RT @DivineMoments: Caught on Tape: Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp’s Underage Sex Ring http://bit.ly/dOfSgE #NJ #news #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @Deberra: "Green" has become a codeword for "useless" #tcot #agw #p2 #green
RT @TropicsZ4: ZZ Top – Sharp Dressed Man ♫ http://blip.fm/~11cpku
RT @zolqarnain @creepingsharia 3 #Muslims Charged 4 Distributing~Death 2 Gays~Leaflets http://dlvr.it/FYq5m @RepPeteKing #news #p2 #tcot
RT @CynthiaUhrich: #tcot Illegal Mosque Construction in Brooklyn: Government Collusion http://ow.ly/1b80wz
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot The Atlantic: Arab Revolt Caused by Anger at–Wait for It–Israeli Settlements http://ow.ly/1b80wy
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot The Top 10 Bogus Apocalyptic Prophesies Made By the Left http://ow.ly/1b7PE0
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Lars Hedegaard on His Acquittal in Denmark: “A Major Victory for Free Speech” http://ow.ly/1b7hhh
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Politically Incorrect Parenting: Are You Raising a Leftist? http://ow.ly/1b79ES
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Genocide Supporter Noam Chomsky Rears His Head Again on Egypt http://ow.ly/1b72od
RT @LMack49: Inflation is a TAX on those who are hording CASH. If you have CASH, you need to buy "INFLATION PROOF" investments. #tcot #P ...
RT @JedediahBila: "Two dummies representing Mubarak were hung from traffic lights...Their faces were scrawled with the Star of David..." ...
Hey #MuzzieBros & #Egypt; #Israel kicked the shiite outta yall in 6 days back in '67_If yer froggy_just prep 2 lose Sinai_again #tcot #jcot
RT @ScottJW According to CNN, the Democrats will have their 2012 convention in #Charlotte #NorthCarolina. #tcot We will welcome them... ;-)
RT @rorycooper Wonder if #DNC convention will celebrate #conservative mayors who turned #Charlotte around after yrs of #liberal neglect #p2
@GayPatriot @ScottJW it sounds like a great op 4 some street action 2 get some blithering leftists act a fool on tape_could be fun
RT @Gunservatively @NRANews Lautenberg intros bill thatll restrict PrivateSales & end traditional #gunshows http://tinyurl.com/4er9qrt #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: White Zombie – I'm Your Boogie Man ♫ http://blip.fm/~11cqw6
Why does the new Lautenberg #GunControl bill wreak of mandatory #Registration?!? Registration=Confiscation #tcot #rkba #nra #tlot #guns #goa
RT @ScottJW Also says the Dems don't think they can hold NC again @GayPatriot ~no doubt
@ScottJW @gaypatriot I wanna infiltrate & stir the puddin' so to speak....
RT @activistnews: Thomas Sowell: #EPA crying over spilled milk http://bit.ly/flgj2v - One hell of a EPA overreach #tcot #news
RT @ppppolls #SouthCarolina poll particularly bad 4 #Gingrich- would have 2 do better there if he ran http://tinyurl.com/47xq45q #tcot
RT @vadum: Criticism of Frances Fox Piven by #glennbeck is justified. She urges violent uprising & now can't handle being criticized. #t ...
RT @Stand4AZ: #AZ rancher murdered, by Illegals. http://bit.ly/bRcdX3 Another crime that Americans are simply UNWILLING to commit. #tcot ...
@Brannon_14 Feb 4 at blind willies. . . right? no worries.
I'm still waiting 4 the bad numbers estimations & sloppy comparisons between the Million Mummy March & the #912 Rally. #tcot #teaparty #tlot
Who else felt the need 4 waders when Mubarack said this was going to be his last term anyway? #tcot
RT @nickmarschel it's time for #Hosni to write his memoirs so he can shape his legacy... oh, & spend some time w/his family #tcot #Egypt #p2
@nickmarschel dat was effin fuzny. . .
RT @PutUp_OrShutUp: It’s time for a balanced budget amendment, says … Democrat Mark Udall: Oh my.
I’m honestly shock... http://bit.ly/eg ...
