Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From Twitter 11-30-2010

RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO: SB 510 is horrible! Monsanto too gain Millions. Ass. FDA chief former Monsanto exec. http://tinyurl.com/2wg7h ...
RT @GlennBeckClips: See WHY California is broke! http://tinyurl.com/38k64wq #TCOT #P2
RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO: SB 510 is BAD! They control your food, they control you! http://tinyurl.com/2wg7hav #TCOT #P2
RT @GlennBeckClips: VIDEO: Protecting you food? Something BIG is WRONG with SB 510 which is about to be voted on. http://tinyurl.com/2wg ...
RT @United_Ignited: Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw gardening and saving seeds http://bit.ly ...
RT @United_Ignited: #tweetcongress #HANDSOFF my Healthcare, my junk, my 401K, my religion, my guns, my children, my food, my internet .. ...
RT @United_Ignited: #tweetcongress Oppose any/all bills put forward by the Progressive/Marxist/Socialist controlled congress. NO LAME DU ...
RT @United_Ignited: A vote for a #Democrat is a vote for SOCIALISM/MARXISM/COMMUNISM and the fundamental transformation of America!!! #G ...
RT @zolqarnain: You have to see this - it's not hype - STOP Senate bill 510 http://is.gd/hYq94 #AACONS #BET #ocra #hhrs #tlot #SCOTUSblo ...
RT @zolqarnain: You have to see this - it's not hype - STOP Senate bill 510 http://is.gd/hYq94 #tweetcongress #TheTwisters #SarahPalinUS ...
RT @zolqarnain: You have to see this - it's not hype - STOP Senate bill 510 http://is.gd/hYq94 @darrellissa @RepTrentFranks @Kelly4Congr ...
RT @zolqarnain: You have to see this - it's not hype - STOP Senate bill 510 http://is.gd/hYq94 @glennbeck @becktips @SenJonKyle @SenJohn ...
RT @CO2HOG: Food Safety Bill Will Not Make Food Safer, Will Increase Food Costs and Budget Deficit http://bit.ly/ev6m5d #tweetcongress
RT @CO2HOG: #UN bans skeptical journalist from Cancun Climate Change Conference http://bit.ly/gnoD9U #tcot #JustWrong
RT @CO2HOG: Undies That Show the 4th Amendment When Scanned By #TSA http://5gq3r.tk
RT @PMgeezer: Obama is messing with our FOOD & our FUEL. What a coincidence those 2 items aren't included in Consumer Price Index. #teap ...
RT @slicedsky: Austrian Court Fines Infidel For Offending Muslims by Yodelling While Mowing His Lawn… http://goo.gl/jrZWA #tcot
RT @VFW91: Judge For Yourself. How much does George Soros control of Dem Party & left? - http://is.gd/gUz7w - #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @CO2HOG: via @palintwibe The Audacity of American Exceptionalism http://bit.ly/fcRnK2 #tcot
RT @mikepfs: Council on American Islamic Relations: A Co-Conspirator to Terror: http://bit.ly/ePcV5H #redstate
RT @VFW91: The Soros Agenda: Promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation - #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @VFW91: The Soros Agenda: Promoting the election of progressive leftist political candidates throughout the United States - #tcot #tl ...
RT @Freedomwarrior: Cloward PivenRT @VFW91: The Soros Agenda: Promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens - #DREAMA ...
RT @Puekaw10: @VFW91 Here is more of Soros dirty tricks going after Rumsfeld>>http://www.uniformedservicesleague.org/
RT @VFW91: The Soros Agenda: Depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral - #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @VFW91: The Soros Agenda: Promoting open borders, mass immigration, & watering down of current immigration laws - #DREAMAct - #tcot ...
RT @Freedomwarrior: Thats FACT! RT @greybeard411: Actually Hillary was a progressive commie luver long before Obama was a pimple on Alin ...
RT @gypsyrose727: When government becomes anonymous, tyranny becomes the law. KNOW YOUR LOCAL OFFICIALS AND EVERYONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO ...
RT @RightWingQuotes: A small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities. ~Sarah Pali ...
RT @Afterseven: RU Pissed about S510 and Mitch McConnell taking $415K from Agribusiness and orchestrating GOP sham vote? Tell his Press ...
RT @FreetheRepublic: The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic
Ric Keller http://is.gd/hXAyA #dreamact #s ...
RT @LibertyPatriot: REPEAL OBAMACARE: Health Roundup: Senate greenlights food safety bill, fails on 1099 - The Hill (blog) http://ow.ly/ ...
RT @Afterseven: E-Mail Mitch McConnell http://is.gd/hYOPh let him know his sham S510 vote won't work and that he'll be held responsible ...
RT @ProudMedicsWife: S.510 WILL affect every American in worst way regardless of whether or not u farm/garden. CALL UR DC reps/Senators ...
RT @cchangrl: Can't wait to find out how those corporate state socialists who support S.510 and Big Agra spin it as "helping the middle ...
RT @iowahawkblog: Good news! Wikileaks failed to get our 2 biggest national security secrets - contents of the HCRA & Obama's college tr ...
RT @aka_kristin: RT @bostonrandy @KatherineMcPhee is dressed inappropriately for the #legchair. 'Nuff said. #RedEye
RT @nikkibama: Amen!! RT @BlondeAmerican: @nikkibama I tweeted that too. We’re girls but we respect the sanctity of the #LegChair. #RedE ...
RT @Afterseven: S510 E-Mail McConnell http://is.gd/hYOPh Hold him hand GOP Leaders responsible at the ballot box for ANY GOP support of ...
RT @marklevinshow: Sen. Cornyn, this isn't just about Sen. DeMint and your position as head of the NRSC. http://tiny.cc/rhar3

It is... ...
RT @sjsturkie: via @pajamasmedia Dems Should Seek Eric Holder’s Resignation http://ow.ly/1ae551
RT @akonsen: RT @kinseys: Oh hell to the no with the live performance. #redeye
RT @joebrochin: Spyware, Adware, Malware and Virus: Scammers Can Hide Fake URLs On the iPhone - Slashdot: http://bit.ly/fjqHTQ via @addthis
RT @SarahPalinUSA: Inexplicable: I recently won in court to stop my book "America by Heart" from being leaked,but US Govt can't stop Wik ...
RT @SarahStormRpt: PALIN BLOG: #tsot 'Serious ... http://dlvr.it/9Rczf #912 #teaparty #tcot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @PalinTV: Photo Gallery: Governor Palin ‘America By Heart’ Book Tour, Houston TX/New Orleans LA – November 29 2010 http://bit.ly/hNh4 ...

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Monday, November 29, 2010

From Twitter 11-29-2010

@KingCast you sound like just another Leftist trying to Palinize Ayotte.
data-spillers must die. #tcot #mil #sot
RT @SarahPalinUSA Serious Questions about #Obama Admn's Incompetence in #Wikileaks Fiasco http://is.gd/hY2Za #news #p2 #mil #sot #tcot #dnc
RT @teacherspets: RT @patdollard: RT @yidwithlid: John Kerry Was Selling Out Israel During Middle East Trip(Wikileaks Document Dump) htt ...
RT @WJGBalderama: Video: Michelle Obama Blame Whites for Black's Failure at NAACP Speech in Kans... http://t.co/QCokjBc via @youtube
RT @CSteven EcoTARD #SherylCrow's 10K sq ft_6 car garage_7.5 bath mansion http://bit.ly/ew9fuS #tcot #ocra #teaparty #p2 #sgp #news #tpp
RT @carold501 #WikiLeaks: The 5 strangest stories__so far http://is.gd/hY7tk via @AddThis #tcot #mil #sot #news #hhrs #tbrs
RT @irishspy: Is WikiLeaks a Dick Cheney Front? http://bit.ly/fyvF1O
RT @amandacarpenter: @ConTchr Here is the link to the roll call vote today to invoke cloture on Food Safety http://bit.ly/dL583N Final v ...
RT @amandacarpenter: GOP voting for cloture: Alexander, Brown, Collins, Enzi, Grassley, Gregg, Johanns, Kirk, LeMieux, Lugar, Murkowski, ...
RT @GoldOnion: #p2 even if you find yourself in a "favored" group, you will still kiss the bottom of that goose-stepping boot when told. ...
RT @charliemax: Cali: Judges Rule 40,000 Convicts Must Be Released Due to Illegal Profiling and Open Borders Policy http://bit.ly/hO58cO
RT @GoldOnion: Possible 4 individual citizen 2 have power n fascist/police state? No! [BUT, belonging to a FAVORED group has benefits] ~ ...
RT @crispix49: Environmental Alarmism at its best > A billion people will lose their homes due to #climate change, says report http:/ ...
RT @Dr_Rose: Is it just me or does Julainne Assange look like he has a lil Soros in him? #justsayin #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @Herfarm: If Bush has the power to break an economy, then Obama has the power to fix it. It's been almost 2 years, where's the magic? ...
RT @lizarddawg: Conservatives must identify quickly the gop elitist presidential candidates and work to knock them down - #tcot #gop #dc
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news : Congress Should Investigate Pigford II Claims Before Funding Them http://bit.ly/hZYdnX
RT @VoteSmartToday: At US Dept of #Agriculture, a sampling turned up $7.7 MILLION in UNAUTHORIZED charges in ONLY 6 MONTHS! #tcot Stop t ...
RT @SarahInTx: Weasel Zippers - Ground Zero Mosque Imam: American Muslims Want a Sharia Compliant Judiciary System… http://ow.ly/1rKUA5
RT @GregWHoward: Hey climate change nuts: The sun is going to kill every living thing on earth. How you going to stop that? #tcot #p2 #o ...
RT @GoldOnion: 2 MUST READS! ! ! THE UNHOLY US/MUSLIM ALLIANCE http://tinyurl.com/268my7l & BIG GOVT. BIG RELIGION http://tinyurl.co ...
RT @GoldOnion: CHILLING. HEART WRENCHING. RT @canadafreepress [The Unholy US/Muslim Alliance] http://tinyurl.com/268my7l #tcot
RT @coopert99: Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack | Washington Examiner http://goo.gl/B2IiR
RT @Herfarm: SCORE! @GregWHoward RT @joshastone Has there ever been a more shameless self-promoter than Sarah Palin? #tcot #p2 #palin ...
RT @GoldOnion: MOSQUE SET FIRE?! Attended by Portland #muslim teen terrorist. KVAL.com http://tinyurl.com/2bsalsv #tcot
RT @Herfarm: If u think Jesus was a liberal, u might think the 10 commandments are just suggestions....#tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp
RT @mcdev: FaceBook CEO to Bush “why Facebook?” Bush:“because you have a lot of people on here and I’m trying to sell books.” http://on. ...
RT @ConTchr: @JimDeMint Please, Senator, please let us know who voted YES on the #foodnazibill. Please post a link to Twitter. TY #sb510
RT @ConservativeRay @ConTchr @JimDeMint They will not vote on S510 until tomorrow. They just held a cloture vote_which is DCspeak 4 two-step
RT @ttjemery SmallBiz Saturday Rings Up A Success http://bit.ly/dKXe9u #SmallBusinessOwners #Entrepreneur #TCOT #OCRA #TeaParty #Moms #news
RT @Kasons4: Ok Obama, so if I like my food I get to keep it, right? #tcot #teaparty #iamthemob #orca
RT @ConservativeRay @ConTchr @JimDeMint got u_watched the vote. how u doing tD?_Im pist_ #s510 is abt 2 pass w/o any real coverage of it
@ConTchr @welshman007 @JimDeMint Massive #LameDuck #SB510 legislation just as more #WikiLeaks dumps_DEFUND #S510 next Congress #tcot #tlot
#NeoCon is progressive-speak for 'patsy' #tcot #teaparty
RT @Q_Element: Idiots Try to Sell $33 Artic Ice Cubes to Other Idiots [Wrongmodo]: Two D... http://bit.ly/dEoTW8
RT @libertybell1776 #SB510 comes under what, the Interstate Commerce Clause? #ICC is Padoras Box 4 BigGovt Bureaucrats. #tcot #enumeration
RT @southsalem: RT @USPassenger: S.510 p265 Nothing in act shall b construed in manner inconsistent w/agreements w/ WTO or any other int ...
RT @lynnegordon: #S510, the Food Safety Modernization Act*, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of US. CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD: 20 ...
RT @starlightcrow #Greens if U dont help stop these #FarmBills there'll no longer be #FarmersMarkets & #organicfoods Remember #RawMilk? #p2
RT @Told_You_So_ @PatDollard VIDEO: New "SAFE On The Border" episode, & Patrol Base 6K http://is.gd/hY7Wp #news #mil #sot #tcot #ocra
RT @ConservativeLA #DHS shutters mltple FileShare sites_but not #WikiLeaks. Holder goes pimping 4 WorldCup_Stupid_criminal_both? #tcot #p2
RT @1SG50 @jamiedupree UPDATE_Final Senate vote on #S510 #food safety bill may now not take place til Tuesday morn = KEEP PRESSURE UP! #tcot
RT @gatewaypundit: It was great to see @DLoesch take on lib Bob Beckel on Hannity tonight. Nice job! Dana lashed Beckel!
RT @PatrickRuffini: #COICA update from the EFF: Many of the government seized domains appear legitimate. http://bit.ly/hNZNpn #news #tcot
RT @lilleth71: Congrats Barry, U united Left & Right ... E1 thinks u suck >>> Terrorists Don’t Hate Us for Our Air Travel http ...
RT @silverguru22: Silver Manipulation interview--Ted Butler http://news.silverseek.com/SilverSeek/1290625106.php http://ff.im/ujAmK
RT @silverguru22: Silver: The Best Commodity Investment in a Stimulus-Driven Slow Recovery... http://ff.im/unThl
RT @silverguru22: Silver prices strongly supported by investment demand... http://ff.im/umesA
RT @silverguru22: #Silver Video on #Silver Manipulation thanks Trace from Run to #Gold... http://ff.im/ursap
RT @shanevanderhart: Via @CaffThoughts -: Sarah Palin: Serious Questions about the Obama Administration's Incompetence in the Wikileaks ...

