Thursday, November 18, 2010

From Twitter 11-18-2010

RT @KaroleWrites: Teachers #Union President Directs Teachers Not to Teach #school #sgp #asamom #tcot #news
RT @irishspy Public Secrets #tcot Castro: #TeaParty means fascism 4 USA: A contrary endorsement from this bloody_ #tcot
RT @LibertyLynx: Dear Ireland, I find it rather amusing that you fought soooo hard for Independence & now you're beholden to the EU that ...
@LibertyLynx it tells me that much of the violent agitation was by marxists
RT @pepper_10: RT @ginthegin: This is the #food safety version of ObamaCare. AmThinkBlog on #SB510 #tcot @sarahpalinusa
RT @larrymwalkerjr: Progressive Logic - "We would have lost more house seats had it not been for Obamacare and Stimulus 1." #tcot #P2
RT @Kriskxx: Tennessee's Lamar Alexander and South Carolina's Lindsey Graham say that they might also use earmarks in "emergency" situat ...
RT @WalterGa: Corruption like this by MA Dem pols will be hard for Coakley to ignore, but I'm confident that she will ...
RT @BrianINC: RT @LMack49: #TSA XXX: pictures crazy This is nuts!!!! #tcot
RT @Obamapocalypse: If Jay Rockefeller and all Liberals could silence their critics in the media, we'd be alot closer to their societal ...
RT @LiliaEP: Joy Behar Sneers at 'Overpopulating' Moms.. There she goes again, the self-appointed moral compass. #t ...
RT @calebhays: Please pray for @sla31's girlfriend. She was just in a car accident and is in the hospital. Don't know severity.
RT @redostoneage Breaking #News: #GlobalWarming Biologist Suspected of Fraud in Suspicious Study #tcot #agw #sgp #tlot
Looks like no prison butt-hurt for beach-bum Charlie. #tweetcongress #tcot #teaparty #dnc
RT @HollyontheHill: GOP rules Twitter :-) RT @DarrellIssa 100 most influential members of Congress on Twitter: from @ ...
RT @yintercept Progressives slyly changed MiddleClass definition_Now synonymous w/proletariat_Wealth defined down #tcot
RT @Afterseven: MARK LEVIN at 4pm PST 7pm EST : Will be doing a lot on #SB510 #Food Safety Bill #tcot #teaparty #tlot #ocra
RT @GovernAmerica: GM=GONE TO MEXICO: #GM to Build New Vehicle at Plant in Mexico #news #tcot #equities #jobs #teaparty
@yintercept Leftists bastardize language as a matter of due course. #tcot
RT @SarahStormRpt: BLOG: #tcot #nra Bristol Palin vote-rigging perpetrated by HOMOSEXUAL... #teaparty #tlot #rs #pa ...
RT @Afterseven: BREAKING: DEATH BY BUREAUCRACY~ FCC chief working on net neutrality proposal. #tcot
RT @1776again Call ur Congressman & Senators & demand they KILL THE #SB510 #FOOD BILL_There's no middle ground on this 1 #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @gardenstart: @tahDeetz Food forest gardening in balance with pests Permaculture basics gl ...
@gardenstart thanks_we're always tryin 2 find new ways 2 keep the munchers off our munchables.
RT @michellemalkin: Big Foodie. RT @jamiedupree: Senate votes 57-27 to proceed to debate on the Food Safety Modernization Bill, S. 510 #tcot
RT @SarahPalinUSA: The publishing world is LEAKING out-of-context excerpts of my book w/out my permission? Isn't that illegal?MT @C4Pali ...
RT @KLSouth Now that the election is over_Obama Moves to Pull Natl Guard Troops Back From Mexican Border #tcot #news #sgp
RT @TeamCAP: Reading 1959 US #Navy Comic Book on Scribd #readcast #usn #mil #sot #tcot #hhrs
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: Say NO!! RT @jamiedupree: Senate votes 57-27 to proceed to debate on the Food Safety Modernization Bill, S. 510
RT @marklevinshow: I guess this is what they mean by a "moderate" Republican #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @airbrat77: @lizarddawg #whereisjohncougar?!? . . . #SB510 - #FDA attack on small farms #food #tcot
RT @FairTaxNancy @GOPWhip Let me fix that_the word~lending~isnt appropriate_Its bullying by legal theft. #FairTax is your best option #tcot
RT @exposelibtards: Rubbing SALT in Obama’s Wounds! #tcot #tlot
RT @JustMePammy: what he says.>>. RT @marinemajor: Go to Senator Coburn's web site and read about #S510. #tcot #news #food #teaparty
RT @emzanotti: Hey @HillBuzz, you just made E! News. Not that I'm watching E! News or anything...
