RT @e54514g: Will Leon Panetta Ensure That America Is Defended? http://bit.ly/jlclQk #tcot #tlot #news #politics #teaparty #p2 #tpp #sgp
RT @crnc: Iowa CR Chair Natalie Ginty on @FoxNews talking about how a prof. told CRs to "F--- Off!" using taxpayer $$ http://bit.ly/lY8S ...
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @FreedomSentinel: RT @nranews: Florida: Senate set to OK bill giving state final authority on guns http://bit.ly ...
RT @AJCFalcons: NFL tells Falcons to resume business on Friday http://bit.ly/lBWrQK
Play that funky music Isle of Wight boy ~ Mark Steyn. #tcot
RT @PUMABydesign001: Gas Pump Activism (via Disrupt the Narrative) - LET'S GO VIRAL!!!! http://wp.me/pjGfE-5Af #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: marklevinshow: Who is making the most money from #gas? http://is.gd/rFeP72 http://bit.ly/jIeCf5 #tcot #ocra #ampat #p2 #news
RT @Afterseven Radical Islamists Warn Muslims 2Stay Away From #RoyalWedding ~Avoid #PublicTransport http://is.gd/2T1Qur #tcot #Hmm #uk #news
RT @alexashrugged HA! @MelissaTweets: Sen. Rand Paul to #Trump: Prove you’re a #Republican http://bit.ly/lFlc22 #teaparty #tcot #news #gop
RT @bccohan: So Obama is going to meet with Eva Longoria, Emilio Estefan, America Ferrera and Rosario Dawson to talk immigration? #mostm ...
RT @michellemalkin @Camelot1963 #Trump isa property redistributionist whose empire is built on eminent domain abuse & phony rdvlpmt math
RT @peachpundit: New: #GA Senate Minority Leader Robert Brown to Resign http://is.gd/oqW5oo #gapolitics #Tcot #news
RT @cybersly: It's political season.. Obama is going to visit some disaster areas sooner rather than later. Probably checking golf cour ...
RT @RightWingNews: 420 sexiest Miranda Kerr photos (pics) -- http://dld.bz/XWWy
RT @AllenWest: It's pathetic how anyone with a camera nowadays can call themselves a reporter and post false info on web. I'm still not ...
RT @Afterseven: White House invites Hollywood stars to immigration meeting http://is.gd/6xJnPh lol wtf? #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @CFHeather: RT @karenegantx: Herman Cain: Label Cartels As Terrorists, Empower States To Address Immigration. Go Herman Cain! http:// ...
RT @Afterseven: Muslim who burned war memorial symbols & shouted insults about UK troops gets $1,200/month in Govt Benefits http://is.gd ...
RT @mrsimplesense If leftist ideas are the pinnacle of human thought_why cant they debate w/o resorting 2 childish ad hominems? #p2 #tcot
RT @BreakingNewz Heritage- #NorthCarolina County Wants to Give Parents a Better Option Than Busing http://bit.ly/mtzhIY #news #tcot
RT @mercnews: San Jose City Hall falcon chicks: It's three males and a female http://bit.ly/iLLW3k
RT @Talkmaster: Search the news. Look for evidence that Obama is anything but an incompetent hack. Let me know how that works out for you.
RT @technosailor: It's cake! With pecans! And Bourbon “@ManyaS: @technosailor Bourbon pecan cake?! Tell me more!” ~that sounds tastee
RT @_Orwell riiiiiiiight.... @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell funny, I dont see anyone on the right calling a black democrat a "race traitor" as was done to Rep West @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell now what was that about a prog & false arguments? @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell btw, it was a white liberal that called Rep West a "race traitor" @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell 1 risable anecdote of many. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
who is this that @heytammybruce is playing? #tbrs
@mrsimplesense werd. @_Orwell
@mrsimplesense it's just more pavlovian, formulaic tripe. @_Orwell
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #TeaParty VIDEO: Herman Cain Says, 'Secure the Border. Not PRETEND That We Want to Secure the Border ...' http://bit ...
