RT @Jimi971: This week I've seen some of the most vile & cutting comments & posts on line from libs,that happen to be well below the lev ...
RT @kesgardner: Don't miss the update! The RNC Unloads Both Barrels (oops, violent rhetoric)! http://bit.ly/geby6O | @theRightSphere (vi ...
RT @ConservativeZod: You bigoted limousine liberals make me sick. Other than that guy pan-handling on your exit ramp, have you ever MET ...
RT @Conservativeind: RT @AmatoTalk: ANNOUNCING: Armed Forces Family Aid Concert! http://conta.cc/gWqb8C via #constantcontact #twisters #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: 24 Hours of Hate… Leftists Knock Down GOP Official, Threaten “A$$hole” Blogger, Raid GOP Offices, Hold Anti-Christie... ...
RT @Celtic_Norse: @dlueking even the Republicans are too left for comfort. However, it was most enjoyable being a thorn in their sides ...
RT @Lori24703: More coverage on Charlie Sheen than the 4 murdered American sailors at the hands of Somali pirates. Disgusting media. #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: While Obama Is Slashing the Pentagon Budget, Russian Military Plans to Purchase 600 Planes, 100 Ships, 1... http://bit. ...
RT @abc15phx: Arpaio inspires at #TeaParty convention http://bit.ly/fJrDuZ #tcot
RT @Infidel007 @lilleth71 MUST HEAR THIS >>> Levin reads insider email from retired #union cop http://goo.gl/hX5bF #tlot #tcot #teaparty
RT @RyanMauro: Why North Koreans Are Starving and South Korea is Training More Snipers: The Chosun Ilbo has presented two... http://tiny ...
RT @free_US_Citizen: Does ANY California politician have the guts to follow Ohio's Senate Bill 5 in dealing with the unions? http://isla ...
RT @PecosRoyBean: RT @DCGere: Watching Air Force One...actor Ford is more convincing as a prez than O is #justsayin #tcot | @BarackObama ...
fyi . . . your #business model could easily be f*cked if it heavily depends on #google. #tech
RT @Newswatcher89: 3 relatives of slain Mexican activist found dead http://bit.ly/eEHpUB #tcot #p2 #news #mexico
RT @pdigaudio: Thugs And Lefties Desecrate Veterans Memorial http://wp.me/pmO2D-1CR #tcot #mil #p2 #teaparty #sot
RT @timeboat @drudge_report #LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Wants a 6-Foot Wall Built Around Mansion http://is.gd/R8lHAc LMAO! #tcot #p2 #ca
RT @912Cyounger: The Global Union Movement http://ow.ly/43PZO Union Goons so stupid they can't build a business, group together 2 tell a ...
RT @jilevin_feeds: twe WSJ: North Dakota Strains to Fill Jobs http://on.wsj.com/edEdg3 #economy #business
RT @kesgardner: John Bolton on evacuating Americans from Libya: "These people make the keystone cops look organized." He rocks. #tcot #gop
RT @12C4: Does Syfy Really Love Sci-Fi? http://bit.ly/eHkdzl
RT @fredthompson: Schoolkids rejecting healthy lunches b/c of lousy taste. I'd call it a perfect metaphor for failed govt programs, but ...
RT @Libertyworld: Unions so enraged by but a token of our pain speaks a wee bit ill of gotten gains now does it not? #tcot #hhrs #teapa ...
RT @WatchCenter: LaborUnionReport: trust-busting - no #union trusts to bilk taxpayer $$ - follow the $$ http://bit.ly/ijZlOp #news #tcot #p2
RT @RockyII: China's Web Police Block LinkedIn, U.S. Ambassador's Name http://ow.ly/43F9e @davidgregory @Heritage @foxnews #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Conservativeind: @CFHeather 'Bank partnerships with trade unions are now fully established' The horror, the horror #tcot
RT @legacycoach: RT @rwbeagle: RT @Turbothink: Vast Oil Reserves Go Unexploited in Alaska: http://bit.ly/hP4ikU via @addthis WE NEED TO ...