#AlGore ~ #alGore ~ #alOgre ~ #ManBearBig ... ... ... do the evolution #agw #tcot
Obama found out that very same thing last NOvember. #tcot
RT @Politisite: Valerie Jarrett - Clueless - I guess you have to speak wine orders to power http://tinyurl.com/4h84pmo #tcot #news #chicago
@prfekrdumbrella muslims & marxists both use rape & sexual exploitation 4 control & then use that power 2 further their political aims #tcot
RT @Zo_Macho_Sauce: TAKE AIM AND BLAME. Democrats quick to point fingers. AZ Shooting ZoNation PJTV #TCOT http://j.mp/fV2EOl via @AddToAny
RT @victoria_29: RT @imsure: New Mexico Gov. Martinez(R) Orders End to 'Sanctuary State' Policies of her Democratic predecessor: http:// ...
RT @SissyWillis @Drudge_Report #SenHarryReid confronted by angry voter in gourmet market http://is.gd/lf3tZ5 #nvsen #tcot #news #p2 #nv
sansa-Shep ~digit #tcot #foxnews
Is Jerry Jones having a bad year or what?!? #Dallas #Cowboy #nfl #superbowl
RT @CFHeather: RT @gregwhoward: Hot off the press: Liberal "Debate" Tactics - irreverent look at how the left does battle http://wp.me/ ...
@GregWHoward was it the manufacturing sector w/a hi profile report heralding good numbers or Medical(after hcr ruling) that lead the market?
RT @TonyPhyrillas Oops! #NPR Mangles #PlannedParenthood Sting Story_Forced 2 Correct http://j.mp/fdrAYf via @AddToAny #news #tcot #ocra
@cfoltdgovt clinched & puckered. Atlanta got it too. Yall can prolly git sum hella Hold 'em in while yall thaw out....stay safe....
@cfoltdgovt pardon the phonics-speak ~It helps when I write & need unstilted dialog.
RT @against_obama: “@JoyVBehar: Let us imagine Sarah Palin dealing with Egypt right now.” Yeah, because Obama is doing such a great job ...
@mom2giqm @KristoferCowles so, you've read the koran too.
@cfoltdgovt as long as you aint playin for money. . .
RT @ondrock: No evidence that #CO2 is what drives climate http://bit.ly/dWXK6n #climatechange @AI_AGW #tcot #news #tcot
An al Qeada dirty bomb or nuke blast could make one helluva crisis for ObamaCo to exploit. #tcot
RT @deltaforcetweet: #gun Closing the "Open Carry" Loophole http://bit.ly/eKAdaH
RT @FloppingAces: Hoist by his own petard - the left hyperventilating over #Obamacare http://bit.ly/dToDrS #tcot #teaparty #news #p2 #hcr
RT @TropicsZ4: Shinedown - Devour ♫ http://blip.fm/~11dd3z
RT @lolornamarie: Dean is way off base. whenever a progressive tries to justify something, just think .. nail .. wall . . . jell-o
RT @TwitToNande @palintwibe via @Adrienne2012 Gov #Palin's Policies & the #BlackCommunity -Pt1 http://is.gd/CQtBnd #tcot #news #acon #tsot
RT @TropicsZ4: The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar ♫ http://blip.fm/~11dddn
RT @airbrat77 Marxist revolutionaries like~change~4 the sake of #change. They will fill the void w/totalitarianism #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tlot
RT @Sami_Shamieh: 'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb' http://bit.ly/fIdeFD #tcot #p2 #news #mil #sot #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #tlot #ocra
Too bad we'll never invent a neutron bomb that only takes out progressives, lawyers & bureaucrats ... but I repeat muhself. #tcot
RT @TheFlaCracker: So if a few million march on Washingon, would obama agree to leave office like he demands in Egypt? #gop #tlot #tcot ...
If #Obama wants #Egypt in America, then go ahead, flip the #Internet #KillSwitch. #tcot #p2 #teaparty Deny the 1st ~ Reap the #2nd
Pinochet's HUMV will be comin' rounda mountain . . .
RT @rachooo: Very Enlightening RT @allahpundit: RT @JennQPublic: How women are faring in an increasingly radical Egypt: http://is.gd/exB3Vb
RT @AlieGirl7: A traditional Islamic saying is that, "A woman's heaven is beneath her husband's feet." ..... that. really. sux.
RT @irishspy: Bad news: Chuck Schumer snubbed by Snooki http://bit.ly/eTzBaV #nyc #ny #news #nj #tcot #p2
my syntax is stilted. . .
sans fez.
