RT @crispix49: The "Tolerant Left" Calls For Murder of Scott Walker http://ht.ly/4dhNO #tcot #P2 #wiunion #teaparty #news
RT @Boomerjeff: The loons are already blaming the earthquake/Tsunami on "climate change." here's an example http://bit.ly/fRKS8m #tcot # ...
RT @FTWes A very disturbing EVERYTHING! :-x @AmandainOK That was a vry disturbing #SNL monologue courtesy of Zach Galifianakis ~but funny
RT @HollyNapierTN: Hillary,Hillary! OOPS! US Did Not Deliver Coolant to #Japan Nuke Reactor http://is.gd/ynRev5 #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @TennTina: Zetas drug gang uses Dallas as hub in growing empire, authorities say: Over the years, through v... http://bit.ly/fzBKkQ # ...
RT @LaurieT333: ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC and NPR Ignore Death Threats to Wisconsin Republicans:
... http://bit.ly/dIi7xd ...
twest #tcot
#Progressive Collateral Damage. #PCD. Thanks @AndrewBreitbart & @JamesOkeefeIII. #npr #acorn #pigford #tcot #p2 #teaparty
is tweetchat.com dead? @support #support @twitter #tewitter
RT @strongthought: RT @exposeliberals: Krauthammer destroys Totenberg ‘Why Does NPR Have to live off tit of State?’ http://bit.ly/hCB06u ...
RT @SissyWillis @instapundit: ROGER KIMBALL: Naming The Dead http://bit.ly/edZUBP <--@EvanPokroy: Did you see this? #jcot #tcot #idf
RT @SissyWillis The #Arab incitement is simply not reported by the western #news http://bit.ly/hs9bMT~ MelaniePhillips @The_Spectator #tcot
RT @Lostmybeer: Work smart not hard. Reverse their tactics and utilize them for your gain while being fully aware of what they are doing ...
RT @ajcpolitics: Ga. Dept of Agriculture regrets ‘error' on Salmonella recall, but McCormick not off hook http://bit.ly/gv5mgo #georgial ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: RT @SykesCharlie "Waging political war on taxpayers, elected Dem legislators unleash assault on private employers..."- ...
RT @LisaGraas: #jcot #tcot #israel Have you been through a #TSA body scanner recently? http://is.gd/vCc0WX via @israelmatzav #news #asamom
which #gun show today? 3 to pick from. #atlanta #tcot
@Snarky_Basterd guess I'll go 2 the farmers market. #standingroomonly #gun #atlanta #tcot the civic center do get crowded.
Allen West on #foxnews. #tcot #teaparty
RT @southsalem: Alan West on FOX NOW #tcot #teaparty #gop
#FL Rep. @AllenWest is muh role-model . . . & I'm 42 frikkin' years old!!! #tcot #teaparty
RT @TellTheTruth1: Hey #Union supporters, try to understand English. Learn something! Behold! Your Public Sector Unions at Work. http:// ...
RT @oldad: RT @tahDeetz: Allen West on #foxnews. #tcot #teaparty || Allen West for President! #tcot ~no frikkin doubt.
RT @andilinks: Early humans & ancients thought their behavior caused natural events, shamans cashed in on this—proggys are no different. ...
RT @brookedunne: Why Moonbats Love Trains http://j.mp/hFNjhG #tcot #news #p2
RT @bpjauburn #JihadWatch - #Gaza: #Muslims share candy 2 celebrate brutal murder of #Jew family http://bit.ly/igv4Mh #Coexist my ass #tcot
<<--- Still. For. Nuclear. #tcot #teaparty #foxnews
RT @KurtSchlichter: I probably don't say this enuf...screw the Palestinians. Cut off any aid we give them. Kill the terrorists among the ...
#ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #tcot #teaparty
RT @southernmax: Toxin Found in Dead Fish That Clogged U.S. Marina - FoxNews.com: http://fxn.ws/hmLYkV #tcot #tlot #libertarian #p2
@ajcfoodbiz 'nanner puddin' milkshake at @ChickfilA ?!? I know where muh Monday lunch will be. #tcot #foodie
RT @Conservativeind PJ Crowley resigned_schweet! Shouldve been fired long ago_another loser in the #Obama Admn bites the dust #tcot #p2
RT @Fallakin #Dayton #Ohio lowers bar 4 cops under pressure from #Obama Adm after not enough blacks pass test http://bit.ly/hXBkGH #tcot #p2
RT @tjholthaus 3% Say #IvyLeague Schools Produce Better Workers #Rasmussen http://bit.ly/g9FzX9 #college #news #tcot
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin Best Postioned to Beat Obama Among all Potential GOP Candidates http://bit.ly/idv2Uo #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: At Least Michele Bachmann Didn’t Call Europe a Country As Obama Did http://bit.ly/eQzklf #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Flashback: Governor Palin Talks to Larry Kudlow About Drilling for Oil – July 2008 / Open Thread http://bit.ly/f9UmwE #tcot ...
