RT @Kiyosaki_Robert: RT @FloridaJayhawk @AllenWest got bigger cheers than donald trump today. #fact #boca #teaparty #tcot #gop
RT @prismsinc: #GOP crustys don't like #Palin because she confronts the issues instead of reacting milquetoast like #Boehner did with BH ...
RT @vannschaffner: #newtone RT @DLoesch: It's shameful the lack of class displayed here. Don't preach to me about "civility" an… (cont) ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: TeaPartier Roundup: Trump=50. T-Blah=200. Palin=8000. Saving the country w a laptop in an igloo? Priceless. #gameon #tcot
RT @ProSarah: via Texas4Palin.com Quote of the Day (April 16, 2011): The best defense is a good offense*John... http://bit.ly/hTYyuk #TC ...
RT @AmericnElephant: MT @BigJournalism Did @CBS Falsify Rally Footage to Favor Union Protesters? http://bit.ly/gaERoQ #tcot #gop @foxnew ...
RT @PolitixGal: Nat'l & WI media shd be reporting on the ongoing violence, intimidation, vandalism & thuggery by union activists. http: ...
RT @vannschaffner: Andrew Breitbart Makes Big Screen Debut :Atlas Shrugged"; (With Bonus Top Ten!) http://is.gd/L7pyLb #teaparty #tcot
RT @DanRiehl: RT @DLoesch: Progs taunt black tea partier. Be sure to read the accompanying commentary on this one. http://bit.ly/ghMdVK
RT @photoasia: #Photography tips for shooting in low light conditions | The D-Photo http://bit.ly/i9FopS
RT @AnthonyBialy: If you're outside our window honking, fuck you. If not, thank you for following.
RT @johnhawkinsrwn: "Question: How much do you have to invest in the future before you’ve spent it and no longer have one?" -- Mark Steyn
RT @scarlett_0hara: RT @inhuggermugger: Alan Dershowitz:"Were Palestinians 2 disarm, there'd be Peace 2morrow! Were Israelis 2 disarm, J ...
RT @DLoesch: If anyone can show me the tea party equivalent of HALF of this, then we can use the phrase "we're all at fault." http://bi ...
RT @prismsinc: Lefties live to misrepresent those who don't agree with them, and rage when we accurately represent them #tcot #TeaParty ...
@PawlentyTweets nothing like Palin. @WMassRepub
Is Candy Crowley really as dumb as she portrays herself on TV?!? #tcot #cnn
RT @WalterGa: I don't see a lot of those pro- #socialist #liberals giving up their private property #tcot #justsayin #p2
RT @KurtSchlichter: Who will be the first liberal to repudiate their "I wipe my ass with the Flag" supporters? Cue tumbleweeds. #NewTon ...
A #WIunion #Leftist wants to wipe his ass w/an American flag?!? ... there's nothing new about that. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc #ofa #Wisconsin
Fareed Zackaria is mouthing ChiCom propaganda. #tcot #news #cnn #p2 #teaparty
RT @LJZumpano: Loons on the left are like petulant little bulldogs.They grab on to a lie & won't let go, no matter how often you discoun ...
RT @sjsturkie: Democrats are deadset against spending cuts & hellbent on raising the debt limit. Don't let them tell you they want fisca ...
RT @Newswatcher89: A DOCUMENTARY ON the short-lived State Of Franklin. “Its creators named it for a founding father, a… http://bit.ly/i ...
RT @Newswatcher89: MASSACHUSETTS: State’s Home Sales Worst In 20 Years. “Single-family home sales fell 15.7 percent a… http://bit.ly/f ...
RT @davidmacdougall: Very unexpected. Anti-immigrant / anti-Europe True Finn Party pulling into the LEAD as #Finland election results un ...
RT @NatalieDuvalNY: Did Breitbart Sharpen #Palin's Message http://ow.ly/1ceaDP #news #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @RainbowTeaParty: The Left never sleeps. Every time we shoot our own, we waste bullets and feed the enemy http://ow.ly/1c7WDw
Dana Perino actually gave #Palin props for SP's Madison speech. #Progress. #tcot #teaparty
RT @Libertyworld: Progs & anties 'll demonize a rturn t th constitutn as heartless. We must b emphatic tht it is their nannystate tht is ...
