was used on KSM, AND he spilled his guts and Named Names! Terrorism Xper ...
@allenwest .... just. damn.
Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!?
@billpr53 hey, quit impugning the character of douche-bags like that.... ;-)
RT @tasteofaz: American Thinker: Warmist Mantra Wearing Out http://goo.gl/xrFoi #green #agw #news #tcot #p2
RT @ConservativeBC: Andrew Klavan Introduces a Keith Olbermann Compilation http://goo.gl/fb/qKVjY #tcot #teaparty #p2 @msnbc
US Navy Now Recognizes & Performs Gay Marriage ~Hello Inch, Meet Mile http://is.gd/35qha6 #usn #navy #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty #ocra
RT @FederalistNo2: RT @MoneynewsOnline: McCaughan: Fed Causing Commodity Bubble, Dollar Weakness: http://bit.ly/mJwvSq #money #dollar
RT @Newswatcher89: So, Bill Simmons And Keith Olbermann Fought On Twitter Again http://bit.ly/iOOkxO #tcot #p2 #news
The #Ford F150 is still the top selling car in the US. luv it.
RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain Program in US Convicted on Terror Charges_Serves 23Yrs http://bit.ly/kn0Qxt #tcot #p2 #news
RT @JohnSWright49: Diff btween being passionate abt ur cause & radical; passionate ppl don't strap bombs on kids to "make a point" #tcot
RT @CrustyB: #Illinois is broke but they just passed the DREAM act to financially reward students for having criminals for parents. #tcot
@TN_Loadmaster First On Race Day.
@PPCMSurvivor no doubt.
@TN_Loadmaster I've had more #Fords than I've got fingers & toes.
MT @verumserum: Wisconsin Style Protests Coming to CA, NY This Week - http://is.gd/NbtsZz ~defending home turf, again #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @thehotjoints: Weekend Doc Block: ‘Indoctrinate U’ http://t.co/hLHHAJ0 via @conurls #tcot #teaparty #collegerules
@TN_Loadmaster I still got a soft-spot for ol' vettes & camaros though.
RT @BenFroland: RT @GovWalker: WI's move up from 41st to 24th best state to do business in is fastest climb in history of CEO survey: ht ...
RT @VoteSmartToday: Via Gunny G >> Obama Adm planning $1 billion debt relief for #Egypt http://tiny.ly/XfUT #news #tcot
RT @briandaitken: Hillary Clinton in Bed with UN Gun Grabbers http://bit.ly/kplv0S #NRA #guns #libertarian #tcot #conservative #tlot #po ...
#ATF Supplies Guns to #Mexico's #DrugCartels – Blames Lax #Gun Laws http://bit.ly/gFnd3O #news #tcot #2nd #tlot #teaparty #p2 #doj
RT @e54514g: Obama's NLRB Launches Attack on Private Industry http://bit.ly/jozgYj #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #tpp #sgp
RT @ALakerfan78: How Convenient! *in Church Lady Voice from SNL*»RT @tahDeetz: RT @e54514g Muslim Who created Muslim Chaplain (cont) htt ...
RT @mikepfs: The Gateway Pundit - Awful. Obama Stalled for 5 Months Before Shaping Plan to Get Bin Laden http://is.gd/bS180L
RT @EvilConservativ: Flashback: Obama Energy Secretary Chu Says We Must Get Gas Prices “to the Levels in Europe” #tcot #p2 #teaparty ht ...
RT @DailyReckoning: "Nearly 3/4 of these new #jobs are statistical invention. The rest are the 62k ppl McD’s hired in a jobfair PR stunt ...
