Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From Twitter 03-15-2011

It really gets me hawt when chicks properly know how to handle weaponry & understand accompanying nomenclature. #rawr. #tcot #guns
RT @FirearmsGuide: Beretta 92A1 Pistol VIDEO: #pistol #tcot #2A #guns #nra
@DinaFraioli Grrrr Baby, Yay!!!
@DinaFraioli just got a 40cal XDm compact muhself w/ Viridian green laser/lite
@DinaFraioli even talkin bout a SHTF bag.... be still muh heart......;-)
@DinaFraioli if I lived in DC or Chi-town I'd live by 1 motto ~ Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
@DinaFraioli dis-armed safety pretty much wholly relies upon situational awareness, iow, head on a swivel & eye-contact w/potential threats
@DinaFraioli I've stumbled around DC drunk plenty of times & know it dont take much to find yourself in odd spots quik there.
@DinaFraioli you'll. be. just. fine.
@DinaFraioli they look for the low-hangin' fruit, so to speak.
RT @BubbaAndThem: Saxby Chambliss breaks with party, opposes defunding NPR. "An awful lot of Cons listen to NPR." ...
RT @Zener39: RT @LaurieT333 CBS Food Police Go After 'Cereal Offenders,' Fret Over Cartoon Characters 'Targeting' Kids: ... http://bi ...
RT @prismsinc: Lugar, Brown & Snowe #RINO up for Senate re-election. Time for primary extrication #tcot #GOP
#prepper ads are popping up. #tcot
Henry Waxman is one ugly mofo. #tcoty
Henry Waxman is one ugly mofo. #tcot
RT @Snarky_Basterd: Henry Waxman IS Batboy. RT @tahDeetz: Henry Waxman is one ugly mofo. #tcot
@Snarky_Basterd @Outhere odd to think, he reps Hollywierd. #tcot
RT @CrustyB: He's actually considered quite handsome...on his home planet. RT @tahDeetz Henry Waxman is one ugly mofo. #tcot 2 funny...
RT @TechZader: W.T.F?!? Bon Jovi Blames Steve Jobs For Ruining Music
RT @ReaganTMan: RT @C4Palin: Sandy Stringfellow: Are We Ready for President Sarah Palin? #tcot #palin
@WestPointLady philosophical twins....
RT @SissyWillis: RT @weaselzippers: Video of IDF Seizing Cargo Ship Packed With Iranian Weapons #tcot #tlot #WZ &l ...
RT @SissyWillis @weaselzippers Video of #IDF Seizing Cargo Ship Packed W/ Iranian Weapons #tcot #news #WZ #mil #Israel
RT @Cubachi: RT @Pqlyur1 The spine removal procedures for the new congress have been completed in record time apparently. No courage to ...
RT @slkbrooke: RT @ChrisAPaul The Middle East burns, fuel spikes, Japan melts, and Barry #Obama tapes his #NCAA bracket picks #tcot #p2 #dnc
RT @FAIRImmigration #SEIU Loses Another 240 Members As Audit Catches #IllegalAliens #afire #tcot #unions #p2 #news
RT @CO2HOG: via @BigJournalism Palin and the “Conservative Intelligentsia” Backlash #tcot
RT @cayankee: @tahDeetz @slkbrooke @ChrisAPaul Don't forget that #Obama managed to work in some golf. 2 weeks in a row at that. #tcot #p2
RT @Zacharycohen: Zed's dead
RT @tjholthaus: RT @michellemalkin: Seattle Times: UW student on videos day she vanished Vids here: ...
RT @ToNiCcHiLi: " Oi you with that #burqa on..yes you...get your tits out "

RT @SarahWW: @soopertrev @Limbaugh @SarahPalinUSA It's not jealousy I don't think. It's fear. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @EWErickson #WashingtonPost: 95% Think Spending Cuts Are The Best Way 2 Cut The Deficit via @redstate #tcot #p2 #news
RT @whpresscorps: Gheezh - RT @FoxEbenBrown #Cocaine found (again) at #NASAKennedy Space Center. It was last found in 2010 in #Discovery ...