@mrsimplesense many of these maroons cant see that all they do is rewrite the same ol tired vapid tweet_it aint workin 4 them
@_Orwell it's not ad hominem when it's factual. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell it's d'jour @mrsimplesense
@_Orwell see, more projection. it's pavlovian. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@mrsimplesense btw, check out the @SissyWillis article that goes w/this_its a real hoot_esp in re _Orwell http://is.gd/IQh2mB
RT @karenegantx: Funny! No balls and bee bees! This photo doesn’t sit well with us! http://bit.ly/iDDE3P #tcot
RT @gary4205: How The GOP & The Media Are Trying To Stop Sarah Palin From Running4President: http://t.co/cKR0LNI #Palin #teaparty #GAMEON
RT @NiceDeb: Rush: If Obama got an A in Marxism at Harvard, does that help him? #tcot #p2 #dsa #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @kesgardner I have no serious issue w/Petraus as CIA chief_But I dont understand what qualifies Leon Panetta to be SecDef. #tcot #mil
RT @katyabram Become a Community Organizer: If You Control the Precincts, You Control the Party http://is.gd/Z3uwxC #teaparty #tcot #sgp #rs
MT @CFHeather @nicedeb #WiUnions Plan 2 Plant Stickers on Brands thot Pro-Walker~a copycat act that hurts USworkers http://ow.ly/4Jf79 #tcot
@NiceDeb no worries_ theres been a campaign underway w/ stickee notes at gas-stops & supmarkets reminding shoprs of where the inflation is..
@NiceDeb coming from...but it's not permanent stickers.
RT @Newswatcher89: Deer who stood guard over nest admires chicks with mother goose http://bit.ly/iARGKM #tcot #p2 #news
RT @WSB_TV: Tons of buzz about our investigation into a teen night club and what happens inside. Preview here: http://bit.ly/erb9tp then ...
RT @WSAW: Grocers Warning of Anti-Walker Stickers: The Wisconsin Grocers Association is warning its members to be on the l... http://bit ...
RT @murphymike: Protectionist Left surging in Canada elections. Victory would be awful for Canada/U.S. Trade. Fuzzy TV spot: http://tiny ...
RT @KatyinIndy: @welshman007 McCain - Palin were leading until Soros et all tanked the economy in September 2008 in time for the election
RT @welshman007: @KatyinIndy but they were not winning until Palin came on board and fired up the crowds ~yup...
RT @oddlysaid: heh RT @MelissaTweets: RT @WilliamAllison: Massive protest at Paul Ryan town hall. http://plixi.com/p/96770474 #stopcompa ...
if you think milquetoast can beat Obama in 2012, well then you're not, really. #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @fuTuRe_sHOcK: Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy http://t.co/yLulS5X
RT @JewishIdeas: How can Israel ethically fight people who don't fight ethically? The man who wrote IDF's code of ethics explains
http:/ ...
MT @mollyyates92: @EvanPokroy Yes. Mommies make everything okay. ~yep yeppers.
RT @ToBeRight #Progressive Town Hall Tactics: Have a Few Disrupt them, then Claim Victory http://tiny.ly/QHem #tcot #p2 #teaparty #news
RT @LisaLikes: RT @greggutfeld The royal wedding is the Super Bowl for cat ladies. #redeye #tcot
RT @EricSteeleLive: RT @CTconserv: RT @AllenWest: It's the latest big gov't fraud- criminals stealing ss#'s & cashing out on retur… (con ...
RT @EdDriscoll: #tcot #hhrs Inflation, the Destroyer of Progressive Dreams: As Ryan Cole and Amity Shlaes wrote last month in Na... http ...
MT @notalemming @canadafreepress Why Not Tax "Windfall Pension" Profits~of Retired,Unionized Govt Workers? http://tinyurl.com/3tgq5sv #tcot
RT @PatDollard: U.S. #Economy Dangerously Slows, #Inflation Surges http://is.gd/IEq37q #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp
RT @jjmnolte: Hi @davidgregory in ur MTP previews, plz add: And a roundtable where liberals disguised as objective reporters outnumber c ...
MT @PatDollard: The federal government should be out of the #education business ENTIRELY. ~FOREVER. #tcot #teaparty
RT @marychastain: No b/c shes a liberal. Liberals arent racist! RT @RachaelJ83: Does this qualify as racist? RT@LasVegasJessica: Wests i ...
RT @jjmnolte: Hi MSM: If you want to help re-elect Obama, step away from the racism, start hiring everyone & fill our gas tanks. --Signe ...
RT @kesgardner: Has anyone asked Trump if he wants to repeal Obamacare, or how he plans to reduce our budget deficits? If so, I haven't ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: My campaign to replace Couric is gaining steam. CBS exec says I "don't have a chance in hell." Clearly it's all abou ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy!
