Monday, November 15, 2010

From Twitter 11-15-2010

RT @littlebytesnews @DDJTJ @notalemming oh really_Napolitano refused 2b scanned? dont she fly privy/fed jet anyway? More Equal Animal #tcot
RT @SarahInTx Atlas Shrugs~Chaos in Jury Deliberations of 1st GITMO Terrorist 2 Be Tried in Civilian Court #tcot #news
RT @kjdrennen: On CBS, Laura Bush calls out media for liberal bias: #tcot #news #teaparty #hhrs #sgp
#MichaelWolfensohn ~ Shovel-Ready Politician #NewCastle #tcot #cupcakes
RT @BlueCollarTodd #Krugman Wants #DeathPanels 2 Help Lower #HealthCare #tcot #news #hcr #gop #NYT #hhrs #tlot #Palin
RT @ObamaBash: #TSAMovies A Hand Runs Through It #tcot #tsa
RT @welshman007 neoDeepThroat Says Obama Dejected_Confused~1 Scandal ID'd #tcot #tlot #sgp #p2 #news #ocra #teaparty #ofa
RT @DanRiehl: Lt. Col. Oliver North: American Heroes in Special Operations #sot #mil #news #tcot
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #teaparty Wait Until @GlennBeck Sees This! VIDEO: "Spooky Dude" by @CCassone
RT @VRWCTexan: FWIW > The pelosi / dem "stimulus bill" {as signed into law by obama} contained 8,500 earmarks for a grand total of $7 ...
RT @jimmiebjr: I predict DVD boxed sets of "Oz" will skyrocket as people try to lean what to expect from the #TSA. #tcot
RT @Architekt010: Whats next #TSA . . . circumcised on the left un circumcised on the right? #tcot
RT @Turdhunter: More and more democrats are getting off the #progressive sauce. Sobriety is good. Progress.#tcot #P2
RT @edcetera I was banned from flying long ago when the #TSA determined my balls were big enuf 2 interfere w/ navigation instruments #tcot
RT @TechZader: #Guitar World Turns #iPad Into a Daily #Music Teacher #mac #apple #tech
RT @Turbothink: BOMBSHELL: Check Out This Industry Catalog And Price Sheet For FABRICATED Foreclosure Documents: vi ...
RT @BlueCollarTodd #CA Supreme Court Gives #IllegalAliens In State Tuition_Outrage #tcot #tlot #news #hhrs #sgp #p2
RT @AircrewBuzz: RT @ajcairlines: Gangs buy jets for trans-Atlantic coke flights #aviation #crime #news #tcot
RT @OBAMA_CZAR #ABC Shills 4 Obama_says~Concentration on Policy~Caused_Shellacking_No~Mandate~4 #GOP #tcot #news #hhrs
RT @lmgross Backlash Grows Against #TSA BodyScans National #OptOut Day set 4 Nov24_2010_PLzRT #tcot #tlot #teaparty #p2
RT @pfloyd325 Soros funded HuffPo demands #GlennBeck b fired 4 talking about #GeorgeSoros via @WireUpdate #news #tcot #p2
RT @BorderNarcotics #Mexico Absuses #IllegalImmigrants #news #az1070 #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #sgp #p2
Bill Clinton in Bangkok . . . Heh. #tcot #teaparty #hhrs
RT @newzealblog #Communists Work 2Build Party in the South @RedState #redstate #rs #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tlot #ocra
RT @SarahStormRpt: NEWSWIRE: #tsot #912 Bristol Palin rejects jibes as "Dancing" final nears -... #tcot #tlot #ocra ...
RT @UpInTheHills Screw #TSA ~Any society willing 2 give up a lil' freedom 4 a lil' security deserves neither & will lose both Franklin #tcot
Funny Sunni Fatwa_Muslim Men Can Divorce Over CellPhone Even if Wife Cant Hear it #news #p2 #sgp #tcot #teaparty #hhrs
Hey #p2, We Told Ya So_Jury Deadlocked in Civilian Trial 4 Terrorist? #news #nyc #tcot #mil #sot #hhrs #teaparty
RT @Porkulus: .@nraila refused to work against Reid because Schumer would be worse. Guess what, Einsteins, we still have BOTH! #nra #p ...
#DailyKos: The American Dream~a Virus Like AIDS & #RickPerry is Satan #news #tcot #p2 #hhrs #teaparty #dnc #ocra
RT @SonOfDeepThroat: UPDATE: #NC02: NC ALL-DEM Board-of-Elections approves #BobEtheridge recount despite large lead by GOP #ReneeEllmers ...
RT @SonOfDeepThroat #NC02: #NC ALL-DEM ElectionsBoard OKs #BobEtheridge recount despite large #ReneeEllmers lead #tcot