RT @dangainor: Wow, lefties hate Kochs AND charity: Lincoln Center Should Remove Koch Name http://bit.ly/ij9pbj #TCOT #news #p2
RT @commonpatriot: via @HotAirBlog: WaPo fact checker: No, seniors won’t die faster under Ryan plan http://bit.ly/mneakt #tcot #news #hcr
RT @vadum: Traffic Nosedives for Soros's character assassination site Media Matters http://is.gd/ABKPzE #tcot #p2 #tlot #bigjournalism
RT @BrentTeichman These charts show how dismal the #housing market really is... again | The Blaze http://is.gd/mSshjW #tcot #news
RT @TechZader: Free Hi-Res Clouds Photoshop Brush Set http://bit.ly/iSO6k1
Mitch Daniels is John McCain, without the charisma. #tcot #teaparty #gop
@jimmiebjr In terms who the media is pushing.
@jimmiebjr check out the Mitch pic on drudge.com ... it's odd.
@jimmiebjr I'm off the mindset, it's too early. We have that canceled politico/nbc debate to thnk for that.
@jimmiebjr it's 'definitely' editorial. . . . no doubt, more the better.
@jimmiebjr I understand Daniels did unfortunately hork-up Indiana's new school voucher law -> @BigGovt. Its being called a strategic loss
@jimmiebjr i hear the state of IN dept of ed expands into new areas of private ed. not a good flank to have to defend, imho.
RT @cbsatl: Fulton County Property Owners Irate: Fulton County property owners are irate after receiving tax assessment noti... http://b ...
#Indiana #Voucher Law: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? http://is.gd/1el1nr #edreform #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @ginthegin: MT @BreakingNews: A ship carrying up to 600 migrants trying to flee Libya has sunk just off the coast....http://on.msnbc. ...
RT @imsure #TeaParty & Hippies Unite: #Food Safety & #Obama’s Food Safety Czar http://j.mp/l4V2Gy #news #tcot #p2 #s510 #tlot
RT @Synders777: SHIFTING THE BLAME? DOJ deflects Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local officials http://ow.ly/4QtLh #tcot #tlot #WeThe ...
RT @Synders777 SHIFTING BLAME? #DOJ deflects #Gunrunner, Fast & Furious blame 2 local #LEO http://ow.ly/4QtLh #tcot #atf #news #nra #guns
RT @adamcarolla: Bin Laden computer should yield a treasure trove of intel, we can get started on analyzing it as soon as paperwork come ...
Dont forget: #Gorelick's Intel-Wall kept us from looking at Padilla's PC_which had timely Intel on the 911 planners #tcot #mil #teaparty
If we pick a #GOP nominee that truly pisses off the media, wasn't it Sun Tzu that said~a hasty temper is coaxed by insults? #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: The State Media #MSM is staging a PR coup on the #TeaParty this month ... they have NO CLUE what they're up against #tcot
RT @cultofmac: New post: Daily Deals: $979 3.06GHZ iMac Core i3, $899 2.4GHz MacBook Pro, JumpStart Battery Pack http://bit.ly/lPqNjE
RT @dangerroom: Famed Spaceship-Maker Gives Spy Drones a Try http://bit.ly/jxb5bL
RT @s_mlbbraves: Keep the wins coming Braves! Doing a great job!
RT @jjmnolte: Palin connects the dots: 50+k of last months new jobs came from McDonald's ... who received ObamaCare waiver! http://bit.l ...
RT @stagestop: @Afterseven All of a sudden the hippies are being bitten by big government. Wake up call!! Big government erodes freedo ...
It seems @TuckerCarlson took some serious 'after-action snipper-fire' over his Milfistan tweet. ~heh. #tcot #Palin #sgp #tbrs
RT @DLoesch: @LarryOConnor Btw, isn't holding a "slut walk" mocking women already? @ericboehlert
RT @TechZader: Chatting May Soon Charge Your Cell Phone, While Making Public Calls Even More Annoying http://bit.ly/koPvVJ
RT @dmatthewstewart: RINO alert! (ah qu'il est bon de pouvoir haranguer ainsi) http://bit.ly/mRsWQw NC GOP hires La Raza pt 2 @Conserva ...
