Wednesday, November 24, 2010

From Twitter 11-24-2010

RT @Furrystoat: As a Nation, we have so much to repair. The idea of Gov't drones sexually groping our wives& kids "should" be cause for ...
RT @MooseOfReason: Don't forget: Gov. Christie is on Jimmy Fallon's show (NBC) tonight. Show starts 12:37 a.m. #NJ #tcot #tlot #GOP #news
RT @GregWHoward: In total 169,202,000 were killed by governments in 20th century. Almost ALL of it from Marxism #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tl ...
@e_t_a Most would classify it as @barackobama is the Neville Chamberlain 2.0. @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a ...& you & @barackobama both believe the USA must cleanse itself in the waters of fundamental transformation, eh? @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a 2 bad @barackobama didnt actually campaign on "fundamental transformation" of the US_Palin will eat his lunch on it @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a @barackobama is seen as the "Weak Horse" in the middle east, as well as elsewhere. @ResistTyranny
@e_t_a errr_ @barackobama actively campaignd 2B prez_If U think he cant take the heat_he should go bak 2 community organizing @ResistTyranny
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Wait a minute. Why are you Obama supporters even Tweeting. You have nothing to say. Obama sold you out. Get over it.#tc ...
RT @Winghunter: @lilleth71 Which defines most all of the 65 Million idiots The Liberal Mind: Psychological Causes of Political Madness ...
RT @RonboTex: The #HCR stategy is to degrade insurance options for good earners & make them pay MORE to upgrade #healthcare for the free ...
@e_t_a peace in da middle east. . . @resisttryanny
RT @OBAMA_GAMES: Chicago Tea Party that Susan Roesgen Missed . THEY HAVE THE OBAMA MEDIA RUNNING SCARED . #tcot #p2 # ...
RT @DolleyMadisonn: Does the Left really think they can fool( #gop #tcot #tlot #teaparty ) us into believing they'r educated when they l ...
RT @videotodaynews #Palin: Im not gonna sitdown/shutup_Does Obama NOT want US 2 B suprpowr/promote world stability? #tcot
RT @dominionpundit: RT @Judgenap: TSA: Enemy of the American People? #tcot #tlot #TSA #optout #roft #news #teaparty #ocra
RT @DLoesch: I'm POSITIVE lefties didn't write columns like this on the Patriot Act under Bush.
RT @justkarl: .@allahpundit @zoeythegreat Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do
RT @FixGov: I thought you would find this interesting. TSA Spends Millions on Body Scanners, Sparking Competition Among Suppliers: http: ...
RT @Therexreport Obama wont get #TSA screened coz: 1_They wont profile him over~Hussein & 2_He has no balls 2 grope #teaparty #sgp #tcot #p2
Dear Liberals: the Right & #Palin 2, have been railing against failed Central Planning Education 4 years now_wake up #tcot #p2
RT @Architekt010: RT @Dr_Rose: Liberals only want to profile #Conservatives not Terrorists. #tcot #ocra #p2 #teaparty #sgp #hhrs #tbrs #rs
Allen West’ Best Video Yet #fl22 #teaparty #tcot #FLgop #FL #gop
RT @charliemax #TSA latex gloves spreads herpes, other diseases from flier 2 flier #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #asamom
RT @whereishawkins: @PatDollard Now this is a great book title.
RT @ttjemery: School Vouchers Killed by Democrat Congress - All poor children to be left behind now #Twurch #Chris ...
@cbntaRMNP When Mr. West decided 2 join the CBC_I knew he wasnt going 2 DC 2 get along_He's just looking 4 converts from the Left #tcot
RT @TechZader: Get Creative with Your Resume
Whatever happened 2 the Air-Blast/Sniffer machines that detect molecular traces of explosives on clothes? #tcot #tsa #redeye #news
RT @CatsPolitics: #racist RT @sceptress: I just don't get Oprah worship #redeye It's new agey.