RT @StickeeNotes: RT @RennaW: Palin, West, Bachmann... Darn that #TeaParty, it's nothing but old rich white men #tcot #p2
RT @myatsko: RT @ybrook #AtlasShrugged now #5 on Amazon. Encourage your friends to buy and read. The most important book of the millen ...
RT @Val: Union Thugs Desperately Seeking Sarah teehee ☺ -► RT@foxnation: Wisconsin Unions Desperately Try to Silence Sarah Palin http:// ...
RT @FederalistNo2: FEC Investigators Digging Into Obama's 2008 Campaign http://tinyurl.com/3e2bn8l It's about time! #obamafail #nobama2012
RT @StuntMidget: VID Santorum Surprised His Campaign Slogan May Come From.Communist Poet http://t.co/3xgBiRQ via @theblaze sb
RT @jtbdjp: RT @Jihadihunter: This is why good people get felony assault charges http://tinyurl.com/3f3ee8p #tcot #gop #teaparty #news
RT @anitamoncrief: FYI: Mention anything about a 6 year old to the #TSA and they totally lose their sh*t. #tcot
RT @Centurion_27 The left is very crafty...they lie, they cheat, they steal, & they have dead people vote in elections.. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @keder: This NYT article says there's only one #socialist in the US Senate. LOL! http://bit.ly/dK8JoH via @EWErickson #news #tcot #p2
Hey 2012 #GOP POTUS aspirants_ #Palin set a new bar 4a #Conservative stump speech w/her #WI homerun in front of the hostile #WIunion. #tcot
RT @EconomicMayhem: Lew: #Trump ...denounces Rove and Bush, and copies lines from Ron." http://bit.ly/fO28sx #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @NOLAQueenD: REMEMBER, people: Cesar Chavez was an Alinskyite who reported illegals to La Migra and beat their asses becaus… (cont) h ...
RT @DanRiehl: #Idiocy Prostitution, pot legalization could make #Detroit attractive would attract young people http://is.gd/n82epx #tcot #p2
RT @DanRiehl 1 good hairpiece away frm an Extenze ad @PoliticalTicker #Trump: I’m ‘much bigger’ than Romney http://wp.me/p4HKM-Eia #tcot #p2
MT @cbsatl CrisATLWeather Come see us playing cornhole ~errrr... @cbsatllock @CBSAtlMarkina http://plixi.com/p/93394752 http://bit.ly/eSXj8z
RT @DanRiehl @instapundit MICHAEL BARONE: President Whatever finds things not going his way http://bit.ly/fsBeNJ #tcot #p2 #news #ofa #dnc
RT @jjmnolte: U never quote conservative ideas. Why? MT @davidgregory: Alan Greenspan told me Bush tax cuts should expire for ALL Americans.
RT @ajcwsbtraffic: #Atlanta: 6-car accident on Downtown Connector NB at 10th St. NW; expect delays. #ga
RT @SaraCJohnsonGA: Ayer's defends terrorist acts during Q&A at Ga Southern: http://youtu.be/uMTC96CpwkQ for more on this speech: http:/ ...
RT @junerenner @poorservant #MargaretSanger, the #Soviets & #Democrats: Loving #Abortion http://bit.ly/gsNIni #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @commonpatriot: via @WOTN: Valdo, the Super #Dog, Saves Lives in his Final #Military Action http://bit.ly/hSvN4i #tcot #news #mil #sot
RT @angrywhitedude #Leftists Show Themselves to be Crude, Ignorant Thugs at #TeaParty Events! http://j.mp/equ2dy #tcot #news #wiunion #p2
RT @kesgardner: MT @CrustyB What is it about Trump conservatives like? Is it his support for socialized medicine or his support for Obam ...
RT @CrustyB: Dear #WIUnion: Thank you for making me thank God that I grew up to be a conservative. You may go back to shaking your rattl ...
RT @RandysRight: Videos of all Speakers at #Raleigh Capital Tax Day #TeaParty http://wp.me/pwmBO-4We #nc #tcot #nccons #news
RT @Kevinbsnyder: "The #EPA Myth" ---- http://tiny.cc/uumgx --- if you like my new article please RT :) #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #agw
RT @CnsrvtvReActvst #LatinAmerica fast becoming #Iran's “playground” http://bit.ly/e0daDP #ocra #ucot #tcot #news #mil #sot #teaparty #p2
RT @EJM421: Latin America fast becoming Iranian “playground”: Iran continues to expand its presence in Central and South Ame... http://b ...