MT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy! ~ya think? .. ;-)
RT @mikememoli: Among NH indies, Obama approval drops from 46% in Feb to 32% in April, per UNH poll #news #tcot
MT @TheEspersen LOL @A_Socialist I h8 way capitalsm puts tits on chix 2 furthr seduce eye of the beast ~tits have been tools ever since ever
RT @GlobalMonKahuna: Unions in Wisconsin Plan to Protest Gov. Walker by Defacing Private Property in Grocery Stores: Unions in Wiscon... ...
RT @KurtSchlichter: I am a Conservative: Despite the damage these lib clowns are doing, we will return America to greatness. Despite the ...
RT @MrBrianOConnor: Bitter Clingers: Pennsylvania Turns On Obama | Red Dog Report http://shar.es/HtwS5 #tcot #sgp #teaparty #p2
RT @carryconcealed: 'Open Carry' Law Would Be Boon to Crime Deterrence http://is.gd/uVHZuP #news #tcot #teaparty
Obama catches h3ll from the carnival-barker community ... fact surpasses fiction, again... #tcot #p2
RT @creepingsharia: Virginia judge denies Muslim inmate’s beard lawsuit http://is.gd/FWiBkz #sharia #fail #news #news #tcot #mil
RT @velvetrose15: ATF has sights set on your shotgun Sign petition comments needed before Saturday http://www.nagr.org/ATFShotgunBanFax. ...
RT @CO2HOG via @RedState Uncivil War: States’ Attorneys General Rip n2 Union-Controlled #NLRB in Letter http://bit.ly/kVivvi #tcot #RS #news
RT @lpmiusa Hecklers Spew Profanity_Flip Off Crowd At Another #AllenWest TownHall http://is.gd/SRraep #news #flpolitics via @theblaze #tcot
MT @VoteSmartToday Obama #NLRB Wants 2Reverse Voter-Approved Secret Ballot Laws in #Arizona #SouthDakota http://is.gd/frrzQz #TeaParty #tcot
RT @grocklein: @JimPethokoukis British monarchy. It's lasted hundreds of years already. China's communist party is still a newcomer.
RT @BobbyDank Former Apple Engineers team up w/ #AlGore to launch dynamic App Store ebooks http://bit.ly/iPARax #apple #mac #tcot #teaparty
MT @jimpfaff @jeffq73 @iowahawkblog Doin a BBQ? Make a #union thug cry~serve these> #Johnsonville #Sargento #Coors http://tmi.me/9un4I #tcot
RT @CStevenTucker: Our @RepJoeWalsh has town hall disrupted by Che Guevara lovers http://youtu.be/wS549obtAQ4 #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @Bill_Dupray Allen West: I stand on facts and the truth http://bit.ly/jowHPF #tcot #news #teaparty
Government's take at all levels_constitutes a considerably gr8r portion of the cost of a gallon of #gas, than does it's net profit #tcot #p2
MT @speedmaster #Tax per Gallon of #Gas, Is Almost 7Xs #ExxonMobil Profit_42cents Vs 7cents in Q1 http://bit.ly/lXgwrG #news #tcot #p2 #ofa
dayum #Falcons. . . . errrr de-fense?!? #nfl #draft
*more corn in_onions in_1st squash_torqued loose header-bolts on muh '74 #TroyBilt Horse_plowed more rows_DeerNet up_okry_maters_peppers nxt
RT @Blueberrier0341: Rich people haven't forced one dime out of my pocket. The government on the other hand. It speaks for itself. #tcot ...
@terraM u can grow a good bit on a deck_I've heard of growing tomatoes in hay-bales_every1 needs atleast 1 cherry-tomato plant on the deck
@ginthegin corns up here_some plant it sooner_not tired_got method_my troy was bilt prior2 MTD_hows the reliability of TBs now? lookin4 b/u
@terraM deernet might help keep squirls out_nvrthls_1/2bale/plant ina tin tub on brix_2,flat lite-framed layers of Livestok fence agnst wall
@terraM over the plants. it fans out the plant in limited space & maximizes your production. +, makes d 'maters ez'r 2 git 2.
@ginthegin they wont toss a person around if u gradually drop the depth, esp on untilled ground. mmmm, corrrrrnn.
RT @crnc: Iowa CR Chair Natalie Ginty on @FoxNews talking about how a prof. told CRs to "F--- Off!" using taxpayer $$ http://bit.ly/lY8S ...