RT @kesgardner: In fact, Social Security works like other welfare programs. The govt pays retirees from current tax revenues, not a fund ...
RT @VotingFemale: Socialist Radical Media NPR & PBS are "Walking the Fiscal Green Mile." "Ole Sparky" House of Reps is powering up! #p2 ...
RT @kesgardner: There is no Social Security fund, & never has been. You have been misled to believe otherwise & that you are "entitled" ...
RT @dtipson Portraying~end of life counseling~as #DeathPanels was_& remains_utterly despicable~not if #EOLC refers 2 any acturarial #tcot
MT @dtipson Portraying~end of life counseling~as #DeathPanels was_& remains_utterly despicable~not if #EOLC refers 2 any acturarial #tcot
RT @Jbroks86: RT @newsbusters Gawker Misspells ‘New Hamshire’ [sic] in Article Slamming Bachmann as Ignorant : The Other McCain http://o ...
RT @timeboat #Rush: #Republican leadership risks #TeaParty becoming 3rd party via @trscoop #tcot #news @speaskerboehner
RT @XtyMiller Iodine protects thyroid & glandular system from radiation damage_get some here via @HealthRanger #tcot #p2
RT @Paceset9999: RT @Kathleen_LIVE: DON’T Take Potassium Iodide Unless You Are Exposed to Radiation #tcot #news
the caller on #rush sounds just like Donna Brazille. #tcot #teaparty
RT @DDJTJ: @tahDeetz @Paceset9999 @Kathleen_LIVE too much potassium in your body can cause hear arrhythmias #tcot #news
RT @anthropocon: Woman calling #Rush right now doesn't listen to #Rush. she sounds just like Donna Brazille....
RT @NinoLeitner: New Tascam DR-05 looks great as source for ref audio for DSLRs, plus it's dirt cheap! Also stereo mic / line input: htt ...
RT @DDJTJ: @tahDeetz @Paceset9999 @Kathleen_LIVE only reason i know this hub had elevated potassium & i looked it up_gr8 info_thanx
@JamesLeeASaB Rush is quite suspect as well. Brazille could certainly pull that off, imho.
RT @EWErickson @TuckerCarlson: Come on baby_dont fear the reaper: #Obamacare's #DeathPanel Regulation #tcot #news #p2
RT @FredBarnes What a Difference a Year Makes -The Republican counterrevolution is off 2 a strong start #teaparty #tcot
if End Of Life Counseling refers to a financial actuarial at any point, it's a #DeathPanel. #tcot #teaparty #hcr #p2
@JamesLeeASaB the only curve was the West suggestion....
RT @BrianFaughnan: Rep Critz now pointing out that Social Security has accumulated trillions in IOUs. Says we should feel better about it.
RT @tom19803: Piers Corbyn: Massive Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Were Triggered by Solar Action ...
RT @Paceset9999: @tahDeetz I read up on it, too-the only thing potassium iodide does is fill up the thyroid so it can't take anymore-Sod ...
Gettin a Jump on Japan: #OPEC begins dumping #USTreasuryBonds #news #tcot #economy #equities #teaparty #p2
RT @Amp_up: Heard a Atty for Ground Zero Mosque say anybody against it, just hate Muslims. Since when is 'Mind Reading' admissible in Co ...
RT @BoschFawstin: - Pigman's foreign short: "U F W/U.S. U'R F'D"
RT @ThadMcCotter: .@ScottPaulAAM & @KeepitMadeinUSA defenders of American manufacturing #tcot #tycot #redeye #MIGOP
RT @ScottPaulAAM: @SocMfgEng @buyaamerica @KeepItMadeinUSA Finally, mfg is 33% of China's GDP, 15-20% in most industrial economies, only ...
RT @KristoferCowles: RT @Dr_Rose While the world is upending Obama keeps spending. #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit: DON SURBER: Hope. Change. Nixon…. #tcot
RT @andilinks: @tahDeetz The first to unload T-Bonds loses the least, it's a rush to the bottom now that Japan is in a debt squeeze. #tc ...
