@GuardWifeL give #Clutch a listen then, no throw away tracks.
RT @kesgardner: THIS, on Afghanistan. RT @ShannonPoe: @dmataconis @kesgardner it's our job to secure things in our wake. #tcot
@GuardWifeL they've got a hard-rock bluesy sound, real gritty. plenty #Clutch tunes on YouTube.
RT @irishspy: RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: Sarah Palin inciting gun violence http://bit.ly/hClwEw #tcot #news #p2
@GuardWifeL they have a massive_prolific library/the LeadSinger hates fluffy-shirted RockStars_Black Label Society & North Mississippi kick2
@Talkmaster that friendship took a hard south quick.
RT @BigBucksCo: Charlotte Iserbyt -- #CharterSchool Trap, Part 1 http://shar.es/3zPI2 #education #schools #asamom #sgp #tcot #teaparty
RT @FederalistNo2 #TEAPARTY 'ERS CLEAN-UP MESS LEFT BY #UNION PROTESTERS IN #WISCONSIN http://bit.ly/fzDzvk #teaparty #WI #news #wigop #p2
RT @BoxAndSend: Not Utilizing USA resources the WH is putting USA in economic danger.This is a National Security crisis created. Drill N ...
RT @appleinsider: AT&T allows legacy unlimited data for iPad 2; Samsung won't delay Galaxy Tab 10.1 http://dlvr.it/JXBt6
RT @GunDigest: Rimfire Scope Level: BKL Technologies has introduced a 12-Way scope level, designed to eliminate canting error i... http: ...
RT @LadyFyreAZ @MMFlint So Michael_did U pay your 'fair share' 2 IRS this time around? Prove it_publish your tax returns_Hypocrite #tcot #p2
RT @AmericanAlways #RealID Buried 4 Another 20 Months_But Not Dead http://is.gd/t3zAou #tcot #tiot #tlot #TeaParty #ocra #sgp #news
RT @Synders777: DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!! @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader @GOPWhip Oil jumps near $107 http://ow.ly/49eU9 #wethepeople #tcot #l ...
RT @DanRiehl: Journolister Ezra Klein, Shocked at Anti-Semitism in Libya, Blames High Food Prices http://is.gd/kjR8a9
RT @HeyTammyBruce: MT @michellemalkin: Please spread word about missing person/UW student Marizela Perez. My cousin: http://is.gd/ispGf1 ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce MT @michellemalkin Please spread word about missing person/ #UW student Marizela Perez_My cousin http://is.gd/ispGf1 #tcot
MT @HeyTammyBruce @michellemalkin PLZ spread word about missing person/ #UW student Marizela Perez_My cousin http://is.gd/ispGf1 #news #tlot
RT @ForeignPolicyI Defending Defense: China's Military Build-up: Implications for US Defense Spending http://bit.ly/eUXvt7 #mil #news #tcot
RT @TechZader: Canonical intelligently reinvents the scrollbar for Ubuntu http://bit.ly/hOZHTf
RT @tillerylakelady: "Russia is Rapidly Building 5000 Survival Shelters" on Earth Changes and the Pole Shift: http://ning.it/dUllfI #tco ...
RT @RandysRight Call 2 Violence on #Facebook Page 4 Upcoming Rally Supporting #IllegalImmigration in #Chicago http://wp.me/pwmBO-4rS #tcot
RT @imsure ALERT: @michellemalkin 's COUSIN>> Missing: #MarizelaPerez http://is.gd/WQUJow #tcot #asamom #ocra #teaparty #twisters #news #sgp
RT @DanRiehl: RT @RachelleFriberg: @DanRiehl ALERT: Columnist Michelle Malkin's Cousin MISSING!!! http://is.gd/GcFALt #news #tcot #tpp #tpn
RT @imsure: Please help find Michelle Malkin’s cousin, Marizela Perez http://j.mp/hu2sXh #tcot #patriots #teaparty #twisters
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #p2 #news : #Oil, #Gold, & #Silver Prices Up as Saudi Arabia Faces Unrest http://bit.ly/gCY9z1 #news #mil #tcot
RT @irishspy: Red-Green Alliance Sponsors Astroturf “Today, I Am A Muslim, Too” Campaign http://bit.ly/dRsE2G
RT @gailtalk: RT @imsure AmSpec: The Left's War on #Conservative Justices http://bit.ly/fqFiHj http://j.mp/eqcaVk #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1 http://bit.ly/ecjo9V #wiunion #tcot FatAss-MarxistSociopath Michael Moore Used Non #Union Stagehands 2 Film Last Movie @mmflint
RT @AmericanThinker: The View from Crackerland http://bit.ly/ginRSq #cracker #cracka #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @diggrbiii: "We can't drill for oil because we want to promote Green Technology" <- Reason why we're dependent on foreign oil. #tc ...