RT @JimNorton: THE WORST MESSAGE IN THE WORLD! http://yfrog.com/h3b0ccoj
RT @flicka47: @brooksbayne Here,a Bacon! Beer just4 you!! http://bit.ly/heqOsd comes w/ a side of Bacon! if u didn't get enough!..snick ...
RT @CFHeather: @conservativeind That QDDR is huge, I have the exec summary http://www.scribd.com/doc/49551839/State-Department-QDDR-Summ ...
RT @SamValley: DEVO - Whip It (From Friday's 1980) ♫ http://blip.fm/~1281yr
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Parents (54%) view unionized teachers as bad for the country. http://bit.ly/fXH399 #tcot #un ...
RT @rockingjude: RT @OneVeritas: Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power…”HUGE” as a mentor w.. http://bit.ly/acDmx4
RT @AriFleischer: If Andrew Breitbart pranked Gov Cuomo, most press would fault B's tactics. When Gov Walker gets pranked, reporters se ...
RT @dirtundermanail: #FBI: Muslim Brotherhood Deeply Rooted Inside U.S. http://is.gd/P4XW18 #tcot #teaparty #news #mil
RT @zorekr: A man hung himself in a modern art gallery.
It was three weeks before anyone noticed. #callitart
RT @DefendGlenn: The 5 Dangerous Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Working to Destroy America from Within http://bit.ly/eQsQTc #tcot #ocra ...
RT @stix1972: LOL Grooveshark does nnot want to tweet this one http://bit.ly/gD0xaG Ace of Spades
RT @TheTonyLee: Again read something abt Palin not rounding up insiders. Again amazed ppl don't understand Palin is like Google before i ...
RT @RealClearScott: If Palin runs, she wont focus on bringing in top donors & experienced operatives. That she's not doing that isn't a ...
RT @RealClearScott: Palin is allergic to party machinery & big name outsiders she doesn't trust. Savvy or not, she will never do things ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RedState: The Left’s “Tea Party Moment”? http://bit.ly/fH5zKE <--No... the left's "Let them eat cake" moment ...
RT @GuitarHero1965: Hey, hey, outta their way, CWA renting protesters for pay in NJ http://goo.gl/XIKQC
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Sec. Hillary Clinton Admits Funding Opposition Labor Unions in Egypt http://bit.ly/i5WmRQ #p2 #tcot #sgp #twisters #teap ...
RT @PMgeezer #Union Dues R the "Achilles Heel" of the #DemocRAT Party_Stop the Union Dues & Dems R "Dead in the Water" #teaparty #ocra #tcot
RT @Cubachi: Nikki Haley supports Walker: "These governors get it. Washington has totally lost the message": http://t.co/LsSFQgz
RT @greggutfeld: Gigli is on Starz. That's like saying "I got poop on my poop."
RT @WooHooYoo: LuvitRT @Cubachi: Allen West on a potential 2012 VP slot: "I don't know, but I'm always willing to serve my country": htt ...
I can smell curry wafting from #Palin's kitchen. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ijonmark: @tahDeetz Curried salmon? I'd be skeered ;) i was thinkin 'curried democrat'
RT @CaptDreadlocke: Mubarik, who tolerated Israel, was asked to step down instantly by O. Gaddafi, who's shooting everybody, remains una ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick : ) but it w ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick ~I was there 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~scratch that 4 me_it was the 2nd one I went 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~seeing yall made me go 2 the next
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~that 1st teaparty got very little press
@LessaT @Jimi971 @stlteaparty I went 2 that one. I thought u were talking about the 1 before that 1.
RT @brooksbayne: die unions! RT @BenFroland: RT @brookedunne: Government Unions Have Not Benefited the Public http://j.mp/guS341 #tcot # ...
