@e_dub_s as a #libertarian_u might dig #Palin being pro-freemarket & NOT pro-business_but as long as U buy Lib Memes_itll be lost on U #tcot
@e_dub_s It's not my job to educate you. There is a little thing called the interwebz which has a google_they'r quite cool I hear.
@e_dub_s you're really showing your ignorance on her Alaskan record.
@e_dub_s One of the reasons the Bushes aint too fond of #Palin is that SP took on the #oil interests in #Alaska & won. #tcot #p2
Attack #Palin over specific policy disagreements while detailing benefits of your approach or STFU!! #tcot #tsot #p2 #teaparty #sgp
@e_dub_s Only socialists drink kool-aid. . . I drink Tea. Just get used to President Sarah #Palin.
RT @NWOBlog: TSA Chief: No Intel Pointing to Terror Threat This Week - http://tinyurl.com/27rwyeg - American ppl r threat requiring enha ...
RT @OregonYankee: What's more consequential: Palin slip about N Korea "friends" or Biden ignorance of validated Laffer Curve? #tcot #tea ...
@RelaxTheHead #Palin took out 18 of 20 US House #Democrats she specifically targeted 4 defeat_Yea_she's stupid alright. #tcot #p2 #p21 #tsot
RT @Fogdood: Liberals always gradually redefine terms so they can eventually use them against the original statements containing them. #tcot
@RelaxTheHead lets not forget redistrictng & 680 seat shift in state houses_11 w/troikas_ie_Maine is now RED_difficult times Ndeed #tcot #p2
Hey #Mittens, #Palin 'IS' the #Reagan Legacy. Nice attempt, Romster. #tcot #tsot #ReaganDemocrats #p2 #teaparty #tlot #sgp
@e_dub_s Her state has 1Blln in reserves & if U think Blu States R stupid & allow Red 1s 2 bilk them_the agitate 2 end the17thA #tcot #p2
RT @AiPolitics Yep @torriegray If u'r doin a hunger strike coz Natives were abused by Imperialists_u'r officially 391yrs 2 late #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs #Sarah Palin: #ChrisChristie picks the wrong fight http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot
@e_dub_s do you want to fix the situation or just piss & moan?
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Allen West: the man gets it_& he's gaining fans in the #UK_too http://ow.ly/1aa7CP #tcot #fl22 #news #mil
@Winghunter fyi, #Palin hasnt won my vote_yet_Altho she is my top pick @PalinTV #tcot btw_SP 'does' have a 700avg w/2010 pik/wins #p2 #tsot
@Winghunter She more ready than the rest of the fielNo1 else has put their ass online than SP_Id like 2 see Allen West run in 2012 as well
RE: @JamesDelingpole LtC West has expressly stated in the past that he abhors "nation building."
Not so much of a "Ne… http://disq.us/t1xqv
I'm Thankful 4 @SarahPalinUSA giving the Left & Estb #GOP fits on almost a daily basis. #tcot #p2 #tsot #teaparty #sgp #ReaganDemocrats
I'm Thankful 4 LtC @AllenWest2010 & here's why~Video http://is.gd/hMUSF #tcot #fl22 #teaparty #tsot #news #p2 #flgop #sot #mil
RT @Dallasestes: “@GlennBeckClips: RT @KLSouth “If you want to Socialize a country, you must FIRST take over it’s healthcare." - Lenin # ...
RT @Dallasestes: “@MicheleBachmann: Documented risks to the X-Ray airport screeners: http://tiny.cc/o0sie”
RT @Dallasestes: “@whpresscorps: Barack Obama's grandmother 'prays he converts to Islam' http://bit.ly/hNvqrZ”
And I pray he would be ...
RT @baltimoresun: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. @JohnsHopkins: Proteins can be removed from a brain to erase memories forever. ...
