RT @TheFlaCracker: If Obama were SENATOR he would be calling for HIS OWN impeachment #gop #tlot #tcot #p2 #dnc #teaparty
RT @CatsPolitics: @Kim_AE When did Obama get A Doctrine?
RT @College_FB: College Football 2011: 8 Non-SEC Coaches Who Would Thrive Under SEC Pressure: Beamer brought his philosophy of f... http ...
RT @TheFlaCracker: Defn of Irony: #WIUnion hate Halliburton for getting more and more on no-competition contracts #teaparty# #gop #tlot ...
RT @HumanEvents: Our first ever user-generated story: George Soros, Demagoat http://ow.ly/4o7Fz
Sooooo, @BarackObama admits that US Soldiers have been greeted as liberators in a #Muslim land. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #mil #obamaspeech #dnc
RT @JMOKC: Losing Our Sons; Breaks Media Silence about Radical Islamic Recruitment in America http://is.gd/Mlsvve #tcot #news #mil #teaparty
RT @JoeCaruso: When a liberal/left-wing/socialist/marxist/America-hating Administration goes to war it's NOT war, it's KINETIC MILITARY ...
RT @teh_Dede @kevdough: I hope none of our kinetic military action puffs go astray & knock out bit.ly headquarters in #Libya. #tcot #mil
RT @EverythingATL: Minority Group Says Ga. Created Illegal Cities: The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus and others say the state ha... h ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Pantera ~ Cat Scratch Fever ♫ http://blip.fm/~1374mh
RT @Snarkky: So, in effect, slick-Willy reduced COLA for seniors on SS. Paul Begala prolly said "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kin ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Hey @MSNBC guess what... @SarahPalinUSA can answer questions without reading a #Teleprompter!!!!!!!!!! #justsayin #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Def Leppard : Armageddon It ♫ http://blip.fm/~1374qe
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA US interests are Gaddafi has got to go! #PalinDoctrine! #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA Intervention by ad hoc policy. Inconsistency 2nite by Obama has made things worse Makes us distrust wht ...
RT @johnnyA99: Peter Schiff: The US Should Abolish Corporate & Personal Income Taxes http://bit.ly/dH9fGB via @clusterstock #news #tcot
RT @TreyRatcliff: Our free HDR Tutorial is now in 6 SIX !!! languages. Crazy! Thx everyone for the community-driven translations! http ...
RT @firearmblog: UTS–15 shotgun to be produced in USA http://bit.ly/fiT8oZ #gun
RT @irishspy: RT @Michael_Haz: NEWS!! WH announces that on Wednesday President Obama will turn over his golf game to NATO. #tcot #mil #p2
Every time @BarackObama opens his piehole, a prog'z argument gets it's wings broke. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @DanRiehl: RT @nytimes: U.S. Air Power Is Given Expansive Role in Libya http://nyti.ms/eNVWU6
RT @redostoneage: #tcot #chicago ClimateDepot: RT @CFACT: We need #nuclear: #Wind won't keep us warm http://bit.ly/hSRxsj #energy #tco.. ...
RT @sithvader91344: RT @Jihadihunter: Roses are red, violets are blue, lets hang #Qaddafi by his nuts, and the Iranian bastard too. #Ir ...
RT @SereDoc: If nothing else BHO is consistent, supporting Islamists in Iran, Egypt and Libya. #israel #tcot #jihad #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc
Kinetic-Military-Action ~ It's Not Just For #RWNJ's Anymore ... #KineticMilitaryAction #tcot #p2 #mil #libya
RT @esqcapades: Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: #Obama's #Libya Speech In One Sentence http://is.gd/TOhoqD #news #tcot #p2
RT @TheNewsBlotter: Kyodo: FEATURE: JET program English teachers in Miyagi say they won't leave http://bit.ly/evsKgE #JPquake #news #tcot
RT @RandyArrington: @teapartynation Obama is incompetent as a Democratic Constitutionalist in American culture & Republic. He is highly ...
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: Only from academia~ #College kids too busy to get #VoterID http://bit.ly/ecTbkP #tcot #votefraud #news
RT @Newswatcher89: #IDF opening field hospital in disaster-ravaged #Japan http://bit.ly/eSoQUY #tcot #p2 #news
RT @melissakchan: More creepiness. Chinese-Australian blogger disappears after calling/saying he is being followed by 3 men. http://bit. ...
RT @Newswatcher89: A BREAK IN Japan’s supply chain…. http://bit.ly/hnZJgY #tcot #p2 #news
RT @andilinks: Trump has had to bribe a lot of proggys to get projects done & they're listed as "donations." He can't say they were brib ...