RT @skunkwkrz: How come the government isn't breaking up google?Wait they r government. Google targets "content farms" search tune-up ht ...
@LessaT nighty noche' ...
RT @Freedomwarrior: #WIunion #inunion #UNION #Unionssuck #teaparty #twisters #sgp RT @Mermaz: An Open Letter to Union Protesters http:// ...
#MoveOn Wants 2 Rule the World Yet R 2 Dumb 2 Reserve Protest Space http://t.co/Yfxydyu via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
RT @southsalem: MT @DavidLimbaugh: U can scoff at Sarah all U wnt but she reliably takes rt position...boldly &before waiving her finger ...
RT @lakesunrise: @RockyII Multiculturism is a failure. US melting pot is not. Assimilated, acculturated groups add enhanced flavor/nouri ...
RT @SarahDMZ: WARNING! WARNING! Do not -- repeat -- DO NOT store your baby in a Rubbermaid bin. http://yfrog.com/h53o8ej
RT @Unsub50: Hell yes but reverse the rolls! RT @The_Q_is: RT @vetsforwest: Is it time already for Allen to move on up? htt… (cont) http ...
#AllenWest on #foxnews now #tcot #teaparty
Dayum . . . I wish @AllenWest wuz muh President. #tcot #teaparty #fl22
RT @rebelyid: there is no #Keynesian tooth fairy http://is.gd/neOTox #tcot #teaparty #news #p2
RT @Teenytinyb: #union rally leaves critically ill abandoned http://bit.ly/hhxCxm get use 2 it #tcot #sgp #teaparty #twisters #wethepeo ...
RT @ResistTyranny: @KLSouth The teacher dismissal-for-cause rates you cite seem lower than the general US workforce. Like about 100x lower.
RT @United_TShirts: Big Journalism News: AP: Montana Governor Says Tea Party Legislators 'Ornery Critters' in Need of 'Branding' http:// ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Despite the Obama Union campaign rallies, Wisconsin House members do their job and pass union measure http://lat.ms/g ...
RT @fwbla Labor #Unions Are Tools of Leftists & Their Radical Brethern, #Marxists http://wp.me/pvnFC-4yN #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @welshman007: Complete News Run-Down of Moveon's Protests Today: http://is.gd/Y2SJkW #gop #scgov #tweetcongress #p2 #ampats #DEMS #t ...
RT @KLSouth: Year after yr, 99% of all teachers R rated "satisfactory" by their school systems; firing teachers invite costly court batt ...
RT @Starbuck_WOI: Attention, UN: Do you realize how stupid you look for inducting Libya to the Human Rights Council last year? http://fb ...
RT @baysidebetty: RT @JimELiv: Go get'm A West! Allen West: Civil Rights Icon John Lewis is a hypocrite http://bit.ly/fjLlPO < Sic ...
RT @commonpatriot via @instapundit #TEAPARTY SCRUTINY_Each member of Congress 2 get dedicated blogger http://bit.ly/gHUizX #tcot effin cool
#SpookyDude is somewhere smiling as he strokes his hairless cat. #libya #lybia #labia #tcot #teaparty #soros
RT @Ceeb2: Glenn Beck exposing Muslim Brotherhood, communists, fascists,
anarchists and all other manner of nefarious influences. #tcot ...
RT @yintercept #TeaParty hopes 2 use #StateCompacts 2 overturn #ObamaCare http://is.gd/I62lUF http://is.gd/I62lUF/ #tcot #ocra #sgp #tlot
RT @tjholthaus @TeaPartyExpNews #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp Does #FEMA know something you & I dont know? http://bit.ly/hbvI1S #news #ocra
RT @TechZader: Gorgeous Green House Wrapped in a Vertical Garden http://bit.ly/eWyKnb
RT @kesgardner: Don't miss the update! The RNC Unloads Both Barrels (oops, violent rhetoric)! http://bit.ly/geby6O | @theRightSphere (vi ...