RT @andilinks: @angrywhitedude The Bushes are proggies, especially the 41 generation. #tcot #tlot
RT @Jbroks86: RT @ttjemery Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks http://bit.ly/d9xFoF #TCOT #ISLAM #OCRA #ICON #Christian #Muslim
RT @andilinks: 2008: Grandmama Obama reported to be Christian, In 2009, 2010, she went to Mecca for the hajj, Christians cannot. http:// ...
RT @augustine25: Check this video out -- Dr. Drew Reports on Young Obama's Marxist Socialist Perspective... http://t.co/tjWKRyv via @youtube
RT @Boomerjeff: Charts demonstrate revenue to government and jobs both increased after tax cuts http://bit.ly/bOmIN6 #tcot #p2
RT @LisaGraas: UK: Girl, 15, arrested over ‘Facebook Koran burning video’ http://dlvr.it/99xgh via @creepingsharia
RT @irishspy: Allen West: the man gets it: http://wp.me/pqXLW-23Z
RT @Boomerjeff: Latest gaffe from Joe Biden - Criticizes the Laffer curve, one of few econ theories to be validated by history http://bi ...
RT @andilinks: RT @checktothepower American Spectator: Palin's Pioneering Path to the Presidency http://bit.ly/fO0LSa #p2 #tcot #sgp #tl ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Oops! 'Rightwing' Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a… http://bit.ly/g3elvl Leftwinger #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp #tcot #tiot #tl ...
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff "Benevolent government" is an oxymoron for oxen and morons. #tcot #p2 #hhrs
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff #tcot #p2 #hhrs Small business doesn't want debt b/c of hostile gov't.
RT @andilinks: If your enemy is quick to anger, seek to irritate him.--Sun Tzu via @HeyTammyBruce #tcot #p2
RT @ACVJournal: Hannity's Right: Obama Is a Socialist http://t.co/rWj6x8y via
RT @lmcginnis33 #WaPo TV Critic Misleads Readers to Smear #Palin http://is.gd/hMKVf #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsot #sgp
RT @susansbooks: Good for Texas! Only the foolish don't see the gravity of this issue. America's Third War: Texas Strikes Back: http://s ...
RT @andilinks: RT @DailyCaller Voter anger fuels support for “Repeal Amendment” http://bit.ly/hlDMmy #p2 #tcot #sgp #tlot #ocra #cspj #t ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider When nothing happens upon the start of Net Neutrality proggys will say "see, alarmist…" Then the treachery b ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider Censorship under Net Neutrality will begin very modestly but by increments they will eventually silence oppo ...
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit Yes, that's true. But pointing out that the oath has been profaned emphasizes the gravity of official lying. #tcot
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit @secupp Retribution on America is at the top of Obama's agenda as president, he profanes his oath. #tcot #tlot ...
RT @andilinks: @ArmorCavSpin @secupp Source of America's greatness is the object of Obama's disdain: self-interest as the incentive to e ...
RT @ResistTyranny: Obama's #TSA isn't about security. It's for training us to submit to gov't authority. #OptOut #ocra #tcot
RT @andilinks: @secupp @nydnopinions Obama loves America: the real estate, the wealth. But he has utter contempt for our freedom & its r ...
RT @andilinks: RT @USATODAY Why Tea Party has staying power http://usat.ly/fj5Ktu #tcot #p2 #topprog #tlot #ocra #teaparty
RT @andilinks: RT @Alea_ Don’t Underestimate Spain’s Disaster Potential http://goo.gl/Vo6pH #economy #tcot
@e_dub_s So Palin is to eschew all previous, 'federally' taxed largess? Is that it?
@manuakula If what they ask 4 is death_I say happily oblige them w/it_The point is 2 make the other basterd die 4 his cause #tcot #p2 #sot
@manuakula I say translate Declaration of Independence_Constitution_Fed'lst Papers N2 native tongue & drop on the masses_then call it a day
@manuakula . . . but if another attack emanates from w/n your country_no stone will be left unturned.
