Friday, November 26, 2010

From Twitter 11-26-2010

From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she had called 4 MSNBC 2 be shut down or sumpin #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: @tahDeetz #p2 is in a very difficult place—realizing their two year full court press of derision against #Palin has utter ...
@Herfarm @ginthegin there are 57 islamic states, though.
Any political recourse that hits Liberals twixt the eyes & which they cant answer_they will call it uncivil #tcot #p2 Load. Of. Crap.
RT @palintwibe: via @C4Palin The Democrat Party Is So Stupid that It Doesn't Understand Governor Palin Was Mocking Obama's... http://dlv ...
From hearng the Liberal uproar ovr #Palin's NorthKorea slip_youd think she invoked FDRs televised fireside chat after Black Friday #tcot #p2
From hearng the #Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_youd think she said the Const'n was written 2000yrs ago or sumpin #tcot #p2
From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she said the FBI was 100 days old or something #tcot #p2
From hearng the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_youd think she said Israel was a strong friend of Israel or sumpin #tcot #p2
#Palin sits down 4 an extensive interview w/New York Times & #CBS's Jay Newton yet SP is avoiding the MSM #news?!? #tcot #p2 #sgp #tsot
@ginthegin dittro. . .
RT @deerpass: The left is now okay with radiation? The body scanners use it. Now how about those nuclear reactors we could use? #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: @victoria_29 The "fairness" is in any case subjective. But Sarah #Palin is a tar baby for progressives (R&D), when they h ...
RT @andilinks: @victoria_29 @sjsturkie #Palin will play a role in the 2012 selection & since it's possible she'll be nominated we should ...
RT @Snooper1 @patdollard True Mexican Hero #latino #hispanic #news #Mexico #tcot
As Gov, #Palin actualized AGIA_Alaska Gasline Inducmnt Act_largest priv.sector infrastructure project in N.American history #tcot #p2 #tsot
Palin’s administration opened up drilling for oil and gas at Point Thomson for the first time in several decades #tcot #p2 #tsot
As Governor, #Palin reduced earmark requests for #Alaska by 80% #tcot #p2 #tsot
#Palin est Ak Oil Intgrty Offc 2 overC safe NRG devlp_state chekbook~online_cut spendng 4FisclYr10 by ovr $1Blln from Murkowski FsclYr07 #p2
#Palin got Alaska’s Clear & Equitable Share bill passed_incentivzng devel & ensurng Alaskans get~clear & FAIR~share of oil profits #p2 #tcot
#Palin cut cost by selling a private jet bought by previous guv & saying~no thank u~2 the Exec Mansion’s personal chef #tcot #p2 #tsot
#Palin was Chair of #AK Oil/Gas Conservation Commission & Vice Chair of Natnl Govrnrs Assoc Natural Resource Committee #tcot #tsot #p2 #gop
RT @RAMansour: Dear Leftwingers, give up. You are absolute buffoons. #tcot #p2 #tsot
RT @StopGovernment @tegwek @Theblacksphere Dems think legal weapons are illegal, but illegal immigrants are legal? Huh? #dems #tcot #p2
RT @RAMansour Dear #p2, look: #tcot #tsot #teaparty #sgp #spwbt #tbrs
RT @Shabbosgoy @HansAHCdeWit The Crusades & #Islam #tcot #jcot #tlot #P2 @patdollard @snooper1 #news #sot #mil #sgp #ocra
RT @markjuelich Powerful Su25 strike aircraft 2 stage triumphant comeback? #military #Navy #USAF #news #tcot #sot #hhrs
RT @RantsbyRemnant: The Arabs wage negotiations in three ways: pretense, deception, and violence. #Israel @LizzieViolet #tcot #jcot #p2
RT @JennyAllen702 @brookedunne FLASHBACK'06_Democrats Applaud Their Partisan Obstructionism~VID #economy #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @giantfireball @PutUp_OrShutUp R.McElroy: #TeaParty insistence on earmark cuts creates new paradigm #tcot #tlot #p2
RT @giantfireball @PutUp_OrShutUp: #TeaParty Hopes 2 Plant #VA Roots for #2011Elections #tcot #tlot #p2 #news
LaurieT333 #TeaParty targets big biz_These policies R very unpopular w/ #conservatives & TeaPar_ #tcot #p2 #tlot #news
RT @laborunionrpt Members of Congress own stock in scanner companies: A Bi-Partisan Scam!: #rs #tcot #p2 #news #tlot
@alaskacommons Ahhh, nothin' like that big phat Govt teat!! @AlieNicole7
truthusadotcom @undhimmi #London #Muslim Protester was $4Million #Crack Dealer #islam #tcot #tlot #jcot #news #sgp #p2
@alaskacommons Bridges to Nowhere for all Alaskans. . . You goin' w/ that rally-cry? @AlieNicole7 #tcot
RT @MooseOfReason The TSA tries to be funny on twitter #tcot #tlot #p2 #TSA
@alaskacommons If you need a bridge or road, pay 4 it w/ oil profits that Palin had sent to Alaskans.
RT @TombstoneBadBob: RT @American1st: America will remain free by not imposing habits on others. If muslims do not like our laws & safet ...
@alaskacommons constantly bleating your so-called mental superiority does not make it so.
@alaskacommons you constantly tweet down 2 PPL u dont even know, in Pavlovian fashion I might add.
