RT @RedState: GE, NFL Pay Tribute To Ronald Reagan http://bit.ly/h0hOy6 #TCOT #RS any #GE tribute 2 Reagan is self-serving propaganda
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Fidel, Pinochet & Me: The Castro/Pinochet choice, from the point of view of the poor, victimized, and oppressed..." - ...
RT @Afterseven: The #CDC Coverup Now Turns to Bureaucratic Panic http://is.gd/pJ6fqq #tcot #RedState #news #p2
RT @adamsbaldwin Fidel, Pinochet & Me: The Castro/Pinochet choice, from POV of poor,... http://bit.ly/eTswh3 #news #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty
RT @ondrock: RT @iowahawkblog If you confiscated the total wealth of all US billionaires ($1.48 T), it wouldn't fund 20 weeks of fed spe ...
RT @thebighoot: Reagan was Right & his word never will die President Reagan 1981Inaugural Address" http://bit.ly/2BwEg #tcot #teaparty # ...
RT @Afterseven: Christians Protecting Muslims in Egypt During Prayers http://is.gd/9XvOdr I’m sure they’ll show their appreciation with ...
RT @Afterseven: Hey Ron Reagan Jr. How about that cup of #STFU http://is.gd/vFIXQw #tcot #teaparty #gop #rnc
W/this current crop of #p2 #trollObots, its like the apparatchix had a bright idea & wrote an AdLib version of the Communist Manifesto #tcot
RT @BrentTeichman: LOL -> RT @TexSean: This Mexican electricity makes me fart. #Texas #tcot
RT @ondrock: The Foreign Policy of Ronald Reagan: We win, they lose. That's it. #tcot
RT @ondrock: Code Pink Dupes Saved From Egypt Chaos by Evil Oil Company: http://is.gd/qJn707 #p2 #tcot
RT @ondrock: Our position regarding Egypt should be that we stand with our allies, like Israel, and those who stand for peace & freedom. ...
RT @ondrock: RT @beachkatie Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Raising (Tax Exempt) Money to Overthrow Egypt Gov’t: http:/ ...
RT @ondrock: As oil prices climb, 103 drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico keep waiting for Obama's approval. (Heritage) http://herit.a ...
RT @terresamonroe #CNBC Reporter Attacks Hosts for Trying to Spin (Bad) #Jobs Numbers http://tinyurl.com/4j46ob4 #tcot #iamthemob #news #p2
RT @commonpatriot via @TeaPartyExpNews Bangladeshi girl_14_lashed 2 death after rape by 40-year-old cousin http://bit.ly/ehyo7x #tcot #news
RT @GregWHoward: The image of Margaret Sanger that pops into my head most is Satan gobbling her soul like a Scooby Snack. #p2 screams st ...
RT @imsure 4All Those w/a Govt Imposed Frosty Arse. #CoalPlants cancelled in'09 http://tinyurl.com/5rrve8oRT #nm #az #tx #ut #news #tcot #p2
RT @VodkaPundit The #jobs picture is worse than U think_Put away sharp objects b4 clicking http://bit.ly/hhxsge #TLOT #TCOT #HHRS #news #p2
RT @THIZDUDE_THINKZ @gatewaypatriot #Cain outshining Palin in GA is just standard homefield advantage_ #Palin would take #GA from Cain #tcot
@derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ I think Mr. Cain is positioning himself for Veep. He would be an asset for any GOP POTUS candidate
RT @pepper_10: RT @Zener39: RT @7News BREAKING NEWS: Super Bowl official says 5 hurt, 1 critically, by ice falling off Cowboys Stadium.
RT @Afterseven: Krauthammer proceeds to dismiss “Islamism” as merely “an ideology of a small minority,” he loses credibility, revealing ...
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ what issue has Mr. Cain flipped-flopped on?
RT @Afterseven: Yet Another Brutal Israeli Op-Ed Rips Obama’s “Treachery” in Abandoning Mubarak… http://is.gd/zt9Toi #news #jews #tcot #jcot
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ I've never heard Herman praise Obama unduly & I've always thought his losing senate bid hurt his chances
RT @SissyWillis: RT @RachelleFriberg: @SissyWillis Ronald Reagan's Legacy Lives On http://bit.ly/gB7A1y <-- REAGAN BABY'S ALL GROWN UP!