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

From Twitter 11-28-2010

RT @bringsdogtowork #Palin was point guard on WasillaHi basketball team, state champs_Obama split his lip in a friendly game #ps #tcot#sgp

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

From Twitter 11-27-2010

RT @newzealblog Who Benefits? #SB510 #Food Safety Bill 2Centralize & Regulate Production http://is.gd/hQWm3 #tlot #tcot #news #monsanto, btw
Your #TSA agent is allowed to have priors . . . victim involved. ~ Happy Traveling!!! #tcot #sgp #dhs #tlot #teaparty #p2
6 Arrested After #NewJersey Anti-Violence March Turns Violent~Video http://is.gd/hR3dP #nj #news #tcot #teaparty #nbpp
RT @rsmccain @keder Report 'Issues of Culture, Ethnicity & Identity' Raised in #UK #RapeGang Case http://bit.ly/fFA92k #news #tcot #sgp
this #Nevada / #BoiseSt game is kick-ass!! #ncaa #football
RT @Ramparts360 Oministration’s claim that #TSA scanners pose no health risks 2 air travelers is in “error” #tcot http://amplify.com/u/f6gb
RT @PatDollard: Insurgents Extorting #Ciudad #Juarez Schools http://is.gd/hRcLF #news #tcot #nm #az #tx
RT @colocelt: Momma Grizzly terrifies Mother Jones http://bit.ly/hJzUqb
those #BoiseSt fans were gob-smacked. #ncaa #wac #nevada
If my #coffee gets hi-priced & hard 2 find_the world will quickly experience the suck on a scale here yet 2 be seen. #teaparty #tcot
I think some South Koreans just went all #TeaParty on their Govt. #tcot #tpp #tbrs #tlot
RT @DLoesch: Irony: #Hollywood bullies conservatives while telling people to not bully with their "it gets better campaign." #tcot #p2 #tmz
Why is Peggy's store named "Wayne" ..? #redeye
RT @tygerbaby: Somali-born teen arrested in #Portland #Oregon #CarBomb plot http://is.gd/hRtxN #mil #sot #tcot @snooper1 @patdollard #news
I think MaMa Grizzly is gonna go all scorched-earth on #Obama's favorite golf-course. #tcot #p2 #sgp #Palin
If it weren't for #Obama, #Palin would have scant strafing fire 2 suppress the attack chihuahuas. #tcot #p2 #tsot #sgp
Free Willie (Nelson) #tcot #tx #country #teaparty #texas
RT @andilinks: Those who actually think Sarah #Palin doesn't know North from South Korea would probably vote for an undocumented preside ...
@KingCast A liberal judging the behavior of a politician is quite rich_Btw_how's Soros? All I care about right now is that she aint democrat
RT @BoxAndSend #illegalaliens caught building public housing project in #Florida|US workers turned away http://is.gd/hTtNA #news #tcot #jobs