RT @1SupremeGoddess: RT @FreedomSentinel: RT @nranews: Florida: Senate set to OK bill giving state final authority on guns http://bit.ly ...
RT @AJCFalcons: NFL tells Falcons to resume business on Friday http://bit.ly/lBWrQK
Play that funky music Isle of Wight boy ~ Mark Steyn. #tcot
RT @PUMABydesign001: Gas Pump Activism (via Disrupt the Narrative) - LET'S GO VIRAL!!!! http://wp.me/pjGfE-5Af #tcot #teaparty
RT @prismsinc: marklevinshow: Who is making the most money from #gas? http://is.gd/rFeP72 http://bit.ly/jIeCf5 #tcot #ocra #ampat #p2 #news
RT @Afterseven Radical Islamists Warn Muslims 2Stay Away From #RoyalWedding ~Avoid #PublicTransport http://is.gd/2T1Qur #tcot #Hmm #uk #news
RT @alexashrugged HA! @MelissaTweets: Sen. Rand Paul to #Trump: Prove you’re a #Republican http://bit.ly/lFlc22 #teaparty #tcot #news #gop
RT @bccohan: So Obama is going to meet with Eva Longoria, Emilio Estefan, America Ferrera and Rosario Dawson to talk immigration? #mostm ...
RT @michellemalkin @Camelot1963 #Trump isa property redistributionist whose empire is built on eminent domain abuse & phony rdvlpmt math
RT @peachpundit: New: #GA Senate Minority Leader Robert Brown to Resign http://is.gd/oqW5oo #gapolitics #Tcot #news
RT @cybersly: It's political season.. Obama is going to visit some disaster areas sooner rather than later. Probably checking golf cour ...
RT @RightWingNews: 420 sexiest Miranda Kerr photos (pics) -- http://dld.bz/XWWy
RT @AllenWest: It's pathetic how anyone with a camera nowadays can call themselves a reporter and post false info on web. I'm still not ...
RT @Afterseven: White House invites Hollywood stars to immigration meeting http://is.gd/6xJnPh lol wtf? #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @CFHeather: RT @karenegantx: Herman Cain: Label Cartels As Terrorists, Empower States To Address Immigration. Go Herman Cain! http:// ...
RT @Afterseven: Muslim who burned war memorial symbols & shouted insults about UK troops gets $1,200/month in Govt Benefits http://is.gd ...
RT @mrsimplesense If leftist ideas are the pinnacle of human thought_why cant they debate w/o resorting 2 childish ad hominems? #p2 #tcot
RT @BreakingNewz Heritage- #NorthCarolina County Wants to Give Parents a Better Option Than Busing http://bit.ly/mtzhIY #news #tcot
RT @mercnews: San Jose City Hall falcon chicks: It's three males and a female http://bit.ly/iLLW3k
RT @Talkmaster: Search the news. Look for evidence that Obama is anything but an incompetent hack. Let me know how that works out for you.
RT @technosailor: It's cake! With pecans! And Bourbon “@ManyaS: @technosailor Bourbon pecan cake?! Tell me more!” ~that sounds tastee
RT @_Orwell riiiiiiiight.... @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell funny, I dont see anyone on the right calling a black democrat a "race traitor" as was done to Rep West @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell now what was that about a prog & false arguments? @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell btw, it was a white liberal that called Rep West a "race traitor" @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell 1 risable anecdote of many. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
who is this that @heytammybruce is playing? #tbrs
@mrsimplesense werd. @_Orwell
@mrsimplesense it's just more pavlovian, formulaic tripe. @_Orwell
RT @rsmccain: #tcot #TeaParty VIDEO: Herman Cain Says, 'Secure the Border. Not PRETEND That We Want to Secure the Border ...' http://bit ...
