Friday, February 11, 2011

From Twitter 02-11-2011

RT @cgrinner: Lynndie England: The Abu-Grab-Ass that took those prison pix #PanettaSources” If she gets out in time, expect a porno
RT @buszero: Tiger Woods' porn star girlfriend (it's up to you to figure out which one) #PanettaSources
RT @CO2HOG via @palintwibe #Time Magazine Also Reports Satirical #Palin Story As Real #News #tcot #p2 #teaparty #cpac11
#p2 #PanettaSources
ManBearPig #PanettaSources
The last episode with "Chef" #PanettaSources
Bart Simpson's black-board #PanettaSources
Hugh Hefner's penis-pump #PanettaSources
RT @kesgardner: Cancer Peggy #redeye #panettasources
#FairTax opponents #PanettaSources
Two Tin-Cans & String #PanettaSources
my #redeye go brown on #PanettaSources that preempt #LegChair, TV's @andylevy & everyone's trusty disco-steed, @greggutfeld. #tcot @foxnews
The left-over brown acid from Woodstock #PanettaSources
@BarackObama's college transcripts #PanettaSources
Joan Rivers' speculum #PanettaSources
A trailerpark meth-lab with bad ventilation #PanettaSources
Lindsay Lohan's "on again, off again" cell-block suitor #PanettaSources too early?!?
Charlie Sheen's coke dealer #PanettaSources
Charlie Sheen's penicillin tracks #PanettaSources
#FauxPac #PanettaSources
John Doe #2 #PanettaSources #tcot #redeye
Syrup or Jelly? #panettasources
Dung-Beetles #panettasources
@Jenfidel that was the 'edited' version ... ;-)
MT @Travis_Lindsay: RT @tahDeetz: Dung-Beetles #panettasources | which one, the beetles or the dung? ... either, or & both.
Sudanese aspirin-factories #panettasources
Nancy Pelosi's disgruntled Air-Crew Chief / SkyBartender #PanettaSources #mil #usaf #redeye
L. Ron Hubbard #PanettaSources #redeye
PawnStars #PanettaSources
RT @DaveyHo69: Magazine Ban, Gun Show Ban, Even a Gun Ownership Ban! #tcot #gun #ban #nra #goa #npda #gop #gopleade ...
the #iPhone antennae #PanettaSources
Boris & Natasha #panettasources
Black-Spy #PanettaSources #redeye
Aunt Zeituni #panettasources
Any hooker within 200 miles of Mr. "I feel your pain" #PanettaSources #tcot #redeye
Janet Napolitano's kevlar-Spanx #dhs #tcot #panettasources
Larry Sinclair's Limo "Service" #panettasources
#Algore's 85 foot houseboat #panettasources
Fat-Bastard's projectile colon #panettasources
Underwear-Gnomes #panettasources
Donald Rumsfeld's unknown knowns #panettasources
Bubble's 4th (secret) favorite kitteh #panettasources
Tom Cruise's closet #panettasources
Abe Vigoda #panettasources
Kanye West's timeline #panettasources
"White Girls" the movie #panettasources
RT @TropicsZ4: Lynyrd Skynyrd - That Smell ♫
RT @imsure @TeaTephi Frances Fox #Piven Turns 2 UK Paper 2 Launch Broadside Attack On #Beck #tcot
RT @progresvforever <<-- drive-by dip-sh1t. @tahDeetz @Ancient_Warrior yeah what an idiot beck is. he will be through soon too. #tcot
RT @newsbusters Surprise! Rachel #Maddow‘s Claim About #FoxNews Proven ’False’ @TheBlaze @msnbc #news #tcot #p2 #msnbc
RT @betseyross: Progs: rot. in. hell. #p2 #tpp #sgp #tcot @virginiafoxx. Girl Scouts Told to Sell Cookies and Leftist Agenda: http://soc ...
RT @beesnguns: National Debt Jumped Another $105.8 Billion in January #tcot #p2 #news
RT @Drudge_Report: POLICE: #Illegalalien ordered deported 10 years ago kills 3... #news #tcot #p2
RT @SarahPalinLinks: (via SarahNet) Reagan Junior Tells ABC Palin's Unintelligent...Then He Messes Up His Dad's Tax Cu... ...
Mmmmm . . . milquetoast. #cpac11 #tcot
RT @pmbasse: C-SPAN2 has cut their video feed from #CPAC11 Watch live stream here #tcot
MT @progresvforever @Ancient_Warrior people bash beck 4 free ~yet they never really refute_on a point by point basis_what Beck's sayin_hmmm
@Ancient_Warrior @usahipster Obama's DoJ has a basement full of bloggers.
RT @MacLife: The CDMA iPhone 4 costs about $16 less to build than the GSM version, says iSuppli. (Fewer unicorn tears?)
RT @LiliaEP: Time Mag Joins In Repeating Fake Palin Story The media has a problem w/ fake quotes by conservatives. ...
RT @FunkyFortune: #Obama thinks the Cuban revolution turned out as the people wished. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @emmeffemm: Only a liberal could claim that a group with a religious designation in its title (MUSLIM Brotherhood) is secular. #tcot #p2