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Friday, November 26, 2010

From Twitter 11-26-2010

From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she had called 4 MSNBC 2 be shut down or sumpin #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: @tahDeetz #p2 is in a very difficult place—realizing their two year full court press of derision against #Palin has utter ...
@Herfarm @ginthegin there are 57 islamic states, though.
Any political recourse that hits Liberals twixt the eyes & which they cant answer_they will call it uncivil #tcot #p2 Load. Of. Crap.
RT @palintwibe: via @C4Palin The Democrat Party Is So Stupid that It Doesn't Understand Governor Palin Was Mocking Obama's... http://dlv ...
From hearng the Liberal uproar ovr #Palin's NorthKorea slip_youd think she invoked FDRs televised fireside chat after Black Friday #tcot #p2
From hearng the #Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_youd think she said the Const'n was written 2000yrs ago or sumpin #tcot #p2
From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she said the FBI was 100 days old or something #tcot #p2
From hearng the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_youd think she said Israel was a strong friend of Israel or sumpin #tcot #p2
#Palin sits down 4 an extensive interview w/New York Times & #CBS's Jay Newton yet SP is avoiding the MSM #news?!? #tcot #p2 #sgp #tsot
@ginthegin dittro. . .
RT @deerpass: The left is now okay with radiation? The body scanners use it. Now how about those nuclear reactors we could use? #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: @victoria_29 The "fairness" is in any case subjective. But Sarah #Palin is a tar baby for progressives (R&D), when they h ...
RT @andilinks: @victoria_29 @sjsturkie #Palin will play a role in the 2012 selection & since it's possible she'll be nominated we should ...
RT @Snooper1 @patdollard http://fwd4.me/phu True Mexican Hero #latino #hispanic #news #Mexico #tcot
As Gov, #Palin actualized AGIA_Alaska Gasline Inducmnt Act_largest priv.sector infrastructure project in N.American history #tcot #p2 #tsot
Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and gas at Point Thomson for the first time in several decades #tcot #p2 #tsot
As Governor, #Palin reduced earmark requests for #Alaska by 80% #tcot #p2 #tsot
#Palin est Ak Oil Intgrty Offc 2 overC safe NRG devlp_state chekbook~online_cut spendng 4FisclYr10 by ovr $1Blln from Murkowski FsclYr07 #p2
#Palin got Alaska’s Clear & Equitable Share bill passed_incentivzng devel & ensurng Alaskans get~clear & FAIR~share of oil profits #p2 #tcot
#Palin cut cost by selling a private jet bought by previous guv & saying~no thank u~2 the Exec Mansion’s personal chef #tcot #p2 #tsot
#Palin was Chair of #AK Oil/Gas Conservation Commission & Vice Chair of Natnl Govrnrs Assoc Natural Resource Committee #tcot #tsot #p2 #gop
RT @RAMansour: Dear Leftwingers, give up. You are absolute buffoons. http://bit.ly/dHiH8F #tcot #p2 #tsot
RT @StopGovernment @tegwek @Theblacksphere Dems think legal weapons are illegal, but illegal immigrants are legal? Huh? #dems #tcot #p2
RT @RAMansour Dear #p2, look: http://youtu.be/EpGH02DtIws #tcot #tsot #teaparty #sgp #spwbt #tbrs
RT @Shabbosgoy @HansAHCdeWit The Crusades & #Islam http://j.mp/fL0C8T #tcot #jcot #tlot #P2 @patdollard @snooper1 #news #sot #mil #sgp #ocra
RT @markjuelich Powerful Su25 strike aircraft 2 stage triumphant comeback? http://bit.ly/ebaXig #military #Navy #USAF #news #tcot #sot #hhrs
RT @RantsbyRemnant: The Arabs wage negotiations in three ways: pretense, deception, and violence. #Israel @LizzieViolet #tcot #jcot #p2
RT @JennyAllen702 @brookedunne FLASHBACK'06_Democrats Applaud Their Partisan Obstructionism~VID http://is.gd/hO7at #economy #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @giantfireball @PutUp_OrShutUp R.McElroy: #TeaParty insistence on earmark cuts creates new paradigm http://bit.ly/fufbHY #tcot #tlot #p2
RT @giantfireball @PutUp_OrShutUp: #TeaParty Hopes 2 Plant #VA Roots for #2011Elections http://bit.ly/fc0dqR #tcot #tlot #p2 #news
LaurieT333 #TeaParty targets big biz_These policies R very unpopular w/ #conservatives & TeaPar_ http://bit.ly/fJSFO2 #tcot #p2 #tlot #news
RT @laborunionrpt Members of Congress own stock in scanner companies: A Bi-Partisan Scam!: http://is.gd/hO8tW #rs #tcot #p2 #news #tlot
@alaskacommons Ahhh, nothin' like that big phat Govt teat!! @AlieNicole7
truthusadotcom @undhimmi #London #Muslim Protester was $4Million #Crack Dealer http://is.gd/hLOVd #islam #tcot #tlot #jcot #news #sgp #p2
@alaskacommons Bridges to Nowhere for all Alaskans. . . You goin' w/ that rally-cry? @AlieNicole7 #tcot
RT @MooseOfReason The TSA tries to be funny on twitter http://bit.ly/iaQy1R #tcot #tlot #p2 #TSA
@alaskacommons If you need a bridge or road, pay 4 it w/ oil profits that Palin had sent to Alaskans.
RT @TombstoneBadBob: RT @American1st: America will remain free by not imposing habits on others. If muslims do not like our laws & safet ...
@alaskacommons constantly bleating your so-called mental superiority does not make it so.
@alaskacommons you constantly tweet down 2 PPL u dont even know, in Pavlovian fashion I might add.
@alaskacommons I was saying if Alaska needs a project, put it 2 the legislature then a state-wide referendum.
@alaskacommons can you say 'tonality' boys & girls?
@alaskacommons excuuuuuuse me if I cant define the actual name altho conceptually, thats a diffrnt colored horse.
@alaskacommons Pavlovian or involuntary in fashion, w/o even realizing it. Linguists notice speech patterns as such.
@alaskacommons State Legislatures certainly do have influence in re Earmarks. R ya gonna say that, really?!?
@alaskacommons if alaskan policy bears upon the the lower 48, I will most certainly express my opine. #alaska
@alaskacommons Its called the "United" States of America for a reason. #alaska
@alaskacommons a portion of oil proceeds paid to the populace based on a formula thats highly politicized more than likely_am I close?
RT @newzealblog: "The Collapse Of Communism: The Untold Story" http://is.gd/hOgTt #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@alaskacommons actually, your thinking of Ol'Murky & dem voters. Palin voters would be responsible about it. #alaska
RT @ttjemery: Man Made global warming has lots of holes in it - Part 2 http://bit.ly/dARNPB #climatechange #TeaParty #Christian #Science ...
@alaskacommons it aint cheap living in alaska & that 1200 buys many a parka. #alaska
@alaskacommons no more snide commentary for the rest of the evening?!? you'll be missed. . . not.
@alaskacommons your 1st frikkin tweet drippin w/ self-importance_like I said, Pavlovian. #alaska
@alaskacommons Google 'infrastructure.'
@alaskacommons FFY07-Murkowski fed requests total_63projects @$349497000|FFY10-Gov #Palin fed requests total_8projects @$69100000 #tcot #p2
Principles are universally applicable.
RT @derised1: @PatDollard Governor Palin's response @ http://tinyurl.com/25mlll7. Only smart people will get the irony & humor. Not kool ...
A city fogged in by fear & uncertainty http://is.gd/hOtVR #tcot #Mexico #news #borderwars #tx #nm #az #ca #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #mil #sot
Libs Fall Over Selves 2 Hilight Palinisms_Still Cant Speak Austrian http://is.gd/hOwee #news #tsot #p2 #tcot #ofa #dnc #dsa #dfl #Palin #sgp
“STAY OUT OF THE BUSHES” Jesse Jackson #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsot
Ah_summrs n Kennebunkport_far from maddenng crowds_BrooksBros ButtonDowns worn loose n evnin breezs as dry martinis R sipt~PaleoRepubs #tcot
RT @checktothepower: American Thinker: The Palin Factor: Even Republican Elites Don't Get It http://goo.gl/vPGqN #tcot Palin is the real ...
@KingCast NEWFLASH: the 2010 campaign is over. Save it til she's up for reelection.
RT @psa563 Kim Jong Un isa fatass while all #NorthKorea get a chikkin a week 2 starve on_Communism_want some? U might just get it #tcot #p2
Socialists: Their ends are determined to seize our means ~ #Boortz caller @talkmaster #tcot #teaparty
@rgreen75 grassbut.
#57States ~ that's gonna leave a mark. #Palin's gonna get taxed over all that free rent she's gettin'. #tcot #p2 #tsot #sgp
the #TSA #HeavyHands grope-down will soon be a #GovtUnion sponsored, communicable nightmare. #tcot #teaparty #tlot #sgp #health
4 a sec_I thot this was about Obama~Worlds most travelled man: 15MILLION miles of jet-setting http://is.gd/hPuyZ #tcot #teaparty
RT @FairTaxNancy: With Fair Tax, the roughly $12 trillion U.S. bucks in offshore tax havens would begin flooding back into U.S. Stimulus ...
#newGMcarNames ~ the #ObamaMellodrama ~ #tcot #GM #teaparty
I'm thankful that Michelle let us have pie this year. #tcot
RT @kansaspider: Does O & govt not realize that #GM ad is infuriating us even more? . . . I threw up a bit when I saw it. #tcot
RT @ResistTyranny Sans teleprompter & sane speech writers_turns out Obama isa spiteful_3rd-rate socialist tyrant-wannabe egomaniac #p2 #tcot
RT @Jarjarbug @MSNBC @ABC @CBS @CNN @NBC @PBS @NPR @SNL there IS LESS SUBSTANCE 2 OBAMA than thin air! #tcot hows the hopey-changie hangin'?
Hows the Hopey-Changie hangin'? #tcot #p2 #ofa #teaparty #dnc
RT @1ststarfighter: Backdoor bailouts for bankrupt cities and states http://is.gd/hPbxS #tcot #news
RT @whpresscorps: RT @usnews Obama Hits New Low in Zogby Poll http://bit.ly/ff6hrw
RT @Battleborne: Palin May win GOP Nomination > http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/US-Palin-Presidential-Dreams/2010/11/25/id/378132?s=a ...
If Hollywood f*cks up the #RedDawn remake, I'm gonna be pissed. #tcot #teaparty @bighollywood #mil #sot
Many American Leftists would much rather have a #RedDawn than a #BlackFriday. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @SavageNation: Mexican illegal tries to run overcop at DUI checkpoint: http://bit.ly/fsPefU #tcot
RT @SavageNation: Doctors: Medicare cuts forcepainful decisions about elderly: http://bit.ly/hCKuQb #tcot
RT @1776LibertyBell: 2011 - Political, Legislative, Legal, Regulatory Battle Looms! #teaparty #tcot Glenn Beck http://tiny.ly/bWJ5
RT @SongofSongs1_2: RT @RightWingQuotes: We can not play innocents abroad in a world that is not innocent. ~Ronald Reagan #tcot #teapart ...
@AmerycanSaint Its n the pipeline_Its being shot n Detroit of all places_go fig_I wonder if thats nonPC commentary in & of itself? #RedDawn
RT @TechZader: Burnout by Romain Laurent (4 photos + video) http://bit.ly/elre7H #photography

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Thursday, November 25, 2010

From Twitter 11-25-2010

@e_dub_s as a #libertarian_u might dig #Palin being pro-freemarket & NOT pro-business_but as long as U buy Lib Memes_itll be lost on U #tcot
@e_dub_s It's not my job to educate you. There is a little thing called the interwebz which has a google_they'r quite cool I hear.
@e_dub_s you're really showing your ignorance on her Alaskan record.
@e_dub_s One of the reasons the Bushes aint too fond of #Palin is that SP took on the #oil interests in #Alaska & won. #tcot #p2
Attack #Palin over specific policy disagreements while detailing benefits of your approach or STFU!! #tcot #tsot #p2 #teaparty #sgp
@e_dub_s Only socialists drink kool-aid. . . I drink Tea. Just get used to President Sarah #Palin.
RT @NWOBlog: TSA Chief: No Intel Pointing to Terror Threat This Week - http://tinyurl.com/27rwyeg - American ppl r threat requiring enha ...
RT @OregonYankee: What's more consequential: Palin slip about N Korea "friends" or Biden ignorance of validated Laffer Curve? #tcot #tea ...
@RelaxTheHead #Palin took out 18 of 20 US House #Democrats she specifically targeted 4 defeat_Yea_she's stupid alright. #tcot #p2 #p21 #tsot
RT @Fogdood: Liberals always gradually redefine terms so they can eventually use them against the original statements containing them. #tcot
@RelaxTheHead lets not forget redistrictng & 680 seat shift in state houses_11 w/troikas_ie_Maine is now RED_difficult times Ndeed #tcot #p2
Hey #Mittens, #Palin 'IS' the #Reagan Legacy. Nice attempt, Romster. #tcot #tsot #ReaganDemocrats #p2 #teaparty #tlot #sgp
@e_dub_s Her state has 1Blln in reserves & if U think Blu States R stupid & allow Red 1s 2 bilk them_the agitate 2 end the17thA #tcot #p2
RT @AiPolitics Yep @torriegray If u'r doin a hunger strike coz Natives were abused by Imperialists_u'r officially 391yrs 2 late #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs #Sarah Palin: #ChrisChristie picks the wrong fight http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot
@e_dub_s do you want to fix the situation or just piss & moan?
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Allen West: the man gets it_& he's gaining fans in the #UK_too http://ow.ly/1aa7CP #tcot #fl22 #news #mil
@Winghunter fyi, #Palin hasnt won my vote_yet_Altho she is my top pick @PalinTV #tcot btw_SP 'does' have a 700avg w/2010 pik/wins #p2 #tsot
@Winghunter She more ready than the rest of the fielNo1 else has put their ass online than SP_Id like 2 see Allen West run in 2012 as well
RE: @JamesDelingpole LtC West has expressly stated in the past that he abhors "nation building."

