RT @progresvforever: @tahDeetz @Ancient_Warrior nothing sane to refute ~Obama got thoroughly refudiated this past NOvember.
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @SamValley: Agree RT @mamaswati: this. RT @Mattie96: The #redeye crew should've taped an episode at #cpac with gue ...
RT @Nuktubian: I have seen the future of conservatism, and that future is called @allenwest #cpac11 #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Nuktubian: I think the Jihadis world-wide are already praying that @allenwest does not ever become the president. #tcot #p2 #cpac11
RT @Nuktubian: Watching @allenwest speak, really magnifies just how over-rated Obama is as an orator. #cpac11 #tcot #p2
RT @Nuktubian: #progressive narrative:Those racist conservatives have Uncle Tom Allen West ready to close the show at #cpac11 #p2 #tcot ...
RT @AlieGirl7: exactly RT @papacass84: HUH!! it seems Herman Cain and Allen West were big hits at CPAC11, you conservatives are such rac ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @Justlikemonet: @SamValley: Unlike Obama, Rep. Allen West's standing ovations aren't staged #CPAC11 #GOP #p2 #ofa #tcot
RT @athelass: RT @nikkibama: The response to @AllenWest's speech by all the standing ovations shows that the results of the strawpoll me ...
RT @CFHeather: There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Allen West allows to live. #AllenWestFacts #CPAC #CPAC11 #tcot #ocra
RT @KLSouth: RT @swarmpicker @amandahess: "Everyone who works for the dept. of education ... is your sworn enemy" -Coulter #cpac11 #tcot #p2
LTC Allen West ~ the man that Obama's mother could, or would, never raise. #cpac11 #tcot #ofa #p2 #p21
RT @danthebarbarian: @SissyWillis Palin/West is a winning ticket for all of America!! #cpac11 #tcot
RT @CFHeather: RT @pdigaudio: Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer wear Allen West underoos #AllenWestFacts #cpac #cpac11 #tcot #ocra #twisters # ...
The 'real' reason Mubarack resigned is coz he knew LTC Allen West was giving the #CPAC11 keynote. #tcot #teaparty
Upon seeing LTC @AllenWest's #CPAC11 keynote, both Jack Bauer & Chuck Norris wet themselves & turned #EMO. #tcot #teaparty
RT @politicsofamy: RT @CFHeather: Allen West can kill 99% of all bacteria...as a warning to the other 1% #AllenWestFacts #CPAC #CPAC11 # ...
RT @Winghunter: @tahDeetz @danthebarbarian @SissyWillis Palin & West have both in spades.
RT @ricktgold: The only things certain in life are death and taxes. Unless you are @AllenWest, then they are optional. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest's hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest can cut through a hot knife with butter. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest can slam a revolving door. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Death once had a near-@allenwest experience. #tcot #cpac201 #AllenWestFactss
RT @ricktgold: Allen West doesn't wear a watch. HE decides what time it is. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Allen West can do a wheelie on a unicycle. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Allen West doesn't need to flush the toilet. He scared the shit out of it. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: There used to be a street named after Allen West. It was changed because no one crosses Allen West and lives. #tcot #alle ...
RT @ricktgold: Every year on his birthday, Allen West flings a liberal Democrat into the Sun. #cpac2011 #tcor #allenwestfacts
RT @ricktgold: @MC1Robert I think @AnnCoulter would cut a bitch. Although, @lap3 strikes me as a brawler. Who would win? #tcot #cpac2011 ...
RT @Winghunter @danthebarbarian @SissyWillis Palin actually got done what she ran on 4 #AKgov, but it's just a matter of legis record ;-)
RT @ricktgold: @tahDeetz Thanks for all teh retweets and teh follow! #tcot #cpac2011 that was teh fuuny. . .
@ricktgold its amusing how the left thinks/portrays LTC AW's service_its a frikkin Oscar winning script 4 any producer w/a sac #tcot #cpac11
@Winghunter to me, they are the only 2 w/ the needed assertiveness while remaining humble 2 the people, iow keeping their word.
