RT @WSE123: Mr. #POTUS, I bet you will hand your successor a worse economy than you were handed, and by your own standards it will be YO ...
RT @keder Muslim Grp 2 Women n Hijabs~Allow #TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head/Neck Area http://bit.ly/9Reefq #tcot #news thus it begins
RT @OGDoccat: Steele Challenged for #RNC Chair - http://NewsMax.com: http://bit.ly/c1aA9e #GOP #mdcot #Republican #tcot
RT @TechZader: Hydras, Drones and Tankers: #Skyline's Alien Shock Troops http://bit.ly/akT9pr #movies #tech #tcot
RT @RealSheriffJoe: Thanks to FOXNEWS for supporting my Office & voting for me as America's toughest Sheriff when it comes to illegal im ...
RT @mzkirkpatrick @mytngenes @robport #NewJersey Teacher Threatens 2 Leave #NJ If Pay Cut~Let Me Help U http://is.gd/gYQ9T #news #tcot #hhrs
RT @unitedweremain: Twittering the Constitution | The Weekly Standard http://dlvr.it/8S3nj
RT @Papatul: Crisis Is The Rallying Cry Of The Tyrant - James Madison #tcot #tlot #ocra #teaparty #beck
RT @JosephAGallant: Capitalism rewards hard work and innovation, Socialism rewards dependency & failure #hcr #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @TopPatriot: Glenn Beck is hitting a 'bulls-eye' today! If we can't have Term Limits, we can reduce the pay and benefits of our repre ...
RT @Kalel194 Top10 Reasons Why #Conservatives Should Not B Celebratng Nov2 Results http://is.gd/gYVvz #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @Defiant530: Why is the LEFT in LOVE with OBAMA & his vision?Because they are 2 LAZY or 2 STUPID to live their lives without guidance ...
RT @lisbethcarter: Great view into Obamas mishandling of oil spill http://is.gd/gYX6N #tcot #nola #news #teaparty
RT @keder Muslim Grp 2 Women In Hijabs~Allow #TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head/Neck Area http://bit.ly/9Reefq #tcot #news #teaparty
A Must Read: Top10 Reasons Why #Conservatives Should Not B Celebratng Nov2 Results http://is.gd/gYVvz #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @Jihadihunter: Political Correctness Turns Gingerbread Men Into Gingerbread Persons http://bit.ly/9vb7Kk And Tax Money Was Spent To R ...
RT @cognac62: AFSCME needs to be REIGNED in quickly. #tcot
RT @newsrealblog #ACORN Vote Fraudster Avoids Prison W/ Plea Bargain http://tinyurl.com/2fsm2ua #news #teaparty #votefraud #tcot #hhrs #sgp
RT @ReconChesty: Murkowski: If DeMint wants to make peace with me, he can make the first move (Shes an Embarrassment!!) http://bit.ly/du ...
RT @freon500: George Soros and Hussein Obama to share marque on Presidential library! #tcot
RT @_SheGathersRain: The Progressive-Communist Alliance: http://bit.ly/d722Dx #tcot #tlot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp
RT @Jihadihunter: Rand Paul Publicly Knifes Client #9 http://bit.ly/bHjfvc Cuts Him Wide, Deep & Often #tcot #gop #CNN #foxnews #ocra #t ...
Government Sector #Unions R inherently based on a prima facia conflict of interest & must be duly outlawed #tcot #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #ocra
Obama ~ The Madison Avenue President #tcot #teaparty #p2
@Winghunter If not mistaken, JFK gave Govt Unions collective bargaining rights, although Nixon gave us the alphabet reg agencies. . .
RT @tjholthaus @DMashak The Beck TV Bkgrd Guide 2 #GeorgeSoros Pt1 http://bit.ly/dvrtXO #teaparty #news #tcot #resistnet #news #hhrs #sgp
RT @CO2HOG: breitbart.tv Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose the Election Because of Me’ http://bit.ly/a1Qcy2 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @Battleborne: #TeaParty to Nancy Pelosi...Feeling lucky Punk'? http://youtu.be/FnMLGkj91Og rofl #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: GE, Stimulus Money Reciever, Buys 10k Chevy Volts, So Obama Can Say Sales Are HUGE! But, Taxpayers Are Helping Buy The ...