RT @vermontaigne: Encyclopedia Brown & the Case of a High-Ranking Congresswoman Attempting 2 Make News & the Strangely Incurious "Report ...
RT @anthropocon Andrew Sullivan? @verumserum #Palin Stalker Arrested by FBI 50 Miles from Her Home http://ow.ly/1s86MG #tcot #p2 #news #sgp
RT @imsure: Long-lost #TeaParty tract discovered — dating back to 1963! http://j.mp/gwkp9H
RT @Winghunter: Minneapolis Nurses Fight Back Against Union Intimidation http://bit.ly/gCM6co #twisters #Teaparty #tcot #watchdog #iamth ...
RT @JennyAllen702: Late-night's best: Anne Taylor, Aretha and Kadafi's hats and one Mexican's legal U.S. visit http://j.mp/hWTfcP via @l ...
RT @dhrxsol1234: BO fondles AFL-CIO Boss?? http://twitpic.com/42lpvf #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp #ocra #wiunion #p2
RT @dhrxsol1234 All of the Wisconsin Dems protestors should burn their Govt issued debit cards in protest!! #tcot #teaparty #p2 #sgp #ocra
@goatsred dittro
RT @dhrxsol1234: Typical Public Union Supervisors to worker ratio: 5 to 1...e.g. street crews, one shovels and 5 supervise, #tcot #teapa ...
RT @SoConSports: Wofford taking proactive steps to get students/fans to Chattanooga for tonight's championship game http://bit.ly/g8Idah
@ROCKWITHBECK I got backdrop on it & the feds are dangling big carrots 4 state/local LEOs_its a big debate w/in leo community_many do resist
Wanna good LAFF?!? #Obama defends the #2nd A. http://is.gd/IAMiXq #tcot #teaparty #p2 #news
RT @somethingfishie: RT @IMAO_: RT @JedediahBila: Please pray for @michellemalkin & her family. And please continue to pass this along: ...
RT @pinnie99: RT @dhrxsol1234: OMG!!! Pissed off voter bumper stickers on back of pickup truck--LOT OF THEM!! http://twitpic.com/2te9qj ...
RT @DennisPrager: The Left's motto: We have a dream; you pay for it. #dprs #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: 64% of Americans have a favorable view of the Peace Corp. Uh, why? How many even know what it actually does? ...
@CAIVN thus the teaparty.
RT @peytonjames: "Madison is only the beginning." Marxist Michael Moore -- Bring it on, fat boy. #tcot #BustTheUnions @mmflint #teaparty #p2
RT @beckychr007: Which repressive country puts the most people in jail for violating government laws? It's not even close.... http://bit ...
RT @nativevoice: LSM @CNN @ABC @MSNBC @NBC could not wait to blame Bush for high gas prices. Now gasoline is at $4 all we hear is cricke ...
RT @America1First Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Sarah #Palin's Father ~We sleep w/the #guns http://bit.ly/dSiwBg #SoDoI #news #tcot #p2
@Marsh626 dontcha know, the Confederate flag ist verbotten multiculturalism. #tcot
RT @welshman007 #ATF / #DOJ Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident http://is.gd/JcETEp #tcot #tlot #sgp #dnc #teaparty #news #p2
Hey #Wisconsin #TeaParty 'rs . . . way 2 represent. much love. #tcot #wigop #wi #madison
RT @VoteSmartToday: #tcot #ocra #TheTwisters | The support and success of the freshly emerging #TeaParty coalition depend (cont) http:// ...
RT @EdMorrissey: RT @michellemalkin: Thank u @seattletimes, John Carlson/KOMO, Q13 Fox for helping spread word abt Marizela Perez. Prayi ...