RT @ricktgold: @tahDeetz The good colonel scares the piss out of the Left. With good reason. I'm glad he's on our side @Allenwest #tcot #gop
RT @hmfearny: RT @Doc_0: Note to every GOP politician not named Allen West: the key to the consistent expression of simple, powerful ide ...
The Earth turns only because @AllenWest walks it's surface. #tcot #cpac11
#CPAC11 chose rather f*ckin' wisely when they asked LTC @AllenWest to give the keynote. #tcot #allenwestfacts #gop
RT @pinnie99: RT @CFHeather: When you open a can of whoop-ass, Allen West jumps out. #AllenWestFacts #cpac #cpac11 #tcot #ocra #twister ...
RT @Cubachi: RT @mamaswati: Truth. RT @SamValley: Rep. Allen West would wipe the floor with Obama in a debate. #CPAC11 #GOP #p2
RT @MelissaTweets: RT @JoeTaxpayer: RT @bradtid: Wow. @AllenWest is giving what is probably the most Presidential speeches of #CPAC11- a ...
RT @Txsleuth: @DLoesch If the terrorists in Iraq, and the Army couldn't destroy Allen West, the progs and LSM don't have a chance.
RT @gatewaypundit: Andrew Breitbart: The Leftist Protesters Are “Not Just Anti-American, THEY'RE ANIMALS” (Video) http://t.co/90mJRxL vi ...
RT @MelissaTweets: "Liberal progressivism has failed all over the world so why would we think it will be successful here?" -- Allen West ...
RT @stephenfhayes: Fourth unprompted Obama admin critique of Iran in just over 48 hours. Yes, too bad this didn't happen in June '09. Be ...
RT @debsinger2: @stephenfhayes Not unprompted. #SarahPalinUSA called them on it yesterday.
RT @politicalwind: Palin hires chief of staff, fuelling speculation of 2012 run http://bit.ly/gqv3DV #sarahpalinusa #teaparty
RT @Txsleuth: Allen West: Political correctness has no place in our national security strategies.
RT @Txsleuth: I won't be happy until I can vote for Allen West as a national candidate.
RT @Doc_0: Andrew Breitbart at CPAC: Roller Blading Through History. http://ow.ly/3VhPJ
RT @prismsinc: #FAM Blog: Ann Coulter Speech at CPAC 2011 – Complete Video http://bit.ly/ev0FF0 #tcot #ocra #ampat
RT @RoSiTa08: RT @pinnie99:: RT @trscoop: FULL SPEECH --> Allen West's keynote speech for CPAC 2011 http://bit.ly/h8PGwz #cpac11 #tco ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Readies National Guard Against Unions http://huff.to/hwqKeF #tcot #p2
RT @toddstarnes: Mubarak predicts Middle East will fall -- blames Obama http://bit.ly/gSRMG3
RT @toddstarnes: Mubarak phones Israelis -- tells them Obama doesn't know what he's talking about http://bit.ly/gSRMG3
RT @TheFlaCracker: Its 2nd because the first amendment is the one you use to warm them #teaparty #gop #tlot #tcot #p2 #dnc #nra #military
RT @Txsleuth: Phyllis Schafley: Shame on all of the Senators who voted for the new START treaty! amen
RT @MelissaTweets: Algeria is in more danger of radical Islam leadership than Egypt. -- @AmbJohnBolton #CPAC11
@Winghunter other than #Bachmann, I cant think of any other people that have been vetted more by the Left_than #Palin & #ADub. #tcot #cpac11
@Winghunter @Jenfidel imho_they both posses~Qualifications_Experience_Foreign Contacts/Knowledge~I think we differ on our POV of SP n AW
#CPAC11 Straw-Poll unanimous: 100% agree, @AllenWest thinks your B.W. Straw-Poll is a punk-b1tch. #tcot #allenwestfacts #teaparty
RT @Oenonewept: Anyone else have a video of the #redeye panel from #CPAC11? I'm hoping there's a clearer and closer video of the handsom ...