Not so much of a "Ne… http://disq.us/t1xqv
I'm Thankful 4 @SarahPalinUSA giving the Left & Estb #GOP fits on almost a daily basis. #tcot #p2 #tsot #teaparty #sgp #ReaganDemocrats
I'm Thankful 4 LtC @AllenWest2010 & here's why~Video http://is.gd/hMUSF #tcot #fl22 #teaparty #tsot #news #p2 #flgop #sot #mil
RT @Dallasestes: “@GlennBeckClips: RT @KLSouth “If you want to Socialize a country, you must FIRST take over it’s healthcare." - Lenin # ...
RT @Dallasestes: “@MicheleBachmann: Documented risks to the X-Ray airport screeners: http://tiny.cc/o0sie
RT @Dallasestes: “@whpresscorps: Barack Obama's grandmother 'prays he converts to Islam' http://bit.ly/hNvqrZ

And I pray he would be ...
RT @baltimoresun: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. @JohnsHopkins: Proteins can be removed from a brain to erase memories forever. ...
RT @andilinks: @angrywhitedude The Bushes are proggies, especially the 41 generation. #tcot #tlot
RT @Jbroks86: RT @ttjemery Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks http://bit.ly/d9xFoF #TCOT #ISLAM #OCRA #ICON #Christian #Muslim
RT @andilinks: 2008: Grandmama Obama reported to be Christian, In 2009, 2010, she went to Mecca for the hajj, Christians cannot. http:// ...
RT @augustine25: Check this video out -- Dr. Drew Reports on Young Obama's Marxist Socialist Perspective... http://t.co/tjWKRyv via @youtube
RT @Boomerjeff: Charts demonstrate revenue to government and jobs both increased after tax cuts http://bit.ly/bOmIN6 #tcot #p2
RT @LisaGraas: UK: Girl, 15, arrested over ‘Facebook Koran burning video’ http://dlvr.it/99xgh via @creepingsharia
RT @irishspy: Allen West: the man gets it: http://wp.me/pqXLW-23Z
RT @Boomerjeff: Latest gaffe from Joe Biden - Criticizes the Laffer curve, one of few econ theories to be validated by history http://bi ...
RT @andilinks: RT @checktothepower American Spectator: Palin's Pioneering Path to the Presidency http://bit.ly/fO0LSa #p2 #tcot #sgp #tl ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Oops! 'Rightwing' Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a… http://bit.ly/g3elvl Leftwinger #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp #tcot #tiot #tl ...
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff "Benevolent government" is an oxymoron for oxen and morons. #tcot #p2 #hhrs
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff #tcot #p2 #hhrs Small business doesn't want debt b/c of hostile gov't.
RT @andilinks: If your enemy is quick to anger, seek to irritate him.--Sun Tzu via @HeyTammyBruce #tcot #p2
RT @ACVJournal: Hannity's Right: Obama Is a Socialist http://t.co/rWj6x8y via
RT @lmcginnis33 #WaPo TV Critic Misleads Readers to Smear #Palin http://is.gd/hMKVf #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsot #sgp
RT @susansbooks: Good for Texas! Only the foolish don't see the gravity of this issue. America's Third War: Texas Strikes Back: http://s ...
RT @andilinks: RT @DailyCaller Voter anger fuels support for “Repeal Amendment” http://bit.ly/hlDMmy #p2 #tcot #sgp #tlot #ocra #cspj #t ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider When nothing happens upon the start of Net Neutrality proggys will say "see, alarmist…" Then the treachery b ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider Censorship under Net Neutrality will begin very modestly but by increments they will eventually silence oppo ...
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit Yes, that's true. But pointing out that the oath has been profaned emphasizes the gravity of official lying. #tcot
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit @secupp Retribution on America is at the top of Obama's agenda as president, he profanes his oath. #tcot #tlot ...
RT @andilinks: @ArmorCavSpin @secupp Source of America's greatness is the object of Obama's disdain: self-interest as the incentive to e ...
RT @ResistTyranny: Obama's #TSA isn't about security. It's for training us to submit to gov't authority. #OptOut #ocra #tcot
RT @andilinks: @secupp @nydnopinions Obama loves America: the real estate, the wealth. But he has utter contempt for our freedom & its r ...
RT @andilinks: RT @USATODAY Why Tea Party has staying power http://usat.ly/fj5Ktu #tcot #p2 #topprog #tlot #ocra #teaparty
RT @andilinks: RT @Alea_ Don’t Underestimate Spain’s Disaster Potential http://goo.gl/Vo6pH #economy #tcot
@e_dub_s So Palin is to eschew all previous, 'federally' taxed largess? Is that it?
@manuakula If what they ask 4 is death_I say happily oblige them w/it_The point is 2 make the other basterd die 4 his cause #tcot #p2 #sot
@manuakula I say translate Declaration of Independence_Constitution_Fed'lst Papers N2 native tongue & drop on the masses_then call it a day
@manuakula . . . but if another attack emanates from w/n your country_no stone will be left unturned.
RT @buszero: RT @newsbusters Flashback: In 2009, Time Saw GOP As 'Endangered Species' Unless Party Moved Left http://ow.ly/1aa9Ti #tcot
RT @jake1822: California State Pension System Makes Madoff Proud. Video Reveals Gimmicks Used to Hide The Decline In Their Assets http: ...
RT @slicedsky: Moderate Muslim Watch: How the Term “Islamophobia” Got Shoved Down Your Throat http://bit.ly/eiK69W #tcot #tlot #ocra #cr ...
RT @giantfireball: Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw private gardening and saving seeds. www.n ...
RT @brooksbayne: why are there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Jay Newton-Small talks about ‘America By Heart’ http://bit.ly/ij2Lkf #tcot #palin
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin Jay Newton-Small Talks About 'America By Heart' http://bit.ly/h6moor #tcot #palin
RT @web_Supergurl does Cher count? Has she evr playd Gr.OlOpry? @brooksbayne why R there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs Sarah Palin http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin No Substance to Establishment Attacks on Governor Palin http://bit.ly/hQWljB #tcot #palin
Leftists politicize everything then they all whine about everything being politicized. #tcot #p2
RT @web_Supergurl: @tahDeetz @brooksbayne I was thinking has she played the Opry, sans Sonni?
RT @17bbomb: @IdentityH Dude! Read the fair tax bill! It replaces our.current tax code and is revenue.netural! You don't even (cont) htt ...
RT @PalinPromotions: Allen West - 'Truth in Boldness': From Krissah Thompson @ The Washington Post:Allen West, a 22-year Army veteran... ...
@e_dub_s like I said, you have no clue about her policies.
I think I'm seeing an uptike in Leftists posing as #libertarians. Go figure after massive NOvember losses. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
RT @JadedByPolitics I think I c an uptik n Leftists posing as #libertarians.Go figure aftr massive NOvember losses #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she invoked her "Muslim faith" or something #tcot #p2 #tsot

