RT @jamiedupree: The bill extending 3 provisions of the Patriot Act is about to fail in the House, even though it has a majority #tcot #news
RT @carold501: #China Controls 95% of World's Trade in Rare Minerals: http://wp.me/pKuKY-4QM #news #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: Elton John – I'm Still Standing ♫ http://blip.fm/~11ma54
RT @DesertScene: ATF Declaring War on Honest Gun Owners! Read article: http://tinyurl.com/4mvxwey (hat top @JoAnneMoretti ) #tcot #sgp # ...
RT @ericbolling: HEY! Gov Palin back tonight.. She warned us: Federal bailout of the states... and viola' -> #tcot
RT @spongedocks: MS-13 gang member arrested by border agents http://bit.ly/hNP5Qm #news #tcot
RT @Cubachi: RT @trscoop: LIVE NOW --> Tea Party Express Townhall - ALLEN WEST AND MORE! http://bit.ly/fYkGqe #tcot
RT @timeboat Shiznit- Govt Motors 2 Pay #UAW #Union Workers Record-Hi Bonuses…http://bit.ly/e5PD6G #unions #tcot #p2 #foshizzle #news #jobs
RT @SpotTheColumn: "Holy Land Foundationcharity was part of an apparatus set up in the U.S. to support efforts by the Muslim Brotherhood ...
RT @exposeliberals: Obama regime working behind scenes to bring Muslim Brotherhood into Egypt gov http://bit.ly/ifkEwm #tcot #tlot #sgp ...
RT @marklevinshow: The rise of neo-liberalism? http://fb.me/TS4DUuJ5
RT @SissyWillis: Great point MicheleBachmann makes: Forebears weren't nobility -- nobility stayed back home -- it was strivers looking f ...
@SissyWillis they 'traveled' on over after the row was already hoed.
RT @lizblaine: RT @newsrealblog Glenn Beck, Bill Kristol, & the Unholy Alliance of Radical Islam & the American Left http://tinyurl.com/ ...
RT @ThunderPig: #MaconGov #MaconNC Here is a list of property to be surplussed http://www.maconnc.org/surplus-property.html
RT @GRGphoto: #photo #news "HD-DSLRs have shaken things up," say photographers http://bit.ly/fGkmuJ http://goo.gl/GELk8
RT @GRGphoto: Check out the Photographers Twitter list I've added to Listorious http://bit.ly/ftfDPE
RT @GRGphoto: Terry Richardson's photography lights: boring or cool? http://bit.ly/hbyssr
RT @beachkatie: New Zeal: Communist Party of Australia on the Egyptian Revolution - Socialist, Not Islamic: http://bit.ly/eUBux2 What is ...
RT @EveGem "Rumsfeld Tells #Rush: Radical Islamists Intend 2 ‘Create a Caliphate’ #TheBlaze http://bit.ly/gTuIiH #tcot #teaparty #mil #news
RT @Dr_Rose: RT @whocares4abused: @Dr_Rose @tahDeetz @ericbolling Life as a Child sex slave in the US http://t.co/CBhxbKV
RT @PJTV: Fruitcake Economics--Tiny Increase in Jobs, Dramatic Plunge in Unemployment. Do the Numbers Lie? (PJTV Report) http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @StefaniBuhajla #Catholic High #Schools Outperforming #GovtSchool http://is.gd/Ql8DWi #schoolchoice #tcot #news #nea #p2
RT @DrGreene: Is your carseat expired? Expiration date cause plastic gets too brittle to protect on impact http://su.pr/1rCeSV TY @babies411
RT @hollyshansen: Williamson County Conservative: RRISD Gave Superintendent Illegal Bonus http://is.gd/bd37Vk #news #tcot
RT @KatyinIndy: Is a govt any less despotic simply because it has not yet chosen to send stormtroopers to your door? http://i… (cont) h ...
RT @USMC: "Larger than Spec Ops forces, but lighter and more expeditionary than conventional Army units, we engage and respond quickly." ...
RT @Afterseven: CNN Poll: 68% of GOP Voters Favor Electability Over Conservative Ideology in 2012…http://is.gd/lLThjd *Cough* "Bullshit" ...