RT @andilinks: #silver breaks back above $27/oz. #economy #tcot #p2 #tlot #news #inflation
RT @peakwriter #TSA does not perform psychological evaluations on officers, should they? H3LL YEA!! #news #tcot #sgp
RT @TheBeowulf: Obama, Vacuous and Dangerous Demonstrating evidence of unhinging, Behavioral traits of a sociopath ...
RT @bobbi85710 Revolt #Orlando airport 2 drop #TSA as security screeners Rock on OTown! Has set the standard! #tcot #news
RT @Architekt010: RT @VRWCTexan: Orlando Sanford International Airport has decided to opt out from TSA screening. {Switching to private ...
RT @TheBeowulf: Muslims Need to Examine their Culture and Scriptures #Islam #Terrorism
RT @pepper_10 @darrellissa @PATR2012 @gretawire Senate Bribe ( I mean contributions ) List for #S510 #tcot #news #tlot
@Winghunter @FairTaxNancy @GOPWhip Reagan effectivly gave us FlatTax w/2 rates in the 80s_now look @ the code_its about power centralization
RT @lilleth71: #S510 Roll Call Vote #tcot #tlot #teaparty #gop #news #food
RT @ttjemery: Oh, the irony!Look who's calling you terrorist!Former Weather Underground leader worries about 'armed' #TeaParty http://bi ...
RT @IMAO_: Saw a new Gadsen flag with the usual slogan replaced with "Don't Touch My Junk". #tcot
RT @TeamCAP: Reading WWII 1943 #Marine Corps Comic Book on Scribd #readcast #USMC #mil #sot #hhrs #tcot
RT @pinksugacupcake Strawberry-flavored RedVelvet #cupcakes w/CreamCheese frosting via @wibiya #baking #food #foodies
RT @Warof2010: Locals say #Food Safety Modernization Act will devastate US #farmers #S510 #news #tcot #fda #tlot
@yintercept it's a long, layered effort w/ leftists being patient.
@yintercept no doubt_its always POd me 2_however_the right was srsly cowed when McCarthy lost his fight_but he has been vindicated
RT @BadMayo: Senate Bill #SB510: The $825 Billion Dollar Folly #tcot #food #fda #news #tlot
@yintercept they are losing that grip_they will expect the people 2 go back to sleep.
RT @iowahawkblog: Ctr for Const'l Rights screamed for civilian terror trials; now sez impossible for Muslims to get fair trial in US. ht ...
RT @reeddaly Once Again, the Copyright/Trademark Tail Tries 2 Wag the #Internet Dog #tlot #teaparty #news #tech #tcot
RT @photoasia: 10 gastronomic tips from a #foodie photog #tips /via @ChiqClicks #photography
RT @yidwithlid: @glennbeck The Progressives' "Nazi" Rhetoric Begins With #GeorgeSoros #glennbeck #beck #tcot #news
RT @KLSouth: @Freedomwarrior @tahDeetz @IMAO_ Dont Touch My Junk #tcot #tsa
RT @BreitbartBigGov: Gadsden Flag License Plates: A Nationwide Movement?:
We are on a roll. The great resurgence... ...
@yintercept Progressives have a tendency to wither away when the opposition is informed.
RT @FairTaxNancy: #SB510 Summary // NO, NO, and NO. I like vegetable stands, etc. #news #tcot #food
RT @BraveLad #Corn prices are going thru the roof~ #Ethanol Industry must be die! #TCOT #TEAPARTY #AIP #economy
@yintercept people R getting their fill of dems in re the TSA & the Right is slowly learning that anything short of constitutionalism is DOA
RT @izzysroses @hannityshow,@gretawire Chicago:Muslims who donated office 2 Obama charged in sharia Ponzi scheme #tcot
RT @jamiedupree: Senate approves one month #Medicare Doc Fix extension; House Democrats set vote on it for November 29 #news #tcot
RT @VoteSmartToday: #Politicians like complex #tax codes by which they can hand out #political favors to #industries and #corporations s ...
