RT @kesgardner: One potentially good result of Middle East unrest is that it may be starting again in Iran. Will we support the protesto ...
RT @baysidebetty: RT @FreedomsPhoenix: "Egypt Army Delivers Ultimatum to Tahrir Protesters" Read more--> http://ht.ly/3WaCY #Ca… (co ...
RT @AnnaTarkov & yes, like many misdirected youths, I was once a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan. But never for Billy. The Pumpkins def rawked.
RT @fluchtling Liberals always hide behind "#Infrastructure, #Education, & #Jobs Creation" 4 their failed massive spending #tcot #budget #p2
RT @peakwriter: #Wisconsin Takes On Big Labor http://bit.ly/h1jRvu - RT@NetRightDaily #unions #news #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals would be throwing an absolute fit if Bush cut a program to help the poor. Obama does it..ahh no biggie. #t ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gURHqD State after State going after the Natural Born Citizen Clause #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @runedart: of course they did. RT @Blueberrier0341: Obama admin urges cable companies to carry Al-Jazeera http://bit.ly/f… (cont) htt ...
RT @mitchpberg What U Read~White Supremacists @ #CPAC11 ~What U missed~ #Conservatives chased them off http://bit.ly/h7eIop #tcot #news #p2
RT @Rxrthepoet: @Foxnews showing info on Weapon of Mass destruction found (From SanDiego Tape). COMING UP
KOOL!! #OrangeCo DA going after #UCIRVINE asshole muslims for shouting down #Israel's ambassador. #tcot #p2 #ca #news
RT @BoxAndSend: RT @mikepfs: The Blaze - ‘Death to Dictators’: Iranian Protesters Defy Gov’t as Security Fires Tear Gas... http://ff.im/ ...
RT @TheaGood: CIA successfully inherited KGB's psychoactive drugs technology http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/26-11-2010/115946-c ...
RT @zpetersen Id pay 2C Lemmy destroy them @iowahawkblog Id pay 2C Arcade Fire... open 4 #Motorhead. LEMMY IS THE WOE-BRINGER 4 CRAPPY ACTS!
It sounds like #GwynethPaltrow cast off her #CountryStrong husk last night. #grammys #tcot
RT @andilinks: Why do I worry there w/be no fairness, no legality, no constitutionality in the 2012 struggle to power? #tcot #teaparty # ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: John Podesta's @ThinkProgress 'selectively' edits out @thebradblog's work ties to convicted domestic terrorist! htt ...
If U dont think the #democrats will pull out every #VoteFraud trick in the book for #2012, then you're an idiot. #tcot #teaparty #cpac11
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Apple Releases Latest Developer Build of Mac OS X 10.6.7 http://sns.ly/mYb2y1
RT @BreakingNews UTube vid: Protesters reportedly make barricades in Tehran as they chant~Death 2 Khamenei #Iran http://bit.ly/fxV0vZ #tcot
RT @ROCKWITHBECK: @USAHipster - I don't understand 'BLACK AMERICA'. They support 'OBAMA' and a 'SOCIALIST PARTY' that keeps them in 'BON ...
If you advocate a strict no-war policy, then don't bitch when #TSA feels up your daughter. #tcot #teaparty
RT @Forums4Justice: New Mexico Gov. Martinez continues immigration reform push, revoking licenses for undocumented immigrants #teaparty ...
RT @imsure: 7 charged in #NY with conspiring to aid Taliban http://j.mp/gUDC6A #news #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @Drudge_Report: $44 billion for #DHS to purchase 275 full-body imaging machines... http://is.gd/C2rLyk #tsa #news #tcot
RT @FAIRImmigration: Illegal Alien Supporter Wants Mormon Visas Revoked in Mexico - because LDS won't support amnesty http://ow.ly/3W8wW ...