RT @Suzyge09: #Obama #Libya Speech Fudges the Details - The Daily Beast http://bit.ly/e2FfTf #tcot #p2 #news
RT @corrinalea: Where are the #antiwar protests on my #liberal university campus?! Oh yeah. #Libya #tcot #p2
RT @jessefelder 3 Reasons Why The US Tax Code Puts US Companies At A Massive Disadvantage http://goo.gl/3xSnT #news #economy #jobs #tcot #p2
RT @HeyTammyBruce: I hear the White House is really, really hoping that woman in AK posts something on Facebook so they'll know what to ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RightWingNews: You Can Pry My Free Dish Network Shotgun From My Cold, Dead Hands http://bit.ly/dJ6Ewk #tcot #news
#Squirmish ~an open-ended #KineticMilitaryAction that makes both #tcot & #p2, feel uneasy. #Palin
RT @PajamasMedia: #Iranian leaders are telling the Muslim world to prepare for the annihilation of #Israel and the fall of the West http ...
RT @PajamasMedia: #tcot @RogerLSimon explains why liberals need to watch The Coming, an Iranian-produced documentary http://bit.ly/hIZ1XN
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: “Losing our Sons”: Documentary looks at domestic Islamic radicalization and jihadization http://bit. ...
RT @PajamasMedia: “British gays need to understand there’s no place for them in sharia-run Britain to which millions of Muslims aspire” ...
RT @PatDollard Iranian Govt Produces Video Claiming Apocalypse Now http://is.gd/OkbuQZ #news #mil #tcot #p2 #jcot #Israel #iran
RT @FloridaJayhawk: What makes Palin so dangerous? Her base will turn out in mass records. #palinpower #2012 #itsourtime #yesshewill #ye ...
The #Libya situation is organic kinda like how the Constitution is "living & breathing" I guess. #tcot #mil
RT @SamValley: Aerosmith - Train Kept a Rollin' (the Midnight Special '74) ♫ http://blip.fm/~13770n
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Sarah #Palin Pummels Obama Over His Confusing & Disappointing Speech http://bit.ly/fi4sT3 #tcot #p2 #mil #news
I think #Obama just had a 2nd #Waterloo. #tcot #p3 #mil
On the very 1st day the #NewYorkTimes charges for content, they have to slash the price. ~heh. #nyt #tcot #p2
RT @PatDollard After #Egypt: #MuslimBrotherhood Eyes #Libya As 2nd Gift From #Obama http://is.gd/MHPpfJ #news #mil #tcot #p2
The Gulags were great for keeping Russian muffin-tops at bay. #tcot #p2
@LyterCyde stranger than fact, yet true. #NewYorkTimes #tcot
RT @CatsPolitics: @Kim_AE When did Obama get A Doctrine?
RT @College_FB: College Football 2011: 8 Non-SEC Coaches Who Would Thrive Under SEC Pressure: Beamer brought his philosophy of f... http ...
RT @TheFlaCracker: Defn of Irony: #WIUnion hate Halliburton for getting more and more on no-competition contracts #teaparty# #gop #tlot ...
RT @HumanEvents: Our first ever user-generated story: George Soros, Demagoat http://ow.ly/4o7Fz
Sooooo, @BarackObama admits that US Soldiers have been greeted as liberators in a #Muslim land. #Progress. #tcot #p2 #mil #obamaspeech #dnc
RT @JMOKC: Losing Our Sons; Breaks Media Silence about Radical Islamic Recruitment in America http://is.gd/Mlsvve #tcot #news #mil #teaparty
RT @JoeCaruso: When a liberal/left-wing/socialist/marxist/America-hating Administration goes to war it's NOT war, it's KINETIC MILITARY ...
RT @teh_Dede @kevdough: I hope none of our kinetic military action puffs go astray & knock out bit.ly headquarters in #Libya. #tcot #mil
RT @EverythingATL: Minority Group Says Ga. Created Illegal Cities: The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus and others say the state ha... h ...
RT @TropicsZ4: Pantera ~ Cat Scratch Fever ♫ http://blip.fm/~1374mh
RT @Snarkky: So, in effect, slick-Willy reduced COLA for seniors on SS. Paul Begala prolly said "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kin ...
RT @Jarjarbug: Hey @MSNBC guess what... @SarahPalinUSA can answer questions without reading a #Teleprompter!!!!!!!!!! #justsayin #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Def Leppard : Armageddon It ♫ http://blip.fm/~1374qe
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA US interests are Gaddafi has got to go! #PalinDoctrine! #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @southsalem: .@SarahPalinUSA Intervention by ad hoc policy. Inconsistency 2nite by Obama has made things worse Makes us distrust wht ...
RT @johnnyA99: Peter Schiff: The US Should Abolish Corporate & Personal Income Taxes http://bit.ly/dH9fGB via @clusterstock #news #tcot
RT @TreyRatcliff: Our free HDR Tutorial is now in 6 SIX !!! languages. Crazy! Thx everyone for the community-driven translations! http ...
