RT @PositiveEnerG @sanuzis #GOP says 5000 non-citizens voting in #Colorado a 'wake-up call' for states http://ping.fm/2hnWu #tcot #votefraud
RT @Jihadihunter: SCAMWOW! Planned Parenthood of Lying About Mammogram Services http://tinyurl.com/4bm52hv #tcot #prolife #God #teaparty ...
RT @DarrellIssa: RT @RepLarryBucshon Proud to lead charge in stopping Obama lithium regulations that would impact the 20k medical device ...
RT @Vision365: "Why Leftists And Muslim Fanatics Can’t Coexist With America and Israel" http://bit.ly/evuchL #news #tcot
RT @TRMirCat: RT @JohnKasich: With govt union reform, we're bringing fairness for taxpayers and the opportunity for job growth to Ohio.
RT @GPollowitz [Media Blog] #Birther Humor Aplenty at the Congressional Correspondents’ Dinner http://is.gd/yLJYIA #news
10 states now have Voter ID laws. 1/5 #Progress. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @GPollowitz: Breaking News: Mad Men canceled by the GOP. Money saved in production costs will be used to save 70,000 kids in Africa.
RT @irishspy: #Norway: We'll Talk to #Hamas, But Not #Jews http://bit.ly/hV0naQ #news #Israel #jcot #idf #tcot
RT @DonLLewis #Komen affiliates gave $3.3million 2 abortion biz #PlannedParenthood not 2 protect women but 2 kill babies #prolife #catholic
RT @gregmcneilly How did so many people miss that class on the Constitution where rights were reserved for the people, not government? #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via @weaselzippers: Clusterfark: #NATO Now Threatening to Bomb Libyan Rebels… http://bit.ly/fLPaez #tcot #news #mil
RT @Vision365 #CDC: “Superbug” Spreads To 35 States; Kills Almost 40% Of Those Exposed http://bit.ly/i5clbo #news #tcot #health #teaparty
Is it me_or did the #WIgop just get an October Surprise w fall their way w/the arrest of the death-threat teacher?!? #Wisconsin #tcot #gop
Is it me_or did the #WIgop just get an October Surprise 2 fall their way w/the arrest of the death-threat teacher?!? #Wisconsin #tcot #gop
You know whats a real clusterf*ck right now in #Libya?!? The U.S. #Military Rules of Engagement. God speed, Warriors #mil #tcot #cia #sot
@PamelaGorman to think, there's an important judiciary election in WI on Tuesday.
RT @ResistTyranny: #Tennessee fails to pass Presidential Constitutional #eligibility test: http://is.gd/pC6RGt
#ocra #tcot #teaparty
RT @NickDeringer: "Conservative spend most of their lives undoing the damage done by liberals" - Dennis Prager #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @NRANews: Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Support Legalizing Concealed Carry Proposal - http://bit.ly/gCCadc #NRA #tcot #news
RT @Herfarm: Anti-war too RT @Kriskxx Anarchists in the good ol' days used to be anti-government. Now they're demanding more!" -Steyn #t ...
RT @ConservativeLA: @mveilenstein It's a recipe for an Islamist takeover where mere shitheel regimes existed before. Iran is the problem ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @theblaze New Video: Hugh Jackman’s Daring Zipline Entrance on Oprah Goes Horribly Wrong http://tinyurl.com/4gwnnfb #tcot
RT @toiletmaterial: Billions of dollars are spent to educate illegal children (born here or not) and American children do without Parent ...
RT @DailyFXTeam: COMMODITIES: SPOT GOLD -$1.80 at $1430, SPOT SILVER -$0.10 at $37.57, CRUDE +$0.49 at $107.21, DXY +0.06 at 76.07
RT @velvethammer OMG! Oh hell no! US servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan http://is.gd/0qD3IQ #tcot #sgp #news #mil
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA I think Iraq would've gone much better if it weren't used to take down Bush
RT @RichDadPartner: About That Meeting In Nanjing, Where World Leaders Are Discussing How To Abandon The Dollar | Business Insider http: ...