The biggest asses in DC today?!? #Obama's Deficit Commission. Have a great day #AlanSimspon. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tweetcongress
If a redneck joins he #IDF, does he become an honorary #Jew?!? I like the yarmulke. #jcot #tcot
I predict that @AllenWest's speech was deigned 2 ideologically hoe the row 4 @SarahPalinUSA 2 keynote #CPAC12. #tcot #cpac11 #teaparty #tsot
#MODO got pWNd at #CPAC11. Luv it. #tcot #tbrs @heytammybruce
Had to turn off #Rush for @HeyTammyBruce. #tbrs #tcot
Get your new clothes now, if you can afford them. #tcot #teaparty
@AllenWest: Change We Believe In!! #tcot #cpac11
RT @JIDF MYTH: Before the Re-Establishment of #Israel, #Jews & #Muslims Lived in Peace http://is.gd/eu2mF #tcot #jcot #news #mil #idf #p2
RT @BadMayo ANOTHER #OBAMA RECORD… US Debt Equals Size of US #Economy http://bit.ly/eXbll3 #tcot #jobs #news #p2
If #tcot & #teaparty wanna win in 2012, make the left defend their sacred cows NOW!!! Give 'em a taste of that ol' #ClowardPiven religion
To the #CPAC11 peeps that chased-off the white-nationalist from #CPAC, EXCELLENT FRIKKIN JOB, SOLDIERS!!! #tcot #teaparty #tlot #sgp
RT @ondrock: Sen. Sessions: Obama 'has not told us the truth' in budget http://bit.ly/fNjtzD #tcot #news #p2
RT @Jihadihunter: Obama Budget To Raise Airline Costs http://yhoo.it/f23pnd The Little People Don't Need To Travel #tcot #gop #teaparty ...
RT @DanRiehl: DeMint: ‘Our nation won’t win the future by repeating the mistakes of the past’ http://bit.ly/g097am #news #tcot #p2
Please follow @AllenWest. #tcot #teaparty
#TeaParty types should be leadership roles at #CPAC12. #tpp #tcot #cpac #cpac11 #tpe #sgp
RT @BreakingNewz: Canada Free Press- Conservative Crossroads: Return to Reagan Coalition Roots or Lose in 2012: To all outwa... http://t ...
RT @akasha2458: @tahDeetz @peakwriter @NetRightDaily the correct nomeclattura is #GovtUnions. Carry on.
@_ccm its called_living by principle_something the Left has no clue about_IOW_self-sacrifice. @faith4liberty
@_ccm #PalinWest12 ~ Bring. It. On. #tcot
RT @_ccm & that's just the beginning. But, I'd love if he ran. As much as if Palin runs. Both losers. ~I guess u missed the 2010 elections
RT @TexClassicalLib: How's that glorious revolution in #Egypt going? Everybody still happy? #tcot #jan25
RT @TomCoburn: Gov't Sitting on $703 Billion in 'Unobligated' Money: http://bit.ly/fzJckY #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@HeyTammyBruce says #Obama is sodomizing the USA with his budget. OMFG!!! Right On Tam!!! #tbrs #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @InGodsimagem3: To date, at least 274 corporations have ceased funding Planned Parenthood!, http://www.fightpp.org, Order the Boyco ...
RT @keder: Ovr the next few days, the liberal media will ask GOP members what 2 cut from Obama's budget, then tell us about all the pain ...
RT @Blueberrier0341 #Kentucky Senate Votes 2 End Guaranteed Pensions http://is.gd/lMRCkT #KY #news #teaparty #tcot #tlot #sgp #unions #p2
RT @PERSIA_MAX_NEWS: Al Jazeera, Please Cover Iran as you did in Egypt http://bit.ly/grSHIS /@cbn2 @globalvoices #Egypt #IranElection [+ ...
I'll be lookin' forward to the #MSM #NEWS reports from the streets of #Iran. #tcot #egypt #jan25 #p2 #mil #tlot #teaparty
RT @Tedinatl: The #Atlanta Journal-Constitution is trying to become the world's biggest #RealHousewives blog. #AJC #NotNews #News #tcot
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot #Arizona: Numerous #NRA -Backed Bills on the Move in the Legislature http://bit.ly/eNDBiY #teaparty #guns #news
RT @physorg_com New lignin~lite~switchgrass boosts #biofuel yield by more than1/3 http://is.gd/fP9nZP a SwitchGrass fire is teh suck #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: Dumb Ass Kucinich On #Cavuto Talking About "Investing" To Grow #Jobs Kucinich Is A Sock Puppet For Obama. Sock Puppets ...
RT @welshman007 @Gabby_Hoffman agreed--most Americans don't have an inkling as to what the Left is up to--very dangerous in EVERY way! #tcot
RT @baysidebetty: RT @FreedomsPhoenix: "Egypt Army Delivers Ultimatum to Tahrir Protesters" Read more--> http://ht.ly/3WaCY #Ca… (co ...