RT @TedNugent: LaRue Tactical makes an amazing Ruger10/22 conversion to shoot arrows @450fps!
@Therexreport @adamsbaldwin Arabic, as an option, most are fine with.
RT @lizblaine: @KennethJJonesWe're not idiots. Our gov't is not only criminal, but treasonous if they are intentionally facilitating our ...
RT @USMC: "USMC got 8.5% of budget, but provided 31% of ground operating forces, 12% of fighter/attack aircraft, 19% of attack helicopters."
RT @politicalinsidr: State Rep. Mike Jacobs, R-ATL, introduces bill to ban Sharia law in Georgia. No one likes to be behind Oklahoma. ht ...
MT @politicalinsidr State Rep M Jacobs_R-ATL_intros bill 2 ban #Sharia in #GA http://tinyurl.com/4vlbbz8 #tcot #mil 'bout time #news #GAgop
RT @lowlightphoto: How to guide: Waterfalls « Tim Wrate Photography: What makes photographing waterfalls tricky no matter which app... h ...
RT @vadum: Left wingers Cornel West and Tavis Smiley want Americans to rise up just like Egyptians. http://tinyurl.com/4e92msp #tcot #tl ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gcZJkx 2 US Teens Killed in #Mexico on Border #Texas #news #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot #p2 #borderwars
RT @fluchtling: Eugene Jarecki's HBO "Documentary" of Reagan nothing but typical Libtard BS spin. Pathetic! #twisters #tcot #teaparty
RT @mite72 Broken Promises How #Obamacare Undercuts Existing #HealthCare Insurance #Heritage http://bit.ly/i9nara #hcr #news #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @Afterseven: You Democrats spent us to death; now we must make tough decisions. http://is.gd/tFtdCe
RT @GrassrootTroopr: Watching Don #Rumsfeld, I come 2 ONLY 1 inescapable conclusion: Thank God we had ADULTS running this country after ...
RT @kesgardner: @Jenfidel Until the debate, the polls really were pretty close (3-5 points, I think). After the debate they shifted dec ...
RT @poliquest @LaurieBailey #MuslimBrotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed http://bit.ly/hh60Hd via @addthis #tcot #news #egypt #mil
RT @welshman007: And, while I'm at it, #conservatives are not necessarily in awe of Krauthammer, Kristol, and Barnes, either! dittro. #tcot
RT @VFW91: Alinsky boasted about his close alliance with Frank Nitti, Al Capone's 2nd in command in the Chicago Mob during the 1930s #tc ...
RT @VFW91: Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, & sensitive to the process of action & reaction -A ...
RT @CO2HOG via @BigJournalism Correction Request: #CBS Can’t Keep Stings Straight http://bit.ly/i1Rl47 #tcot #news @cbsnews #p2 #tlot
RT @buberzionist: Newsweek reports on "Muslim Brotherhood network using 'moderate-seeming pols to further its extremist agenda' as far a ...
RT @applespotlight: Rumor: WSJ, Apple starts production of iPad 2 http://j.mp/hf1TAR thx @Joshwig76 (thinner, lighter, faster)
RT @VFW91: 2nd, they will go to any length to conceal their radicalism from the public. That is the Alinsky method, & that is today's De ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Dear @GOPLeader I want to be on record NOW & often: #Conservatives voters DO NOT want #LibMedia or #PressCorps to MODERAT ...
RT @Lakerfanalways: @ThomasSSchmitz These GOP elitist pricks are all the same. No better then the Dems, going on MSNBC to trash Sarah, D ...
Mexican #PoliceChiefs have the life-span of a fruit-fly ~ Steve Harrigan, @foxnews. #tcot #az #tx #nm #mil #dia #foxnation #mexico #p2 #leo
RT @GregWHoward: RT @horizon3 @gregwhoward Hope they kill of DHS too, what a useless waste of time & money | Ve must protect ze vaterland!
@Outhere I think it was the proper application of a metaphorical 2x4 for those that remain ambivalent to the border situation.
RT @DavidLimbaugh: My buddy Mark Levin pointed out 2nite that ths is day 8 ths admin is in contempt of court. Gibbs' fraudulent excuse: ...