@DavidBugnon . . . voicsist . . . ;-)
RT @Afterseven: #TSA AGENT ARRESTED ON SEXUAL ASSAULT & RAPE CHARGES (Video) #news #sgp #tcot
RT @Afterseven: @Senate_GOPs @JohnCornyn I hope That you Defeat SB 510, if not, anyone who voted Yea on Cloture will be primaried~NO BIG ...
RT @Demre: 'Birthright citizenship' will be target of House GOP majority
#Palinomics: Pro-Market NOT Pro-Business_An Important Distinction #tcot #news #economy #teaparty #Palin #sgp #tsot #ocra
RT @EternalRiteWing: Authorities are covering up Jim Miller’s death in Monroe Cty, TN; WHY WON’T THEY RELEASE THE FULL REPORT? http://bi ...
@yintercept the more Rockefeller et al try 2 go totalitarian_the more they scare off independents who end up learning who the radz really R
@yintercept it started w/ teaparty types winning state races/local races_electoral efforts 4 2012 R underway 2 find even better candidates
RT @TruckDrivingSOG: @GOPLeader #FairTax Now! Only way to create jobs and get out of debt! Equal Justice for all! #tcot
@yintercept teaparty is a reaction against Bush & establsmnt GOP'rs as much as the Left_the 1st amnesty push started it
RT @The_Q_is: RT @anitamoncrief: RT @wpbtonzlewis: “@newzealblog: Gulag Night: Trevor Loudon on George Soros, 10pm - midnight Thurs http ...
#Bloomberg running 4 president would be Perot 2.0 without the excitement!! #tcot #foxnation #foxnews #teaparty #nyc #palin
RT @kurtismarsh: ok the NFL online coverage of the game is weak as shit. they "check in " on the game , no wonder people dislike the NF ...
@kurtismarsh not to mention their stupid 15 minutes after 4pm rule during an OT game. #nfl
RT @56forfreedom #P2 #Progzi's claim Obama Can Use ‘Armed Forces’ 2 Push #Progressive Agenda #tcot #gop #news #teaparty
RT @AmeriJeepRang2: RT @southsalem ALERT: FCC Working on Net Neutrality!!!! #tcot #teaparty #gop #wearescrewed
RT @OneVeritas: The end of Farmers Markets, SB510 will destroy small farms, farm stands & Gardners TOO much power to FDA ...
RT @Lanettetay: Doesn't it say A LOT when Liberal Americans blindly follow a man named Soros who destroys for a living? #tcot
RT @Merylee: Soros group maps out Obama strategy for next 2 year #tcot #teaparty #tlot #912 #hhrs
RT @Merylee: Van Jones: We must prepare for battle (EPA battle) #tcot #crimeinc #tlot #teaparty #hhrs #912
RT @Merylee: Plastic is a Social Justice Issue (Van Jones at TEDxGP2) #crimeinc #tcot #capandtrade, #tlot #gl ...
RT @Merylee: Van Jones promotes Progressive Candidate Voter Guide #teaparty #tcot #tlot #912 #glennbeck
RT @Merylee: Van Jones On "Uprising Radio" April 2008 (memory lane) #tcot #tlot #teaparty #gop #912 #politic ...
RT @Merylee: George Soros Tells Progressive Donors Obama May Not B Best Investment (Here comes Hillary) http://huf ...
RT @yidwithlid @andylevy #Progressive "Nazi" Rhetoric Begins W/ #GeorgeSoros & #redeye #p2 #tcot #news #ofa
RT @WernerPatels: Upscale Westmount grocer firebombed - #news #tcot
RT @jamiedupree: Democrats also started parliamentary groundwork for a new bill #S3975 on the Bush tax cuts; details TBD as well #tcot #news
RT @RonnyRaygun: Mathew Yglesias Is A Dishonest Far Left Crank Who Is Incapable of Understanding Economics: M... #T ...
RT @ReaganTMan: ‘By Any Means Necessary’ via @rsmccain #Palin #Palin12 #SPWBT #TSOT #TCOT #TEAPARTY #news
RT @TallulahStarr: NOW! NewZealBlog'sTrevor Loudon + Jim Simpson + Doreen Hannes on GulagNight-- Soros and Food supply ...
RT @island_adv: PBS to conservative blogger: Help us. Conservative blogger to PBS: Buzz off
RT @catsune: Unveiled: Constitution for New Socialist North America
RT @ReaganTMan: It's so true what @rsmccain wrote. The ol' fedora'd one is a purty sharp gum-shoe.

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