RT @CFHeather: RT @gerfingerpoken: IBD Would We Drill For $200 Oil? Mideast chaos exposes Obama's stupid energy policy http://ow.ly/3OwSX
RT @CFHeather @prismsinc POLITICO Issa, Cummings fight over everything http://bit.ly/h9C9iC #tcot #ocra #ampat the rockets red glare_popcorn
RT @theloon: @PatDollard - AHitler knew who the Muslim Brotherhood are...the world needs to be very afraid of anyone who supports them.
RT @pinnie99: RT @kesgardner: ppl who equate the tea party movement w/ religious fundamentalism R totally clueless abt 1 & possibly both ...
Would a nuclear blast site reveal any forensic markers that would point 2 the origin of the radioactive material? #WhoseAssToKick #tcot #p2
RT @Kim_AE: Chechen leader wants women covered to prevent 'distractions' http://tinyurl.com/4dnzaem #news #tcot
RT @CO2HOG: via @ThreatFusion Gunman kills Mexico border city newspaper employee: “A drug gunman shot to death a wo... http://bit.ly/fU ...
RT @toddeherman: Chris Matthews compares 55 year-old retirees in #TeaParty to terrorists, can't take friendly joke about him being Ed Sc ...
Taliban .. .. .. Egyptian ~Style ___ #tcot #Egypt #jan25 #mil #sot #teaparty
Varney roasteth teh pOobah #tcot #foxnews #p2 gristle
Breitbart is friggin flypaper for progressives. when will their many carcasses learn. #tcot #p2 #teaparty BZzzT!
RT @collegepolitico: RT @ericbolling Did you know... GE paid 3.6% tax rate... while WalMart paid ten times that at 34%!! Corruption Matr ...
RT @taktaz Dear #Obama, Please ask GWBush 2 loan U his balls 4 a week so Egypt doesnt fall 2 the hands of #MuslimBrotherhood. #tcot #p2 #sot
the monosyllabic stab ~onomatopoeia's favorite jam
RT @checktothepower: Sarah Palin Wins January Townhall.com Straw Poll Decisively | A Time For Choosing http://goo.gl/vRPNH #tcot PDS on ...
RT @lonelycon: #tcot: Oversight? What Oversight? Obama Admin Ignores Info Requests http://bit.ly/fqoAzs
RT @TeaPartyExpNews #tcot #sgp Matthews Likens~WarHoopingNutbags~Of #TeaParty 2MuslimBrotherhood http://bit.ly/fR7Isn CodePinkHamas #BumpUgs
Weather ~ #change you can count on. #tcot #p2
RT @survivalstation: Why does the Left denounce the Right's agenda by saying you can’t legislate morality but not supporting their agend ...
Hey #ChrisMatthews . . . your spittle-lisp is like a sprinkler_U wellhead bigoted FOK. signed, #TeaParty. #tcot @msnbc #msnbc #p2 @nbc @news
RT @survivalstation: Al Sharpton voices concern in the aftermath of major blizzard. Says "Disproportionate amount of snowmen are white. ...
RT @EJTedsson: http://bit.ly/i532yy Real men must eat meat, say women as they turn their noses up at vegetarians
RT @EJTedsson: 'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb' http://t.co/LS3Fi3N via @AddThis #tcot #p2
RT @rsmccain: URGENT: Obama Ends Egypt Crisis; @JustinBieber VIDEO ADDED! http://bit.ly/hBBdzG #news #tcot #p2 #mil #sot
RT @free_US_Citizen: New blog post: The subtle nature of Hollywood's progressive propaganda ... http://is.gd/wCvl1o
@rsmccain the transient nature of the #progressive attention span is what bemused me. #p2 #tcot
RT @CSteven: Barry Soetoro, Winning The Future http://yfrog.com/gzygiruj #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty #twisters #tpp #cspj #hhrs #palin #t ...
RT @rsmccain Stay tuned 4 further episodes of~When Bloggers Get Desperate_Just be glad u dont have a dwntwn Cairo FalafalStand_DeerFalafal?
climber. #tcot
RT @Lucky12Duck: These riots will begin here March 2nd: http://tinyurl.com/4e3kmop RT @JoAnneMoretti #tcot #teaparty #gop We are on t ...
if dali tweets melt thru the slime-line~kinda happens round nukes & nangerines....