RT @Oenonewept: RT @CPACnews: RT @cpaclive: @CPACnews If you missed @AnnCoulter speak to #CPAC11, you can watch her speech no… (cont) ht ...
RT @GregWHoward: Libs put out link and label it truth. We put out a link and they call it "propaganda." Okay, glad we cleared that up. N ...
Life might hand you lemons from time to time, but anything is better the grapefruit juice. #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: How many conservatives/Libertarians have ever called for a lefty radio show host to be shut down? We just don't lis ...
If I were president, every bar in the world would have Miller High~Life Light. #cpac11 #tcot
RT @Foxmuldar: NORTH CAROLINA: Parents outraged over use of Islamic Qur'an in public school classroom: http://t.co/kKAliUp Someone shoul ...
RT @warriorjoe: @glennbeck The International Communist Current Website everything spelled out on this website.
http://en.internationa ...
RT @Pqlyur1: Awesome! Dude. Avi #win! RT @BrandonKiser: @Pqlyur1 It was a dandy.
RT @14Kathi: RT @stephenhester: “Peace begins with courageous leaders who are willing to identify and defy our enemies and their objecti ...
Cans of gas refuse to be carried through hell by LTC @AllenWest. #allenwestfacts #cpac11 #tcot
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Muslims you love so much complain, threaten, and terrorize.You need to love the nation that made your Presidency po ...
RT @littlebytesnews: .@jay_pe does @AllenWest know Muslim Brotherhood reps were at the #CPAC11 conference?? #tcot
RT @powr2ppl: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Dear Egyptians, if you'd like, we'd be willing to let our president go 2 yrs early and you can have him ...
RT @ricktgold: Jewish folks and Black folks have much in common: discrimination, slavery, taken for granted by the Left. etc. #tcot #tjot
RT @Westwatcher: The West, Islam and Sharia: #AnnCoulter Speech at #CPAC 2011 - Complete Video 2/12/11 http://t.co/5arXb4L #tcot
RT @JonHenke: Ron Paul winning the #CPAC11 straw poll is more of a discredit to straw polls than a credit to Ron Paul.
RT @Boomerjeff: What happened to jobs during the most abrupt, deepest spending cut in history? http://bit.ly/cEJ73M #tcot #twcot #p2
RT @Synders777: EXACTLY! RT @jarjarbug: You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. ~ A. Lincoln - #tcot #tlot #t ...
RT @GregWHoward: Unbelievable scandal involving DOJ and our US borders http://exm.nr/gjvKUc Take a moment and read via @Welshman007 #tc ...
RT @exposelibtards: \\\"Pamela Geller Versus CPAC\\\" http://bit.ly/gCDvKt #tcot #tlot
RT @DawnRachel13 We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added. -Ronald Reagan #tcot #p2
RT @WeOfThePeopleR1: BHO’s NWO Pals & Muslim Brotherhood Days of Rage from Weathermen violence 69 http://bit.ly/9u0tGa http://fxn.ws/gbY ...
Never forget, there are idiots still out there that really think GWBush actually said #Strategery. #tcot #cpac11 #p2 #mil
RT @Herfarm #Democrats CUT #foodstamps subsidy to bailout teachers #unions http://shar.es/37ofV @eyesonfoxorg #tcot #p2 #sgp #news #ofa
RT @Synders777: O'SNAPPED! Islamic Rights Promoted At CPAC
http://ow.ly/3VnRV #tcot #tlot #wethepeople #teaparty #twisters ##CPAC2011 # ...
RT @Pqlyur1: I hope the RNC is paying attention! Allen West better figure prominently at the '12 Convention! #tcot
RT @welshman007: @AmericanLady49 I like Senator Jim DeMint, Sarah Palin, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton--of course, I lke Herman C ...
RT @LibertarianMary: RT @GregWHoward: Waaah, we mean old conservatives are blaming Obama for screwing up. Heck, they blamed Bush for the ...
