MT @PositiveEnerG @sonofmikeh @AmatoTalk Its not official_but #Caterpillar may be leaving #Illinois due 2 recent Tax Hike~ #GA's Open! #tcot
RT @ajcpolitics Census may cost Fulton,DeKalb,Cobb seats in StateHouse #georgialegislature #DidntCountMeOpChaos #tcot
RT @WeirdNewsReport: When our Socialist government goes after 401Ks/retirement of the rich I can't wait to say "entitlements!" and hear ...
RT @unitedweremain Think Tank Gets Death Threats Over Labor-Related #FOIA Request 2 Colleges #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog AOL, Van Jones & Bill Maher: Will Only #Conservatives Sit In the Back of the #HuffPo Blog? #tcot #p2 #news
RT @LaurieT333: Environmental groups have spent major green since 2009 on advertising, lobbying and political causes... ...
Being told NOT to enforce the law by not arresting border-jumpers, constitutes an illegal order & the giver must be prosecuted. #tcot
RT @slkbrooke: LizaMoon #Malware Spreads Through #iTunes, Infects 500,000+ Pages- Techland #tech #news #mac #apple #ipod
Is that kinda like "deem & pass" Nanzi? #tcot
RT @DavesTPty: @tahDeetz ... Nanzi is more like Demon pants than "deem & pass" ~U said "Demon pants" ...heh.
RT @Oxco: MSNBC’s Griffin: ‘We’re Setting Our Sights on Fox’ #tcot #teaparty
How many Islamic Caliphates will #Obama save or create?!? ... #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty
RT @gary4205: Jededia Bila Posts Sarah Palin's Presidential Resume: #palin #palin2012 #tcot #teaparty #gop #news
#Obama said "no boots on the ground" in #Libya... but he didn't say a damn thing about Birkenstocks. #mil #cia #tcot #p2
@DavesTPty more wishful thinkin 4 Griffin @Oxco
@keder they like 2 forget_T.McVeigh was quoted saying b4 his execution that "science is my religion" #tcot #p2 kinda sounds familiar
The lies that Dem/Prog leaders hurl in public against #TeaParty'rs, consrvtvs etc_are in actuality_the marching orders 4 the Left #tcot #sgp
RT @jimmiebjr @MelissaTweets Brave #Wisconsin #Fleebagger likens his comrades 2 #troops serving in #Afghanistan #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Uncle Kracker – Smile ♫ #cracker
RT @AmericanMind: If Michelle Obama really wanted to do something about US obesity - she'd restrict the use of food stamps to basic nut ...
Gruel can be an excellent motivator. #foodstamps #tcot #p2 #teaparty
I couldnt really give 2 shats about #Obama's limo not being #green. Please keep that mofo well cocooned. God-speed #SecretService. #tcot #p2
RT @hcfpac: RT: GE has already got $36,607,818 and General Motors received $19,002,669 in #Obamacare bailout money: ...
I wonder what the #GE CEO's salary was? Inquiring minds want to know. btw, bailout takers have no privacy in re pay. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @beccarter28 #Agricultural #Commodity Crunch #tcot #food #ethanol #agchat #inflation
RT @JoeKenHa: The Left Finds a Way to Display Their Hate For Palin & Jesus in One Exhibit #tcot #news #p2
RT @Shad0wSpear: Yeah. RT @afpakchannel: So three mullahs apparently got a crowd riled up over the Quran burning & it "got out of contro ...
RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: Electric Cars Slide Over for New Gas-Powered Cars | The Foundry
"Dumbing it down" @howardfineman?!? Yet_the dumb #TeaParty'rs 2010 freshman effort_kicked the DogSqueeze outta Dems in local/state/fed #tcot
RT @CFHeather @katyinindy #Obama Climate Change Adaptation Plan 4 All Govt Agencies #tcot #news #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @RedFlameWire: Lawmakers Investigate AARP's Tax Exempt Status: GOP report alleges AARP crossed the line by selling health insur... ht ...
RT @Libertarian_ish: @JENin140 TY!! It's my pledge to my Friends of Liberty, there will NEVER be a second Bill of Rights, so help me God!
With #Obama as POTUS, April Fools Day is the only day of the year that actually seems 1/2-way normal. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @KMBReferee: DAMN. RT @brittwhitmire: RT @AndrewSiciliano Giants fan beaten at Dodger stadium in medically induced coma: http://tinyu ...