@mrsimplesense many of these maroons cant see that all they do is rewrite the same ol tired vapid tweet_it aint workin 4 them
@_Orwell it's not ad hominem when it's factual. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@_Orwell it's d'jour @mrsimplesense
@_Orwell see, more projection. it's pavlovian. @mrsimplesense #tcot #p2
@mrsimplesense btw, check out the @SissyWillis article that goes w/this_its a real hoot_esp in re _Orwell http://is.gd/IQh2mB
RT @karenegantx: Funny! No balls and bee bees! This photo doesn’t sit well with us! http://bit.ly/iDDE3P #tcot
RT @gary4205: How The GOP & The Media Are Trying To Stop Sarah Palin From Running4President: http://t.co/cKR0LNI #Palin #teaparty #GAMEON
RT @NiceDeb: Rush: If Obama got an A in Marxism at Harvard, does that help him? #tcot #p2 #dsa #teaparty #ofa #dnc
RT @kesgardner I have no serious issue w/Petraus as CIA chief_But I dont understand what qualifies Leon Panetta to be SecDef. #tcot #mil
RT @katyabram Become a Community Organizer: If You Control the Precincts, You Control the Party http://is.gd/Z3uwxC #teaparty #tcot #sgp #rs
MT @CFHeather @nicedeb #WiUnions Plan 2 Plant Stickers on Brands thot Pro-Walker~a copycat act that hurts USworkers http://ow.ly/4Jf79 #tcot
@NiceDeb no worries_ theres been a campaign underway w/ stickee notes at gas-stops & supmarkets reminding shoprs of where the inflation is..
@NiceDeb coming from...but it's not permanent stickers.
RT @Newswatcher89: Deer who stood guard over nest admires chicks with mother goose http://bit.ly/iARGKM #tcot #p2 #news
RT @WSB_TV: Tons of buzz about our investigation into a teen night club and what happens inside. Preview here: http://bit.ly/erb9tp then ...
RT @WSAW: Grocers Warning of Anti-Walker Stickers: The Wisconsin Grocers Association is warning its members to be on the l... http://bit ...
RT @murphymike: Protectionist Left surging in Canada elections. Victory would be awful for Canada/U.S. Trade. Fuzzy TV spot: http://tiny ...
RT @KatyinIndy: @welshman007 McCain - Palin were leading until Soros et all tanked the economy in September 2008 in time for the election
RT @welshman007: @KatyinIndy but they were not winning until Palin came on board and fired up the crowds ~yup...
RT @oddlysaid: heh RT @MelissaTweets: RT @WilliamAllison: Massive protest at Paul Ryan town hall. http://plixi.com/p/96770474 #stopcompa ...
if you think milquetoast can beat Obama in 2012, well then you're not, really. #tcot #teaparty #gop
RT @fuTuRe_sHOcK: Facebook Facial Recognition Could Get Creepy http://t.co/yLulS5X
RT @JewishIdeas: How can Israel ethically fight people who don't fight ethically? The man who wrote IDF's code of ethics explains
http:/ ...
MT @mollyyates92: @EvanPokroy Yes. Mommies make everything okay. ~yep yeppers.
RT @ToBeRight #Progressive Town Hall Tactics: Have a Few Disrupt them, then Claim Victory http://tiny.ly/QHem #tcot #p2 #teaparty #news
RT @LisaLikes: RT @greggutfeld The royal wedding is the Super Bowl for cat ladies. #redeye #tcot
RT @EricSteeleLive: RT @CTconserv: RT @AllenWest: It's the latest big gov't fraud- criminals stealing ss#'s & cashing out on retur… (con ...
RT @EdDriscoll: #tcot #hhrs Inflation, the Destroyer of Progressive Dreams: As Ryan Cole and Amity Shlaes wrote last month in Na... http ...
MT @notalemming @canadafreepress Why Not Tax "Windfall Pension" Profits~of Retired,Unionized Govt Workers? http://tinyurl.com/3tgq5sv #tcot
RT @PatDollard: U.S. #Economy Dangerously Slows, #Inflation Surges http://is.gd/IEq37q #news #tcot #teaparty #sgp
RT @jjmnolte: Hi @davidgregory in ur MTP previews, plz add: And a roundtable where liberals disguised as objective reporters outnumber c ...
MT @PatDollard: The federal government should be out of the #education business ENTIRELY. ~FOREVER. #tcot #teaparty
RT @marychastain: No b/c shes a liberal. Liberals arent racist! RT @RachaelJ83: Does this qualify as racist? RT@LasVegasJessica: Wests i ...
RT @jjmnolte: Hi MSM: If you want to help re-elect Obama, step away from the racism, start hiring everyone & fill our gas tanks. --Signe ...
RT @kesgardner: Has anyone asked Trump if he wants to repeal Obamacare, or how he plans to reduce our budget deficits? If so, I haven't ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: My campaign to replace Couric is gaining steam. CBS exec says I "don't have a chance in hell." Clearly it's all abou ...