RT @derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ of all potential 2012 #GOP Veep pix_my top 3_in order 1)Allen West 2)John Bolton 3)Herman Cain #tcot #teaparty
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ you'd think McCain had already taken enough abuse at the hands of the communists.
RT @Carolde: Check out "Madison Theatre Company: Angry At Arizona and Tea Party? Come Watch Us Kill Some Conservatives! by Dan Riehl" on P
RT @Jihadihunter: Murder suspect wants to proselytize for Islam by repeatedly invoking Allah's name during his trial http://bit.ly/dNtcZ ...
@suziplasse yup....
RT @derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ Paul Ryan at Treasury, Rudy Giuliani at DHS(if DHS stays) & about Jon Huntsman, I'm kinda agnostic #tcot
RT @prismsinc Infowars: Fury Builds Over Blackouts Caused By De-Industrialization Of #USA http://bit.ly/f63MxP #tcot #ocra #teaparty #news
@suziplasse digit...
RT @IMAO_ @marcambinder Actual press release: "#Obama Administration Celebrates Black History by Winning the Future" #tcot #news #p2 #wtf
@travelinman0818 @marcambinder @tahDeetz @FloridaJayhawk @IMAO_ its as if they put crap like this out on purpose
RT @EternalRiteWing: Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Raising (Tax Exempt) Money to Overthrow Egypt Gov’t http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @America1First: Today's Discussion - Capacity --> http://bit.ly/dIsWNu - Every Sunday @ 9am PST #newtwitter
RT @iotw: “Sarah, Standing Tall” – a poem by L.E. McKee http://goo.gl/fb/Lqrkx
RT @kurtismarsh: @AndrewBreitbart I can only support more lefty protest if it means another rollerblade video #waistup
RT @ambrosinShitrit: Muslims must embrace our British values, David Cameron says - Telegraph http://t.co/hROQsSt via @Telegraph /yes lik ...
RT @MEEchelleO: Me & Barack want you to get on your rugs & pray for our pals stirrin up crap in Egypt.
#cspj #tcot #p21 #p2 #tlot #sgp # ...
RT @GregWHoward: The only people buying this 9% unemployment number are people who don't have an ounce of logic in their skulls #tcot #p ...
RT @m4zdaman: Jon Stewart Dismantles, Maddow, Olbermann, Ed Schultz http://bit.ly/evi5up #p2 #tcot #tpp #topprog #news
RT @VTO2012: WAJ: Death Panels Revisited, How Sarah #Palin Helped Defeat ObamaCare's Deceptive Advertising
http://bit.ly/hW6vwz #politic ...
RT @m4zdaman: RT @SpeakerBoehner
Democrats, liberal special interests team up to protect job-destroying rules & red tape http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @CapeMayMeg #Palin topic of commuters @ #Philly's #Overbrook TrainStation_Has supporters in this Lib city! 1voter at a time|ThxTom! #tcot
RT @thebighoot: Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation" http://bit.ly/hJB6x5 #tcot #p2 #teaparty #HCR http ...
Faith is negated if it's coerced. from #GlennBeck's guest. #tcot #Christian #Islam #p2
RT @TeaPartyExpNews: #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp: Protesting Conservative Ideas: Why Does the Left Fear Free Speech? (Minority Report) htt ...
RT @Alvin691 @tahDeetz Good catch_I was pondering that myself #faithisnegatedifcoerced prescient_profound_pithy #tcot #Christian #Islam #p2
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Dream a 1000 Dreams: Name a crime John Podesta, @mmfa & 'Waist Up' @ericboehlert WON'T cover up in the name of 'pro ...
RT @checktothepower: BREAKING NEWS; Dick Morris will say something that makes sense in June,if he don't see his shadow.
RT @Jihadihunter: Sock Puppets Love To Be Fisted http://yfrog.com/hsko7g #puppets #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter Sock #Puppets Love To Be Fisted http://yfrog.com/hsko7g #tcot so that explains all that "Alone Time" I spent w/ #LambChop
RT @WarrenTheApe: RT @skeetermaneater does anyone watch "warren the ape"? shit is hysterical! man, i love that fucking monkey //... I'm ...