RT @C4Palin: Politico | David Axelrod: Romneycare Was ‘Template’ for Obamacare http://bit.ly/haUmce #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Ace of Spades: Governor Palin Reminds the Democrat Party “of Those Weeks of Terror” When McCain/Palin Led http://bit.ly/i7q ...
RT @C4Palin: Rush Limbaugh: Wisconsin a Turning Point in Reversing Union Influence http://bit.ly/gEI27b #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin Effectively Ties Christopher Christie and Mitt Romney in New Jersey http://bit.ly/eklOAd #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: John Phillips:January 2013 – The Man For The Job Is Sarah Palin http://bit.ly/g9H1GY #tcot #palin
Guess what #p2 #progstains, "We won" in the midwest cradle of #progressive activism_Its like a homecoming shut-out 4 the hometeam #tcot #wi
RT @NoelSheppard: ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC & NPR ignore death threats to Wisconsin Republicans http://ow.ly/4dtdJ
RT @gretawire: Is THE DAILY BEAST deliberately trying to stir up racism problems with its headline? (I think Tina Brown... http://fxn.ws ...
RT @Stacy_Mott: If you are in NJ, Missing 15-yr old http://www.facebook.com/pages/Find-Miranda-Lauton/148311178565567 She is from my to ...
RT @VotingAmerican: Defeated Democrats make for Rabid Liberals: http://t.co/RJHnUjU
RT @VotingAmerican: Liberal Obama Twitts just can't handle the Tweet: #p2 #p21 #p2b #dnc #dems #gop #teaparty #twister #tcot #tlot #tiot ...
RT @michellemalkin: #Seattle -area call for help: Help us search for #Marizela TODAY Univ District. Details here http://tinyurl.com/4cyumbs
RT @MyAgendaIsTruth: "#glennbeck #TheBlaze #stopbeck #p2 #drop_fox Chilling Video: Openly Rooting for Revolution, The Left Calls For (co ...
RT @runedart: Looks like the biggest supplier of arms to MX is Obama http://bit.ly/hAxlTz DOJ. #punt #twisters #tcot #ocra #sgp #twcot
RT @SarahPalinUSA: Pres is mistaken. Again. Claims we control 2% world's oil & he "boosts production"?Who advises him?Who writes his stu ...
RT @toddstarnes 75% of those killed in religious violence are #Christians http://bit.ly/hhsyt8 #news #tcot #mil
RT @TRMirCat: And in case you just missed that --> RT @allahpundit No, #Japan's not facing another Chernobyl http://is.gd/rvEbgD #news #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Many of Bam's misstatements have been far worse than simple gaffes and yet he's escaped the ridicule reserved for GOP ...
RT @JosephAGallant: Obamacare: What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. - Abraham Lincoln #tcot #teaparty #gop #conserv #p2
@10inch45 that made me hungry, all. over. again. #ItalianFoodRules
RT @DinaFraioli: Do I have a NY bagel? Yes, yes I do. I am fulfilling m Jewish destiny! #winning #itsthewater
RT @DavidLimbaugh: U know y the MSM gives libs a pass? It's not b/c it doesn't recognize the gaffes in their favorites. It's b/c they wn ...
RT @vannschaffner: #tcot #teaparty RT @DanRiehl: Geez, #Politico Bests #NRO On Wisconsin Union Issue http://bit.ly/i6taHZ #news
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Libs are so arrogant about the axiomatic truth of their hallowed opinions that they actually think presenting both si ...
RT @DesignerDepot: 20 Excellent Plugins for Safari - http://ow.ly/4deFC
@10inch45 unfortunately, i lack the use of a Leer jet.
Camel Husbandry #JihadiRealityShows
RT @theRealExTex: Swell-> RT @Marsh626 Far Left Protesters Now Videotaping License Plates at Scott Walker Fundraisers HT @gatewaypun ...