RT @carold501: RT @theblaze: British Socialized HC Official: Some Premature Babies Should be Left to Die http://www.theblaze.… (cont) ht ...
RT @x_1013_x: Tapping the reserves is like using canned tomatoes when you have a garden full of fresh ones. #stupid #spro #tcot #mil #p2
RT @vermontaigne: Sigalert Issued After Body Found on 10 Freeway - ktla.com http://ow.ly/49vgN | The graphic in the upper left is horrib ...
RT @egarners: Our founding fathers warned us of Central Banks & entanglement in foriegn squables. Why don't we listen?? http://tiny.ly/XbiB
RT @EvanPokroy: This RT @GolfCzar56: I didnt need any book to let me know that Megyn Kelly wipes the floor with Shepard Smith any day of ...
RT @dhrxsol1234: The longer the #wiunion protests are, the LARGER the #teaparty will grow !! #tcot #gop #sgp #ocra #p2 #wigop #wi
RT @retiredfirecapt: RT @AtillasAdvisor Kudos for Wisconsin Tea Party: Offers to clean up Union Picketers Mess for Free, not $300,000 pl ...
RT @brooksbayne: RT @michellemalkin: Univ of Washington students in Seattle: PLEASE spread word about missing undergrad Marizela Perez h ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant: RT @weaselzippers: Hope and Change: Federal Government Posts Largest Monthly Deficit In History... http://weaselzipp ...
MT @TalkShowAmerica Bad Brew Alert: #TeaParty Being Hijacked by Progressives on #Military Cuts http://shar.es/3i0vp #tcot #tpp #tpn #tpe
RT @PJTatler: Meet the center of the green-industrial complex http://bit.ly/gW4IHl #tcot #news
RT @TechZader: 80s blockbusters responsible for Hollywood sucking now http://bit.ly/gpzaDl // @BoingBoing
RT @ner_iconoclast: Anti-Christian Rampage in Egypt Goes Unnoticed: People who follow the #copts or #helwan hashtags on Twitter will... ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant: RT @MuslimAlert: \"Islamic leadership is coming whether people like it or not\": Whether you like it or not… (cont) ...
RT @PhotographyTalk: Digital Photography—Reveal More in Black and White http://bit.ly/efo0TI
RT @TheNewsBlotter: @kgbt: 2 dead, 1 injured following gunfight south of #Matamoros http://is.gd/u0Aag8 #narco #rgv #tcot #news #tx
RT @BrushfireOrg #Liberals, spending your money until they leave, because they can #tcot #bfire http://is.gd/TVE0IV #news #teaparty #p2
RT @cr8f To what 10? @mcwbr @dhrxsol1234 Longer the #wiunion protests…the LARGER #teaparty will grow! ~fyi, we 'vent' by "organizing" #tcot
RT @proenglishUSA: RT @proenglishusa Official English Gains Momentum in States http://bit.ly/fJKGJo #TBB
@mcwbr I understand that the finer points of disambiguation in under 140, can be difficult for some. @cr8f #tcot #teaparty @dhrxsol1234
RT @KOSMOSNET: Big Government Meet the New #Ethanol: Wind Blows Past Corn as Subsidy King, No End in Sight http://bit.ly/if7E9a #tcot #tlot
RT @slydogstudios: Blog: Collective Bargaining is a Privilege, NOT a Right http://bit.ly/f79V3p #tcot #tlot #conservative #unions #news #p2
RT @TombstoneBadBob: Islams goal is to have Jihad and conquer the Infidels! I am a proud card, I mean gun carrying Infidel! #dittro. #tcot
RT @PJTatler: Georgia Supreme Court upholds Voter ID law http://bit.ly/eEF7CE #tcot #gapolitics #news #voterfraud #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog: The #Silver Rocket | Don't Tread On Me http://ht.ly/49x9h #tcot #news #teaparty #gold #markets #usdollar
RT @TropicsZ4: Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun ♫ http://blip.fm/~12j1o4
@mcwbr errrr, so.