RT @N_IdahoElection: “@VFW91: RULE #10. If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive -Saul Alinsky’s R ...
RT @agville: USDA expected to cut corn supply outlook amid ethanol demand: The USDA is scheduled to release monthly supply an... http:// ...
RT @mauricehinchey: The President of the United States of America should not be flying around in a helicopter that is made in China. htt ...
RT @cbellantoni Woof. MT @evanmc_s #InviteGate, or: no 1 at TeaP Xpress can agree on why Hatch was at their event http://is.gd/M2L6ak #tcot
RT @VFW91: Hillary met Alinsky through a radical church group, they remained friends until Alinsky's death in 1972 - #tcot #teaparty
RT @VFW91: The job offer to "Miss Hillary Rodham " was dated Oct. 25, 1968 & signed by Saul D. Alinsky - she turned down the job offer t ...
RT @GregWHoward: Just a reminder, three times today alone, libs have substituted links in tweets to lead to viruses. Beware fake RT's #t ...
RT @GenuineDavid: Bill Kristol’s odd omission http://j.mp/dRGqJc #tcot #news
RT @Snarky_Basterd My AK47 has felt that way all day. RT @KurtSchlichter: My shotgun is getting uppity. muh HK just drank a 5th of schnapps.
RT @KurtSchlichter: Stop allowing your bourgeois "facts" to interfere w/ the conclusion! RT @jstrevino Has @joanwalsh ever read any Isla ...
RT @JoeTheMailman: Texan says he was forced to smuggle machine gun http://bit.ly/g63JnT
RT @IdaFlo @GenuineDavid: Pamela Geller is the latest conservative to slap Bill Kristol http://bit.ly/ij45Od #tcot #gop @foxnews #news
RT @EconomicMayhem: ATTN #Jericho Fans! ~ The story continues February 16! http://bit.ly/ho1b4y #tcot
RT @latimestot: Conan: Pres Obama congratulated the GreenBay coach 4 SuperBowl win. Then he met w/the victims of the BlackEyed Peas half ...
RT @carold501: #China Controls 95% of World's Trade in Rare Minerals: http://wp.me/pKuKY-4QM #news #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @TropicsZ4: Elton John – I'm Still Standing ♫ http://blip.fm/~11ma54
RT @DesertScene: ATF Declaring War on Honest Gun Owners! Read article: http://tinyurl.com/4mvxwey (hat top @JoAnneMoretti ) #tcot #sgp # ...
RT @ericbolling: HEY! Gov Palin back tonight.. She warned us: Federal bailout of the states... and viola' -> #tcot
RT @spongedocks: MS-13 gang member arrested by border agents http://bit.ly/hNP5Qm #news #tcot
RT @Cubachi: RT @trscoop: LIVE NOW --> Tea Party Express Townhall - ALLEN WEST AND MORE! http://bit.ly/fYkGqe #tcot
RT @timeboat Shiznit- Govt Motors 2 Pay #UAW #Union Workers Record-Hi Bonuses…http://bit.ly/e5PD6G #unions #tcot #p2 #foshizzle #news #jobs
RT @SpotTheColumn: "Holy Land Foundationcharity was part of an apparatus set up in the U.S. to support efforts by the Muslim Brotherhood ...
RT @exposeliberals: Obama regime working behind scenes to bring Muslim Brotherhood into Egypt gov http://bit.ly/ifkEwm #tcot #tlot #sgp ...
RT @marklevinshow: The rise of neo-liberalism? http://fb.me/TS4DUuJ5
RT @SissyWillis: Great point MicheleBachmann makes: Forebears weren't nobility -- nobility stayed back home -- it was strivers looking f ...
@SissyWillis they 'traveled' on over after the row was already hoed.
RT @lizblaine: RT @newsrealblog Glenn Beck, Bill Kristol, & the Unholy Alliance of Radical Islam & the American Left http://tinyurl.com/ ...
