perfect effin sense to film #redeye around cocktail hour.
RT @KerryPicket: RT @dangainor: PETA most ridiculous of all lefty morons: PETA calls for more animal-friendly language in NIV Bible http ...
RT @AM_National: RT @JedediahBila: Please pass along ---> RT @michellemalkin: Day 20: #Marizela is still missing.
RT @JoAnneMoretti @Sir_Templar Breaking: #CBS #News: #ATF agent accuses agency of pushing #guns 2 cartels #news #tcot
RT @OneTruthHunter: @FederalistNo2 Global crises R painless, and since everybody will be broke at the same time, be happy! Elites did it ...
RT @LeftFighter Sen.Grassley:More answers on #BATFE op #FASTandFURIOUS #news #mexico #tcot #p2 #atf #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @Sir_Templar: "Obama on "gunwalking": Serious mistake may have been made" you think? #glennbeck #becktips #tcot # ...
RT @redostoneage: Progressive Victory! The Obama gas tax #p2 #cnn #pbs #abc #cbs #tcot #tlot #twisters ...
RT @PatriciaSmiley #Obama’s favorite CEO gets #GE out from paying any US #taxes #ofa #dnc #p21 #teaparty #tcot #p2 #dsa
RT @wiskey1249: #UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of #Economy #unions #tcot #news #p2 #dsa #osi #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @twiggyoh: @ResistTyranny Look WHO's "Air-Raiding villages & killing Civilians" Now #p2b #p21 #p2 #Congress @Nanc ...
MT @ali @jonward11 @donnabrazile #GE -HQ'd #Fairfield #CT -paid notta in income #taxes~In fact_GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2B #tcot #p2
RT @SamValley: #youmightbealiberal If you believe Obama's attack on Libya was a "kinetic military action", and not war. #GOP #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #teaparty #p2 #px
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #news #dnc #p2 #tcot
RT @mikepfs: American Thinker - The #Liberal Media Cult #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ceolas: Europe Coddles Muslims, NOW US Troops Told To Lose The Uniforms While In Europe @RepPeteKIng #ampat #ocr ...
RT @ConservativeGal: An educated American who supports BO is only fooling themselves. A Christian who supports BO needs our prayers. #tc ...
RT @CarolofWest: Far as I can tell, BO is accomplishing everything he planned, many Americans just refused to believe that these were hi ...
RT @joeelector: @theblaze OneNation: Three Little Perps, Is FUNDING #Obamacare illegal? #hcr #budget #tcot #news
RT @MarkTapson Violent #Jihad Kills #Muslims, #Islamophobia Does Not #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #mil
#DOWchemical puts Jennifer Granholm on it's board.. . . #SELL, #SELL, SELL!!! #dow #michigan #equities #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @GeneTaylorUSA: Every time pols try to manage a war, they screw it up: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan & now Libya. #teaparty ...
RT @FlemingandHayes: THE U.S. IS BROKE: #PlannedParenthood Does NOT Need Tax Dollars #tcot #prolife #news #p2
The islamists are now taking over #Egypt, toot suite. told ya so, effin morons..... #mil #tcot #p2
RT @vmpcott: Obama showing his true colors: redistribute wealth ie. Petrobras and destroy Israel: through rev in ME that bring Muslim Br ...
Bill Clinton's 3:00am phonecall was a booty call. #tcot #p2
RT @irishspy #DiploMad: Bomb Until We Think of Something 2 Do #news #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #dsa #osi #p2b #px #p21 #p3
RT @Super_Patriot #Democrats still pushing new mileage #tax #news #obama #p2 #dem #tcot #ocra #dnc #ofa #px #teaparty
RT @PacesetEclectic: RT @theblaze: Pledge of Allegiance Returns to NYC School After Parents Complain Daughter Has no Idea What it Is htt ...
Looks like #Pyramids / #Sphinx had abt a good 5k year run_Just think, #Egypt w/nuttin but sand_crocodiles & blood thirsty islamonazis #tcot
RT @ToddyLittman: @DarrellIssa @SpeakerBoehner Forget the Progressives, show us you're willing to cut even lower than Bush's last budget ...