RT @PolitixGal: James O'Keefe featured in Playboy Magazine article http://bit.ly/gvVhs2 #biggovernment #tp #msm #news #teaparty #tcot #p2
RT @Furrystoat: A stunning alternative to being sexually assaulted or subjected to dangerous scanners by #TSA thugs (90+ pix) http://bit ...
When ur 6yr old child gets a lingerng grope from a #TSA hak on a power-trip_remember_its a stark reflection of #progressive policy #tcot #p2
RT @Stranahan What Are The Barriers To Entry For Filmmaking (or #VFX) ? – VFX #Filmmaker http://bit.ly/ifI7Ul |new on VFXFilmmaker.com
@Stranahan I recently saw a vid about the next version of Final Cut that had the audience cheering thruout the presentation_all for 299
RT @zolqarnain: Video: #TSA Gropes Flyers Critical of TSA http://is.gd/gqlHe7 #nbc #msnbc #abc #cbs #npr #pbs #africanamerican #blacknew ...
RT @smitty_one_each: @SissyWillis Did NoSheeples do a great job on that graphic, or what? http://bit.ly/fACaZK #tcot #teaparty
@Stranahan theres plenty_plenty-fast_used mac gear on the market & apple regularly has factory warrantied refurbs dealmac.com lists'em well
RT @JedediahBila: Amid cuts, a lobbying push to restore government programs: http://is.gd/g2PHFr
RT @RandysRight: I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/pGdy9gbhIf8?a Military Appreciation Day BBQ Morehead City NC 2010
RT @commonpatriot: via @weeklystandard: De-Fanging Think Progress' Attack Dog http://bit.ly/eFV9w1 #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via @BigGovt: Auto Recall: When The Wheels Come Off Government Motors…Literally http://bit.ly/eXgF7A #tcot #news #gm #p2
RT @prismsinc: #GOP crustys don't like #Palin because she confronts the issues instead of reacting milquetoast like #Boehner did with BH ...
RT @vannschaffner: #newtone RT @DLoesch: It's shameful the lack of class displayed here. Don't preach to me about "civility" an… (cont) ...
RT @HeyTammyBruce: TeaPartier Roundup: Trump=50. T-Blah=200. Palin=8000. Saving the country w a laptop in an igloo? Priceless. #gameon #tcot
RT @ProSarah: via Texas4Palin.com Quote of the Day (April 16, 2011): The best defense is a good offense*John... http://bit.ly/hTYyuk #TC ...
RT @AmericnElephant: MT @BigJournalism Did @CBS Falsify Rally Footage to Favor Union Protesters? http://bit.ly/gaERoQ #tcot #gop @foxnew ...
RT @PolitixGal: Nat'l & WI media shd be reporting on the ongoing violence, intimidation, vandalism & thuggery by union activists. http: ...
RT @vannschaffner: Andrew Breitbart Makes Big Screen Debut :Atlas Shrugged"; (With Bonus Top Ten!) http://is.gd/L7pyLb #teaparty #tcot
RT @DanRiehl: RT @DLoesch: Progs taunt black tea partier. Be sure to read the accompanying commentary on this one. http://bit.ly/ghMdVK
RT @photoasia: #Photography tips for shooting in low light conditions | The D-Photo http://bit.ly/i9FopS
RT @AnthonyBialy: If you're outside our window honking, fuck you. If not, thank you for following.
RT @johnhawkinsrwn: "Question: How much do you have to invest in the future before you’ve spent it and no longer have one?" -- Mark Steyn
RT @scarlett_0hara: RT @inhuggermugger: Alan Dershowitz:"Were Palestinians 2 disarm, there'd be Peace 2morrow! Were Israelis 2 disarm, J ...
RT @DLoesch: If anyone can show me the tea party equivalent of HALF of this, then we can use the phrase "we're all at fault." http://bi ...
RT @prismsinc: Lefties live to misrepresent those who don't agree with them, and rage when we accurately represent them #tcot #TeaParty ...
