RT @FreedomsBlsings: #Mexico cancels offer to keep lights on in #Texas http://is.gd/Bf1heR #news #tcot #tx #teaparty
RT @Jihadihunter: Reza Aslan praises group dedicated to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within" http://bit.ly/e3Me ...
RT @Gabby_Hoffman White #Progressives Call 4 Lynching, Torture of Justice Thomas http://wp.me/pKxfX-h5 #tcot #news #p2 #commoncause
RT @jennisahottie: Didn't Obama promise national Wi-Fi as part of the 8pp bil stim? This must be it. Another lie. #tcot #p2 http://bit.l ...
RT @rsmccain: Attention, MSNBC execs: Having your anchors constantly bashing Fox News = Not smart strategy
RT @crnc U know we're in deep fiscal doo-doo if #Democrats are starting 2 walk & talk like #conservatives http://ht.ly/3PYX4 #tcot #p2 #news
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Leftie Rag, The Tucson Citizen: #PlannedParenthood -- the Right's next #ACORN? http://bit.ly/eTXoef #tcot #news #p2
RT @jeffemanuel: This administration is staggeringly reactive RT @nytimes: Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak to Quit Imme ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Mr. Socialist himself Sen. Sanders: "Get Rid Of The Private Health Care Companies" http://bit.ly/eNG4qu #tcot #Twis ...
RT @jeffemanuel: This just in: Carter admin now planning for fall of Shah RT @nytimes: Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE @TheFlaCracker So if a few million march on DC (again)_would obama agree 2 resign like he demands in Egypt? #p2 #tlot #tcot
RT @itsonlywords: RT @erickbrockway: Turning Outrage into Action: Defund Planned Parenthood | #RedState http://t.co/Dg7Dzbp #tcot #hhrs #sgp
RT @ondrock: Wash Times: New video shows clinic workers assisting sex-traffickers http://bit.ly/dPnbbd #tcot #news #p2
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @ResistTyranny: RT @GregWHoward: @ResistTyranny They are much further along to collapsing us than I originally thoug ...
RT @NytFury: Help us remind @CAIR by retweeting: #Sharia law is 100% incompatible with the US Constitution. - @ResistTyranny #tcot #tlot
RT @EJM421 1st #Obamacare Waivers Now #EPA Rules Waivers: The Obama Adm is quickly becoming the most corrupt_ http://bit.ly/hpfFIN #tcot #p2
RT @Kalel194: @victoria_29 #Wisconsin attorney general~ #Healthcare law is dead http://is.gd/5WnB8r #news #wi #tcot #p2 #hcr
RT @chuck_dizzle: RT @cprater The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger. You're welcome. http://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg
RT @OctavianD: http://twitpic.com/3w8yn4 Cannibal Corpse album cover portrays the macabre baby-killing "Progressives" #tcot #p2
RT @goatsred WeaselZippers.us NY Times Shamelessly Uses Giffords Shooting 2 Push Socialized #HealthCare http://bit.ly/eZNrQD #news #tcot #p2
RT @jeffemanuel: I just responded to an email from @Marriott asking if the writer was a Nigerian email scammer. The English was *that* bad.
RT @PutUp_OrShutUp: 'First ever' Tea Party town hall draws senators, reps. – CNN ...: Washington (CNN) -- Few groups... http://bit.ly/e8 ...
RT @jd_nyc @ChrisBarnhart #RedEye Attn: @FoxNews - An Open Letter to Fox News Regarding #RedEye http://is.gd/5H2BU7 #tcot
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Hey, @ericboehlert! Wanna double dip? Make some fast, east cash? http://bit.ly/fEA3cz #tcot
@goatsred doin good, hope the same w/ you....
RT @ChicagoRay44: Is Obama's baptismal certificate in the same place as his birth cert, only existing in the black hole minds of his fol ...
RT @notalemming: an ex-CIA Agent Reveals: "Muslim Brotherhood" has infiltrated Obama Admin http://wp.me/p121oH-1UK @Jihadwatch @patdolla ...