RT @WSJWashington: #TeaParty Warns #GOP Leaders on Debt Limit Vote http://is.gd/kwqTyy #news
If ya think a milquetoast_non-threatening personality can beat Obama in 2012_congratulations on ur conditioned response #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Fake But Accurate, Law School Edition http://bit.ly/kpdt1r #tcot
RT @DLoesch: Live at 2pm cdt. Can't get the broadcast? Stream, DanaCam at 971talk.com, accompanying chat at Breitbart.tv. #dlrs
RT @chucksrant: Liberals responsible 4 High gas prices = higher $$ 4 Food & Goods, High Credit Card rates (biden) & Higher unemployment. ...
RT @bccohan @WhiteHouse is asking that you submit questions for upcoming town hall using the hashtag #CBStownhall. What are yours? #tcot
If U have an instant, emotional response to anything #Palin, congratulations on your conditioned response. #sgp #tcot #teaparty #gop #Pavlov
RT @Papatul: NANNY STATE ALERT: Minn. School Bans "Smarties" Candy b/c It Might Lead To Drug Abuse. U Can't Make This Stuff Up http://bi ...
RT @AlieGirl7: LMFAO!!!! RT @RightWingBlacko: @AlieGirl7 Got one for you; one of my favorites. http://twitpic.com/4vl75j
@kesgardner those + MDs edreform_2 be voucher eligible_a school must toe Indiana curriculum line_Its "Leave No Indiana Child Behind" #tcot
RT @Artist4Palin: @hotairblog Death Care states elders over 76 will not be given cancer treatments . Cutting costs is a special Obama re ...
MT @Oenonewept: Don't know, but that's an insult to the penguin. RT @tahDeetz Why does Chucky Schumer remind me of The Penguin?!? ~quite.
@Oenonewept *disclaimer ~ no penguins were harmed in the formation of said tweet.
RT @jjmnolte Fewer ocean voyages, perhaps? @LarryOConnor Get behind me, Satan! I can't afford a new digital TOY! @adamsbaldwin @derekahunter
RT @Doc_0: The Burger Flip: http://bit.ly/jvwQcF Remember when fast-food #jobs were a disgrace? #news #economy #dnc #ofa #tcot #p2
RT @FoxNewsMom: Rush says no Mitch 4 POTUS, Christie Says He May Support Daniels for GOP Nomination: http://bloom.bg/jzSCCw /Coulter, s ...
People will not inherently support politicians that pocket their principles in order 2 achieve a #NewTone that is defined by the foe #tcot
RT @rfaulhaber #Obama will honor a far left cop-killer promoting poet at White House Wed. night http://bit.ly/lofJFY #tcot #p2 #news #leo
RT @TUAW: Skype pushes update to Mac client for security flaw http://aol.it/jiuGYw [post]
RT @LarryOConnor @texicalirose @ericbolling W/O the waterboarding_there wouldnt have BEEN shot 2the LeftEye_Yet former is considered illegal
RT @macgasm: Inception explained with the OS X Finder http://mcgsm.co/jvxKNr
RT @BrentTeichman: How long until Obama/Holder file a lawsuit against #AZ to prevent the building of this Border Fence...? #tcot
RT @FightersIntel YES_Finally_States R sovereign 2 fed govt, #Arizona 2 Use Prison Inmates 2 Build #BorderFence http://is.gd/02sTIB #tcot
RT @PatriciaSmiley: Show Your Thanks to World War II Veterans Before It's Too Late! | Causes http://bit.ly/jjZSH8 [HT @marleed] #tbrs #i ...
RT @velvethammer Breaking: #SanFrancisco: Man W/ Yemeni Passport Storms Cockpit Door In Flight http://is.gd/Gu17gJ #tcot #news #terrorism
RT @EvilConservativ: 2012: Christie Says He Might Support Daniels...Meh #tcot #p2 #teaparty http://tiny.ly/LwYP
Sounds like AG Holder is beatin' the long-dead #GITMO horse to keep the Obots inline. Cry wolf, Sparky. #tcot #p2 #p21
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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