RT @CameraTip: Photofocus http://tiny.ly/H5eF
RT @Newswatcher89: Canvassers target of petrol bomb http://bbc.in/ePU5Wu #tcot #p2 #news
RT @JedediahBila: ===> RT @marklevinshow: Here is how your House member voted on the Boehner deal. http://fb.me/X9bMm0L4
RT @marklevinshow: The Weekly Standard likes the Boehner deal. Boehner's office is busily distributing this article to its long list... ...
RT @island_adv: Border War: Counterinsurgency needed at US-Mexico border, says lawmaker http://is.gd/LkCYXo #news #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @John_Scotus: The Trump Moment-Rich Lowry #tcot http://bit.ly/fVqwGB
RT @secupp: Right now on today's show, interview with Doug and Regis Giles, plus clips from my travels. http://www.glennbeck.com/secupp
RT @YoungrThanLugar: Post-it notes- made in 1974, Lugar was 42. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INSen
RT @YoungrThanLugar: The state of Hawaii- became a state in 1959, Lugar was 27 years old. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INsen
RT @amylyday: this twitter cracks me up ---> @YoungrThanLugar my gma worked in his office back in the day- she died in 2006, age 94 :)
RT @YoungrThanLugar: An FDR presidency- FDR took office in 1933. Lugar has had 14 different presidents in his life. #thingsyoungerthandi ...
RT @YoungrThanLugar: M&Ms- first introduced in 1941, Lugar was 9. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INSen
RT @GOPLeader: Congress is very pleased to welcome Prime Minister @Netanyahu to Washington & to speak before a joint session of Congress ...
RT @EricSteeleLive: @JedediahBila Never before released audiotapes reveal 100s of nationwide PlannedP offering to cover up child rape ht ...
RT @kesgardner: Yay, @JedediahBila! #redeye
RT @kesgardner: Thune just made a great comment. He said that argument over the current budget deal is like disputing the bar tab on th ...
RT @DanRiehl: Palin says Dem pln = death panels, media goes crazy. Wasserman Schultz says GOP plan = death traps, no big deal. http://is ...
RT @trscoop: Just watch the first 20 seconds. This guy wigs me out http://bit.ly/fZMhTY
RT @retiredfirecapt: ATLAS%20SHRUGGED%20Fans%20Shock%20Theater%20Chains%20-%20Yahoo%21%20Finance http://t.co/3FxOUc6
RT @MikeGaukin: Any other Coffee drinkers notice their price per pound go up? My pound of espresso went up by $3.00 U.S.D. F U Obama!!
RT @FreeWeThePeople: Karl Rove has three chins and insults #conservative women with ease. #Justsayin #Next #tcot #sgp
RT @reeddaly: In less than 48 minutes Mark Levin has destroyed Trump 's candidacy (as a #GOP ) http://is.gd/XAZ6L5 #tcot #tlot #2012 htt ...
RT @MargieThiel: RT @velvethammer: #EVIL Hamas Praises Savage Attack on Jewish Settlers in Arabic Denies Responsibility in English http ...
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Definition of Hate Speech: Any criticism of someone who isn't a white heterosexual. That about sum it up? #tcot #p2 ...
RT @allahpundit: .@iowahawkblog THIS IS WHAT TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE http://is.gd/4Mpg8u
Just in time for 2012, #Obama seeks 2 give #DHS the same authority over the #internet, that the #DeptofDefense has over .MIL networks. #tcot
RT @stangrev: Pakistani Muslim desecrates Bible in front of church; Christian world rocked by outbreak of... absolutely nothing - http:/ ...
Hey U effin_flyin_jug-eared_dumbass Obama _ the Oval Office 'IS' the bling_I cant fathom u f*ckwads that actually voted 4 this dolt #tcot
RT @reeddaly #Trump tried to steal old woman's home via Kelo-type #EminentDomain. #tlot #tcot #teaparty http://bit.ly/gKTOrF #news #sgp #gop
RT @Freedomwarrior ROFL @mrjc1 #WIUnion #liberals -dont be downcast_Madison -> Caracas_1 way_$902_All the socialism U want_no wait #p2 #tcot
RT @DesertCactus: Riding a tiger: China's resurging foreign policy aggression - =http://t.co/JIS6PsO Obama proposes cutting 400B over 10 ...
RT @CharletFaye1: How Liberals argue... >> http://youtu.be/uGwtG8nVpUU #tcot
Sally Quinn is a flaming dumbass. Someone actually pays her to put her thoughts to paper. a-frikkin-mazing. #tcot #teaparty
RT @JENin140: RT @allahpundit: Charlie Crist donates $1,000 to Allen West's opponent http://is.gd/ocxs5r
RT @IndyEnigma: Audio: http://bit.ly/gGSyGK Play-by-play as #Dems voted ‘present’ to play games with the national budget #ocra #p2 #sgp ...
RT @wickedpoptart: RT @jmattbarber: Wisconsin union thugs: -0- Taxpayers -1- http://tiny.cc/ffo8s || Celebrate! Woot!
RT @prismsinc: Such is #Obama's one world view RT @DanRiehl: RT @keithkoffler: NATO Running Out of Munitions http://is.gd/qJKywe via @ke ...
RT @Joe_Yayo The #CIA behind the Twitter & Facebook #Revolutions in MiddleEast http://is.gd/RFWx3U #Soros #NGOs #tcot #tlot #p2
RT @EternalRiteWing Republican Congressman on budget cuts ~We all deserve to be tarred & feathered http://bit.ly/fqcPWn I say we oblige them
RT @EternalRiteWing #Missouri: #ACLU promotes #Islam, #sharia at Muslim Capitol Day http://bit.ly/ffQdVX #teaparty #mil #news #tcot
RT @Newswatcher89: Canvassers target of petrol bomb http://bbc.in/ePU5Wu #tcot #p2 #news
RT @JedediahBila: ===> RT @marklevinshow: Here is how your House member voted on the Boehner deal. http://fb.me/X9bMm0L4
RT @marklevinshow: The Weekly Standard likes the Boehner deal. Boehner's office is busily distributing this article to its long list... ...