@goatsred effin' globull warming
RT @FREETeaPartyArt: RT “@GregWHoward: People wonder how Nazi Germany happened. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to ...
RT @derekahunter: Are liberals prepared to own the radicalization of Egypt if that ends up being outcome of what they blindly call "demo ...
RT @Herfarm: WTF (wink wink) >White House Plan to Push Energy-Efficient Building - http://t.co/42LoSL7 Laser-like focus on jobs, huh? ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @Disinfo: #GeorgiaGuidestones Featured on The History Channel http://bit.ly/fwCHE8 #tcot #teaparty #ga #tlot
RT @sheriffjim: VIDEO: Sheriff’s Tip – Be Ready for the Unexpected http://bit.ly/gtJFWW
RT @ConservativeGal #Democrats & WH has skillfully avoided telling individuals what the new #HC premiums will be monthly. WHY?? #tcot #p2
RT @toddstarnes: George #Soros: #Israel "a stumbling block." http://is.gd/u7XOoF #news #jews #jcot #tcot #p2
RT @breeannehowe: Congrats DC! RT @slone: CHART: #Food Stamp Use by State http://is.gd/4xKbkx #tcot #tlot #news #economy
RT @ExJon: This actually happened? Yow. RT @PoliticalPunch: Valerie Jarrett Mistakes Vice Chief of Staff of Army for Waiter: http://abcn ...
RT @laborunionrpt: RT @hugh4life: The NLRB drops lawsuit threat over secret ballots... http://bit.ly/hcutRl #tcot #unions #LUR #news
RT @CFHeather Why Were #BillAyers & #BernadineDohrn in #Egypt? http://ht.ly/3Q0Sx @becktips #ocra #twisters #teaparty #sgp #tcot #news #tlot
If only #California & #Israel were fungible properties.
RT @ConservativeLA: MSM's Egypt coverage (esp. Muslim Brotherhood) is at best lazy; at worst, pimping Islamofascism: http://bit.ly/fpBFC ...
RT @hch242 #NewZeal ~We Are Witnessing the Collapse of the #MiddleEast http://bit.ly/e5bIFN via @addthis #news #tcot #mil #sot #teaparty
RT @intelwire New on #INTELWIRE: #FBI Lab Took Nearly 3 Years 2 Analyze Terry Nichols Bomb Cache http://is.gd/au93YK #mil #tlot #tcot #news
Imho_w/the 1st signs of US social unrest_well see some_if not most_red states quickly pass extremely #liberal #OpenCarry laws #tcot #p2 #goa
RT @HeyTammyBruce #Cspan 2 broadcast @SarahPalinUSA speech tomorrow night 8pm PT (@robotboy1) #tcot #news #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #tsot #Palin
RT @PalinTV Via @C4Palin The Sickness Of The Left: Dare Say U Like #Palin & We’ll Destroy U http://bit.ly/e3fIFZ #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @CUBANCONGAMAN: Coming On @Hannity Obamas own party looking to defeat him in 2012. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @MuslimAlert: Barack Obama, George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski are behind the fall of Egypt and the coming Islamic R... http://bit. ...
I sure hope @Cspan has their server requirements 'in a pile' for @SarahPalinUSA 's Friday night speech. #Palin #tsot #tcot #teaparty
RT @FloridaPundit: Senator Rand Paul’s First Speech in Senate: Is Compromise a Good Thing? http://om.ly/BLsot #tcot #teaparty #liberty #gop
RT @jamiedupree The House #GOP budget cut numbers getting the thumbs down from some #conservatives http://is.gd/wxBrm9 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @johnboehner: As I said on @FoxNewsSunday, Americans will not tolerate an increase in the debt limit without significant cuts to gov' ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals claim to be intelligent but, when your emotions override your rational thinking..you're just an average id ...
The #MuslimBrotherhood expressly knew they couldn't be the vanguard of the #jan25 uprising, thats where the Left comes in. #tcot
RT @PalinTV Via @C4Palin #EPA RedTape Forces #Shell 2Delay Arctic #Drilling until'12 at the Earliest http://bit.ly/hjTl9V #tcot #palin #news
RT @_TFA_: Obama Has Level of 'Sophistication and Skill' That Not One Republican Can Duplicate http://j.mp/hUQnhO #tcot #p2 // You can't ...