RT @AnnaTarkov & yes, like many misdirected youths, I was once a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan. But never for Billy. The Pumpkins def rawked.
RT @fluchtling Liberals always hide behind "#Infrastructure, #Education, & #Jobs Creation" 4 their failed massive spending #tcot #budget #p2
RT @peakwriter: #Wisconsin Takes On Big Labor http://bit.ly/h1jRvu - RT@NetRightDaily #unions #news #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals would be throwing an absolute fit if Bush cut a program to help the poor. Obama does it..ahh no biggie. #t ...
RT @Snooper1: http://bit.ly/gURHqD State after State going after the Natural Born Citizen Clause #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @runedart: of course they did. RT @Blueberrier0341: Obama admin urges cable companies to carry Al-Jazeera http://bit.ly/f… (cont) htt ...
RT @mitchpberg What U Read~White Supremacists @ #CPAC11 ~What U missed~ #Conservatives chased them off http://bit.ly/h7eIop #tcot #news #p2
RT @Rxrthepoet: @Foxnews showing info on Weapon of Mass destruction found (From SanDiego Tape). COMING UP
KOOL!! #OrangeCo DA going after #UCIRVINE asshole muslims for shouting down #Israel's ambassador. #tcot #p2 #ca #news
RT @BoxAndSend: RT @mikepfs: The Blaze - ‘Death to Dictators’: Iranian Protesters Defy Gov’t as Security Fires Tear Gas... http://ff.im/ ...
RT @TheaGood: CIA successfully inherited KGB's psychoactive drugs technology http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/26-11-2010/115946-c ...
RT @zpetersen Id pay 2C Lemmy destroy them @iowahawkblog Id pay 2C Arcade Fire... open 4 #Motorhead. LEMMY IS THE WOE-BRINGER 4 CRAPPY ACTS!
It sounds like #GwynethPaltrow cast off her #CountryStrong husk last night. #grammys #tcot
RT @andilinks: Why do I worry there w/be no fairness, no legality, no constitutionality in the 2012 struggle to power? #tcot #teaparty # ...
RT @AndrewBreitbart: John Podesta's @ThinkProgress 'selectively' edits out @thebradblog's work ties to convicted domestic terrorist! htt ...
If U dont think the #democrats will pull out every #VoteFraud trick in the book for #2012, then you're an idiot. #tcot #teaparty #cpac11
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Apple Releases Latest Developer Build of Mac OS X 10.6.7 http://sns.ly/mYb2y1
RT @BreakingNews UTube vid: Protesters reportedly make barricades in Tehran as they chant~Death 2 Khamenei #Iran http://bit.ly/fxV0vZ #tcot
RT @ROCKWITHBECK: @USAHipster - I don't understand 'BLACK AMERICA'. They support 'OBAMA' and a 'SOCIALIST PARTY' that keeps them in 'BON ...
If you advocate a strict no-war policy, then don't bitch when #TSA feels up your daughter. #tcot #teaparty
RT @Forums4Justice: New Mexico Gov. Martinez continues immigration reform push, revoking licenses for undocumented immigrants #teaparty ...
RT @imsure: 7 charged in #NY with conspiring to aid Taliban http://j.mp/gUDC6A #news #tcot #p2 #mil
RT @Drudge_Report: $44 billion for #DHS to purchase 275 full-body imaging machines... http://is.gd/C2rLyk #tsa #news #tcot
RT @FAIRImmigration: Illegal Alien Supporter Wants Mormon Visas Revoked in Mexico - because LDS won't support amnesty http://ow.ly/3W8wW ...
