Monday, November 22, 2010

From Twitter 11-22-2010

RT @bigguywj: Michelle Malkin » Illegal alien sex offender convicted in Chandra Levy case #tcot
RT @bigguywj: Democrat Hires Entire Family to Run Town of 200 Residents (Media Forgets to Mention He’s a Democrat) « Publius Forum http: ...
RT @bigguywj: How The Old Media Constantly Undermines Sarah Palin « Publius Forum #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Forget TSA pat-downs: Drive a flying car!" - Patriot Update #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "'Coal war' with Beijing next hit on U.S. economy" - Patriot Update #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Obama Told Intrusive Scans the Only Option" - Patriot Update #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Economy Headed for 'Fiscal Meltdown,' Senator Warns" - Patriot Update #tcot
RT @bigguywj: RT @patriotupdate "Jindal: Time to Stop Apologizing for America" - Patriot Update #tcot
RT @andilinks: The terrorists are more resourceful and motivated than TSA which has stuck its entire bureaucratic head into a can of wor ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Lovely. Death Threats Targeting Bristol Palin, Mark Ballas #operationbristol #teaparty
RT @bigguywj Michelle Malkin» #Teachers #union fat cat_Shared sacrifice 4 thee, but not 4 me #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @Blueberrier0341 Outrageous_9/11 Funds 2 Lower Manhattan Biz's Funnelled 2 Build Ground Zero Mosques #tcot #nyc #gzm
RT @Hunter7Taylor: Tea Party brings illegal immigration issue into the fold: #teaparty #tcot #noamnesty
RT @TheNewsBlotter #TSA chief warns against boycott of airport scans_Sounds Like A Threat 2 Me #tcot #news #teaparty
Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! Hey Pistole, #OPTOUT! #TSA #tcot #tlot #teaparty #p2
RT @zorro5663: Heh RT @toddstarnes: Is it against #TSA rules to ask for "the Lewinsky" during your pat down? #tcot
If Bristol #Palin wins #DWTS, do you there will be widepsread rioting & looting in #Wasilla, #Alaska? #tcot #tsot #sgp
RT @nate_nelson: RT @keder: Few things are more infuriating than leftist mythology regarding taxes. Unbelievable level of nonsense. #tc ...
RT @Wrench06: I think the #TSA should start serving cocktails, lower the lights, add some tunes and put a poll in... #tcot #tpp
RT @JBSNewsCenter: Revolutionary Communist Party Proposes New Continental Constitution: via @NewAmericanMag
RT @blogbat: #TSA neither provides good security nor reflects #Texas values. Let's tell @GovernorPerry we want him to #ExpelTSA from our ...
RT @blogbat: #Texas Gov Perry Continues to weigh in on #TSA: Take Patters and Put Them on Mexican Border #ExpelTSA ...
RT @JosephAGallant: Whenever a socialist dictator seeks to get final control, they seize the guns and control the money completely, incl ...
RT @ROCKWITHBECK: @wishladya VOTE for Bristol #Palin 800 868-3407 txt VOTE to 3407(AT&T) & vote 4x each! #TeaParty #T ...
RT @LibertyBleeds: #Palin: I Will Not Waste My Time With #KatieCouric #cbs #news #tcot #tsot
RT @iowahawkblog: If the Fire Dept operated like the #TSA: every time the bell rings, randomly hose down 5% of the houses in town. #tcot #p2
RT @GulagBound Truth is Getting Out on #SB510 & Globalist #Food Control; Continue 2 Spread the Word #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog US launches largest eavesdropping device ever launched n2 space Will it be tasked outside or inside US? #tcot
RT @poliquest @CO2HOG via @theCLproject Gov.Jindal_How About Protecting the Rights of Americans & not Terrorists? #tcot
RT @Ssmfarley777 Old Press Clips Cast Doubt on Obama’s Childhood Story obama doesn't want U2 Read #TCOT #TEAPARTY #news
RT @rickklein #TSA pat-down SOP lead all 3 networks. @ABCWorldNews new poll-64% support 4 use of enhanced scanners_Got Cross-Tabs? #tcot
RT @redostoneage #TSA Body Scanner Operator Caught #Masturbating #news #tcot #sgp #teaparty #tsot #p2 #twisters #ocra
Now when a Govt Bureaucrat asks you "How's it hangin'?" they will more than likely already know. #tcot #tsa #tlot #teaparty #sgp #p2
RT @DebbieSchlussel #TSA Groping Could Give U #STDs: They Use the Same Gloves #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsa #dhs #news #health
RT @American1st: American Patriots we must arm ourselves legally & be ready if they are foolish enough to think we wont fight.