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican I cant disagree w/the logic_but I think State Dept & DC bureaucracy in general_always hobble our efforts
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA Iraq will be a study plan 4 future GOP Prezs going 2 war_on what 2 expect from the left so as 2 mitigate
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 2 dogs left alone at home are always less likely to tear the place up.
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 2 dogs left alone at home are always less likely to tear the place up than just one.
RT @CDNnow: #Subprime Bonds Return http://is.gd/lITb0w #news #economy #bonds #equities #tcot
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA I wasn't fond of Saddam's wood-chippers, either....
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 911 happened coz we have pols & bureaucrats that allow threats 2 metastesize so they can exploit a crisis
RT @velvethammer: @novid7 @tahDeetz And to top it off the servicewomen cant wear their kevlar helmets when wearing hijabs! Disgraceful a ...
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican the middle east will never see peace until islam has it's own reformation.
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA no problem here w/showing tinpot dictators what it means to tug on Supermans cape
RT @ConservativeLA: @SooperMexican OK, good, we can get back to why I brought this damn subject up in the first place! :-D @tahDeetz
RT @Sky_Max: #Corn is King as Farmers Chase Prices http://tinyurl.com/4vlrpvh #tcot #ethanol #food #inflation #economy #teaparty
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican I've already fought enough conservatives this week already... ;-) I know I'll lose this one...
RT @irishspy: RT @Diplomat_APAC: Why Fukushima Isn’t Like Chernobyl: http://ow.ly/4qP3H
RT @CFHeather: RT @libertyspot: IMF Article Predicts New World Order http://t.co/qO6n7Cg @STU_GBP @Judgenap @GlennNews @RepRonPaul #teap ...
RT @physilology: Masturbation calms restless leg syndrome, from @newscientist: http://bit.ly/h83YSO Now you have a reason.
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Sweet RT @DanRiehl Rep Pence: "If Congress can’t cut $61 billion from the budget, the gvmt should be shut down." http ...
RT @billybonesmusic: Best Podcast yet http://ow.ly/4qPV3 #redeye
The lies that Dem/Prog leaders hurl in public against #TeaParty'rs, consrvtvs etc_are in actuality_the marching orders 4 the Left #tcot #sgp
RT @JoeKenHa: They're Coming For Your Soap http://bit.ly/dPEWMD #tcot #news #teaparty
@SooperMexican we all think & can have gentlemanly disagreements, something thats not so commonplace anymore_its appreciated.
@SooperMexican yup. G-d bless, my friend.
RT @DanRiehl: RT @JennyErikson: My favorite blogger of the week is @Stranahan. Because this- http://is.gd/nvmIwF #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @DanRiehl: RT @JawaVinnie: DanRiehl @DLoesch "its not al qaeda, its some long time saleh state-jihaddists" according to @JNovak_Yemen
RT @AlieGirl7: Effeminate immortal boys that hang out in the woods and sparkle in the sunlight are NOT vampires...Those are called FAIRIES
RT @politeracy: Barack Obama, the Left's "Hope and Changeling". #tcot
RT @GovKaineBrow: Taranto: In the topsy-turvy world of contemporary liberalism, it's "progressive" to deliver less service to taxpayers ...
RT @C4Palin: President Obama’s Re-Election Plan: Brainwash And Buy The American People http://bit.ly/evmeAs #tcot #palin
RT @irishspy: Including the forward spotters? RT @latimestot: Robert Gates' goal for Libya: No American troops on the ground http://is.g ...
RT @bikerbd: RT @NoelSheppard: Dems R realizing Obama made HUGE mistake going in the way he did & victory isn't possible unless we commi ...