RT @OWLNEWS Natnl #OptOut Day Against #TSA Body Scans_Air Travelers/Activists_Mark the Date http://bit.ly/9PtibH #news #tcot #p2 #tlot #hhrs
RT @rsmccain: #news Only in #WestVirginia http://tinyurl.com/OnlyInWV Knife-Wielding Woman Demands Oral Sex #tcot
The Left benefits from a century of progressive_institutional inerntia built n2 society_the slog will long #TeaParty #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot
The Left benefits from a century of progressive_institutional inerntia built n2 society_the slog wil B long #TeaParty #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot
RT @GregWHoward Electoral Map Looks Bleak 4 #Obama in 2012 http://bit.ly/dm0hee #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #phnm #teaparty #news #hhrs
As Progressives work 2 devalue the dollar thru inflation_they also continue 2 define down what it is 2 be a millionaire #tcot #hhrs #tlot
RT @TJ_Hancock @gatewaypundit FAR LEFT FURIOUS That #GOP Wont Join Team #Obama's Attacks on #Israel http://bit.ly/bpSwSU #tcot #jcot #news
@GOPLeader @johnboehner Any laws passed during #LameDuck must be wholly defunded once #GOP takes power in 2011 #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #tlot
RT @TheNoblePatriot Secret #WALMART Survey Shows #Inflation Already Here http://bit.ly/bC0mJ5 #economy #news #tcot #jobs #teaparty #hhrs #p2
RT @GD1357 @princy_lyn @huffingtonpost #Soros is like Kevin Bacon_we'll be hard pressed 2 find any1 in DC not linked 2 him in some way #tcot
RT @Celtic_Norse @GregWHoward The crash in #MunicipalBonds market 2day is huge & gets no play in #News -Move along_nothing 2 see here #tcot
RT @redostoneage Forbes_Clean Energy Driven #Jobs Growth Is A Return 2 The StoneAge http://feedzil.la/98SEdr #economy #sgp #news #tpp #tcot
RT @HomerWhite @obamascare Hundreds Laid Off After Plant Closes In #Sparta #Tennessee http://j.mp/dcDebu #tcot #news #jobs #economy #hhrs
RT @ThadMcCotter By smearing #TeaParty'rs as ignorant_fearful & far right_the Left reveals it's elitist_obstinate & flat wrong #tcot #redeye
RT @thebigshmoog: RT @DanMarriesKOLD:AZ's Medical Marijuana Prop 203 is now passing by more than 4,000 votes.// suddenly I've developed ...
RT @AmPowerBlog: Obama’s Glow Dims on Trip 2 #Asia http://is.gd/gZ5kM #News #Obama #Trade #Politics #Democrats #SGP #TCOT #p2 #ofa #dnc
So the Left now uses an anti-Burmese Junta lobbyist that #Soros paid, in order 2 smear #Palin. Soros must be feelin the heat #tcot #teaparty
RT @Lady_grrrr: By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others. Bastiat #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: Each day more Americans are looking at Obama the same way they look at that ugly person in bed after a bad night of par ...
RT @PatDollard: Provisional Ballots May Make Weed Legal In #Arizona http://tinyurl.com/3xkvt2o #accdf #tcot #news
RT @ExNavy26: Joe Scarborough:Top SenateDems have told me privately that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing http://bit.ly/cyQyVY #tcot / ...
RT @SavageNation: Men seen 'suspicously' taping D.C. subway station: http://bit.ly/97Rw4M #tcot
RT @joerobertson Naked body scanners may be dangerous: scientists #tcot #p2 http://bit.ly/dtbSB7 #news #tsa #tlot #hhrs #teaparty
RT @TimGamble: @inhuggermugger The #p2 crowd, MSM & even many "moderates" are having hard time accepting how evil radical Islam & Sharia ...
