Friday, March 11, 2011

From Twitter 03-11-2011

RT @oddlysaid: It's cracked, so language warning. But great. RT @IMAO_: RT @cracked The 8 Types of Gun Owner [CHART]:
#Rush is predicting the Left will try 2 spin #tsunami #Japan n2 a #GlobalWarming event. #tcot #teaparty
RT @foodcreate: #Recipe ~ Georgia Peach Stuffed #Chicken #cooking #food #peach
@calliezop the only way you'll catch me in a Death-Box 3000, is dead.
RT @suziplasse: @tahDeetz Deetz! I've turned @Snarky_Basterd into a #Dexter-holic. #win #VicariouslyLivingThroughASerialKiller
RT @Hardline_Stance: @tahDeetz I predicted it 3 hours ago. #rush has a habit of catching up to me as well... ;-)
RT @tnacgal: <---will not have lunch now! @pdigaudio: @tnacgal Michael Moore is the Original Fat Bastard #Austin ...
RT @ChicagoTMM Guest writer John Phillips: 4 #Republicans in 2012, its #Palin or another big fat "L" #tcot #news #sgp
#Conservatives dont make #DeathThreats, we watch #Dexter 4 ideas #VicariouslyLivingThroughASerialKiller @Snarky_Basterd @suziplasse #tcot
@Hardline_Stance they will certainly be using it as an anti-nuke argument.
@PATR2012 couldnt resist.
RT @Haddicus: @tahDeetz "Never let a serious crisis go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel #tsunami #tcot
RT @reactionariez: test ~ proper twitter nomenclatura is #twest .... ;-)
RT @TropicsZ4: Aerosmith - Walk This Way ♫
MT @senatorlugar New Pic: Sen Lugar speaking at new kidney disease center in Avon #Indiana #INsen #SwanSong #tcot
RT @jimgeraghty: Argh. Obama says he'll tap the reserves "should the situation demand it." Why drill domestically when we can just eat o ...
RT @rorycooper: Obama "prepared to tap SPR" --How about you restore the drilling status quo you inherited first. Frustrating. #tcot #p2
RT @Obamapocalypse: Hey, I thought the #Obama green revolution was here and my subsidized backyard windmill & solar roof panels are work ...
RT @NYConservativ: Poll: Only 17% of Americans think Muslims are treated unfairly #news #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @redostoneage: #ClimateChange fanatics blame Japan earthquakes/tsunamis on #GlobalWarming #ac360 #cnn #cbs #tcot ...
RT @PMgeezer: Ruth Bader Ginsberg: Liberal Supreme Court Justice said "We need to cleanse America of Unwanted populations". ...
RT @MicheleBachmann: Spending Buried throughout Healthcare Bill: #tcot
RT @TalkShowAmerica: 67% Favor Automatic Police Immigration Checks, Most Support Sanctions on Employers and Landlords
RT @DorianDavis: Whirlpool off Japanese coast (VIDEO):
RT @keder: Shorter Obama: blah blah oil prices blah blah blah. Oh, and no new solutions. #tcot #p2
RT @jimmiebjr We cant drill 4 oil b/c we wont C benefits 4 years_We can invest in Obama energy_tho we wont C benefits 4 years #tcot #p2 #sgp
Hey @BarackObama ~ What happens when the #SPRO runs low? What then?!? #AssholeIdiot. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @MattCover: After that little spiel I'm convinced Obama doesn't understand anything about energy. #tcot #p2
RT @rorycooper Wondering if a reporter will ask the POTUS about his role in hi gas prices at his press conference on #gas prices. #tcot #p2
RT @jamiedupree: President also rejects GOP criticism that he's partially to blame for higher oil and gas prices
RT @CalebHowe @Alyssa_Milano #Japan quake: upgraded to magnitude 9.0 via @newscientist #tcot #news #tsunami
RT @TweetJerseyGirl: RT @nopattern: Hey @charliesheen, here's your chance to use Twitter the RIGHT way. Direct those 2M+ people to Japan ...
RT @TheWrightWingv2: @NPR Dir. Betsy Liley offers to shield Islamists from govt accepting $5 million anonymously | ...
RT @jamiedupree: BZZZZZZT - President Obama uses Fuzzy Budget Math in saying Dems have gone halfway to GOP on budget cuts #tcot #teaparty
Unfortunately for us, @BarackObama views the #SPRO just like he does the printing presses at the US Treasury Dept. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @jdonels: Does anyone know if the tsunami made Guam tip over? #tcot #gapolitics
RT @GregWHoward: Huge Miss In Consumer Sentiment As Index Plummets #tcot #p2 #ocra #sgp #tlot #phnm #teaparty #econ ...
RT @bethanyshondark: Jon Cryer's hilarious response to @CharlieSheen:
RT @ColorMeOreo: When Obama says "Let me be as clear as I can" what he means is "These are not the lies you are looking for." ha! #tcot
RT @sayuncleblog: On gun owners -
RT @BradAcker22: Gas prices: Up 24 cents in 8 days via @CNNMoney #fb #inflation #news #tcot #p2
RT @ianessling: It's designed to fill the gap of NO supply...not expensive oil. #spro #tcot @barackobama @whitehouse #p2
Let me be clear ~ I have no actual idea of what h3ll I'm doing. @BarackObama #tcot #p2 #ofa