The biggest asses in DC today?!? #Obama's Deficit Commission. Have a great day #AlanSimspon. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #tweetcongress
If a redneck joins he #IDF, does he become an honorary #Jew?!? I like the yarmulke. #jcot #tcot
I predict that @AllenWest's speech was deigned 2 ideologically hoe the row 4 @SarahPalinUSA 2 keynote #CPAC12. #tcot #cpac11 #teaparty #tsot
#MODO got pWNd at #CPAC11. Luv it. #tcot #tbrs @heytammybruce
Had to turn off #Rush for @HeyTammyBruce. #tbrs #tcot
Get your new clothes now, if you can afford them. #tcot #teaparty
@AllenWest: Change We Believe In!! #tcot #cpac11
RT @JIDF MYTH: Before the Re-Establishment of #Israel, #Jews & #Muslims Lived in Peace http://is.gd/eu2mF #tcot #jcot #news #mil #idf #p2
RT @BadMayo ANOTHER #OBAMA RECORD… US Debt Equals Size of US #Economy http://bit.ly/eXbll3 #tcot #jobs #news #p2
If #tcot & #teaparty wanna win in 2012, make the left defend their sacred cows NOW!!! Give 'em a taste of that ol' #ClowardPiven religion
To the #CPAC11 peeps that chased-off the white-nationalist from #CPAC, EXCELLENT FRIKKIN JOB, SOLDIERS!!! #tcot #teaparty #tlot #sgp
RT @ondrock: Sen. Sessions: Obama 'has not told us the truth' in budget http://bit.ly/fNjtzD #tcot #news #p2
RT @Jihadihunter: Obama Budget To Raise Airline Costs http://yhoo.it/f23pnd The Little People Don't Need To Travel #tcot #gop #teaparty ...
RT @DanRiehl: DeMint: ‘Our nation won’t win the future by repeating the mistakes of the past’ http://bit.ly/g097am #news #tcot #p2
Please follow @AllenWest. #tcot #teaparty
#TeaParty types should be leadership roles at #CPAC12. #tpp #tcot #cpac #cpac11 #tpe #sgp
RT @BreakingNewz: Canada Free Press- Conservative Crossroads: Return to Reagan Coalition Roots or Lose in 2012: To all outwa... http://t ...
RT @akasha2458: @tahDeetz @peakwriter @NetRightDaily the correct nomeclattura is #GovtUnions. Carry on.
@_ccm its called_living by principle_something the Left has no clue about_IOW_self-sacrifice. @faith4liberty
@_ccm #PalinWest12 ~ Bring. It. On. #tcot
RT @_ccm & that's just the beginning. But, I'd love if he ran. As much as if Palin runs. Both losers. ~I guess u missed the 2010 elections
RT @TexClassicalLib: How's that glorious revolution in #Egypt going? Everybody still happy? #tcot #jan25
RT @TomCoburn: Gov't Sitting on $703 Billion in 'Unobligated' Money: http://bit.ly/fzJckY #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
@HeyTammyBruce says #Obama is sodomizing the USA with his budget. OMFG!!! Right On Tam!!! #tbrs #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @InGodsimagem3: To date, at least 274 corporations have ceased funding Planned Parenthood!, http://www.fightpp.org, Order the Boyco ...
RT @keder: Ovr the next few days, the liberal media will ask GOP members what 2 cut from Obama's budget, then tell us about all the pain ...
RT @Blueberrier0341 #Kentucky Senate Votes 2 End Guaranteed Pensions http://is.gd/lMRCkT #KY #news #teaparty #tcot #tlot #sgp #unions #p2
RT @PERSIA_MAX_NEWS: Al Jazeera, Please Cover Iran as you did in Egypt http://bit.ly/grSHIS /@cbn2 @globalvoices #Egypt #IranElection [+ ...
I'll be lookin' forward to the #MSM #NEWS reports from the streets of #Iran. #tcot #egypt #jan25 #p2 #mil #tlot #teaparty
RT @Tedinatl: The #Atlanta Journal-Constitution is trying to become the world's biggest #RealHousewives blog. #AJC #NotNews #News #tcot
RT @Mr_Lexington: #tcot #Arizona: Numerous #NRA -Backed Bills on the Move in the Legislature http://bit.ly/eNDBiY #teaparty #guns #news
RT @physorg_com New lignin~lite~switchgrass boosts #biofuel yield by more than1/3 http://is.gd/fP9nZP a SwitchGrass fire is teh suck #tcot
RT @Jihadihunter: Dumb Ass Kucinich On #Cavuto Talking About "Investing" To Grow #Jobs Kucinich Is A Sock Puppet For Obama. Sock Puppets ...
RT @welshman007 @Gabby_Hoffman agreed--most Americans don't have an inkling as to what the Left is up to--very dangerous in EVERY way! #tcot
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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