Thursday, March 10, 2011

From Twitter 03-10-2011

RT @andilinks: Leftist Obama regime OFA assaulting the sovereign state of Wisconsin in violation of the 10th Amendment. #p2 #tcot #ocra ...
RT @iowahawkblog: Once again: if these are "public servants," then tapeworms are "canine servants."
RT @toddstarnes Death threats against #WIGOP senators, protesters storm capitol & #SEIU boss says, "You haven't seen anything yet" #tcot #p2
#UGA starts football practice today. #BullDawgs
RT @jihadwatchRS: "Despite fears of an increase in Islamophobia, there have been no reports anywhere of angry gays storming ... http://t ...
RT @cprater: The more they ridicule and attack her, the more convinced I am that she's our candidate. @derekahunter #Palin
RT @DanRiehl: Eight GOP Senators send Reid a letter vowing to block any legislation that doesn’t focus on debt
How many potential 2012 #GOP POTUS hopefuls R having a BigTime_A-List Hollywood movie made about them b4 2012? Just 1, #Palin. #tcot #p2
RT @MrHappy4870: RT @WashTimesWorld Saudi accused in Bush home attack plot indicted #islam #islamophobia #tcot #tlot
RT @rick_kelly: Does O think he can overthrow the election in WI with riots and violence like his cousin, Agwambo, did in Kenya?? #tcot ...
RT @CitadelSports: Congrats to RHP Austin Pritcher who has been named SoCon Pitcher of the Month in February! #SOCON #CITADEL #BULLDOGS
RT @JoleneAL: If radical muslims are not afraid of the light King is shining, why the death threats? They are proving his point.
RT @awesomefactory: RT @twiggyoh: @DittoWatch Limbaugh-"Another reason why Obama is afraid 2 do anything in #Libya Bullies are notorious ...
@cprater when Hollywood feels the need to film a hit-piece on #Palin, but no other #GOP 2012er, thats a huge tell. #tcot
RT @KurtSchlichter: @JedediahBila Look for the #union label, which apprently reads "I'll kill your family!" The solution: Crush all pub ...
RT @skigarmisch: RT @AllenWest: It is imperative Pres. Obama identify Islamic extremism as an enemy of U.S. Have 2begin dialog… (cont) ...
RT @southernmax: Atlanta TSA threats of arrest and detainment over videotaping body scanner opt out pat down: #tcot ...
@cprater true, but the timing shows the intent of the producer #sarah
RT @Duh_Progressive: GLORY: Number of U.S. Schools NOT Failing May Rise to 18% !! #tcot #news #p2
RT @CO2HOG: via @WeeklyStandard Public Broadcasting Needs Welfare Reform #tcot
RT @hch242: Dear Public #Union's change is inevitable. Embrace change, it's a daily fact in the private sector. #tcot #p2
MT @0402sgrl @GuardWifeL Its a 4lb underblade chuck_2cans mushroom soup & 1/2cup water_Adobo 'or' rosemary sprig & bay leaves wud b gud 2+
@0402sgrl go w/the adobo spice & green Tabasco, lime juice 2 if ya got it
RT @libertys56: With higher education institutions making anonymous $80M donations to NPR, it's no wonder tuition keeps soaring. #tcot # ...
RT @Afterseven: Lefties Apoplectic: "Welcome to the future home of Ground Zero
The beginning of America’s second Civil War" ...
RT @TropicsZ4: The Cult – Fire Woman ♫
RT @Drudge_Report: House panel votes to strip EPA authority over emissions... #news #tcot
RT @suhrmesa: #Left aways works in dark, hiding who they are. #meltDown #p2 #Tcot #left #npr #rwnj #wisconsin @joeNB ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: "Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?" http ...
RT @gpollowitz: suggestion for @MMFlint, @maddow: high school students should leave sch 2 protest only if they have 3.0+. If not, they b ...
RT @AllenWest: It is imperative Pres. Obama identify Islamic extremism as an enemy of the U.S. Have to begin dialogue in order to move t ...
MT @razshafer How ya like #dem apples?! @drewryun W/the wins in WI & OH, the score now stands #TeaParty 2, #GovtUnion Bosses, 0 #tcot #p2
RT @anna12061: Undercover sting catches NPR talking about Obama birth 'To run for president you have to be born in the U.S.… (cont) http ...