RT @KatiePavlich: @sarahpalinusa Palin for energy secretary please, or head of EPA. Give her real power, as POTUS.
RT @southsalem: RT @amthinker: Stop govt funding of La Raza: The radical Hispanic group has received $12 million tax dollars. http://dlv ...
RT @theIsh Jesus, this is Jimmy Carter lecturing us about it being tuf 2 sell ur home if u're a distance commuter during hi gas prices #tcot
RT @vadum: Defamation Lawsuit Against NYT by Informant in Plot to Bomb 2008 RNC May Have a Chance #newsbusters @brand ...
RT @southsalem: #RUsh: No questions abt #Wisconsin so far. Means internal polls really bad for #unions. #tcot #wigop #wi #p2 #ofa #teaparty
@PATR2012 no worries....
RT @timeclockman: RT @sarahpalinusa: Mr.Pres: "increase oil" means unlock land; end moratorium; hire agency heads who ALLOW production n ...
RT @legacycoach: Hey Prez... I drive 64 miles to work andI want to keep my "clunker" it gets 24 mi/gal... which is better than 40mi/char ...
RT @justinmccurry: Another big quake now, in #Ibaraki prefecture. #news #tsunami #japan
RT @aprylmarie: RT @stephenkruiser: Imagine how much mileage the next president will get out of "failed policies of the previous adminis ...
RT @SarahPalinUSA: Prayers for Japan in these turbulent times. May recovery be swift and complete after this earthquake and tsunami.
@abusedtaxpayer @BarackObama has common sense_its just been squeezed thru the twisted prism of marxism #tcot #p2 @presssec @whitehouse #ofa
RT @ianessling: For the record, Obama, Japan's "amazing" economy is only 35% of our "terrible" economy. #justsayin #tcot
RT @cprater: We'd be using more oil if more Americans had #JOBS TO DRIVE TO #tcot #p2
RT @gatewaypundit A NEW LEFTIST RECORD… 18 #WI #Republicans Receive Death Threats This Week #news #tcot #p2 #thuggery
#Beach front property values from around the world, just dropped precipitously. #tsunami #tcot #japa
RT @Tanapseudes: Shamu, why is Brazils Petrobras drilling at the site of BP's Deepwater horizon disaster. Their rigs will feel hurricane ...
RT @KimberTrent Rush-we have a Prez who's LYING & a complicit press corp who's lapping it up! @barackobama #presssec @whitehouse #news #tcot
RT @PatriciaSmiley: RT @diesel_lady: Black Panther Leader Justifies raping 11 yr old by Black Gang Quanell X is a r ...
RT @runedart: lol. thanx, I needed that...RT @suziplasse: Yer GA tax dollers at werk: #twisters #tcot #ocra #p2
RT @Cubachi @C4Palin: #Rush Limbaugh: #Wisconsin a Turning Point in Reversing #Union Influence #tcot #palin #news #p2
RT @michellemalkin: New video surveillance screen shots of #marizela at U District Safeway Mar 5 #PrayersContinue #tcot
Lets compare the #tsunami clean-up that'll ensue in #Japan, 2 the clean-up in #NewOrleans after #Katrina. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @ExJon: RT @baseballcrank Wow. RT @VictoriaCoates Did the President really just declare our friendship with #Japan "unshakable?" #awk ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: .@markknoller Generous of Pres Obama to grant Americans "receive" tax cuts. As if being allowed to keep our own money ...
RT @KLSouth: RT @MarkRMatthews: #TCOT Dick Morris: A deadlock on the budget will defeat Obama in 2012 #news #teaparty
RT @zerohedge: #Silver passes $36 #tcot #news
RT @Mrs_ESTMR: Via #Rush ,the Dakotas are on the opposite side of the world from Japan, how long before fracking in Dakotas blamed for E ...
RT @jtbdjp: RT @michellemalkin: I am helping organize a search party 4 #marizela in the Univ District tmrw. If you're i… (cont) http://d ...
RT @imsure: Why should the #ATF tell the truth about #Mexico’s #guns… #news #tcot
RT @Elainie: He also mentioned "underwater" housing. :/ @ExJon @tahdeetz Did the president really just declare our friendship with #Japa ...
At least all of Bill Clinton's x-sexbots are still breathing. ~ #Rush. #tcot #p2
RT @JimNorton: Tsunamis are bad, and somebody better do something!
RT @drjewest: Sarah #Palin has No Chance at All All from a #Bloomberg poll?!? Really?!? #tcot #news #tsot #teaparty
RT @TWCBreaking: Amount of energy #quake released was 30x greater than 1906 San Francisco quake, according to Dr. Dave Applegate wUSGS
RT @JMOKC: Bradley Manning had his underwear taken from him because he threatened to kill himself with them,& had to sleep naked under s ...
RT @Foxmuldar: Lt. Colonel Allen West (R-FL) slams diversity commission report about 'too many white military leaders':
I can 'fix' Bradley Manning's 'chaffing' issue. #wikileaks #tcot #mil
RT @KLSouth: Rand Paul has $500B in proposed cuts. Bachmann, $430B, and DeMint $1.5T over 5 years. Those three are trying, at least... #tcot

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