RT @Boomerjeff: The loons are already blaming the earthquake/Tsunami on "climate change." here's an example http://bit.ly/fRKS8m #tcot # ...
RT @FTWes A very disturbing EVERYTHING! :-x @AmandainOK That was a vry disturbing #SNL monologue courtesy of Zach Galifianakis ~but funny
RT @HollyNapierTN: Hillary,Hillary! OOPS! US Did Not Deliver Coolant to #Japan Nuke Reactor http://is.gd/ynRev5 #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @TennTina: Zetas drug gang uses Dallas as hub in growing empire, authorities say: Over the years, through v... http://bit.ly/fzBKkQ # ...
RT @LaurieT333: ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC and NPR Ignore Death Threats to Wisconsin Republicans:
... http://bit.ly/dIi7xd ...
twest #tcot
#Progressive Collateral Damage. #PCD. Thanks @AndrewBreitbart & @JamesOkeefeIII. #npr #acorn #pigford #tcot #p2 #teaparty
is tweetchat.com dead? @support #support @twitter #tewitter
RT @strongthought: RT @exposeliberals: Krauthammer destroys Totenberg ‘Why Does NPR Have to live off tit of State?’ http://bit.ly/hCB06u ...
RT @SissyWillis @instapundit: ROGER KIMBALL: Naming The Dead http://bit.ly/edZUBP <--@EvanPokroy: Did you see this? #jcot #tcot #idf
RT @SissyWillis The #Arab incitement is simply not reported by the western #news http://bit.ly/hs9bMT~ MelaniePhillips @The_Spectator #tcot
RT @Lostmybeer: Work smart not hard. Reverse their tactics and utilize them for your gain while being fully aware of what they are doing ...
RT @ajcpolitics: Ga. Dept of Agriculture regrets ‘error' on Salmonella recall, but McCormick not off hook http://bit.ly/gv5mgo #georgial ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: RT @SykesCharlie "Waging political war on taxpayers, elected Dem legislators unleash assault on private employers..."- ...
RT @LisaGraas: #jcot #tcot #israel Have you been through a #TSA body scanner recently? http://is.gd/vCc0WX via @israelmatzav #news #asamom
which #gun show today? 3 to pick from. #atlanta #tcot
@Snarky_Basterd guess I'll go 2 the farmers market. #standingroomonly #gun #atlanta #tcot the civic center do get crowded.
Allen West on #foxnews. #tcot #teaparty
RT @southsalem: Alan West on FOX NOW #tcot #teaparty #gop
#FL Rep. @AllenWest is muh role-model . . . & I'm 42 frikkin' years old!!! #tcot #teaparty
RT @TellTheTruth1: Hey #Union supporters, try to understand English. Learn something! Behold! Your Public Sector Unions at Work. http:// ...
RT @oldad: RT @tahDeetz: Allen West on #foxnews. #tcot #teaparty || Allen West for President! #tcot ~no frikkin doubt.
RT @andilinks: Early humans & ancients thought their behavior caused natural events, shamans cashed in on this—proggys are no different. ...
RT @brookedunne: Why Moonbats Love Trains http://j.mp/hFNjhG #tcot #news #p2
RT @bpjauburn #JihadWatch - #Gaza: #Muslims share candy 2 celebrate brutal murder of #Jew family http://bit.ly/igv4Mh #Coexist my ass #tcot
<<--- Still. For. Nuclear. #tcot #teaparty #foxnews
RT @KurtSchlichter: I probably don't say this enuf...screw the Palestinians. Cut off any aid we give them. Kill the terrorists among the ...
#ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #ProjectGunRunner #BATFE #tcot #teaparty
RT @southernmax: Toxin Found in Dead Fish That Clogged U.S. Marina - FoxNews.com: http://fxn.ws/hmLYkV #tcot #tlot #libertarian #p2
@ajcfoodbiz 'nanner puddin' milkshake at @ChickfilA ?!? I know where muh Monday lunch will be. #tcot #foodie
RT @Conservativeind PJ Crowley resigned_schweet! Shouldve been fired long ago_another loser in the #Obama Admn bites the dust #tcot #p2
RT @Fallakin #Dayton #Ohio lowers bar 4 cops under pressure from #Obama Adm after not enough blacks pass test http://bit.ly/hXBkGH #tcot #p2
RT @tjholthaus 3% Say #IvyLeague Schools Produce Better Workers #Rasmussen http://bit.ly/g9FzX9 #college #news #tcot
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin Best Postioned to Beat Obama Among all Potential GOP Candidates http://bit.ly/idv2Uo #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: At Least Michele Bachmann Didn’t Call Europe a Country As Obama Did http://bit.ly/eQzklf #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Flashback: Governor Palin Talks to Larry Kudlow About Drilling for Oil – July 2008 / Open Thread http://bit.ly/f9UmwE #tcot ...