RT @Cubachi: @trscoop LOL. Scheuer was a favorite guest for Beck. I noticed he's not on his show anymore
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @EliLake: Muslim Brotherhood deputy calls on govt. after Mubarak to end Israel peace treaty http://bit.ly/gb5Ygw #ja ...
RT @ConservativeLA: A good start to taking back the word "liberal" - RT @GreatHairGuy: Egypt Needs Liberalism: http://bit.ly/hc5bFx #tco ...
RT @ondrock: RT @pcam LOL=> RT @bccohan: Proof that @dinafraioli isn't a true conservative: she loves Barbara Streisand. #rino // #GO ...
RT @imsure: PajamasMedia: Why @GroverNorquist says, “Afghanistan has made America weaker.” (by @RyanMauro) http://bit.ly/h... http://tin ...
RT @CO2HOG via @BluegrassPundit Fail #ABC Hires Fake Racist to Challenge #AZ #IllegalImmigration Law http://bit.ly/gF3rBz #tcot #news #p2
RT @UntilimInCharge @runedart #EPA Issues Waiver 4 New Greenhouse Gas Regs 4 GUESS WHO? http://is.gd/aOrnJS #tcot #p2 #sgp #news #teaparty
RT @Paceset9999: RT @nytjim: Prominent #Egypt broadcaster Shahira Amin, resigns from Nile TV, calling it "propaganda machine." http://yo ...
RT @ThomasGS: I guess liberal politicians always fight so hard to expand welfare because their policies force more people into eligibility.
RT @Kim_AE: @Cubachi If #Palin and #Bolton ran together in 2012, I'm pretty sure I'd pee myself. #justsayin lol #tcot
Bravo!…Iraqis Protest Vicious Iranian Executions–Chuck Rocks at Consulate~Vid http://t.co/8VXr6jn via @gatewaypundit #tcot #news #iran #mil
RT @ariarmstrong: "Obama is not a classical liberal, but rather an illiberal multicultural relativist." Also, he's helping muck up Egypt ...
RT @southsalem: MSM = leftwing dhimmis. Are U really going 2trust their assessment of who the good guys are on the ground in #Egypt? #Jo ...
RT @Bellanieve @vadum @terresamonroe #Obama, #CodePink & #Egypt: There Are No Coincidences in Politix http://tinyurl.com/6zj52qs #tcot #news
Government taking a 20% haircut?!? It's a good start. #tcot #gop #teaparty
RT @Jihadihunter: Attention Governors: Implementing #Obamacare Violates Your Oath Of Office & Makes You Subject To Arrest #tcot #hcr #go ...
RT @LisaGraas http://twurl.nl/0lbf5c Soros blames #Jews 4 #Egypt @JRubinBlogger #ProgressIs #tcot #tjot #politics #israel #obama #cjot
RT @jodigirl1000: @tahDeetz @Bellanieve @vadum @terresamonroe I thought USA government wanted *all* Americans out of Egypt. Why is Code ...
RT @vadum @jodigirl1000 @Bellanieve @terresamonroe Pro-Islamist #CodePink seeks donations 2 support Egypt revolution; HT 2 @KristinnFR #news
So much for the Left's #NeverAgain crap. #tcot #jews #p2 #jcot
RT @vadum: @jodigirl1000 @tahDeetz @Bellanieve @terresamonroe Islamist CodePink seeks $ 4 Egypt rev. LEGAL? http://tinyurl.com/62p59l4 h ...
RT @vadum @jodigirl1000 @Bellanieve @terresamonroe If a crime is committed & a solicitor wont charge_is it a crime? ask Holder @KristinnFR
RT @engadget: RFID poker gets DIY kit, automated card counting now available at home (video) http://engt.co/fs7pOo
RT @Jihadihunter: Reza Aslan praises group dedicated to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within" http://bit.ly/e3Me ...
