Saturday, April 9, 2011

From Twitter 04-08-2011

RT @vannschaffner: RT @JimPethokoukis: RT @bccohan: RT @jamiedupree: Cheering and applause heard from the closed door GOP meeting in Capitol
RT @DanRiehl: RT @JimPethokoukis: Government shutdown odds down to 20% on #Intrade
RT @DavidLimbaugh: Squishes in a few months: "Oh we can't adopt Ryan's plan in toto. Seniors and minorities will kill us next election." ...
RT @DavidLimbaugh: This is why I focus so much of my fire on colleagues on our side. I am not trying to demonize them, just lobby the re ...
RT @calliezop: Durbin says deal struck on Planned Parenthood - ///not sure on this one!
RT @DavidLimbaugh: We have to expect Obama and his party will continue to be destructive and corrupt and impossible to deal with.
RT @Jenfidel: RT @DanRiehl: RT @markknoller: On the Hill, @jacksonjk quotes GOP aides quoting Speaker Boehner saying there is no deal yet.
RT @markknoller: If GOP rank & file say they got enough in budget cuts & can drop the Planned Parentlhood rider, there'll be a deal. Oth ...
RT @Newswatcher89: Wind Power: Even More Useless Than You Thought #tcot #p2 #news #agw #green #ge #teaparty
RT @bikerbd: RT @MelissaTweets: RT @HowardMortman: C-SPAN2 adds real-time tweets from Members of Congress during quorum calls. .
Allen West on Greta. #tcot
RT @SaintRPh: The Left is accusing us of killing ppl because we won't support funding for killing ppl. #LeftLogic #shutdown #tcot #tiot #p2
RT @bighollywood: Ken Burns: What’s This Nonsense About PBS and NPR Skewing Liberal?: Great filmmaker but just a wee bit out of to... ht ...
RT @JoeTheMailman: VIDEO: 4 Democrat City Councilmen Fined For Accepting Free Tickets To Events -
RT @ondrock: Islamic Barbarism: Three gays socked in petrol and set on fire in this video #tcot #sharia via @Muslim ...
RT @TeresaKopec: Please? RT @andylevy: If the government shuts down, can we start it up again with different people?
@SuziLeVeaux, are ya familiar with concept of fungibility?!? . . . @SaintRPh
RT @ericjodom: Carl Rove on Fox News trying to defend Bush spending. Sorry Carl, but your watch is just as much to blame as the current.
RT @Limrintz: @Jenfidel Progressivism had its day. Its so warm and fuzzy. We are experiencing the end product though. Your Dad would be ...
RT @adamsbaldwin: "Hippie Tear Gum Drops" ~ #FailedCerealFlavors ~ @jjmnolte
RT @southsalem: RT @exposeliberals: Yep, sounds like Boehner is going to cave. Just like a predicted #tcot #Tlot
RT @jamiedupree: NO COMMENT - Rep Michele Bachmann (R-MN) races out of GOP meeting, says nothing about budget; "Ask someone else"
RT @kimberlyhaney: Agreed. RT @keder: If you use the phrase 'women's issues' when you're talking about abortion, youre an idiot. #fact #tcot
RT @TheGoToSite Gary Sinise & Lt.Dan Band will be rocking 4 the troops at #FtRiley on Sunday 3pm. Gary is the best !@garysinise #mil #tcot
RT @OzYes: #tcot Gunman's sister said "he became fond of Islam after the 9/11 terror attack and expressed his desire to destroy a plane"
RT @anthropocon: tWhere have I heard that before? RT @nationaljournal: BREAKING: Boehner told GOP caucus: 'This is the best deal we coul ...
RT @MediaLizzy: RT @MajoratNJ Boehner, according to excellent source, just told member of his L-ship team: "The President is nickel-and- ...
RT @BlogSunnyside: Gold hits record, silver soars on dollar decline | Reuters via @reuters
RT @MikeBates: 7,000 sign up to deliver trash to Boehner's house Isn't this the sort of "hate" that Democrats routin ...
RT @longhawl: RT @moelane: MoeLane: Slate: Dem women lust after GOP men! (Kinda NSFW) #tcot #sgp
RT @Zener39: RT @PolitixGal TRUMP: "For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen." ...
RT @adambrooks: Rage Against The Machine, we need you to regroup and bring the noise to #Charlotte for the #DNC in 2012! ...
RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @jamiedupree: GOP'ers say deal isn't final yet; stop gap budget tonight of 3-6 days still TBD
RT @GetsGreased: Soon we'll know if Republicans are closer to the #TeaParty or closer to Democrats. If the latter, we're ALL toast! #tco ...
RT @mjgranger1: US Army Reserve Major writes memoir on #Gitmo service: "Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay" ...
RT @I_Hate_Hippies: Special Che
RT @StevenErtelt: Hearing the budget deal includes no DC abortion funding and will have Reid holding Senate vote on Planned Parenthood.
RT @JasonBWhitman: Thank you #Democrats, 100 bucks gives me half a tank of #diesel thanks to your stupid ass #energy policy #tcot #p2 #dnc
RT @JimPethokoukis: RT @jaketapper: Dem and GOP sources: Deal is done and signed off on. $38.5b in cuts, no elimination of Planned Paren ...
RT @jamiedupree: Still no firm time on when a new stop gap will be passed, but GOP floor staff is ready
RT @greggutfeld: New York Times headline: Statue of Liberty closes. Huddled masses hit hardest.
RT @commonpatriot: via @AmSpec: Shutdown Averted? #tcot
RT @anitamoncrief: RT @AlwayzSusan: RT @nationaljournal: JUST POSTED: Boehner on the deal to avert #govshutdown:
RT @BryTupper: RT @JedediahBila To all those folks who have been terrified of a "shutdown," are you as terrified of our country drowning ...
RT @buszero: Oprah struggling too! Ouch! RT @ParkergirlUSA Oprah will not endorse Obama for re-election. #tcot
RT @Wodego: If T-Party freshmen vote for this piece of shit they're condemning us to a horrible future!
RT @Boomerjeff: I've been an activist since the 60s. GOP has been this conservative and this RESOLUTE only once before: 95-98. Cheer for ...
RT @rachooo: Ha! "@anitamoncrief: My toddler cries less than Boehner and she sticks to her guns."
RT @Kalel194: RT @DLoesch: Amazing how many water carriers for the DNC buy lock, stock, and barrel the fallacy that the Hyd… (cont) http ...
RT @Jihadihunter: Not all the whores are in Washington: Obama pal busted in Honolulu prostitution sting #tcot ...
RT @chrisjefferson: @JedediahBila @RAMansour - Debacle in DC is proof that #GOP will turn to #Palin, the only candidate willing to fight ...
RT @pepper_10: RT @TheAgedP: Lefty Wisconsin blog pailnises Kathy Nickolaus: AP fact checkers ready to flood Waukesha County ? http://b ...
blah . . . blah . . . blah . . . #tcot
RT @Conservativeind: Are Liberal women REALLY that ignorant they believe PP will go out of business or stop providing services? #govtshu ...
RT @secupp: After months of punting the budget debate to Boehner and Reid, Obama is now more than willing to take credit for avoiding a ...
RT @IMAO_: Obama: "We got a comprise between two groups: Those who hate the country and want it to drown in debt and those scared of the ...
RT @comradescott: RT @bccohan: Obama now touting signing the Bush tax cut extension. Wonders never cease.
RT @KristinnFR: Reelect Obama in 2012. He kept the Washington Monument open! #tcot #p2
ears. . . . bleeding. . . . #tcot
RT @KMBReferee: RT @IMAO_: RT @amandacarpenter Strange to see Obama champion "the biggest spending cut in history" that he never wanted.
RT @Stage_Right: Obama now cheering major spending cuts? Enter Paul Ryan. #tcot
RT @penguinponders: All the little Obot reporters dutifully repeating Obama's whopper - that it is the "largest spending cut " evah! *s ...
RT @edmondesq: Obama doesn't about Black America. Sold us out. RT "@tavissmiley: #POTUS knows his base in Black America is shaky. http: ...
RT @jamiedupree: Evidently it was Sen Jim Risch R-Idaho who voted 'No' on the Senate floor on the stop gap budget
RT @jjmnolte: RT @DLoesch: People, when I say I'm two steps above anarchy, I mean it. CUT IT ALL. No subsidies outside of Article 1 Sect ...
RT @jamiedupree: The deal will evidently force the Senate to vote on Planned Parenthood money and zeroing out the Obama health law
RT @jolene_blalock: #tcot Rep. Thaddeus McCotter Gets the Led Out on the House Floor
RT @latimestot: Letterman: Obama is running for a second term. His new slogan: Give me four more years to find my birth certificate. lat ...
RT @MrsDaschofsky: Gawd, I'm so sick of these politicians screwing things up, then taking credit for faux fixing them. Screw all of you.
a ReTweet is like Tourretts by proxy.
RT @MooseOfReason: RT @teh_Dede: RT @bccohan: RT @ExJon: Right about now Obama is muttering to himself, "looks like I just earned myself ...
RT @HotlineReid: Watch out, not every Republican loves this bill. One chief of staff to a freshman: "We've been sold out." More to come...
RT @QuorumCall: #Senate Johnny Isakson: 'We are about to take defeat from the jaws of victory' #Politics
RT @Kalel194: RT @rsmccain: #tcot #SHUTDOWN REPORT: Deal Struck, Averts Shutdown (Insert '30 Piece of Silver' Joke Here) ...
RT @commonpatriot: via @instapundit: CHANGE: Coming to bars across DC: Top 10 ‘government shutdown pick-up lines’…. ...
RT @DLoesch: So just to be clear: GOP, stay out of bedrooms and vaginas but Uncle Sam, come on in!
RT @dlueking: RT @PJTV: South Carolina #TeaParty activists are working to stop RINO’s from advancing the Obama agenda ...
RT @allahpundit: The nice thing about compromise is how it unites liberals and conservatives in utter contempt for their respective leaders
Did we have to agree to a deal, before we could find out what was in it? . . . #tcot #teaparty
RT @redostoneage: Nissan Leaf sales stall #news #politics #cnn #ac360 #cbs #pbs #chicago #il #illinois #tcot #tlot ...
RT @HiramHawk: Pt 2, Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun First Shots: "Eat Lead" @Nutnfancy | vid:
RT @bikerbd: RT @MelissaTweets: The Democrats decided a shutdown was bad for them, otherwise this deal would never have happened.
RT @StewSays: RT @dfriedman33 Dem aides: DC voucher langauge passed by House is IN budget deal. That's win for Boehner.
RT @ByronYork: How out-of-control deficits lead to military decline.
RT @timeclockman: RT @alinskydefeater: What Obama really means is he would not have made these cuts if he hadn't been forced to. #ocra #tcot
RT @irishspy: The only reason that most DC Dems give a damn about Planned Parenthood is that the federal money gets recycled as campaig ...
RT @Lady_Patriot: I swear, if Obama sneezed, Harry Reid would call it historic. #tcot

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