RT @LiveBugler: Taliban Is Far From Defeated, U.S. General Warns http://fxn.ws/h4dQtb #news #tcot #mil #sot
RT @Deberra: "Green" has become a codeword for "useless" #tcot #agw #p2 #green
RT @TropicsZ4: ZZ Top – Sharp Dressed Man ♫ http://blip.fm/~11cpku
RT @zolqarnain @creepingsharia 3 #Muslims Charged 4 Distributing~Death 2 Gays~Leaflets http://dlvr.it/FYq5m @RepPeteKing #news #p2 #tcot
RT @CynthiaUhrich: #tcot Illegal Mosque Construction in Brooklyn: Government Collusion http://ow.ly/1b80wz
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot The Atlantic: Arab Revolt Caused by Anger at–Wait for It–Israeli Settlements http://ow.ly/1b80wy
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot The Top 10 Bogus Apocalyptic Prophesies Made By the Left http://ow.ly/1b7PE0
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Lars Hedegaard on His Acquittal in Denmark: “A Major Victory for Free Speech” http://ow.ly/1b7hhh
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Politically Incorrect Parenting: Are You Raising a Leftist? http://ow.ly/1b79ES
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Genocide Supporter Noam Chomsky Rears His Head Again on Egypt http://ow.ly/1b72od
RT @LMack49: Inflation is a TAX on those who are hording CASH. If you have CASH, you need to buy "INFLATION PROOF" investments. #tcot #P ...
RT @JedediahBila: "Two dummies representing Mubarak were hung from traffic lights...Their faces were scrawled with the Star of David..." ...
Hey #MuzzieBros & #Egypt; #Israel kicked the shiite outta yall in 6 days back in '67_If yer froggy_just prep 2 lose Sinai_again #tcot #jcot
RT @ScottJW According to CNN, the Democrats will have their 2012 convention in #Charlotte #NorthCarolina. #tcot We will welcome them... ;-)
RT @rorycooper Wonder if #DNC convention will celebrate #conservative mayors who turned #Charlotte around after yrs of #liberal neglect #p2
@GayPatriot @ScottJW it sounds like a great op 4 some street action 2 get some blithering leftists act a fool on tape_could be fun
RT @Gunservatively @NRANews Lautenberg intros bill thatll restrict PrivateSales & end traditional #gunshows http://tinyurl.com/4er9qrt #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: White Zombie – I'm Your Boogie Man ♫ http://blip.fm/~11cqw6
Why does the new Lautenberg #GunControl bill wreak of mandatory #Registration?!? Registration=Confiscation #tcot #rkba #nra #tlot #guns #goa
RT @ScottJW Also says the Dems don't think they can hold NC again @GayPatriot ~no doubt
@ScottJW @gaypatriot I wanna infiltrate & stir the puddin' so to speak....
RT @activistnews: Thomas Sowell: #EPA crying over spilled milk http://bit.ly/flgj2v - One hell of a EPA overreach #tcot #news
RT @ppppolls #SouthCarolina poll particularly bad 4 #Gingrich- would have 2 do better there if he ran http://tinyurl.com/47xq45q #tcot
RT @vadum: Criticism of Frances Fox Piven by #glennbeck is justified. She urges violent uprising & now can't handle being criticized. #t ...
RT @Stand4AZ: #AZ rancher murdered, by Illegals. http://bit.ly/bRcdX3 Another crime that Americans are simply UNWILLING to commit. #tcot ...
@Brannon_14 Feb 4 at blind willies. . . right? no worries.
I'm still waiting 4 the bad numbers estimations & sloppy comparisons between the Million Mummy March & the #912 Rally. #tcot #teaparty #tlot
Who else felt the need 4 waders when Mubarack said this was going to be his last term anyway? #tcot
RT @nickmarschel it's time for #Hosni to write his memoirs so he can shape his legacy... oh, & spend some time w/his family #tcot #Egypt #p2
@nickmarschel dat was effin fuzny. . .
RT @PutUp_OrShutUp: It’s time for a balanced budget amendment, says … Democrat Mark Udall: Oh my.
I’m honestly shock... http://bit.ly/eg ...