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @SamValley: Agree RT @mamaswati: this. RT @Mattie96: The #redeye crew should've taped an episode at #cpac with gue ...
RT @Nuktubian: I have seen the future of conservatism, and that future is called @allenwest #cpac11 #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @Nuktubian: I think the Jihadis world-wide are already praying that @allenwest does not ever become the president. #tcot #p2 #cpac11
RT @Nuktubian: Watching @allenwest speak, really magnifies just how over-rated Obama is as an orator. #cpac11 #tcot #p2
RT @Nuktubian: #progressive narrative:Those racist conservatives have Uncle Tom Allen West ready to close the show at #cpac11 #p2 #tcot ...
RT @AlieGirl7: exactly RT @papacass84: HUH!! it seems Herman Cain and Allen West were big hits at CPAC11, you conservatives are such rac ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @Justlikemonet: @SamValley: Unlike Obama, Rep. Allen West's standing ovations aren't staged #CPAC11 #GOP #p2 #ofa #tcot
RT @athelass: RT @nikkibama: The response to @AllenWest's speech by all the standing ovations shows that the results of the strawpoll me ...
RT @CFHeather: There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Allen West allows to live. #AllenWestFacts #CPAC #CPAC11 #tcot #ocra
RT @KLSouth: RT @swarmpicker @amandahess: "Everyone who works for the dept. of education ... is your sworn enemy" -Coulter #cpac11 #tcot #p2
LTC Allen West ~ the man that Obama's mother could, or would, never raise. #cpac11 #tcot #ofa #p2 #p21
RT @danthebarbarian: @SissyWillis Palin/West is a winning ticket for all of America!! #cpac11 #tcot
RT @CFHeather: RT @pdigaudio: Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer wear Allen West underoos #AllenWestFacts #cpac #cpac11 #tcot #ocra #twisters # ...
The 'real' reason Mubarack resigned is coz he knew LTC Allen West was giving the #CPAC11 keynote. #tcot #teaparty
Upon seeing LTC @AllenWest's #CPAC11 keynote, both Jack Bauer & Chuck Norris wet themselves & turned #EMO. #tcot #teaparty
RT @politicsofamy: RT @CFHeather: Allen West can kill 99% of all bacteria...as a warning to the other 1% #AllenWestFacts #CPAC #CPAC11 # ...
RT @Winghunter: @tahDeetz @danthebarbarian @SissyWillis Palin & West have both in spades.
RT @ricktgold: The only things certain in life are death and taxes. Unless you are @AllenWest, then they are optional. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest's hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest can cut through a hot knife with butter. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: @AllenWest can slam a revolving door. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Death once had a near-@allenwest experience. #tcot #cpac201 #AllenWestFactss
RT @ricktgold: Allen West doesn't wear a watch. HE decides what time it is. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Allen West can do a wheelie on a unicycle. #tcot #cpac2011 #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: Allen West doesn't need to flush the toilet. He scared the shit out of it. #tcot #AllenWestFacts
RT @ricktgold: There used to be a street named after Allen West. It was changed because no one crosses Allen West and lives. #tcot #alle ...
RT @ricktgold: Every year on his birthday, Allen West flings a liberal Democrat into the Sun. #cpac2011 #tcor #allenwestfacts
RT @ricktgold: @MC1Robert I think @AnnCoulter would cut a bitch. Although, @lap3 strikes me as a brawler. Who would win? #tcot #cpac2011 ...
RT @Winghunter @danthebarbarian @SissyWillis Palin actually got done what she ran on 4 #AKgov, but it's just a matter of legis record ;-)
RT @ricktgold: @tahDeetz Thanks for all teh retweets and teh follow! #tcot #cpac2011 that was teh fuuny. . .
@ricktgold its amusing how the left thinks/portrays LTC AW's service_its a frikkin Oscar winning script 4 any producer w/a sac #tcot #cpac11
@Winghunter to me, they are the only 2 w/ the needed assertiveness while remaining humble 2 the people, iow keeping their word.