RT @Optimus_Inc This looms really good, guys! There's a very, VERY good chance I'm about 2 win the future! #WTF #ImminemtArrival #tcot
RT @WisdomalaCarte: You can't take something off the Internet - it's like taking pee out of a pool.~Author Unknown
RT @CSteven: RT @JohnBoehner Cutting spending to pre-"stimulus" pre-bailout levels or lower will help end economic uncertainty in Americ ...
RT @JazzShaw: You, my friend, may be the only sane person on Twitter tonight. RT @chuck_dizzle: My tweets are about to get a lot drunker.
RT @welshman007 Are #Newspapers Already Receiving #FedGovt Subsidies? http://is.gd/yF78Or #tcot #teaparty #jcot #ucot #tsot #news
RT @cprater cocktailzzzzzzzzzzz A fewv of us goin' to Blind Willies tonight around 8.30-9 if yer out @Snarky_Basterd @Brannon_14 @suziplasse
RT @JadedByPolitics: Liberal Bouquets for Dead Conservatives - National Review Online http://amplify.com/u/aoil9
RT @GiliaR Video of US #Communists #Socialists #Unions Workng W/ #MuslimBrotherhood Related Orgs http://is.gd/dYCQQB fr@theblaze #tcot #news
RT @TropicsZ4: Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me ♫ http://blip.fm/~11h8il
@cprater hoodies, footies & cocktails... a toasty time had by all. @tahDeetz @Snarky_Basterd @Brannon_14 @suziplasse
RT @Candice_Jo @IMAO_ "It's your kids, Marty; something has got to be done about your kids. They're not winning the future." #tcot #p2 #news
RT @FloridaJayhawk: If you see the GOP attempt to cut anything less than $500 Billion you will know the RINOS still run the party. #GOP ...
RT @akvet: Yep Twitter acronyms get more like D0D speak every day :)
RT @brooksbayne: obama as a submarine commander: "sure, we're taking on water, but we need to take on more to get out of this mess." #tcot
RT @CSteven: The Federal Govt did NOT create the States, the States created the Federal Govt- Ronald #Reagan #tcot #tpp #teaparty #ocra ...
FYI ... #Iran is waaay more tyrannical & dangerous than #Egypt ever was_yet #Obama ignored Iran ~Hmmm #tcot #jan25 #p2 #news #tlot #mil #sot
RT @JoAnneMoretti: Remember folks. You can vote yourselves into slavery, but you can't vote yourselves out of it.
RT @SissyWillis: #Republicans fret over #Reagan mythmaking http://is.gd/K19bmi ~ @politico <-- DON'T YOU WISH, LOSER. #news #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: Sulieman blamed foreigners and political opponents within the Muslim Brotherhood for 10 days of turmoil http://bit.ly/g ...
RT @RepKinzinger: The national unemployment rate remains 2 percentage points higher than promised under passage of the stimulus http://o ...
RT @IsraelLA: RT @verafortune #Netanyahu Israel is a democracy & supports the advance of liberal & democratic values in the Middle East ...
RT @iowahawkblog: $3.7 trillion: enough to give every man, woman and child in Los Angeles a ton of $1 bills. #tcot #p2
RT @dncfail ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on #Egypt's VP–2 Bodyguards Dead http://bit.ly/gsQvEl #tcot #tlot thats gonna help Barry's polling_NOT #p2
RT @ArizonaNewsnet: Fox11: Arpaio warns deputies to use caution when eating at McDonald's http://ow.ly/1bbAWB #az #news #leo #tcot #usbp
RT @kesgardner: Oil prices are rising. The Obama Administration is sitting on over 100 offshore drilling plans. Are these connected? I t ...
RT @writewing #SC bill would nullify Islamic law in state courts http://is.gd/TPS23n #tcot #news #sharia #sctweets #teaparty #scpolitics
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gzUgmj #Obama's Blocking of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts? #tcot #az #nm #ut #tx #news #epa
RT @Boulides22: So our choices in Egypt are a dictator or cadre of extremists. Who was that crazy cowboy guy with a real method to achie ...