RT @ConservativeZod: You bigoted limousine liberals make me sick. Other than that guy pan-handling on your exit ramp, have you ever MET ...
RT @Conservativeind: RT @AmatoTalk: ANNOUNCING: Armed Forces Family Aid Concert! http://conta.cc/gWqb8C via #constantcontact #twisters #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: 24 Hours of Hate… Leftists Knock Down GOP Official, Threaten “A$$hole” Blogger, Raid GOP Offices, Hold Anti-Christie... ...
RT @Celtic_Norse: @dlueking even the Republicans are too left for comfort. However, it was most enjoyable being a thorn in their sides ...
RT @Lori24703: More coverage on Charlie Sheen than the 4 murdered American sailors at the hands of Somali pirates. Disgusting media. #tcot
RT @912Cyounger: While Obama Is Slashing the Pentagon Budget, Russian Military Plans to Purchase 600 Planes, 100 Ships, 1... http://bit. ...
RT @abc15phx: Arpaio inspires at #TeaParty convention http://bit.ly/fJrDuZ #tcot
RT @Infidel007 @lilleth71 MUST HEAR THIS >>> Levin reads insider email from retired #union cop http://goo.gl/hX5bF #tlot #tcot #teaparty
RT @RyanMauro: Why North Koreans Are Starving and South Korea is Training More Snipers: The Chosun Ilbo has presented two... http://tiny ...
RT @free_US_Citizen: Does ANY California politician have the guts to follow Ohio's Senate Bill 5 in dealing with the unions? http://isla ...
RT @PecosRoyBean: RT @DCGere: Watching Air Force One...actor Ford is more convincing as a prez than O is #justsayin #tcot | @BarackObama ...
fyi . . . your #business model could easily be f*cked if it heavily depends on #google. #tech
RT @Newswatcher89: 3 relatives of slain Mexican activist found dead http://bit.ly/eEHpUB #tcot #p2 #news #mexico
RT @pdigaudio: Thugs And Lefties Desecrate Veterans Memorial http://wp.me/pmO2D-1CR #tcot #mil #p2 #teaparty #sot
RT @timeboat @drudge_report #LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Wants a 6-Foot Wall Built Around Mansion http://is.gd/R8lHAc LMAO! #tcot #p2 #ca
RT @912Cyounger: The Global Union Movement http://ow.ly/43PZO Union Goons so stupid they can't build a business, group together 2 tell a ...
RT @jilevin_feeds: twe WSJ: North Dakota Strains to Fill Jobs http://on.wsj.com/edEdg3 #economy #business
RT @kesgardner: John Bolton on evacuating Americans from Libya: "These people make the keystone cops look organized." He rocks. #tcot #gop
RT @12C4: Does Syfy Really Love Sci-Fi? http://bit.ly/eHkdzl
RT @fredthompson: Schoolkids rejecting healthy lunches b/c of lousy taste. I'd call it a perfect metaphor for failed govt programs, but ...
RT @Libertyworld: Unions so enraged by but a token of our pain speaks a wee bit ill of gotten gains now does it not? #tcot #hhrs #teapa ...
RT @WatchCenter: LaborUnionReport: trust-busting - no #union trusts to bilk taxpayer $$ - follow the $$ http://bit.ly/ijZlOp #news #tcot #p2
RT @RockyII: China's Web Police Block LinkedIn, U.S. Ambassador's Name http://ow.ly/43F9e @davidgregory @Heritage @foxnews #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Conservativeind: @CFHeather 'Bank partnerships with trade unions are now fully established' The horror, the horror #tcot
RT @legacycoach: RT @rwbeagle: RT @Turbothink: Vast Oil Reserves Go Unexploited in Alaska: http://bit.ly/hP4ikU via @addthis WE NEED TO ...