RT @ricktgold: @tahDeetz The good colonel scares the piss out of the Left. With good reason. I'm glad he's on our side @Allenwest #tcot #gop
RT @hmfearny: RT @Doc_0: Note to every GOP politician not named Allen West: the key to the consistent expression of simple, powerful ide ...
The Earth turns only because @AllenWest walks it's surface. #tcot #cpac11
#CPAC11 chose rather f*ckin' wisely when they asked LTC @AllenWest to give the keynote. #tcot #allenwestfacts #gop
RT @pinnie99: RT @CFHeather: When you open a can of whoop-ass, Allen West jumps out. #AllenWestFacts #cpac #cpac11 #tcot #ocra #twister ...
RT @Cubachi: RT @mamaswati: Truth. RT @SamValley: Rep. Allen West would wipe the floor with Obama in a debate. #CPAC11 #GOP #p2
RT @MelissaTweets: RT @JoeTaxpayer: RT @bradtid: Wow. @AllenWest is giving what is probably the most Presidential speeches of #CPAC11- a ...
RT @Txsleuth: @DLoesch If the terrorists in Iraq, and the Army couldn't destroy Allen West, the progs and LSM don't have a chance.
RT @gatewaypundit: Andrew Breitbart: The Leftist Protesters Are “Not Just Anti-American, THEY'RE ANIMALS” (Video) http://t.co/90mJRxL vi ...
RT @MelissaTweets: "Liberal progressivism has failed all over the world so why would we think it will be successful here?" -- Allen West ...
RT @stephenfhayes: Fourth unprompted Obama admin critique of Iran in just over 48 hours. Yes, too bad this didn't happen in June '09. Be ...
RT @debsinger2: @stephenfhayes Not unprompted. #SarahPalinUSA called them on it yesterday.
RT @politicalwind: Palin hires chief of staff, fuelling speculation of 2012 run http://bit.ly/gqv3DV #sarahpalinusa #teaparty
RT @Txsleuth: Allen West: Political correctness has no place in our national security strategies.
RT @Txsleuth: I won't be happy until I can vote for Allen West as a national candidate.
RT @Doc_0: Andrew Breitbart at CPAC: Roller Blading Through History. http://ow.ly/3VhPJ
RT @prismsinc: #FAM Blog: Ann Coulter Speech at CPAC 2011 – Complete Video http://bit.ly/ev0FF0 #tcot #ocra #ampat
RT @RoSiTa08: RT @pinnie99:: RT @trscoop: FULL SPEECH --> Allen West's keynote speech for CPAC 2011 http://bit.ly/h8PGwz #cpac11 #tco ...
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Readies National Guard Against Unions http://huff.to/hwqKeF #tcot #p2
RT @toddstarnes: Mubarak predicts Middle East will fall -- blames Obama http://bit.ly/gSRMG3
RT @toddstarnes: Mubarak phones Israelis -- tells them Obama doesn't know what he's talking about http://bit.ly/gSRMG3
RT @TheFlaCracker: Its 2nd because the first amendment is the one you use to warm them #teaparty #gop #tlot #tcot #p2 #dnc #nra #military
RT @Txsleuth: Phyllis Schafley: Shame on all of the Senators who voted for the new START treaty! amen
RT @MelissaTweets: Algeria is in more danger of radical Islam leadership than Egypt. -- @AmbJohnBolton #CPAC11
@Winghunter other than #Bachmann, I cant think of any other people that have been vetted more by the Left_than #Palin & #ADub. #tcot #cpac11
@Winghunter @Jenfidel imho_they both posses~Qualifications_Experience_Foreign Contacts/Knowledge~I think we differ on our POV of SP n AW
#CPAC11 Straw-Poll unanimous: 100% agree, @AllenWest thinks your B.W. Straw-Poll is a punk-b1tch. #tcot #allenwestfacts #teaparty
RT @Oenonewept: Anyone else have a video of the #redeye panel from #CPAC11? I'm hoping there's a clearer and closer video of the handsom ...