RT @SafariWoman (Adult content) Forget Sarah's Alaska, Here's Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco (lmao!) #tcot #teaparty
RT @sessionsfan Q&A W/ #Virginia AG State's Lawsuit Against #Obamacare ~Not About Health Ins_About Liberty #hcr #tcot
RT @CO2HOG @Heritage Reforming CBO_CRS & JTC_Eliminate Partisan Analysis from Congress's Support Agencies #tcot #news
RT @Kriskxx: Krugman Lets Cat Out of Bag: #Palin Was Right on #DeathPanels /via #RUSH. #tcot #teaparty #tsot #p2 #ofa #dnc #topprog #tpot
RT @tlamb775: Classic - one ballot had #Murcowshit spelled in. I wonder what the voter's intent was. #tcot #aksen
RT @IAmSoSmart: #TSA: Doing our best to not offend muslims since 2010 #TSASlogans #tcot
RT @KOSMOSNET: American Thinker 'Moderate' Indian #Sharia in Action #tcot #tlot #sgp #news
RT @PatDollard: Tearful Boy Speaks About Flag Flap #accdf #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @jamieez: 13 Year Old Flag Boy Gets Parade and Apology #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @SBSportsDiva: Charlie Rangel is like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum. This sense of entitlement needs to end NOW. #tcot
RT @MiahMarker: RT @katyinind Tax rates in the hands of Progressives r like matches 2 an arsonist #tcot #gop #ftrs #h ...
RT @MiahMarker: RT @melissatweets: RT @PatrickRuffini: TARP, also based on hyped intelligence, was cooked up in a weekend and cost near ...
RT @MiahMarker: RT @stxherry: Liberty Pundits Blog » Remember the ‘doc fix’? It expires 12/1/10. Again. -
RT @MiahMarker: Coburn: Earmark Supporting Republicans Should Worry About Primary Challengers: #tcot #tiot #sgp
RT @TheScottPapers Guvs Perdue #GA & Perry #TX Credited w/2010 #GOP Gunver Gains #gagov #gapolitics #tcot #news #ocra
RT @AgribizNews: Corn & Soybean Digest: Patent Received Engineering Soybeans that Control Soybean Cyst: Full http:/ ...
RT @niceninja: #TSA wouldn't be having this trouble if they followed Israel's lead on this. They are the experts. #ElAl #tcot
RT @ColoradoTParty: #flagboy gets apology. Awesome video! #tcot #tpp #news
RT @twiggyoh @NRO Charen: #Obamacare 2hit wounded #Vets & sick kids especially hard #news #p2 #ofa #Tcot #mil #sot #dnc
RT @johnnyA99 #EUrabia: #UK SchoolKids Punished 4Refusal 2Kneel Down & Pray 2Allah #news #tcot #hhrs #tlot #p2 #sgp #rs
RT @dominiofeminino Banking Scandal_Defiant Dems Threaten Obama pResidency @welshman007 #tcot #tlot #ofa #news #dnc #p2
@GregWHoward Like a cow pissin' on a flat rock?
RT @johnmarzan: @cubachi Kinda like how Leftists/Hollywd destroyed the #GOP on Nov2 after Palin gave numerous endoresments?
RT @TheFlaCracker: Air Travel? place tin foil letters inside shirt that says "FU TSA" and enjoy the body scan #tcot #912 #teaparty #gop ...
RT @welshman007 @teacherspets 10freshmen who could make waves in US House_The Story Forgets Allen West #gop #news #tcot
RT @TenNapel: Johnny Cash entered into the Gospel music hall of fame! Only about 40 years too late. Amen to that!!
RT @carold501 #Rush: Napolitano~Feels U Up~But Lets_Mohammed_Straight Thru via @AddThis #news #tcot #mil #sot #p2 #hhrs
@welshman007 I saw Ben Quayle instead of Allen West & had 2 chorttle a bit. . .
RT @sdo1: #TSAslogan "If we don't get off, you don't get on." #tsa #tcot via @obamascare
RT @MarkSimoneNY Dems screamed the Patriot Act was 2 invasive_Now #TSA foto's U nude & gropes ur junk_not a peep from Dems #tcot #p2 #hhrs
RT @Blueberrier0341 Nasty Pelosi scrambles 2 thwart rebellion #tcot #Twisters #p2 #Teaparty #tlot #ofa #GOP #dnc #news
RT @GregWHoward Now the line is_Well give U security_but U have 2 show us ur naked body or agree 2a groping #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Here's coverage of Katie Couric's~great unwashed~comment_which BOR found hard 2believe #foxnews #tcot