RT @buszero: RT @newsbusters Flashback: In 2009, Time Saw GOP As 'Endangered Species' Unless Party Moved Left http://ow.ly/1aa9Ti #tcot
RT @jake1822: California State Pension System Makes Madoff Proud. Video Reveals Gimmicks Used to Hide The Decline In Their Assets http: ...
RT @slicedsky: Moderate Muslim Watch: How the Term “Islamophobia” Got Shoved Down Your Throat http://bit.ly/eiK69W #tcot #tlot #ocra #cr ...
RT @giantfireball: Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw private gardening and saving seeds. www.n ...
RT @brooksbayne: why are there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Jay Newton-Small talks about ‘America By Heart’ http://bit.ly/ij2Lkf #tcot #palin
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin Jay Newton-Small Talks About 'America By Heart' http://bit.ly/h6moor #tcot #palin
RT @web_Supergurl does Cher count? Has she evr playd Gr.OlOpry? @brooksbayne why R there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs Sarah Palin http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin No Substance to Establishment Attacks on Governor Palin http://bit.ly/hQWljB #tcot #palin
Leftists politicize everything then they all whine about everything being politicized. #tcot #p2
RT @web_Supergurl: @tahDeetz @brooksbayne I was thinking has she played the Opry, sans Sonni?
RT @17bbomb: @IdentityH Dude! Read the fair tax bill! It replaces our.current tax code and is revenue.netural! You don't even (cont) htt ...
RT @PalinPromotions: Allen West - 'Truth in Boldness': From Krissah Thompson @ The Washington Post:Allen West, a 22-year Army veteran... ...
@e_dub_s like I said, you have no clue about her policies.
I think I'm seeing an uptike in Leftists posing as #libertarians. Go figure after massive NOvember losses. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
RT @JadedByPolitics I think I c an uptik n Leftists posing as #libertarians.Go figure aftr massive NOvember losses #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she invoked her "Muslim faith" or something #tcot #p2 #tsot
@e_dub_s It's not my job to educate you. There is a little thing called the interwebz which has a google_they'r quite cool I hear.
@e_dub_s you're really showing your ignorance on her Alaskan record.
@e_dub_s One of the reasons the Bushes aint too fond of #Palin is that SP took on the #oil interests in #Alaska & won. #tcot #p2
Attack #Palin over specific policy disagreements while detailing benefits of your approach or STFU!! #tcot #tsot #p2 #teaparty #sgp
@e_dub_s Only socialists drink kool-aid. . . I drink Tea. Just get used to President Sarah #Palin.
RT @NWOBlog: TSA Chief: No Intel Pointing to Terror Threat This Week - http://tinyurl.com/27rwyeg - American ppl r threat requiring enha ...
RT @OregonYankee: What's more consequential: Palin slip about N Korea "friends" or Biden ignorance of validated Laffer Curve? #tcot #tea ...
@RelaxTheHead #Palin took out 18 of 20 US House #Democrats she specifically targeted 4 defeat_Yea_she's stupid alright. #tcot #p2 #p21 #tsot
RT @Fogdood: Liberals always gradually redefine terms so they can eventually use them against the original statements containing them. #tcot
@RelaxTheHead lets not forget redistrictng & 680 seat shift in state houses_11 w/troikas_ie_Maine is now RED_difficult times Ndeed #tcot #p2
Hey #Mittens, #Palin 'IS' the #Reagan Legacy. Nice attempt, Romster. #tcot #tsot #ReaganDemocrats #p2 #teaparty #tlot #sgp
@e_dub_s Her state has 1Blln in reserves & if U think Blu States R stupid & allow Red 1s 2 bilk them_the agitate 2 end the17thA #tcot #p2
RT @AiPolitics Yep @torriegray If u'r doin a hunger strike coz Natives were abused by Imperialists_u'r officially 391yrs 2 late #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs #Sarah Palin: #ChrisChristie picks the wrong fight http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tsot
@e_dub_s do you want to fix the situation or just piss & moan?