@CAIVN any that falter_shall be cleaved #teaparty nevertheless_Ron Paul 4many_has gone 2far left on military concerns_Let RP kill the FedRes
RT @Mar4L Lower oil/gas prices = lower transportation fees = lower manufactoring cost = lower prices & more #jobs. #DrillBabyDrill #tcot #p2
RT @welshman007: ATF/DOJ Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident: http://is.gd/JcETEp #wethepeople #iamthemob #christians #t ...
RT @keder: The liberal plan for oil prices: pay up, you stupid rubes. #tcot #p2
RT @TechZader: New Manufacturing Process Builds A Nylon Bike As Strong As Steel http://bit.ly/ey4E1u // @PopSci
RT @sdo1: RT @welshman007: #ATF / #DOJ #Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident: http://is.gd/JcETEp #tcot #gop #ProjectGun ...
RT @bondgyrl: Can't make it Mardi Gras this year? EarthCam has launched an audio and video feed shot from a balcony on Bourbon Street ht ...
RT @keder: I'm glad liberals have grand visions for US energy policy. Now, can we please find more oil so it doesn't cost $50 to fill up ...
@keder you've never driven an SUV, have ya? ... ;-) #tcot #p2
RT @Mel_bourne_oz: RT @BULMKT: Kate - CO2 is food for plants - it isn't dangerous. Your Carbon Tax is.... #qanda #tcot #p2
RT @zolqarnain: @redostoneage Keith Olbermann Gets Punked By George Soros http://bit.ly/gnyiny #p2 @blacknews #BET #news #AP #cbs #abc # ...
RT @TropicsZ4: AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ♫ http://blip.fm/~12j3h2
RT @InhofePress: Boxer-Inhofe To Hold Hearing on #Ethanol in April http://is.gd/nzH3pB #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @engadget: JVC's GS-TD1 3D camcorder now available for $1,700 http://engt.co/dXtPKc
RT @TechZader: Apple To Cut 32 Games, Other Third Party Products From Retail Stores http://bit.ly/dL8v2I
RT @ceolas: BP Agent Murdered by Guns Given 2 Mexican NarcoTerrorists by Obama/ Forced 2 Use Nonlethal Beanbags http://tinyurl.com/5wggf ...
RT @kesgardner: THIS, on Afghanistan. RT @ShannonPoe: @dmataconis @kesgardner it's our job to secure things in our wake. #tcot
@GuardWifeL they've got a hard-rock bluesy sound, real gritty. plenty #Clutch tunes on YouTube.
RT @irishspy: RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: Sarah Palin inciting gun violence http://bit.ly/hClwEw #tcot #news #p2
@GuardWifeL they have a massive_prolific library/the LeadSinger hates fluffy-shirted RockStars_Black Label Society & North Mississippi kick2
@Talkmaster that friendship took a hard south quick.
RT @BigBucksCo: Charlotte Iserbyt -- #CharterSchool Trap, Part 1 http://shar.es/3zPI2 #education #schools #asamom #sgp #tcot #teaparty
RT @FederalistNo2 #TEAPARTY 'ERS CLEAN-UP MESS LEFT BY #UNION PROTESTERS IN #WISCONSIN http://bit.ly/fzDzvk #teaparty #WI #news #wigop #p2
RT @BoxAndSend: Not Utilizing USA resources the WH is putting USA in economic danger.This is a National Security crisis created. Drill N ...
RT @appleinsider: AT&T allows legacy unlimited data for iPad 2; Samsung won't delay Galaxy Tab 10.1 http://dlvr.it/JXBt6
RT @GunDigest: Rimfire Scope Level: BKL Technologies has introduced a 12-Way scope level, designed to eliminate canting error i... http: ...
RT @LadyFyreAZ @MMFlint So Michael_did U pay your 'fair share' 2 IRS this time around? Prove it_publish your tax returns_Hypocrite #tcot #p2
RT @AmericanAlways #RealID Buried 4 Another 20 Months_But Not Dead http://is.gd/t3zAou #tcot #tiot #tlot #TeaParty #ocra #sgp #news
RT @Synders777: DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!! @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader @GOPWhip Oil jumps near $107 http://ow.ly/49eU9 #wethepeople #tcot #l ...