@PawlentyTweets nothing like Palin. @WMassRepub
Is Candy Crowley really as dumb as she portrays herself on TV?!? #tcot #cnn
RT @WalterGa: I don't see a lot of those pro- #socialist #liberals giving up their private property #tcot #justsayin #p2
RT @KurtSchlichter: Who will be the first liberal to repudiate their "I wipe my ass with the Flag" supporters? Cue tumbleweeds. #NewTon ...
A #WIunion #Leftist wants to wipe his ass w/an American flag?!? ... there's nothing new about that. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #dnc #ofa #Wisconsin
Fareed Zackaria is mouthing ChiCom propaganda. #tcot #news #cnn #p2 #teaparty
RT @LJZumpano: Loons on the left are like petulant little bulldogs.They grab on to a lie & won't let go, no matter how often you discoun ...
RT @sjsturkie: Democrats are deadset against spending cuts & hellbent on raising the debt limit. Don't let them tell you they want fisca ...
RT @Newswatcher89: A DOCUMENTARY ON the short-lived State Of Franklin. “Its creators named it for a founding father, a… http://bit.ly/i ...
RT @Newswatcher89: MASSACHUSETTS: State’s Home Sales Worst In 20 Years. “Single-family home sales fell 15.7 percent a… http://bit.ly/f ...
RT @davidmacdougall: Very unexpected. Anti-immigrant / anti-Europe True Finn Party pulling into the LEAD as #Finland election results un ...
RT @NatalieDuvalNY: Did Breitbart Sharpen #Palin's Message http://ow.ly/1ceaDP #news #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @RainbowTeaParty: The Left never sleeps. Every time we shoot our own, we waste bullets and feed the enemy http://ow.ly/1c7WDw
Dana Perino actually gave #Palin props for SP's Madison speech. #Progress. #tcot #teaparty
RT @Libertyworld: Progs & anties 'll demonize a rturn t th constitutn as heartless. We must b emphatic tht it is their nannystate tht is ...
RT @StickeeNotes: RT @RennaW: Palin, West, Bachmann... Darn that #TeaParty, it's nothing but old rich white men #tcot #p2
RT @myatsko: RT @ybrook #AtlasShrugged now #5 on Amazon. Encourage your friends to buy and read. The most important book of the millen ...
RT @Val: Union Thugs Desperately Seeking Sarah teehee ☺ -► RT@foxnation: Wisconsin Unions Desperately Try to Silence Sarah Palin http:// ...
RT @FederalistNo2: FEC Investigators Digging Into Obama's 2008 Campaign http://tinyurl.com/3e2bn8l It's about time! #obamafail #nobama2012
RT @StuntMidget: VID Santorum Surprised His Campaign Slogan May Come From.Communist Poet http://t.co/3xgBiRQ via @theblaze sb
RT @jtbdjp: RT @Jihadihunter: This is why good people get felony assault charges http://tinyurl.com/3f3ee8p #tcot #gop #teaparty #news
RT @anitamoncrief: FYI: Mention anything about a 6 year old to the #TSA and they totally lose their sh*t. #tcot
RT @Centurion_27 The left is very crafty...they lie, they cheat, they steal, & they have dead people vote in elections.. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @keder: This NYT article says there's only one #socialist in the US Senate. LOL! http://bit.ly/dK8JoH via @EWErickson #news #tcot #p2
Hey 2012 #GOP POTUS aspirants_ #Palin set a new bar 4a #Conservative stump speech w/her #WI homerun in front of the hostile #WIunion. #tcot
RT @EconomicMayhem: Lew: #Trump ...denounces Rove and Bush, and copies lines from Ron." http://bit.ly/fO28sx #tcot #news #teaparty
RT @NOLAQueenD: REMEMBER, people: Cesar Chavez was an Alinskyite who reported illegals to La Migra and beat their asses becaus… (cont) h ...