RT @vannschaffner: RT @DLoesch: Interview with Sen. @RoyBlunt on the budget battle, #Libya: #dlrs #news #tcot
I 'almost' tweeted my rage at @hughhewitt, consummate yanker of said chain. #hhrs
RT @andilinks: Fear of a dangerous, aggressive, violent, ideology posing as religion is not islamophobia, it is rationality, self-preser ...
RT @MrHappy4870: RT @GovWaste Fannie & Freddie fatten their bottoms...again. #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #subprime
Only @BarackObama could the USA into a #quagmire in under 1 week's time. #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty #obama
RT @WeirdNewsReport: MSNBC fined by FCC for impersonating a news organization. #tcot #p2 #ocra #gop #teaparty #msnbc @howardfineman @nbcnews
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Political correctness will last as long as we let Pin Heads decide what it is." #tcot #gop #p2 #hhrs #teaparty #ocra
RT @ypngdotcom: Maine Governor Paul LePage has removed a labor mural from a state office.
Only @BarackObama could get the USA into a #quagmire in under 1 week's time. #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty #obama
RT @JammieWF: Are U.S. government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters' brains to melt down? I blame ...
RT @bostonrandy: RT @johntandlich: #RedEye blows ---- the competition away in the 18 to 49 age demographic. @greggutfeld @andylevy @bost ...
RT @Kriskxx: Dem Party, the American left, have had their boot on the neck of the golden goose 4 50 yrs, & that golden goos… (cont) http ...
RT @DarrellIssa This break-down of my #gunrunner subpoena is 1st 4 U on #Twitter VIDEO #2nd #news #tcot #rkba
RT @secupp: UGH. Been one helluva day. RT @Nick_Rizzuto Oooooo! @secupp is in trouble with @glennbeck.
@HeyTammyBruce Juan Valdez gots babies to feed.....
RT @PATR2012: @tahDeetz Cool Shoes...
RT @charliemax #Brooklyn high school teacher busted 4 making Columbine-style terror threats: #NYPD sources #news #tcot
RT @Kriskxx: @10thAmendment: ‘Project Gunrunner’ Update: Rep. Darrell Issa Subpoenas the Federal Govt #tcot #tlot # ...
MT @GuardWifeL @ChrisZump @gunning999 @Tori_Lennox @Mammons13 I saw deer hunter & deliverance in same night +SouthernComfort is the trifecta
RT @ChrisZump @tahDeetz @GuardWifeL @ChrisZump @gunning999 @Tori_Lennox @Mammons13 never saw southern comfort...should I? O. H3LLZ. YEA.
RT @macgasm: #Mac Trojan BlackHole RAT gets rewritten and becomes scarier #apple #tech #news #tcot
RT @FloridaJayhawk: The EPA has ran many companies out of the USA with over zealous earth muffins intent on punishing business for socia ...
i.r.o.n.y. .... The #Google CEO wanted a political donation unsearchable. #ericschmidt #news #tcot
It costs upwards of $10k-$20k per #food item 2 find #nutrition value_4 chain eateries on the bubble, #ObamaCare is a DeathSentence #tcot #p2
RT @gerfingerpoken: @AndrewBreitbart IBD Our Libyan 'Pickup Game' - Supporting 'F Troop" rebels w/NATO support (aka Grand Duchy of Fenwi ...
RT @jjauthor: Daily Caller: "Romney's religion could be his biggest disadvantage" He may or may not be the right one, but his religion i ...
RT @CSteven: Commie Telemarketers FROM HELL #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty #tpp #hhrs #ucot #ampats #tlot #beck #palin ...
RT @TuckerCarlson: Gadhafi is Farrakhan's sugar daddy - #news #tcot
RT @CFHeather @tonedagger Heh @Sami_Shamieh Whats the difference between #GE & #Halliburton? Halliburton pays taxes #tcot @GEpublicaffairs
RT @JosephAGallant: "Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. Media." Noam Chomsky # ...
RT @RedFlameWire: The Future of the Second Amendment:
Brannon Dennings, professor of law at Samford University, and
Glenn Reynold... ht ...
RT @kesgardner: Does anyone know what our current strategic objectives in Libya are? If so, please share. #tcot #p2 #SaaaaveTheOrrrphans
RT @fredthompson: Dems claim GOP budget cuts would kill 70K kids. Let me guess - as soon as Obama gets OK from UN, he's ordering airstri ...
When I grow up, I wanna be the director of the #DMV. #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: Islam is not a race & has nothing to do with genetics. It is an ideology—a set of beliefs… #p2 #tcot ...