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

From Twitter 11-24-2010

RT @Furrystoat: As a Nation, we have so much to repair. The idea of Gov't drones sexually groping our wives& kids "should" be cause for ...
RT @MooseOfReason: Don't forget: Gov. Christie is on Jimmy Fallon's show (NBC) tonight. Show starts 12:37 a.m. #NJ #tcot #tlot #GOP #news
RT @GregWHoward: In total 169,202,000 were killed by governments in 20th century. Almost ALL of it from Marxism #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tl ...
@e_t_a Most would classify it as @barackobama is the Neville Chamberlain 2.0. @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a ...& you & @barackobama both believe the USA must cleanse itself in the waters of fundamental transformation, eh? @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a 2 bad @barackobama didnt actually campaign on "fundamental transformation" of the US_Palin will eat his lunch on it @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a @barackobama is seen as the "Weak Horse" in the middle east, as well as elsewhere. @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a errr_ @barackobama actively campaignd 2B prez_If U think he cant take the heat_he should go bak 2 community organizing @ResistTyranny
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Wait a minute. Why are you Obama supporters even Tweeting. You have nothing to say. Obama sold you out. Get over it.#tc ...
RT @Winghunter: @lilleth71 Which defines most all of the 65 Million idiots The Liberal Mind: Psychological Causes of Political Madness ...
RT @RonboTex: The #HCR stategy is to degrade insurance options for good earners & make them pay MORE to upgrade #healthcare for the free ...
@e_t_a peace in da middle east. . . @resisttryanny
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Chicago Tea Party that Susan Roesgen Missed http://ow.ly/1NA4v . THEY HAVE THE OBAMA MEDIA RUNNING SCARED . #tcot #p2 # ...
RT @DolleyMadisonn: Does the Left really think they can fool( #gop #tcot #tlot #teaparty ) us into believing they'r educated when they l ...
RT @videotodaynews #Palin: Im not gonna sitdown/shutup_Does Obama NOT want US 2 B suprpowr/promote world stability? http://is.gd/hGe0Y #tcot
RT @dominionpundit: RT @Judgenap: TSA: Enemy of the American People? #tcot #tlot #TSA #optout http://is.gd/hGeHF #roft #news #teaparty #ocra
RT @DLoesch: I'm POSITIVE lefties didn't write columns like this on the Patriot Act under Bush. http://bit.ly/gg0yxk
RT @justkarl: .@allahpundit @zoeythegreat Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do http://awe.sm/5Dec6
RT @FixGov: I thought you would find this interesting. TSA Spends Millions on Body Scanners, Sparking Competition Among Suppliers: http: ...
RT @Therexreport Obama wont get #TSA screened coz: 1_They wont profile him over~Hussein & 2_He has no balls 2 grope #teaparty #sgp #tcot #p2
Dear Liberals: the Right & #Palin 2, have been railing against failed Central Planning Education 4 years now_wake up #tcot #p2
RT @Architekt010: RT @Dr_Rose: Liberals only want to profile #Conservatives not Terrorists. #tcot #ocra #p2 #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #tbrs #rs
Allen West’ Best Video Yet http://is.gd/hGj0X #fl22 #teaparty #tcot #FLgop #FL #gop
RT @charliemax #TSA latex gloves spreads herpes, other diseases from flier 2 flier http://bit.ly/i6SAbh #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #asamom
RT @whereishawkins: @PatDollard Now this is a great book title. http://bit.ly/9kiYbf
RT @ttjemery: School Vouchers Killed by Democrat Congress - All poor children to be left behind now
http://bit.ly/eyesjD #Twurch #Chris ...
@cbntaRMNP When Mr. West decided 2 join the CBC_I knew he wasnt going 2 DC 2 get along_He's just looking 4 converts from the Left #tcot
RT @TechZader: Get Creative with Your Resume http://bit.ly/eCdsNN
Whatever happened 2 the Air-Blast/Sniffer machines that detect molecular traces of explosives on clothes? #tcot #tsa #redeye #news
RT @CatsPolitics: #racist RT @sceptress: I just don't get Oprah worship #redeye It's new agey.
RT @AlinskyDefeater: More Than 80 Percent of Americans Say Keeping Bush Tax Cuts a Priority http://bit.ly/hu0Ge5 #ocra #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @Flipbooks: "Twitter, the city that never sleeps" ~@Kim #quote It's why #twitter has #redeye. #tcot
RT @WesSouthAL: TSA is Snowglobophobic. #RedEye
RT @Flipbooks: 20 Apple-Inspired #Tutorials for Practice Web Designers http://bit.ly/ovgll #Apple #WebDesign
RT @Talkmaster: Katie Couric would not survive a 30 minute Interview with me. Her Credibility would be destroyed in 8 min max. #tcot
RT @EternalRiteWing: Monroe Cty TN Detention Facility Preparing 4 Inspection;“THEY NEVER THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO GET CAUGHT” http://b ...
Obama’s Bolsheviks Are Losing http://is.gd/hGMIZ #tcot #teaparty #tsa #p2 #tbrs #news #ocra
RT @kmita3 @jsbrodhead @Judgenap TSA_Enemy of the American Ppl? #optout http://is.gd/hGNV9 Watch othr hand(s)! TSA is a diversion(?) #tcot
RT @America1First: #FCC Wants #NetNeutrality Wrapped Up By December http://bit.ly/i8AOpm -FREEDOM! #news #tech #tcot #sgp #teaparty #tlot
Zogby: 61% Oppose Full Body Scans & #TSA PatDowns; 48% 2 Seek Alt #Travel http://is.gd/hGUos #tcot #p2 #tlot #news #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #rs
RT @stacyhyatt: @hipEchik It was that! The black caucus openly said they were socialists! The FBI has moved in and indicted 11 connected ...
RT @PatDollard US Biz Community: Obama A Detriment 2 Economy_Can Shove His Phony~Outreach~Meetings Up His Ass http://is.gd/hF5F0 #tcot #news
RT @AlexLFz: Adam Savage: "#TSA was so worried about looking/touching my junk, they missed 2 12 inch blades I had in my coat pocket". No ...
RT @freddoso: #TSA turns off the backscatter in many airports. Millions of hours saved, no 1 is any less safe. #tcot
RT @suziplasse: @tahDeetz Deeeeeeetz!!! Happy T-day! ~dittro. . .
RT @geraldcelente: Geithner Warns Republicans Against Politicizing the Fed Over Stimulus Plan. GC: " Warns?" I'm a political atheist. Fe ...
RT @jtLOL .@thekelliejane Remember when #Palin said FDR spoke on TV after the stock market crash of '29? No, wait, that wasnt her_ #p2 #tcot
RT @NewCongress4NE: Do the #TSA agents who have to grope Nancy #Pelosi get paid triple time? #TCOT #CA08 ~ or combat pay?
RT @thankyah @PoliJAM #Palin hits back at Barbara Bush~Americans dont want 2 put up w/the blue bloods_AUDIO http://bit.ly/eyazXv #tcot #tsot
RT @itsonlywords @rsmccain #tcot @jimmiebjr Nothing Sends a Message Like an Aircraft Carrier http://bit.ly/fsxsYq #usn #mil #news #navy
RT @rsmccain: Mandate? Heck Yeah the GOP Has a Mandate! http://lonelyconservative.com/2010/11/mandate-heck-yeah-the-gop-has-a-mandate/
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Shep Smith going after Palin for NoKo silliness? Remember when Shep blurted out "blow job" in the middle of a story? ...
@thekelliejane Or when #Palin asked a wheelchair bound man to stand during a rally_no wait_that was Biden. #tcot #p2
@thekelliejane @jtlol My favorite is when #Palin mispronounced Corp-Man as Corpse-Man_no wait_that was Obama #tcot #p2 #foxnews
RT @LaurieT333: Nice. Far Left Rep. Conyers Caught Paging Through Girlie Mags on Flight to DC (Video): These peo... http://bit.ly/eLAgsB ...
RT @pennjillette: I really don't like President Obama referring to concerned citizens a different POV as "Domestic Extremists." http: ...
Just like U can't properly message & sell socialism 2 most Americans, U cant shine a turd. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @itsonlywords @rsmccain #Democrats in Disarray http://bit.ly/hTsfmN #tcot #news #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @RN4US Did U know as long as U were convicted of rape >than 10 years ago U can work 4 #TSA?? http://is.gd/hIVec 4 info #tcot #news #sgp
RT @LaurieT333: Oh my: New RINO/DINO alliance ready to take America by storm: Charge!
In fact, from what I can t... http://bit.ly/fbahpy ...
Hey tweeps dont forget in re #NorthKorea: weve had actual~Cuts~n the F22_not 2 mention the new ChiCom stuff #tcot #mil #p2 #tbrs #sot #ocra
RT @PatDollard #TSA sure picked a great topic 4 the entire population 2 discuss over 2 long holiday dinners & during endless holiday parties
RT @PatDollard #TSA picked a great topic 4the entire population 2 discuss over 2 long holiday dinners & during endless holiday parties #tcot
A jury from #Austin, #Texas convicted #TomDelay. Now who here is surprised by this? #TX #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @NWOBlog: 97% http://ht.ly/3fbnO #economy #jobs #news #inflation #EndTheFed #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @KeyboardMilitia #Progressive Media is Preparing 4 Riots & #Food Shortages_H/T daBlaze http://ow.ly/1a9elT #news #tcot #SB510 #teaparty
RT @suziplasse: Straight up!!! // RT @horizon3 @GaltsGirl: Is tequila and turkey wrong? // tequila goes with everything ... except cloth ...
RT @memeorandumFH Fliers Claim #TSA Have Deactivated Body Scanners~Updated @joeljohnson @ Gizmodo http://gizmo.do/dJqulb #news #cot #sgp
RT @MisterFreedom: @PatDollard China was responsible 4 N. Korea's recent activity & past activities. They want 2 prove Obama's the weakl ...
RT @Hunter7Taylor: ICE: Caught & Released 500k Illegal Aliens Who Are Now Fugitives more than pop. of Sacramento: http://bit.ly/aSOV1s ...
RT @jpodhoretz: This effort to make something out of Palin's South/North Korea quote all but convinces me she will be the next president.
RT @jstrevino: Anyone who thinks Palin meant "North Korea" also thinks the President meant "my Muslim faith." Right?
RT @shoshido: Dear WASP-Americans: Thank you for tomorrow's holiday, and for starting this country here & all. Sincerely, the rest of us.
RT @shoshido: @michellemalkin My plan: wear a scarf, hijab-like, over my head so as not to be scanned or groped by TSA. You in? http://t ...
RT @shoshido: Actually, this could be a great way to protest: we should all declare ourselves Muslim at #TSA checkpoints. http://tinyurl ...
RT @shoshido: Ladies: looking to pass TSA security unmolested? Wear a hijab, ya'habibti! ;-) http://tinyurl.com/25n4254 h/t @pigwithwings
RT @latimes: Saran Palin vs. Barbara Bush: #Palin sees elitism behind #GOP swipes aimed at her http://is.gd/hJnVf @latimesmuskal #tcot #tsot
RT @SarahStormRpt: BLOG: #tcot #nra Sarah Palin And The Buddhist Kitchen Hand http://dlvr.it/97MWf #teaparty #tlot #rs #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @ttjemery: Chicago Woman With Artificial Knees Groped By TSA Agents at St. Louis Airport http://bit.ly/dzYnzx #TeaParty #SpecialNeeds ...
RT @WesternCivBlog @PatDollard & 4 preaching personal responsibility & autonomy_Bill Cosby is derided as an~Uncle Tom sellout_Sigh #tcot #p2
RT @adamsbaldwin: Gratitude! | RT @AndrewBreitbart "On this Thanksgiving eve I'm thankful for election of @AllenWest2010 to Congress. Wh ...
RT @FollowPalin: Huckabee says ousting of Iowa judges historic move - TMCnet http://goo.gl/fb/NWF7B #palin #teaparty #tcot #news
RT @sarahbellumd: RT @Frankhe1: LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED #tcot #sgp #quotes
RT @Snooper1: http://fwd4.me/pVX Left's Pressure on Pelosi Triggers Potential 'Clashes' with Obama #tcot #p2 #sickofObama #socialism #ma ...
RT @crispix49: Violent #liberals riot in the UK over tuition costs http://ht.ly/3ffut #tcot #p2 #teaparty #topprog #news
RT @mnbodden @Kriskxx @HumanEvents The Tax Code is Key_Bring the #FairTax 2 the Floor http://bit.ly/fxTCdC #tpp #tcot #news #teaparty #tlot
RT @wearepolitics: Martha Zoller: The Tax Code is the Key: Bring the FairTax to the Floor http://ow.ly/3f2lf #gagop #gapolitics #fairtax ...
RT @RGeorgeDunn: A tax structure that keeps taxes in price of USA made product is Statist,Establishment, Shadow, RINO. Flat tax is RINO~ ...
RT @TalkShowAmerica: Oops! 'Rightwing' Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a...Leftwinger http://tinyurl.com/2fwoonb #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: RT @RT @TheLookingSpoon: Obama Pardons the Largest Turkey Ever http://j.mp/gxvCM | He pardoned Rangel? #tcot #p2 #ocra ...