RT @island_adv: Border War: Counterinsurgency needed at US-Mexico border, says lawmaker http://is.gd/LkCYXo #news #tcot #mil #teaparty
RT @John_Scotus: The Trump Moment-Rich Lowry #tcot http://bit.ly/fVqwGB
RT @secupp: Right now on today's show, interview with Doug and Regis Giles, plus clips from my travels. http://www.glennbeck.com/secupp
RT @YoungrThanLugar: Post-it notes- made in 1974, Lugar was 42. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INSen
RT @YoungrThanLugar: The state of Hawaii- became a state in 1959, Lugar was 27 years old. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INsen
RT @amylyday: this twitter cracks me up ---> @YoungrThanLugar my gma worked in his office back in the day- she died in 2006, age 94 :)
RT @YoungrThanLugar: An FDR presidency- FDR took office in 1933. Lugar has had 14 different presidents in his life. #thingsyoungerthandi ...
RT @YoungrThanLugar: M&Ms- first introduced in 1941, Lugar was 9. #thingsyoungerthandicklugar #INSen
RT @GOPLeader: Congress is very pleased to welcome Prime Minister @Netanyahu to Washington & to speak before a joint session of Congress ...
RT @EricSteeleLive: @JedediahBila Never before released audiotapes reveal 100s of nationwide PlannedP offering to cover up child rape ht ...
RT @kesgardner: Yay, @JedediahBila! #redeye
RT @kesgardner: Thune just made a great comment. He said that argument over the current budget deal is like disputing the bar tab on th ...
RT @DanRiehl: Palin says Dem pln = death panels, media goes crazy. Wasserman Schultz says GOP plan = death traps, no big deal. http://is ...
RT @trscoop: Just watch the first 20 seconds. This guy wigs me out http://bit.ly/fZMhTY
RT @retiredfirecapt: ATLAS%20SHRUGGED%20Fans%20Shock%20Theater%20Chains%20-%20Yahoo%21%20Finance http://t.co/3FxOUc6
RT @MikeGaukin: Any other Coffee drinkers notice their price per pound go up? My pound of espresso went up by $3.00 U.S.D. F U Obama!!
RT @FreeWeThePeople: Karl Rove has three chins and insults #conservative women with ease. #Justsayin #Next #tcot #sgp
RT @reeddaly: In less than 48 minutes Mark Levin has destroyed Trump 's candidacy (as a #GOP ) http://is.gd/XAZ6L5 #tcot #tlot #2012 htt ...
RT @MargieThiel: RT @velvethammer: #EVIL Hamas Praises Savage Attack on Jewish Settlers in Arabic Denies Responsibility in English http ...
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Definition of Hate Speech: Any criticism of someone who isn't a white heterosexual. That about sum it up? #tcot #p2 ...
RT @allahpundit: .@iowahawkblog THIS IS WHAT TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE http://is.gd/4Mpg8u
Just in time for 2012, #Obama seeks 2 give #DHS the same authority over the #internet, that the #DeptofDefense has over .MIL networks. #tcot
RT @stangrev: Pakistani Muslim desecrates Bible in front of church; Christian world rocked by outbreak of... absolutely nothing - http:/ ...
Hey U effin_flyin_jug-eared_dumbass Obama _ the Oval Office 'IS' the bling_I cant fathom u f*ckwads that actually voted 4 this dolt #tcot
RT @reeddaly #Trump tried to steal old woman's home via Kelo-type #EminentDomain. #tlot #tcot #teaparty http://bit.ly/gKTOrF #news #sgp #gop
RT @Freedomwarrior ROFL @mrjc1 #WIUnion #liberals -dont be downcast_Madison -> Caracas_1 way_$902_All the socialism U want_no wait #p2 #tcot
RT @DesertCactus: Riding a tiger: China's resurging foreign policy aggression - =http://t.co/JIS6PsO Obama proposes cutting 400B over 10 ...
RT @CharletFaye1: How Liberals argue... >> http://youtu.be/uGwtG8nVpUU #tcot
Sally Quinn is a flaming dumbass. Someone actually pays her to put her thoughts to paper. a-frikkin-mazing. #tcot #teaparty
RT @JENin140: RT @allahpundit: Charlie Crist donates $1,000 to Allen West's opponent http://is.gd/ocxs5r
RT @IndyEnigma: Audio: http://bit.ly/gGSyGK Play-by-play as #Dems voted ‘present’ to play games with the national budget #ocra #p2 #sgp ...
RT @wickedpoptart: RT @jmattbarber: Wisconsin union thugs: -0- Taxpayers -1- http://tiny.cc/ffo8s || Celebrate! Woot!
RT @prismsinc: Such is #Obama's one world view RT @DanRiehl: RT @keithkoffler: NATO Running Out of Munitions http://is.gd/qJKywe via @ke ...
RT @Joe_Yayo The #CIA behind the Twitter & Facebook #Revolutions in MiddleEast http://is.gd/RFWx3U #Soros #NGOs #tcot #tlot #p2
RT @EternalRiteWing Republican Congressman on budget cuts ~We all deserve to be tarred & feathered http://bit.ly/fqcPWn I say we oblige them
RT @EternalRiteWing #Missouri: #ACLU promotes #Islam, #sharia at Muslim Capitol Day http://bit.ly/ffQdVX #teaparty #mil #news #tcot
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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