RT @Boulides22: The optimism and prosperity of Reagan conservatism will never be forgotten. We once had a President who loved America. #TCOT
RT @anthropocon: @NathanWurtzel Help help, I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!
RT @Amuk3: RT @NathanWurtzel: Maybe Egypt should become an anarchosyndicalist commune. That would remove high-stakes "who will replace M ...
RT @SongofSongs1_2: RT @bapartofmylife RT @marysceptic They killl Christians & Jews in their countries why r we so stupid 2 bend 2 their ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: Lol!! RT @elemonader Hotair: Dem Senator Issues “Call to Arms” in Fight Against GOP Budget Cuts http://bit.ly/e14Pja
RT @BRADYCOMPANY: Stray Pit Bull Saves Woman, Child From Attacker | Good Doggy! http://t.co/gSGKTpk
RT @AlinskyDefeater: "Government's first duty is to protect the people,not run their lives."~Ronald Reagan #ocra #tcot
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @AlinskyDefeater: How many socialists does it take to ruin a country? Apparently just one if you elect him President ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @AlinskyDefeater: Michelle jumps the shark on 2012 Democratic National Convention http://bit.ly/eJVbHx #ocra #tcot
RT @AlinskyDefeater: So many failures so little time Obama http://bit.ly/fafP7T #ocra #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: MT @irritatedwoman: When are people going to realize #MuslimBrotherhood-->tell people what they want to hear? <-- ...
Winter time #NaturalGas outages are basically the #EPA's version of a #DeathPanel. #tcot #tx #ut #az #mn #p2 #teaparty #tsot
RT @Kim_AE Would be Mosque Bomber Demands Dirty #Shiite Lawyer be Fired http://tinyurl.com/4u4hcar US Islamic #Sectarianism. #news #tcot #p2
RT @Afterseven: 2012 Senate will be GOP - Intrade betting at 70% all time high! http://is.gd/gNkQKR Dems sealed their fate w/HCR vote #t ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Fidel, Pinochet & Me: The Castro/Pinochet choice, from the point of view of the poor, victimized, and oppressed..." - ...
RT @Afterseven: The #CDC Coverup Now Turns to Bureaucratic Panic http://is.gd/pJ6fqq #tcot #RedState #news #p2
RT @adamsbaldwin Fidel, Pinochet & Me: The Castro/Pinochet choice, from POV of poor,... http://bit.ly/eTswh3 #news #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty
RT @ondrock: RT @iowahawkblog If you confiscated the total wealth of all US billionaires ($1.48 T), it wouldn't fund 20 weeks of fed spe ...
RT @thebighoot: Reagan was Right & his word never will die President Reagan 1981Inaugural Address" http://bit.ly/2BwEg #tcot #teaparty # ...
RT @Afterseven: Christians Protecting Muslims in Egypt During Prayers http://is.gd/9XvOdr I’m sure they’ll show their appreciation with ...
RT @Afterseven: Hey Ron Reagan Jr. How about that cup of #STFU http://is.gd/vFIXQw #tcot #teaparty #gop #rnc
W/this current crop of #p2 #trollObots, its like the apparatchix had a bright idea & wrote an AdLib version of the Communist Manifesto #tcot
RT @BrentTeichman: LOL -> RT @TexSean: This Mexican electricity makes me fart. #Texas #tcot
RT @ondrock: The Foreign Policy of Ronald Reagan: We win, they lose. That's it. #tcot
RT @ondrock: Code Pink Dupes Saved From Egypt Chaos by Evil Oil Company: http://is.gd/qJn707 #p2 #tcot
RT @ondrock: Our position regarding Egypt should be that we stand with our allies, like Israel, and those who stand for peace & freedom. ...
RT @ondrock: RT @beachkatie Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Raising (Tax Exempt) Money to Overthrow Egypt Gov’t: http:/ ...
RT @ondrock: As oil prices climb, 103 drilling plans for the Gulf of Mexico keep waiting for Obama's approval. (Heritage) http://herit.a ...