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From Twitter 11-23-2010

RT @adamsbaldwin: Targeted Profiling! | RT @BigGovt @yidwithlid "Why They Don’t Need To ‘Touch Your Junk’ At Israeli Airports..." - http ...
RT @iowahawkblog: Report: Obama asks China for "robust response" to N. Korea, end to "harrassing late night calls" from Chinese bill col ...
RT @freddoso: Irony: New York, which passed a genuine incumbent protection #redistricting plan, had maybe highest cong. turnover of any ...
Hey #WhoopiGoldberg, if you don't like the vicious politics, tell your comrades to lay off the Alinksky. #tcot #foxnews #teaparty #p2 #dnc
NOT 2 Be Missed #TSA Protest Song http://is.gd/hFKkV #tcot #news #teaparty #p2 #sgp #ocra #tbrs #hhrs #tlot
RT @yintercept Holy Cow! There's a hi school #teaparty movement! I suspect the #NEA is not pleased w/this at all_Good luck @ATeamYouth #tcot
RT @teacherspets: RT @Warof2010: GOP battle ovr ethanol Grassley swipes at Coburn & DeMint http://wapo.st/g6yqZA 4 calling 2 let ethano ...
RT @TennTina: Story of brave elderly rancher who killed several drug hitmen amazes Mexico: In a country where ... http://bit.ly/hya6Iu # ...
RT @OBAMA_GAMES Reporter Reveals: @PressSec Gibbs Privately Scolded Press 4 Asking 2 Many #BP Questions http://ow.ly/1QA6J #tcot #p2 #news
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Someone should tell Obama. The job of the president . Is not to glorify himself. Or have his supporters do the same.#tc ...
All of a sudden #p2 complains about how effective #ELAL security measures could be in the US after pushing yrs of failed Liberal Dogma #tcot
RT @Limrintz: liberal men are wimps who can’t handle the hot potato that is a combination of feminine sexuality and female political bri ...
It looks #Obama slept right though that 3AM call about North Korea. #tcot #teaparty #mil #sot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @COasis: TSA Capitol Hill Pat-Down Demonstration Backfires: TSA Pat-Down Reassurance Fails on Capitol Hill We're not sure... http://b ...
It looks like #Obama slept right though that 3AM call about North Korea. #tcot #teaparty #mil #sot #p2 #ofa #dnc
@IAmSoSmart I hate it when i miss word. . .
@IAmSoSmart I hate it when I miss 'a' word. . .
@IAmSoSmart I missed 1 on that tweet-o-mine that u RTd_jus makin' idle banter bout when 'I' personally offend 1 of muf personal pet-peeves.
@IAmSoSmart I don't see muh errors sometimes til they gets RTd. . .
RT @Wodego: So, could Johnny Depp play Mitch Rapp? ___ OH HELLZ NOOOOO!!!! #hhrs #tcot #sot #mil #MitchRapp
RT @allahpundit: Is there any Republican except Murkowski who might consider accepting an invite to #RINOcon? Lugar will. #tcot
@Wodego damn skippy.
RT @POed_Patriot: #TSA Agent Abducts & Rapes Woman http://bit.ly/hNgpd0 #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #dnc #ofa #p2 #tsot
RT @Wodego: @tahDeetz Huuuaaahhhhhhh! Indeed.
RT @CDNnow @newsbusters: Schultz's Strange Mind-Melt: Confuses #Palin With . . . Michelle Obama http://ow.ly/1a8iSH #tcot #news #msnbc #p2
RT @conservatweet: [FreeRepublic] Rush Limbaugh - Assault on internet freedom coming this Christmas!: The FCC may regulate Internet... h ...
RT @andilinks: @teacherspets @bettered Yes, many TSA agents w/quit b/c of their new "duties" and will probably be replaced by eager "jun ...
RT @Ron_Bacardi: It begins... RT @nate_nelson: Dear Christie: @SarahPalinUSA was fighting the good fight when no1 even knew ur name. Don ...
RT @CNN: Ticker: #Palin trashes Katie Couric_Perky's politics bite her in the arse http://is.gd/hFVxG #news #tcot #tsot #sgp
RT @America1First: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Its Time to Change Our Government ... http://bit.ly/fIkoZp - Freedom! #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @DMashak: Establish eCongress 2 move US Reps 2 local districts, US Senators 2 State Capitals & State Reps&Senators 2 City Halls http: ...
RT @stephenfhayes Re-starting the 6 Party talks is 1 of the most counterproductive things the Obama admn could do right now #tcot #mil #news
RT @PatDollard: Controlled farting should be another anti- #TSA pat-down tactic~Eat a 3-bean casserole the night B4 flying #tcot #teaparty
@e_t_a Hey look, it's more kum-bah-ya, "can't we all just get along" crap from the party of pResident "I won!!" @ResistTyranny
RT @irishspy China faces real demographic implosion starting in 2015_Will affect their global ambitions http://is.gd/hG07m #news #tcot #mil
RT @ContactDataAide: RT @Dataaide Secret recording of TSA threatening passenger (Video) ~ http://is.gd/hDBgX #tsa #fraud #fail #tlot #tc ...
RT @andilinks: I have mixed puffed rice and Rice Crispies and am eating them as though they were one cereal. Do I need FDA approval for ...
RT @GregWHoward: #GreenEconomy = Poverty & Energy Prices Soar in Tandem in #California http://is.gd/hG1de #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #news
RT @Conunderground http://bit.ly/94APDQ #TSA Avoiding #Muslims. #tcot #news #teaparty #mil #sot #sgp #tlot #hhrs #tbrs #ocra #p2
RT @Heritage The left says #NewSTART keeps tactical nukes from terrorists_But NewSTART doesnt cover tac-nukes http://is.gd/hG1XN #tcot #news
@e_t_a @ResistTyranny Maybe now Japan will get nukes 2counter Chinese hegemony_Obama gets all he deserves_ridicule is powerful dontcha know
RT @yidwithlid 70% of Americans Want #TSA 2 Adopt Israeli-Type Airport Security http://bit.ly/dFr3tz #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tlot #ocra
RT @carewolf10 @FeistyShelia @AmeliaBurnout I have 2 say Bristol had best last dance tonight out of the final 3 #DWTS a Bristol rope-a-dope?
RT @e_t_a @ResistTyranny there are plenty 1st world economies that need to police their own back yards_I trust Japs more than ChiComs
RT @LibertyCzarina: RT @BillSTL: Bristol got 3rd? Time to go burn some cars and loot some storefronts. #dwts #tcot #tsot #Palin

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Monday, November 22, 2010

From Twitter 11-22-2010

RT @bigguywj: Michelle Malkin » Illegal alien sex offender convicted in Chandra Levy case http://goo.gl/GCVuj #tcot
RT @bigguywj: Democrat Hires Entire Family to Run Town of 200 Residents (Media Forgets to Mention He’s a Democrat) « Publius Forum http: ...
RT @bigguywj: How The Old Media Constantly Undermines Sarah Palin « Publius Forum http://goo.gl/aF0r3 #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Forget TSA pat-downs: Drive a flying car!" - Patriot Update http://bit.ly/dJnWNK #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "'Coal war' with Beijing next hit on U.S. economy" - Patriot Update http://bit.ly/eplOuM #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Obama Told Intrusive Scans the Only Option" - Patriot Update http://bit.ly/e8dmVN #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Economy Headed for 'Fiscal Meltdown,' Senator Warns" - Patriot Update http://bit.ly/haI6Fz #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Jindal: Time to Stop Apologizing for America" - Patriot Update http://bit.ly/aT52TT #tcot
RT @andilinks: The terrorists are more resourceful and motivated than TSA which has stuck its entire bureaucratic head into a can of wor ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Lovely. Death Threats Targeting Bristol Palin, Mark Ballas http://is.gd/hBRr7 #operationbristol #teaparty
RT @bigguywj Michelle Malkin» #Teachers #union fat cat_Shared sacrifice 4 thee, but not 4 me http://goo.gl/wh4Mm #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @Blueberrier0341 Outrageous_9/11 Funds 2 Lower Manhattan Biz's Funnelled 2 Build Ground Zero Mosques http://bit.ly/eWYY91 #tcot #nyc #gzm
RT @Hunter7Taylor: Tea Party brings illegal immigration issue into the fold: http://bit.ly/cnXW2X #teaparty #tcot #noamnesty
RT @TheNewsBlotter #TSA chief warns against boycott of airport scans_Sounds Like A Threat 2 Me http://apne.ws/h5UXXb #tcot #news #teaparty
Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! #TSA #tcot #tlot #teaparty #p2
RT @zorro5663: Heh RT @toddstarnes: Is it against #TSA rules to ask for "the Lewinsky" during your pat down? #tcot
If Bristol #Palin wins #DWTS, do you there will be widepsread rioting & looting in #Wasilla, #Alaska? #tcot #tsot #sgp
RT @nate_nelson: RT @keder: Few things are more infuriating than leftist mythology regarding taxes. Unbelievable level of nonsense. #tc ...
RT @Wrench06: I think the #TSA should start serving cocktails, lower the lights, add some tunes and put a poll in... #tcot #tpp
RT @JBSNewsCenter: Revolutionary Communist Party Proposes New Continental Constitution: http://t.co/VTeDA2k via @NewAmericanMag
RT @blogbat: #TSA neither provides good security nor reflects #Texas values. Let's tell @GovernorPerry we want him to #ExpelTSA from our ...
RT @blogbat: #Texas Gov Perry Continues to weigh in on #TSA: Take Patters and Put Them on Mexican Border http://bit.ly/bEiIzy #ExpelTSA ...
RT @JosephAGallant: Whenever a socialist dictator seeks to get final control, they seize the guns and control the money completely, incl ...
RT @ROCKWITHBECK: @wishladya VOTE for Bristol #Palin 800 868-3407 txt VOTE to 3407(AT&T) & http://ow.ly/39IA6 vote 4x each! #TeaParty #T ...
RT @LibertyBleeds: #Palin: I Will Not Waste My Time With #KatieCouric http://bit.ly/eRjmXj #cbs #news #tcot #tsot
RT @iowahawkblog: If the Fire Dept operated like the #TSA: every time the bell rings, randomly hose down 5% of the houses in town. #tcot #p2
RT @GulagBound Truth is Getting Out on #SB510 & Globalist #Food Control; Continue 2 Spread the Word http://is.gd/hC0Cv #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog US launches largest eavesdropping device ever launched n2 space http://ht.ly/3dXH7 Will it be tasked outside or inside US? #tcot
RT @poliquest @CO2HOG via @theCLproject Gov.Jindal_How About Protecting the Rights of Americans & not Terrorists? http://bit.ly/hN6TFd #tcot
RT @Ssmfarley777 Old Press Clips Cast Doubt on Obama’s Childhood Story http://bit.ly/hI2mN7 obama doesn't want U2 Read #TCOT #TEAPARTY #news
RT @rickklein #TSA pat-down SOP lead all 3 networks. @ABCWorldNews new poll-64% support 4 use of enhanced scanners_Got Cross-Tabs? #tcot
RT @redostoneage #TSA Body Scanner Operator Caught #Masturbating http://bit.ly/95P0nI #news #tcot #sgp #teaparty #tsot #p2 #twisters #ocra
Now when a Govt Bureaucrat asks you "How's it hangin'?" they will more than likely already know. #tcot #tsa #tlot #teaparty #sgp #p2
RT @DebbieSchlussel #TSA Groping Could Give U #STDs: They Use the Same Gloves http://is.gd/hByXc #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsa #dhs #news #health
RT @American1st: American Patriots we must arm ourselves legally & be ready if they are foolish enough to think we wont fight.
RT @TheFlaCracker: The most fun about voting for Bristol Palin finally WE can vote more than once instead of ACORN #tcot #912 #dwts #tea ...
RT @crispix49 @BarrySux Dont forget 2call (800)868-3407 & vote 4Bristol #Palin. Its free & it drives Libs insane! #tsot #tcot #sgp #p2 #dwts
RT @ProSarah: #TeaParty #TCOT #SGP #SPWBT #TSOT VOTE FOR BRISTOL 800 868-3407 txt VOTE to 3407(AT&T) http://ow.ly/3dXA6 5VotesPerMethod! ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: So East Coasters, if they are somehow blocking certain area code phones, don't presume you can vote thru west coast a ...
RT @LibertyLynx: One thing that is CERTAIN: Even IF the economy turns around or stabilizes a teeny bit, we must NOT give in. We are unde ...
RT @anitamoncrief @USpace123 Study Shows Dems Class Warfare Futile http://bit.ly/fxBYHY #p2 #tpot #ocra #tlot #tcot #news #economy #teaparty
RT @OneTruthHunter @HeyTammyBruce @jesse_hathaway @HeyTammyBruce Every time you vote 4 Bristol, a lefty shoots his TV #dwts #tcot #sgp #tsot
RT @DanRiehl: RT @HuffingtonPost: Republican politico calls for "profiling" not "pat-downs" http://is.gd/hChla #news #tcot
Every an airline passenger gets groped by the #TSA, a #Conservative gets his butterfly ballot. #tcot #teaparty #p2 #sgp
RT @RachelleFriberg: RT @DanRiehl: Lefties are just jealous. Only time a Kennedy kid got this kind of air time, it was on Court TV. #tcot
RT @KristoferCowles: Left’s pressure moves Pelosi toward clashes with Obama http://bit.ly/hvQGmD #tcot #tlot #news #ofa #p2 #dnc
RT @joerobertson: RT @washtimes: TSA revolts grow at grass roots http://bit.ly/hqUR8K #p2 #tsa #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @HeyTammyBruce ROFL @IowaHawkBlog I hacked the ABC computer & voted 4 Bristol 78,000 times! #LetsDriveLibsInsane #dwts #tcot #p2 #Palin
RT @TimLindell: RT @GayPatriot I voted for Bristol and I hate #DWTS. Why? It is Bush's Fault. #tcot #p2
RT @TheNoblePatriot: GORE REGRETS: #Corn #ethanol 'was not good policy' http://bit.ly/eW4wah #commodities #economy #agw #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@evolloveevol Obama & Co. they are up to #SB510 & #NetNeutrality on the D/L while we all get groped_Part of the #LameDuck stragtegery #tcot
RT @AnthonyBialy: I voted for Bristol. You voted for Obama. Let's call it even. #dwts #tcot #p2
I saw Sarah #Palin bribing #DWTS voters with tatsee, tastee moosebugers. #tcot #p2
RT @Boomerjeff: top bracket tax payers paid MORE, not less tax after the Bush tax rate cuts of 2003 http://bit.ly/eczali #tcot #p2
RT @whit_pip: MT @politico: Dem. Rep. Solomon Ortiz of Texas has conceded to Rep. Blake Farenthold, according to a Dem. source. / anothe ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: FTW! | RT @iowahawkblog "Bristol Palin on #DWTS: the most significant breakthrough in diagnosing mental illness since ...
RT @CrustyB: I voted for Bristol Palin online by whistling ASCII into a payphone. #LetsDriveLibsInsane #dwts
RT @johnleschen: Just signed both dogs up for Google Voice. I had to help the old one dial. I love this community organizing stuff. #dwts
RT @johnleschen: I just paid 3 illegal aliens and a homeless guy to vote. I'm on my way to a methadone clinic with a wad of tens. #dwts
RT @johnleschen: I'm not watching but I'll vote. Are we voting Chicago style or full ACORN? #dwts
RT @sistertoldjah: I don't really give a rip who wins #DWTS, but I *am* rather amused at the left's sudden fondness for "merit-based" ad ...
RT @CongJoeWilson: Headline Heads Up: WSJ - Higher Taxes Won't Reduce the Deficit http://on.wsj.com/deLlOe
RT @divadoll123: YO LIBERALS! You blew a gasket over the Patriot Act but you're shutting your mouths about TSA groping and nude views. W ...
Sarah #Palin will pardon any Thanksgiving Turkey that logs on to the #DWTS website & votes for Bristol. #tcot #p2
RT @commonpatriot: @loiseller A Palin/Christie ticket? Made in conservative-heaven, Baybeee! The pro-lifer & the fiscal hyper-conservati ...
RT @imsure: RT @ctsa Delta may consider refunds over screening issue http://j.mp/eJIKUD // been asking Continental to do it for a week n ...
RT @welshman007 ALERT! Experts Say Missile Fired off West Coast was ChiCom http://is.gd/hBwjv #mil #usn #usaf #news #tcot #sot #ocra #hhrs
RT @Warof2010 Next big #GOP intra-party war: #Ethanol subsidies? http://is.gd/hCnL5 #tcot #p2 #p21 #teaparty CORN ETHANOL SUCKS #agw #news
@stangrev @welshman007 Obama personifies the term 'worthless ass-hat'
RT @AndrewLawton: The only reason that Democrats haven't won the #DWTS vote is because there aren't ballot boxes to steal.
@katdoc12 @Warof2010 #Ethanol makes muh Hogg run like shiite. #tcot #teaparty
RT @iowahawkblog #LetsDriveLibsInsane email from Koch Bros~The Bristol vote fix is in_invest heavily in shotgun ammo & TV tubes #dwts #tcot
RT @PalinTV: #Palin's controlling the Airwaves tonight. ~ just wait til Sarah accepts the nomination... ;-) #tcot
RT @NickDeringer: Danger_Danger_Danger!! Zogby: #Obama approval dips to 39%. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty #sgp
RT @JanaTheTeacher: Death Threats Targeting Bristol Palin, Mark Ballas http://goo.gl/Ztzm7 This from peace lovers! Where's Code Pink? #O ...
RT @Cubachi: Whoa RT @nickmarschel: hmmm... http://huff.to/hQOshA
RT @moelane: @andylevy What else is the Left going to talk about? Their stellar record in 2010 House seat pickups? #tcot #dnc #p2
RT @tom19803 #SB510 is Corporate Agriculture's way of killing competition & later starving WeThePeople if we dont pay hi prices #tcot #p2
RT @KeelyinFL: Oh no there's no hate for Bristol... RE http://bit.ly/gVHlFr This person needs serious help! #DWTS
RT @PalinTV: Via @O4Palin Miller: Lawsuit Moved to AK State Court http://bit.ly/dQescg #tcot #palin #aksen #news
@lisa_amowitz errrrr . . . it took pResident "I won" two years to meet w/ the GOP.
RT @DanRiehl @memeorandumFH Zogby Interactive: Obama Falls to 39% As Support from Democrats_ http://j.mp/eHjMJo http://is.gd/hCvGU #tcot #p2
@lisa_amowitz actually, Obama had all the votes he needed if he could keep the Dem caucus in line. So much for that.
@lisa_amowitz were in trouble thanx 2 Govt overspending_both sides_Zogby now has Obama at 39%_no thanx_both profligate parties shall B smote
@lisa_amowitz spending back to 08 levels_allow younger ppl private SS, keep promises2 retirees_kill Ocare & use MSA's_outlaw Govt unions
@lisa_amowitz kill the IRS & implemant FairTax. . .
@lisa_amowitz Kill the dept of Education & go school choice w/ vouchers.
@lisa_amowitz Jim "Kool-Aid" Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist. read more.
@lisa_amowitz dismissing my ideas as such most certainly is.
@lisa_amowitz public universities, the next big bubble to pop, unless muni-bonds beat them to it.