RT @DanRiehl: Journolister Ezra Klein, Shocked at Anti-Semitism in Libya, Blames High Food Prices http://is.gd/kjR8a9
RT @HeyTammyBruce: MT @michellemalkin: Please spread word about missing person/UW student Marizela Perez. My cousin: http://is.gd/ispGf1 ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce MT @michellemalkin Please spread word about missing person/ #UW student Marizela Perez_My cousin http://is.gd/ispGf1 #tcot
MT @HeyTammyBruce @michellemalkin PLZ spread word about missing person/ #UW student Marizela Perez_My cousin http://is.gd/ispGf1 #news #tlot
RT @ForeignPolicyI Defending Defense: China's Military Build-up: Implications for US Defense Spending http://bit.ly/eUXvt7 #mil #news #tcot
RT @TechZader: Canonical intelligently reinvents the scrollbar for Ubuntu http://bit.ly/hOZHTf
RT @tillerylakelady: "Russia is Rapidly Building 5000 Survival Shelters" on Earth Changes and the Pole Shift: http://ning.it/dUllfI #tco ...
RT @RandysRight Call 2 Violence on #Facebook Page 4 Upcoming Rally Supporting #IllegalImmigration in #Chicago http://wp.me/pwmBO-4rS #tcot
RT @imsure ALERT: @michellemalkin 's COUSIN>> Missing: #MarizelaPerez http://is.gd/WQUJow #tcot #asamom #ocra #teaparty #twisters #news #sgp
RT @DanRiehl: RT @RachelleFriberg: @DanRiehl ALERT: Columnist Michelle Malkin's Cousin MISSING!!! http://is.gd/GcFALt #news #tcot #tpp #tpn
RT @imsure: Please help find Michelle Malkin’s cousin, Marizela Perez http://j.mp/hu2sXh #tcot #patriots #teaparty #twisters
RT @survivalstation: #tcot #p2 #news : #Oil, #Gold, & #Silver Prices Up as Saudi Arabia Faces Unrest http://bit.ly/gCY9z1 #news #mil #tcot
RT @irishspy: Red-Green Alliance Sponsors Astroturf “Today, I Am A Muslim, Too” Campaign http://bit.ly/dRsE2G
RT @gailtalk: RT @imsure AmSpec: The Left's War on #Conservative Justices http://bit.ly/fqFiHj http://j.mp/eqcaVk #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @Snooper1 http://bit.ly/ecjo9V #wiunion #tcot FatAss-MarxistSociopath Michael Moore Used Non #Union Stagehands 2 Film Last Movie @mmflint
RT @AmericanThinker: The View from Crackerland http://bit.ly/ginRSq #cracker #cracka #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @diggrbiii: "We can't drill for oil because we want to promote Green Technology" <- Reason why we're dependent on foreign oil. #tc ...
RT @vermontaigne: Encyclopedia Brown & the Case of a High-Ranking Congresswoman Attempting 2 Make News & the Strangely Incurious "Report ...
RT @anthropocon Andrew Sullivan? @verumserum #Palin Stalker Arrested by FBI 50 Miles from Her Home http://ow.ly/1s86MG #tcot #p2 #news #sgp
RT @imsure: Long-lost #TeaParty tract discovered — dating back to 1963! http://j.mp/gwkp9H
RT @Winghunter: Minneapolis Nurses Fight Back Against Union Intimidation http://bit.ly/gCM6co #twisters #Teaparty #tcot #watchdog #iamth ...
RT @JennyAllen702: Late-night's best: Anne Taylor, Aretha and Kadafi's hats and one Mexican's legal U.S. visit http://j.mp/hWTfcP via @l ...
RT @dhrxsol1234: BO fondles AFL-CIO Boss?? http://twitpic.com/42lpvf #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp #ocra #wiunion #p2
RT @dhrxsol1234 All of the Wisconsin Dems protestors should burn their Govt issued debit cards in protest!! #tcot #teaparty #p2 #sgp #ocra
@goatsred dittro
RT @dhrxsol1234: Typical Public Union Supervisors to worker ratio: 5 to 1...e.g. street crews, one shovels and 5 supervise, #tcot #teapa ...