Intolerance of #Sharia Law, is no vice. #tcot #teaparty #islam #Tennessee #tbrs @HeyTammyBruce
RT @RedState: NY-26 update: Jane Corwin endorsed by Conservative Party. #TCOT #RS
RT @DNDailyPolitics: #Conservative Party of #NYS Endorses Assemblywoman Jane Corwin In #NY26 Special Election #Con ...
RT @RMConservative: Orin Hatch Will oppose latest CR-don't you love elections? #rsrh
RT @RMConservative: ironically, the cr only passed with Democrat votes
RT @RMConservative: It looks like there are 54 #gop defections on the CR
RT @RepMikePence: Sen. Schumer called us “Scott Walker Republicans?” That’s the nicest thing anybody has said about me in a long time! @ ...
RT @RMConservative: Meghan McCain says Mitt Romney has her vote "he's not so radical"-well, he doesn't have my vote
Pajamas Media » #DHS Conducts ‘Drive-by’ Surveillance. What’s Next? via @AddThis #news #tcot #tlot #teaparty #mil #p2
US Drug Stores Report Sudden Increase in #PotassiumIodide Sales #news #tcot #teaparty #mil #sot #health
RT @keder: I love watching lefty hacks on twitter try to wrestle with basic economic concepts. Reminds me of this: ...
RT @brooksbayne: just had a meeting about "a la carte activism". a new term i coined meaning
picking and choosing the issues you want to ...
RT @CO2HOG: RT @yidwithlid: Newsbusted: Its All Sarah Palin's Fault! #tcot #news #Palin
RT @TheTwisters @FreedomSentinel @AllenWest Today, we lay 2 rest #FrankBuckles, the last American 2 serve in WWI~ #mil
RT @geeopee: SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop playing with yourselves GOP. You are losing the PR war bec ...
US Sen @JonTester from #Montana intros #bipart bill 2 prevent ‘emergency’ #Gun regz #tcot #teaparty #news #mil #nra #goa
RT @foodcreate: #Recipe Irish Strawberry-and-Cream Cheesecake
RT @GeekWireNews: Internet Explorer 9: Windows XP users, you’re out of luck
RT @MacDailyNews: Big corporations are about to buy a lot of Apple iPads
RT @bettered: RT @andilinks: Americans won't get really mad about BO destroyg America until after it's actually destroyed? #p2 #sgp #tlo ...
RT @USACarry: Best Defense Ammo for .40 S&W: I have a S&W M&P .40 and I am looking for a round that is reliab... ...
RT @TechZader: Canon and Nikon Shut Down Major Camera and Lens Plants
RT @NWOBlog: What Budget Crisis? City Council Votes Itself Pay Raise - #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @MaxCUA: Hugh Hewitt: #Palin Will Need drive into the public's consciousness a concise list of #obama's failings ...
RT @ProSarah: via @US4Palin Pamela Geller Defends Gov. Palin on Canada TV #TCOT #SGP #PALIN
RT @JoeSixpackSays: Unlike ungrateful wannabe Americans, there's NO LOOTING in Japan, a very HONORABLE People. GOD HELP THEM! #cspj #tco ...
RT @adamhousley: The roof at Fukishima Reactor number 4 is cracked and two workers are missing. More bad news up there.
RT @EvilConservativ Herman Cain: ‘It’s Not #PlannedParenthood - No, It’s Planned Genocide… #tcot #p2 #teaparty #news
#Palin: The #GOP cannot allow the status quo to continue #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @TechZader: #Etsy spills users’ purchase histories to #Google with new People Search function #tech #news
@WestPointLady muslims & marxists ... like peas 'n' carrots.
@WestPointLady big dif twixt public & Private sector unions, sans public safety unions....
RT @andylevy: MT @marcambinder Surgeon General OK w Californians buying iodine as "precaution." CA health officials roll eyes. http://ti ...
@WestPointLady there R private sector unions that realize a healthy employer is good 4 all_+_I have much respect 4 sandhog& coalminer unions

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