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Saturday, November 20, 2010

From Twitter 11-20-2010

RT @iowahawkblog: Hear about the dyslexic agnostic insomniac narcissist president? He laid awake nights wondering if he was really Dog.
The Past is Prologue for #Palin: http://t.co/YQglcUw #news #teaparty #tsot #sgp #tcot
@SECupp Cake . . . dayum tastee . . . #redeye
No wonder The Daily Beast is taking over Newsweek. #redeye
RT @fireballil @MooseOfReason So now it's going to be called The Daily Week? #RedEye Its a branding nightmare that I look forward 2 laff at
Is getting tweeted by @stephenkruiser hazardous to your health now? I thought that was only Chuck Norris? #redeye
RT @politicsofamy: RT @elemonader: Fox: Perry Suggests U.S. Should Consider Sending Military to Mexico http://goo.gl/fb/U8wQq
Peggy is a Sorors operative. #redeye
'Soros' that is . . . #redeye
RT @colocelt: #TSA scanners break child pornography laws http://bit.ly/9tPcs5 #tcot #news #asamom #sgp #teaparty
@DjWeideman @ShannonPoe dont forget the incandescent lightbulbs #redeye
RT @colocelt: 2 bodies hung from bridge, man beheaded in Tijuana http://bit.ly/a0NDyO #news #tcot
RT @IdaFlo: VIDEO Chris Wallace w/ Politico's John Harris about incoming Repub. Congress and Dem. warfare http://twurl.nl/mbl82x #tcot #news
RT @Utah_Newspapers: Park ranger shot in Utah http://bit.ly/a4zfTs - #utah