RT @C4Palin: Politico | David Axelrod: Romneycare Was ‘Template’ for Obamacare http://bit.ly/haUmce #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Ace of Spades: Governor Palin Reminds the Democrat Party “of Those Weeks of Terror” When McCain/Palin Led http://bit.ly/i7q ...
RT @C4Palin: Rush Limbaugh: Wisconsin a Turning Point in Reversing Union Influence http://bit.ly/gEI27b #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: Governor Palin Effectively Ties Christopher Christie and Mitt Romney in New Jersey http://bit.ly/eklOAd #tcot #palin
RT @C4Palin: John Phillips:January 2013 – The Man For The Job Is Sarah Palin http://bit.ly/g9H1GY #tcot #palin
Guess what #p2 #progstains, "We won" in the midwest cradle of #progressive activism_Its like a homecoming shut-out 4 the hometeam #tcot #wi
RT @NoelSheppard: ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC & NPR ignore death threats to Wisconsin Republicans http://ow.ly/4dtdJ
RT @gretawire: Is THE DAILY BEAST deliberately trying to stir up racism problems with its headline? (I think Tina Brown... http://fxn.ws ...
RT @Stacy_Mott: If you are in NJ, Missing 15-yr old http://www.facebook.com/pages/Find-Miranda-Lauton/148311178565567 She is from my to ...
RT @VotingAmerican: Defeated Democrats make for Rabid Liberals: http://t.co/RJHnUjU
RT @VotingAmerican: Liberal Obama Twitts just can't handle the Tweet: #p2 #p21 #p2b #dnc #dems #gop #teaparty #twister #tcot #tlot #tiot ...
RT @michellemalkin: #Seattle -area call for help: Help us search for #Marizela TODAY Univ District. Details here http://tinyurl.com/4cyumbs
RT @MyAgendaIsTruth: "#glennbeck #TheBlaze #stopbeck #p2 #drop_fox Chilling Video: Openly Rooting for Revolution, The Left Calls For (co ...
RT @runedart: Looks like the biggest supplier of arms to MX is Obama http://bit.ly/hAxlTz DOJ. #punt #twisters #tcot #ocra #sgp #twcot
RT @SarahPalinUSA: Pres is mistaken. Again. Claims we control 2% world's oil & he "boosts production"?Who advises him?Who writes his stu ...
RT @toddstarnes 75% of those killed in religious violence are #Christians http://bit.ly/hhsyt8 #news #tcot #mil
RT @TRMirCat: And in case you just missed that --> RT @allahpundit No, #Japan's not facing another Chernobyl http://is.gd/rvEbgD #news #tcot
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Many of Bam's misstatements have been far worse than simple gaffes and yet he's escaped the ridicule reserved for GOP ...
RT @JosephAGallant: Obamacare: What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself. - Abraham Lincoln #tcot #teaparty #gop #conserv #p2
@10inch45 that made me hungry, all. over. again. #ItalianFoodRules
RT @DinaFraioli: Do I have a NY bagel? Yes, yes I do. I am fulfilling m Jewish destiny! #winning #itsthewater
RT @DavidLimbaugh: U know y the MSM gives libs a pass? It's not b/c it doesn't recognize the gaffes in their favorites. It's b/c they wn ...
RT @vannschaffner: #tcot #teaparty RT @DanRiehl: Geez, #Politico Bests #NRO On Wisconsin Union Issue http://bit.ly/i6taHZ #news
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Libs are so arrogant about the axiomatic truth of their hallowed opinions that they actually think presenting both si ...
RT @DesignerDepot: 20 Excellent Plugins for Safari - http://ow.ly/4deFC
@10inch45 unfortunately, i lack the use of a Leer jet.
Camel Husbandry #JihadiRealityShows
RT @theRealExTex: Swell-> RT @Marsh626 Far Left Protesters Now Videotaping License Plates at Scott Walker Fundraisers HT @gatewaypun ...
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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