RT @6061 #AIG Defies US Taxpayers by Promoting #Sharia in America #news #tcot #ocra #tlot #tiot #p2 #p21
RT @TeacherReality: Is this the business model Obama & Duncan are looking for? Foreign owned charter schools in America? ...
RT @latimestot: LA Mayor Villaraigosa fined $42K for not reporting as gifts free tickets to all kinds of events--concerts, games, etc. l ...
RT @MikeRiggs: @shekbaker But I abhor the idea that Americans should "tone it down" in order to keep backwater zealots happy.
RT @MikeRiggs: The same people who *defended* Wikileaks/Manning/Assange are *blaming* Terry Jones. THIS NOT COHERENT, GUYS AND GALS.
RT @MikeRiggs: .@davidsess In Pakistan, a politician was murdered for advocating for religious pluralism. Should people stop doing that ...
RT @MikeRiggs: @davidsess So people should refrain from exercising their first amendment rights when what they have to say is distasteful?
RT @MikeRiggs: If you think Terry is responsible for beheadings in afghan, do you think mouthy women are responsible for getting beat by ...
RT @MikeRiggs: My question comes down to this, tweeps: What are you willing to stop doing to avoid offending violent religious zealots?
RT @MikeRiggs: I don't know why I'm surprised that the same people who blamed Palin for Giffords are blaming a hick pastor for Jihadi be ...
RT @MikeRiggs: And here's Think Progress blaming a Christian zealot for the behavior of an Islamic zealot. RT @allahpundit: ...
RT @MikeRiggs: If a paranoid jingoist shot up a Mosque every time an Afghan burned the U.S. flag, would we blame the foreigner like we'r ...
RT @Jenevalynne: Allen West: I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to castigate the #TeaParty! via @addthis #tcot
MT @ConsSpeaking How many people would you behead if someone burned the bible? #islamist #Christians #terrorist #tcot errrrr...none?!? #p3
MT @ConsSpeaking How many people would you behead if someone burned the bible? #islamist #Christians #terrorist #tcot errrrr...none?!? #p2
RT @CO2HOG via @velvethammer VID #Obama Advisor Samantha Power Calls 4 a #Military Invasion of #Israel #tcot #news #idf
RT @ajcpolitics Census may cost Fulton,DeKalb,Cobb seats in StateHouse #georgialegislature #DidntCountMeOpChaos #tcot
RT @WeirdNewsReport: When our Socialist government goes after 401Ks/retirement of the rich I can't wait to say "entitlements!" and hear ...
RT @unitedweremain Think Tank Gets Death Threats Over Labor-Related #FOIA Request 2 Colleges #news #tcot #teaparty
RT @NWOBlog AOL, Van Jones & Bill Maher: Will Only #Conservatives Sit In the Back of the #HuffPo Blog? #tcot #p2 #news
RT @LaurieT333: Environmental groups have spent major green since 2009 on advertising, lobbying and political causes... ...
Being told NOT to enforce the law by not arresting border-jumpers, constitutes an illegal order & the giver must be prosecuted. #tcot
RT @slkbrooke: LizaMoon #Malware Spreads Through #iTunes, Infects 500,000+ Pages- Techland #tech #news #mac #apple #ipod
Is that kinda like "deem & pass" Nanzi? #tcot
RT @DavesTPty: @tahDeetz ... Nanzi is more like Demon pants than "deem & pass" ~U said "Demon pants" ...heh.
RT @Oxco: MSNBC’s Griffin: ‘We’re Setting Our Sights on Fox’ #tcot #teaparty
How many Islamic Caliphates will #Obama save or create?!? ... #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty
RT @gary4205: Jededia Bila Posts Sarah Palin's Presidential Resume: #palin #palin2012 #tcot #teaparty #gop #news
#Obama said "no boots on the ground" in #Libya... but he didn't say a damn thing about Birkenstocks. #mil #cia #tcot #p2
@DavesTPty more wishful thinkin 4 Griffin @Oxco
@keder they like 2 forget_T.McVeigh was quoted saying b4 his execution that "science is my religion" #tcot #p2 kinda sounds familiar
The lies that Dem/Prog leaders hurl in public against #TeaParty'rs, consrvtvs etc_are in actuality_the marching orders 4 the Left #tcot #sgp
RT @jimmiebjr @MelissaTweets Brave #Wisconsin #Fleebagger likens his comrades 2 #troops serving in #Afghanistan #tcot
RT @TropicsZ4: Uncle Kracker – Smile ♫ #cracker
RT @AmericanMind: If Michelle Obama really wanted to do something about US obesity - she'd restrict the use of food stamps to basic nut ...