RT @TheFlaCracker: The most fun about voting for Bristol Palin finally WE can vote more than once instead of ACORN #tcot #912 #dwts #tea ...
RT @crispix49 @BarrySux Dont forget 2call (800)868-3407 & vote 4Bristol #Palin. Its free & it drives Libs insane! #tsot #tcot #sgp #p2 #dwts
RT @ProSarah: #TeaParty #TCOT #SGP #SPWBT #TSOT VOTE FOR BRISTOL 800 868-3407 txt VOTE to 3407(AT&T) 5VotesPerMethod! ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: So East Coasters, if they are somehow blocking certain area code phones, don't presume you can vote thru west coast a ...
RT @LibertyLynx: One thing that is CERTAIN: Even IF the economy turns around or stabilizes a teeny bit, we must NOT give in. We are unde ...
RT @anitamoncrief @USpace123 Study Shows Dems Class Warfare Futile #p2 #tpot #ocra #tlot #tcot #news #economy #teaparty
RT @OneTruthHunter @HeyTammyBruce @jesse_hathaway @HeyTammyBruce Every time you vote 4 Bristol, a lefty shoots his TV #dwts #tcot #sgp #tsot
RT @DanRiehl: RT @HuffingtonPost: Republican politico calls for "profiling" not "pat-downs" #news #tcot
Every an airline passenger gets groped by the #TSA, a #Conservative gets his butterfly ballot. #tcot #teaparty #p2 #sgp
RT @RachelleFriberg: RT @DanRiehl: Lefties are just jealous. Only time a Kennedy kid got this kind of air time, it was on Court TV. #tcot
RT @KristoferCowles: Left’s pressure moves Pelosi toward clashes with Obama #tcot #tlot #news #ofa #p2 #dnc
RT @joerobertson: RT @washtimes: TSA revolts grow at grass roots #p2 #tsa #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @HeyTammyBruce ROFL @IowaHawkBlog I hacked the ABC computer & voted 4 Bristol 78,000 times! #LetsDriveLibsInsane #dwts #tcot #p2 #Palin
RT @TimLindell: RT @GayPatriot I voted for Bristol and I hate #DWTS. Why? It is Bush's Fault. #tcot #p2
RT @TheNoblePatriot: GORE REGRETS: #Corn #ethanol 'was not good policy' #commodities #economy #agw #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@evolloveevol Obama & Co. they are up to #SB510 & #NetNeutrality on the D/L while we all get groped_Part of the #LameDuck stragtegery #tcot
RT @AnthonyBialy: I voted for Bristol. You voted for Obama. Let's call it even. #dwts #tcot #p2
I saw Sarah #Palin bribing #DWTS voters with tatsee, tastee moosebugers. #tcot #p2
RT @Boomerjeff: top bracket tax payers paid MORE, not less tax after the Bush tax rate cuts of 2003 #tcot #p2
RT @whit_pip: MT @politico: Dem. Rep. Solomon Ortiz of Texas has conceded to Rep. Blake Farenthold, according to a Dem. source. / anothe ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: FTW! | RT @iowahawkblog "Bristol Palin on #DWTS: the most significant breakthrough in diagnosing mental illness since ...