RT @firearmblog: UTS–15 shotgun to be produced in USA http://bit.ly/fiT8oZ #gun
RT @irishspy: RT @Michael_Haz: NEWS!! WH announces that on Wednesday President Obama will turn over his golf game to NATO. #tcot #mil #p2
Every time @BarackObama opens his piehole, a prog'z argument gets it's wings broke. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @DanRiehl: RT @nytimes: U.S. Air Power Is Given Expansive Role in Libya http://nyti.ms/eNVWU6
RT @redostoneage: #tcot #chicago ClimateDepot: RT @CFACT: We need #nuclear: #Wind won't keep us warm http://bit.ly/hSRxsj #energy #tco.. ...
RT @sithvader91344: RT @Jihadihunter: Roses are red, violets are blue, lets hang #Qaddafi by his nuts, and the Iranian bastard too. #Ir ...
RT @SereDoc: If nothing else BHO is consistent, supporting Islamists in Iran, Egypt and Libya. #israel #tcot #jihad #gop #teaparty #p2 #dnc
Kinetic-Military-Action ~ It's Not Just For #RWNJ's Anymore ... #KineticMilitaryAction #tcot #p2 #mil #libya
RT @esqcapades: Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: #Obama's #Libya Speech In One Sentence http://is.gd/TOhoqD #news #tcot #p2
RT @TheNewsBlotter: Kyodo: FEATURE: JET program English teachers in Miyagi say they won't leave http://bit.ly/evsKgE #JPquake #news #tcot
RT @RandyArrington: @teapartynation Obama is incompetent as a Democratic Constitutionalist in American culture & Republic. He is highly ...
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: Only from academia~ #College kids too busy to get #VoterID http://bit.ly/ecTbkP #tcot #votefraud #news
RT @Newswatcher89: #IDF opening field hospital in disaster-ravaged #Japan http://bit.ly/eSoQUY #tcot #p2 #news
RT @melissakchan: More creepiness. Chinese-Australian blogger disappears after calling/saying he is being followed by 3 men. http://bit. ...
RT @Newswatcher89: A BREAK IN Japan’s supply chain…. http://bit.ly/hnZJgY #tcot #p2 #news
RT @andilinks: Trump has had to bribe a lot of proggys to get projects done & they're listed as "donations." He can't say they were brib ...
RT @Suzyge09: #Obama #Libya Speech Fudges the Details - The Daily Beast http://bit.ly/e2FfTf #tcot #p2 #news
RT @corrinalea: Where are the #antiwar protests on my #liberal university campus?! Oh yeah. #Libya #tcot #p2
RT @jessefelder 3 Reasons Why The US Tax Code Puts US Companies At A Massive Disadvantage http://goo.gl/3xSnT #news #economy #jobs #tcot #p2
RT @HeyTammyBruce: I hear the White House is really, really hoping that woman in AK posts something on Facebook so they'll know what to ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @RightWingNews: You Can Pry My Free Dish Network Shotgun From My Cold, Dead Hands http://bit.ly/dJ6Ewk #tcot #news
#Squirmish ~an open-ended #KineticMilitaryAction that makes both #tcot & #p2, feel uneasy. #Palin
RT @PajamasMedia: #Iranian leaders are telling the Muslim world to prepare for the annihilation of #Israel and the fall of the West http ...
RT @PajamasMedia: #tcot @RogerLSimon explains why liberals need to watch The Coming, an Iranian-produced documentary http://bit.ly/hIZ1XN
RT @PajamasMedia: On the @PJTatler: “Losing our Sons”: Documentary looks at domestic Islamic radicalization and jihadization http://bit. ...
RT @PajamasMedia: “British gays need to understand there’s no place for them in sharia-run Britain to which millions of Muslims aspire” ...
RT @PatDollard Iranian Govt Produces Video Claiming Apocalypse Now http://is.gd/OkbuQZ #news #mil #tcot #p2 #jcot #Israel #iran
RT @FloridaJayhawk: What makes Palin so dangerous? Her base will turn out in mass records. #palinpower #2012 #itsourtime #yesshewill #ye ...
The #Libya situation is organic kinda like how the Constitution is "living & breathing" I guess. #tcot #mil
RT @SamValley: Aerosmith - Train Kept a Rollin' (the Midnight Special '74) ♫ http://blip.fm/~13770n
RT @Sami_Shamieh: Sarah #Palin Pummels Obama Over His Confusing & Disappointing Speech http://bit.ly/fi4sT3 #tcot #p2 #mil #news
I think #Obama just had a 2nd #Waterloo. #tcot #p3 #mil
On the very 1st day the #NewYorkTimes charges for content, they have to slash the price. ~heh. #nyt #tcot #p2
RT @PatDollard After #Egypt: #MuslimBrotherhood Eyes #Libya As 2nd Gift From #Obama http://is.gd/MHPpfJ #news #mil #tcot #p2
The Gulags were great for keeping Russian muffin-tops at bay. #tcot #p2
@LyterCyde stranger than fact, yet true. #NewYorkTimes #tcot
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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