Screwing the pooch is how #Democrats generally gain political power. #tcot #p2
RT @laborunionrpt @Drudge_Report: #GE pulls in $14 billion, pays $0 US taxes... #tcot #ocra #LUR #news #p2
RT @hipEchik #Obama on #GE CEO #Immelt ~He understands what it takes 4 America 2 compete in the global economy~1/11 #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
If you've ever given @BarackObama the benefit of the doubt, don't you feel stoopid now. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
#Obama in'09~I Promise I Will Never Rush the Decision 2 Send U in Harms Way_Vid via @gatewaypundit #news #p2 #tcot #mil
@pam1964USA looks like I hit a nerve... I did muh research on #obama PRIOR to voting_race had nothing to do with it_effin moron
@AWOLOBAMA Trump?!? .... meh...
RT @newportexec: #Soros, enemy of capitalism, is at work again, & Americans are helping #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #p2
@pam1964USA i thought u were calling me a "racist" ... i musta misread your tweet....sorry.....
RT @ajcpolitics: Gingrich has work cut out in Georgia #georgialegislature #gapolitics #tcot
when did marxists start loving golf so much? #tcot
@WebsZachAndrews look at timeline for your answer to that.
@WebsZachAndrews my timeline...
@pam1964USA sounds 'interesting' to say the least... stay safe...
@WebsZachAndrews no worries.... @pam1964USA is a pretty cool tweep, too....
RT @articlefriends: Best Way To Gain Muscle Give Your Testosterone Levels A Boost: Six simple and practical things you can impleme... ...
RT @meredithdake: RE: My twitter rant abt Breitbart/Palin culture - @jjmnolte said it much more eloquently than I ever could: http://bit ...
RT @VotingFemale: .@booandcoo0220 Katie Couric ran 3 million viewers off her news show w/Lib Propaganda; No New Contract 4 HER! aww :D # ...
that pic of #Palin, SP's kids & Oprah at #BigHollywood, is kinda disturbing for some odd reason. 1st story. #tcot #teaparty
RT @62seabee: Muslim are flocking to this country. Tell me which are radical and which moderate. My Muslim neighbor in Orchard Park Be-H ...
I haven't gone to the movies in at least 10 years..... looks like #Battle_LosAngeles will pull me back in. bout damn time. #tcot #mil
if the FED is allowed to tax mileage, old cars w/o black-boxes & GPS will become highly valued. #tcot #teaparty #autos #cars
March 25: National Medal Of Honor Day #news #military #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty
@FreeWeThePeople no doubt....but it just enhances the value of those remaining....
#Obama gets nailed smuggling #guns to Mexican drug cartels. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #atf #FASTandFURIOUS #ofa #dnc #dsa #px #p21 #p3
@FreeWeThePeople zactly what it's designed for. subsidies & welfare for the "less-fortunate" will play a big part of it
Is the #p2 crowd just NOW figuring out the #TeaParty is going after #AARP?!? #tcot
Michelle #Obama was just called a #lumberjack by a #Rush caller. Monitor-Squeegee, P-HOST!!! #tcot #teaparty #p2
@FreeWeThePeople it's why I've been saying for years, #liberal govt programs are designed expressly to fail. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @SpotTheColumn: New Scandel-> Steve McIntyre uncovers another hockey stick trick - where are the academic cops? ...
RT @LaydiHD: Frank Lautenberg Thinks Terrorists Should Have More Rights than TeaPartiers #tcot #twisters #tea ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Ratt - Round and Round ♫
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~it's been a rough week. #turbulence #mosen @claire #tcot #mo #news
@FreeWeThePeople homeschool.
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~its been a ruff week #turbulence #mosen @clairecmc #tcot #mo #news
RT @newzealblog: Communists Re-emerge as Major Players in Egypt: From the Communist Party USA's Peoples WorldOn March 15, t... http://b ...