Gruel can be an excellent motivator. #foodstamps #tcot #p2 #teaparty
I couldnt really give 2 shats about #Obama's limo not being #green. Please keep that mofo well cocooned. God-speed #SecretService. #tcot #p2
RT @hcfpac: RT: GE has already got $36,607,818 and General Motors received $19,002,669 in #Obamacare bailout money: ...
I wonder what the #GE CEO's salary was? Inquiring minds want to know. btw, bailout takers have no privacy in re pay. #tcot #teaparty #p2
RT @beccarter28 #Agricultural #Commodity Crunch #tcot #food #ethanol #agchat #inflation
RT @JoeKenHa: The Left Finds a Way to Display Their Hate For Palin & Jesus in One Exhibit #tcot #news #p2
RT @Shad0wSpear: Yeah. RT @afpakchannel: So three mullahs apparently got a crowd riled up over the Quran burning & it "got out of contro ...
RT @pepper_10: RT @filterednews: Electric Cars Slide Over for New Gas-Powered Cars | The Foundry
"Dumbing it down" @howardfineman?!? Yet_the dumb #TeaParty'rs 2010 freshman effort_kicked the DogSqueeze outta Dems in local/state/fed #tcot
RT @CFHeather @katyinindy #Obama Climate Change Adaptation Plan 4 All Govt Agencies #tcot #news #hhrs #sgp #tlot
RT @RedFlameWire: Lawmakers Investigate AARP's Tax Exempt Status: GOP report alleges AARP crossed the line by selling health insur... ht ...
RT @Libertarian_ish: @JENin140 TY!! It's my pledge to my Friends of Liberty, there will NEVER be a second Bill of Rights, so help me God!
With #Obama as POTUS, April Fools Day is the only day of the year that actually seems 1/2-way normal. #tcot #p2 #teaparty
RT @KMBReferee: DAMN. RT @brittwhitmire: RT @AndrewSiciliano Giants fan beaten at Dodger stadium in medically induced coma: http://tinyu ...
RT @vannschaffner: RT @DLoesch: Interview with Sen. @RoyBlunt on the budget battle, #Libya: #dlrs #news #tcot
I 'almost' tweeted my rage at @hughhewitt, consummate yanker of said chain. #hhrs
RT @andilinks: Fear of a dangerous, aggressive, violent, ideology posing as religion is not islamophobia, it is rationality, self-preser ...
RT @MrHappy4870: RT @GovWaste Fannie & Freddie fatten their bottoms...again. #tcot #tlot #teaparty #news #subprime
Only @BarackObama could the USA into a #quagmire in under 1 week's time. #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty #obama
RT @WeirdNewsReport: MSNBC fined by FCC for impersonating a news organization. #tcot #p2 #ocra #gop #teaparty #msnbc @howardfineman @nbcnews
RT @WeirdNewsReport: Political correctness will last as long as we let Pin Heads decide what it is." #tcot #gop #p2 #hhrs #teaparty #ocra
RT @ypngdotcom: Maine Governor Paul LePage has removed a labor mural from a state office.
Only @BarackObama could get the USA into a #quagmire in under 1 week's time. #tcot #p2 #mil #teaparty #obama
RT @JammieWF: Are U.S. government microwave mind-control tests causing TV presenters' brains to melt down? I blame ...
RT @bostonrandy: RT @johntandlich: #RedEye blows ---- the competition away in the 18 to 49 age demographic. @greggutfeld @andylevy @bost ...
RT @Kriskxx: Dem Party, the American left, have had their boot on the neck of the golden goose 4 50 yrs, & that golden goos… (cont) http ...
RT @DarrellIssa This break-down of my #gunrunner subpoena is 1st 4 U on #Twitter VIDEO #2nd #news #tcot #rkba
RT @secupp: UGH. Been one helluva day. RT @Nick_Rizzuto Oooooo! @secupp is in trouble with @glennbeck.
@HeyTammyBruce Juan Valdez gots babies to feed.....
RT @PATR2012: @tahDeetz Cool Shoes...
RT @charliemax #Brooklyn high school teacher busted 4 making Columbine-style terror threats: #NYPD sources #news #tcot
RT @Kriskxx: @10thAmendment: ‘Project Gunrunner’ Update: Rep. Darrell Issa Subpoenas the Federal Govt #tcot #tlot # ...