RT @JimNorton: THE WORST MESSAGE IN THE WORLD! http://yfrog.com/h3b0ccoj
RT @flicka47: @brooksbayne Here,a Bacon! Beer just4 you!! http://bit.ly/heqOsd comes w/ a side of Bacon! if u didn't get enough!..snick ...
RT @CFHeather: @conservativeind That QDDR is huge, I have the exec summary http://www.scribd.com/doc/49551839/State-Department-QDDR-Summ ...
RT @SamValley: DEVO - Whip It (From Friday's 1980) ♫ http://blip.fm/~1281yr
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Rasmussen Poll: Majority of Parents (54%) view unionized teachers as bad for the country. http://bit.ly/fXH399 #tcot #un ...
RT @rockingjude: RT @OneVeritas: Bankers Destroy Global Economy by Design to Consolidate Power…”HUGE” as a mentor w.. http://bit.ly/acDmx4
RT @AriFleischer: If Andrew Breitbart pranked Gov Cuomo, most press would fault B's tactics. When Gov Walker gets pranked, reporters se ...
RT @dirtundermanail: #FBI: Muslim Brotherhood Deeply Rooted Inside U.S. http://is.gd/P4XW18 #tcot #teaparty #news #mil
RT @zorekr: A man hung himself in a modern art gallery.
It was three weeks before anyone noticed. #callitart
RT @DefendGlenn: The 5 Dangerous Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups Working to Destroy America from Within http://bit.ly/eQsQTc #tcot #ocra ...
RT @stix1972: LOL Grooveshark does nnot want to tweet this one http://bit.ly/gD0xaG Ace of Spades
RT @TheTonyLee: Again read something abt Palin not rounding up insiders. Again amazed ppl don't understand Palin is like Google before i ...
RT @RealClearScott: If Palin runs, she wont focus on bringing in top donors & experienced operatives. That she's not doing that isn't a ...
RT @RealClearScott: Palin is allergic to party machinery & big name outsiders she doesn't trust. Savvy or not, she will never do things ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RedState: The Left’s “Tea Party Moment”? http://bit.ly/fH5zKE <--No... the left's "Let them eat cake" moment ...
RT @GuitarHero1965: Hey, hey, outta their way, CWA renting protesters for pay in NJ http://goo.gl/XIKQC
RT @LadyFyreAZ: Sec. Hillary Clinton Admits Funding Opposition Labor Unions in Egypt http://bit.ly/i5WmRQ #p2 #tcot #sgp #twisters #teap ...
RT @PMgeezer #Union Dues R the "Achilles Heel" of the #DemocRAT Party_Stop the Union Dues & Dems R "Dead in the Water" #teaparty #ocra #tcot
RT @Cubachi: Nikki Haley supports Walker: "These governors get it. Washington has totally lost the message": http://t.co/LsSFQgz
RT @greggutfeld: Gigli is on Starz. That's like saying "I got poop on my poop."
RT @WooHooYoo: LuvitRT @Cubachi: Allen West on a potential 2012 VP slot: "I don't know, but I'm always willing to serve my country": htt ...
I can smell curry wafting from #Palin's kitchen. #tcot #teaparty
RT @ijonmark: @tahDeetz Curried salmon? I'd be skeered ;) i was thinkin 'curried democrat'
RT @CaptDreadlocke: Mubarik, who tolerated Israel, was asked to step down instantly by O. Gaddafi, who's shooting everybody, remains una ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick : ) but it w ...
RT @LessaT: @Jimi971 @stlteaparty My first Tparty I went to about 3 years ago or so in Atlanta. It was cold & I got sick ~I was there 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~scratch that 4 me_it was the 2nd one I went 2
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~seeing yall made me go 2 the next
RT @LessaT: I was toward the back by the Fire truck @tahDeetz @Jimi971 @stlteaparty ~that 1st teaparty got very little press
@LessaT @Jimi971 @stlteaparty I went 2 that one. I thought u were talking about the 1 before that 1.