RT @DawnRachel13 Source: Mexican Gangsters Plot to Kill US Border Officials http://is.gd/KJAWJX #tcot #tlot #borders #news #usbp
RT @Lakecrazy: @PatDollard we gotta start punkin' the punks... its almost election time :) #BeatThemAtTheirOwnGame #tcot
RT @PatDollard: Video: Michael Yon On Why #RollingStone “Kill Team” Article Is “Bullshit” http://is.gd/mDPyPv #mil #tcot
RT @CobaltBlue2009: @tahDeetz @DawnRachel13 How can that be? Our border is 'safer than ever'. #CrackNapolitano
MT @BryTupper: @vettegirl21 Oh noes... now that I have a job... watching #RedEye has become nearly impossible. :-(
RT @TheyCallMeEllis: Two termites walk into a bar and ask: "Is this bar tender?"
RT @jjmnolte: Fear this is true. RT @NoelSheppard: As Obama's reelection may rest on Libyan outcome, we may see escalation just to help ...
RT @twiggyoh: @PatDollard @Jihadihunter ex CIA Analyst Laughs @CNN Host“ur Jus Carryin water 4Obama http://tinyurl.com/4gkdao5 <~John ...
RT @KLSouth: Soon we will be hearing Obama explain that this is the military he inherited.
RT @SooperMexican: ** Why did the Washington Post take down their article about Samantha Powers crediting Obama for Libya? http://bit.ly ...
RT @ConservativeLA: :) Yes, I'm a bit contrarian myself lately. @SooperMexican ~but, but I thot #rwnj's were programmed in the womb ;-)
RT @AppleMacGeek: Apple toying with multi-camera for iPhone 3D picture taking http://bit.ly/e6HKm8
RT @RichardBejah: FACTS! The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the "water displa ...
RT @leyalely: http://is.gd/nhlOf3 - #Alaska to Consider Lowering Drinking Age for U.S. Troops #tcot #news #mil #sot
RT @TimeRaveler: New scam warning for vendors of vintage jewelry: http://fb.me/yfCXqEM1
RT @rightinillinois: I guess "Hope & Change" means giving BILLIONS to Brazil's state owned oil companies. http://tinyurl.com/pkjmjq #tco ...
RT @Jihadihunter: SCAMWOW! Planned Parenthood of Lying About Mammogram Services http://tinyurl.com/4bm52hv #tcot #prolife #God #teaparty ...
RT @DarrellIssa: RT @RepLarryBucshon Proud to lead charge in stopping Obama lithium regulations that would impact the 20k medical device ...
RT @Vision365: "Why Leftists And Muslim Fanatics Can’t Coexist With America and Israel" http://bit.ly/evuchL #news #tcot
RT @TRMirCat: RT @JohnKasich: With govt union reform, we're bringing fairness for taxpayers and the opportunity for job growth to Ohio.
RT @GPollowitz [Media Blog] #Birther Humor Aplenty at the Congressional Correspondents’ Dinner http://is.gd/yLJYIA #news
10 states now have Voter ID laws. 1/5 #Progress. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @GPollowitz: Breaking News: Mad Men canceled by the GOP. Money saved in production costs will be used to save 70,000 kids in Africa.
RT @irishspy: #Norway: We'll Talk to #Hamas, But Not #Jews http://bit.ly/hV0naQ #news #Israel #jcot #idf #tcot
RT @DonLLewis #Komen affiliates gave $3.3million 2 abortion biz #PlannedParenthood not 2 protect women but 2 kill babies #prolife #catholic
RT @gregmcneilly How did so many people miss that class on the Constitution where rights were reserved for the people, not government? #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via @weaselzippers: Clusterfark: #NATO Now Threatening to Bomb Libyan Rebels… http://bit.ly/fLPaez #tcot #news #mil
RT @Vision365 #CDC: “Superbug” Spreads To 35 States; Kills Almost 40% Of Those Exposed http://bit.ly/i5clbo #news #tcot #health #teaparty
Is it me_or did the #WIgop just get an October Surprise w fall their way w/the arrest of the death-threat teacher?!? #Wisconsin #tcot #gop
Is it me_or did the #WIgop just get an October Surprise 2 fall their way w/the arrest of the death-threat teacher?!? #Wisconsin #tcot #gop
You know whats a real clusterf*ck right now in #Libya?!? The U.S. #Military Rules of Engagement. God speed, Warriors #mil #tcot #cia #sot
@PamelaGorman to think, there's an important judiciary election in WI on Tuesday.