MT @GuardWifeL @ChrisZump @gunning999 @Tori_Lennox @Mammons13 I saw deer hunter & deliverance in same night +SouthernComfort is the trifecta
RT @ChrisZump @tahDeetz @GuardWifeL @ChrisZump @gunning999 @Tori_Lennox @Mammons13 never saw southern comfort...should I? O. H3LLZ. YEA.
RT @macgasm: #Mac Trojan BlackHole RAT gets rewritten and becomes scarier #apple #tech #news #tcot
RT @FloridaJayhawk: The EPA has ran many companies out of the USA with over zealous earth muffins intent on punishing business for socia ...
i.r.o.n.y. .... The #Google CEO wanted a political donation unsearchable. #ericschmidt #news #tcot
It costs upwards of $10k-$20k per #food item 2 find #nutrition value_4 chain eateries on the bubble, #ObamaCare is a DeathSentence #tcot #p2
RT @gerfingerpoken: @AndrewBreitbart IBD Our Libyan 'Pickup Game' - Supporting 'F Troop" rebels w/NATO support (aka Grand Duchy of Fenwi ...
RT @jjauthor: Daily Caller: "Romney's religion could be his biggest disadvantage" He may or may not be the right one, but his religion i ...
RT @CSteven: Commie Telemarketers FROM HELL #tcot #ocra #sgp #teaparty #tpp #hhrs #ucot #ampats #tlot #beck #palin ...
RT @TuckerCarlson: Gadhafi is Farrakhan's sugar daddy - #news #tcot
RT @CFHeather @tonedagger Heh @Sami_Shamieh Whats the difference between #GE & #Halliburton? Halliburton pays taxes #tcot @GEpublicaffairs
RT @JosephAGallant: "Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. Media." Noam Chomsky # ...
RT @RedFlameWire: The Future of the Second Amendment:
Brannon Dennings, professor of law at Samford University, and
Glenn Reynold... ht ...
RT @kesgardner: Does anyone know what our current strategic objectives in Libya are? If so, please share. #tcot #p2 #SaaaaveTheOrrrphans
RT @fredthompson: Dems claim GOP budget cuts would kill 70K kids. Let me guess - as soon as Obama gets OK from UN, he's ordering airstri ...
When I grow up, I wanna be the director of the #DMV. #tcot #p2
RT @andilinks: Islam is not a race & has nothing to do with genetics. It is an ideology—a set of beliefs… #p2 #tcot ...
RT @6061 #AIG Defies US Taxpayers by Promoting #Sharia in America #news #tcot #ocra #tlot #tiot #p2 #p21
RT @TeacherReality: Is this the business model Obama & Duncan are looking for? Foreign owned charter schools in America? ...
RT @latimestot: LA Mayor Villaraigosa fined $42K for not reporting as gifts free tickets to all kinds of events--concerts, games, etc. l ...
RT @MikeRiggs: @shekbaker But I abhor the idea that Americans should "tone it down" in order to keep backwater zealots happy.
RT @MikeRiggs: The same people who *defended* Wikileaks/Manning/Assange are *blaming* Terry Jones. THIS NOT COHERENT, GUYS AND GALS.
RT @MikeRiggs: .@davidsess In Pakistan, a politician was murdered for advocating for religious pluralism. Should people stop doing that ...
RT @MikeRiggs: @davidsess So people should refrain from exercising their first amendment rights when what they have to say is distasteful?
RT @MikeRiggs: If you think Terry is responsible for beheadings in afghan, do you think mouthy women are responsible for getting beat by ...
RT @MikeRiggs: My question comes down to this, tweeps: What are you willing to stop doing to avoid offending violent religious zealots?
RT @MikeRiggs: I don't know why I'm surprised that the same people who blamed Palin for Giffords are blaming a hick pastor for Jihadi be ...
RT @MikeRiggs: And here's Think Progress blaming a Christian zealot for the behavior of an Islamic zealot. RT @allahpundit: ...
RT @MikeRiggs: If a paranoid jingoist shot up a Mosque every time an Afghan burned the U.S. flag, would we blame the foreigner like we'r ...
RT @Jenevalynne: Allen West: I’m sick and tired of everyone trying to castigate the #TeaParty! via @addthis #tcot
MT @ConsSpeaking How many people would you behead if someone burned the bible? #islamist #Christians #terrorist #tcot errrrr...none?!? #p3
MT @ConsSpeaking How many people would you behead if someone burned the bible? #islamist #Christians #terrorist #tcot errrrr...none?!? #p2
RT @CO2HOG via @velvethammer VID #Obama Advisor Samantha Power Calls 4 a #Military Invasion of #Israel #tcot #news #idf
Tweets copied by
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