#AlGore ~ #alGore ~ #alOgre ~ #ManBearBig ... ... ... do the evolution #agw #tcot
Obama found out that very same thing last NOvember. #tcot
RT @Politisite: Valerie Jarrett - Clueless - I guess you have to speak wine orders to power http://tinyurl.com/4h84pmo #tcot #news #chicago
@prfekrdumbrella muslims & marxists both use rape & sexual exploitation 4 control & then use that power 2 further their political aims #tcot
RT @Zo_Macho_Sauce: TAKE AIM AND BLAME. Democrats quick to point fingers. AZ Shooting ZoNation PJTV #TCOT http://j.mp/fV2EOl via @AddToAny
RT @victoria_29: RT @imsure: New Mexico Gov. Martinez(R) Orders End to 'Sanctuary State' Policies of her Democratic predecessor: http:// ...
RT @SissyWillis @Drudge_Report #SenHarryReid confronted by angry voter in gourmet market http://is.gd/lf3tZ5 #nvsen #tcot #news #p2 #nv
sansa-Shep ~digit #tcot #foxnews
Is Jerry Jones having a bad year or what?!? #Dallas #Cowboy #nfl #superbowl
RT @CFHeather: RT @gregwhoward: Hot off the press: Liberal "Debate" Tactics - irreverent look at how the left does battle http://wp.me/ ...
@GregWHoward was it the manufacturing sector w/a hi profile report heralding good numbers or Medical(after hcr ruling) that lead the market?
RT @TonyPhyrillas Oops! #NPR Mangles #PlannedParenthood Sting Story_Forced 2 Correct http://j.mp/fdrAYf via @AddToAny #news #tcot #ocra
@cfoltdgovt clinched & puckered. Atlanta got it too. Yall can prolly git sum hella Hold 'em in while yall thaw out....stay safe....
@cfoltdgovt pardon the phonics-speak ~It helps when I write & need unstilted dialog.
RT @against_obama: “@JoyVBehar: Let us imagine Sarah Palin dealing with Egypt right now.” Yeah, because Obama is doing such a great job ...
@mom2giqm @KristoferCowles so, you've read the koran too.
@cfoltdgovt as long as you aint playin for money. . .
RT @ondrock: No evidence that #CO2 is what drives climate http://bit.ly/dWXK6n #climatechange @AI_AGW #tcot #news #tcot
An al Qeada dirty bomb or nuke blast could make one helluva crisis for ObamaCo to exploit. #tcot
RT @deltaforcetweet: #gun Closing the "Open Carry" Loophole http://bit.ly/eKAdaH
RT @FloppingAces: Hoist by his own petard - the left hyperventilating over #Obamacare http://bit.ly/dToDrS #tcot #teaparty #news #p2 #hcr
RT @TropicsZ4: Shinedown - Devour ♫ http://blip.fm/~11dd3z
RT @lolornamarie: Dean is way off base. whenever a progressive tries to justify something, just think .. nail .. wall . . . jell-o
RT @TwitToNande @palintwibe via @Adrienne2012 Gov #Palin's Policies & the #BlackCommunity -Pt1 http://is.gd/CQtBnd #tcot #news #acon #tsot
RT @TropicsZ4: The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar ♫ http://blip.fm/~11dddn
RT @airbrat77 Marxist revolutionaries like~change~4 the sake of #change. They will fill the void w/totalitarianism #tcot #teaparty #p2 #tlot
RT @Sami_Shamieh: 'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb' http://bit.ly/fIdeFD #tcot #p2 #news #mil #sot #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #tlot #ocra
Too bad we'll never invent a neutron bomb that only takes out progressives, lawyers & bureaucrats ... but I repeat muhself. #tcot
RT @TheFlaCracker: So if a few million march on Washingon, would obama agree to leave office like he demands in Egypt? #gop #tlot #tcot ...
If #Obama wants #Egypt in America, then go ahead, flip the #Internet #KillSwitch. #tcot #p2 #teaparty Deny the 1st ~ Reap the #2nd
Pinochet's HUMV will be comin' rounda mountain . . .
RT @rachooo: Very Enlightening RT @allahpundit: RT @JennQPublic: How women are faring in an increasingly radical Egypt: http://is.gd/exB3Vb
RT @AlieGirl7: A traditional Islamic saying is that, "A woman's heaven is beneath her husband's feet." ..... that. really. sux.
RT @irishspy: Bad news: Chuck Schumer snubbed by Snooki http://bit.ly/eTzBaV #nyc #ny #news #nj #tcot #p2
my syntax is stilted. . .
sans fez.