RT @OBAMA_CZAR #Progressives accused GWBush of being dumb & not listening_only 2 elect a man who actually is dumb & not listening #tcot #p2
Hey @newsmax, Dick Lugar is a US senator from #Indiana, not #Utah. Your proofread dept SUCKS! #tcot #teaparty
RT @andylevy When I bcome Emperor in 2014 there R gonna be a lot of changes around here_Just FYI~is that when @greggutfeld's contract is up?
It's not drug abuse ... it's Kinetic-Crack-Combustion. #mil #tcot #p2 #kineticmilitaryaction
Kill mandatory #Union dues & state collections of those dues, & you kill #Unions. #tcot #teaparty
RT @CarrionSoul: @FreeWeThePeople @ires @Blurt2U OMG! They are telling me there is a RIPPLE DOWN effect from the things unions get passe ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: California Judge Strikes Down Cap and Trade Law #tcot #CAPandTAX #news #p2 #catcot
RT @AppleFollowers: Controversy: There’s an App for That
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Alert: ATF to Ban Tactical Shotguns - I hope you're not one of those gun owners who said, "They'll never come for m ...
time to kill the #ATF. once. and. for. all. #tcot #teaparty
hey worthless #progzis, the #2ndA has nothing to do with the sporting uses of a firearm. #p2 #tcot #teaparty #atf #shotguns
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Missouri ACORN is Reborn and They’ve Got Some Radical Plans.
RT @KeyboardMilitia: New Haven CT: Young Communist League to Protest With Unions During Next "Red School Bus" Tour Stop
#Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #tcot #p2
@WebsZachAndrews it was all muh worries... #FF
I want a #pony.
RT @RodneyStack_me @slkbrooke #Israel to deploy #IronDome anti-rocket system via @telegraphnews #tcot #news #jcot #mil
RT @KerryPicket: RT @dangainor: PETA most ridiculous of all lefty morons: PETA calls for more animal-friendly language in NIV Bible http ...
RT @AM_National: RT @JedediahBila: Please pass along ---> RT @michellemalkin: Day 20: #Marizela is still missing.
RT @JoAnneMoretti @Sir_Templar Breaking: #CBS #News: #ATF agent accuses agency of pushing #guns 2 cartels #news #tcot
RT @OneTruthHunter: @FederalistNo2 Global crises R painless, and since everybody will be broke at the same time, be happy! Elites did it ...
RT @LeftFighter Sen.Grassley:More answers on #BATFE op #FASTandFURIOUS #news #mexico #tcot #p2 #atf #teaparty #goa #rkba
RT @Sir_Templar: "Obama on "gunwalking": Serious mistake may have been made" you think? #glennbeck #becktips #tcot # ...
RT @redostoneage: Progressive Victory! The Obama gas tax #p2 #cnn #pbs #abc #cbs #tcot #tlot #twisters ...
RT @PatriciaSmiley #Obama’s favorite CEO gets #GE out from paying any US #taxes #ofa #dnc #p21 #teaparty #tcot #p2 #dsa
RT @wiskey1249: #UAW Plans Suicide Bombing of #Economy #unions #tcot #news #p2 #dsa #osi #ofa #dnc #teaparty
RT @twiggyoh: @ResistTyranny Look WHO's "Air-Raiding villages & killing Civilians" Now #p2b #p21 #p2 #Congress @Nanc ...
MT @ali @jonward11 @donnabrazile #GE -HQ'd #Fairfield #CT -paid notta in income #taxes~In fact_GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2B #tcot #p2
RT @SamValley: #youmightbealiberal If you believe Obama's attack on Libya was a "kinetic military action", and not war. #GOP #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #teaparty #p2 #px
RT @robport #GE Has Gotten More Money Back From The USGovt Than The Company Has Paid In Taxes #news #dnc #p2 #tcot
RT @mikepfs: American Thinker - The #Liberal Media Cult #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ceolas: Europe Coddles Muslims, NOW US Troops Told To Lose The Uniforms While In Europe @RepPeteKIng #ampat #ocr ...