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot Allen West: the man gets it_& he's gaining fans in the #UK_too http://ow.ly/1aa7CP #tcot #fl22 #news #mil
@Winghunter fyi, #Palin hasnt won my vote_yet_Altho she is my top pick @PalinTV #tcot btw_SP 'does' have a 700avg w/2010 pik/wins #p2 #tsot
@Winghunter She more ready than the rest of the fielNo1 else has put their ass online than SP_Id like 2 see Allen West run in 2012 as well
RE: @JamesDelingpole LtC West has expressly stated in the past that he abhors "nation building."
Not so much of a "Ne… http://disq.us/t1xqv
I'm Thankful 4 @SarahPalinUSA giving the Left & Estb #GOP fits on almost a daily basis. #tcot #p2 #tsot #teaparty #sgp #ReaganDemocrats
I'm Thankful 4 LtC @AllenWest2010 & here's why~Video http://is.gd/hMUSF #tcot #fl22 #teaparty #tsot #news #p2 #flgop #sot #mil
RT @Dallasestes: “@GlennBeckClips: RT @KLSouth “If you want to Socialize a country, you must FIRST take over it’s healthcare." - Lenin # ...
RT @Dallasestes: “@MicheleBachmann: Documented risks to the X-Ray airport screeners: http://tiny.cc/o0sie”
RT @Dallasestes: “@whpresscorps: Barack Obama's grandmother 'prays he converts to Islam' http://bit.ly/hNvqrZ”
And I pray he would be ...
RT @baltimoresun: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. @JohnsHopkins: Proteins can be removed from a brain to erase memories forever. ...
RT @andilinks: @angrywhitedude The Bushes are proggies, especially the 41 generation. #tcot #tlot
RT @Jbroks86: RT @ttjemery Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks http://bit.ly/d9xFoF #TCOT #ISLAM #OCRA #ICON #Christian #Muslim
RT @andilinks: 2008: Grandmama Obama reported to be Christian, In 2009, 2010, she went to Mecca for the hajj, Christians cannot. http:// ...
RT @augustine25: Check this video out -- Dr. Drew Reports on Young Obama's Marxist Socialist Perspective... http://t.co/tjWKRyv via @youtube
RT @Boomerjeff: Charts demonstrate revenue to government and jobs both increased after tax cuts http://bit.ly/bOmIN6 #tcot #p2
RT @LisaGraas: UK: Girl, 15, arrested over ‘Facebook Koran burning video’ http://dlvr.it/99xgh via @creepingsharia
RT @irishspy: Allen West: the man gets it: http://wp.me/pqXLW-23Z
RT @Boomerjeff: Latest gaffe from Joe Biden - Criticizes the Laffer curve, one of few econ theories to be validated by history http://bi ...
RT @andilinks: RT @checktothepower American Spectator: Palin's Pioneering Path to the Presidency http://bit.ly/fO0LSa #p2 #tcot #sgp #tl ...
RT @IndyEnigma: Oops! 'Rightwing' Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a… http://bit.ly/g3elvl Leftwinger #dems #ocra #p2 #sgp #tcot #tiot #tl ...
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff "Benevolent government" is an oxymoron for oxen and morons. #tcot #p2 #hhrs
RT @andilinks: @AntiWacko @boomerjeff #tcot #p2 #hhrs Small business doesn't want debt b/c of hostile gov't.
RT @andilinks: If your enemy is quick to anger, seek to irritate him.--Sun Tzu via @HeyTammyBruce #tcot #p2
RT @ACVJournal: Hannity's Right: Obama Is a Socialist http://t.co/rWj6x8y via
RT @lmcginnis33 #WaPo TV Critic Misleads Readers to Smear #Palin http://is.gd/hMKVf #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tsot #sgp
RT @susansbooks: Good for Texas! Only the foolish don't see the gravity of this issue. America's Third War: Texas Strikes Back: http://s ...
RT @andilinks: RT @DailyCaller Voter anger fuels support for “Repeal Amendment” http://bit.ly/hlDMmy #p2 #tcot #sgp #tlot #ocra #cspj #t ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider When nothing happens upon the start of Net Neutrality proggys will say "see, alarmist…" Then the treachery b ...