RT @seanhackbarth: Ron Paul: "Force never works." Let's ask a mugger. #CPAC11
RT @techaskew: RT @ChrisBarnhart: Ron Paul is to Foreign Policy what the Black Eyed Peas are to good music. #cpac11 #tcot #sb45
RT @stlteaparty: Progressive Blogger Claims He was "Hit" by a Tea Party Senator Russell Pearce, You Decide.: If that was a "Hit" ... htt ...
RT @velvethammer: Elana Kagan is the attorney representing Obama!!! #tcot #teaparty #ocra #news #scotus
RT @Jenfidel: RT @SarahPalinUSA: Media: ask "Will Obama Admin exert as much 'constructive' pressure on Iranian govt to chang… (cont) htt ...
RT @TheTonyLee: In one tweet, Palin has just showed more conviction on foreign policy than the candidates w establishment handlers on th ...
RT @KevDough: True. RT:@jsringo What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over? Doughnuts #bakery #baking
RT @KLSouth: RT @TXTrendyChick: "Americans' disdain for big government cuts across party lines, I'll tell you that!" -@GovernorPerry #CP ...
RT @tjholthaus: Tea Partier Challenges Senator Snowe - The Daily Beast
RT @Waterboarding4U: ROFLMAO!!!==>RT @AlieGirl7: Sometimes I feel like kicking you in the face and stabbing you with a fork. Luck… (c ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @FloridaJayhawk: When Allen West speaks tomorrow you will think you have reached the promised land. #CPAC11
RT @Stacy_Drake: Mitt Flips Again "one wonders how dumb he thinks Americans are" #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: >AmericanThinkerBlog #Oprah demands R-E-S-P-E-C-T -- for #Obama #tcot #news #p2
RT @imsure: YUP!! -> Orrin Hatch: I may have made a mistake in voting for TARP #tcot #teaparty #news
RT @TropicsZ4: Audioslave – Like A Stone ♫
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit HEY, THANKS!… #tcot
RT @KLSouth: RT @GiliaR: Egypt Exposes Obama Doctrine Happy Talk - they are clueless! #tcot #sgp #teaparty
RT @MattRussellTX20: US Government sends the EPA to Texas instead of Border Patrol. #Texas #txcot #txlege #txgop #ocra #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @SissyWillis: RT @instapundit: SAFE PREDICTION: “If Egypt turns out badly, Obama will deny any role; if turns out well-->take cred ...
RT @TinaVane: RT @MR_PUNJABI: RT @mikepfs BREAKING: Obama says he will help create jobs in Egypt like he has here. LOL
RT @RWBEagle: RT @foxnewspolitics: The Eight Hardest States for Senate Democrats in 2012 #tcot
RT @Zener39: Wireless Advances Could Mean No More Cell Towers - News Story - KTVU San Francisco: via @addthis
RT @peakwriter #WTF Video - Obama Refers 2 Himself As "The Gipper" In Farewell 2 Gibbs Yeah, he's delusional. #tcot #p2
RT @Ohio4Sarah: RT @whitneypitcher: Fitting on Palin's b-day MT @LaurieBailey On This Day in 1975 Thatcher became 1st woman to head a ma ...
RT @rightinillinois If U support #Sharia law & then say U support women's rights, you're either misinformed, insane, or both. #gop #tcot #p2
RT @EvaLB5: "stupid people are ruining America " - Hermann Cain #CPAC11 #cpac #tcot #p2
RT @AppleMacPlaza: Dual Eyes video tool now available for Mac
RT @LindaPark82: #tcot Will Egypt’s New Freedom Force More Women Under a Veil of Brutality? #sgp #news #p2
RT @CCWnews: #Guns sales see increase at gun shows - KTVO #CCWnews #news #tcot
MT @verumserum AP: #Schwarzenegger Says He's Returning to Acting -when did he stop? when did he ever really start? #tcot
RT @RiverRoads: Ann Coulter on Follow the Money: Arabic language classes are mandatory? What about English, Latin and Greek? http://feed ...
RT @gram914: M.Sanger,Planned Parenthood'sRacist Founder/abortion is still about containing"undesirables" #tlo ...
RT @JeromeEHudson: @RedEyeFNC just rocked the house. #CPAC11 #redeye
RT @TheaGood: Alaska oil pipeline, which supplies 12 percent of domestic oil, has potentially major safety issues, feds say - Reuters OF ...
RT @island_adv: The Mafia Goes ‘Green’
RT @johnnyA99: 21 Signs That The Once Great U.S. Economy Is Being Gutted, Neutered, Defanged, Declawed And Dei… (cont)
RT @Zener39 @LiveFreeRadio #CBS5: #Airport Body Scan #Radiation Concerns of UCSF Researchers #tsa #news #tcot #tlot #sgp

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