RT @SoConSports: Wofford taking proactive steps to get students/fans to Chattanooga for tonight's championship game http://bit.ly/g8Idah
@ROCKWITHBECK I got backdrop on it & the feds are dangling big carrots 4 state/local LEOs_its a big debate w/in leo community_many do resist
Wanna good LAFF?!? #Obama defends the #2nd A. http://is.gd/IAMiXq #tcot #teaparty #p2 #news
RT @somethingfishie: RT @IMAO_: RT @JedediahBila: Please pray for @michellemalkin & her family. And please continue to pass this along: ...
RT @pinnie99: RT @dhrxsol1234: OMG!!! Pissed off voter bumper stickers on back of pickup truck--LOT OF THEM!! http://twitpic.com/2te9qj ...
RT @DennisPrager: The Left's motto: We have a dream; you pay for it. #dprs #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @kesgardner: Rasmussen: 64% of Americans have a favorable view of the Peace Corp. Uh, why? How many even know what it actually does? ...
@CAIVN thus the teaparty.
RT @peytonjames: "Madison is only the beginning." Marxist Michael Moore -- Bring it on, fat boy. #tcot #BustTheUnions @mmflint #teaparty #p2
RT @beckychr007: Which repressive country puts the most people in jail for violating government laws? It's not even close.... http://bit ...
RT @nativevoice: LSM @CNN @ABC @MSNBC @NBC could not wait to blame Bush for high gas prices. Now gasoline is at $4 all we hear is cricke ...
RT @America1First Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Sarah #Palin's Father ~We sleep w/the #guns http://bit.ly/dSiwBg #SoDoI #news #tcot #p2
@Marsh626 dontcha know, the Confederate flag ist verbotten multiculturalism. #tcot
RT @welshman007 #ATF / #DOJ Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident http://is.gd/JcETEp #tcot #tlot #sgp #dnc #teaparty #news #p2
Hey #Wisconsin #TeaParty 'rs . . . way 2 represent. much love. #tcot #wigop #wi #madison
RT @VoteSmartToday: #tcot #ocra #TheTwisters | The support and success of the freshly emerging #TeaParty coalition depend (cont) http:// ...
RT @EdMorrissey: RT @michellemalkin: Thank u @seattletimes, John Carlson/KOMO, Q13 Fox for helping spread word abt Marizela Perez. Prayi ...
RT @carold501: RT @theblaze: British Socialized HC Official: Some Premature Babies Should be Left to Die http://www.theblaze.… (cont) ht ...
RT @x_1013_x: Tapping the reserves is like using canned tomatoes when you have a garden full of fresh ones. #stupid #spro #tcot #mil #p2
RT @vermontaigne: Sigalert Issued After Body Found on 10 Freeway - ktla.com http://ow.ly/49vgN | The graphic in the upper left is horrib ...
RT @egarners: Our founding fathers warned us of Central Banks & entanglement in foriegn squables. Why don't we listen?? http://tiny.ly/XbiB
RT @EvanPokroy: This RT @GolfCzar56: I didnt need any book to let me know that Megyn Kelly wipes the floor with Shepard Smith any day of ...
RT @dhrxsol1234: The longer the #wiunion protests are, the LARGER the #teaparty will grow !! #tcot #gop #sgp #ocra #p2 #wigop #wi
RT @retiredfirecapt: RT @AtillasAdvisor Kudos for Wisconsin Tea Party: Offers to clean up Union Picketers Mess for Free, not $300,000 pl ...
RT @brooksbayne: RT @michellemalkin: Univ of Washington students in Seattle: PLEASE spread word about missing undergrad Marizela Perez h ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant: RT @weaselzippers: Hope and Change: Federal Government Posts Largest Monthly Deficit In History... http://weaselzipp ...
MT @TalkShowAmerica Bad Brew Alert: #TeaParty Being Hijacked by Progressives on #Military Cuts http://shar.es/3i0vp #tcot #tpp #tpn #tpe
RT @PJTatler: Meet the center of the green-industrial complex http://bit.ly/gW4IHl #tcot #news
RT @TechZader: 80s blockbusters responsible for Hollywood sucking now http://bit.ly/gpzaDl // @BoingBoing
RT @ner_iconoclast: Anti-Christian Rampage in Egypt Goes Unnoticed: People who follow the #copts or #helwan hashtags on Twitter will... ...