RT @andilinks: @kansaspider Censorship under Net Neutrality will begin very modestly but by increments they will eventually silence oppo ...
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit Yes, that's true. But pointing out that the oath has been profaned emphasizes the gravity of official lying. #tcot
RT @andilinks: @waddatwit @secupp Retribution on America is at the top of Obama's agenda as president, he profanes his oath. #tcot #tlot ...
RT @andilinks: @ArmorCavSpin @secupp Source of America's greatness is the object of Obama's disdain: self-interest as the incentive to e ...
RT @ResistTyranny: Obama's #TSA isn't about security. It's for training us to submit to gov't authority. #OptOut #ocra #tcot
RT @andilinks: @secupp @nydnopinions Obama loves America: the real estate, the wealth. But he has utter contempt for our freedom & its r ...
RT @andilinks: RT @USATODAY Why Tea Party has staying power http://usat.ly/fj5Ktu #tcot #p2 #topprog #tlot #ocra #teaparty
RT @andilinks: RT @Alea_ Don’t Underestimate Spain’s Disaster Potential http://goo.gl/Vo6pH #economy #tcot
@e_dub_s So Palin is to eschew all previous, 'federally' taxed largess? Is that it?
@manuakula If what they ask 4 is death_I say happily oblige them w/it_The point is 2 make the other basterd die 4 his cause #tcot #p2 #sot
@manuakula I say translate Declaration of Independence_Constitution_Fed'lst Papers N2 native tongue & drop on the masses_then call it a day
@manuakula . . . but if another attack emanates from w/n your country_no stone will be left unturned.
RT @buszero: RT @newsbusters Flashback: In 2009, Time Saw GOP As 'Endangered Species' Unless Party Moved Left http://ow.ly/1aa9Ti #tcot
RT @jake1822: California State Pension System Makes Madoff Proud. Video Reveals Gimmicks Used to Hide The Decline In Their Assets http: ...
RT @slicedsky: Moderate Muslim Watch: How the Term “Islamophobia” Got Shoved Down Your Throat http://bit.ly/eiK69W #tcot #tlot #ocra #cr ...
RT @giantfireball: Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw private gardening and saving seeds. www.n ...
RT @brooksbayne: why are there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Jay Newton-Small talks about ‘America By Heart’ http://bit.ly/ij2Lkf #tcot #palin
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin Jay Newton-Small Talks About 'America By Heart' http://bit.ly/h6moor #tcot #palin
RT @web_Supergurl does Cher count? Has she evr playd Gr.OlOpry? @brooksbayne why R there no country music artists who wear burqas? #tcot #p2
RT @PalinTV: Chris Christie vs Sarah Palin http://youtu.be/j9fiLbE-5GE
RT @PalinTV: Via @C4Palin No Substance to Establishment Attacks on Governor Palin http://bit.ly/hQWljB #tcot #palin
Leftists politicize everything then they all whine about everything being politicized. #tcot #p2
RT @web_Supergurl: @tahDeetz @brooksbayne I was thinking has she played the Opry, sans Sonni?
RT @17bbomb: @IdentityH Dude! Read the fair tax bill! It replaces our.current tax code and is revenue.netural! You don't even (cont) htt ...
RT @PalinPromotions: Allen West - 'Truth in Boldness': From Krissah Thompson @ The Washington Post:Allen West, a 22-year Army veteran... ...
@e_dub_s like I said, you have no clue about her policies.
I think I'm seeing an uptike in Leftists posing as #libertarians. Go figure after massive NOvember losses. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
RT @JadedByPolitics I think I c an uptik n Leftists posing as #libertarians.Go figure aftr massive NOvember losses #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tlot
From hearing all the Liberal uproar over #Palin's NorthKorea comment_you'd think she invoked her "Muslim faith" or something #tcot #p2 #tsot
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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