Juan Williams just confirmed what #Rush always said_when #Conservatives R Conservative, #Independents break their way #tcot #foxnews #tbrs
RT @OBAMA_GAMES Large corps dont have 2 pay 4 #Obamacare & SmallBiz will have 2 make up the diffrnce_That seems fair 2 Obama #tcot #p2 #hcr
RT @AlexMarlow: It's not "rape-rape." #TSAslogans #tcot #tsa #p2 #dhs #sgp
RT @HeyTammyBruce & here's @KatieCouric explaining how "great unwashed" isnt a smear at all_its just, er, the truth #tcot
RT @pmbasse CRITICAL cloture vote set 4 Wed.Nov17_on #S510 ~Food Safety Modrnztn Act~will crush local healthy #food makers #tcot #hhrs #tbrs
RT @ExJon New TLC show~Lisa Murkowskis Alaska~is lame_After 3min raising money n Anchorage_rest takes place in DC lobbyist offices #tcot
RT @TheNoblePatriot On Today, #Jindal Slams Obama 4 Slow Response 2 #OilSpill, Lauer Offers Excuses #nola #tcot #news
@johnmarzan Palin endorsed Rubio, Paul, Ayotte in blue New Hampshire_Palin endorsement wins against Ocare House voters was 18 of 20
RT @RightKlik: RAPE-iscan CEO very Friendly with #Obama: #tcot #tsa #news #sgp #teaparty
RT @GregWHoward Remember what a huge success #QE1 was? And now any reason 4 #QE2 to succeed? #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #phnm #economy #news
RT @latimestot: Leno: A rough week for Pres Obama-Hes gotta pardon a turkey, deal w/lame duck Congress, eat crow & China flipped him the ...
RT @marinemajor #p2 nuts have their panties twisted ovr #Palin's good rating_Their culture monopolization is slipping_theyre scared #tcot
RT @TxJogger12 Any1 notice that Joy-"less" Behar CHALLENGED #Palin 2 come on The View today? . . . errr_nope ;-) #tcot
RT @GregWHoward: Is This The Chart That Proves Bernanke's QE Is Blowing A Huge Bubble? #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot ...
RT @coyotered9: Bruce Willis throws Veterans Day party for US troops #tcot #twisters #sgp #teaparty #rs #mili ...
RT @peakwriter: Some Democrats getting the message on earmarks; Udall tweets support for a ban | Washington Examiner
RT @GregWHoward: Citi: This Is How The Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Currency Status #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot # ...
RT @mikepfs RedState- #ObamaCare: #Union Waiver Favors Pile Up_Tuf Shiite, SmBiz #tcot #hcr #news #teaparty #p2 #dnc #sgp
RT @kimspence Have U heard of the #GeorgiaGuidestones? Great read #news #GApolitics #GA #GAgop #tcot #tpp #hhrs #tlot
RT @newzealblog Comrade Atkins Admits Communist Infiltration of #Democrat Party #dnc #p2 #news #tcot #ofa #teaparty #hhrs
RT @allahpundit: Somehow I feel ... unmoved #tcot #teaparty
RT @tjholthaus "#GE Exec Outlines Opportunity 4 Transformation Of US Energy Future" via Energy-daily #news #tcot #hhrs
RT @RobMcCarthyJr #NJ law makers think #TSA search procedures violate Constitution & privacy laws_I do 2 #news #tcot
RT @Ben_Howe Why R we 2 wks past historic win & already have ppl telling us we should make up w/ Ruling Class that got us in the mess? #tcot
RT @Boomerjeff: contrary to Dems' deceptions, tax revenue from the rich went up, not down after Bush tax cuts of 03 http://libertyworks. ...
RT @Marsh626: About the TSA... #tcot #tlot #teaparty #topprog #TSA

Here’s the 3 choices we have here people:

1) Adopt an (cont) http:/ ...
RT @newzealblog: World Communist Youth Front to Meet in #SouthAfrica #news #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #tlot #ocra
RT @crispix49 Got #DeathPanels? Medicare officials debate if it should cover new #ProstateCancer treatment #hcr #tcot #p2

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