RT @ConservativeGal: An educated American who supports BO is only fooling themselves. A Christian who supports BO needs our prayers. #tc ...
RT @CarolofWest: Far as I can tell, BO is accomplishing everything he planned, many Americans just refused to believe that these were hi ...
RT @joeelector: @theblaze OneNation: Three Little Perps, Is FUNDING #Obamacare illegal? #hcr #budget #tcot #news
RT @MarkTapson Violent #Jihad Kills #Muslims, #Islamophobia Does Not #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty #mil
#DOWchemical puts Jennifer Granholm on it's board.. . . #SELL, #SELL, SELL!!! #dow #michigan #equities #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @GeneTaylorUSA: Every time pols try to manage a war, they screw it up: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan & now Libya. #teaparty ...
RT @FlemingandHayes: THE U.S. IS BROKE: #PlannedParenthood Does NOT Need Tax Dollars #tcot #prolife #news #p2
The islamists are now taking over #Egypt, toot suite. told ya so, effin morons..... #mil #tcot #p2
RT @vmpcott: Obama showing his true colors: redistribute wealth ie. Petrobras and destroy Israel: through rev in ME that bring Muslim Br ...
Bill Clinton's 3:00am phonecall was a booty call. #tcot #p2
RT @irishspy #DiploMad: Bomb Until We Think of Something 2 Do #news #tcot #p2 #ofa #dnc #dsa #osi #p2b #px #p21 #p3
RT @Super_Patriot #Democrats still pushing new mileage #tax #news #obama #p2 #dem #tcot #ocra #dnc #ofa #px #teaparty
RT @PacesetEclectic: RT @theblaze: Pledge of Allegiance Returns to NYC School After Parents Complain Daughter Has no Idea What it Is htt ...
Looks like #Pyramids / #Sphinx had abt a good 5k year run_Just think, #Egypt w/nuttin but sand_crocodiles & blood thirsty islamonazis #tcot
RT @ToddyLittman: @DarrellIssa @SpeakerBoehner Forget the Progressives, show us you're willing to cut even lower than Bush's last budget ...
Screwing the pooch is how #Democrats generally gain political power. #tcot #p2
RT @laborunionrpt @Drudge_Report: #GE pulls in $14 billion, pays $0 US taxes... #tcot #ocra #LUR #news #p2
RT @hipEchik #Obama on #GE CEO #Immelt ~He understands what it takes 4 America 2 compete in the global economy~1/11 #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
If you've ever given @BarackObama the benefit of the doubt, don't you feel stoopid now. #tcot #p2 #dnc #ofa
#Obama in'09~I Promise I Will Never Rush the Decision 2 Send U in Harms Way_Vid via @gatewaypundit #news #p2 #tcot #mil
@pam1964USA looks like I hit a nerve... I did muh research on #obama PRIOR to voting_race had nothing to do with it_effin moron
@AWOLOBAMA Trump?!? .... meh...
RT @newportexec: #Soros, enemy of capitalism, is at work again, & Americans are helping #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #p2
@pam1964USA i thought u were calling me a "racist" ... i musta misread your tweet....sorry.....
RT @ajcpolitics: Gingrich has work cut out in Georgia #georgialegislature #gapolitics #tcot
when did marxists start loving golf so much? #tcot
@WebsZachAndrews look at timeline for your answer to that.
@WebsZachAndrews my timeline...
@pam1964USA sounds 'interesting' to say the least... stay safe...
@WebsZachAndrews no worries.... @pam1964USA is a pretty cool tweep, too....
RT @articlefriends: Best Way To Gain Muscle Give Your Testosterone Levels A Boost: Six simple and practical things you can impleme... ...
RT @meredithdake: RE: My twitter rant abt Breitbart/Palin culture - @jjmnolte said it much more eloquently than I ever could: http://bit ...