RT @redostoneage Suckers_Obama’s Executive “Pay Czar” Got 6-Figure Salary http://is.gd/f2EbH #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #p2 #ofa #dnc #hhrs
RT @FairTaxNancy #FairTax Questions & Advantages http://youtu.be/_azhtp9e3Ik?a #news #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #sgp #economy #ocra
RT @BlueCollarTodd: Non-Toxic Crayons Made In China? Color Me Skeptical! http://bit.ly/c8P7ap #tcot #hhrs #tlot #teaparty #sgp #p2 #news
RT @slicedsky: Dem Congressman Unfreezes $100 Million in Aid to Lebanese Army… http://goo.gl/tYgKx #tcot #tlot #ocra #jcot #israel #mil #sot
RT @dominiofeminino @PolarCoug A proctologist pulls out a thermometer from his ShirtPocket_He looks @ it & says~Shit_some asshole has my pen
RT @Lady_grrrr: Make men large and strong and tyranny will bankrupt itself in making shackles for them.Beecher // Karma! #tcot
RT @GodsOfRuin: Lame duck congressional sessions should be outlawed. #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @redostoneage Obama Fiscal Comm Unveils Real #TaxHikes & Fake Spending Cuts http://is.gd/gZame #news #tcot #tlot #hhrs #sgp #teaparty
RT @Celtic_Norse Only in WashDC does a decrease in the proposed increase in spending_equal a spending cut~Larry Elder #tcot #p2 #ocra #news
RT @Blueberrier0341 #TeaParty sets sights on Dick Lugar~Sr.Senator-R-from #Indiana http://bit.ly/b0s5tG #tcot #Twisters #tlot #p2 #sgp #hhrs
RT @redostoneage U of #Michigan Health System’s call 2 accommodate #sharia http://bit.ly/a7jEC8 #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tcot #sgp #ocra
RT @Amuk3: RT @DLoesch: Irony Alert: Accused Plagiarist Accuses Bush of Plagiarism http://bit.ly/aqpcO9 #news #tcot
RT @FairTaxNancy: http://is.gd/gZceg Hot Counties Turn Red #tcot #teaparty (this may bode well for us) #news #fairtax
The Latest In #TSA Airport Security Procedures As Explained by the Japanese~Video http://is.gd/gZcJ1 #tcot #tlot #optout #teaparty #sgp
RT @SoonerFanInMO: #libs foam at the mouth but they are unable to deny the content. They do hate #rush, but are never able to PROVE him ...
RT @RandysRight Bernanke #QE2 Scheme Backfires_Global Money War Intensifies_HawleySmoot 2.0 http://wp.me/pwmBO-3t7 #news #economy #tcot #sgp
RT @Sniper_Photo: How 2 Price Your #Photography & Your Products. This is something many #togs struggle with. http://cpurl.net/9tMTtv #photog
RT @red_n_right: #California Gov.-elect Jerry Brown's new worst nightmare http://is.gd/gZgdX #catcot #news #tcot
RT @Talkmaster: Massive gas outage in Naples. Starving. Looking for restaurant with electric stoves! Sounds like PB&J's for da TalkMaster.
RT @redostoneage CAIR: #TSA Can Only Pat Down #Muslim #Women’s Head & Neck_Talk About Chutzpah http://1asch.tk #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs
RT @keder Muslim Grp 2 Women n Hijabs~Allow #TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head/Neck Area http://bit.ly/9Reefq #tcot #news thus it begins
RT @OGDoccat: Steele Challenged for #RNC Chair - http://NewsMax.com: http://bit.ly/c1aA9e #GOP #mdcot #Republican #tcot
RT @TechZader: Hydras, Drones and Tankers: #Skyline's Alien Shock Troops http://bit.ly/akT9pr #movies #tech #tcot
RT @RealSheriffJoe: Thanks to FOXNEWS for supporting my Office & voting for me as America's toughest Sheriff when it comes to illegal im ...
RT @mzkirkpatrick @mytngenes @robport #NewJersey Teacher Threatens 2 Leave #NJ If Pay Cut~Let Me Help U http://is.gd/gYQ9T #news #tcot #hhrs
RT @unitedweremain: Twittering the Constitution | The Weekly Standard http://dlvr.it/8S3nj
RT @Papatul: Crisis Is The Rallying Cry Of The Tyrant - James Madison #tcot #tlot #ocra #teaparty #beck
RT @JosephAGallant: Capitalism rewards hard work and innovation, Socialism rewards dependency & failure #hcr #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @TopPatriot: Glenn Beck is hitting a 'bulls-eye' today! If we can't have Term Limits, we can reduce the pay and benefits of our repre ...
RT @Kalel194 Top10 Reasons Why #Conservatives Should Not B Celebratng Nov2 Results http://is.gd/gYVvz #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @Defiant530: Why is the LEFT in LOVE with OBAMA & his vision?Because they are 2 LAZY or 2 STUPID to live their lives without guidance ...
RT @lisbethcarter: Great view into Obamas mishandling of oil spill http://is.gd/gYX6N #tcot #nola #news #teaparty
RT @keder Muslim Grp 2 Women In Hijabs~Allow #TSA ‘Enhanced Pat Downs’ Only on Head/Neck Area http://bit.ly/9Reefq #tcot #news #teaparty
A Must Read: Top10 Reasons Why #Conservatives Should Not B Celebratng Nov2 Results http://is.gd/gYVvz #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @Jihadihunter: Political Correctness Turns Gingerbread Men Into Gingerbread Persons http://bit.ly/9vb7Kk And Tax Money Was Spent To R ...