@alaskacommons I was saying if Alaska needs a project, put it 2 the legislature then a state-wide referendum.
@alaskacommons can you say 'tonality' boys & girls?
@alaskacommons excuuuuuuse me if I cant define the actual name altho conceptually, thats a diffrnt colored horse.
@alaskacommons Pavlovian or involuntary in fashion, w/o even realizing it. Linguists notice speech patterns as such.
@alaskacommons State Legislatures certainly do have influence in re Earmarks. R ya gonna say that, really?!?
@alaskacommons if alaskan policy bears upon the the lower 48, I will most certainly express my opine. #alaska
@alaskacommons Its called the "United" States of America for a reason. #alaska
@alaskacommons a portion of oil proceeds paid to the populace based on a formula thats highly politicized more than likely_am I close?
RT @newzealblog: "The Collapse Of Communism: The Untold Story" #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@alaskacommons actually, your thinking of Ol'Murky & dem voters. Palin voters would be responsible about it. #alaska
RT @ttjemery: Man Made global warming has lots of holes in it - Part 2 #climatechange #TeaParty #Christian #Science ...
@alaskacommons it aint cheap living in alaska & that 1200 buys many a parka. #alaska
@alaskacommons no more snide commentary for the rest of the evening?!? you'll be missed. . . not.
@alaskacommons your 1st frikkin tweet drippin w/ self-importance_like I said, Pavlovian. #alaska
@alaskacommons Google 'infrastructure.'
@alaskacommons FFY07-Murkowski fed requests total_63projects @$349497000|FFY10-Gov #Palin fed requests total_8projects @$69100000 #tcot #p2
Principles are universally applicable.
RT @derised1: @PatDollard Governor Palin's response @ Only smart people will get the irony & humor. Not kool ...
A city fogged in by fear & uncertainty #tcot #Mexico #news #borderwars #tx #nm #az #ca #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #mil #sot
Libs Fall Over Selves 2 Hilight Palinisms_Still Cant Speak Austrian #news #tsot #p2 #tcot #ofa #dnc #dsa #dfl #Palin #sgp
“STAY OUT OF THE BUSHES” Jesse Jackson #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsot
Ah_summrs n Kennebunkport_far from maddenng crowds_BrooksBros ButtonDowns worn loose n evnin breezs as dry martinis R sipt~PaleoRepubs #tcot
RT @checktothepower: American Thinker: The Palin Factor: Even Republican Elites Don't Get It #tcot Palin is the real ...
@KingCast NEWFLASH: the 2010 campaign is over. Save it til she's up for reelection.
RT @psa563 Kim Jong Un isa fatass while all #NorthKorea get a chikkin a week 2 starve on_Communism_want some? U might just get it #tcot #p2
Socialists: Their ends are determined to seize our means ~ #Boortz caller @talkmaster #tcot #teaparty
@rgreen75 grassbut.
#57States ~ that's gonna leave a mark. #Palin's gonna get taxed over all that free rent she's gettin'. #tcot #p2 #tsot #sgp
the #TSA #HeavyHands grope-down will soon be a #GovtUnion sponsored, communicable nightmare. #tcot #teaparty #tlot #sgp #health
4 a sec_I thot this was about Obama~Worlds most travelled man: 15MILLION miles of jet-setting #tcot #teaparty
RT @FairTaxNancy: With Fair Tax, the roughly $12 trillion U.S. bucks in offshore tax havens would begin flooding back into U.S. Stimulus ...
#newGMcarNames ~ the #ObamaMellodrama ~ #tcot #GM #teaparty
I'm thankful that Michelle let us have pie this year. #tcot
RT @kansaspider: Does O & govt not realize that #GM ad is infuriating us even more? . . . I threw up a bit when I saw it. #tcot
RT @ResistTyranny Sans teleprompter & sane speech writers_turns out Obama isa spiteful_3rd-rate socialist tyrant-wannabe egomaniac #p2 #tcot
RT @Jarjarbug @MSNBC @ABC @CBS @CNN @NBC @PBS @NPR @SNL there IS LESS SUBSTANCE 2 OBAMA than thin air! #tcot hows the hopey-changie hangin'?
Hows the Hopey-Changie hangin'? #tcot #p2 #ofa #teaparty #dnc
RT @1ststarfighter: Backdoor bailouts for bankrupt cities and states #tcot #news
RT @whpresscorps: RT @usnews Obama Hits New Low in Zogby Poll
RT @Battleborne: Palin May win GOP Nomination > ...
If Hollywood f*cks up the #RedDawn remake, I'm gonna be pissed. #tcot #teaparty @bighollywood #mil #sot
Many American Leftists would much rather have a #RedDawn than a #BlackFriday. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @SavageNation: Mexican illegal tries to run overcop at DUI checkpoint: #tcot
RT @SavageNation: Doctors: Medicare cuts forcepainful decisions about elderly: #tcot
RT @1776LibertyBell: 2011 - Political, Legislative, Legal, Regulatory Battle Looms! #teaparty #tcot Glenn Beck
RT @SongofSongs1_2: RT @RightWingQuotes: We can not play innocents abroad in a world that is not innocent. ~Ronald Reagan #tcot #teapart ...
@AmerycanSaint Its n the pipeline_Its being shot n Detroit of all places_go fig_I wonder if thats nonPC commentary in & of itself? #RedDawn
RT @TechZader: Burnout by Romain Laurent (4 photos + video) #photography

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