RT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy!
MT @JimPethokoukis: Imagine Obama winning popular vote, losing electoral college ... I think things would get a bit testy! ~ya think? .. ;-)
RT @mikememoli: Among NH indies, Obama approval drops from 46% in Feb to 32% in April, per UNH poll #news #tcot
MT @TheEspersen LOL @A_Socialist I h8 way capitalsm puts tits on chix 2 furthr seduce eye of the beast ~tits have been tools ever since ever
RT @GlobalMonKahuna: Unions in Wisconsin Plan to Protest Gov. Walker by Defacing Private Property in Grocery Stores: Unions in Wiscon... ...
RT @KurtSchlichter: I am a Conservative: Despite the damage these lib clowns are doing, we will return America to greatness. Despite the ...
RT @MrBrianOConnor: Bitter Clingers: Pennsylvania Turns On Obama | Red Dog Report http://shar.es/HtwS5 #tcot #sgp #teaparty #p2
RT @carryconcealed: 'Open Carry' Law Would Be Boon to Crime Deterrence http://is.gd/uVHZuP #news #tcot #teaparty
Obama catches h3ll from the carnival-barker community ... fact surpasses fiction, again... #tcot #p2
RT @creepingsharia: Virginia judge denies Muslim inmate’s beard lawsuit http://is.gd/FWiBkz #sharia #fail #news #news #tcot #mil
RT @velvetrose15: ATF has sights set on your shotgun Sign petition comments needed before Saturday http://www.nagr.org/ATFShotgunBanFax. ...
RT @CO2HOG via @RedState Uncivil War: States’ Attorneys General Rip n2 Union-Controlled #NLRB in Letter http://bit.ly/kVivvi #tcot #RS #news
RT @lpmiusa Hecklers Spew Profanity_Flip Off Crowd At Another #AllenWest TownHall http://is.gd/SRraep #news #flpolitics via @theblaze #tcot
MT @VoteSmartToday Obama #NLRB Wants 2Reverse Voter-Approved Secret Ballot Laws in #Arizona #SouthDakota http://is.gd/frrzQz #TeaParty #tcot
RT @grocklein: @JimPethokoukis British monarchy. It's lasted hundreds of years already. China's communist party is still a newcomer.
RT @BobbyDank Former Apple Engineers team up w/ #AlGore to launch dynamic App Store ebooks http://bit.ly/iPARax #apple #mac #tcot #teaparty
MT @jimpfaff @jeffq73 @iowahawkblog Doin a BBQ? Make a #union thug cry~serve these> #Johnsonville #Sargento #Coors http://tmi.me/9un4I #tcot
RT @CStevenTucker: Our @RepJoeWalsh has town hall disrupted by Che Guevara lovers http://youtu.be/wS549obtAQ4 #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty ...
RT @CO2HOG: via @Bill_Dupray Allen West: I stand on facts and the truth http://bit.ly/jowHPF #tcot #news #teaparty
Government's take at all levels_constitutes a considerably gr8r portion of the cost of a gallon of #gas, than does it's net profit #tcot #p2
MT @speedmaster #Tax per Gallon of #Gas, Is Almost 7Xs #ExxonMobil Profit_42cents Vs 7cents in Q1 http://bit.ly/lXgwrG #news #tcot #p2 #ofa
dayum #Falcons. . . . errrr de-fense?!? #nfl #draft
*more corn in_onions in_1st squash_torqued loose header-bolts on muh '74 #TroyBilt Horse_plowed more rows_DeerNet up_okry_maters_peppers nxt
RT @Blueberrier0341: Rich people haven't forced one dime out of my pocket. The government on the other hand. It speaks for itself. #tcot ...
@terraM u can grow a good bit on a deck_I've heard of growing tomatoes in hay-bales_every1 needs atleast 1 cherry-tomato plant on the deck
@ginthegin corns up here_some plant it sooner_not tired_got method_my troy was bilt prior2 MTD_hows the reliability of TBs now? lookin4 b/u
@terraM deernet might help keep squirls out_nvrthls_1/2bale/plant ina tin tub on brix_2,flat lite-framed layers of Livestok fence agnst wall
@terraM over the plants. it fans out the plant in limited space & maximizes your production. +, makes d 'maters ez'r 2 git 2.
@ginthegin they wont toss a person around if u gradually drop the depth, esp on untilled ground. mmmm, corrrrrnn.
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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