RT @Gabby_Hoffman White #Progressives Call 4 Lynching, Torture of Justice Thomas http://wp.me/pKxfX-h5 #tcot #news #p2 #commoncause
RT @jennisahottie: Didn't Obama promise national Wi-Fi as part of the 8pp bil stim? This must be it. Another lie. #tcot #p2 http://bit.l ...
RT @rsmccain: Attention, MSNBC execs: Having your anchors constantly bashing Fox News = Not smart strategy
RT @crnc U know we're in deep fiscal doo-doo if #Democrats are starting 2 walk & talk like #conservatives http://ht.ly/3PYX4 #tcot #p2 #news
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Leftie Rag, The Tucson Citizen: #PlannedParenthood -- the Right's next #ACORN? http://bit.ly/eTXoef #tcot #news #p2
RT @jeffemanuel: This administration is staggeringly reactive RT @nytimes: Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak to Quit Imme ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Mr. Socialist himself Sen. Sanders: "Get Rid Of The Private Health Care Companies" http://bit.ly/eNG4qu #tcot #Twis ...
RT @jeffemanuel: This just in: Carter admin now planning for fall of Shah RT @nytimes: Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak ...
RT @WAGNERGIRLE @TheFlaCracker So if a few million march on DC (again)_would obama agree 2 resign like he demands in Egypt? #p2 #tlot #tcot
RT @itsonlywords: RT @erickbrockway: Turning Outrage into Action: Defund Planned Parenthood | #RedState http://t.co/Dg7Dzbp #tcot #hhrs #sgp
RT @ondrock: Wash Times: New video shows clinic workers assisting sex-traffickers http://bit.ly/dPnbbd #tcot #news #p2
RT @WAGNERGIRLE: RT @ResistTyranny: RT @GregWHoward: @ResistTyranny They are much further along to collapsing us than I originally thoug ...
RT @NytFury: Help us remind @CAIR by retweeting: #Sharia law is 100% incompatible with the US Constitution. - @ResistTyranny #tcot #tlot
RT @EJM421 1st #Obamacare Waivers Now #EPA Rules Waivers: The Obama Adm is quickly becoming the most corrupt_ http://bit.ly/hpfFIN #tcot #p2
RT @Kalel194: @victoria_29 #Wisconsin attorney general~ #Healthcare law is dead http://is.gd/5WnB8r #news #wi #tcot #p2 #hcr
RT @chuck_dizzle: RT @cprater The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger. You're welcome. http://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg
RT @OctavianD: http://twitpic.com/3w8yn4 Cannibal Corpse album cover portrays the macabre baby-killing "Progressives" #tcot #p2
RT @goatsred WeaselZippers.us NY Times Shamelessly Uses Giffords Shooting 2 Push Socialized #HealthCare http://bit.ly/eZNrQD #news #tcot #p2
RT @jeffemanuel: I just responded to an email from @Marriott asking if the writer was a Nigerian email scammer. The English was *that* bad.
RT @PutUp_OrShutUp: 'First ever' Tea Party town hall draws senators, reps. – CNN ...: Washington (CNN) -- Few groups... http://bit.ly/e8 ...
RT @jd_nyc @ChrisBarnhart #RedEye Attn: @FoxNews - An Open Letter to Fox News Regarding #RedEye http://is.gd/5H2BU7 #tcot
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Hey, @ericboehlert! Wanna double dip? Make some fast, east cash? http://bit.ly/fEA3cz #tcot
@goatsred doin good, hope the same w/ you....
RT @ChicagoRay44: Is Obama's baptismal certificate in the same place as his birth cert, only existing in the black hole minds of his fol ...
RT @notalemming: an ex-CIA Agent Reveals: "Muslim Brotherhood" has infiltrated Obama Admin http://wp.me/p121oH-1UK @Jihadwatch @patdolla ...
@goatsred effin' globull warming
RT @FREETeaPartyArt: RT “@GregWHoward: People wonder how Nazi Germany happened. A charismatic leader told the people what they wanted to ...