RT @RantsbyRemnant: RT @MuslimAlert: \"Islamic leadership is coming whether people like it or not\": Whether you like it or not… (cont) ...
RT @PhotographyTalk: Digital Photography—Reveal More in Black and White http://bit.ly/efo0TI
RT @TheNewsBlotter: @kgbt: 2 dead, 1 injured following gunfight south of #Matamoros http://is.gd/u0Aag8 #narco #rgv #tcot #news #tx
RT @BrushfireOrg #Liberals, spending your money until they leave, because they can #tcot #bfire http://is.gd/TVE0IV #news #teaparty #p2
RT @cr8f To what 10? @mcwbr @dhrxsol1234 Longer the #wiunion protests…the LARGER #teaparty will grow! ~fyi, we 'vent' by "organizing" #tcot
RT @proenglishUSA: RT @proenglishusa Official English Gains Momentum in States http://bit.ly/fJKGJo #TBB
@mcwbr I understand that the finer points of disambiguation in under 140, can be difficult for some. @cr8f #tcot #teaparty @dhrxsol1234
RT @KOSMOSNET: Big Government Meet the New #Ethanol: Wind Blows Past Corn as Subsidy King, No End in Sight http://bit.ly/if7E9a #tcot #tlot
RT @slydogstudios: Blog: Collective Bargaining is a Privilege, NOT a Right http://bit.ly/f79V3p #tcot #tlot #conservative #unions #news #p2
RT @TombstoneBadBob: Islams goal is to have Jihad and conquer the Infidels! I am a proud card, I mean gun carrying Infidel! #dittro. #tcot
RT @PJTatler: Georgia Supreme Court upholds Voter ID law http://bit.ly/eEF7CE #tcot #gapolitics #news #voterfraud #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog: The #Silver Rocket | Don't Tread On Me http://ht.ly/49x9h #tcot #news #teaparty #gold #markets #usdollar
RT @TropicsZ4: Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun ♫ http://blip.fm/~12j1o4
@mcwbr errrr, so.
@CAIVN any that falter_shall be cleaved #teaparty nevertheless_Ron Paul 4many_has gone 2far left on military concerns_Let RP kill the FedRes
RT @Mar4L Lower oil/gas prices = lower transportation fees = lower manufactoring cost = lower prices & more #jobs. #DrillBabyDrill #tcot #p2
RT @welshman007: ATF/DOJ Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident: http://is.gd/JcETEp #wethepeople #iamthemob #christians #t ...
RT @keder: The liberal plan for oil prices: pay up, you stupid rubes. #tcot #p2
RT @TechZader: New Manufacturing Process Builds A Nylon Bike As Strong As Steel http://bit.ly/ey4E1u // @PopSci
RT @sdo1: RT @welshman007: #ATF / #DOJ #Gun Running Scandal Becomes International Incident: http://is.gd/JcETEp #tcot #gop #ProjectGun ...
RT @bondgyrl: Can't make it Mardi Gras this year? EarthCam has launched an audio and video feed shot from a balcony on Bourbon Street ht ...
RT @keder: I'm glad liberals have grand visions for US energy policy. Now, can we please find more oil so it doesn't cost $50 to fill up ...
@keder you've never driven an SUV, have ya? ... ;-) #tcot #p2
RT @Mel_bourne_oz: RT @BULMKT: Kate - CO2 is food for plants - it isn't dangerous. Your Carbon Tax is.... #qanda #tcot #p2
RT @zolqarnain: @redostoneage Keith Olbermann Gets Punked By George Soros http://bit.ly/gnyiny #p2 @blacknews #BET #news #AP #cbs #abc # ...
RT @TropicsZ4: AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ♫ http://blip.fm/~12j3h2
RT @InhofePress: Boxer-Inhofe To Hold Hearing on #Ethanol in April http://is.gd/nzH3pB #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @engadget: JVC's GS-TD1 3D camcorder now available for $1,700 http://engt.co/dXtPKc
RT @TechZader: Apple To Cut 32 Games, Other Third Party Products From Retail Stores http://bit.ly/dL8v2I
RT @ceolas: BP Agent Murdered by Guns Given 2 Mexican NarcoTerrorists by Obama/ Forced 2 Use Nonlethal Beanbags http://tinyurl.com/5wggf ...
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