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Friday, November 19, 2010

From Twitter 11-19-2010

RT @grivno Pop Culture Concern Trolls Attack #BristolPalin: ‘#DWTS’ is Doomed, I Tell You! Doomed! http://goo.gl/4C0DD #TeaParty #p2 #ocra
RT @Lora_tx_Reynold #CNN's Kathleen Parker Falsely Claims Alexander Hamilton was an Illegal Immigrant http://bit.ly/aD67F7 #news #tcot
RT @Outhere: Napolitano says "The Border is safe" everyday.yet they r pulling the Troops from the Border because of violence! #news #tcot
RT @rsmccain: @AceofSpadesHQ @lonelycon @LCRSamFoster If Buerkle wins #NY25, GOP 241 House seats http://t.co/1kzKQtg WOULD BE MOST MOST ...
RT @Michelle_Moore: Please explain to me how it is less offensive to have a stranger touch me inappropriately or see me naked than it is ...
@Peace4Lilly When Mexican Govt policy is2 send illegal alien, agitative mass of people_inclusive of violent felons_2 the US_thats WAR #tcot
RT @jamiedupree CROWDSOURCE ALERT_Check text of new Senate #food safety bill_vote after Thanksgiving http://is.gd/hqYp8 #sb510 #tcot #news
RT @teacherspets @welshman007 Special Report_Top Dems Marginalize Obama, Consider Options http://is.gd/hqYBc #tcot #p2 #ofa #jcot #news #dnc
RT @strobist: Rule #542: When shooting ten-yr-old boys (especially brothers) *always* bring up girls at one point late in the shoot: htt ...
RT @Marsh626: Apathy http://twitpic.com/38am5s
RT @gardenstart: Local currencies, common during Great Depression, recently been initiated in dozens of communities around the country. ...
RT @trscoop: GLENN BECK SUCKS TONIGHT! #thereisaidit . . . & it bears repeating . . .
RT @ColourOfAir: National Geographic's #Photography Contest 2010 - The Big Picture http://t.co/48ohc5U
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #news Look For the Label. http://bit.ly/bpOvgj #teaparty #p2
@Peace4Lilly 2 be fair, both political parties are to blame for the border mess. #the GOP has been nutless wonders on the issue. #tcot
RT @proctorshow: Since taxpayers own 1/3 of #GM, why don't they just mail us checks w/ our share of profits?! #TCOT
RT @HooverInst: Socialism was "born bad." David Henderson: http://bit.ly/angr7f #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @jamiedupree: Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA) rips delay in her ethics trial, says committee has "weak case" http://is.gd/hrvvi #news #tcot #ca
RT @trscoop: I thought I'd heard everything. And then there was this: http://www.wsbtv.com/video/25852693/index.html
RT @JENin140: RT @mjgranger1 @JENin140 That's because by int'l law we must treat detainees w/ "dignity & respect." Gitmo Real Story @ ht ...
RT @musicdenver: #PinkFloyd - Us And Them http://dld.bz/tTBJ
RT @CFHeather: Worst Senator Barbara Boxer Compares US to Iran & North Korea (Video) http://ht.ly/3cNBE #California #tcot #catcot #news
RT @trscoop: @Methuselah52 @tahDeetz that's cool. we can disagree. dittro. . . LameDuck has given me a taste for redmeat.
RT @whatsnewinphoto: Interest in HDR, High Dynamic Range, photography is growing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_dynamic_range_imagin ...
RT @whatsnewinphoto: Ron's "terrorist" comment has made me think... Anyone every had a problem getting "dangerous" photo gear on a... ht ...
RT @whatsnewinphoto: Got to play with a Trek-Tech TrekPod system. I liked this stabilized monopod system. Can't afford one right now.. ...
RT @PhotographyTK: Travel Photography—Tips for Taking Pictures of the People You Meet http://tiny.ly/ELAQ
RT @PhotographyTK: Photographing Star Trails http://tiny.ly/vac0
RT @PhotographyTK: Portrait Photography—20 Tips for Better People Pictureshttp://tiny.ly/gUqT
RT @libertyideals: Gary Johnson, John Tyner (passenger who refused a TSA search) on Judge Napolitano's Freedom Watch #libertarian http:/ ...
RT @JosephAGallant: Qe2 - The Currency Collapse Of The Weimar Republic Opened The Door To Adolf Hitler. The People, The Government, The ...
RT @Talkmaster: Now TSA asking for personal info on all airport workers .. SS numbers, birthdates and other personal info. These people ...
RT @bluedevilmsn It kills me that the #DWTS staff are contemplating voting procedural changes now that Bristol #Palin wasnt booted_Heh #tcot
RT @DavidBugnon @EJM421 NewsBusters: Krugman: #GOP Opposes Fed Easing Because Bad #Economy Hurts Obama http://bit.ly/cgsXLx #tcot #news
RT @thegoldfarb: Teeing up statements from foreign leaders is usually not the best way to convince Republicans to do something. #STARTbe ...
RT @SCinfohog: Pelosi Says Boehner Does Not Handle Himself “Professionally” http://tinyurl.com/2ehdaen Hah!! #tcot
RT @TechZader: Brave New Online World & Organizational Psychology http://zd.net/9zAPR7
RT @exposelibtards: GOP's Buerkle Still Holding Off Maffei In #NY25 http://bit.ly/cnH8Dr #tcot #tlot #news
RT @PatDollard #SAFE (US/Mex Border Intel org) really needs your support_Please help http://is.gd/hqSTT #tcot #teaparty #sgp #mil #sot #sgp
RT @PatDollard #SAFE (US/Mex Border Intel org) really needs your support_Please help http://is.gd/hqSTT #tcot #hhrs #tbrs #tlot #ocra #gop
RT @TropicsZ4: Molly Hatchet – Flirtin' With Disaster ♫ http://blip.fm/~yrx3e
Not so fast, Ol' Murky. . . heh. #AKsen #tcot
RT @jessibradshaw: RT @giantfireball: Plz defeat S-510 Food Safety Bill.wld ban orgnic farming& Reg Home Gardening.Control ovr WhatWeGro ...
Hey #Foodies _ If you don't know what #SB510 is, then your no Foodie. #food #recipes #gardening #baking #cooking #nutrition #tcot #teaparty
RT @JobFairUSA: #Texas #Jobs: http://bit.ly/bJoW38
RT @slkbrooke: #DOD Establishes A Wounded Warrior Task Force http://bit.ly/9jFk82 #military #mil #sot #ww #tcot #news #hhrs
#TSAslogans . . . With the #TSA, who needs pedophiles? . . . #tcot
RT @derekahunter: Only in a Liberal's head is legitimate criticism "politicizing" RT @Drudge_Report: Geithner Warns Republicans Against ...
RT @MaryRachBailey: You Betcha!! http://on.wsj.com/9QrSwG
RT @SAMMIESMILES8 @ResistTyranny WSJ - #SouthwestAirlines confirms #TSA is~molesting~passengers http://on.wsj.com/a7Qv3S #asamom #tcot #news
@RGeorgeDunn the States & Militias are like peas & carrots. #tcot #Constitution #RGA #TX
RT @Divapalooza: Bristol Palin Hater Drama: Do you realize today how miserable the American left is over Bristol Palin making… http://go ...
RT @stacyhyatt: TGIF Tweeps! The 25 Best Ann Coulter Quotes About #Liberals | NewsReal Blog: http://bit.ly/9yqPg3 #tcot #gop #dnc #p2
RT @tom19803: "The biggest lesson I learned from Vietnam is not to trust [our own] government statements."- Senator James W. Fulbright # ...
RT @RAMansour: Sarah Palin has been giving policy speeches regularly for the last year. The media missed it because they were focusing o ...
RT @KatyinIndy: Obama admin to move ahead w/socialist transformation of America through federal fiat http://is.gd/hrGfz #tcot #gop #f ...
RT @KOSMOSNET: Hot Air: “Dancing with the Stars” insider: The “creditability” of the show will be hurt if Bristol Palin wins http://bit. ...
@RGeorgeDunn the TX gov is a constitutionally weak office. Did he ask his legislature or the Fed_I havent seen the story
RT @Jihadihunter: TSA’s Newest Potential Terrorists: Soldiers Returning From Afghanistan http://tinyurl.com/2dk4rsv #bullshit #tsa #tcot ...
RT @Emerging_C @sfkarenmc Former ACORN Worker Takes Plea Deal 4 #VoteFraud http://shar.es/XnkKf #tcot #p2 #teaparty #news
RT @Jihadihunter: Farms? We Don't Need Farms...Who Wants Food? It Is Much Better To Starve http://tinyurl.com/253axho #tcot #gop #teapar ...
@tom19803 kinda reminds of that health ins company called Soilent Health #tcot #TSA #p2
RT @katraky I Left My Foreskin in San Francisco http://bit.ly/djHNgT via @marcoestreich omgoodness #tcot #news Dont Touch My Foreskin
RT @CFHeather: RT @love0ffreedom: Are #Progressives Seriously Defending the Federal Reserve? http://bit.ly/c2DDdb #tcot #news #p2
RT @tjholthaus: "ClimateGate 1 Year Later: Networks Barely Cover Scandal, But Defend and 'Exonerate' Accused Scientists" via Mrc http:// ...
RT @zolqarnain: Enhanced pat down leaves Grand Rapids airline passenger in tears http://bit.ly/95ez1P #tlot #ocra #SCOTUSblog #CivilLibe ...
RT @politcalcupcake: Mystery contrail in sky was from Chinese missile
'Muted response' was decision 'made by the president (cont) http:/ ...
RT @Cubachi: @nickmarschel @trscoop @TheRealMirCat Cool, @DonnyOsmond defended Bristol #Palin. Said she has heart #tcot #tsot #sgp #spwbt
RT @Kriskxx: Sowell': Bush said in 2004,Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac shld B reined in_DEMS Barney Frank,Pelosi, Maxine Waters & C.Rangel dis ...
RT @TaoMannaDon: A liberal, a socialist, and a communist walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Mr President, are you drinki ...
RT @politcalcupcake: Is the U.S. government withholding information about that streak in the sky? Mystery contrail was from Chinese (con ...
RT @CFHeather @barrienj Run on #MuniBond funds undrway-Investor withdrawal at almost 19yr hi http://bit.ly/buhxBf #news #economy #tcot #hhrs
RT @RepToddTiahrt: Germany... "US has lived too long on borrowed $'s". http://bit.ly/9kp5GE. We have more gov than we can afford. #tcot. ...
RT @FloridaPundit: Patriotic Billboard: “So Far the Change SUCKS!” http://om.ly/BBuID #teaparty #tcot #gop #freedom #liberty #obama
RT @Jihadihunter: New START Treaty's Swiss-Cheese Ratification Trap http://tinyurl.com/268qzje #tcot #gop #teaparty #twisters #ampat #st ...
RT @newsrealblog Muslim 7 Non-Muslim Thinkers Call for a Human Rights Revolution #tcot #jcot #sgp http://tinyurl.com/2d8wsax #news #politics
RT @freedom4USA: #tcot #news ABC:Woman says #TSA agent ran her hands up her so aggressively she lifted her up frm her heels;Congress 2 r ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberalism more often than not is stupidity, irrationality, and ignorance masked by claims of education. #tcot #Twi ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Dancing Producer Responds to Bristol Palin Voting Controversy http://bit.ly/cGQ7nj #tcot #Twisters #tlot #p2 #teapa ...
RT @FredGriffin: Home Appraisals for Sellers http://fb.me/OA1YISvk
RT @Woodie1942: How about a Congressional Equity Bill - To make each law passed to apply to All Americans-including Judges, Congress an ...
RT @RachelleFriberg: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Law enforcemnt profiles individuals/suspects when seeking info 2 prevent or deal w/other (cont) ...
RT @PresidentSuit: #NSFW: Big Sis & TOTUS reveal their #TSA full body scans! | http://is.gd/hs4nz #tcot
RT @TaxManCPA America is a land of taxation that was founded to avoid taxation ~Laurence J. Peter #teaparty #quote #taxes #IRS #tcot #p2
RT @JimELiv: The now-called "Bush Tax Cuts" will be called the Obama Tax Increases in January! #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @Furrystoat: @Conservativeind Ammunition. A great 'anytime' gift. Always fashionable; magnificently, joyously politically-incorrect.
RT @akonsen: RT @SarahPalinUSA: L.E. profiles indivs/suspects when seeking info 2 prevent or deal w/other crimes;Why can't this be done ...
RT @palintwibe: via http://is.gd/hs5WS Kirsten Powers: Don't Rule Out #Palin Beating Obama in 2012 http://is.gd/hs5WT #teaparty #tcot
RT @Flipbooks: #HowTo Photograph Mountains http://bit.ly/4FDA4U #Photography #Tips
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Their tears are like the finest liqueur http://ow.ly/1a4ojp
RT @MarcieDreyer: RT @TheTwisters: If you understood Alinsky & Cloward-Piven, you would understand WHY politicians SAY & DO what they Sa ...
@Conservativeind @AmeriJeepRang2 @Furrystoat @gregory4unme A universal Tac-Rifle case 4 the range, etc.
RT @sNapPpeRHeaD: Hunger Strike - Temple of the Dog: Pearl Jam, Chris Cornell / http://youtu.be/5W8Jp7aCMtg #nowplaying
I seem to remember the Left misunderestimated one George W. Bush. #tcot #Palin #teaparty
RT @adamsbaldwin: 'Wet Work'! | RT @PatDollard "Spectre & I'll Be Doing A Training Package W/ @AdamSBaldwin Tomorrow–With Video.."- http ...
RT @laborunionrpt: Another Go For Legislation To Unionize Emergency Responders http://bit.ly/a4YD9I #tcot #rs #unions #ocra #news#emt
RT @PMgeezer: "Better Get That Fence Built"..the TX State Police are at war. What's Obama doing? Removing troops from the border.
http:/ ...

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