RT @lheal: #P2 and #wiunion, do you really want to start violence against a bunch of people whose hobby is shooting stuff? #tcot
RT @josephkerry: maybe Beck was right about the communists in #Wisconsin? #glennbeck #tcot #ocra #p2 #912 #news #p2
RT @Turbomac: Misguided Effort Will Drive Thriving #Internet Businesses to Nearby States #ILTax #tcot #news
RT @pulpe: WI lib thugs have the good sense to drop children off at daycares before they go to the capitol to vandalize the place ($7m d ...
RT @DanRiehl: @gatewaypundit Well, to be fair, Republicans are mostly a bunch of chicken sh*ts imo, just for different reasons!! #tcot
RT @GarySinise: Come to "Benefit for US Marine Cpl. Todd Nicely" Friday, May 27 from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm. NY Firefighters, St.... http:/ ...
RT @CommMarine: There is an ideological war happening in America: the radical progressives are trying to enslave the majority of right l ...
RT @Marsh626 Update: Hypocrite Michael Moore Now Desperately Tweeting Health Care Benefits He Offers Employees #tcot #p2
RT @RealRepublican The public sector #union members need 2 understand that they do not own the American people #tcot #p2 #teaparty #unions
RT @Marsh626: #NPR’s Watergate Moment #news #tcot #p2
RT @HeyTammyBruce: :) RT @rebeccafeldman: "Can we get a vaccine for liberalism? Because that's killing more people than you realize." Ri ...
RT @HomerWhite: Public sector union members are employed by government...and that government is broke. Lose your job or accept consequen ...
RT @macgasm: Canon jumps on the Thunderbolt bandwagon, teases 10gbps video cameras
RT @MaryBeth66: RT @debster7301: RT @catsune: Unions you abused your power and have outlived your usefulness to Americans
RT @Erica__B: Charlie Sheen Death Hoax Spreads Malware Through Facebook...
RT @AppleFollowers: Why Square Has the Credit Card Industry on the Run
RT @Mirac777: Leftist on the job! A UNION protest picture is worth 1000 words #tcot #CDNow #WI #WIUnions#Wisc rt
RT @adamsbaldwin: Leftist euphemism for govt. schools is "traditional schools." Regular Americans now deserve reform of that "traditiona ...
RT @slone: PIGS GET FAT, HOGS GET SLAUGHTERED! With unions it is •always• ALL about them #tcot #tlot
RT @slone: SMILE! YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA! #Miami police drones can see INSIDE houses #tcot #tlot #news #fl
RT @benpolitico: Claire McCaskill billed taxpayers for purely political flights, deepening questions #news #tcot
RT @KLSouth: Walker: “Public employees will no longer be mandated by law to join union & have $1000 deducted from their paychecks to pay ...
RT @EyeblastTV: Video: #Union Thugs Harass #Conservative Kids and Try to Steal Their Phones #tcot #news #p2
RT @TheBeowulf: NPR, the Spokane Bomber, and Far Left Nazis #Islam #Terrorism #news #tcot
RT @EconomicMayhem: SWAT killing of innocent, unarmed grandfather was "an accident". #tcot #news #tlot
RT @ArcticFox2012: Need Everyone's Help. Marizela Perez, Michelle Malkin's Cousin; Still Missing. Please Read/Share. We continue to... h ...
RT @ironked: O’Keefe and Hewett Discuss NPR Investigation on Hugh Hewitt Show
RT @OfficialSGP: SGP101 starts in 5 minutes! If you're thinking of running for office, sign up for this free online class NOW. #sgp http ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce What *serious* #unions do @toddstarnes #SanJose #Firefighters Union votes 2 slash pay #news #tcot #p2
RT @bpjauburn: The Corner - 'The Most Predictable Economic Crisis in History' - Pimco exits US Treasuries #tcot #news
RT @irishspy: Public Secrets #tcot National Public Radio, or National Money-laundering Radio?: When James O’Keefe released his... http:/ ...
RT @MuslimAlert: The New Egypt: Muslims Burn Down Church then Kill the Protestors BY PAUL COOPER: http://www.newsrealblog... http://bit. ...