RT @ThunderPig: #MaconGov #MaconNC Here is a list of property to be surplussed http://www.maconnc.org/surplus-property.html
RT @GRGphoto: #photo #news "HD-DSLRs have shaken things up," say photographers http://bit.ly/fGkmuJ http://goo.gl/GELk8
RT @GRGphoto: Check out the Photographers Twitter list I've added to Listorious http://bit.ly/ftfDPE
RT @GRGphoto: Terry Richardson's photography lights: boring or cool? http://bit.ly/hbyssr
RT @beachkatie: New Zeal: Communist Party of Australia on the Egyptian Revolution - Socialist, Not Islamic: http://bit.ly/eUBux2 What is ...
RT @EveGem "Rumsfeld Tells #Rush: Radical Islamists Intend 2 ‘Create a Caliphate’ #TheBlaze http://bit.ly/gTuIiH #tcot #teaparty #mil #news
RT @Dr_Rose: RT @whocares4abused: @Dr_Rose @tahDeetz @ericbolling Life as a Child sex slave in the US http://t.co/CBhxbKV
RT @PJTV: Fruitcake Economics--Tiny Increase in Jobs, Dramatic Plunge in Unemployment. Do the Numbers Lie? (PJTV Report) http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @StefaniBuhajla #Catholic High #Schools Outperforming #GovtSchool http://is.gd/Ql8DWi #schoolchoice #tcot #news #nea #p2
RT @DrGreene: Is your carseat expired? Expiration date cause plastic gets too brittle to protect on impact http://su.pr/1rCeSV TY @babies411
RT @hollyshansen: Williamson County Conservative: RRISD Gave Superintendent Illegal Bonus http://is.gd/bd37Vk #news #tcot
RT @KatyinIndy: Is a govt any less despotic simply because it has not yet chosen to send stormtroopers to your door? http://i… (cont) h ...
RT @USMC: "Larger than Spec Ops forces, but lighter and more expeditionary than conventional Army units, we engage and respond quickly." ...
RT @Afterseven: CNN Poll: 68% of GOP Voters Favor Electability Over Conservative Ideology in 2012…http://is.gd/lLThjd *Cough* "Bullshit" ...
RT @TedNugent: LaRue Tactical makes an amazing Ruger10/22 conversion to shoot arrows @450fps!
@Therexreport @adamsbaldwin Arabic, as an option, most are fine with.
RT @lizblaine: @KennethJJonesWe're not idiots. Our gov't is not only criminal, but treasonous if they are intentionally facilitating our ...
RT @USMC: "USMC got 8.5% of budget, but provided 31% of ground operating forces, 12% of fighter/attack aircraft, 19% of attack helicopters."
RT @politicalinsidr: State Rep. Mike Jacobs, R-ATL, introduces bill to ban Sharia law in Georgia. No one likes to be behind Oklahoma. ht ...
MT @politicalinsidr State Rep M Jacobs_R-ATL_intros bill 2 ban #Sharia in #GA http://tinyurl.com/4vlbbz8 #tcot #mil 'bout time #news #GAgop
RT @lowlightphoto: How to guide: Waterfalls « Tim Wrate Photography: What makes photographing waterfalls tricky no matter which app... h ...
RT @vadum: Left wingers Cornel West and Tavis Smiley want Americans to rise up just like Egyptians. http://tinyurl.com/4e92msp #tcot #tl ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gcZJkx 2 US Teens Killed in #Mexico on Border #Texas #news #illegals #illegalimmigration #tcot #p2 #borderwars
RT @fluchtling: Eugene Jarecki's HBO "Documentary" of Reagan nothing but typical Libtard BS spin. Pathetic! #twisters #tcot #teaparty
RT @mite72 Broken Promises How #Obamacare Undercuts Existing #HealthCare Insurance #Heritage http://bit.ly/i9nara #hcr #news #tcot #p2 #tlot
RT @Afterseven: You Democrats spent us to death; now we must make tough decisions. http://is.gd/tFtdCe
RT @GrassrootTroopr: Watching Don #Rumsfeld, I come 2 ONLY 1 inescapable conclusion: Thank God we had ADULTS running this country after ...
RT @kesgardner: @Jenfidel Until the debate, the polls really were pretty close (3-5 points, I think). After the debate they shifted dec ...