RT @cognac62: AFSCME needs to be REIGNED in quickly. #tcot
RT @newsrealblog #ACORN Vote Fraudster Avoids Prison W/ Plea Bargain http://tinyurl.com/2fsm2ua #news #teaparty #votefraud #tcot #hhrs #sgp
RT @ReconChesty: Murkowski: If DeMint wants to make peace with me, he can make the first move (Shes an Embarrassment!!) http://bit.ly/du ...
RT @freon500: George Soros and Hussein Obama to share marque on Presidential library! #tcot
RT @_SheGathersRain: The Progressive-Communist Alliance: http://bit.ly/d722Dx #tcot #tlot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp
RT @Jihadihunter: Rand Paul Publicly Knifes Client #9 http://bit.ly/bHjfvc Cuts Him Wide, Deep & Often #tcot #gop #CNN #foxnews #ocra #t ...
Government Sector #Unions R inherently based on a prima facia conflict of interest & must be duly outlawed #tcot #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #ocra
Obama ~ The Madison Avenue President #tcot #teaparty #p2
@Winghunter If not mistaken, JFK gave Govt Unions collective bargaining rights, although Nixon gave us the alphabet reg agencies. . .
RT @tjholthaus @DMashak The Beck TV Bkgrd Guide 2 #GeorgeSoros Pt1 http://bit.ly/dvrtXO #teaparty #news #tcot #resistnet #news #hhrs #sgp
RT @CO2HOG: breitbart.tv Pelosi: ‘We Didn’t Lose the Election Because of Me’ http://bit.ly/a1Qcy2 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @Battleborne: #TeaParty to Nancy Pelosi...Feeling lucky Punk'? http://youtu.be/FnMLGkj91Og rofl #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: GE, Stimulus Money Reciever, Buys 10k Chevy Volts, So Obama Can Say Sales Are HUGE! But, Taxpayers Are Helping Buy The ...
RT @OWLNEWS Natnl #OptOut Day Against #TSA Body Scans_Air Travelers/Activists_Mark the Date http://bit.ly/9PtibH #news #tcot #p2 #tlot #hhrs
RT @rsmccain: #news Only in #WestVirginia http://tinyurl.com/OnlyInWV Knife-Wielding Woman Demands Oral Sex #tcot
The Left benefits from a century of progressive_institutional inerntia built n2 society_the slog will long #TeaParty #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot
The Left benefits from a century of progressive_institutional inerntia built n2 society_the slog wil B long #TeaParty #tcot #sgp #hhrs #tlot
RT @GregWHoward Electoral Map Looks Bleak 4 #Obama in 2012 http://bit.ly/dm0hee #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #phnm #teaparty #news #hhrs
As Progressives work 2 devalue the dollar thru inflation_they also continue 2 define down what it is 2 be a millionaire #tcot #hhrs #tlot
RT @TJ_Hancock @gatewaypundit FAR LEFT FURIOUS That #GOP Wont Join Team #Obama's Attacks on #Israel http://bit.ly/bpSwSU #tcot #jcot #news
@GOPLeader @johnboehner Any laws passed during #LameDuck must be wholly defunded once #GOP takes power in 2011 #tcot #hhrs #teaparty #tlot
RT @TheNoblePatriot Secret #WALMART Survey Shows #Inflation Already Here http://bit.ly/bC0mJ5 #economy #news #tcot #jobs #teaparty #hhrs #p2
RT @GD1357 @princy_lyn @huffingtonpost #Soros is like Kevin Bacon_we'll be hard pressed 2 find any1 in DC not linked 2 him in some way #tcot
RT @Celtic_Norse @GregWHoward The crash in #MunicipalBonds market 2day is huge & gets no play in #News -Move along_nothing 2 see here #tcot
RT @redostoneage Forbes_Clean Energy Driven #Jobs Growth Is A Return 2 The StoneAge http://feedzil.la/98SEdr #economy #sgp #news #tpp #tcot
RT @HomerWhite @obamascare Hundreds Laid Off After Plant Closes In #Sparta #Tennessee http://j.mp/dcDebu #tcot #news #jobs #economy #hhrs
RT @ThadMcCotter By smearing #TeaParty'rs as ignorant_fearful & far right_the Left reveals it's elitist_obstinate & flat wrong #tcot #redeye
RT @thebigshmoog: RT @DanMarriesKOLD:AZ's Medical Marijuana Prop 203 is now passing by more than 4,000 votes.// suddenly I've developed ...