RT @terresamonroe #CNBC Reporter Attacks Hosts for Trying to Spin (Bad) #Jobs Numbers http://tinyurl.com/4j46ob4 #tcot #iamthemob #news #p2
RT @commonpatriot via @TeaPartyExpNews Bangladeshi girl_14_lashed 2 death after rape by 40-year-old cousin http://bit.ly/ehyo7x #tcot #news
RT @GregWHoward: The image of Margaret Sanger that pops into my head most is Satan gobbling her soul like a Scooby Snack. #p2 screams st ...
RT @imsure 4All Those w/a Govt Imposed Frosty Arse. #CoalPlants cancelled in'09 http://tinyurl.com/5rrve8oRT #nm #az #tx #ut #news #tcot #p2
RT @VodkaPundit The #jobs picture is worse than U think_Put away sharp objects b4 clicking http://bit.ly/hhxsge #TLOT #TCOT #HHRS #news #p2
RT @THIZDUDE_THINKZ @gatewaypatriot #Cain outshining Palin in GA is just standard homefield advantage_ #Palin would take #GA from Cain #tcot
@derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ I think Mr. Cain is positioning himself for Veep. He would be an asset for any GOP POTUS candidate
RT @pepper_10: RT @Zener39: RT @7News BREAKING NEWS: Super Bowl official says 5 hurt, 1 critically, by ice falling off Cowboys Stadium.
RT @Afterseven: Krauthammer proceeds to dismiss “Islamism” as merely “an ideology of a small minority,” he loses credibility, revealing ...
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ what issue has Mr. Cain flipped-flopped on?
RT @Afterseven: Yet Another Brutal Israeli Op-Ed Rips Obama’s “Treachery” in Abandoning Mubarak… http://is.gd/zt9Toi #news #jews #tcot #jcot
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ I've never heard Herman praise Obama unduly & I've always thought his losing senate bid hurt his chances
RT @SissyWillis: RT @RachelleFriberg: @SissyWillis Ronald Reagan's Legacy Lives On http://bit.ly/gB7A1y <-- REAGAN BABY'S ALL GROWN UP!
RT @derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ of all potential 2012 #GOP Veep pix_my top 3_in order 1)Allen West 2)John Bolton 3)Herman Cain #tcot #teaparty
@THIZDUDE_THINKZ you'd think McCain had already taken enough abuse at the hands of the communists.
RT @Carolde: Check out "Madison Theatre Company: Angry At Arizona and Tea Party? Come Watch Us Kill Some Conservatives! by Dan Riehl" on P
RT @Jihadihunter: Murder suspect wants to proselytize for Islam by repeatedly invoking Allah's name during his trial http://bit.ly/dNtcZ ...
@suziplasse yup....
RT @derised1 @THIZDUDE_THINKZ Paul Ryan at Treasury, Rudy Giuliani at DHS(if DHS stays) & about Jon Huntsman, I'm kinda agnostic #tcot
RT @prismsinc Infowars: Fury Builds Over Blackouts Caused By De-Industrialization Of #USA http://bit.ly/f63MxP #tcot #ocra #teaparty #news
@suziplasse digit...
RT @IMAO_ @marcambinder Actual press release: "#Obama Administration Celebrates Black History by Winning the Future" #tcot #news #p2 #wtf
@travelinman0818 @marcambinder @tahDeetz @FloridaJayhawk @IMAO_ its as if they put crap like this out on purpose
RT @EternalRiteWing: Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood Ally Raising (Tax Exempt) Money to Overthrow Egypt Gov’t http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @America1First: Today's Discussion - Capacity --> http://bit.ly/dIsWNu - Every Sunday @ 9am PST #newtwitter
RT @iotw: “Sarah, Standing Tall” – a poem by L.E. McKee http://goo.gl/fb/Lqrkx
RT @kurtismarsh: @AndrewBreitbart I can only support more lefty protest if it means another rollerblade video #waistup
RT @ambrosinShitrit: Muslims must embrace our British values, David Cameron says - Telegraph http://t.co/hROQsSt via @Telegraph /yes lik ...
RT @MEEchelleO: Me & Barack want you to get on your rugs & pray for our pals stirrin up crap in Egypt.
#cspj #tcot #p21 #p2 #tlot #sgp # ...