RT @poliquest @LaurieBailey #MuslimBrotherhood text reveals scope of radical creed http://bit.ly/hh60Hd via @addthis #tcot #news #egypt #mil
RT @welshman007: And, while I'm at it, #conservatives are not necessarily in awe of Krauthammer, Kristol, and Barnes, either! dittro. #tcot
RT @VFW91: Alinsky boasted about his close alliance with Frank Nitti, Al Capone's 2nd in command in the Chicago Mob during the 1930s #tc ...
RT @VFW91: Radicals must be resilient, adaptable to shifting political circumstances, & sensitive to the process of action & reaction -A ...
RT @CO2HOG via @BigJournalism Correction Request: #CBS Can’t Keep Stings Straight http://bit.ly/i1Rl47 #tcot #news @cbsnews #p2 #tlot
RT @buberzionist: Newsweek reports on "Muslim Brotherhood network using 'moderate-seeming pols to further its extremist agenda' as far a ...
RT @applespotlight: Rumor: WSJ, Apple starts production of iPad 2 http://j.mp/hf1TAR thx @Joshwig76 (thinner, lighter, faster)
RT @VFW91: 2nd, they will go to any length to conceal their radicalism from the public. That is the Alinsky method, & that is today's De ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Dear @GOPLeader I want to be on record NOW & often: #Conservatives voters DO NOT want #LibMedia or #PressCorps to MODERAT ...
RT @Lakerfanalways: @ThomasSSchmitz These GOP elitist pricks are all the same. No better then the Dems, going on MSNBC to trash Sarah, D ...
Mexican #PoliceChiefs have the life-span of a fruit-fly ~ Steve Harrigan, @foxnews. #tcot #az #tx #nm #mil #dia #foxnation #mexico #p2 #leo
RT @GregWHoward: RT @horizon3 @gregwhoward Hope they kill of DHS too, what a useless waste of time & money | Ve must protect ze vaterland!
@Outhere I think it was the proper application of a metaphorical 2x4 for those that remain ambivalent to the border situation.
RT @DavidLimbaugh: My buddy Mark Levin pointed out 2nite that ths is day 8 ths admin is in contempt of court. Gibbs' fraudulent excuse: ...
RT @N_IdahoElection: “@VFW91: RULE #10. If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive -Saul Alinsky’s R ...
RT @agville: USDA expected to cut corn supply outlook amid ethanol demand: The USDA is scheduled to release monthly supply an... http:// ...
RT @mauricehinchey: The President of the United States of America should not be flying around in a helicopter that is made in China. htt ...
RT @cbellantoni Woof. MT @evanmc_s #InviteGate, or: no 1 at TeaP Xpress can agree on why Hatch was at their event http://is.gd/M2L6ak #tcot
RT @VFW91: Hillary met Alinsky through a radical church group, they remained friends until Alinsky's death in 1972 - #tcot #teaparty
RT @VFW91: The job offer to "Miss Hillary Rodham " was dated Oct. 25, 1968 & signed by Saul D. Alinsky - she turned down the job offer t ...
RT @GregWHoward: Just a reminder, three times today alone, libs have substituted links in tweets to lead to viruses. Beware fake RT's #t ...
RT @GenuineDavid: Bill Kristol’s odd omission http://j.mp/dRGqJc #tcot #news
RT @Snarky_Basterd My AK47 has felt that way all day. RT @KurtSchlichter: My shotgun is getting uppity. muh HK just drank a 5th of schnapps.
RT @KurtSchlichter: Stop allowing your bourgeois "facts" to interfere w/ the conclusion! RT @jstrevino Has @joanwalsh ever read any Isla ...
RT @JoeTheMailman: Texan says he was forced to smuggle machine gun http://bit.ly/g63JnT
RT @IdaFlo @GenuineDavid: Pamela Geller is the latest conservative to slap Bill Kristol http://bit.ly/ij45Od #tcot #gop @foxnews #news
RT @EconomicMayhem: ATTN #Jericho Fans! ~ The story continues February 16! http://bit.ly/ho1b4y #tcot
RT @latimestot: Conan: Pres Obama congratulated the GreenBay coach 4 SuperBowl win. Then he met w/the victims of the BlackEyed Peas half ...
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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