RT @brooksbayne: die unions! RT @BenFroland: RT @brookedunne: Government Unions Have Not Benefited the Public http://j.mp/guS341 #tcot # ...
RT @skunkwkrz: How come the government isn't breaking up google?Wait they r government. Google targets "content farms" search tune-up ht ...
@LessaT nighty noche' ...
RT @Freedomwarrior: #WIunion #inunion #UNION #Unionssuck #teaparty #twisters #sgp RT @Mermaz: An Open Letter to Union Protesters http:// ...
#MoveOn Wants 2 Rule the World Yet R 2 Dumb 2 Reserve Protest Space http://t.co/Yfxydyu via @gatewaypundit #tcot #p2 #news
RT @southsalem: MT @DavidLimbaugh: U can scoff at Sarah all U wnt but she reliably takes rt position...boldly &before waiving her finger ...
RT @lakesunrise: @RockyII Multiculturism is a failure. US melting pot is not. Assimilated, acculturated groups add enhanced flavor/nouri ...
RT @SarahDMZ: WARNING! WARNING! Do not -- repeat -- DO NOT store your baby in a Rubbermaid bin. http://yfrog.com/h53o8ej
RT @Unsub50: Hell yes but reverse the rolls! RT @The_Q_is: RT @vetsforwest: Is it time already for Allen to move on up? htt… (cont) http ...
#AllenWest on #foxnews now #tcot #teaparty
Dayum . . . I wish @AllenWest wuz muh President. #tcot #teaparty #fl22
RT @rebelyid: there is no #Keynesian tooth fairy http://is.gd/neOTox #tcot #teaparty #news #p2
RT @Teenytinyb: #union rally leaves critically ill abandoned http://bit.ly/hhxCxm get use 2 it #tcot #sgp #teaparty #twisters #wethepeo ...
RT @ResistTyranny: @KLSouth The teacher dismissal-for-cause rates you cite seem lower than the general US workforce. Like about 100x lower.
RT @United_TShirts: Big Journalism News: AP: Montana Governor Says Tea Party Legislators 'Ornery Critters' in Need of 'Branding' http:// ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Despite the Obama Union campaign rallies, Wisconsin House members do their job and pass union measure http://lat.ms/g ...
RT @fwbla Labor #Unions Are Tools of Leftists & Their Radical Brethern, #Marxists http://wp.me/pvnFC-4yN #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @welshman007: Complete News Run-Down of Moveon's Protests Today: http://is.gd/Y2SJkW #gop #scgov #tweetcongress #p2 #ampats #DEMS #t ...
RT @KLSouth: Year after yr, 99% of all teachers R rated "satisfactory" by their school systems; firing teachers invite costly court batt ...
RT @Starbuck_WOI: Attention, UN: Do you realize how stupid you look for inducting Libya to the Human Rights Council last year? http://fb ...
RT @baysidebetty: RT @JimELiv: Go get'm A West! Allen West: Civil Rights Icon John Lewis is a hypocrite http://bit.ly/fjLlPO < Sic ...
RT @commonpatriot via @instapundit #TEAPARTY SCRUTINY_Each member of Congress 2 get dedicated blogger http://bit.ly/gHUizX #tcot effin cool
#SpookyDude is somewhere smiling as he strokes his hairless cat. #libya #lybia #labia #tcot #teaparty #soros
RT @Ceeb2: Glenn Beck exposing Muslim Brotherhood, communists, fascists,
anarchists and all other manner of nefarious influences. #tcot ...
RT @yintercept #TeaParty hopes 2 use #StateCompacts 2 overturn #ObamaCare http://is.gd/I62lUF http://is.gd/I62lUF/ #tcot #ocra #sgp #tlot
RT @tjholthaus @TeaPartyExpNews #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp Does #FEMA know something you & I dont know? http://bit.ly/hbvI1S #news #ocra
RT @TechZader: Gorgeous Green House Wrapped in a Vertical Garden http://bit.ly/eWyKnb
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com