RT @GregWHoward: The only people buying this 9% unemployment number are people who don't have an ounce of logic in their skulls #tcot #p ...
RT @m4zdaman: Jon Stewart Dismantles, Maddow, Olbermann, Ed Schultz http://bit.ly/evi5up #p2 #tcot #tpp #topprog #news
RT @VTO2012: WAJ: Death Panels Revisited, How Sarah #Palin Helped Defeat ObamaCare's Deceptive Advertising
http://bit.ly/hW6vwz #politic ...
RT @m4zdaman: RT @SpeakerBoehner
Democrats, liberal special interests team up to protect job-destroying rules & red tape http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @CapeMayMeg #Palin topic of commuters @ #Philly's #Overbrook TrainStation_Has supporters in this Lib city! 1voter at a time|ThxTom! #tcot
RT @thebighoot: Audio found Obama didnt like it when Bush Rushed Through Legislation" http://bit.ly/hJB6x5 #tcot #p2 #teaparty #HCR http ...
Faith is negated if it's coerced. from #GlennBeck's guest. #tcot #Christian #Islam #p2
RT @TeaPartyExpNews: #tcot #teaparty #sgp #tpp: Protesting Conservative Ideas: Why Does the Left Fear Free Speech? (Minority Report) htt ...
RT @Alvin691 @tahDeetz Good catch_I was pondering that myself #faithisnegatedifcoerced prescient_profound_pithy #tcot #Christian #Islam #p2
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Dream a 1000 Dreams: Name a crime John Podesta, @mmfa & 'Waist Up' @ericboehlert WON'T cover up in the name of 'pro ...
RT @checktothepower: BREAKING NEWS; Dick Morris will say something that makes sense in June,if he don't see his shadow.
RT @Jihadihunter: Sock Puppets Love To Be Fisted http://yfrog.com/hsko7g #puppets #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter Sock #Puppets Love To Be Fisted http://yfrog.com/hsko7g #tcot so that explains all that "Alone Time" I spent w/ #LambChop
RT @WarrenTheApe: RT @skeetermaneater does anyone watch "warren the ape"? shit is hysterical! man, i love that fucking monkey //... I'm ...
RT @Optimus_Inc This looms really good, guys! There's a very, VERY good chance I'm about 2 win the future! #WTF #ImminemtArrival #tcot
RT @WisdomalaCarte: You can't take something off the Internet - it's like taking pee out of a pool.~Author Unknown
RT @CSteven: RT @JohnBoehner Cutting spending to pre-"stimulus" pre-bailout levels or lower will help end economic uncertainty in Americ ...
RT @JazzShaw: You, my friend, may be the only sane person on Twitter tonight. RT @chuck_dizzle: My tweets are about to get a lot drunker.
RT @welshman007 Are #Newspapers Already Receiving #FedGovt Subsidies? http://is.gd/yF78Or #tcot #teaparty #jcot #ucot #tsot #news
RT @cprater cocktailzzzzzzzzzzz A fewv of us goin' to Blind Willies tonight around 8.30-9 if yer out @Snarky_Basterd @Brannon_14 @suziplasse
RT @JadedByPolitics: Liberal Bouquets for Dead Conservatives - National Review Online http://amplify.com/u/aoil9
RT @GiliaR Video of US #Communists #Socialists #Unions Workng W/ #MuslimBrotherhood Related Orgs http://is.gd/dYCQQB fr@theblaze #tcot #news
RT @TropicsZ4: Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me ♫ http://blip.fm/~11h8il
@cprater hoodies, footies & cocktails... a toasty time had by all. @tahDeetz @Snarky_Basterd @Brannon_14 @suziplasse
RT @Candice_Jo @IMAO_ "It's your kids, Marty; something has got to be done about your kids. They're not winning the future." #tcot #p2 #news
RT @FloridaJayhawk: If you see the GOP attempt to cut anything less than $500 Billion you will know the RINOS still run the party. #GOP ...
RT @akvet: Yep Twitter acronyms get more like D0D speak every day :)
RT @brooksbayne: obama as a submarine commander: "sure, we're taking on water, but we need to take on more to get out of this mess." #tcot
RT @CSteven: The Federal Govt did NOT create the States, the States created the Federal Govt- Ronald #Reagan #tcot #tpp #teaparty #ocra ...