RT @derekahunter: Are liberals prepared to own the radicalization of Egypt if that ends up being outcome of what they blindly call "demo ...
RT @Herfarm: WTF (wink wink) >White House Plan to Push Energy-Efficient Building - http://t.co/42LoSL7 Laser-like focus on jobs, huh? ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @Disinfo: #GeorgiaGuidestones Featured on The History Channel http://bit.ly/fwCHE8 #tcot #teaparty #ga #tlot
RT @sheriffjim: VIDEO: Sheriff’s Tip – Be Ready for the Unexpected http://bit.ly/gtJFWW
RT @ConservativeGal #Democrats & WH has skillfully avoided telling individuals what the new #HC premiums will be monthly. WHY?? #tcot #p2
RT @toddstarnes: George #Soros: #Israel "a stumbling block." http://is.gd/u7XOoF #news #jews #jcot #tcot #p2
RT @breeannehowe: Congrats DC! RT @slone: CHART: #Food Stamp Use by State http://is.gd/4xKbkx #tcot #tlot #news #economy
RT @ExJon: This actually happened? Yow. RT @PoliticalPunch: Valerie Jarrett Mistakes Vice Chief of Staff of Army for Waiter: http://abcn ...
RT @laborunionrpt: RT @hugh4life: The NLRB drops lawsuit threat over secret ballots... http://bit.ly/hcutRl #tcot #unions #LUR #news
RT @CFHeather Why Were #BillAyers & #BernadineDohrn in #Egypt? http://ht.ly/3Q0Sx @becktips #ocra #twisters #teaparty #sgp #tcot #news #tlot
If only #California & #Israel were fungible properties.
RT @ConservativeLA: MSM's Egypt coverage (esp. Muslim Brotherhood) is at best lazy; at worst, pimping Islamofascism: http://bit.ly/fpBFC ...
RT @hch242 #NewZeal ~We Are Witnessing the Collapse of the #MiddleEast http://bit.ly/e5bIFN via @addthis #news #tcot #mil #sot #teaparty
RT @intelwire New on #INTELWIRE: #FBI Lab Took Nearly 3 Years 2 Analyze Terry Nichols Bomb Cache http://is.gd/au93YK #mil #tlot #tcot #news
Imho_w/the 1st signs of US social unrest_well see some_if not most_red states quickly pass extremely #liberal #OpenCarry laws #tcot #p2 #goa
RT @HeyTammyBruce #Cspan 2 broadcast @SarahPalinUSA speech tomorrow night 8pm PT (@robotboy1) #tcot #news #teaparty #tbrs #hhrs #tsot #Palin
RT @PalinTV Via @C4Palin The Sickness Of The Left: Dare Say U Like #Palin & We’ll Destroy U http://bit.ly/e3fIFZ #tcot #news #p2 #teaparty
RT @CUBANCONGAMAN: Coming On @Hannity Obamas own party looking to defeat him in 2012. #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc
RT @MuslimAlert: Barack Obama, George Soros and Zbigniew Brzezinski are behind the fall of Egypt and the coming Islamic R... http://bit. ...
I sure hope @Cspan has their server requirements 'in a pile' for @SarahPalinUSA 's Friday night speech. #Palin #tsot #tcot #teaparty
RT @FloridaPundit: Senator Rand Paul’s First Speech in Senate: Is Compromise a Good Thing? http://om.ly/BLsot #tcot #teaparty #liberty #gop
RT @jamiedupree The House #GOP budget cut numbers getting the thumbs down from some #conservatives http://is.gd/wxBrm9 #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @johnboehner: As I said on @FoxNewsSunday, Americans will not tolerate an increase in the debt limit without significant cuts to gov' ...
RT @Blueberrier0341: Liberals claim to be intelligent but, when your emotions override your rational thinking..you're just an average id ...