RT @CrustyB: I voted for Bristol Palin online by whistling ASCII into a payphone. #LetsDriveLibsInsane #dwts
RT @johnleschen: Just signed both dogs up for Google Voice. I had to help the old one dial. I love this community organizing stuff. #dwts
RT @johnleschen: I just paid 3 illegal aliens and a homeless guy to vote. I'm on my way to a methadone clinic with a wad of tens. #dwts
RT @johnleschen: I'm not watching but I'll vote. Are we voting Chicago style or full ACORN? #dwts
RT @sistertoldjah: I don't really give a rip who wins #DWTS, but I *am* rather amused at the left's sudden fondness for "merit-based" ad ...
RT @CongJoeWilson: Headline Heads Up: WSJ - Higher Taxes Won't Reduce the Deficit
RT @divadoll123: YO LIBERALS! You blew a gasket over the Patriot Act but you're shutting your mouths about TSA groping and nude views. W ...
Sarah #Palin will pardon any Thanksgiving Turkey that logs on to the #DWTS website & votes for Bristol. #tcot #p2
RT @commonpatriot: @loiseller A Palin/Christie ticket? Made in conservative-heaven, Baybeee! The pro-lifer & the fiscal hyper-conservati ...
RT @imsure: RT @ctsa Delta may consider refunds over screening issue // been asking Continental to do it for a week n ...
RT @welshman007 ALERT! Experts Say Missile Fired off West Coast was ChiCom #mil #usn #usaf #news #tcot #sot #ocra #hhrs
RT @Warof2010 Next big #GOP intra-party war: #Ethanol subsidies? #tcot #p2 #p21 #teaparty CORN ETHANOL SUCKS #agw #news
@stangrev @welshman007 Obama personifies the term 'worthless ass-hat'
RT @AndrewLawton: The only reason that Democrats haven't won the #DWTS vote is because there aren't ballot boxes to steal.
@katdoc12 @Warof2010 #Ethanol makes muh Hogg run like shiite. #tcot #teaparty
RT @iowahawkblog #LetsDriveLibsInsane email from Koch Bros~The Bristol vote fix is in_invest heavily in shotgun ammo & TV tubes #dwts #tcot
RT @PalinTV: #Palin's controlling the Airwaves tonight. ~ just wait til Sarah accepts the nomination... ;-) #tcot
RT @NickDeringer: Danger_Danger_Danger!! Zogby: #Obama approval dips to 39%. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty #sgp
RT @JanaTheTeacher: Death Threats Targeting Bristol Palin, Mark Ballas This from peace lovers! Where's Code Pink? #O ...
RT @Cubachi: Whoa RT @nickmarschel: hmmm...
RT @moelane: @andylevy What else is the Left going to talk about? Their stellar record in 2010 House seat pickups? #tcot #dnc #p2
RT @tom19803 #SB510 is Corporate Agriculture's way of killing competition & later starving WeThePeople if we dont pay hi prices #tcot #p2
RT @KeelyinFL: Oh no there's no hate for Bristol... RE This person needs serious help! #DWTS
RT @PalinTV: Via @O4Palin Miller: Lawsuit Moved to AK State Court #tcot #palin #aksen #news
@lisa_amowitz errrrr . . . it took pResident "I won" two years to meet w/ the GOP.
RT @DanRiehl @memeorandumFH Zogby Interactive: Obama Falls to 39% As Support from Democrats_ #tcot #p2
@lisa_amowitz actually, Obama had all the votes he needed if he could keep the Dem caucus in line. So much for that.
@lisa_amowitz were in trouble thanx 2 Govt overspending_both sides_Zogby now has Obama at 39%_no thanx_both profligate parties shall B smote
@lisa_amowitz spending back to 08 levels_allow younger ppl private SS, keep promises2 retirees_kill Ocare & use MSA's_outlaw Govt unions
@lisa_amowitz kill the IRS & implemant FairTax. . .
@lisa_amowitz Kill the dept of Education & go school choice w/ vouchers.
@lisa_amowitz Jim "Kool-Aid" Jones was a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist. read more.
@lisa_amowitz dismissing my ideas as such most certainly is.
@lisa_amowitz public universities, the next big bubble to pop, unless muni-bonds beat them to it.

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