FYI ... #Iran is waaay more tyrannical & dangerous than #Egypt ever was_yet #Obama ignored Iran ~Hmmm #tcot #jan25 #p2 #news #tlot #mil #sot
RT @JoAnneMoretti: Remember folks. You can vote yourselves into slavery, but you can't vote yourselves out of it.
RT @SissyWillis: #Republicans fret over #Reagan mythmaking http://is.gd/K19bmi ~ @politico <-- DON'T YOU WISH, LOSER. #news #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: Sulieman blamed foreigners and political opponents within the Muslim Brotherhood for 10 days of turmoil http://bit.ly/g ...
RT @RepKinzinger: The national unemployment rate remains 2 percentage points higher than promised under passage of the stimulus http://o ...
RT @IsraelLA: RT @verafortune #Netanyahu Israel is a democracy & supports the advance of liberal & democratic values in the Middle East ...
RT @iowahawkblog: $3.7 trillion: enough to give every man, woman and child in Los Angeles a ton of $1 bills. #tcot #p2
RT @dncfail ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT on #Egypt's VP–2 Bodyguards Dead http://bit.ly/gsQvEl #tcot #tlot thats gonna help Barry's polling_NOT #p2
RT @ArizonaNewsnet: Fox11: Arpaio warns deputies to use caution when eating at McDonald's http://ow.ly/1bbAWB #az #news #leo #tcot #usbp
RT @kesgardner: Oil prices are rising. The Obama Administration is sitting on over 100 offshore drilling plans. Are these connected? I t ...
RT @writewing #SC bill would nullify Islamic law in state courts http://is.gd/TPS23n #tcot #news #sharia #sctweets #teaparty #scpolitics
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gzUgmj #Obama's Blocking of New Power Plants Triggers Nationwide Blackouts? #tcot #az #nm #ut #tx #news #epa
RT @Boulides22: So our choices in Egypt are a dictator or cadre of extremists. Who was that crazy cowboy guy with a real method to achie ...
RT @Boulides22: The optimism and prosperity of Reagan conservatism will never be forgotten. We once had a President who loved America. #TCOT
RT @anthropocon: @NathanWurtzel Help help, I'm being repressed! Come see the violence inherent in the system!
RT @Amuk3: RT @NathanWurtzel: Maybe Egypt should become an anarchosyndicalist commune. That would remove high-stakes "who will replace M ...
RT @SongofSongs1_2: RT @bapartofmylife RT @marysceptic They killl Christians & Jews in their countries why r we so stupid 2 bend 2 their ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: Lol!! RT @elemonader Hotair: Dem Senator Issues “Call to Arms” in Fight Against GOP Budget Cuts http://bit.ly/e14Pja
RT @BRADYCOMPANY: Stray Pit Bull Saves Woman, Child From Attacker | Good Doggy! http://t.co/gSGKTpk
RT @AlinskyDefeater: "Government's first duty is to protect the people,not run their lives."~Ronald Reagan #ocra #tcot
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @AlinskyDefeater: How many socialists does it take to ruin a country? Apparently just one if you elect him President ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @AlinskyDefeater: Michelle jumps the shark on 2012 Democratic National Convention http://bit.ly/eJVbHx #ocra #tcot
RT @AlinskyDefeater: So many failures so little time Obama http://bit.ly/fafP7T #ocra #tcot
RT @SissyWillis: MT @irritatedwoman: When are people going to realize #MuslimBrotherhood-->tell people what they want to hear? <-- ...
Winter time #NaturalGas outages are basically the #EPA's version of a #DeathPanel. #tcot #tx #ut #az #mn #p2 #teaparty #tsot
RT @Kim_AE Would be Mosque Bomber Demands Dirty #Shiite Lawyer be Fired http://tinyurl.com/4u4hcar US Islamic #Sectarianism. #news #tcot #p2
RT @Afterseven: 2012 Senate will be GOP - Intrade betting at 70% all time high! http://is.gd/gNkQKR Dems sealed their fate w/HCR vote #t ...
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