RT @ResistTyranny: #Tennessee fails to pass Presidential Constitutional #eligibility test: http://is.gd/pC6RGt
#ocra #tcot #teaparty
RT @NickDeringer: "Conservative spend most of their lives undoing the damage done by liberals" - Dennis Prager #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @NRANews: Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Support Legalizing Concealed Carry Proposal - http://bit.ly/gCCadc #NRA #tcot #news
RT @Herfarm: Anti-war too RT @Kriskxx Anarchists in the good ol' days used to be anti-government. Now they're demanding more!" -Steyn #t ...
RT @ConservativeLA: @mveilenstein It's a recipe for an Islamist takeover where mere shitheel regimes existed before. Iran is the problem ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @theblaze New Video: Hugh Jackman’s Daring Zipline Entrance on Oprah Goes Horribly Wrong http://tinyurl.com/4gwnnfb #tcot
RT @toiletmaterial: Billions of dollars are spent to educate illegal children (born here or not) and American children do without Parent ...
RT @DailyFXTeam: COMMODITIES: SPOT GOLD -$1.80 at $1430, SPOT SILVER -$0.10 at $37.57, CRUDE +$0.49 at $107.21, DXY +0.06 at 76.07
RT @velvethammer OMG! Oh hell no! US servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan http://is.gd/0qD3IQ #tcot #sgp #news #mil
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA I think Iraq would've gone much better if it weren't used to take down Bush
RT @RichDadPartner: About That Meeting In Nanjing, Where World Leaders Are Discussing How To Abandon The Dollar | Business Insider http: ...
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican I cant disagree w/the logic_but I think State Dept & DC bureaucracy in general_always hobble our efforts
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA Iraq will be a study plan 4 future GOP Prezs going 2 war_on what 2 expect from the left so as 2 mitigate
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 2 dogs left alone at home are always less likely to tear the place up.
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 2 dogs left alone at home are always less likely to tear the place up than just one.
RT @CDNnow: #Subprime Bonds Return http://is.gd/lITb0w #news #economy #bonds #equities #tcot
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA I wasn't fond of Saddam's wood-chippers, either....
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican 911 happened coz we have pols & bureaucrats that allow threats 2 metastesize so they can exploit a crisis
RT @velvethammer: @novid7 @tahDeetz And to top it off the servicewomen cant wear their kevlar helmets when wearing hijabs! Disgraceful a ...
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican the middle east will never see peace until islam has it's own reformation.
@SooperMexican @ConservativeLA no problem here w/showing tinpot dictators what it means to tug on Supermans cape
RT @ConservativeLA: @SooperMexican OK, good, we can get back to why I brought this damn subject up in the first place! :-D @tahDeetz
RT @Sky_Max: #Corn is King as Farmers Chase Prices http://tinyurl.com/4vlrpvh #tcot #ethanol #food #inflation #economy #teaparty
@ConservativeLA @SooperMexican I've already fought enough conservatives this week already... ;-) I know I'll lose this one...
RT @irishspy: RT @Diplomat_APAC: Why Fukushima Isn’t Like Chernobyl: http://ow.ly/4qP3H
RT @CFHeather: RT @libertyspot: IMF Article Predicts New World Order http://t.co/qO6n7Cg @STU_GBP @Judgenap @GlennNews @RepRonPaul #teap ...
RT @physilology: Masturbation calms restless leg syndrome, from @newscientist: http://bit.ly/h83YSO Now you have a reason.
RT @HeyTammyBruce: Sweet RT @DanRiehl Rep Pence: "If Congress can’t cut $61 billion from the budget, the gvmt should be shut down." http ...