RT @DanRiehl: #Idiocy Prostitution, pot legalization could make #Detroit attractive would attract young people http://is.gd/n82epx #tcot #p2
RT @DanRiehl 1 good hairpiece away frm an Extenze ad @PoliticalTicker #Trump: I’m ‘much bigger’ than Romney http://wp.me/p4HKM-Eia #tcot #p2
MT @cbsatl CrisATLWeather Come see us playing cornhole ~errrr... @cbsatllock @CBSAtlMarkina http://plixi.com/p/93394752 http://bit.ly/eSXj8z
RT @DanRiehl @instapundit MICHAEL BARONE: President Whatever finds things not going his way http://bit.ly/fsBeNJ #tcot #p2 #news #ofa #dnc
RT @jjmnolte: U never quote conservative ideas. Why? MT @davidgregory: Alan Greenspan told me Bush tax cuts should expire for ALL Americans.
RT @ajcwsbtraffic: #Atlanta: 6-car accident on Downtown Connector NB at 10th St. NW; expect delays. #ga
RT @SaraCJohnsonGA: Ayer's defends terrorist acts during Q&A at Ga Southern: http://youtu.be/uMTC96CpwkQ for more on this speech: http:/ ...
RT @junerenner @poorservant #MargaretSanger, the #Soviets & #Democrats: Loving #Abortion http://bit.ly/gsNIni #news #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @commonpatriot: via @WOTN: Valdo, the Super #Dog, Saves Lives in his Final #Military Action http://bit.ly/hSvN4i #tcot #news #mil #sot
RT @angrywhitedude #Leftists Show Themselves to be Crude, Ignorant Thugs at #TeaParty Events! http://j.mp/equ2dy #tcot #news #wiunion #p2
RT @kesgardner: MT @CrustyB What is it about Trump conservatives like? Is it his support for socialized medicine or his support for Obam ...
RT @CrustyB: Dear #WIUnion: Thank you for making me thank God that I grew up to be a conservative. You may go back to shaking your rattl ...
RT @RandysRight: Videos of all Speakers at #Raleigh Capital Tax Day #TeaParty http://wp.me/pwmBO-4We #nc #tcot #nccons #news
RT @Kevinbsnyder: "The #EPA Myth" ---- http://tiny.cc/uumgx --- if you like my new article please RT :) #news #tcot #teaparty #p2 #agw
RT @CnsrvtvReActvst #LatinAmerica fast becoming #Iran's “playground” http://bit.ly/e0daDP #ocra #ucot #tcot #news #mil #sot #teaparty #p2
RT @EJM421: Latin America fast becoming Iranian “playground”: Iran continues to expand its presence in Central and South Ame... http://b ...
RT @PolitixGal: James O'Keefe featured in Playboy Magazine article http://bit.ly/gvVhs2 #biggovernment #tp #msm #news #teaparty #tcot #p2
RT @Furrystoat: A stunning alternative to being sexually assaulted or subjected to dangerous scanners by #TSA thugs (90+ pix) http://bit ...
When ur 6yr old child gets a lingerng grope from a #TSA hak on a power-trip_remember_its a stark reflection of #progressive policy #tcot #p2
RT @Stranahan What Are The Barriers To Entry For Filmmaking (or #VFX) ? – VFX #Filmmaker http://bit.ly/ifI7Ul |new on VFXFilmmaker.com
@Stranahan I recently saw a vid about the next version of Final Cut that had the audience cheering thruout the presentation_all for 299
RT @zolqarnain: Video: #TSA Gropes Flyers Critical of TSA http://is.gd/gqlHe7 #nbc #msnbc #abc #cbs #npr #pbs #africanamerican #blacknew ...
RT @smitty_one_each: @SissyWillis Did NoSheeples do a great job on that graphic, or what? http://bit.ly/fACaZK #tcot #teaparty
@Stranahan theres plenty_plenty-fast_used mac gear on the market & apple regularly has factory warrantied refurbs dealmac.com lists'em well
RT @JedediahBila: Amid cuts, a lobbying push to restore government programs: http://is.gd/g2PHFr
RT @RandysRight: I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/pGdy9gbhIf8?a Military Appreciation Day BBQ Morehead City NC 2010
RT @commonpatriot: via @weeklystandard: De-Fanging Think Progress' Attack Dog http://bit.ly/eFV9w1 #tcot
RT @commonpatriot: via @BigGovt: Auto Recall: When The Wheels Come Off Government Motors…Literally http://bit.ly/eXgF7A #tcot #news #gm #p2
Tweets copied by twittinesis.com
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