RT @TheNextWeb: House panel invalidates #NetNeutrality regulations by @jfalconer on @tnwindustry #news #tech #tcot
RT @Snooper1: Union Thugs Target Private Businesses, Restaurants #tcot #wiunion #notmywi #news
RT @BigBucksCo Lawmakers back recognizing #gold & #silver as currency @deseretnews #Utah passes Currency Bill #tcot #p2
RT @GetsGreased: More non-violence from the left. Guess they don't like their attempted assaults caught on video. #t ...
RT @anthropocon: Notice how Hogan's arrogant response to Rand Paul basically amounts to "Shut up, newbie..."
RT @Newswatcher89: New O’Keefe Video Shows NPR Exec Scheming to Hide Source of Muslim Brotherhood Front Group Donat... ...
RT @Norsu2: Republicans Threaten Senate Blockade if Reid Doesn't Deal With Debt, Spending #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @MaxCUA: SARAH PALIN on 'Hannity' tonight #tcot CALL ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO WATCH,BEAT O'Reilly. #palin #obama
RT @AllenWest: Why is it that outsiders who have never stepped foot in an American Military uniform think they know what's best for the ...
RT @rsmccain: @SissyWillis This May Be Nothing, Or It Might Be Worth an Instalanche
RT @AndrewBreitbart: Try to find the REFUSE! Wherein TeamPodesta invents where NPR 'CEO Refus[es] Donation from Phony O'Keefe Group': ht ...
RT @junmoore @Foxmuldar DEATH THREATS from the Left that the mainstream media will never show you #tcot #news #p2
@kinseyschofield ~boo.
RT @baysidebetty: RT @akgeepro: Greatest #Football Movie Ever Tournament: The Longest Yard vs ... -->> #TYL <<--
RT @tom19803: Egyptian Revolution? Globalists Own Both Horses In Two Horse Race #saynoto #nwo #cce #tcot #p2
RT @NWOBlog: Just Like Charlie Sheen's, Left's Rants Are Delusional #tcot #p2
RT @Kriskxx: Teamster Threatens To Break Camerman's Neck - HUMAN EVENTS Columbus, Ohio #tcot #teaparty @b ...
RT @whpresscorps FLASHBACK: #Obama ~U know_I wasnt bullied 2 much in school_I was pretty big 4 my age #tcot #p2 #news
RT @BreakingNewz: Canada Free Press- Green Bulbs from Red China: -Satire

After returning two burnt-out, allegedly long-last... http://t ...
RT @iotw: The #Wisconsin Domino Theory #tcot #p2 #unions #teaparty
RT @MEEchelleO: @TejasKat Ahem-my $1000 bag goes with EVERY color shoes. You peasants got no taste. You just jealous, that's all. #p21 # ...
RT @joethepatriotic: COMPLETELY INSANE It appears that issuing death threats is the latest leftist public-unionist method of getting ppl ...
RT @Cubachi: @irishspy Imagine West in a debate with Nelson. Knockout. @nickmarschel
RT @TropicsZ4: Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song ♫
RT @Pqlyur1: I'd like to see his Long Form Birth Certificate #YouCantSayThat. #tcot
RT @AndrewBreitbart: WSJ: #NPR in Dispute Over Fake Donor Offer It's getting hot in here, so... #news #tcot #p2 #pbs
RT @foxnation: #Dem Senator Rocked by Scandal #mosen #tcot #news #p2
RT @stephenfhayes: Poss Bill Keller picked a fight with Arianna so that he'd get attacked by the left - after the right ripped his Fox r ...
RT @Conservativeind: Any MORON who listens to #UNION BUSTER @MMFlint should seriously seek psychiatric help #wi #wiunion #twisters #tcot #p2
If @SECupp were married to me, she would already be home. ;-) #Atlanta.
RT @judicialabuse: If I looked like Michael Moore @MMFlint I might be bitter and pissed off all the time too. Poor fat ugly bastard #tco ...
RT @timeboat: Jack Daniels (via @GetGlue) #UltimateFactories #whiskey
RT @Kasons4: RT @tinastullracing: Singles only bed /LOLOL funny!

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