RT @billybonesmusic: Best Podcast yet http://ow.ly/4qPV3 #redeye
The lies that Dem/Prog leaders hurl in public against #TeaParty'rs, consrvtvs etc_are in actuality_the marching orders 4 the Left #tcot #sgp
RT @JoeKenHa: They're Coming For Your Soap http://bit.ly/dPEWMD #tcot #news #teaparty
@SooperMexican we all think & can have gentlemanly disagreements, something thats not so commonplace anymore_its appreciated.
@SooperMexican yup. G-d bless, my friend.
RT @DanRiehl: RT @JennyErikson: My favorite blogger of the week is @Stranahan. Because this- http://is.gd/nvmIwF #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @DanRiehl: RT @JawaVinnie: DanRiehl @DLoesch "its not al qaeda, its some long time saleh state-jihaddists" according to @JNovak_Yemen
RT @AlieGirl7: Effeminate immortal boys that hang out in the woods and sparkle in the sunlight are NOT vampires...Those are called FAIRIES
RT @politeracy: Barack Obama, the Left's "Hope and Changeling". #tcot
RT @GovKaineBrow: Taranto: In the topsy-turvy world of contemporary liberalism, it's "progressive" to deliver less service to taxpayers ...
RT @C4Palin: President Obama’s Re-Election Plan: Brainwash And Buy The American People http://bit.ly/evmeAs #tcot #palin
RT @irishspy: Including the forward spotters? RT @latimestot: Robert Gates' goal for Libya: No American troops on the ground http://is.g ...
RT @bikerbd: RT @NoelSheppard: Dems R realizing Obama made HUGE mistake going in the way he did & victory isn't possible unless we commi ...
RT @DawnRachel13 Source: Mexican Gangsters Plot to Kill US Border Officials http://is.gd/KJAWJX #tcot #tlot #borders #news #usbp
RT @Lakecrazy: @PatDollard we gotta start punkin' the punks... its almost election time :) #BeatThemAtTheirOwnGame #tcot
RT @PatDollard: Video: Michael Yon On Why #RollingStone “Kill Team” Article Is “Bullshit” http://is.gd/mDPyPv #mil #tcot
RT @CobaltBlue2009: @tahDeetz @DawnRachel13 How can that be? Our border is 'safer than ever'. #CrackNapolitano
MT @BryTupper: @vettegirl21 Oh noes... now that I have a job... watching #RedEye has become nearly impossible. :-(
RT @TheyCallMeEllis: Two termites walk into a bar and ask: "Is this bar tender?"
RT @jjmnolte: Fear this is true. RT @NoelSheppard: As Obama's reelection may rest on Libyan outcome, we may see escalation just to help ...
RT @twiggyoh: @PatDollard @Jihadihunter ex CIA Analyst Laughs @CNN Host“ur Jus Carryin water 4Obama http://tinyurl.com/4gkdao5 <~John ...
RT @KLSouth: Soon we will be hearing Obama explain that this is the military he inherited.
RT @SooperMexican: ** Why did the Washington Post take down their article about Samantha Powers crediting Obama for Libya? http://bit.ly ...
RT @ConservativeLA: :) Yes, I'm a bit contrarian myself lately. @SooperMexican ~but, but I thot #rwnj's were programmed in the womb ;-)
RT @AppleMacGeek: Apple toying with multi-camera for iPhone 3D picture taking http://bit.ly/e6HKm8
RT @RichardBejah: FACTS! The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the "water displa ...
RT @leyalely: http://is.gd/nhlOf3 - #Alaska to Consider Lowering Drinking Age for U.S. Troops #tcot #news #mil #sot
RT @TimeRaveler: New scam warning for vendors of vintage jewelry: http://fb.me/yfCXqEM1
RT @rightinillinois: I guess "Hope & Change" means giving BILLIONS to Brazil's state owned oil companies. http://tinyurl.com/pkjmjq #tco ...
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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