RT @AmPowerBlog: Obama’s Glow Dims on Trip 2 #Asia http://is.gd/gZ5kM #News #Obama #Trade #Politics #Democrats #SGP #TCOT #p2 #ofa #dnc
So the Left now uses an anti-Burmese Junta lobbyist that #Soros paid, in order 2 smear #Palin. Soros must be feelin the heat #tcot #teaparty
RT @Lady_grrrr: By virtue of exchange, one man's prosperity is beneficial to all others. Bastiat #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: Each day more Americans are looking at Obama the same way they look at that ugly person in bed after a bad night of par ...
RT @PatDollard: Provisional Ballots May Make Weed Legal In #Arizona http://tinyurl.com/3xkvt2o #accdf #tcot #news
RT @ExNavy26: Joe Scarborough:Top SenateDems have told me privately that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing http://bit.ly/cyQyVY #tcot / ...
RT @SavageNation: Men seen 'suspicously' taping D.C. subway station: http://bit.ly/97Rw4M #tcot
RT @joerobertson Naked body scanners may be dangerous: scientists #tcot #p2 http://bit.ly/dtbSB7 #news #tsa #tlot #hhrs #teaparty
RT @TimGamble: @inhuggermugger The #p2 crowd, MSM & even many "moderates" are having hard time accepting how evil radical Islam & Sharia ...
RT @redostoneage Suckers_Obama’s Executive “Pay Czar” Got 6-Figure Salary http://is.gd/f2EbH #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #p2 #ofa #dnc #hhrs
RT @FairTaxNancy #FairTax Questions & Advantages http://youtu.be/_azhtp9e3Ik?a #news #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #sgp #economy #ocra
RT @BlueCollarTodd: Non-Toxic Crayons Made In China? Color Me Skeptical! http://bit.ly/c8P7ap #tcot #hhrs #tlot #teaparty #sgp #p2 #news
RT @slicedsky: Dem Congressman Unfreezes $100 Million in Aid to Lebanese Army… http://goo.gl/tYgKx #tcot #tlot #ocra #jcot #israel #mil #sot
RT @dominiofeminino @PolarCoug A proctologist pulls out a thermometer from his ShirtPocket_He looks @ it & says~Shit_some asshole has my pen
RT @Lady_grrrr: Make men large and strong and tyranny will bankrupt itself in making shackles for them.Beecher // Karma! #tcot
RT @GodsOfRuin: Lame duck congressional sessions should be outlawed. #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @redostoneage Obama Fiscal Comm Unveils Real #TaxHikes & Fake Spending Cuts http://is.gd/gZame #news #tcot #tlot #hhrs #sgp #teaparty
RT @Celtic_Norse Only in WashDC does a decrease in the proposed increase in spending_equal a spending cut~Larry Elder #tcot #p2 #ocra #news
RT @Blueberrier0341 #TeaParty sets sights on Dick Lugar~Sr.Senator-R-from #Indiana http://bit.ly/b0s5tG #tcot #Twisters #tlot #p2 #sgp #hhrs
RT @redostoneage U of #Michigan Health System’s call 2 accommodate #sharia http://bit.ly/a7jEC8 #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp #tcot #sgp #ocra
RT @Amuk3: RT @DLoesch: Irony Alert: Accused Plagiarist Accuses Bush of Plagiarism http://bit.ly/aqpcO9 #news #tcot
RT @FairTaxNancy: http://is.gd/gZceg Hot Counties Turn Red #tcot #teaparty (this may bode well for us) #news #fairtax
The Latest In #TSA Airport Security Procedures As Explained by the Japanese~Video http://is.gd/gZcJ1 #tcot #tlot #optout #teaparty #sgp
RT @SoonerFanInMO: #libs foam at the mouth but they are unable to deny the content. They do hate #rush, but are never able to PROVE him ...
RT @RandysRight Bernanke #QE2 Scheme Backfires_Global Money War Intensifies_HawleySmoot 2.0 http://wp.me/pwmBO-3t7 #news #economy #tcot #sgp
RT @Sniper_Photo: How 2 Price Your #Photography & Your Products. This is something many #togs struggle with. http://cpurl.net/9tMTtv #photog
RT @red_n_right: #California Gov.-elect Jerry Brown's new worst nightmare http://is.gd/gZgdX #catcot #news #tcot
RT @Talkmaster: Massive gas outage in Naples. Starving. Looking for restaurant with electric stoves! Sounds like PB&J's for da TalkMaster.
RT @redostoneage CAIR: #TSA Can Only Pat Down #Muslim #Women’s Head & Neck_Talk About Chutzpah http://1asch.tk #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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