RT @AlinskyDefeater: More Than 80 Percent of Americans Say Keeping Bush Tax Cuts a Priority #ocra #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @Flipbooks: "Twitter, the city that never sleeps" ~@Kim #quote It's why #twitter has #redeye. #tcot
RT @WesSouthAL: TSA is Snowglobophobic. #RedEye
RT @Flipbooks: 20 Apple-Inspired #Tutorials for Practice Web Designers #Apple #WebDesign
RT @Talkmaster: Katie Couric would not survive a 30 minute Interview with me. Her Credibility would be destroyed in 8 min max. #tcot
RT @EternalRiteWing: Monroe Cty TN Detention Facility Preparing 4 Inspection;“THEY NEVER THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO GET CAUGHT” http://b ...
Obama’s Bolsheviks Are Losing #tcot #teaparty #tsa #p2 #tbrs #news #ocra
RT @kmita3 @jsbrodhead @Judgenap TSA_Enemy of the American Ppl? #optout Watch othr hand(s)! TSA is a diversion(?) #tcot
RT @America1First: #FCC Wants #NetNeutrality Wrapped Up By December -FREEDOM! #news #tech #tcot #sgp #teaparty #tlot
Zogby: 61% Oppose Full Body Scans & #TSA PatDowns; 48% 2 Seek Alt #Travel #tcot #p2 #tlot #news #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #rs
RT @stacyhyatt: @hipEchik It was that! The black caucus openly said they were socialists! The FBI has moved in and indicted 11 connected ...
RT @PatDollard US Biz Community: Obama A Detriment 2 Economy_Can Shove His Phony~Outreach~Meetings Up His Ass #tcot #news
RT @AlexLFz: Adam Savage: "#TSA was so worried about looking/touching my junk, they missed 2 12 inch blades I had in my coat pocket". No ...
RT @freddoso: #TSA turns off the backscatter in many airports. Millions of hours saved, no 1 is any less safe. #tcot
RT @suziplasse: @tahDeetz Deeeeeeetz!!! Happy T-day! ~dittro. . .
RT @geraldcelente: Geithner Warns Republicans Against Politicizing the Fed Over Stimulus Plan. GC: " Warns?" I'm a political atheist. Fe ...
RT @jtLOL .@thekelliejane Remember when #Palin said FDR spoke on TV after the stock market crash of '29? No, wait, that wasnt her_ #p2 #tcot
RT @NewCongress4NE: Do the #TSA agents who have to grope Nancy #Pelosi get paid triple time? #TCOT #CA08 ~ or combat pay?
RT @thankyah @PoliJAM #Palin hits back at Barbara Bush~Americans dont want 2 put up w/the blue bloods_AUDIO #tcot #tsot
RT @itsonlywords @rsmccain #tcot @jimmiebjr Nothing Sends a Message Like an Aircraft Carrier #usn #mil #news #navy
RT @rsmccain: Mandate? Heck Yeah the GOP Has a Mandate!
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Shep Smith going after Palin for NoKo silliness? Remember when Shep blurted out "blow job" in the middle of a story? ...
@thekelliejane Or when #Palin asked a wheelchair bound man to stand during a rally_no wait_that was Biden. #tcot #p2
@thekelliejane @jtlol My favorite is when #Palin mispronounced Corp-Man as Corpse-Man_no wait_that was Obama #tcot #p2 #foxnews
RT @LaurieT333: Nice. Far Left Rep. Conyers Caught Paging Through Girlie Mags on Flight to DC (Video): These peo... ...
RT @pennjillette: I really don't like President Obama referring to concerned citizens a different POV as "Domestic Extremists." http: ...
Just like U can't properly message & sell socialism 2 most Americans, U cant shine a turd. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @itsonlywords @rsmccain #Democrats in Disarray #tcot #news #p2 #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @RN4US Did U know as long as U were convicted of rape >than 10 years ago U can work 4 #TSA?? 4 info #tcot #news #sgp
RT @LaurieT333: Oh my: New RINO/DINO alliance ready to take America by storm: Charge!
In fact, from what I can t... ...