The #MuslimBrotherhood expressly knew they couldn't be the vanguard of the #jan25 uprising, thats where the Left comes in. #tcot
RT @PalinTV Via @C4Palin #EPA RedTape Forces #Shell 2Delay Arctic #Drilling until'12 at the Earliest http://bit.ly/hjTl9V #tcot #palin #news
RT @_TFA_: Obama Has Level of 'Sophistication and Skill' That Not One Republican Can Duplicate http://j.mp/hUQnhO #tcot #p2 // You can't ...
RT @Cubachi: @trscoop LOL. Scheuer was a favorite guest for Beck. I noticed he's not on his show anymore
RT @jeffemanuel: RT @EliLake: Muslim Brotherhood deputy calls on govt. after Mubarak to end Israel peace treaty http://bit.ly/gb5Ygw #ja ...
RT @ConservativeLA: A good start to taking back the word "liberal" - RT @GreatHairGuy: Egypt Needs Liberalism: http://bit.ly/hc5bFx #tco ...
RT @ondrock: RT @pcam LOL=> RT @bccohan: Proof that @dinafraioli isn't a true conservative: she loves Barbara Streisand. #rino // #GO ...
RT @imsure: PajamasMedia: Why @GroverNorquist says, “Afghanistan has made America weaker.” (by @RyanMauro) http://bit.ly/h... http://tin ...
RT @CO2HOG via @BluegrassPundit Fail #ABC Hires Fake Racist to Challenge #AZ #IllegalImmigration Law http://bit.ly/gF3rBz #tcot #news #p2
RT @UntilimInCharge @runedart #EPA Issues Waiver 4 New Greenhouse Gas Regs 4 GUESS WHO? http://is.gd/aOrnJS #tcot #p2 #sgp #news #teaparty
RT @Paceset9999: RT @nytjim: Prominent #Egypt broadcaster Shahira Amin, resigns from Nile TV, calling it "propaganda machine." http://yo ...
RT @ThomasGS: I guess liberal politicians always fight so hard to expand welfare because their policies force more people into eligibility.
RT @Kim_AE: @Cubachi If #Palin and #Bolton ran together in 2012, I'm pretty sure I'd pee myself. #justsayin lol #tcot
Bravo!…Iraqis Protest Vicious Iranian Executions–Chuck Rocks at Consulate~Vid http://t.co/8VXr6jn via @gatewaypundit #tcot #news #iran #mil
RT @ariarmstrong: "Obama is not a classical liberal, but rather an illiberal multicultural relativist." Also, he's helping muck up Egypt ...
RT @southsalem: MSM = leftwing dhimmis. Are U really going 2trust their assessment of who the good guys are on the ground in #Egypt? #Jo ...
RT @Bellanieve @vadum @terresamonroe #Obama, #CodePink & #Egypt: There Are No Coincidences in Politix http://tinyurl.com/6zj52qs #tcot #news
Government taking a 20% haircut?!? It's a good start. #tcot #gop #teaparty
RT @Jihadihunter: Attention Governors: Implementing #Obamacare Violates Your Oath Of Office & Makes You Subject To Arrest #tcot #hcr #go ...
RT @LisaGraas http://twurl.nl/0lbf5c Soros blames #Jews 4 #Egypt @JRubinBlogger #ProgressIs #tcot #tjot #politics #israel #obama #cjot
RT @jodigirl1000: @tahDeetz @Bellanieve @vadum @terresamonroe I thought USA government wanted *all* Americans out of Egypt. Why is Code ...
RT @vadum @jodigirl1000 @Bellanieve @terresamonroe Pro-Islamist #CodePink seeks donations 2 support Egypt revolution; HT 2 @KristinnFR #news
So much for the Left's #NeverAgain crap. #tcot #jews #p2 #jcot
RT @vadum: @jodigirl1000 @tahDeetz @Bellanieve @terresamonroe Islamist CodePink seeks $ 4 Egypt rev. LEGAL? http://tinyurl.com/62p59l4 h ...
RT @vadum @jodigirl1000 @Bellanieve @terresamonroe If a crime is committed & a solicitor wont charge_is it a crime? ask Holder @KristinnFR
RT @engadget: RFID poker gets DIY kit, automated card counting now available at home (video) http://engt.co/fs7pOo
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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