RT @Oenonewept: RT @CPACnews: RT @cpaclive: @CPACnews If you missed @AnnCoulter speak to #CPAC11, you can watch her speech no… (cont) ht ...
RT @GregWHoward: Libs put out link and label it truth. We put out a link and they call it "propaganda." Okay, glad we cleared that up. N ...
Life might hand you lemons from time to time, but anything is better the grapefruit juice. #tcot
RT @Blueberrier0341: How many conservatives/Libertarians have ever called for a lefty radio show host to be shut down? We just don't lis ...
If I were president, every bar in the world would have Miller High~Life Light. #cpac11 #tcot
RT @Foxmuldar: NORTH CAROLINA: Parents outraged over use of Islamic Qur'an in public school classroom: http://t.co/kKAliUp Someone shoul ...
RT @warriorjoe: @glennbeck The International Communist Current Website everything spelled out on this website.
http://en.internationa ...
RT @Pqlyur1: Awesome! Dude. Avi #win! RT @BrandonKiser: @Pqlyur1 It was a dandy.
RT @14Kathi: RT @stephenhester: “Peace begins with courageous leaders who are willing to identify and defy our enemies and their objecti ...
Cans of gas refuse to be carried through hell by LTC @AllenWest. #allenwestfacts #cpac11 #tcot
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Muslims you love so much complain, threaten, and terrorize.You need to love the nation that made your Presidency po ...
RT @littlebytesnews: .@jay_pe does @AllenWest know Muslim Brotherhood reps were at the #CPAC11 conference?? #tcot
RT @powr2ppl: RT @HeyTammyBruce: Dear Egyptians, if you'd like, we'd be willing to let our president go 2 yrs early and you can have him ...
RT @ricktgold: Jewish folks and Black folks have much in common: discrimination, slavery, taken for granted by the Left. etc. #tcot #tjot
RT @Westwatcher: The West, Islam and Sharia: #AnnCoulter Speech at #CPAC 2011 - Complete Video 2/12/11 http://t.co/5arXb4L #tcot
RT @JonHenke: Ron Paul winning the #CPAC11 straw poll is more of a discredit to straw polls than a credit to Ron Paul.
RT @Boomerjeff: What happened to jobs during the most abrupt, deepest spending cut in history? http://bit.ly/cEJ73M #tcot #twcot #p2
RT @Synders777: EXACTLY! RT @jarjarbug: You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. ~ A. Lincoln - #tcot #tlot #t ...
RT @GregWHoward: Unbelievable scandal involving DOJ and our US borders http://exm.nr/gjvKUc Take a moment and read via @Welshman007 #tc ...
RT @exposelibtards: \\\"Pamela Geller Versus CPAC\\\" http://bit.ly/gCDvKt #tcot #tlot
RT @DawnRachel13 We should measure welfare's success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added. -Ronald Reagan #tcot #p2
RT @WeOfThePeopleR1: BHO’s NWO Pals & Muslim Brotherhood Days of Rage from Weathermen violence 69 http://bit.ly/9u0tGa http://fxn.ws/gbY ...
Never forget, there are idiots still out there that really think GWBush actually said #Strategery. #tcot #cpac11 #p2 #mil
RT @Herfarm #Democrats CUT #foodstamps subsidy to bailout teachers #unions http://shar.es/37ofV @eyesonfoxorg #tcot #p2 #sgp #news #ofa
RT @Synders777: O'SNAPPED! Islamic Rights Promoted At CPAC
http://ow.ly/3VnRV #tcot #tlot #wethepeople #teaparty #twisters ##CPAC2011 # ...
RT @Pqlyur1: I hope the RNC is paying attention! Allen West better figure prominently at the '12 Convention! #tcot
RT @welshman007: @AmericanLady49 I like Senator Jim DeMint, Sarah Palin, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton--of course, I lke Herman C ...
RT @LibertarianMary: RT @GregWHoward: Waaah, we mean old conservatives are blaming Obama for screwing up. Heck, they blamed Bush for the ...
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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