Hey tweeps dont forget in re #NorthKorea: weve had actual~Cuts~n the F22_not 2 mention the new ChiCom stuff #tcot #mil #p2 #tbrs #sot #ocra
RT @PatDollard #TSA sure picked a great topic 4 the entire population 2 discuss over 2 long holiday dinners & during endless holiday parties
RT @PatDollard #TSA picked a great topic 4the entire population 2 discuss over 2 long holiday dinners & during endless holiday parties #tcot
A jury from #Austin, #Texas convicted #TomDelay. Now who here is surprised by this? #TX #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @NWOBlog: 97% #economy #jobs #news #inflation #EndTheFed #tcot #tlot #teaparty
RT @KeyboardMilitia #Progressive Media is Preparing 4 Riots & #Food Shortages_H/T daBlaze #news #tcot #SB510 #teaparty
RT @suziplasse: Straight up!!! // RT @horizon3 @GaltsGirl: Is tequila and turkey wrong? // tequila goes with everything ... except cloth ...
RT @memeorandumFH Fliers Claim #TSA Have Deactivated Body Scanners~Updated @joeljohnson @ Gizmodo #news #cot #sgp
RT @MisterFreedom: @PatDollard China was responsible 4 N. Korea's recent activity & past activities. They want 2 prove Obama's the weakl ...
RT @Hunter7Taylor: ICE: Caught & Released 500k Illegal Aliens Who Are Now Fugitives more than pop. of Sacramento: ...
RT @jpodhoretz: This effort to make something out of Palin's South/North Korea quote all but convinces me she will be the next president.
RT @jstrevino: Anyone who thinks Palin meant "North Korea" also thinks the President meant "my Muslim faith." Right?
RT @shoshido: Dear WASP-Americans: Thank you for tomorrow's holiday, and for starting this country here & all. Sincerely, the rest of us.
RT @shoshido: @michellemalkin My plan: wear a scarf, hijab-like, over my head so as not to be scanned or groped by TSA. You in? http://t ...
RT @shoshido: Actually, this could be a great way to protest: we should all declare ourselves Muslim at #TSA checkpoints. http://tinyurl ...
RT @shoshido: Ladies: looking to pass TSA security unmolested? Wear a hijab, ya'habibti! ;-) h/t @pigwithwings
RT @latimes: Saran Palin vs. Barbara Bush: #Palin sees elitism behind #GOP swipes aimed at her @latimesmuskal #tcot #tsot
RT @SarahStormRpt: BLOG: #tcot #nra Sarah Palin And The Buddhist Kitchen Hand #teaparty #tlot #rs #palin12 #spwbt #sgp
RT @ttjemery: Chicago Woman With Artificial Knees Groped By TSA Agents at St. Louis Airport #TeaParty #SpecialNeeds ...
RT @WesternCivBlog @PatDollard & 4 preaching personal responsibility & autonomy_Bill Cosby is derided as an~Uncle Tom sellout_Sigh #tcot #p2
RT @adamsbaldwin: Gratitude! | RT @AndrewBreitbart "On this Thanksgiving eve I'm thankful for election of @AllenWest2010 to Congress. Wh ...
RT @FollowPalin: Huckabee says ousting of Iowa judges historic move - TMCnet #palin #teaparty #tcot #news
RT @sarahbellumd: RT @Frankhe1: LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED #tcot #sgp #quotes
RT @Snooper1: Left's Pressure on Pelosi Triggers Potential 'Clashes' with Obama #tcot #p2 #sickofObama #socialism #ma ...
RT @crispix49: Violent #liberals riot in the UK over tuition costs #tcot #p2 #teaparty #topprog #news
RT @mnbodden @Kriskxx @HumanEvents The Tax Code is Key_Bring the #FairTax 2 the Floor #tpp #tcot #news #teaparty #tlot
RT @wearepolitics: Martha Zoller: The Tax Code is the Key: Bring the FairTax to the Floor #gagop #gapolitics #fairtax ...
RT @RGeorgeDunn: A tax structure that keeps taxes in price of USA made product is Statist,Establishment, Shadow, RINO. Flat tax is RINO~ ...
RT @TalkShowAmerica: Oops! 'Rightwing' Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a...Leftwinger #tcot #p2 #news #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward: RT @RT @TheLookingSpoon: Obama Pardons the Largest Turkey Ever | He pardoned Rangel? #tcot #p2 #ocra ...

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