RT @CFHeather: RT @gerfingerpoken: IBD Would We Drill For $200 Oil? Mideast chaos exposes Obama's stupid energy policy http://ow.ly/3OwSX
RT @CFHeather @prismsinc POLITICO Issa, Cummings fight over everything http://bit.ly/h9C9iC #tcot #ocra #ampat the rockets red glare_popcorn
RT @theloon: @PatDollard - AHitler knew who the Muslim Brotherhood are...the world needs to be very afraid of anyone who supports them.
RT @pinnie99: RT @kesgardner: ppl who equate the tea party movement w/ religious fundamentalism R totally clueless abt 1 & possibly both ...
Would a nuclear blast site reveal any forensic markers that would point 2 the origin of the radioactive material? #WhoseAssToKick #tcot #p2
RT @Kim_AE: Chechen leader wants women covered to prevent 'distractions' http://tinyurl.com/4dnzaem #news #tcot
RT @CO2HOG: via @ThreatFusion Gunman kills Mexico border city newspaper employee: “A drug gunman shot to death a wo... http://bit.ly/fU ...
RT @toddeherman: Chris Matthews compares 55 year-old retirees in #TeaParty to terrorists, can't take friendly joke about him being Ed Sc ...
Taliban .. .. .. Egyptian ~Style ___ #tcot #Egypt #jan25 #mil #sot #teaparty
Varney roasteth teh pOobah #tcot #foxnews #p2 gristle
Breitbart is friggin flypaper for progressives. when will their many carcasses learn. #tcot #p2 #teaparty BZzzT!
RT @collegepolitico: RT @ericbolling Did you know... GE paid 3.6% tax rate... while WalMart paid ten times that at 34%!! Corruption Matr ...
RT @taktaz Dear #Obama, Please ask GWBush 2 loan U his balls 4 a week so Egypt doesnt fall 2 the hands of #MuslimBrotherhood. #tcot #p2 #sot
the monosyllabic stab ~onomatopoeia's favorite jam
RT @checktothepower: Sarah Palin Wins January Townhall.com Straw Poll Decisively | A Time For Choosing http://goo.gl/vRPNH #tcot PDS on ...
RT @lonelycon: #tcot: Oversight? What Oversight? Obama Admin Ignores Info Requests http://bit.ly/fqoAzs
RT @TeaPartyExpNews #tcot #sgp Matthews Likens~WarHoopingNutbags~Of #TeaParty 2MuslimBrotherhood http://bit.ly/fR7Isn CodePinkHamas #BumpUgs
Weather ~ #change you can count on. #tcot #p2
RT @survivalstation: Why does the Left denounce the Right's agenda by saying you can’t legislate morality but not supporting their agend ...
Hey #ChrisMatthews . . . your spittle-lisp is like a sprinkler_U wellhead bigoted FOK. signed, #TeaParty. #tcot @msnbc #msnbc #p2 @nbc @news
RT @survivalstation: Al Sharpton voices concern in the aftermath of major blizzard. Says "Disproportionate amount of snowmen are white. ...
RT @EJTedsson: http://bit.ly/i532yy Real men must eat meat, say women as they turn their noses up at vegetarians
RT @EJTedsson: 'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb' http://t.co/LS3Fi3N via @AddThis #tcot #p2
RT @rsmccain: URGENT: Obama Ends Egypt Crisis; @JustinBieber VIDEO ADDED! http://bit.ly/hBBdzG #news #tcot #p2 #mil #sot
RT @free_US_Citizen: New blog post: The subtle nature of Hollywood's progressive propaganda ... http://is.gd/wCvl1o
@rsmccain the transient nature of the #progressive attention span is what bemused me. #p2 #tcot
RT @CSteven: Barry Soetoro, Winning The Future http://yfrog.com/gzygiruj #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty #twisters #tpp #cspj #hhrs #palin #t ...
RT @rsmccain Stay tuned 4 further episodes of~When Bloggers Get Desperate_Just be glad u dont have a dwntwn Cairo FalafalStand_DeerFalafal?
climber. #tcot
RT @Lucky12Duck: These riots will begin here March 2nd: http://tinyurl.com/4e3kmop RT @JoAnneMoretti #tcot #teaparty #gop We are on t ...
if dali tweets melt thru the slime-line~kinda happens round nukes & nangerines....
RT @LiveBugler: Taliban Is Far From Defeated, U.S. General Warns http://fxn.ws/h4dQtb #news #tcot #mil #sot
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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