RT @VotingFemale: .@booandcoo0220 Katie Couric ran 3 million viewers off her news show w/Lib Propaganda; No New Contract 4 HER! aww :D # ...
that pic of #Palin, SP's kids & Oprah at #BigHollywood, is kinda disturbing for some odd reason. 1st story. #tcot #teaparty
RT @62seabee: Muslim are flocking to this country. Tell me which are radical and which moderate. My Muslim neighbor in Orchard Park Be-H ...
I haven't gone to the movies in at least 10 years..... looks like #Battle_LosAngeles will pull me back in. bout damn time. #tcot #mil
if the FED is allowed to tax mileage, old cars w/o black-boxes & GPS will become highly valued. #tcot #teaparty #autos #cars
March 25: National Medal Of Honor Day #news #military #mil #sot #tcot #teaparty
@FreeWeThePeople no doubt....but it just enhances the value of those remaining....
#Obama gets nailed smuggling #guns to Mexican drug cartels. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #atf #FASTandFURIOUS #ofa #dnc #dsa #px #p21 #p3
@FreeWeThePeople zactly what it's designed for. subsidies & welfare for the "less-fortunate" will play a big part of it
Is the #p2 crowd just NOW figuring out the #TeaParty is going after #AARP?!? #tcot
Michelle #Obama was just called a #lumberjack by a #Rush caller. Monitor-Squeegee, P-HOST!!! #tcot #teaparty #p2
@FreeWeThePeople it's why I've been saying for years, #liberal govt programs are designed expressly to fail. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @SpotTheColumn: New Scandel-> Steve McIntyre uncovers another hockey stick trick - where are the academic cops? ...
RT @LaydiHD: Frank Lautenberg Thinks Terrorists Should Have More Rights than TeaPartiers #tcot #twisters #tea ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Ratt - Round and Round ♫
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~it's been a rough week. #turbulence #mosen @claire #tcot #mo #news
@FreeWeThePeople homeschool.
RT @evanmc_s McCaskill speaks on the whole plane mess~its been a ruff week #turbulence #mosen @clairecmc #tcot #mo #news
RT @newzealblog: Communists Re-emerge as Major Players in Egypt: From the Communist Party USA's Peoples WorldOn March 15, t... http://b ...
RT @OBAMA_CZAR #Progressives accused GWBush of being dumb & not listening_only 2 elect a man who actually is dumb & not listening #tcot #p2
Hey @newsmax, Dick Lugar is a US senator from #Indiana, not #Utah. Your proofread dept SUCKS! #tcot #teaparty
RT @andylevy When I bcome Emperor in 2014 there R gonna be a lot of changes around here_Just FYI~is that when @greggutfeld's contract is up?
It's not drug abuse ... it's Kinetic-Crack-Combustion. #mil #tcot #p2 #kineticmilitaryaction
Kill mandatory #Union dues & state collections of those dues, & you kill #Unions. #tcot #teaparty
RT @CarrionSoul: @FreeWeThePeople @ires @Blurt2U OMG! They are telling me there is a RIPPLE DOWN effect from the things unions get passe ...
RT @EconomicMayhem: California Judge Strikes Down Cap and Trade Law #tcot #CAPandTAX #news #p2 #catcot
RT @AppleFollowers: Controversy: There’s an App for That
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Alert: ATF to Ban Tactical Shotguns - I hope you're not one of those gun owners who said, "They'll never come for m ...
time to kill the #ATF. once. and. for. all. #tcot #teaparty
hey worthless #progzis, the #2ndA has nothing to do with the sporting uses of a firearm. #p2 #tcot #teaparty #atf #shotguns
RT @KeyboardMilitia: Missouri ACORN is Reborn and They’ve Got Some Radical Plans.
RT @KeyboardMilitia: New Haven CT: Young Communist League to Protest With Unions During Next "Red School Bus" Tour Stop
#Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #Obama #FASTandFURIOUS #tcot #p2
@WebsZachAndrews it was all muh worries... #FF
I want a #pony.
RT @RodneyStack_me @slkbrooke #Israel to deploy #IronDome anti-rocket system via @telegraphnews #tcot #news #jcot #mil
Tweets copied by
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